- - - - : I DRAMATIC I AUTOS, PORT? J SECTION FOUR v r i.- -y- - a. r-a --aa POUT LAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNINO. APRIL ;T. Itll" 'PIIIEEXTEIIIII IS WED 'BY U. S. FOREST S V iN Ultimate Plan Is to Have Ail National Forests Connected - Lookout Stations Will Be Established In Future. Alice Pat-a-wcL Oldtimc Bella Among the Umatillas, Has Won Many a Brave Heart and Had Many a Husband Alice lo.rs Variety h Hus bands as Well as In BW.t Raiment. ration ran be f Irea I jelrer reeal officer t'.rm ftcMVre rq be Mir ArvviJlftg e .Ui. f Oeartt II IVe.l. klaae foe fulere ivLrbee irw-tio mm i tit ftaileael reeeet af tfi Mve )H We) emr4ee4. "Tee pt Km bee. br a fw lit )tt lrvre la t 'irvtUm af le.preeeto.eia ea Ibe ' !mm reveal aad particularly h bettering of Ibe meea f ewwuawaWm Ilea ee the vtrloue larval." n a 14. TW tlra t:na Kara received very rererel tiiHilltfl Ibrwugboat lb elat II la reeli4 ibai ib e".irella af urh tin. a will 4 mere probably win In lh vmhj-I f are than aa th.r sr.. thtna thai eaa b 4aa. With 1'llitu.M tla clW. prompt avail- fallow ran be .Ire a la Iha ewperviaoe and ft ferrw- ar tnrnoeed. peovte- l"&a end Mv'limi of a -rad and alt Vrrr rat lone mad for in. m without mall WIN Laid. "Counl'd wllb three line thai ara blng built are Iht I'Biimmr frelurwe ld la connection with thrtn. A light Ineulalrd cor ltr wire weighing oftlr 14 pound 10 lha mil la etrung nut on Iha (round from an eiletlag telephone Una lo fir. ramp and iha man In chirr Of Iha fir la In onlaul touch with Iba nut l1 a olid. If H bctomM neeeaaary. diUliotuI mrex provlaiona and qulp ttianl ran ! ordrd Otar lha "phona. nd In raara htro Iht lira la ovrr a lars plrM f eoortrr. mm ran ba niord from on part of the foraat le nolhrr by mrant ef th ttlaphon with out loaa of Urn. WltbO'Jt trlapboala rommunlratlon U la nacaaaarr lo and mraarnscra throuch th mounlalna from on camp lo ancrth.r, oflan Inrolvln th loaa or aa much a-a It hour. Tola In ca of a Ursa fir la TTf aarloua. Tha llnra now blnc eonatruclod br lha Kort Brrl ar of No. t Iron lr and in th tlmbar th Una la ttaad ulth awlnrln tnaulatore attach ad to trt. Br l uaa of thaaa awlnglnc Inaulatora aivd tba banvjr wlr It la poa. Hbla for tr to fall rr th wlr J4 ta ; IVa.iac. . ari ' aaa-arl mi auraar mm l i,alla- km m ft fa M Al rl ). lta kwlU. tM a J l. m mt' rm- a4M4lr 4-a iM'n.fi im au. Ilaa aaf f Ifc fUlaa4 laaiaa ? H-m Ma fc4 ! a.Jaaia f lfiaia l t' (MM4 f Ialt. I.lkaa. tM 4 Ua itftdM ikl arill- mmrnrm mm fAft thai f lt a . attia aaaliil. aa anad k.a ft apc f if ar tiMM hmf pmm, fca la ft ftauiM.S f Ul ! Alaa fAJlr. I ! falt rarrbU4 aMIirt Ka ft 4S4 4 tall a I . yaar aha vra a af h Uftdlafl Wlta f Ik t'aaalll la, ftal ftrur Ifta U4 f )'. all aunt ftf ft rv a a a. lakM aw riavfc, ftMcft ftrttart fT r roaaatlaaaa ltr. h ta 4il ailracg M ua r(ulh ivinfti la lar r h ar ft a-Utf ra ftuait Hil4 rot rl ia abara a. 'iwtakl ba plaraJ Ka ariift lb baarta af avaay fouM . la fa4. If A lira WW ft arbM warn, ah aakl ptoChf ba baa44 aa flirt and toot nld (a furtba and diaala b" aa aa poaaat f fr lava. Tor atlh a! f bar cat. anandahla Iran, aha ra not Iba lr- lut of rwnaiaarr, and bft ri!Hr to a4 any on h a. ban J la flat or ianc duration Juat how many buabaada h liaa laban br tba' irlbai rualom I not of rac-ord. but It la cartala that If aba rouUI art la a -btamolr af Mr Mari tal MiKnttM." thr aould ba vartad aa al aa antartalalnft. It la probably tula loa f rHty In apouaaa that baa raaa4 bar ta4 faatly la rrfuaa lo ta up bay maldan nania of at-a-wa, for wllb V aJI bar buabanda ab baa nvr bn known by any ottr naia. AUx. alas trnda la bar own boalnaa affalra and h bank acouunl -1 la bar nana. h baa two Unit children, an af wnom baa nol paaaa4 lb pappoo Uaa. Though aha 4i not 4ra dlf farrntly from th other woman of bar l "ww vmm v u law aquawa rVrho bar adopted tb "palcfaca" math- od of tranaportlnc har baby. Inetead of tirrjlni tb Utile on on bar bark "i7 o n i! I , i I! ' ' ' j I I lit III ; - III II Alii KkV 1: J h I I ! ivr."v i v it- I -i i i K .y, i inM . a a. .1 w yui a iiaaa. J aa DRAINAGE PLANS TO BE DISCUSSED AT NEW OBfflS First National Drainage Con Cress to Consider Federal ' Aid In Reclamation of Over flow Lands of the South. befora aba tafan ab lucaa Iba liny red rait In ft baby rarrlaae aad almoat any day may b aaan parading up and dawn tb tria of rmdlaton wbaallna her ITapnof. aad a faianlar naa ah oleoma to th raaldaula of thla city, many g1 bar tha grllri "Tnla-bwa-lowlLa, A lie." aa they paaa or atop I adrttlr h little pappooa. ft be faiaraaraatal K ftarvWI Hew OrUana. lav. Ayrll CTba ( Ualiaa af taUtaalan aad tba all aatad tbraagbavi Ika valtaya af la Mia. alaaippt aad It Irtwatartea la tr4 iaday aa that eolerla of pranineal anaa wba ar baay abaplaa; Iba arerram f Iba Wt National Irainaga cwacraaa. wbteb tnaeta bar. April Ift a II Tb tnspartaaoa af tba prjeta4 daJIbtrallaaa aad tba ready aapport af atataaraaa. ott laaaa aad angtaaara lead Ibaaa la rharg af tba eaaraatloa to predict an attend aara af daiagala wbleb would rlaaaly aeproftrb tb ! mark. Tba abct af tha renferaac la th ftdeanceenaBt af policy calling far Ibt aid af tb fedora I gorarnmant ta tb dralaag f wet and overflow land af tba aoutb, and other aectiona af Ike aaaatry. Th argument being Ibat If It la pcofr for th national awvnanat t aipand aal eume for lha Irrlgaiiea. af arid laada la lha wat. It ta equally proper for lha gwveraraeat to aid la removing the aoperflaooa water from Iba fertile lowland af th aoutb. Saab aa undertaking would coat nearly ll, 0.t00. Tb dntereat Oil project antartaln for tba Inbabltanta of the appar M laa le al pp I aad Ita trlbatarte Ilea In tb fart that aurh a dralaag:. according t them In rharg of th coming conven tion, muat la largely effected at the headwater of th Mlaalaetppt. and the a I ream a contributing ta Ita volume, by me an a ef reeerrotra acting In on n) a no tion all over th territory d raised by rVe rtr, feaat lb At-ala.taaft a IM avaxtee) aad freaa la taaagtaa aa4 lb Ureal lae k La-e aeavtft ad tea ne a taa alb Tk nwaattttaa tkal baa trtaaa aeatb. rmm a'llJ, a4 ef Iba aa aateeewtad la JW taai ifcg aBaaia ka day, -ia tb aaaay dieiaaa n-tt baiat atadeetebeai by ladlvtftia, atetee aad aaaakrrpaticta abeag Iba aware ef t big river. Tb peaJert bae aaved BkltUae af ae af lead, taa-atagj ta la eraaae ba eel aw af water wtia aauh near tb aweatb af iba nt ralea4 aM eaaklag tba aaaUeeaaew f brvee and eeiefekweaa aly be aeexIkcaOOa bat 4gafaa. Tba arraageeaaala fee Iba aaagvee are ta IM ba-4 af tba Kew twteaaa af IVetred wba ara bewrty ratwtvtagj aaieeagea fa ail tart af tb ewe try elgaJfrtag wtitiaea ta tab part la tba avowries. Thie bware atated la Aatr Ibat II Kad ftiready ree.ived . anl ruaraaleelttgr fttleadaawa fraaa l atatee ta tba unlaw. Aiweag Ibaaa .wba atll Bek bar aa tba ftUb)et af lead dralaag ar T. U lk, via breaideal ftad ftanarat anaa aftw- af tha lUiawta t'aaireJ rail reed Uaarg IL Mai wall, tba 4rJae aPrt. ftM other eaea ad prwrataeaat ta aft newrUg a4 rlvta life. m ejected Br RECTOR BRINGS SUIT OFFERS HALF MILLION TO UNIVERSITY OF LONDON IB7 Iba lateraaibwel bewe fterrwe.1 t-endo. AprU . A frtewd af don nlvarelty. wba dealrea ta remain aacMymoua for tb praeeat baa offered ta cob l r Ibat t,ee iqviHi lha aa guteltloa of lb vacant larwt tauaedial.ly la the berth af the PrtlUb Biaaaam aa tba etta af tha pro pa aad aw beadguar lee of iba unlvaralty. Th doawr, wba baa already dona great deal for onlvereily edunauen. alate that he ana1dar thla alt tba moat central and eel table an and bold that lha L'nlverally af teade ftugbt ta ba tha chteffjndvaaUanal Inatltallaa af lb empire. Th alt la part af tha Duke af Bed- ford eel l and ilnda from Mon tague plac I Torrtngton aquare. There ar fakir plot arajtabl for building, and the aggregate area la neejy two a half aarea, Tha plot tie t we aa each aide af tb itiitlah wioeenm av enue, a broad iborovjgbfar leading from Terring-toa aquare la tb King Edward VII nanaloa of th mueeum. hew Yer. April tAlletaf Ibat a aa teieaiiy eie aad ai4 wufc. et Mr, aValKeeta Weiaeee tee kaedr kketiteted ft evil fee It aa ageiaet tba bwaw. ft- it. Hea a bailee. Mr. ttelier la lb twriet of t klarya aUetaa. Hi a. a eel fare, T '-k ere. wb eaaeed Iba areaat af Mia awe la iaaaary aad areoead km ef aeetiag klta a leeter eaUlag btaa aft "Vl if aad aacaeel bias af Veklg fee graft Tee Weeba prla la bar IrtaL ftl wblrb tba aa axiiired. blra, Wateewra 4 Mr. belie. aagee4 ta pbyaeeal aewf fie at ike Wr f bla tbarea, rba new alia tktt white a We ta eetar taa, ebapet flatler afpeared aad 44 "tlx teatly pweb, pall. aU aa4 tbraa bar agalAal Ue 4eer and thai ba 414 ! aad bretae bar abeet lb bead ftad f Ue rtgbl ear aad ftack," Mra. Vetatare eat iba aeeaalt waa avada aa aba waa etleearUng ta a Head a -puhjlo- meeting af tba cbwrclk, At lb Urn t)ai4d bar. Mr. patter der tared aba waa aat a member af bla aawgrega. Iloa, aad thai tba gathering; waa ape aaly ta lb member. It paid ba bad relied ike emmaleta together ta re ply ta chargea ibat Mr. Wetaer bad prevkeuely anada ftgfttaal btaa. me a e mini Ainu tAI ILt MUr.lLirAL RAILWAY BONDS VAUD beattla. VTaah- April We tagal fectkMia reraela la LUa way af tee eel of lha municipal I reel aar bend a ag- gregatlng ia.ee. udga Albert eon ef the aupertor ceurt, In dectaloa made t yealerdal. awept aatda all lha object lone raiead In a teat anil brought by Jame Tel loch, ihrwugb Thaanaa R. Ilnnwf. a friend ef lha prepeeed) ltf aarllftw. ftad declared lha band valid. Tba pre poeed route af the ally rarila ta aver all ratio nonnesting Rainier Tailey ftad BalUrd. I lave yon read rhw great wtan pur- rhaainf opportunity on Pga a, amo tion It i gj. a, . J-Jftti - carry It ta tb g-rund without break ing It . - - Thee ara many laatamrea ia tb aer. 4 jewawjaej . ..... ... tr?!? K. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM "The Mischief Matter" The Latest and Most Fascinating Story Yet" Written by b E, THE JOtJBNAL begrs to an nounce to its readers that it has purchased the right to publish Y serially the latest novel by this "prince of story tellers," before its appearance IN -ANY OTHER PORM. First, instlhnent in The Sunday Journal Mafazine for April 14. 1 If you miss this you will miss the best story OPPENHEIM has yet written rto where from II pa T traea have bean found) ftcroea ft pteea ef Use) "end the list fttlU Intact and eonvaraadona being held vr It right along. 1,'DJfttar- rnptad communication la wary aTJtlal. Trobably one ef th longeet line built doling- th paat year waa the Una from Larnrrg -MoKeasle FrldaTk distance af approximately If nTHee. It waa ncoeeeary to eet pole for about one-ban? the dlatanoe en thla line. "In tha Crater rorat (4 mil of tele phone liaa wer built, mont of wntah ta tre line. Within tha paat month It baa been reported that over 10 tr wer ftcroae thla line within ft dlatanoe of 19 mile, yet it la giving aarvic every day. "Many nllei era ixMig eonatructed in I the Pantlarn country connecting exist ing telephone llnea with Interior point on th Bantlam foroat W6rk la now under way In th cxtenalon of aev-eral line to loakout points connecting them with th rxlatlne; Forest eervlc tel- phon line from Detroit to Elk Lak. Stourh llo of atoad. "On Of the rough eet piece of lint built In Oregon durlnjr the paat aum- mcr waa That from Glide to the iuahee Hangar atatlon, on the North Umpqua river, a dlatanoe of approximately 40 mllea. It waa neeeaaary to pack all of the wire on the back of horara from fllve to thirty-five mllea. stringing: tt along a rough and precipitous mountain trail. In many places, chiseled, out of olid rock. The line, however, taps a part of the country which hitherto haa been very hard to reach and In which In case of fire It was neeeaaary for a man to ride 40 mllea to a telephone line to summon help. ' Thla 40 miles nndor the beat conditions could not be ridden In less than 16 hours' time. It la planned, eventually to have In eaoh of the National Forest which cover the Cascade Range from the Col umbia river to the California line, tele phone line cfinnecting with lookout points which will be established on prominent peaks la th different forest by means of which a fire can readily be scan and Us location telephoned In to soma point where help can fee sum moned to send out to right it. . This work requires time to perfect details and do the necessary work. The amounts of money Involved, while not large as compared with the results rained, re quire a number of years In the way appropriations ara mad by congress. In Eaatern Oregon it is planned t complete such lines as are neoeasary connecting1 with existing- commercial lines and an oh extensions aa ar needed to various lookout points to thoroughly control the entire scope rof country from the- Wa'llowa and Whitman coun try on the east to th Prtnevllla country on the west. . : ... .':., , Xiookont StfttJona. This will be done by means of look out stations to be located on prominent peaks throughout that section, of the country, each of which will be con nected with telephone lines, which in turn will connect with tha Forest ser vice headquarters at Wallowa, JSumpter, Jolin Day. Prlneville, and Heppner. - It is planned to so ' select these lookout point that practically the entire coun try will be visible from th rang which is west of the Snaka River to Heppner , a.nd Prlneville on, the west. Men will be stationed on these lookout points during' the entire day and most of them will b located In -tents or small, one room cabins constructed for their use. In some places It will be necessary to pack water a distance of half a mil up the mountain In order to allow the me to remain ; constantly on duty. Supplies will be taken to them in order that it will not be necessary for them to leave their stations. "Since uninterrupted v. communication is the Important feature. It is planned to-have the system when finally com plete so constructed that 'there-will be two way of connecting: into each forest. so that if one Una happen to be down foraay reason another line' can be nsed. It is also planned to have each forest connected' With; the adjoining foreat In ordec that' communication can ba bad without the necessity of talking- through a point many mllea remote- from the forest.' Buch connection of th lines will allow of notification of Or from on fores to another," .' J Seo Double-Page Announcement First Section WHY THIS GREAT R emova I Sal e 'See Double-Page Announcement First Section IS of the greatest importance to every shopper in Portland and why if you require any Spring merchandise you MUST buy here! r" - V.. FIRST It Is a trustworthy, reliable sale. SECOND It affords a saving on everything you purchase from a stock that stands unparalleled in first-class, tN dependable merchandise. ; : - THIRD It is NOT a sale where a few lots of merchandise are used as BAITS to hoodwink customers. - - , ' . .' V! FOURTH It is not a sale designed to IMPOSE a left over stock of undesirable merchandise upon the public FIFTH It is NOT a sale organized to dispose of stickers, odds and ends and shop-worn goods. SIXTH During our Fall Removal Sale we disposed of our ENTIRE Winter stock, and practically the entire stock now on sale is BRAND NEW. SEVENTH BECAUSE EVERY ARTICLE IN THE 7 STORE IS REDUCED. ; EIGHTH Because for this season at least ALL COMPE TITION IS ELIMINATED. . y ; NINTH Because our double-page announcement In the first section is proof positive of the remarkable bargains that arfe to be found all over the store, v;, TENTH That the reductions are not for a day or two, but for all time until every lot is entirely sold out.