TICK OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY UORNINQ. AVML T. Hit. ! 41 la gaara .tig IU SUM Cf HI! MIDDIES IS ARRANGED Pacific U. Conservatory Graduates 5 artaaaav , a ' a. ! a mm -4 iai 1W iatiara" aiia Nmi Halaaaa lt4 la a i4 a4 Kuli Waria. ul btta Mart tktl. aai 9f I " -4 U aufl TUek la lUlaA t tf !! 4-a a4 as Pa a af ia. sa. 4t, Ar'U 4"a b ia4ei a t. git 4at4 f Ver4rr l Ik . br t TMaag BMaraJag Mrr far la aaal -akvar tia l aa i) gtaa t 4 - W --"'in , Til llA VifXH. calaratura a.rafa. - I 1 J t 1 HI I VI -e ' - v M I "I u i Hr J t- ft! KAtm.tr. UWUIHtLr t'tfCK. calaratur a.rar-a. ra tar k-ata uu ''a y f It aaaeii.e In taH e4 ff a I in io 1 - A , . - . - . 1 ' . . f Ik.' a iaa p fcnv bi f UTfcfl!le ls fale rOTif4at r HHHU Mfv Ike ee4 of lilt Batk bar aaaar Trleeo La rwMlaa4 will ha erinllr t lh rull f Mr warn a a etadla ni. for eae t PUaslag a toucan, la all prbb4Ulr I la Hal II g Mm ftelrkee U a rrt lead ctrl and prot la bee 4aparlur for Pasta, we af tb favwnt -Jif flay (a Kur wel awe ealta4 ur Of e4x, eld Ml. IleJcher pa blag af bar ecoomplihmet abroad. "Mil 1 hee bad ry tltUa liaia let real a4 rwcreauo. Hut aa muai Tt tbara far II la laa proa ran laal all t4al foUaar, alcftra. aauatciana. arttala; lay aln. inr Plr a4) Ifear ala I coaUauallT. and ana thiol af tkoxhlaaj bl aiudjr. "I vaa fortuaal In ! la bavin, appoetuattF to aludjr with atarh maaura a Jaan I Raaaaa. Alrrd hahrvaa aad Camilla PaOtuaa, aa4 bad Ih plaaaura of alaslBa- for Kdward ba Koaaaa, vao, aherUr aofora tmj depart or a, euni to art la aaaUt bi brother UaehlBg. D Crauaa la tha for moat rapalliaur ia I' aria, wall keowa to Amarlra bacauaa el bla tar loara wlla Earn Caira. Wall. H kp( ma buajr prvnartna; flva laaaon vack. a4 la addltloa to that I wn aalotat al th A mark-an church la Pari .from July 1 to December I. Toward Da Kaaike la a wonderfal caaav It waa reported laat aumraer thai him death had occurred at Wareaa. but tte waa only IU aad la now eery much better. He la the younsvr of the 4we bralbera, but Ma pereenalltr U antlra ly uallke that of bla brother. "By my leacbara aad rritlea bafor whom I aaav a New Tork city and Chtrato, I have bean advlard to fo Into , frraad opera, eepeolally bcauae there are few eopraaoa who bare patience to , perfect thamaelvaa in coloratura work. ' . I bar brought with ma eorae of tbe moat modera mualo from Parle, and at my eowoert Intend to alng a group of theaa aonca. particularly by Debuaey. I " think Ibey will be appreciated, though one muat beoome familiar with them to . '.got U0 benefit of their full baauty.' Ea rout to Portland. Mr a. Belchtr ppaavred In concert at Great Palla, . Moot. Tb crltlca apoke of bar work In the big heat terma, on of tbam aay-lng-: r "There are many klnde and degraea of alngera. but only occaelonauy In tha oourae of a lifetime, doea one hare the ' privilege of llatenlng to a olce of rare aenauoua charm, flexible to the laet de gree and ao placed and aupported by the breath that It project Itaelf away from , th alnger In a manner to flu the larg. at auditorium with pulaatlng tone. 8ucb vole la the rare poaaeealon of Mr. Belcher and alnce there la a fine per sonality and honeet artlatlo conviction . ' back of it one can aafely predict a fu . ture In tha realm of grand opera In which admiring thouaanda will gladly . lay tribute to a perfect art and a God given voice." w Th name of Blast ia known the world . over, and la Inseparably linked with ."Carmen," hie beat known and moat pop . nlar opera. Every mualo lover who baa heard and been etlrred by the "Torea- ' dor Bong" will be lntereated to learn .. that tha Portland Symphony orcheatra . will produce tha orchestral suite "L'Ar- lieaienne" from the pen or the same 'composer at the final symphony concert !of th season next Sunday afternoon at th Helllg theatre. The mualo has .outlived the play It was written for, - as In the case of Schubert's Incidental music to "Rosamunde," and is one of tha most popular and melodious suites Mn orchestral literature. Mr. Chrlaten en la very painstaking at the rehearaajs with tb symphony orchestra, and pre t diets a concert worthy In every way of 'jthe high standard which has been at tained by the hearty cooperation and . etrenuou rehearsing by the members. San Francisco raised a guaranty fund of .$30,000 for their symphony orchestra, '-this season, but the concerts were so well patronized that they proved to be elf supporting, and the fund waa not touched. What San Francisco has done, .Portland can do In a proportionate meas ure, and unless material assistance is .given the orchestra here, the concerts iWlll probably not be continued next year. Following is the program for next Sunday's concert: Bymphonie "Pathetique" . .Tschaikowsky Suite 'L'Arllesenne" Bizet .Spring Song Mendelssohn JMInuefc (for string orchestra) v ' Boccherini. "To a Wild Rose" ...,....,, MacDowell 'Jubcl Overture , Weber WW r Mrs. Elfrlda Heller-Welnstein, ao :prano, has decided to go to Europe to !nier grand opera. With Mr. Weln stein sbe will leave here the latter part or ini montn after giving a concert ac 9 ZTt---, afrm. Elfrlda HeUar-Wolnetotn. faor- It Portland aoprano, who will ! for Europ this month. ?the MultnomalL hotel, at which the as- MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC .EMMA B. CARROLL SCHOOL OF MUSIC ' Residence Studio 697 Flanders St. iTheory, Harmony, Sight I - --Reading and Piano ueginners taKen. Pupils prepared for concert play nils ing. etc ADOLFO JIMENEZ Ztallaa School of Bel Caxlto tmrozo ei4 zzlebs mum. Ttk and Aider Sts. Resldenca Phones: Main 104, A-7353 i J MAE GOVE . , HELEN TREW y ? PBA3CATIO Htnyil TUCBZ1I OF OKaVTDBT V C9 Klara Bldg. . SCala 39S3 laUag art let will be tin. Ova r laa Dlerfea. pldnlaL Mrs. Roee Bloch-Bauer, nnder whom Mrs Walnattln baa studied lace she came la Portland a few year eg, will b tha acoompaalat. Mr a. Welnsteln'a daclalon le go to Europe at one waa In raepewiee loncouragamaot from Mm. Schumann-llelnk, tha famoua contralto, who recently aang la roncart at tha 11111 theatre. The cantratrice beard Mrs. Welnateln alag tha afternoon after tha concert and without prelim inary questioning told her to be In Bey ruth tba oorolng autnmer for an Intro duction to Rig fried Wagner and a num ber of Impraearioe who Will b there. "llj, child." cried the contralto "what are you doing In Portland T Tou must go to Europe at one. I want you to meet blgfrled." 81gfrled whor I aaked." said Mr. Welnstein In recalling the Inetdenl Why. Big-fried Wagner,' came tha res pone. We will go prepared to remain four. or five yeara In Europe," continued Mr Welnstein, "and I don't know our plana for the future. We will meet Mm a. Schumann-Heink at Beyruth." AnotherPortland girl and favorite alnger who has returned from studies abroad Is Miss Vivian Marshall, daugh tar Of Mr. and Mre. I. A. Marshall, 6C8 Multnomah atreet. Miss Marshall studied under Arthur Phillips In Lon don and Paris, and under Jacques la mardon In Paris. Later she studied in terpi-etatlon under MnfS. Baret In Paris, Mis Marshall la possessor of a sweet voice of large register. She was heard In recital since her return at Kllers recital hall and waa very enthuetaatlcal ly received. ' Miss Marshall spent two yeara in Europe. She Intends to teach in Portland. w Rose City Park social functions are starting Into fresh Ufa after Easter and the aprlng and early summer program promises to be full of Interest. The sea son opens on Wednesday next with the first concert of th recently formed Philharmonic Choral society which Is announced to take place In the Rose City Park church, corner Forty-fifth and Sandy Road at 8 p. m. It la reported every seat is likely to be filled. The feature will be Sterndale Bennett's can tata, "Tha May Queen." The proceeda will be devoted to building the Rose City Park club house. w w A special program of muslo waa ren dered Good Friday , at the Westminster Presbyterian church. The soloists were Mrs. Susie Fennel Pipes, violin; Mrs. Evelyn Hurley Denny, contralto; Stuart McGulre, baritone, and Mra. Paulina Miller Chapman, soprano. This evening the regular monthly or gan recital will ba given at Trinity church, by Lucien E. Becker, organist. A most Interesting program has been prepared. Assisting will be Miss Edith Wells, soprano, and Mra. Delphlne Marx, contralto, and chorus. w w Mrs. Carlis De Witt Joslyn will have charge pt th music for the Easter tea to be ) given at the Patten Home this coming Tuesday. Vocal and Instrumen tal solos and dramatic readings will comprise the program. As a composer and aong writer Mr. Joslyn Is be coming widely known, and some of her compositions will be rendered on this occasion. Miss Zeta Holllster, one of Portland's favorite vocalists, will be one of the soloists at the Patten Home Easter tea, under the direction of Mrs. Carlis Do Witt Joslyn. w Miss Anderson, dramatic reader, and Mla Edlck, pianist, will assist at the muslcale Easter Tuesday at the Patton Home tea, w w Tha regular rehearsal of the Res Mualcal Festival chorus will be held Monday at 7:4 p. m. In the Taylor oireei Methodist church. w Madame Heese-Sprotte. meno-socrano. said to be one of th foremost singers of the country, will be the soloist at the concert given by th Choral society or me Portland social Turnverein, Mon day evening, April 15. As a singer of derm an songs Mm. Heese-Sprotte etanda high In th northwest. She Is intensely artistic. WW a. k. cullen will sing the Bach Gounod "Ave Maria." with violin obllgato at th church of th Madeleine in Irv- ington at this morning's service. The tenth annual aprlng season of grand opera In English under the man aging direction of Milton and Earreot Abora will tbecifl ahortlr and will n. dud seven th moat important mu sical centers of th United State. Tw of th Abora English Opera companies iu.iii Ifca a.Ja' t . ai t i t-ai-a ... -4 it- MtM at li-a i Aa a -1 M la.a I'lMata . 14. a lUll miwihum i i ti aa irtu rj al tl'UM't Uuim is ta-waf. aa lae .al a f agf'a tlu all! W,la a itkila4 a t&a . I fM at lh a Kioi ia.ia i ai.:iaa a ll.Mii. At t i 4 IK fttl oatag Ma4 "J 1 I- u' la nt lkl titiiMlKu t t t!s4 III Wt J-.iat.w- al r4 I ama l JiaMiaw a4 l l lal' iMvig aaakiag 4M tgiu ! rvaaag etmwliaeavwalr a aa iiaa lag la aaiiala -f Mar aa-4 jnaa A mt W la argaaiaaltM mlU mm ax a mmm MfiM af atMl I M ar aaaa. Ula la Ik lgl ajaaiga Mar. AVwa Kara ef ataw fe4 araaablr l alaaie 4 far taarhlag !. Wa4r baa, la la world, ft' laa -raalt f gjad Mra. Tba raaru errataira w aauaia araaaeallr la a.a ' Ihrauaaout IJa af'tag ". wall la artacil inuu will b Krr-4 rtm aa cllr I jMtr a laa nmtii. aad lb pf4u for Ik un af tartar UI a cr-aa ata dtta la lb aeaae ar. res .loir alll larl4 Itircial a 'MaAaaae Bullafflr. "L Boha,- a4 T- T- ca," Vrdre -Aide," "II Tralre" aad ftlgelatu." Offeabarhe Tk Tela f llorrB. TboBBaar "Mlgaea." Maaaaa- el a -Tt.U." meat's 'Varmea," taUal. It's "LucU." Phlellra 1j Ola." tuneds Fauai." agara "Iek. grta." aad llumr-trdlnca t "llaaaal a4 UrauL" w w Eugan XoMltr. narth waatar repre sentative of t Chloag Oread Oper companr arrived In 1'orUend during the waak with tha talantlon of Biaalng ihia ell his future home Mr. Kuaetar coma from New Tork and Cblcg. aad ha bean aogsgad aa Imperaarlo far oumbar of yeara. Haaidae rapraaaatlog tha Chicago Urand Opera eomptur hlch I making arrangement far a via It br frast aaaaon. Mr. Kaaetar rp- rnta Madame Jennie NeralU. the fa moua coloratura aoprano. who for soma years lived In Portland; Dr. Augue! Mil ear. th Iiiah baritone, and a number of otbr artlata. Mr. Kueeur aaya Mad am Norclli returned recently from London, and la now filling ftetlvel datra la tha middle weL II la planning to arrange for a concert In thla city, po- elbly nit month. Ia Uondon, Madame Norelll sang with trrmendoua sucraaa In the Aeolian ball t a eepecjty audi- eoce. w Edith Halne-Kuter. compr-plan 1st, will arrive in Portland In a fw weeks, to locate pertnanantly. Mrs. Halnee-Kueater I wlf of Eugene Kues tar. nortbweatarn repreaanutlv of lbs Chicago Orand Opera company, and la now on a concert tour In the middle waat In addition to compoelrtg and per forming o tha piano, this versatile woman la else a singtr. Although on of the youngest of American oompoaers. Mra. Halnee-Kuester waa choaen aa one of the repreaentatlve woman writers. In conjunction with Mrs. II. IL A. Beach and Mary Turner Salter, to have her compositions performed at the New Tork Muslo Teachers' convention, held laat summer at Syracuse. w w Pupils of Mrs. Julia C Kuter, assisted by Miss Florence E. Caton, soprano. gave a recital Friday night In the Co lumbia building. Student taking part were Florence and Olen Taylor, Gladys Blount. Ethel Durham, Margaret Oregg. Winifred Goodrich. Elsie Wachltne, Minnie Oregg, Marie Vonderahe, Mar jory Llewellyn, Oladya Fletcher, Cal Utla Kenney, De Laurlo Crabtrea, Myr tle Evans, Mrs. Aver B. Gala van and Madge Brlghtblll. i AW VV .11 Wr ta b-M4urt -.- Mr. l'-raa el la ra-a banfl war Ik o a tie a. "". I whI Ik, by J H.w. 4 U WaeeaJ te It W4iJ TW ee aarvu u mim Ikaaae i: Mfla4 ( Mr Tka Tvr f Uia, It m'Br, glt la i!U dartag lb ! NW tll. U'aSaat Mum Mar raia: 'lk IM ir,a "lr ," (Uflg Win lau ttu, 'aja' IJ) ita kJlaale AtaitAtw, 'Ugat," (Martaa ! bile JUtla4 aiasi waag." bit Ixiakia Mar. Mew aii l.aae I Ik 4ea ar Mi (lilv Ag w. Mr rvA Ma4ka, aad M At Mr ITiladia. a Mr larrt Mr Kaaamaa ag wltk f4 effect M4.-1gr ( VUtr Itartte. "Aaald la rtawer, Myr ilailaa41 'UM lb B.b4." (Ua rwget N 4 a4y after) fr the Ceuartl l imU Weeae. He b;ovV tur waa t4lkUUL a Mr. Da labia Mar gar graaa of aas far ike Mady Muatral elub. Mr, Baear eaBpML la. I Mewdar Mr Mara waa la aplaadid voir aad we bligd I rep4 t a aonbl oat- Top row Edoa DwtotU Clpp. lo!ia. and Miss ifDN Johnaon, pianist. Caater Mia Lh "luaaer. Irrie aoprano Bottom Mlag Coldl Ptrroa. drtmatlo aopraao, aad Perry HurtoB A rant, pUaUt (ral Tb 4aal Partfte falvarallr. Pwraal Orav. Or inl The Pelft t'r-lvrallf aarvatarr af Mwele gmdualaa five u deal thla year. AHbugk r nv baaa ver It ragiatared evary rr fr aoa-a tla le blgb eiaitdard asalotaln J by IM d apart man! ba kept tha aum r finlabtng am:i Laaoti Dwlaall Oapp, vlotlnlt. h bB under lb lniruclloi af prof aor Chapman far vr alghl ara. and In th pl fw yrr be b played es lenatvaly befer aorthwaat clilaa and lowna wltb much suce. He plaee t finish kl Pfls neat year at lh Fan Cnrvalory. II U a eon of Ftererand C. T. Oapp. of th Waehougal Corgrgallonal churrh. fctlaa Agna Johnson. piAnUte. fin ished the MrMlnnvlIle college conaarva. tory two yara age and graduate this year from Pacific aftrr two yaera' study under Profeaaor Chapman. Bhe le flrat asaistsnt la piano In th Pacific con aarva lory. ttta Leah tMueaer. lyrte-ooprana T caltet, haa tudted for. five yar undar Mm O-apmar.. end finishes with a beautiful light toned vole. Bh ha b-n srlolst at lh Westminster Praaby. tarian ehurch for th paat two yeurj end flrat aealelant la vacal at tb lege Viae CU Ula rleron. dramatle-aopra-no rorallat. haa bn studying la Pacif ic eaearvetory for about sl year and ha davalepad full aoprano tf eioal- lant quality Mia Palarao U a daagh lar of former Mayor lteraa of Foreet Orove. Parry Purtoa Araat. plaalat. bgan al Paetfle Ihraa year ago when he wa the H prise offered by the eonserva lery In Ita annual ronteet for lastrv mntatlata and vorallata, winning flrat place In piano. Mr. A rant le the first mal grdul In th plaao dapartment and Mr. Clapp the first In violin aad the first on completing hla full course at Ihe Parlfle I'nlveralty conaarvatnry. la Johnson and Mr. Arant will give their graduating raoltala natt week. and Mr. Oapp. Mia Peteraon and Mtas Kiuseer will appear after th Easter holiday. Mia Ptraon Is to continue her work at the Oberlln Conservatory next year and Miss Johnson Is consider tog a retire ef etwdy I Eurp. Thare are at the preaant time three of Pa cific mimic graduates studying In Berlin, namely, MUe Francl Clapp, '01, a ala- tar of Mr. Clapp: Ml Alio Clament, 01, and Mlaa Wllma Waggener, '0T. Mr. Job Wolff will ting for lh Pa- reals' aad Teretf meallag f Hrb- y achl. ldar aftarao. Her ag will b -IU Uillaby." by Carrie Jcb BM4. aad aaabaam," by llaJd. Ml CVarlotte IUof1H wb pat th laat tw weak vtaltlaf al iMgaae, wa vacalUI at a avmbar of functioaa wbU Ibar and via anuob oornpllmentad a ec cl. Both Candsts wbll la lbl city eh ng at ML Mary s rplpl church, bar a umber a blng -Lrd eva Me." by ptawuti, and "u LavUg Fatber," by Gounod. At Wtmlnatr Praaby tarlan ehurch tedey lb choir, aa la I ad by Mr liar. maa T. Boblmaa. oprano, will amg "Mighty la Our Ood" and "Pralee To tba Ird la Ills Holiness" lti- ler), O Praia Ood In lit llollnaaa" (Martin). "Tba Btrel t'pralaa of Joy and Pralaw" tVUIUvan). aad "Hall Oled danlng Llghf (Martin). Tb offertory eolo at bwtb service will be Albert Maiilnaons "Oaterlled." ung by Itob ert Barton, Director aad organist, J. Hutchison. w Mlaa Deal a Stanley and Mlaa Ida Wschlar "ware the lololit last week for th Wedneeday Afternoon Woman's club, J. Wllllsm Belchar, director. Miss fttshlsy'a numbara were, "Vlllanalle," Dele Aoo.ua," and "Tha Touch of Night." "Lambert. Ml WacbUr aang, "Nvr." Toatl, and, "I Drum," Wright. w w Orgon Conservatory of Mualo. AH braxihe taught by naff of teacher. f Ik 1 1 ! f 4 Af4 fciaaal aAay Tba WU4" dill be A4 ia Jaa It I Ike sti af AgaC TV taird i4) inl saAa it avar trt a ll)ak!a MiniiaaMtt tUg W-Ull.e b f la rwt aa aa4 tU b ' 4 t lb nnt4, I'taa, 4a4, til. lake, faw iuf. k4e aka4, Cw kxlNt at VUti Twiy -ai ait atU b aaaigaad I 1a l- bet aal Mu '.. UaUt, , h Uekkli, Wa CrU 4 Mlaaai. aad aJl aakr U 4a aal af Ike AlUeit ea4r. Tke fir4 claaa -w.lla" U M gta aa ikr aaaaikr traialag goaaa. with M'taaue o daa wale datf. Tbavf a air aad tlaaa ra4aa wtil k aa4g4l a raglaaar -f. "Mb tlrlM I (la IrMa aad aagta WalIVa I tedta lalvapr wui a4 a ga a aiaaaaar af Ike flrel a a Tk Krd ciaa aa will aa ylele car af r M aaaaakaaali aa a riiM a la. uar la dirwsU, af vvirak, f lu tafuUr mer, ValaabW To4fVa4 f t-rt. iPaaw rvaaa Laaaa WWt ftaa Joa. Cki, April ! , f Ijo Alto is fBf leay a ai fr mi 4 am art a a ret f hla al leged bootleg af a Ula wlf ad bcleagUg I Mia Ira a ala. a " aoctaly girl f a a rre d Oab-Uad- Tb girl b fU4 aiawi araiib through be llrry. Tb dog wa a wee rtbb wiaaver la hie clea la baarb abwa all th laia Wbra tb aaiaaai giapare k following a4vrtleral wa iarv I in eouairy naweppr bare: -txHT If aarooe klbli running arouad that look Ua a rlvl ehaw af lobaoc lrk full f aaralag 1 .. .. . b . . i Aia a.j.a - - I aeeai, it a a belong to MI 84 AABIN." Seventeen ear wlln III tea of mall, blocked sine March it by flood In th Platte river, left Omlha Wednesday for the Pacific coat. DM'EMM MAIS IT REUADLE H0M5 J Tha ORRINE Uaatmant for th Drink Habit can ba used with abaolute confi dence. It deatroy all delr for whlky, br or other alcoholic atlmulanta. Thou aanda have auoceeefuliy uaed It aad have been reatored lo lives of sobriety and usefnlnees. Can be given secretly. Coat only 11.00 per box. If you fall to gel result e from ORRINE after a trial, your menay win b rerunaeo. Ai for ire booklet telling all about ORRINE. Wood ard. Clarke A Co., 210 Washington at.) Kkldmora Drug Co.. Ill Third St The Tuesday morning opera class of Miss Dorothea Nash met at tha home of Mrs. C. H. Lewis and had the addi tional pleasure of. hearing Mra. Henry Metgser in Puccini's "Madame Butter fly." Next week Charpentler's "Louis" will he heard at Mrs. Lewis' residence. Thla most modern of operas waa pro duced In Paris In 1900, with Mary Gar den in the title role. It Is a great fa vorite In Europe, and with the Metro politan productions In New Tork. w Miss Kathleen Farrell was presented n recital by Miss Dorothea Nash yes terday afternoon In Ellcrs recital hall. Miss Margaret Haussman, mezzo so prano, pupil of Mrs. Imoene II. Rrodle. assisted the pianist. Miss Farrell's pro- grain Included Beethoven. Schubert, Cho pin, Orleg and Mozkowskl numbers. Miss Haussman sang "Vol ehe Sapeta." Mozart, and four Orleg numbers. w w At the last meeting of the Monday night malo chorus, J. William Belcher, director, the soloists were Miss Maude Belcher, who sang, "Enchantment Walts Song," Scott, and "With Verdure Clad" from "Creation," Haydn, and J. Gilbert, who sang, 'Thou Art I. ike TTnto a Love ly Flower," Smith. Miss Pauline Ald erman and Miss Belcher wero the ac companists, ' A chprus of 30 voices will render "Darkness and Dawn" (Peace) tonight at 8 o'clock at St. James English Luth eran ehurch, under the direction of In 5. Mrs. Kathleen Lawler-Belcher, col oratura soprano, who has returned Catherine M. Covach. The chorus win b assisted by Messrs. Blankholm aad Brittlng. vlollna. Ml Paulln Bahnon, piano, and Mr. J. Harvey Johnson at tha organ. Tn eoioieia ror ma itmini will be Messrs. Stryfeler. Johnson and Frederich. w Ulii Varna Smith wa soloist at th wek's meeting of the Montlchoral club, John ClaJre Montelth, director. She aang the "Pllgrim'a Bonr ucnaiow aky). "I Dreamed My Love Waa Sing Ing" (Lisa Lehman), and "A Psrfct Day" (Bond). Ml Smith will alng th offertory aolo at the llaasaio congre gational church today. w w Ml Agnes Fles, soprano, will sing ih, nrr.rtorv solo at th Sunnysld con gregatlonal church today. Sh wlU give the well Known cmhwt auua. br Oranlar, which Is well suited to her voice. This 1 on of Miss Flee first appearances In aolo work, and it is said ahe has a voice or gr pruuu.-. Th cialr Montelth will give the of f.Finrv aolo at the Flrat Unitarian rhun-h this morning. He will sing "Hos anna" (Oranier). with violin obllgato by Harold Bayley with Ralph W. Hoyt at tha oraan. Mr. Hoyt will give three organ numbers, th voluntary, offertory and Postlude, and Mr. Bayley will play "Reverie" (Vleuxtemps), arter uie an them. . . Tjyillowtnr la ths Grace Methodist Eniscorjal church Easter musical pro mrum- iO!o a. m.. organ. "Easter ur.in" rMaJlinsr): ouartet, "All Praia to rtod In Light Arrayed" (Wag ner); quartet, "O Light That Breaks From Yonder Tomb" (Dreanler); violin obllgato, Miss Frances Gill; sermon, "Marv at the Tomb." (Dr.. Cud- llnn): ouartet. "Awak. Glad Soul, Awake" (Brown). 7:B0 p. m., orgart, "Exaltation (Forrester): quartet. "Awake, Olad Soul, Awake" (Brown); cantata, "The Resurrection" (Manney)l organ postlude (Valkmar). The quartet or r.raca Methodist Eulscopal chmroh consists of Laura Ferguson, soprano; Elizabeth Hamilton Stowers, contralto; Joseph P. Mulder, tenor, and W. A. Montgomery, baritone. Leonora Fisher, organist and choir director. Under the direction of J. William Belcher tonight at the White Temple, Rossini's "Stabat Mater" will be given, with a chorus of 60 voices. Charles Swlnsdn will be at the organ, andMlss Laura Fox at the piano. The beautiful , tenor solo, "Cyrus Anlmam," will be sung by Obrad Gurln. This promises to be a musical treat. The services will begin promptly at 7:30 p. m, w ' The Mountain Ash Malo choir began its Orpheum tour at Milwaukee recently, and will reach Portland in its round of th circuit within two months. "Their work Is a revelation In th art of sing ing," said the Milwaukee Sentinel. The Mountain Ash choir waa heard In con cert In Portland a few months ago and won great praise. The program for Easter day at St. Stephen's Episcopal Pro-cathedral will contain th following musical numbers by tha chorus choir under the direction of Organist Carl Denton. 8ervico at Jl a. m. Processional, ''Welcome Happy Morning" (Calkin);- Easter anthem, ''Christ Our Passover" w (Buck) ; com munion service, .E flat (Myles Foster) ; hymn, "Christ Risen" (Sullivan); hymn, "The Strife iVoer" (Palestrlns); offertory, "God Hath Appointed a Day" (Tours); recessional. "Cotts re Faith ful" (Sullivan). ' A program devoted to th song of Schubert will bo given at - tha next meeting of the Tuesday Afternoon club, under Roee Coursen-Reed'a direction. Last meeting the following short pro gram iu glvn: -In Maytima" ' . ' . ' 1 " - (Speak), Ml Marl Roberta; "Shad owtown" (Borowskl), Mr. W. J. Mar shall; "Thou'r Llk Unto a F1owr" (Wilson O. Smith), Miss Helen Strlb ling; "Ro of My Heart" (Loehr), "A Necklace of Love" (Nevln), Mlea Doro thy Iewla. At the performance of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." Mon day night at the Helllg theatre, the girls' chorus of the Wsshlngton high school will sing two numbers under Ron Coursen-Reed's direction. The performance Is given under th aua plces of the Rotary club, which is rais ing funds to send the track team of Washington high school to the Berkeley university track meet. FIRST APPLICATION OF A SIMPLE REMEDY DARKENS FADED, GRAY HAIR Too don't bar to hare fray hair or faded hair if too don't waat to. Why look old or unattractive? If tout hair la rray or faded, you can change- it easily, quickly and ftctive)y by using Wyeth'a Saga and Sulphur Hair Remedy. Apply a little to-night, and in tba rooming yoa will be agreeably nr nriaed at tha re suits from a ilnffle Th following Ka.tar day program application. The tray hair will be e ea i r1dc"1? '1' ViT ?.1fTt' I conBpicaong, and after a few more gatlonal church. Park and Madlaon i v J .,,.1 color. Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur alio quick- streets, by th quartet: Mra. Clyde B. Altchison, soprano; Mlaa Reatha Fow ler, contralto; J. Rosa Fargo, tenor; M. L. Bowman, basso; aaaisted by Johri F. N. Colburn, vlolinlit, under th direction of Wllltam R. Boone, organist and choirmaster, t 14 a. ra: Prelude, "Grand Chorus" (Gullmant). quartet "Shout Ye High Heavens" (Chadwlck), vlolln "Ave Maria" (Bach-Gounod), Mr. Col burn; offertory, "The Ressurrection" with violin obllgato, (Shelley), Mr. Fargo; poat- iuae -waiioiujan cnorus" (Handel). At 7:45 p. m. Prelud. "Toccata" (Wl dor); quartet, "At th Rising of the Sun" (Coombs); offertory, "The Choir Angello" (Hanscom); quartet and tenor solo, "Christ Is- Risen From the Dead" (Coombs); postlude, "Hosanna" (Wachs). At All Saints' Episcopal church today the regular choir will be augmented by a quartet composed of Mra, R. W. ffchmeer, Miss Mabel Weed, Charles d Garroo and O. E. Ha ring. Th music will be under the direction of Frank E. Cook. Mrs, Schmeer will sing Sul-' II van's "Ths Lord Ia Risen" for th offertory. i Mrs. Nancy Beals Van Dyke will alng for th Easter servlcea at the German Lutheran church. Her aolo will be Lift Up Tour Glad Voice," by Haw- ley. On Palm Sunday, Miss Gertrude Hoeber, a pupil of Mr. Van Dyke, was the soloist at thla church. . w w Miss Ellen Terex, who sansr the part ot ADigaii in the cantata, "The Shep herd King," so successfully at the Broadway Unlversallst church laat Fri day night, was also the soloist there on Palm Sunday. Her solo wa. "O Lord Rebuke Me Not," by Wooles. w - Jasper Dean MacFall, director of muslo at the Sunnyside M. E. oiuroh, East Tnirty-rirtn and Yamhill streets, has a program for the Easter song 'service tanight which ia probably the strongest and most varied of any of the programs heretofore given at any of the series of monthly sons; services ly mnoree dandruff, IeTw (he acahf clean and heaJlhy, and promote the growth of th hair. It hi a wholeeome dressing which may be at any time with perfect aafety. G t a fifty oent bottle from your drag gist to-day, and see how quickly it will restore the youthful color and beauty oi your hair and forever end the nasi dandruff, hot, itchy scalp aad falUfaf hair. All druggiita aell it under guar ante that tha money will be refund! if yoa are not aaUaoed after fair trie 4 For Sale and Recommended By 'Owl Drug Co. is angerous It is unsightly, uncomfortable, spoils the figure, causing: wrinkles, flabbiness and loss of vigor. A Sutt Affair ajar aaaaTAw a ia ii Toothache Gum STOPS TOOT.3ACI3E - Inttantlr idatak. 1 , AH dnajafcvaearby aaail. e. a. Dea-r a Co.. orraerr. Mien. Let me send you my Proof Treatment absolutely Fro you can safely reduce your fat a pound a day, slW mm mm up t ' , : ) 1 1 - V V J v ' mm 5 ' 5 ", 1 -' v - s ' ' ia '- ! J I Mote what my treatment haa done for othra. " tMt 190 PimaJla lira In M. RarnnMa. Box 114. Lahlrt. Wabater (8., imra, wntaa: - w nan i eomiuaarei y iaUbeuarlanyuf.M Bint I walvna t poanda. I now walga la Ixt 81 Ponnd. kaaalaft aM to haa y WMrhC ba fair trMLf mnk. a lain wall aa4 aaa walk and Mrk altk mm." Lost S Ponnds,- Mr. t. B. Wooidndaa Ualana, Xo.. write: "iff flirare an4 appoaranra aaTa b-fa womrfnUy Im. piavad. bar lnat aj poeBda, Trtaaaa I rouJd flU every pare of thla kmrnal with lestlrooalale from grateful rmtienta. It in dangarona nnaighUy, uncomfortable and nibaraastng' to be too fat. Exoeea fat weakan th heart. The lrver, mora, atmnaeb oaa av jronrself from these DAVGEBsV . 1 want to prov to yoa bbbi Ba. that my treatment will poa- 7 9 ET C Itivaly red no yoa to normal lasj htm and no matter where tha arnaaa rat . tniji atomach, bnaL hlpa, cheek. nca. itwul qulcklv and aafelv ba mlnni Hthnnl ing.or dieting. Yovr flgnr wlU ba beantfe 2J n"Puln Md wrlakles dlaavpcar. abenmattsm. aatbma. ilifiwiu vi j Z,dT h."riJL";obi v aa tb fat roes away. I will send yon wfthntH a hm. dav anddoe. It f..T aad kidnr. bemrn diarasad, the braataiag of advte. toretb wTufteJtfrolLT, ftllS becomaa difflcnlt aad tb and onmea la nut wall kn T-. f KJJ 1 TvH T a TT nDBi aM aatililaai aa4 "aW-. I m li.n . ' r- a inxi i. JJ r-J -w bb-i -1 1-vMaa death. T a- T (,ku C " IZT'I- 4 mm mx awaaa..aa.Ma.aakaia.aaa. .&Ma. " . . "w wrrirnann a,, 1' IM PKKW w n.v. BKAuruKu.M.u. iv.ib BraarordBidaT.aoc.oiKta a.- vrrz -. virrAs ra, ttund L j,. i,. t i - - - - i. x ,v "wwn,aawiar t Itmn aaa aK f :