THE OKEGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. FOKTLAND. SUJ.'DAV - MOKimiO. AVUIU t, 1M LATE MARKET M NEWS IGjO OF THE -IGfflHO WORLD APPLE GROWERS MUST LABEL FRUIT JUSI WHAT IT- IS OR ELSE LOSE PRESTIGE IN THE LEADING MARKET PLACES OF THE WORLD WOULDN'T IX make: YOUlAD-IF DECREASED OffEIlGS HAVING EFFECT UPON LIVESTOCK THE AT NORTH PORTLAND AND r PRICES ARE REFLECTION OF CHANGED DEMAND f.reat I ir.ail- la WartTa. Tv-I U :r-artJ Wit Ofala of lha fmim CMl-i:uif M! (it rif Ue 1teaar aaat tU Will It Xmm4uV4 11 lracel tUOntV la iVelgtit lUuew -la ' rac4 fMwilo lea n-eMj IWa TaA) tare H. Wi Adraatfoa Xoo4 ta lS TarvU Irta4 ! Urr4 4vM ol Ita ttotlaa Vaaaaaf( a laMtM aa4 frtUai faavla (aatfl Aaia for Mata laj fkvita rka Mh taH HUD a UkuaH CWtaj; for W aat Tr4a al l! fraarat ttaaa. 7 i n aaaagaaw - - i m 1 " i fc f - A f I ' A t i I I l7r. 4 -.i'l"v- 'i'aiU v i mm -ii fcJ i i H ftf H. CUm. It let I baUag S.e4e r.j, caul i ban. gr.'. t t" MfUlMllMI I lal Ik bU llk tea, laal lb lelle efcea I aaa muri f. la ruiMl f tba 6lS4 a.ftbn.el Klwlu ! alt Ml 1r Ka Imm )l lU tab mat a eaibae ibaa uu I brtaa be It bel. ka-ar e1ie dl.irlcla af Iku eaan taa aai itijr aatte uat a.nag 4rve pael I e a i Iba grading af end lafarler aa- tUa aa aaiia 4ay a la--a looia f l it.. arMlka aaJy reateea) MUH f t.;M. ir I aaa. Ihel tU4) aua tar iw aaaaoaa that ta ianilsgtv Vm an effiMI aa Ika af mm of ta landlra rail dietrleie to fo4 bay rNUtUII uaalHf " a (aril, a a rxuli aaiy la Ik. ditrli-la u.iag bm Ui ioaa a inio ef thalr fortaar tr aerae arn. attar Barer Ar HnUau. , T ati-iur ar aaatara ajpie bar. ara are airaelad .galea! l"a-lfl coaal aiilrwt laal be Improperly labatad frail 4ilht( Iba ( laal Saeeona While la prlaHie year II aat le eoetnan af la um lb. aiulllf af all b.r ai.tnrte or n wa aroducad la Iba bailer district. ), uaa pracllo baa beaa diaooa tiao4 Ida ro4urt af nawar 4atrlea aa4 raalir nut haTlna aa oo4 fruil aa aom f I hoaa diarardad la trying taara up fcr itx aallar ciaaa af Irada ! arlllln la lr fur uatltjr and Dal for raauiatiaa. la (Ha dajra of rontnafxlal ctlviif rrpuialloaa ara qairklr mada ar unaMt. Tbarafora. II raata i(h ro-Ou-ra a tlt-k laav will tiav Taa appla trada of tba far-trie eoaal la oln a ba rarolulloniaad dnrlas tha nut fa a- raara and for thai raaaon I ha iia kaown aartlnna ara alrlrlng calrtat ona aaothar for uramata. Tkaaa wna hava faarod that lhara baa paaa too maen appla plantinc la tba l-arlfw ajalkora( aldoiif a( fitaa lh ai ir luera Ikaufki ttmm Uti IK iir tattaaad araa ta t(a f ituiilaa af trada aaaaoa laa baaa flana lata all mi aaal. fur IMa mU rata laid aa aallrwr aifffwal alorr 1 ba marfcat far t-wifta ankoa( i ia l lolir ual eaaiic aa4 irada U1 aal aa al lia aaikl far oaaf f r auaa Iba ttMl af Ika Hmmi aaaal wliL wtIMn ilka af a fa raara. aa tktim rvpariloa - r g a thai Iba armlwvl of l.. aartloo caa Inaada Iba ulf ataiaa aa all aa ailaaila oal laiaa wtib graatar auvpilaa Ibaa aar, kM lwr irt.M ihMt ol'.l nol o loucir afTarl Iba boalnaao baro barauaa af Ika lowar elvaraa for lraportalla ibaa ara o osina roro. CursH laka aavraj doaaat llnaa Iba amoual of aiplaa thai ara aaa -ltt fucaard from bra. .rtldlfc lhaf emu ia ubjxi ibafa ai ia mom r ikaa la in ouaalbla, XVHb loacr fralkl ralva at) J allk dlrarl alaamahlp llnaa frura farifla cNuaal porta la Kuryi-a, lha roal of markallaa a 111 to rut rnaidcr aXlr and crooara Will bo (alltnc wllnia a rractlua af lb aaaia rrluma aa at praaoat. QaaJJt WOl Ba CkmaUaraUam. Alnwaal any country or aariloa raa froduc appiaa. Tfala Ibrrvforo forroa ha laau If lha farifio roMhat fruit . oltrl-i want to markal tba comlnc hrarjr aurplua. It mual produra oir rmu ibaa raa ba fro a alao bcra. (irvwrra Baad ba tmthful In lha maltr of Uballat and packing for bothlni ao culture buaiaeaa rvlaliona aa to find u vat you haro ben pr!nr for aoma- tblna that baa nol lxn dallTarad. A raw ahlpmanta of poor fruit or pacaina wiij .anno ina good work or many aaaaooa. XI ore caraful Inapaclloo ta aacoaoarr. If a dlatrlrt dona not tiro- auoa mora uiaa a vary amaii dot ni of aitra fanrjr fruit during a aaaaon. M-t rnvmii iur) in iniu wnmcij a" ii i. iiuyara ara not looiaa or wnai arprara Un lha bo. after tha flrnt inn: inrrarora. growara nochlng by tbeir docaDtlon. !f II -a-a'.Jildi Tf nrI-:ilAr ki HI'k r II ' ar .aaa & ar ru'-i'- ffl 11 Ujr I'alli MM Ml a alA. aaaarfl It f til till IL (VUrav. It ta apaiaat Uat Ika M rvaa af irvoafaaa afcua aa ba-lly anaraiuad prira uat yoar ara tiar aad taai ika roMtMa iai aaa ai la la imu r aa aioaitai. oaa uaa abaaad aa la- wak. aoiiar4 ub till U waak, ltlt im avalvua m aa4 i I aa4 far 1 1.1a aaaaa o-k a uata . laarai ltil laiiw laa iuI aaa Iba Mm. p.uW ar.-ad Ika .. a of laa ihmm Ika tr i aiiaaltoa la la tavitaa larla 4ria tba k aaa I 'ia lavka a ltvoa lka aaa a aara braoa af 1 1 a aa aiu-a ibai la aaaMf I aa, aa ii iaa iimiia-i miu at ilraa a Tba auiUakk la Ikia ttka la faa a fuMko aofiaaiag of pr tMiarikf ika- rwai ikra ataalfca af rata rf loa Uih aatfca af I ibs araoaal r ana laa aama aartaJ a auikl aaa pileaa rao vw i aoiii i-nuM lata aa MBa I an. , i.r l! V! I! -.Tf-.'1"" u,.hl'"- .Snmtaal aKaaa arlraa today: l""" la Ika awg aatkt m t U. a writ aartaa ' - ; ' . .ia ara ouo,Mad baa boaa..Uf, u r, .f a- (a kacaJ Honiara kaug'aani rJI Z, laaa. dilar ...I ' 'IT 1 aauy Ik. Ma Ika aai .baa a lb. rl.TJ ..oT! .j;:?. I!.': t 11 bhorai at orkla o uot a ai a boa t I Ittaav 1 wu boa: 4a ai altar Jtorik acoompllah Some Increase in Wool Sales Tbara U a aomtwhat battar bioto- naat of wool at Intaiior polnta. Bhaar tor la prorraaa at many point and wttbta a faw dajra wlJI bocoma ganaral Tba lamblbg aaaaon ahawa tba beat ro tama for maay yaara and tba outlook for tnuiioa aaoora la tba boat for aoma lima. . Wao! atarkat prioaa ara praoltcally un ahangad bare, but buyer ara abowlng tnora dlapoalllon to taka hold. A Laka v law advlca aaya: "fiicaa of wool tbla year avm to fore . "ahadow that proaperlly will ahlna on tha aldo af the atraat that tba atockman travaia. Tna clip will ba battar than laat yaar, tba quality of tha flaocca far aurarlor wita mucn leak anrinkag a inao laai aaaann'a clip. Thaa facta, together with tba battar eondlUon or tba a heap rrora Ui rmnse country, oner mucn en couragement to the men engaged In.thl tnduatry that mttni ao much to the wrl fare of tba county and Ita bualnea arrowtb. . "Tba proapaet ara that the lambing ... will ba much better than a year tro and thoe who were able to wether tha galea of that period will come out at tha top i we neap, nuncn. mi7 nui do any better. In price and according to one of ine beat poated men in tba buainra, will In all probability not be any hlirher though there are many things between now and fall that may change this at- . titude. "Beef ha no market kt present mere I a lot or low priced kturr gomg Into the trade at lower price than would be profitable ' for itke county rrower who receired a good price last yaar. Thla a took cornea from the south ern ranges ind will ba coming In for aaite a wbllo ln Urea quantities." - ' lha wool situation In L.Hke coanty mi year Dias rair to d trie rest for the paat decade aa tha clip will be extraor dlnaxlly heavy and tha wool Is better. No Individual buyer have become Ac tive as yet, although Mr. Daniels of the Tryon company of Ban Francisco, has been skli-mlniiing around the wool grow . era for the past week In lie no, Nevada. It -in understood that no sales were tuade on account of the nrlce offered. ' While there will doubtless be many in dividual buyer here before the clipping aeason begins, It Is generally believed that1 the bulk of the 1912 clip will be handled through the warehouse associa tion at this place. The clip should run . considerably over a million pounds this , year. ' Lambing commenced In the Fossil dis trict the middle of the week, and will ba In full blast In a few davs. About 0 young- men went down the creek on tna ibid to wont in the lambing camps f the Butte Creek company. As the ' winter was mild, ewes are in very f Ins condition, and a big nercentdge of lambs 1 being looked forward to all over the county. - At Ontario J. H. Seaward sold 800 fat rouiien eneep to tne Kolse Butcher com t pony which were sheared before deliv ery. F. B. Hall purchased &500 wethers of John Wood, 1000 two year olds and the ether 4600 being three and four year Olds Butler A Sons sold 600 fat wethers to C Q. Adams which will be shipped to tba Portland market. At the Anderson-Gwlnn ranch 10 mtlea west of Ontario, where the lamb Xpg nenrtoa 1 well advanced, the 7000 ewea ahow an Increase of 141 per cent Malheur and Harney county sheep win tered well and per cent of loss will be probably tha least ever known. The aneep men are now turning their flocks cut to the hill. . 8 Sheep purchases In the Interior have been bearv recently. Thomas Boylea, a uuyer or (nainiop, wna at Bpray laat ana uougni io rrom ti K. Wal ters, lrt from W. B. Potter, and 1000 from Stewart Grant These ahaep ware all bought laat fall for M& and sold jor it. They are to ba delivered at Heppnar at once and will be ahjpped to Washington and put on, tha Seattle mar ket after ahearlng. Mr. Boylen went to Monument from here. It la his Intention to ship a trainload from Heppner. SHEEP SIlEAIUXa PIUKJRKRSIXG OpcraUon Are Well lender Wax la Inland Empire). Spokane. Wah., April I. "The aheep Hearing aaaaon openM In the caotral vtasnington district at Kahlotaas on March I!." aald C. W. Romlne. -Har-ter at Hendricks having begun opera tions on a 000 head flock on that data and we ara now on tha way to Kphrata. where wa will divest 8000 head of their wool for the eama firm. PVnm we will go to Cow creek, whnm th. are 6000 head awaiting shearing In the pens of Henry Myers. "I have been shearing sheep In the northwest for the last 21 years and I nave never seen rin. "T;' r heavy fleeces as we are getting this vear Mrtar u i-. ..' i SP.?Zlll,,(ii beiwee" H and 12 pounds i.?Bd 1d WBB ot cPtionallr fine quality, and rrnnria fn, ' l?."i! oiDg indicate that ... 1 t'ns ne m conditions pre vailing there, a ha total VA K?. central WashlnKton region thla year will run c o to i iui ...JT ... ii,.,. i..zr '""", o am uciwvpn Mil llllll O nH IHA AAA "".VS, fi ,uta on Ule """'ssment rolls. All the sheep in the Columbia val 7JH!8 ,nrJu;" th winter In splendid condition and the average increase will be about 120 per cent. The weather was colder than usual, but there was mno riiuw ana ram nnrinir th. n,in... which resulted In heavy fleeces and fat,' healthy ahcep this spring." DEFERRED OPTIONS GETTING BULK OF TRADING IN WHEAT Speculator Chancing Over Prom May Into laly and rVptcmbert Iamag 11 flood I HeJlered to Be SllKht- Chlcaga, April f. U wa a day af ex treme nervousneaa for tha wheat trade. Each day brlnga a mora decided change In tba volume of trad from May con tract, to the later moo tha. The natural volume of trade la now cenflned to tba new crop month wher in current new and ' legitimate con dition ar shaping price aa fast a the trada can get at the fact regarding the growing crop. More thaa anything elaa the trada and public today watched tna crop report rrora both aide of tha river. At thla writing It la fairly wall estab lished that tha Injury to wheat in tha weat and southwest la confined to un important a not a. that tha acreas-e aa a wiiui. promiaing. .lie worat report ivut tujia 1 1 uih cpnira inn annf h. r-m J 11 Kt. mere waa enourh rnnf Irmatlna nf ina aa verse crop talk in th a R E Bffl HUB ATS CIS. Efforts to Force It Up Have Failed to Date; Growers Want More Money. By Ilymaa IL Cobra. Aocordlna to an arfvtna riA k. the local rapreeentailve of lha worlds largaal mobalr mllla tha dhmki nri off. red for hair la about aa far aa buyera will go anlaaa there la a Chang in ina eituauoa tverora i&a ihurtm la marketed. Vlilla iodii deal art harlng prlrat anda to gain ara aa.ertlna that lie (a available, none can ba found who will really pay thla prlre. If lio caa ba ecured. fa mi r r . should knn bum of thla condition but it la giving oat a fals. Impreealon when no such prlo la available. While II ta poaalble that tha market will do battar after awhile U. beat price available In Boston today la 4 to Io a pound fur Oragea rauUalr. It cost lo a pound to ablD from Port. no or wei.r ana i so o BUSINESS NTERES T MORE HOPEFUL AND ar acvuuDt SECURINES ARE UP tarca. II ttej Oak Of a vnm a i I-vUa4 aurtkg Ua lavet aaoa. akk brwucat ttiLabd aa la tae paia wa II waa lar la Iba aigbaat aotea la Ik rowatry. btatta luu4 Iku. wr but a (Ikgie Uay was (.rtcwa uahl aaal chtMttl -iui la iba poial btna a.a palnjt tba iii price ia taa rouairy. aiallaia iw Ibua lor bul a alogla day wnea price 1414 aaal c bust 4 agala and at ina cioain. oi in. ink rHulh Utuaha. Kaoaa. 1iy and Norta ttn-tlaad aata earn par.g U.l fr lopa. aaita Cbl- cage aaa a auaei balow ibla. gutaataaa rataaaety traaa' Wltb iba l-aclfle cat ahoalng lha wmj hkiwm. run si noga in iba ewietry it aaa but naiaral tnal afc ara la tba eaet abauld baom .iri(d and pay omra hi. bar prtcaa thaa ib.y upwmfcj io. ina aoveeeae bate ad and ewminalv . advaacing parkvd baa aol bad. ortlaftd advanoad Ita ortra lie during the wprk at;d rama out of Iba rut Into abJt'b lha market bad beaa ibrowa lor auma time U bll It la tru Ta.ei ya tl.ia twiii tba. T-Hra lit ....111 II aia t ataara 14 It ! Ii ItNll I raw I eaw I row I ball I self I bag M bote l hoi. I boa 1 bo. hog. t hog I beg aaaaaalll 111 cons, Iff IJ CALVca. moo a. w lovk moeX Market IOnfrta a Itbal iba advance bare waa furrod b . aaaumant. n.t.rtiiai.aa It la being pal Cbaafvd Attitada ot Trada andl.r.j produrara are rraplag the baneili n.Chrr PHcc. Ara tha Rnla, CVop. N- f.-;;." jhd Ara Eacrrty Wched. Sli'JZlStt m&Z?VrZt: ig BVaa la Sadaa. Tba hi a run of him at Tmrt f Maw Tor. Aprtl t. Tha currant weak I nortnaaal polnta la e.emtagly aodad. together with tba coat of y rail ' handling Th th ha wltnaeeed a resumption of tba bull lab activity aad alee of tha rtee In tr.a eeourlty market. Advancing tend encies ballad for a time laat weak ow ing lo Ika fal thai tba g-ewereJHy f trader, war diepoeed lo the view that the advanca which up lo that lima had been recorded, bad la great part meae- l-ackara ara ooinuaJied to encourage ahlpmenta from farther away Uuui fur raariy la order to get their rtxjulrem.nta without raMrUng to allaaourl river UnLwirlalioua. Con.iJarlng th statua of th trad tha faclfic northwaat la today produc ing Ita full neada of wln and any anlgraat.r ai(ii;iinl WlJI result only la fo U- I nT prices down.' While thla would i ro- nvt product would not admit of more than id. prreenc limit balng paid. In aom. quarter It Cm believed that in. oean.n i. aarncy or in. market a present la du almply to th efforta o J UlnoU and originated chiefly through m!,nUw?t?r?r". tp nold, down he ooming !t. Iula and Peoria houses. 7 uruu,n clln but this I merely a gaeaa smi wvn uara vmy m vary amaii atata n I " uvea aula in (Die develop a bull market There la no I f khaarlng Is general there doubt that part of thn .trench toU? i",,"' f 'KZZ. tm.0tnFtn"n 1 waa borrowed from tha fnrfhiV i-r.i.i eU until they sea what value ar of- of great atrength In corn. " m "lm it waa a continuation or tha old story In corn so much atrenath In nik'n, aeis in ail quarters that speculators could not Ignore the fact, and futurea hub uourni on runner a n vu rw t.-, nn. slderably higher prloe than before re corded on the crop. ii is noiea tnat it require a little PORTLAND JOBEIXa ntlCES. Oraln. Tlaaa and lit These prtcea ara .boaa at wnich whole aaler sail to retallara, except aa other- wiae aiainu: WHEAT Nominal Producer prioaa mora affnrt nw -7 , wnr,n,i nominal rroaucer prioaa ffi J kin M i 9 pa,rt ofbu,J nominal, track delivery. 3?4ci blue- observera OrPtlfIC.eA,,,.m0Vri'Jr 0(0d 988Ho; forty fold, f Mot Wit po?r.n;ermo?eTavortbfe0C7heedurt SffcilaL X Kusalan, Yl'c; WOOL BUYERS ACTIVE. Considerable Brislneaa Is Passing In Aevaaa lYlco 15c. Reno. Nev. nrll xt i i av been eiceedlna-lr artiv. H,,r . past week or- two and It is authorita tively riven out that contracts thus far made in the state are far in excess of 6,000,000 pounds. Th. a "2.1"" "i "pertained, for there , . "eiiioi uumracts, was In tha vicinity of 15 cents, makln a total val! 760,aoo r contracted 'for of about It will be at least two week before all contracts are signed and the .ultl- npaurelm,tr?.? W'? wUhln tho "ve" Meantime arrangement are belna made for the shipment of lamb, toth! eastern mirket. f. i1 ,'s!fflcult compute the value of the lamb crop, but when It la supple mented by the mutton that are also nth"1 ift" "hmb'8. there will be a" other million or two to add to Nevada's product for the year. " eva lr,r.u H ..r Ziri" ' - I iirkey rea. 3Mt4a. the hlirh rrli-a vn 5I i J nAKI.Ki Prwlncera- prtcea 1 PI 1 the" stronK'sHilo0 n9 rolled. mEoO, brewing. The commercial position of oats la MVL Tkrv'rpm. flai,i. . . in .... (. ' i ji.J .r the dl- up to the 60 cent level with appearance of storks hm There was undoubtedly considerable support for products today from pack ers, through brokers' firm. Pork a mite nigner ror the day, old Range of Chicago prices furnlhd by Overbeck & Cooke Co. May Julv Sept. May July Sept May Sep WHEAT. Opening. High. Low. 1AC7Z ID I ,AM 7 uly4) eat. May July Sept. May July Sept May July Sept . .1710 . .1745 ..178J ,. S2 . . 997 , .1022 106' 104 97 97 95 H 96 CORN. ,7fl 77 7Sty 76 Vs 74H 75 - OATS. 55 tS 60H 604 42 43H PORKL.. .f725 1765 1795 LARD. 982 1005 1022 RIBS. 962 985 1005 95 Close. 108 97H B 96 A 76 77 A 76 76 74 74 B 66 68 A 60 60 - ii 43 17 A 1766 1787 . 967 . 982 .1002 1710 1745 1785 182 997 1020 67 980 996 982 997 1020 67 980 995 B A A A A Wheat Market Close to Dollar Have You SlOO ' OB OAW YOU SPAKB A FEW SOLUM MOSTHLT I hava been In the manufacturing bus- tneaa for fifteen years. I now make out of my business more money each month than I had capital to start business : with, I desire to build a new and larger factory to meet the demands of my Increasing ' business. I am offering a . email block of preferred stock on which dividend of t per cent, payable quar terly, ara now being earned. This pre ferred stock also nartiefpete in all other earnings but you are certain of S pef cent on your money year in and year cut Thla la a legitimate manufacturing buainesa established for year, and is .growing with th population of th Pa cific coast If you hava a little Idle money aeeKing a prontabla Investment, I Invite you to a end me your name and addrea and I will send yoa fullr partic ulars regarding my bustnees and Its management All Inquiries should be aent direct to me asno brokers, promot- " nai.ii KFrau ar anmortaed to receive subscriptions. K WHt today and I will send yoa a copy of my illustrated booklet, printed In color and fully deacrtbiag th wares ef my factory. - , , - X- x. atcmoearrx ; '--r . 2vaa1aBt KcBoskey btattiaaa Oa. Market at. Baa rrajunaoa, Oal The sharp upward movement of wheat prices locally during the week put .the price within lo a bushel of the dol lar mark and caused tighter holding among many Interests. Bluestem wheat sold up to 98 o a bushel, track delivery, during the week, w hile club sales were aa high as i94o, although few paid mora than 93o for ibis variety. The movement- of wheat waa not heavy because there was little to offer in tha country. A large per cent of this la being held for higher prices." California continues the big factor in the Wheat trade and is now anxiously bidding for all varieties. Th bid from there wer the real cause for th advances here and elsewhere in 'the northwest The flour market Is very firm. Three of the local mills have advanced their card rates 20c a barrel, but ona con-, earn which likewise operates on Paget nnca l r-a n 22.00; middlings, $30.00; shorta, 124.00' chop, $11. out 26.00. Car lota ava per ivii ic-aa. OATS Producers' price Track No l spot delivery white, tS63li gray $&4.6085. 1 mnr FLOUR ftelllna Drica Patant. 94.609 4-70; Willamette. 64.60 per bbG local straight, 4.06 4.26: bakers' $4. J J Bin, tiHiri graaes. vs. so. fiA i rrooucer. one ibii emn v Buir iiniifinT. unci. ibuuib; I . nary, $1814; eastern Oregon, 316.000 ill iQtnu, iiiuij: mixed iunii ver, $9010; wheat 111 Oil. 60; cheat $11 11.60; alfalfa, $12.60013: cata. Ill aattsr. Kara ana snub. BUT'liR Extra creamer ci.haa ana uzrs,JZit'rl?lBA a'waoo aairy, ioa BUTTKlk FAT roauceir ortea B o. b. Portland, per n.. 36c. rUULTKf Fancv hena. tTn In. miiou, jutf'ttc; orouer 27028c: geese, 10c; dressed. 12c; live young ducks. 16c: old ducks, 16o; turkeys, alive, nominal. 22 c: dressed 2n: n old $1' young, 2.0rf2.40. . EGGS Candled extras. 21 21 o; spot bail?IJlriFe,J00 - Portland. CHEESE Nominal; fresh Oregon "n,c?.,ll, cram- trlpleta and dol.tea. 22 23c; young Americas, 28 0 24c. x iuui ana vecexaDiaa. POTATOES Sellina nrlea; v-t-r. choioe, $2.00; choica, 11.90: ordinary. 31.75 per cental. Buying price: Extra fancy, $1.65; extra choice, $1.60: choice. 11.60(31.55 per cental, f. n h nniineVj .klnnrn. nr,lV,t. . . i - J VEG1STABL,E3 Turnips. $1.00 par sack: beets. 31.60 sack: carrot. cabbage, $2.76 3.60. Mexican tomatoes $1.60 2j beans, ltc lb,; green oniori 30c do: bunches; peppers, bell. 25o lb. head lettuce. $1.602 crate; hothouse. i uui , lauiBii.n. owauc ujz. ouncnes urj th beltermaol Whlcn had tak lilaca 111 tha aanaraj InitA anil mant b true wer only, local provlalona lo Th fart that lha steel Issue dur- I ba consumed here, th baala of Ing tha previous dava war to prior In that trade have been ao eatab lag had much to do with eraatlne tha liabed that It la easy for packera eat unpraaalnn outlined abors and therefore tb BockJa to coina bare oa an y,ual whan within tha current wak. lha aauia footing with the local Intercala. Aft displayed buoyancy snd advanoad In long aa this condition eilata Ui.r alii kavplng with tha upturn In other quar- " greater demand ror hogs locally. tar, agraaaiveneaa oa tha Dart af tha llier.ror (be future or prlcaa la en- element operating for the rtae became tirely in tire cara of those that produce I I wa. $ welh BHtEP. art .146 . lit lit III lit i:i HI lit tt 41$ ft II LA Mil. . t lamb v; W4aeaaaya Uvastaak Baiaa. I ILK J a. Average Lta. Ill $4 ft t I t II t ft I II t a llll I til $111 17,11 II I aa I i at I ae I 7 . Tat II !6 I it IS II hi $14 tit LA MHO. $81 aha red Tl t$ sheared 71 Than days ZJvawtoek lelea. 8TttK3 Ave lha Prlca $1 l lot 7 In tee $l.te 4 ItO pronounced, which was reflected bv marked Increase In tha outalde trade. Heatnlngly many of tboea factor which have bean reckoned aa exerting aa ad verse Influence on finance, trade and- In duatry hava In part spent their force for of lata little attention haa been Raid to political dnvalopmanta or to ibor agitation, Thla la not to aay that poluica will not before the conven tlona have to araln ba reckoned, nor Is it to say that trad and Industry are not likely to be Influenced by the cur tailment of operation Incident to labor atrlkrs. but It 1 to sav that a feellna of cheerfulness haa apparently perme ated the rank and file of bualneas men and that the majority are dlapoaed to look forward to tha future with hone. and with the conviction that In the end tha aenae of tha American people will overshadow the dissatisfaction and dis trust which haa been promoted by am bitious politician In their effort to secure political advancement at tha ex pense of tha national welfare. Advices from crop seotlon are com manding a little attention but despite the fart that farm work In certain sec tions haa been retarded by excessive moisture It Is th Impression lo good quarter that oondltons taken as whole, ar rather satisfactory thouch perhaps somewhat below the average for recent years at this period. Un questionably ir such should be verified bv the aovernment report the disposi tion in tne stock market to promote an upward movement in th grangers will be quit pronounced. Range of New Tork prices furnished by uvcrbeck at uooke company: i openi tllghi Imw i Bid sound, refused to see the rise at once. There the situation rested at the clos ing of the week. Export trade was al- inuBi i a. BianuEtiii. una oniy Dusiness I ceiery, o craie; egg plant, soo lb; peas, passing was for established brands and lnc; cauliflower, local, 66c $1.26 per ivi uiio can waa limited. i H"-0-! HDfuriiKUB, atOMc; spina CQ lacSs for No. 1 white during-the oast week. APPLES $1.60 J. 00. Business was quiet, owing to the email afcwaa sv&llBDia. Hay remains quiet and Weak. 1 Wheat Market Flrmeir Walla Walla, Wash., April . The wheat market while it has been-firm and even rising during the paat seven days, baa shown few sales. As Is ordi narily tha case, the farmers seem slow to sell on rising, market, and not until tha prices go up a good desrree. or be gin to weaken will the remainder of me crop go. rrooaDiy oto.aoo bushels, or.1' Pr cent ot lt years' crop, is stni In th hand of th grower a. Onion Famine Along, the Coast , Only about it caN of onions 'remain in th bands of Oregon grocer at thl time and th prospects' ar that ther will be a famine In supplies before th new crop r available. - t With California, and Washington as wall as the home state depending apes th yOregon supplies, it would not take Jongo dean up holdings. Th price hc bn advanced by grower ta . 12.50, which U aa advanoa af $6 avar last week, but llttla stock wfii h. under $4. .-. , - Itvwlll be soma time before new crop onions ara available 'In sufficient sup- Fly to fill th wants of tha trade, there ore tha prospecta are bright for a .fa mine of tha strong stuff daring the 're mainder of the season. During th past week ltlfr cars were sold by members of the Confederated Onion Growers as sociation bar. - About 275 acres or lea fbaq half of tba rop baa bean planted. . ONIOI.'S Yellow. No.. 1. 11. TR ? V ' FilKSH FRUITS Oranges. $2.7S s.oo; bananas. 4Vio lb.: lemons. 14 K0a 6.00; limes, ( ) case; grapefruit. 13.60 6.60: pineapples. So lb.: entnhar. ries, . axons, weoi and acid. nurB-fcrroouci-nr Drrca isii man choica 39c; 1112 contracts, 2526o; 1918 tUU 1711, 1IC WOOl Producers' ' brtca Nominal 1912: Willamette valley, ll18c; east ern Oregon. 18 16c. MOHAIR 1912. nominal, 820 lb. -CHITTIM BARH-Producera' price Ill 1. less carlote. 6$Ja; car lota, fc t. o. b. Portland. . . WHEAT ST00LING IS ' - HEAVIER THAI. EVER Weather conditions In the 'In- 4 tarior of the Pacific northwest . are assuring the best 'growth for . V both spring and winter wheat , All sections now report a good w ' showing of th plants. Stoollng ' 4 1 heavier la soin sections than - "7 vr before. 1 .; . . .A, '. " ' - ' '" UscrlrMon ' Anial. Copper Am. Car & Fdy Amer. Can, 0. . Amer. Cot Oil o Amer. Loco., 0. . Amer, Sugar, o. . mer. rJmeit. o. Anaconda Mining Amer. woolen. 01 Atchison, o .... & u. o . Brooklyn B. T. . Can. Paciflo, 0. . Cen. Leather, 0. . ft U. W o. . C M. ft a P... ft N. w.j o. . Chen, ft Ohio . . Col. F. & 1., o. . Col. South., o... Cons, Gas Corn Prod., O. do pfd. . .... . Del. ft Hudson . X. ft R. G e. Erie, c Q. ii. Ore Lands. Q. North., pfd... Ice Securities... 111. Central ..... Int. Harvester.., Inter. Metro., c. ., Lehigh Valley... K, C. Southern,.! L. ft N Mex National, 2d M. RP.&B. S.M. K. ft T o National Lead . Nevada Cons... N. Y, CentraU. N. Y, O. ft W. o.; N. & W., o. ... N. American . N. Pacific, C . P. M. S. Co... Penn. Railway.. P. O, U ft C Co. p. &, o.,.. Reading, o..,.. R. I. ft S.. o.,.. Rock Island. 0.. S. L. ft 8. W, 0.. South, pae... c- Southern Ry., c. Texas ft Pacific T- S. L. ft W.. C. Union Pacific,, c V. 8. Rubber, e.. V. a Steel 'Co.. c. Utah copper Va. Chemical r. . W. U. Telegraph. weat Eleotrw.. Wla' Central.. e. SN'heeling, L. E. . 109 108 61 84 246 112 144 80 81 82 67 41 129 86 $ eeilni oaT 20 164 28 168 129 57 20 118 88 124 34 124 Ml 83 76 .7 11 20 hi. 186 140 31 46 67 80 113 38 113 81 125 84 126 -it 164 23 S4 116 129 86 HZ 09 08 61 31 132 IT lb a took. Nominal North Portland nrlcea Beat light $ 1.06 Medium light. I 00 Kougb and baa ry 7.00 v 7.26 Blockers 1.10 Dacraaaad Cattle Of faring. Decreased offering of cattle hav bad their effect - upon - plica making ner aim aisewner in in oountry, Knowing this, shipper and producer ar seemingly careless In th war tbey hava been taking money out of 'their own pockets by rioodlng the market with offerings at a time when there waa little or no uurnand and practically very killer bad a aurplua. Naturally under aucq a conaitlon prloe reflected the k-lut Now tha aituaflon 1 chane-ed. Durlng th past weak ther was a de- creuaeo. allowing 01 supplies and prices climbed as high as $.90 In the steer division with th close or the week very firm. Run for the week totaled . 1422 head, compared with 1690 bead last week, 1609 the previous week and 1703 head for this same week a month ago. This small decrease does not fully represent the situation. For th first three months of th present year there was a aecreaae or ZZ67 neaa, compared with the aam period a year ago. In a market like this th shortage la a ear lous ona It shows that cattle ar not held in thla part of the country and mat killers are beginning to realise It. North Portland cattle prices: Heavy fancy steers $6.8608.90 II steers 17 steer If steers 1 str It steers 24 steers t steers 20 steers I steers 1 steer , 1 steer , I steer . 1 WW I COW 1 cow CO "w A" 1 bull bull 1 bull 1 bull BULLS. 1151 mi 1076 960 1130 101 Kill 1039 10JI 940 90 190 .110 .1060 . 120 HOG St .1709 .1760 , . 930 ..1160 ,. Ill 2:$ 14 hogs . . If hogs . . , LAMBS, I lamba ka 100 sheared lamba t 267 sheared lambs 66 10 sheared lambs 66 rrlders XUvetook Bale. COWS. Average Lha 1040 PlfEEP AND LA MRS ' tl lamba 41 26 mixed sheep 132 Saturday XJvestook Balsa, COWS. Av. Iba . 912 11 cows 10 bulls 14 bulls 2 bulls $7 hogs a hogs , BULLS, HOGS. .1283 ..1380 , . 966 .. 159 ,. 203 Prlea 14 10 (5 I M 1.76 C 75 I 60 6a I 60 4 40 4 25 4 00 i.:t $5.86 6 IS 4.71 16.50 6.26 4 1.0 4.00 $8 01 $.00 $1 00 6.611 4 00 410 Price. $419 $8.00 6.00 Price. $6.00 $3 15 8.25 2.00 $1.00 700 Fancy steers Choice steers ... Common steer . reoder steers Speyed heifers Fancy hei f ers ...... Fancy cows . . i'i uinai v wna Medium light calves Heavy cavies Ordlnarv bulls Common bulls . . 1 . . . 1 ...... 6.76 .60 6.10 4.75 $.00 6.75 I .... 6.9098.00 .... 6.28 6.35 ... . 7.60 4.60W6.00 4.J)04.25 CANBY HENS SOLVE COST OF LIVING Sheep Situation Xs Oood. The situation in tha aharn trada' at North Portland Is an extremely good one.- There waa a run of 2,017 head fori (nperlal to Tha Journal.) Canby, Or.. April 6. Ther have been shlpjjed from Canby in the past few weeks as high as 4000 dozen egg a dav and 4 never less than 1000 dozen. That ' the hen of this locality see their 4 "duty and do it la well proven by these figures, and also sneaks 4 volume for the prosperity of 4 the owners of the aforesaid hena. A ,3 Cattle Decrease Shown East Th commercial movementof live-1 western markets . - A' stock In February, 1912, at the seven ruary, 1912, when compared , with the Total aaJea 4.9.760 aharca." 139 80 46 67 9n tu 113 S8 113 81 124 ,2. 35 163 111 114 3 16 173 m 63 83 .76 inn 19V. 28 158 139 31 45 67 20 125 84 125. 108 36 163 23 28 33 115 64 principal Interior markets, namely. Chi cago, Kansas City, Omaha," St Louis, St Joseph,' St Paul and Sioux Cltv as reported to the bureau of statistics of the department of commerce and labor, show a steady increase as com pared with the receipts during' the same month of the two preceding years.1. The total receipts in .February, 1912, were S. 81 5,898 head; a - gain of over 20- per cent when compared with 3,159,118 head received in February, 1911, and over &8 per cent - when compared with 2,763,204 -.head . received- in February, 1310. The receipts In February, 1W12. were less than , the preceding : month but greater than In December. 1 fli 1. i These livestock receipts included vatti. hutbi, hvb'i ohcjj, nuiaea bdq oluies. The receipts of. cattle at -these mar. kets have steadily declined from month to month since October.! 191L Those for February, 1912, 637,381 head, were the smallest February receiDt. nn 1902V. KJacn or tne seven principal mar kets reported a decrease In catUa re. ceipts in February, as compared with the same month of tha preceding year ' the decrease being most marked In. Kansas City, wher it was 20 per cent. . . - - Tba receipts of hogs ahow a steady Increase during tha past six months, exceot that tha number of head of hogs received in January was slightly greater tnan in reomnry, in. ina hog receipts during;' that month, 2,205,- 09a hanit wara tha .lfl.rffeat TTahrunrv ceipts in the. paat decade except in Feb ruary, io, wnen tne numoer was I, 211.637 head. An Increase In hoar re ceipts In February, 1912, aa compared with 1911, Is reported at each of the seven principal markets. . At 8loux City thesa receipts were mor than double, while at Omaha the increase was 76 rr cent, st St Paul 81 par cent and at Chi cago zs per, -cent. t im aneep receirea ax th. principal -''""' IV1":" lur ln six preceding months, but . the number, . 960.S87 head, was nevertheless greater than in any February during the past 10 years. Com- month In 1911, the returns show An In crease In th receipts of sheep at each yen market", this in St. Paul 25 per cent In Chicago, and 21 per cent In Omaha. ' - A much greater number of horses and mules was received atrthe principal mar- kStBuln,?ebrUftr''- 1912. than during any of the J 2 preceding months. This num ber. 61.610 head waa tha xu ruary shipment received at these mar- aunna tne cast iiaeada Tfc. in. withiVr i ruary s1912- S comparod en markets, Omaha and Sioux CiO HinnA ronnrt 1 n tr , n m 1 - M .rviit4 a uovi trauc. 1 XI f in-h ' cress was greatest In fit Louis, namaJ iy 11 per cent - . V The number of loaded itvaafnni, . ' received at tha aeven markets in Feb ruary, 1912, was 60,947, compared with 66.434 in 1911.- and 4 9. 804 li TitloT Thli waa the . trreateat number In any Feb. ruary during the- paat it years. 4 J.C.WILS0N&CO. V ' nXWCBTHM : ''''" ''""' nrzyr Tom cottow ezchitoi CK1CAOO SOUO OP TSAD1I. - MB BTOOJT AH OOKD tXCaAaTO". AV Bt22, ..0'fi TaaeotiTOS, aaattla, icmTi.ain oinrtii - BOOtn tunbwnni Ink nrtStaa. nwn... MsrsbaU tlgfl, A-iMJ: i 4