11 FIVE THOUSAND ACRES IN I VASCO COUNTY INCLUDED IN SINGLE ORCHARD svs . I Ae J iLt Dil J. J. m AND . . wo;ihi iME OJt EGO? SUNDAY JOUKh'AL. lOirrLANO. SUNDAY MOKNINO. APRIL T. Jilt. 5 - v V x"v- v - J-4 ' v Oil : - : ' do thC fl H r.r 1 jli we r 1 1 r II !. K M. S l T M T H ftrt iSl Willi 4 It V s Mi Xxv - ,,,.... if ,x. .scJ - IV" ;' ifTI il w ; mi w --w.- r :r : "x- .... . wr,;. .c-':,-. M I Til 1 1 ' " ' ---- , y fffi'it'l lliil r. 1 it c I 14 ih linn atisl4 i i I lit till- hl Ih.l VHf. ! jii..M ss. iiir. wiif m lite 1 imk ti i t(vr. nil. 1. I'lNMiNtM . ! f ! rr f !, iMVH rH 1M -1WM ' '4 Ail t k lt-1 01 tt f4ii:st To MK finn for Tl JourMj lr T C Qwt I f Mlr and. m ff u la no J J ih lif(MI In lh aorll TbU miRimolli orrhanl la 1". a I d ( fHilW. IB lh lHifr ll. vhlrtl ! t'inounr4 by hof llruliur le t one of tha trai fruit iraaina Mx-llnn In ISa aiala. Tna orvhar4 la onJ aiul man tr4 ht tht lufur Orrbard cn any. Tha orchard pruper conalaia of over arrta. of whir U(wn nd ln90 arraa ht alradr taan plaalvd or lll planlad Ihta aprirv to apla Th nurleua of 1Mb rail orchard aa rml a ar ti hn a acra irart owned br IHa Jotmainn lnd and Urtil'K-k compaiir. a local rnr-orallon. waa purrhaaxl. thr traria In I ha rat io' Kara bn bouh lno until trrr ar owned In a lxdjr. Irnmrdiatrly aflar arqulrlnt tha 10 erra Johniion Irart a yaar ago tho com panr ! to work prparln I ha (round mil plantlnc traaa. Aa tha land had twan oparatad aa a wheat and atock farm tht company waa enmpallaO to plow up about 009 acrra df rati aown w hrat. Matting urh a lata aUrt Uat aprtng only aauut 1S0 acrea of traaa wera plan tod, but all during ' laat aummrr thp company had a large forca of mta at work plow In, lummir fallowing, atr. gntlng r"'ly for tha fall planUng, aftrr which 1100 acrra in all wcra aat to trrea. Throughout tha aummer and wlntar a largo forca of Dirn waa put to work rearranging tha farm In general. All tha old fancra hava bean torn down, roada hare ben laid out orer tha farm and along tha county hlguwaya which run through the farm, aubatantlal fencea have barn built, and painted ir-hlte. At different polnta alone tha county roada I that hare been Injured In handling. Juat are galea opaetng In la ike rda whlrfc ta a tn fcwrd. gtvliig th. aata of Iba road and tailing where II laada la. A nui bar lnirimwl w hich addad le the farm ae aummer ' alge barn, te.llt feel and i feat Mri It fumlaha room for of borate aad mulie aa well aa for an titmeree amount of food. Modem eleva lure, ha fork a aad a roinplete water eyelet, are laetalled la IL ruatlag Time JLgala at Kui, jun ai prreant Ike farm la a very buey place for II la "planting time." In preparing the around for planting It mual Bret b "Bummer fallow at" during one eumener. Thla la dona la order to hare Irte eotl thoroughly pulverlaed and alao to ronaarre the molatura which la o nv-aaaary ta tha young I re a. Ilefore tha plan Una beglaa the grewnd la eur- veyed. a alake being placed at the etact apnt where a tree la to be planted. Tha treea are planed la feat apart each way. making 41 treea to the acra. The holea for the treea are II inchee acroaa at tba fop and 14 tnrhea deop. Tha ground ta alao looaened to tba depth of 4 or II Inchee below the bottom of be hole. Thla la done In order Vo giro tha root a of tha young treea a chance to aprcad out during the Brat year of their growth. when the atock arrlree from tha car eer y It to Aret "heeled In," that la tha ! roota are placed In tronchee and dirt la plaoed on them to protect them from the aun and wind. It la aald that the wind, blowing on the tender roota, will dry them out much faater and do them mora damage than tha aun. Tha treea, before being planted, are thoroughly Inapected, after which they are paaaed to tha prunera who remove the long and email roota aa well aa any Top Root prunera and dlppara at wdrk with canvaa t retched to krep wind from tba roota, at tart, and rlaotcra attlng out young apple tra Bottom Cook wagon and bunk bouae, at Uft, and largo barn on farm with aome of tba mule tratua euplo)d. ot'M Anil in at i.Ta rnt.r. i ts i.tatiun anu bxam- INAtloN llautre. ten. c.lt p aa titaAaya. nam mi I a MODERN SPECIALISTS KtMar M AiJ.tx aTHtrta tlniK III Alder ai I'hooa Mala 4 T. YEE & SOnS The o.A, aikinetst I"Mnea 4orlAr riraa lay a aucvaeafullf h aa iI:iiiim. aeirtwa. ralajrh. (', ila. rarv euaaaei rlwintl lam. hUxxt l-ulaua lira liver k:dnV and etnrca'h (rouble, alee private all man la of wan a4 If fa- lime tu1- of herbe and graduated from ertcrai un:verllie an4 la twe( -arA I of laedKoniala from my grateful pa tlanle 1 uae onlr the moat harm Waa 'Mneee harl.a. reeardleea af the hig.i (rlie Ho I ran help you Call or write for evmplitti blark and flrrular t- T rr. hin Mcutci.r m IJ0 1, Tamhlll. s K. tor Id Kt Ouallficil Pbysldan a 4 k4kae tag owe e. Ila en Uea 11k ertt aad i aae i l-w M4 i a t r la ear ereelA ta aialee ef Maaak. wllle I alilaeaia aad rvee4ie Hie led la e aataatiirM l(a.ea( ef atrial iiMaaia Eer eiaa erieg a mr rca ee -! ml f p-eel aa lalia ! I rl a veal belli a ea 14 e f a e4 toe mmrrn la raall la a fee ireatiag ele-ewe.e dlcod poison Mr WilM ef AdwiateirelM ta A V-a-'ielr ae 1 aJwiaieio le rw t la Mt iM aaa e wee ear beclaeia fee eee'el allmeol Aelat eui fue atllf, t n i.Hi.L ht r-m man AiTrfr n tf kiiii b i iirt Never lllt-t HI T rALu' H'TrJ l oai la wa If r Kave In! ef the llawiaa dieoae Ealarwael Vdaa. I"l m U. Mra IaM.i(r, Karvex lliene aad hia OtaedM Tlia M e trttaa) Rluod IVlaM frvieiKMtak Iraia. e.ul AHiaeai, 11 e) or rieibia a a T la a Iaily: MMJa ! M 1 E e e m I na I leaA d e n re J. J. KEEFE, Ptla Ga M. Da Mew8 III lfayetla Bid a. li H w AiMitjT'N r. c. tta 1.' 3 A woman. So matter wio h Jf. , . failed I gM era ! a rnre W f,1 'Slruf.oU I he i e ; n a II I Every Woman; I fore the treea are hauled ta the plant ing ground they are dipped In a airong aolutlon of lima and eulphur. Thla la dona In order to kill any fungua gruwtha or Ineerla that may be on the roota. Vortaalo memeea for Ua Men. The men emploed In the planting and alao in tha cultivation of the or charde are houaed In portable boueea. built on waona and each houee con talne II bed a, or enough room for 14 men. With each crew of laborera on the farm there la alao a rookwagon. con elating of a kitchen and dining room combined, filled on a wagon almllar to the bunk noun Tha company alao matntalna a hoe pi ta I aerrlce for Ita employe, thoaa be coming elck or Injured while In the employ of the company being entitled to free hoapttal aervlce and metflcinea. Tha treea being planted are aJraoet all appiea, though a few peachea, pear, plum and cherry treea are Included In tha orchard aa well aa a few of tha leading varletlea of grapea. Of the appiea being planted the Yellow New town variety predomlnatea. In fact about one-third of tha entire orchard I I planted with thla popular variety Of the other varletlea of appiea being planted In the orchard there are about an equal number each of Vtayman Wine aap. Winter lianana. Arkanaaa black, and Jonathan, though a few othera are Included In the Hat. The buyer of the different tracta In the orchard hnve the privilege of ae lectlng or chooalng the kind of treea td ba planted on their reapectlv tracta. but aa a rule the choice la left to the auperintendent of tha farm. Hut In either caae tha above are Ue varletlee generally aelected. Tha auperintendent of tha farm baa In mind aeveral Improvement to ba made In the near future. One of theae la tha building of atatton at different polnta on tba farm. Each of theae eUtlona will conalat of a oorral and atablea for keeping the horeea and mulea uaed on the work; granarlea for etorlng- tha feed; houaea for tha ao- comtnodatlon of the men permanently employed, aa well aa other bulldlnga. F.ach atatlon will be connected with the auperlntendent'a office by telephone ao that ha from hla office may direct the work at the different atationa. Another Improvement Which I In contemplation for the coming year wilt ha tha erection of another large bam almllar to the one now on the place. It la alao expected within tha next year to build a hotel or "Inn." Thla will conalat of 40 or (0 rooma with all tUa modern convenlenoea. it will be on the bungalow atyle of architecture and will probably be bull.t on aoma knoll overlooking a large part of tha farm. It will be Intended for the ao-1 oommodatlon of tha gueata of tha com pany andfor tha ownera of tha differ ant tract who wlah to pay tha orchard a vilt When tha treea tn thla orchard coma Into bearing tha fruit probahly will ba bandied In one large body, and a com pany organized to have charge of Ita gathering and marketing. The output of thla (000 acre orchard will ba lm menae. Computing 41 trwa to tha acre. It would -nun a total product of 240,000 treea. Tha experience or orcnardlata in thla aectlon la that tba average five year old tree wlU produce one box of extra fanoy appiea, and at ten year or age the tree ehould produce eight boxea of extra jancy fruit. ITALIAN NOBLEMAN EXCITES BROADWAY Sprig of Ancient Family Cap tures Bride While Doing High Jinks. (Halted pren Leased Wire. I New York, N. Y., April 6. Broadway la mounrlnff tha departure of Prlnco I,u dovlo PIgnatelll d'Ar&jron, deacendent of an ancient Italian family and a Span lnh grandee, who haa returned to Eu rope to get Pope Plurand King Alfonso to consent to hla marriage to Aflea Mary L. Duke, daughter or Benjamin Ju Duke, tha tobacco king. The prince came to America several months ago with the avowed Intention of ' hunting big. game. He leturned without any grizzly bear skins, unleia he purchased them In Gotham, but hla intended brida will one day receive a fortune of 176,000,000 and thla fact un- OUDMQIV Will CUUBUie IHI UTIDCS lUf hla failure to add to hla laurels as a Nlmrod. When the prince landed here he re solved to see the bright light district before he braved tha wild and wooly west tn search of big grame. His first exploit, whlh endeared him to the "night owls" was to ride down Broad way astride , the hood of a taxlcab to , the astonishment and- amusement of the after-theatre crowd. Then the prince decided that he would annex the Vanderbllt cup. , H, purchased a high powered automobile and' took a num ber of excursions through Central Park with tho chauffeur at the ateerlng wheel showing him how. Deciding that he was sufficiently versed In the mysteries of auto driving, tha prince gathered together some of his friends and resolved to take them on a spin BARLEY SEED SUPPLY IS NOT HEAVY ENOUGH MoMinnvllle. Or., April I. The southern Paclfio'a dlatrlbutlon of bar ley aeed to the farmer for tntroduo tlon a a commercial product In Ore gnn wa aomewnat disappointing, aa there were 1000 requeats for aeed and oniy vo rarmera could be aupplled, Thoae farmers who war not aupplled are naturally disappointed, and ere asked to watch the fellow that got the area ana per pa pa iney can aecure aome from him next year. When all cannot be aupplled It would be better to work a campaign of direct correspondence wun me larmera, ana not leave tne lm preaalon that there is seed for all. In otner words, too much ruaa for ISO bushels of barley given away. Those who received seed In Yamhill county are: 8. H. Robinson. Amity: J T. Watson. Carlton; E. M. Alderman, Dayton; W. W. lounger, Lafayette; P. W. Fenton. McMinnvllle; Rex Burgess. Sheridan, end Oeore I. Zl niiTitsrtTiari of Yamhill. The varieties distributed wera AiIe.KMIbaa T.fl V1N V I UROI aval VI ruuigi EC 20 CARS OF PAPER FOR FRUIT WRAPPING Walla Walla. Wash.. Anrll With an estimated crop of from 1000 to 2500 carloads of fruit In the Walla Walla valley this year, it Is estimated .that there will be required 20 carloads or paper with which to wrao it and nra- pare It for shipment. This ia figuring a nair pound or wrapping paper to the box. or about 800- pounds to the car or fruit There will bo endnrh nnl raised here this year to give each resi dent of tha United States one or two specimens. r n i i. i i ii San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, AJrll 6. Grain calls: Open. High. Low. Close. Mam 176 B Deo 161 B May 185 H Ceo 165 April May 195 A 191 B BARLEY... 185 165H OATS CROP. 188 1S5 - 1715 B 165 A 185 .. 155 195 A 18S.A BIGGEST CROP OF FRUIT FOR ROGUE Medford. Or. Anrll . That Rogu River vallav will have the laraest frul eras in tha history of tha valley, bar ring Improbable frost damage, haa been aasurea oy rroiwaur r. j. wisaia, vm thologlat In charge. In a atatement o , t. ...iinAl, !-. fuan.- I I'M, r mmvm' "Tha vhAov la absolutely free from all diseases at this time, the codling moth will be effectually checked by spraying within the next few weeks and scale Is comuletelv obliterated. Aa to blight, we have discovered the way In whicn to control n enouia any auiear ancea be made and the only danger re: malnlng Is frost. Tnin is sngni as ai tha nrnharila are Provided With an ade nuatn number of srnudKe Dots. "All varieties of frulta are literally toadmi with hlosaoms In every section of the valley. The cherry crop as well as the peach will be record breakers, while peara and appiea will break tha bumper crop of 190. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK STEADY. through the park, -while he acted - as AU UneB Show Ho chauffeur. The facing car soon con- - .WALLA WtLLA GRAIN MAKES GOOD PROGRESS Walla Walla. Wash.. April . With a warm week, and one with Plenty of rain, grain In the walla wana valley made the greatest progress of any per iod since tne seea was sown, xnere were several warm, almost hot. days during tho first part of the week, and on Wednesday night came a quarter of an inch of rain, giving the wheat all the moisture It needed without drawing on the reserve In the soil. Wheat is green the valley over, and the earlier fall sown grain In the warm er portions of the valley la showing joints tn favored "laces. In the upper end of the valley the progress has not been" so rapid, but the wheat has the eround well covered, and the prospects are better than ever before. Spring seeding is almost completed, and In few ' places is there any yet to be done. The farmers are feeling optlm- Istlo over this part of the work, for there has been little weather to atop the planting since spring opened up. PURCHASES 800 WETHERS. SUFFRAGETTES ARE I HARD m Society Women Work-in Pris on Laundry Just Like Com- mon Folk. l'.i,?f tjl ea.aala aa4 akaotd I . ' VJliJ aaaalij. AkmrrrtttNrs' L - Ifaeeennalaeaalr V T? sf -i I laeMARVt Uereer XlvC LLACi f.-S I eear, out feaa iaa( .aV U ' ,Tj I . ' af far Ulaa(rBta4 Weak aaalad. I "H? I "S " " I aleaa rail aaeUaelae aad lraa (Jj f af f A bun laealaabla le ladiaa. 4 J laruaow mm . m m. umS T J 9m lata af aMma tn Ok, Wnlirj . ' Oaeaa Oa. aad Uao-PetV LraaOa. aaiaiaa, 3l.VrC C rvCATARRHl fi$JlWytb BLADDER ; ; 7771 ; njJml24 Hours; pr X "nTir."" TO 5 S Jew oftawHtrnfiiit I Mn and Women . Cored S. K. Chin 133jFintSt 4Zh ttm Alder t 9 Vt. m. y Chan Mra. in. i ham The rallabla rhlnee Doelura. . K. Cttaa wltft tbelr barmlvaa Chinaae meOldBM of fcorba and roota. eaa wonderfully ear all hind af IMeraai and kilmal ales naaaea whan othera fail. Chronle all mente eviccaeafuDy traatod. f( OT&ll AT ION a. Kiamlr.aMon for ladle tf Mra. Ir Chan. Call or write ta K riiAN fiitNKAK uriiirivr rt mil. . . . . . & , . . ... . nirL,.i. n. rorner A to or. rortlAao, ur. CHINESE MEDICINE CO.' : Have a full Haa ef wonder-' ful Chtneae Hart and Root Remedies that wlU cure all hind a of dleeaaoa. Men or women eurrrra wlih any kind Of chronic die eaaea can coma to eur of fire and have a free con sultatlon with eur Chjnea I doctor. 185 l-2ncrrlsoa Street. : W aat 'end of Morrleon fit. bridge. Portland, Oregon. - FOR WOMEN CNIY Ir. Sanderaon'a Compound 8arln and Cotton Root Pill a. The beat and only reliable remedy for DELATED PERI ODS Cure the moat obstinate .: In 1 In IS Amvm Drlte per boa er throe boxes II. ad. Bold by aruggiaia ererywnere. Aonreaa T. J. PIK1("IC. Room 1. lafU Uorrlua aL Portland. Or. ON SINKING AND Scientist Commission Says Tower of Pisa Was Built Perpendicular. ny Ed L. Keen (t'Blted Pre Leaaed Wire.) London Eng., April 6.. Hard .labor In His Majesty's prison at Itolloway la no Joke. If the 78 suffragettes now serv lng sucn aentencea were seeking matry dom when tney held their recent win dow smashing sol re they ought to be fairly well satisfied by this time. The public, however, will have to remain In ignorance of their personal views on this point, until their release. For "hard labor" means more than it says. Everyone of the ardent followers of Mrs. Pankhurat who waa given a hard labor sentence la held practically In communicado. They are not allowed visitors, nor may they receive any mall or communicate with the outside world during their term of Incarceration. The privilege extended to women gentenced to the so-called "second division," which was the usual form of punishment in flicted upon erring suffragettes until the last wholesale destruction of prop erty, of having delicacies sent by their friends to supplement the ordinary pris on fare, la denied them. They must subsist on the regulation prison diet, which In the hard labor section is much more meagre both in quantity and va riety than that in the second division. This Is the bill of fare supplied to the hard labor suffragettes during the first week of their imprisonment; Breakfast Six ounces of bread: one pint of gruel; dinner six ounces of Lot Is Taken at rals.07 at 93.IO 1 bread; six ounces of suet pudding; eup- nected with a very firmly rootod tree. A Junk dealer picked up the pieces of the auto and tnree or four expert sur geons 'sowed together what waa left of A few weeks later while he waa still jlfe prince. 7 Oecoraiea who court piaster ana ameil l inr of antiseptics. D'Aragon rot tha lm- 1 presslon that Claud Graham -White, the notea o.Tie.ii1, wm ujin m Den-Den or some other outrageous disease and ha forthwith, proceeded to summon three of the most fashionable knlfe-wlelders in the city to the Engllahman's hotel. 'When the-f surgeons arrived, they were told there waa "some miataxe ' and they have probably been hoping ever slnoe that the Spanish grandee would at aome time come under their treatment. Then' the prtnoe net-Angler puke, a , brother or cis intended Bride and was invited, to tha Duke manalon at . Dur ham. The engagement followed after ' D'Aragon had promlaed. hla prospective father-Jn-law that he would go to work and cut out lat a uppers and striped drinks. It t reported that He will re turn tha latter part of Aoril and i&ita ' job In on of the Cuke tobacco fao- . toriea. . 1 - . . . , Hoga 1000, Chicago, April 6. Run cattle 200. hheea 1000. Hoga are ateady, left over 1500; re- oeipia a year ago u.uuo, -. Mixed fT.setv 8.00; heavy 17.8601.00; rough -7.o5 l.eJ. iigai II.IOQI.IH. Cattle -Steady. ' Sheep Strong. OMAHA BOGS EXCITED. Market Moves to $8.05 for Tops in the) Yards. ' South Omaha. Anril . Cattle 600. Market ateady. Steera $7.1001.00; cow and heifers tS.E0(g)S.6O. . toga iu.suu; maraet zso at I7,s( $.05. - - - Sheep 1100. Market steady. Taarllnga lt.1607.00: wethera K.OOOI.Il: lamha. $7.I6.00; ewes $5.7001.00. KANSAS CTTg; LIVESTOCK. ,; Top Hogs Sell At $s:05 Other lines ' ' . " - Steady. '-i Vbuhb rttv.u. ' m e T r K. v- ' . , 11 o . nui w. re- oeipU 2000. Market 5e higher, tops 18.01. vattiv nrceipn avv. . Aiaraei vxeaay. Sheep Receipts Bona. Market steady. Per Head, Paisley. Or., April 6 Pat J. Murphy has completed the purchase of over 800 wethera from Henry Bailey. The price paid was $3.75 per head, w4ich is very cheap, considering that the wool dtp will lower these figures by at le8t 11.25 Dee head. The firm of Fltsrja trick A Murphy now has over 1700 head of sneep or ait. Kinas, ouisiae or mis sea son's lambs.. j J. C. SKINNER PURCHASES JOHNSON APPLE RANCH 11 - . . ii 1 Hood River. Or.. April A deal was closed hero yesterday whereby J. C 8klnner, former, secretary of tha Com mercial club, and now connected, with the Davidson Fruit company, comes Into poaaession or tne zo acre hlrhlv Im proved fruit ranch of William H. John son Jr. located In the OdeU district The price paid Is not made public but it la underatood Mr. Skinner made a good 4uy, aa the place la one of the most desirable in tha valley.. , Seven acrea of the tract are In 11 year old treea and thabatanoa In five J ear olds. The treea Include Spttseo bergs. New towna, Arkapsaw Blacks and tha largest g 01 urueys m uie valley, r . . per six ounces of bread; one pint of gruel. Since the first seven days, a slightly more substantial diet has been provided, under the prison rules, potatoes being Included In each dinner and cooked meat being added three days a week. The labor feature Of tha punishment is probably not regarded as unduly se vere by the average female guest at Holloway, but for women unuaed to any form of maniial work It la a trying or deal. Each prisoner is required to put in eight-noure work dally- at whatever task may e .assigned by the head wardress. Most of the suffragettes are working In he prison laundry. Some are operating sewing machines for the first time in their lives, making cloth ing for other prisoners, while others are aewlng mallbaga. In addition, each la required to make Her own bed, scrub her cell, dally, and polish tier food tins to the satisfaction of tip wardreaa of aer corriuor, Whether this .form of punishment will act as a deterrent, as hoped by the wis magistrates who Inflicted It, is ex tremely doubtful. i Have you read the great Piano Pur chasing opportunity oa page I, aec tlon J t -- " -' - By Henry Wood. (United ITeii Lraxd Wlre Rome, Italy, April 0. When the lean lng tower of Pisa was erected five cen turles ago, the architect who designed It had no idea that hia work would be come famous because it waa destined to stand at an angle tor several hundred years, seemingly In utter defiance of the law of gravitation. This Is the de ciaion of a scientific commission which has Just completed an Investigation of the architectural freak. Some little time ago a celebrated English architect succeeded In demon stratlng that the tower, Instead of being satisfied with its record as the cham pion leaning thing of the world having been leaning since early In the fifteenth century was showing a decided Incli nation to sea how much farther it coald lean without falling over. The Plsans engaged a commission of scientists to determine exactly whether the original architect had constructed the tower in such a manner as to make acrobatic feats possible or whether Its leaning proclivities had been accidentally ac quired. Professor Cariavarl,. a noted geolo gist. Professor Ptzzetti; a geodetlnt, Architects Benlerl and Coclnl and En gineer Olovannl Cupparl were the men appointed to take the matter up. They first sank holes in the ground about 100 feet from the .center of the tower. These showed that trie tower really rested on sandy ground below which was another stratum erf lime deposits similar to the surface ne on which the tower was built. Then holes were sunk directly under the tower itself, and It was as certained that the tower not only rests on uneven soli but that Its great weight has caused the area immediately about it to sink considerably. This convinced the investigators that, the leaning ten dency of the huge pile waa not merely the freak Idea of a medieval architect but was due to changes tn the earth's surface caused by the weight of the tower and probably by' earthquakes. a K. HOLBMiM, M, XX x XJemaed In Oregon, Waahtogs ton aaaV California. - LEANING TOWER i facts' for afflicted A Straight Talk By the Leading Specialist, C. K. Holsman, M. D. It is important that you should know the doctor who undertake! to treat you I possesi skill and experience acquired in such a way that no other can thare them. A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing person as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can give you this -service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee. so that my services may be obtained by any one who sincerely dp sires to be cured- I would like to have you for a patient if you will come to me on a strictly professional basis, accepting inducements that I offer, which are my ability. 18 years' successful experience, time-saving treatment and cure of cer tain diseases. ., .v Poison Ciircdl hy the Kew German ; Remedy' If you suffer from BLOOD POISON there Is a sure and lasting cure. Thla remarkable remedv la no lona-er an exDerlment: m exoerlenoa -with this drug is that. If properly handled. It lsa sure CURE, a LAST INJ CTJRE3, a BOON to MANKINtX -1 hav. eticeeeafuUy-treated and- cured' hundred of caaea. I can show you the evidence of all that I claim- by hrinrln vou face to face with many cured, happy Datlenta. Seeing la be lieving, you know, and 1 the strongest argument, that I can offer you., Can anyone do more? Nay. as muchT , . I am alwava arlad to have you bring vour family doctor with you whan you take this wonderful treatment. I administer it as U. hQUldb given. intravenously directly into uie Diooa current. MT DIRECT TREATMENT FOR WEAKNESS That disorder commonly known aa 'weakness has for years and genera tions harried tne errorts or pnyat clans. yet to this very day a. ma jority of doctore, apeciallsta not ex cepted, are attempting to overcome It by methods that have been In con stant use and have alwaya failed for half a century. They doae the sys tem with powerful stimulants anda tonica calculated to restore nervous force or strength that is not and never has) been lacking, with the re sult that ttt. functions are tempor arily excited, to the positive detri ment of the patient.. Weakneas la only a symptom caused by many dis tinct 'iriraf conditions and Is -curable by local treatment only. I RELIEVE WEAKNESS with my NHPW SYSTEM TREATMENT, without giving a sin gle Internal dose, which demonstrate Tift Is Endorsed. fnltoit PrM Tml TFIm 1 I I Salt LakecHty, April 6 "By a unanlm- j oua vote the Republican state commit tee of Utah . today endorsed President Taft for renomlnation at the national convention at Chicago. The state con-, ventlon will be held at Provo, May 18. ; . i. J. E. Ban tTes1 CentralU. ' Centralis.' Wash. Anrll 6 A fare-' well dinner haa been arranged for J. L Barnes, who recently resigned his posl-; tlon as aecretary . of the - Southwest! Washington Development association aad tba Southwest Settlers' agency, and who will leave Cen trail for 2rt Crea- the absolute accuracy of my under standing and treatment of thla die order. , I have entire confidence In my ability to cure moat cases that i;um iv rue lor retimvai, 4. ENLAROEH. YEIN3 ' . I dally demonatrate that Enlarged Velna oan ba relieved In such a sat isfactory way that : the vital parts are preserved and strengthened, vain oeases, swelling subaldea, a healthy circulation la rapidly reestablished, lnatead ef the depressing conditions. KIDNEY AND BLADDKK "With these disease Vou nay bare more complication than are present--ed by anv -other diseased organ. By my" searching Illumination af . tha bladder - I determine accurately th-e d Iseese fend my microscopical exam ination and urtnalyaia I make dou bly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus laying tha foundation far aol entlfle treatment. What You Need Is the Rirht Treatment at the Bednnlnir. If I could aee and treat all men when the first symptema shew them selves, there would be little need for so-called speclallet In chronic dis easea, and there would be few men staking rejuvenation of their physical and mental oowera. and there would also be few marked with tha atamo of constitutional Blood Diseases and Dlaeaaaa Peculiar to Men. aad Uiair compllcatlona would ba reduced to a minimum. But aa long as men con tinue to dlareaard the roldan adaara. "A Btltch In, Time Saves Nina." and oontinue to neglect themselves or to exercise Indifference or poor Judg ment In consulting the right specialist at the outset. Just so long will the. e be multitude. of chronic aufferora. . . r t - . , j , . i - ... EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION. ' I make the most thorough examination ef all nitient wha al en m. Vor this I make abaolutelr ao charge. It offera evert alllnr man an op portunity to learn the truth about hla condition and prepares htm to t ua;d iralmi tna fnlataKe or otnar oocrorm. - - 7 Bffta la enen all dir from a m to I D rrt ' Stindmw f' 11 1 'o'clock. All correepondence treated ooafldentially. . Lettera c&eriu.:y an swered." , .. V ' ' Bit C K." EOLSKAII :;'!!-r-:' : r.-." 7 c v -