TUB ORKOOM SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL T. 1111 i PROMISES MADE BY THE PRESS AGENTS Ura,e4 ftMB m4U 4) Ti - tiir f aei.r ti:ni.l IMjb eat CM U-a-M f I WM Ul - II a -! It lltM ml tr14 II tlflKI t u.Wf rraaa) 1 r ft. I IM Ifctt il it tibial eaa-aa. ta I;1MI1ML y e 'U i M r w iiu eaJ S .UJ f ta fc atvavae, fc4 KHHif a.i.tta !. M " ! m BeMft 4 -ievli4! UmUm IVe al Tfce tte r-a ta tuM, 14 4 Kn M u f tiatke ere tnil la la r u it TVe i. ir mi 4 1 r Mi4r, "mIU a tJar'i e'ai Iiar M tiM t-i." a Ue.aA wa I I (MUlt Ikll I ta.al lUltllliJ W aa t !aV Bkal "'' UIMMIkMj ! f T alll ILIM Mtat al lata IMii. Wa luoiui Ifca auu el a ana , a a tf nt a la Wa a ! eMfl af . auiaaa. tola aaar a eaacKe -PASSION PUY" Wilt BE EASTER OFFERING la aal la uataoa 4 e-a la ia r taa wrwut avnev late tail in a . aif aa Ws ttaaa taa ail ewraajt a ! e )-! im la to 14 W u t a atin4 M UM a4 aia a-a inimn aa a-U nitlH a-t ak ia iaa a4 l-a m aaai ata ataUaf a4 ul lal li aajia ata Ui M M4T aa af(a4iaif k f laa MtJa taaitM aa laa a-a a af la lafal Waal Aaa Ortaa ram It IV' rittiva: ill fa I ai I f lla re 0 i of a.r WIUUm I'srvraiuiw Cvaulag. Al lha ttalUa. Afrit II. a4 fa. William ravvrahaai vlil laaaattraia kn anuai U1I la lb la ell la l ' rv ua - V r aral acaaaaa rl Mr. Tavarakaai aa lraa4 hi lalaala la laa dlatUay at rolaa af varrtrfty aoralxr aaael. la lura a fcaa fiva wa ivwitwa la lha "aV)ut Maav." Iraia4r l "I I t4" aa4 raallaHi la "Tfca arl4 aatl Ilia TaU aaaaoa ba aaa aiMi4 la 4al feia ailaaiio u laa ailollalla af aalr af lha moat ai4 marry I ) ia Ka alar aaula Ixiur auil Me artoaa I baa Tha aua," wakl Ur. rtarab atca diraet from a alrnally aroaoaroua miumimI al llw a (tiaala. S"m Tf a, wlia ail laa rlctnal oaal Inlarl. locluaiafl lha Uaaa- ni aaa taJBia4 allaa Julia Cfo, ha reld4 arllk aaa af tba flaaat rala r caravr. L'lai J aula 1 1 era Boom. Ktala Jaala will t Pr al lha llallt Tor l r.ljhla bacloalnc Uondaf, April It. Willi a matlooa Wadnaadar. ta hr craaUat tacom, Tha film Prlocaavft" Aa la well known, aha haa had many raarV ciparleara dalla bar aca af II and H la probably dua aa tauca to har ambition aa to aartbln la that ah la now ona af lha foramoat alara of Ui aarlud. Vfhn aoawwlr ftra yaara af ,1 a. alia mada har ataca debtji. Tha V aha waa call "LJUla fclala-" liar f luriv for aha orialnaj.y arpaarad la vaudavllla. conaiatad of dotal children i anaochaa and daocaa ajteapllonally well. Mlaa Janta will ba aupporlad by Joaaph C'awthom and a nolabla company of 7) people. Beat aala opana nasi Friday, April II. "Tlio Wlutiins Hour" Neil WeoJc When Auguatua Tbomaa, author of "Tha UliobJn Hour." waa rallad onto tha aUjte of tha liarkatt thaalra In Naw York to maka a. apaach upon tba open ing of tha play there, ha aald that ha had attemptad to txprcaa two Id flrat, that thougnt la m dynamic f orra, and aecond that avtryona abould ba ax trtmely careful of tha Datura of hla In dtrlduai mental atata. Thla Idea haa (rown wonderfully all ovar tha world and CTaryone who aaea tha aupacb drama founded upon aubjecta of thla nature, which will ba prcaentad here for the flret time In a lock by the Baker cimpnny next week, will not only enjoy one of the mont absorbing and Interest ing U he has ever seen, .but also will ba given food for serious thought flint may accrue to bla errant advantage. "TI:o W itching' llur" will open next S:!n!nv inutlnce f the third week of the Iluker Stock company. II MM. ' . . W W baiui ikaba. " w II I i s I Iff I. JJM ' mm CbrUt, depleted u Ut Coa Shphr In morlag pictur vcoot at II rwopia) tnaaira uximf. . II OREGON UW DEOATERS LOSE TO U. OF W. ME!. aW4tU. Mm. A -raa y4a 4artaa4 U faaa 4 U laaavtt sav aaalA m A raJaati a4" ttMMMlat a I al " ajalaal la Cwawaaa itlliaHf .-l Atara Usi aLi. T"a . r. a Uava at IM n f Cnraaatlnsl aaua. awf t. Ce swav, ffataMy a4 Urea wase" a4 r4a4 af ta eaia aaj bv aa4 J.4e J, T. arr aawrf. trccuL lurrcx wxrx attxactiom . MEIIL1G l-b aa ... atata Ij A-IIM SzltS o'Clock TaSlSSSo "tonight' MATlNEtS WEON'HSDAV AND SATURDAY KLAW A EKLAKCER PXCSCNT (Dirrttkoa Jattpk Jlrooat) THEIR PREUINCNT ATTRACTION tat a ae-w pUy eavlla4 "Tka Wrorra rund. by A. E. Tbamaa a a IMaa Ooodrleh haa finally Aeetded ta ge lata vaudeville, the fancy salary of fered bar belag the ladvteameirt. -a Pertd lutaaea la ta prodoea a alar thla saoetb. called Th Ooveraor'a Lavdy - It la by Alloa Bradley, a aaw draaaaUaL a Mr, laagtrr aooa la ratorn ta the 1 earl li mate ataga la a Jraech eoatdnie play entitled "Tba Order of Release," e Oeerre V. Robart ta drmmatralng, for CUytoa White. Oeorge Randolph Chea ter's story, "I I aa Hour." Maria Stuart will aa oo-atar la tba piaoe, a e J PLAYS AND PLAYERS A Ftork company haa been formed to produce suffrage playa.on tha road. a Lee Shubort has mada arrangements for n tour of-"The Blue Bird" to the ra clfic coaxt. a . Henry W. Savage U shortly , to pro- BAKER STOCK MAKES , G06D. THEN SOME a ,iV,l Wlllard Mack, leading man. The first week of Baker Slock com pany has been enougn 10 estamisn - it and its clever members for good and all as one of the very be"st organizations the well known stock manager has ever gathered together for hia thousands of patrons in mis city., wiuara. jvmcit is. absolutely fitted for Juet the position of leading man -in a company patronized hv hlsrh class, intelligent playgoers..; In be is mimee mqi. x9 is man' w Oearge H. Broad ho rat may dramatlsa tha Potash and perl mutter etortea of Montagus Olaas. Tha Bhubarts hat I trained aa option oe lha dramatic right. a a Otto Hauerbach. who recently aignad a contract with Arthur Ilammeratela to write a musical comady for MUa Emma TraaUal. baa banded over tha acanarto to Vletor Iiarbart. who wlU write tba mnalo. 1 a a Bruno Orantchstaedten, tha eompoaar of "Tha Roaa Maid. has returned to Europe. Ha Is working on a aaw light opera. "Tha vagabona.-- in wnicn ue Hungarian prima, donna, Mlxzl Hajoa, will star. e a Directly after the close of her long tour in "Tha Runaways," Mlaa Blllle Burka will sail for Europe with a view to revisiting Paris, London and subur ban England. a. a Wllliait) Gillette haa just reached Bad Klssengen. Bavaria, where he is to rest up and generally get himself In readi ness for tha long season laid out for him by Charles Frohman, beginning next September. e a "Moving pictures are not to ba de cried any mora than yellow journalism,'' Chariaa Frohman lately declared. "Each is a forca for progress In Its own way. r-eopie wno never came w uii theatre at all because they had no sense for drama comedy, now have a little from watching moving pictures. People who never thought at all are now In duced to think a little by tha aid of yellow journalism." a a Harry Turnley of the Seuma Mc Manus players at tha Orpheum is nephew of E. II.- Bothern and appeared for eight years under the guidance of his distinguished uncle. Charles Place of the same company appeared In Port land In stock at the old Empire theatre when Frank Fanning was leading man and Theodora Kehrwold, also In , the Irish sketch. "The Lad -From Largy more." was seen In Portland, In The Traveling Salesman." Wills and Haa san, balancers on the Orpheum bill, were with Pain's fireworks at the Oaks for three weeks several years ago. .... - ' a a .- a- . ; , At last the New Tork kiddy Is to have a theatre entirely, unrestrictedly and distinctively nl ' own, a theatre fashioned to please tho childish fancy, so far aa its externals go, and playing ths . attraction which ;, appeal moat strongly to the Juvenile mind. This is to be tho result of an arrangement made between tbe directors of The" New the atre and The Litfbler Icoropaayv Tho roof ; of the Century is to betrana formed into a fairy playhouse; and the name of it Is to be Tha Children's the atre. . The plays will bo of tha sort most in favor with the youngsters.- "Alice In Wonderland" Is a typ of what will bo given the little patrons of The Chil dren's theatre.- Tnentnera wm do piays made from child books, and productions of fairy stories and real life, toot , There will be no night performances at The Maaeha aad Mtag dyaastlaav At the aame lima wa are producing The Iaufbtar of Haa ran' at tha Century, Blr llerbart Traa will ba making a Lon don production of lha same play at Ills Majaaty's theatre." OVERWORK DRIVES MOTHER TO SUICIDE Direct from One Solid Year of Triumph at David D fiasco's Republic Tbeetw, Now York PRICES Evaningt and Saturday Mitineo Lower floor, $1 50 snd fl 00. Dslcony. 3 row. 11.00; 6 fowg. 7X1 U rows, xc uaurry, jx ana apui prict Wednesday matin. Lower floor, $1.00 Balcony, 3 rowa, 7Sc; in rear firit 5 rowa, 50c Gallery, JSc and 25- 8EAT8 NOW BELLI NO AUTOS AND CARRIAGES, 1(MS P. U. BAKER TIITZA.TUIZ a aV aa. ilia . mm aiiaaa Aa tax sat is ass a humI Pea asvd sx.i'ia La fcata aaabaoat' HaM4 AK.tJt fltXTS COaihAhY. . U )..t Uaia . laaa wA, I la e af tat ffaaUal VIJMgf aA fftr JU4 iu auaa. A4 lUft M7f f ( X ' IVIp's. Wlgfgs of tlie Cabbage Spai4 Art Moat -rid, LieUe A Cv. irm T . Janmraa eaH aad ieodeKtioai of tku aot4 tom4y, Flrt tfaaai rr aa la shxli ksre. pt al popaUr pwta. Oaa ul ta t akoWaofb. amao tori H lif aao4 (Va lowly vr oatit S all la famjJ.if caaraure Ur WiffV l tra Ajaaarira . i pua a of tpnift a4 ooj cheer; Lvy Mary, Mis llaay, Ut. Slataia. Ufa $ha!ia. lira lh'. aad all ik tiiii Wtggae. . Yoa !( a3 ta lw. Ihoaa aatnriiiae yoaj weal to cry at law eaocaeaL Everybody la tatViitg abl k Baker Corrpaay aad tl aportal fa-kea. tveaipga, i and 50(cata eo higher. Mat lace 25 coma UONDAYBAROAIN NIOJfT ALL StATf W CENTS NEXT WEEK-Xlic Wltclilna Hour (Mr laa latereattoaal Kews aantea.) Par la. April . Overwork ta ballavad lo ba Ui cauaa of tha presumed suicide i of a young Russian woman, named Fred- ' klne, who disappeared with her little boy ' of t. a month age, and wnoe body haa Just been found la the XI am a 8he bad ', com ta Part to study meatcine, ana . had a ant the child to board with a i schoolmaster at Varan o. 0b had gone there to sea him. and after luncheon h took the boy out for a walk, and sloo that ' afternoon nothing was heard of them. Her baa had. howeTsr Bn round ' Th corps waa taken out f the rlvee by a fisherman, and wa at ooc ood vyd by th gendarme to th local morgue, where It wa easily Ideottfled. owing to th long fur mantle which ah wa wearing. It waa .thought that aba might hav attached th child) to herself , with a leather strap before Jumping Into th Warn a But her little, son's body haa not yet bean discovered, ao It Is Just possible that he may have escaped and have been taken care of by someone. SEAT SALE OPENS NEXT FRIDAY, APRU. 12, 10 A. VL HEILIG 3 NIOIITfl UKOlNNIXa KOkTBAT April 15 f ELSIE" JAMS Charlie Dillingham Preterits ALL AMERICAN ENTERTAINER In the Newest of Comediea Mutical "THE SLI1V1 PRINCESS" WITH JOSEPH CAWTHORNE ORIGINAL COMPANY OF 70. MATCHLESS N. Y. PRODUCTION EVENINGS Lower floor $2.00. Balcony, 5 rowa, $1,50; 6 rowa, $1.00; 6 rowa. 75c; 5 rows, 50c. Gallery, 50c Special price Wednesday mati nee. $1.50. $1.00, 75c, 50c, 35c and 25c. LIMIT, S SEATS TO 1 PERSON FOR SINGLE PERFORMANCE POPE PIUS FAVORS MORE CHURCH MUSIC (United frees Leased Wlre.t Rome, Italy, April 6. Pope Pius'' has just Issued another long "motu pro Drlo" relative to the restoration of sacred mualc In the Catholic services. The pontiff 1 one of the most noted authorities on ecclesiastical music, i well as being a musician himself, and throughout his pontificate up to date he has given a large amount of atten tlon to increasing the importance of music In church services. In 1903 hs Issued his famous "motu proprlo" restoring the Gregorian chants, which were to be aung by trained choirs. -The present document goes still further by declaring that tho genuine ecclonlastlcal sljrnlflcatlon of HEILIG THEATRE 3NICHTS BEGINNING Thursday APRIL 18 SEAT SALE OPENS TUESDAY, APRIL ir WILLIAM TT-I WILLIAM T n FavershaM Supported by Mli Julie Opp, and lii eompV la THE FAUNM A Sparkling Comedy of Modern Ufa, By Edward Knoblauch Bra-alB-. t2-0 fl-BO. 9140, TBe, 60 Vat. Matinee, LM, UOO, TOO, 0O0, I 85a, Ma MATINEE EVERY DAY Week, April 8th p. SULUVAN & CONS1D1NE David Walters & Company rtaasnllsg nr DBVIL AND TOM WAUCJCJt" a raataatl Maataal Trav aaty. Tba Neweef tugttlag HIL JOE SPISSEL AND COMEDIANS rtsamtlag Hla Novell PaMacal, Haoaat rwatarea af Law rialdr "Ilenpeefca Cu paay," LOUISE CARVER AND TOM MURRY Offering a Muaah of fpactalUea. MUMFORD AND THOMPSON Co median a. Whistling Imparaoaatlona, . LEE ZIMMERMAN mem aopbd riarni. - i. rr atavvaiowu ADuara fvwcm tha Btaprr Tnealra, Hologna, Italy, th Count THE APOLLO TRIO Maklaa Tbalr Arnorteaa Iabut Ovar the Hnlllvaa riaaUo Ioaara la Reproduction of Vroaaa abot Oval In Reprodu ORCHESTRA cwneldtBW CSrasdt. a jray n w a. unaie.-w. - . tm L.-,Mft,.. (h-tL hut a verv afternoon ' t v....th.a urrnnorh nii .rnm nmyiir . - " ' Ith his romaruic iooks ana 'manner -.that play such havoc tvith jhe hearts Zt susceptible maidens. - These qualities 'at once' compel . admiration fromthe ..i4nA oloment nf n la nun ifnrAW ann I i M ' nil''" as to his ability to act tnat 1 beyond nnpstlon. Manager Baker is to' be ooa grntulated upon securing Mr. Mack to a hend the company this season, as well us Miss Leone who has ao completely ' won Baker audiences th past week. Experience, power and a perfect i con- ceDtion of her art, as well as rare -beauty " and the ability to. dres' mark th cer ' nerstone of Miss Ieone's success" "In Portland, as they doubtless havs In oth-- er cities. Tbe plays that have been ah " noiinced for tha -company. In the week to come afford- very opportunity for Lreal acting, and from all report every 'member seems to have made an Indivi dual hit, which fcugur wejl Indeed for the success Of thei undertaking. Port land has many stock -lovers aa th rec ord of Baker .companies in 4h pas howsr"d they should b happy .indeed days, I: . -' J i at 3:30 after school Is out there will b a matinee on the roof of the Century theatre. , , ' Modern China' first pretentious pre sentation on the stag is to b ..brought about by Th Llebler company, accord ing to an announcement Just made by the head of tha firm, George C. Tylar. "A famous foreign attraction will b staeer at th Century for a limited time, starting with th new season, said Mr. Tyler,"and immediately fol lowing th praidntial election, wa shall make our annual Century theatre, pro duction, with what X consider th moat remarkablecombiDation of pectacul splendor and human interest I hav aver read, Tha Daughter . of Heaven," by Pierre IxU and Judith Oautier, a grand daughter of Theophll Gautier. The Daughter of Heaven," aa the- name eug gesta. - la the ' empres of th Chinas, and the four acts of the play concern themselves rlth th conflict that haa been going on for so long between tha SECRET FORMULA IS USED IN MAKE UP li r : h II r'f " ' II v w II lit a - m "ill V " II? IL L PUa. Masn A 1019 Ceglnnlxin lftiiay UsOaee ADVAMOID VAUDKVXJJt Weefe.Apr. 8 th BMriclie Walsh Xa VM.UMDHM 0008" Ed BlondeU & Co. In "Tha Lost Boy" Mankichi Company Japanese Tumblers lfATnmw BAXXiT Gertrude Van Dyck Triof In a Miniature Musical Comedy SCATXXmi BAXTaT Harry L. Webb Tha Man Who Talk and Sings Sue Smith Singing Comedlenn - Karl Grees Transparent Paintings CTMATINEE EVERY DAY Evening Prices: iCfc, 25c, SOc, 7Sc OAXXiT lUTtanBE lBo, BSo, 60a, HOLIDAY BCATXaTBSS aTtgat MeN (Jncquoled Vaudeville Seventli and Alder Streets WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY MATINEE, APRIL 8 Engagement Extra ordinary THE LANCASTER OPERA CO. IN "VOICES IN GYPSY LAND Stupendou Scenic Production. Gorgeous Cosrntnet. Pretty Cirlfc Prominent Soloists. - ERNEST CARR & CO. In "THE-GRAFTER" THE BEHRWALLS European Acrobats PANTAGESCOPE latest Animated Events NEWHOFF and PHELPS In "JUST pals BERRY and WILHELAfl Artiats Unique ' RIVA LARSEN TROUPE Sensational Gymnasts Prices 15c and 25c. Curtain 2:30, 7:15 and 9. .Boxes and flirt tw bal cony reserved. Box office open from 10 a. m. to ..10 pv m. rftonaa, A 2236, Main 4636. Matinee daily. . . t r o' William Faveraham. The arduous lengths to which close and faithful application, to onle' art may lead is aptly illustrated by me unique makeup In which William Faversham' makes his first appearance in. Edward ; Knoblauch's joyous comedy, "The Faun," : which comes, to the Helllg theatre April 1 18, 19, 10. s . j Mr. Faversham's part Is that of a; faun or wood god, who stray into Jxm- ' don from hia native Italian haunts of i fields and wllda. He. Is girt about In a magnlflcient and pictorlally effective robe of rich, brown,' yellow spotted lynx skins that leave the extremetle of his 11m ba bare. That his flesh raajr hava. the- mellowed, amn tanned weather brown , appearano auppoaedly won .from year , of constant exposure to the alamenta, I Mr. Faveraham resorts to tbe us of a ) rare statnlnr preparation, the proper ap plication of wlilch reajnlra hi preaenc in the- theatr ach -night efor 1 clock." H employ two man who aole dutlea ar . tha making of tha mix ture In accordance to rule set forth In secret formula, and .th' yalntiog. of hla Umha wlta It. . . . ' People's Theatre SPLENDIP, SPECIALLY PREPARED EASTER OFFERING The Passion Play 3 Reel. Brand New Pictures Every possible novelty in Musical Standard as the BIBLE . . Effects SHAKESPEARE , , Sacred Choir or VICTOR HUGO - Doors open at 9 A. M. Sunday STAR 11 A- M. TO 11 P. M. ILLUMINATION! Beautiful Biblical picture, suggesting the' Christ piritthroughout. Several other splendid films, musical features, etc. NEW ARCADE PICTURE PALACE - 11A- M.TO 11 P. M. PUNISffMENTI Biograph .Feature ' TEACHING A LIAR ; . -T - ELWELI " . ' RO VD? AND PAL' .FQJJR SHANNONS , ' CONTINUOUS. Music by" thfBest Artists ' , LYRIC ' - J ' Fourth an3 Stark Streets HOME OF REFINED MUSICAL COMEDY Fourth anH Stark StreeU WEER COMMENCING TOMORROW MATINEE KEATING ft FLOOD PRESENT " ; RICE ahd CADY THE BROADWAY COMEDIANS witK. . . TheKEATINOA FLOOD MUSICAL COMEDY CO. . . W IN- JLL ARIS THE LAUGHIEST SHOW OF THE SEASON : TWO PERFORMANCES NIGHTLY 70 AND-9:15 ' MATIN EES 'DAILY, 2:30 FRIDAY NIGHT CHORUS GIRLS' CONTEST E5 YO U L L L I K E THE LYRIC NEXT VEEK-r-'THE INVENTORSNZXT Y.'ZZl