The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 07, 1912, Page 55, Image 55

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A3 Movement! of Interest to
the South Will Be Discussed
at Nashville Meeting; No
(able Speakers Listed
Issues Cal to Farmers to Vote
OnJy for Carufcdates Favor
ing Their Plan.
1 l as Uw im aw tn i, t
" ieau.a Is. Afd TV
sVewlSare m m aj wih la .
timitl ua IM Wat f.r
aa, W1U paaa la I We -4 nM
lias a a . . ml ewff U4 f
H aa la ill t fr it rri
aaal As r . A.ll I te
la. ra- it r ia
era 4:lr, ! fc4 . I
t ma la 44 l' la aa
ka ktg lawad Um 4-l s-f
Ike ala aad alia aexA ., J f ra.
v.atloa Ibetr aat a e eaiefaeA as-4
If I t few); ci-4 11:1 Ibi
rear tka MiuiwiM an a tiat
af as w lia: tb lii af
ary amiaxt a
aa sir4 Haiae rwealng U tt J
la laweeaeaa 4 a (H'Ui Ink
' rta t be Hitiii) tbal will vitally
(tM every ana, weasa y4 cAuld
Ww la at e4 Ilaa lib aad la
liwal t faw af laaa ebave
Taa ass wb wtil lead tba 4ell
taa aUfferaet ,tia thai feae lb
aoatbara feraae. snafcbaal e4 Jr
. noaaeUlet i4 lacJee aWaator Jph .
, ItalWf ef Tea, irna H W. (W
f Timan Maartoa r. Keen, failed
Slate kOalai- l Icmrk. Iies4
Laibla. 4ale ( Ih tailed lata U
U lalameUoevei laailiala ef Afnrall-
re But Italy, Rrrauu Jobs
at OcnaU. ef Katia i srtklto. a ad IU-
Mr rVaaala U. Nwlada, af Mavaoa.
a I a mmf kaada af aavlharw a4aca
ttaajaj yraiaata a&4 a Uf iwWr f
Iaa4fa Marcaaala
v 1 a4dlUa ta ILm Walarwars aorfr
uia m kL-k tl taLJ - - a A ..ri I
a a. .. I ! J u la I hi btuir. Wa bar n
Oa.a Clp, Of 4 A !!
la ia4a.aa la ia aif Hr
aal:li r t'alla4
a4 aaaa , fa la
wta U Mitf aal ! t r ilka
-x aa4 l4 Ucctva naaliian al
la UI fta
tt I aMUfM l-l If III fwa-
aa laa arfaata af aarl Uy
a "! ( fa aala t a4
.in.-a f I k alraatr
4aa li a :i i'd IkRoMM Ika a'a.
ia f a (: ai U al a
im f c(ia T?- ri'il la
l C n a.a af tvfa (ll
lw aal a.), A 4 Um t lta4
h.i, . I. tu af Allay a4 r. at.
Uilt it riJa li m
T ixi i a4iaair aa afaavta4
f- I Wk iul r ILa aaa
aia a&4 karatoaaia' aaalallaaa la
! aajp Jw)kUia far laa am a af
' aJl4 Mial aaaiar m r4MU0M
ta ka favata aaaal (.
AM ka aata aaa afliraala ta a
fn t ikl tn4m rfa"a hav
larurrarf laa abaall af Ik aaova telar
aia aa4 II la aw avt4aal laal a a.l4
aa4 avorla4 affan la aia aa4a la
4fal ita at la 10II a4
M?tf Ik aaaalballas af ansa ha aa
la ttUt alia) IKa laifata aa4 ara
HJ la yttmi y- Ttk aawal laa.
lira aa taaorl4 la IKt aa raaal
aauaa. IK anlar la larav 4ual la taa
1 ( lb volar a4 cavar ay lb
raaJ taaaa. Wvl Ihalr aaala kaaa la laal
a traal aaa faraxra artll flaa a
raaalar far Cha pmtj aiaeUa, wfclcA
mmi4 AptU II
Wi 4ai la tba farroara af Orafaa.
kad all a(ara bo hmr pasoala pK
la rf.1 bfa ta aooba ara rlo4
aa April I. at a. av. tbaa f f lb
peila aa Aanl II 4 ct far aarcala
poat tr oilnf far m ba artll rapra-
dallona and aipraaa eompanlaa.
"Th raftdldaiaa ara aalaelad at lha
primary lacilea. and If too allow tha
a I l"UiU and rafrrattdam aa rt
ih. a. , . , I r prailta la lhaa Iraportant Uaura.
kin ... . ,i I ad fcol In marc ban La aa
a-rsiaa raJ aauta, f or aa I rr. frvlt stow.
inc. P1UT rotate. eouparaUv market.
n. 7k ... .u. othr f.Ilew ta miki lb altlo roa
.TT ,.,., r " ,1 " " ! T t tb .mhr .taction and h
VTMAM A lk. .. k. I . - LI.L ,11 ' "
w " . - w aui JOIL
tvZtZrtZt -.!T ,m ' "r"'"" -If w lak advanlav or thl op.
ootarla of aouiharo dJata. mkal .. . t" .
larta4 taOar to drop off tkaWocoaatn, -Bd our ,rDTcl.Uoll -7 ih.
;iit. i r .? . " " worn alraady doo for tWa eauaa. It will
u w iuii BHinnri luo wiu iiik. m Inn . k. . AK .
at aaaaton
ncl- tbla p-
and Ibo lolrata auceaad ta
thalr caadldata. It will b
rt . -. uihi Hint wivif inviflvr mwivr wr
""""w o. nr. iioonar. ar RDtAteA l ......... n. .a... w .
" w.rwu kua uiihiim on ainnniv n .hui. .
. . , . ..iHVHnw k"U ivi t.i uvpk
1. ,w aulogir -aim ra U ln un to wait.
" -ocaaon. uia Hickory." Many of ua will ba daad bafora that
in wnoa Honor, NaahTllla hi birth- nm. ir.... iii.wi minirv n tk.
aoiaciao aa ma convention floba. aava th V. 8. A-. haa a tnri
. I BikToala boat. Karmara. da vour dutv.
uv uat t apaaxani. u ttanator Jaanb bar lhi lha mil la a nurd
xiauiar. OI-Taxaa who vtii I narcala noaL
a mrtimi on -Taa Mlaalaalnnl V.n..
AV Ta . w . -ww w'-r j ,
, AILaT lamaM VWA JaOvava la. . -MM
W.urlt. r. lean. TJnUed BUIa BO"B of Apr!l th P- frmar.
. tar to DoaWfcwill nui. th,r Journ.y at tha auditorium.!
4.i.. . S " I whera prealdlDf Officer Walter H. Pace
: W-i KK.trS 4 tAjk parcela poat Uw at the pr.
.?i,i.?bb'. t0dr " " "m"4 th' of oor.raa. but If w D.,l
wui win araw ma tarf porturiltr a
oat attendance of any ooaveoiloa of re- norolaatina
cont jroln U,. jouth. lao.n. i.n.J
I -a rw ,a irtv y a tr "1
ynvl r cncATOft or
r . ' . K W U aVarVlA l . a aw- W- "V -V AT e" jcTJ f. W aaaw V fAT'Ctll
j"aA u fr ..: T y -v-iatj " A - vyx t '.r ' iyv
urn s '''
I . III ' m f AV " "W 7 1 Ua
I I 1. i r ' i-v aJ ' rrr I ia
a i mi m r I n I x v x w a
I B ri i i t m w rm x I am u mT . .n a I
I ML' I I . n .III IT - xt
I IV I I T VI 'fi l v Ta4
to I I' VYr J ill
h"f f,Sy . V, ! I . f .n i. .itt. K.!l ntharad at
i ii C k. JPM liwo inonea 01 apaca uaii way uwwb
7 "a ... .hmtMara. and thara III ' I 1 RI J f A I N I f r W .S
ta lie Viaiai ImU' ai la
bt I a ia. 1 1 M - ,
uw.e U4 As. al 4 0 aaiia aj
Mid Ma-w a.i .
wa II e I tffM al wul
$ ha Iava 4 it- l v-vl.
ii4 im aVlal tu la . a
If lta aa) m,fi 4 m a iMiitti
la Aa af l ee li'.
aa -4
i via aa I , b mi 4 .AiiiaM
Tv aaaA Mlir! l
awaa4aa4 aif af - li4
ana ui mm io a a
ia. ktl lu Mr a air aeirtaa
avl IA ka. If M Of r
aL laa oaab.Aa eUabl aa otiaac V
4 of l U4 04 al
na U bi.(a ' .
of the Knapp memorial eserclaea will h"rt"wb' '"to compelUnB" demand for
bo a parade of farm boye on the after- Uetltlon ,lirouKh yrly conrontlon
mmm i " apiiiiiKinn. i i mo praaeni mealing
lha orators and delegatea will take up
ind dlacuaa tha policy of that body In
leaning for an expenditure of 161,000,000
Ion the natlon'a waterways for the next
10 year, or to o place a bond Issue
that all worthy waterway projects may
be purchased at one time thus placing
the burdn of the development on pos
terity. A vote will be taken on these
two contemplated methods of bettering
the nation's waterways and th recom
mendatluns of the majority will be made
known to the officer of tha national
at, Tbla Tr Book Oommemo ta Katner rivers and harbors oonferenoe.
..... th
Jfew Komm Tratmnt
Manly- vor aad tb ' Madiral Prof.uloa
thl Wtmdroo Mw Method of KamoV.
ut Wrinkle, Wbloh Hm for Ar
, Bafflai tbLdinj Erpm of
o Creams, o Plasters, Vo Massage,
Ho BoUers. Ko Medlcln. HothUa- to
Xajooe Vndsr Skin Absolutely Hew
Treatment vrrer Before Offered by
v Otaara la America.
a . .v.-''
I ' laakf",
1 l
- . Kaw WrtaU Treatment ACakes Old
' . Paoas Young.
Did yoo ee i Japanese oman with
wrinkle. Irreauecttve of aac. Thn .....
. they acblefe and maintain a amootb fnce, fr
. j wraikiM. rut u e nrsi time in Amerlf-a.
tb Pilnceaa Toklo treatment Is U-tnit mud.
k. na It a I reTrlatJon. Narfr -f..i.
bae Cbrlatlan women been able to anlre tlia
, aeerets of tbeM oriental beautfpa, whose fat-n
aim hibm u mi iii marvel tfirougn agea
rut ' ! be traure-trqr baa been vrn'.
. ..... locked and there la aet ttnrm i i
Jadrt who writ lmmedlatelr, the full knowl-
Tb Prineea Tokio Booklet 'of Beauty 1 a
meaata run or sisterly ffellng and nnpaihr
; -for tb Amerieaa ladies. It telle, without be.
. , au urn u rnaees toaio aew treat
t tor rrmorlnr wrinkle without harmful
., vrMH. psataa. ktioa. r Blaster, or BMcbani
cal appllanrea.
' " r matron, wonld too like to look
Ilk a girl as-tT If yna are fifty yeara of ace,
would yoawtb to look Ilk a splendid youi.e
t otns of . twenty-flrat u jou ar fortr,
-...'would yea lf t look like a girl Jl out of
taeaaT Tbea to yoa tbla book will b of
Lgr aJ.
" Na money wJH neepted for tb Prine
rla BookM abent wrinkle. It will b clfra
' rn mtB. sealed Brirstaly, by an wbo be
1tT that there baa dawned th neat splradld
Aay fne Aaiartcaa wonea of. alb age aa to
areaaty. U Is a aaeMag of tb BxMt bearty
lewd rhear, sod a anllk anytbtng vrtaerlcaB. it
treat ta It suits eon tan 'a. All jm seed
o t ak far a FR rtrj. sddrewetse Prises as
Intt. fait 1JS4, reatral Bask bnlldlag, Dca-
e. tl-sasv. C. g. a. . -
it t'i aww rewjoea wrtaka ay aatlrcly
asrsr trmusaat la aaiy aigbt dayaa - , i
Two young girls who had been aold
lnU slavery to the Chinese and were
forced to receive the attentions of the
Celestials, were tills morning rescued
when Kergeant Klenlen, and Tatrolmen
Nllen and Hutching raided a rooming
house at 147H Second street. They ar
rested the two girls. Ruby Booth and
Etta Shields, and Jack Doyle and Harry
Kelley, the two men who have held
them In captivity.
The arrest of Kelley was sensational.
It followed a long chase by Patrolman
Nllea, who fired one shot after the man
as he fled from Second and Alder' to
Fourth and Washington streets. In the
arrest of Kelley, It Is believed that the
local police have arrested a man who
shot and possibly fatally wounded a
Siattle .patrolman some time ago, Etta
Shields, when brought to police head
quarters declared that Kelley, who had
her ia bondage, had boasted of having
nhot "a cop In Seattle." Chief of Po
lice Slover has communicated with the
chief of police at Seattle to determine
whether or not the girl's statement Is
In the arrest of Kelley who broke
away from Patrolman Nlles in the room
ing- house, Nlles displayed herolo grit,
for In pursuing Kelley from the room
ing house, Niles slipped on a stair, and
wrenched his ankle so badly that after
reaohlng the police station it was found
necessary to call a physician. Nlles was
later sent to his homo "In the noli o
amr;uiane. . :
The girls this morning broke down
and confessed that they had been giving
the two men under arrest, most of their
earnings. -
This morning, In the Municipal court
a continuance was asked until Monday.
in tne meantime an investigation will
be made to determine whether or not
the two men are guilty of white alaverr
under the government Iawa
. - .. r
80 Guard County Border. . '
iCnlted free Laaaed Wtr.l
San Diego, Gal,, April Elghtr av
uty constables, wet ,and tlted. 4bal de
termined to remain on guard against
th threatened Invasion of th X. W. W.'e
from the north, ara MtroUlnar tha nnrth
border of Kan Diego county today.. Tba'
first atjuad was reinforced by 41 mora
men last night, and all expect' to re
main at th county line" until the In
vadlnf hordes hav been turned back. ,
simple lingerie frock.
atira dalrvin mvmt- -r tn i wnr presiding urncer waiter H. Page I
h..4fnr. Ji'?. f Dnmrk and other promlnant men win addre.s The new Mason's Interpretation of
t An latVeati;; ,.r;.:"en,rv "" on the llf. and fachtngs
'-rantion wH11,--,kV l"? .outherner. honor of nr 7.."",Cr Waterways to 8 Slsoassed.
Knapp, whose educational efforts amon Tn dHberatlon of the waterways
,th farmers did much to bring the south enrnr wl D '"'gely supplemen
,ot of the financial ami Inrtti.trt.i I lary to the national rivers and harbors
f ante-bellum days. Th first feature ccnTC". "hlcb haa lifted tha subject of
EXPECT yon ar all a llttl disap
pointed that nothing alarmingly new
has transpired to Justify all the se
crecy and veiled prophecies that kept
you on the qui -vlv before tha sea
on opened.
But wait! Some few fashion features
ara made In a day a favorite actress1
springs a new slashed skirt or a proml
nent society woman who likes to sea
herself In print appears at some func
tion wltb a oluster of beets as a cor
sage ornament, and the Indiscreet
slashed skirt, suitable enough for th
stage, and th corsage bouquet of veg
etables ar heralded as "the latest
whim of La Mode." But these ar not
the sort of- things we call "modes,"
about which so much secrecy Is pre'
served during the period that presages
a new season. They are mere details
quite outside the creator's province of
turning the trend of skirts or sleeves
or bodices In a different direction.
Any one can Introduce a feature and
start It as well on Its way to popularity
In a single day or night but the vital
points that Is altogether different.
In the winter the question upon
which th great designers ar working
and about which they were so secret
waa that of crinolines. I am sure you
all expected to find all the new models
built over hoop skirts, th bodices hav
ing; tiny, warped waists, and every
thing flounced and puffed and bef rilled
to the limit of Its possibilities. Hence;
when the new models turned out to be
not so extremely exaggerated you were
disappointed, although, of course, you
all declared with every hint of such a
fashion coming In that you, at least,
would never, never, no, never In the
wide world, wear A hoop skirt or a
bunchy pannier, ' or, perhaps, not even
a very full skirt Again 'I say, "Walt"
Iook back over the years and you
will ' find that changes In modes have
not been revolutionary, but have come
by easy stages' with periods of tran
sition between. So, now, fashions are
In a transitory state. But crinolines
are on the way.
The model I have had sketched for
you this week would appear strongly
to belle the statement Just made were
It not that, at the back, which does
not show In the sketch, there la a sec-
t Is gathered again Into a four-Inch
apace, and from there tha fullneee Is
allowed to fall fraaly. Increasing the
volume at th back, bat not perceptibly
In front This featur 1 entirely orig
inal. It will be noticed, also, that th
gather around th top ar grouped at
tha side, giving a trifling but lg
Dlflcant promlneno to th hi pa.
Th gown lUalf rprsnts th nrw
lingerie drees styhr and shew how mis
leading I th affected lellUV r
the ett-ovor rabroldry all of It la so
pronounced a pattern, ha th appear
ance of anything but simplicity If sim
plicity Is taken te mean plainness. This
mbroldery le a reemblneUon af Eng
lish avalat Trench stitches and "Bur-
tlngame." which Is the latest t aahlonabl
eras TO ieve oeuig ssi ia
ith tha blouse, the pattern is not
lnterruntad at tha shoulders, and thr
ar two or thr tncks that add to tb
ffectlveneea. Th narrow stock is or
plain net and th belt of plain mar-
J find marquisette ana tne venous
similar weaves not undesiraoi iudsu
tutes for the finer materials If only It
1. fn- lha nki of nOVCUV. DUI O.UU
aa well as these all-over effects, 1 like
tha plain and small figured weaves
made ut with bandings of lace and em
brolderv. and fob all models In which
colored silk Is to play a part I prefer
to use the finest of the weaves, though
for no exDlalnable reason beyond a
nersonal Idea of the fitness of things.
A feature that we ar trying; out here
now has to do with plain marquisette,
or, In this instance, It Is a very fine
vdlle. The skirt Is mounted at the top
with the gathers spread out rather
more across the side and back than In
the model of th sketch, but still leav
ing th front plain. Than, half way
down its length, there Is a succession of
tucks, bandings and ruffling, but all
arranged so that a straight effect Is
First come thr rows of fin tucks,
one touching th other, then a banding
of English eyelet, don on linen, la
added, th edges on ' both aides being
scalloped and the lower one applied
over a full ruffling of Carman Valen
ciennes three inches wide. This se
quence Is repeated till, at the bottom,
the lace ruffling forms Uie root trim
Tne Blouse zs original.
The blouse of It la most original Its
short, uniform width sleeves ar x-
tended at the top clear to the neck, cov
ering the shoulders, back and front
and are of the . voile, - closely tucked,
while drawn up to this Is the blouse
proper of linen all-over, embodying the
pattern of the bands on the skirt, edged
all around with a narrow, closely gath
ered frill of the German Valenciennes.
At the neok the linen Is cut down V
shape and the space taken , up by a
tucker of plain linen. In this case, the
belt Is of soft, fine linen, embroidered
and tucked, finishing with a couple of
sash snds nine Inches wide falling from
the center-back, these, too, being decor
ated with embroidery.
Then I must give you another sug
gestion, but bear In mind that the model
I am about to define is distinctly , de
signed for the slender figure, f or ven
more than draperies are these consplcu-
umraer tiagerle ket uiS ni
e firJdti eaaeble f pradeelag
bouffant effeota
Wall, the, with yeer proeate le aa
laereuoa la edopueg lata modal
will explain !L Thar ta. first e uf
reta eku-t eDep4 about the foot,
the ecallope b-ovnd with the earn.
Above thl Is a fitted nenc, am
Inebee dep. lie edge 11 k wis raj
lopad aad bound and applied parfartty
flat te tba foeadetloa.
Thaa freta tb ball 1 ana a batiste
ball aklrl. II snlsaae reaching baa los
or tba taffeta fleonee by five Inch
and la gathered very tloaeiy at the
top and also at taterval of three Inch
es ail the way ap from tb hem. This
hem, by the way, la two tarn dp
nd hemstitched.'. The shirring con
tinue to within fear Inchee of the belt
where all the tittle folds aad crtesae
have bean pricked late definite straight
llaea. Then each ef these eblrr ln4
Is held down by a narrow Clony Inaer-
Uea with aa la-wV Mil ef the eaaae
eg lie lr sda Tb-a a4e
abtrrwa. la, at lb ea4a' a4
rwtee vaw. etggaaUag a lae
aura aiaailarly t-xag fl4 by laa laa
laasnisa aad rruitag Teas givee a
WaaaUa eff. e'M tee- aad
veal af a broidery.
If It fraea lb la daaartptlea I
a far lacking aeertpu
ate irt lr to lae tl
It haa Ike aanaarfc ef eeleej
tpl1rtty baraaa tlaa are a aaraf Ly
BkeJataJBed deefrlie lha latarrweOeaa ef
aA4laga, rufflare, 4 gathertag
trie a
Hat I snuat hurry aa le tail yve ef
Ike aew llngari beta aad the
lhadaa Dal f advlatag as aa ecme.
aaaimaal le airy loehlag froeka Horn
da tba eaae ta the lUaslrallea appeal
te yeajf
Th hat I a avonairea affair with
a aseead-ebapad erowa aad a brim very
slightly eoacave aad aoenparaiiraly
narrow acreee the freat bet flared
broadly everywhere e!a The erawa
la ef bUch valval aad Ua brlsA taa Id
aad eul a flae Tgrad net
Ivaroretlng lb lop of the eiawa at
th aid front la a long, eiratgfet bw
of black vlvt ribbon, three laches)
wM. from ahli-h a alngl long stream
er amevgea to ba atratcbed taut a arose
lo the edge of the hem, then aleag LAa
under side of It for two or three
Inch till It le caught aad held by a
filed looking ornament eompoead of a
roe surrounded by Its leaves. After
that It la drawn along under Ihe ehln
to fall ever the shoulder, ostensibly
i -?"vrw'
v TK . Apt) A 4ltl
VaUaT rHa M a lal kaey at
naiai. U I. aaioag if U nu
kajd ef e4eslbaw aae4 "prwelA aae
vrate atiilve We e4 I aaae
a aevevgassey
a. I bat til raiaaCe aegte
ke a IV etftkiJk tAe fvbibt e4l
ta nekiag. Tb gtrle ef ta
aa I a a r.ig U- Xabat . ef
VmmMy aa4 tha faiaae ;( le
ef IA labal ML44 l
JTr esaaaplaa ta) tk paaae la a rum
t fwrue a ba ealiee ere
a baa lag ta easaaaia ta WumI Ma
li, a0. ha4 have wa a ear
Tba riawaklag taiaaf bMti te rhe
a4 !.' e4 aaaaae ta tblak last Ih
frtaee f , far tl aavtag
pKh4 lb wreag eaeht ekaSld fee
m4 paiUAbiy. "Ob, etefT er u.
fedgar ar "Mr graaiauar
A wrefAlag I rata eleartag away a
erreofc la lb heart ef I'ortlaad was tha
HBuaual ajwrtaola thai altrertad a b
areae te la ouuri i-eiiie treca m
Caat flret etrrel. eatweaw Kat faalmoa
aad Case Taylor, early tale aftvreoo.
A fratght train, aerthbound aad r-
reedtag slowly, etruck a plere ef anft
ratk and lb tails praavd. daralllng i
a. Taa lacomatlva laadar and ftnt
car gal aoroa all right but lee oil
taakar. taree refrtgreier oars aad a
flat loaded with plllag weal off Ih
rail, bat did net tpeet. hie en was
lay red.
Th wrecking Irala will have tie
track tlaa red before I o'clock toolght.
CWe Itaaaod for PortJaad.
Ilewiil as Tba lBrsLI
Baa FYanclace. April 4. farge'it
Itretbera, who are planning a magntfi
eaait cafe on ihe old site ef th A lean
thaatra, announce that they will aH i
aetabiish aa fating palace In Pbrtlsn.l
Both Jama and Nloholaa hnrgent m
wall known la the Oregon metropolis
Have yoo read the
er-aalng opportunity on
Hon I?
t plane pni
peg I,
Now Is
the Time! This Is the Place!
Crown and Bridge Specialists
Examination and Estimate of
Work Cheerfully Given Free.
Good Plates v S5.00
Porcelain Crowns S5.00
Gold Fillings $1.00
22-K Gold Crowns. S5.00
e2-K Gold Bridge $3.50
Silver Fillings 50f
Lady Attendant. All work warranted 15 years.
We Are Always Busy Because
Our success is due to the fact that we do the
very best work at very lowest prices.
ivGNiNcs Electro Dentists
V Vrli X Ast W.a. iSa
In tk Two Btory Bnlldlng.
xl a xvaTuxnxo, zt x.
Relief in Five Minutes Awaits
Every Man or Woman Who
, Suffers From Bad Stomach.
Nothing will remain undigested or
soar on your-stomach If you will take
a littl Dlapepatn occasionally.. This
perwerful digestive and antacid, though
as harmless and pleasant as candy, will
dlg-eat and prepare for assimilation Into
tha. blood ail the food you can eat
Eat what yrfuf stomach craves, with
out tb slightest fear of Indigestion or
that - too. wiU be bothered with - dour
risings, Belching. Gas oa - Btomacn,
Heartburn. Heedaehee ' front atomack.
Nauee., Bad .Breath, Water Brash or
a feeling like yon bad swaUowed a lump
of lead, or other rtlsagreeable -miseries.-)
Should you be pulfexinf now from any
stomach disorder' you can get relief
within five minutes,...
If you will get from your p harms
cist a E0 cent case of Pape's Dlapepsin
you could always go to Uie table with
a hearty appetite, and your meals would
taste good, because you would know
there would be no Indigestion or Sleep
less nights - or headache or. stom
acb misery all the next day; and, be
sides, you would' not need laxatives or
nver puis to koep-youc ftomaoa ana
bowels dean and fresh. ' .
. Pape's Dlapepsin can be obtained from
your druggist and contains more than
sufficient te thoroughly cure the worst
ease of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. There
la nothing; better for Gas on the Stom
ach or sour odors from the etomach or
to cure a' Stomach Headache.' : :
-Too couldn't keep a handler er. more
useful article In the bouse, .
The public is '
cordially invited
to attend
demonstrations of
accuracy and '
v v: ,. speed in -
typewriting "
: ? e
frfven by
- - , n S.nJ ,
1 1 s -M
'v )ft. . r JP ?
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The World's Chamslon 'Typist and
Holder of the' 11,000.00 International
Trophy, now on exhibition at our office.
' will be between
the hours of
12 and 1 o'clock
on Monday
April 8 and 9.
68 S ton Street,