T J I II OKLCOM SUNDAY jOUKMAU roi'Tl-AN!). SUNDAY MORNING. AHUL T. 181t. 11 tl. K i N Sherwo I-.-' ir. mil. SYCAMORE ACRES JUST EAST OF LENTS Forty minutes frpm the city by tlccUl: car. New depot In center of tract. V You can uy acre tracts In Sycamore Acres for the price of a suburban lot. iVy5jrtamor Acrtt has the best of soil. , PACIFIC PLACE Just Put 5n at Wholesale Prices 0r eelity U I fever rtikL e4 aeaU "refit aa. Mil a,lrfctr. Wa reeeetlr rtk.J PACIFIC FLACK e th PvitTLANIl Hlt.'l.. VARD, mm bleak west ef FCNIMLXA 50 ft. Lots for $650 Sycimo Ac is just the lOCash. 2 Monthly place for a truck rur?n and chickens. Tkl. prepeeljr la Kioir akd noitT- LT. Ike fMl ef Ihe rexiNNL'LA. directly beleeea the factory aa4 buel- nee eerUnaa ef the ally A Mp Mil ItU Ik.. ...Iltl.. Im .1-1 1 1 f II. II 1 I a - - -- . . V me resi pari oi Muunoman t icmitr ".-....-.., I e property leday. lal with eur Sycamore Acre is located in Sycamore Acre Is on the dec- maa m the greenda, or call el the of fice. BAY CITY Uiw Deep .Water Spori and IUIItoaJ Tenninut-. PortLuvT. , r NcArtit Seaport OREGON'S . FIRST opportunity ui iw city i-titee l-4 Ike 4 eei tarVe kul Ever tret ui r i mi ! the t.u- mi ttea . t.e liUt.P ATtlt rKafce..! Id IMf tile ei.l Mtk t It aa.Ua k .ie e-cre la eUa Tfeavraea-a ae4 lW f eaese Leeal Ike. la 'iMtivi IH !. ul wlr eWUe la e-wl Urn. tots $65 Up 0 airr Bay Ctle !a4 r aWad bier, lure aid elAaf ltfrtalla tkll( Imjt cay. reaaj AddrwM Day City Land Co. 111 peUia- M. A-T9M 4-T-lt-i. IL J. Al NnW. ASSERT MIlilC BIDS JOGGLED ! ATHENS MAKE HIGHEST i SCORE IN ACQUATIC MEET I 1M Alkwava, H'UUM4l a4 Amittm C A. W tV 4l mrt. I wi k Wa4 - af I WwaH " - fc . M'l if - A ft. u .1 U Bids for Illuminating ju. i u.u. .M -mA "a-U ' 4lk, ai. t '(, II' . I aa.4 (MHHiait. 1 I k!wi ttliUal la I Vva.ll A. M.klt I klala , l4 -a4 fHjIal f lk A.. . ilii4 ) i'awatl U , DEATH OF DARTLETT -GREATLY REGRETTED v I Union Asks Mayor to Reject or Ilium Bridges. r-T ! I fl4vl ..- kU Hlu.r , La at a afvJur k I e a a mm iakiuaa-af k ia a4 Utv ! la kJ4 It mnm4 flaa . iijti-aa ib uiitM. iuiiim a4 OAKLAND IS WINNER r.u,.i 1.4. m 4h.vi UVlH FRISCO AGAIN I ta.4 aakiw4 UUf mm ; - Ckts4 lal a ki r I ha tandi4 yk N.iii.u, April ftaka af t, tf4f k4 tua nlij y ll.a tul alH l4ar " aMi Salai-a - i ft. 'X T' ' k. '' ' ' ' : ' - ) Jt 1 "' lkllaa atatlta) af Ika larllft kwr4 aa4 IWal bi !ia4 MuihuUil ' l-4 aall4 ( ( waiiu ra . aaa.)la ail t ta tat.in. I 1.1 ia tftiy iii u a tii fttbti i:i of IKa aalaaA. W, l MUaaraiftl kl J U.rMaa an4 ! kr IK lUMiif l at.ll Tkaf I lk t-M la'i Vftklng lacffai'lukl al llfkl f mii. irau fcur .ad lt fitir iiu data hI ik.y rlkl u Ita fa an li.rlr aula ol IU l.4 II la iai aun. 1 1 I a . Ifelft ft ft.. ...... B .ft - . . ... . ... ... " '. . .... ! ai?aaA a.laftf. Ivf lha llrala. alllaa. allaA44 Ik r(tfar IJ. y. fft.a I . II .1 fftu. k . . . .1. ' w. tt.ftU.4 a Mailtbi la. lra brt iatputaiia ' I Ika hlia " rtaawia f.lila la ta Ika ntyar Ih.l iuna-f-rfcii, iM Mina. IkWr chafc-aa ara al f.i4.J, l la ; 4Jk,"JI "4 lj"- aald. I aalaa) aalala ! al4 !! i ' izr.J::! r--: i mminnville nine tba mar or la aaa kla ar'arl llh lta i II LI - ' - F ' , V.'fti 4 r . Vlark lunltii, lnr k Iliad at Hlrm lllll. Or . Thuradar. I L M.MI BACK 115 FROM H. L. T mail ya a. IV ftttl k.aaa k-aa.k 4 raiir awiu. a4it-J I vUM Ual ail ftuu . . Mlka' lawr Krfa Wi Ti.-. aa aaaaft aalaa) akiaaA 4f kit TkaaM-aaa aa4 a aaf4 tiar ln rvvliaa.l Jaattarr I aa4 aaaAa a a ft -Ia44 liMir, r a t k I i.a I. . a trriaf Irta l fci 1 4ar Afi 4 .- Ilt HuI af kiarxk l Iba tilli u-Ua4a- AotAison inecico T k-M o Cl. tic carline, Johnson Creek irununue a Jitpiieiii and the Foster Road. . la (i. Montgomery 11 WUeo bide. $350 Per Acre and upward. the Gresham or Caza- dero car from First and Alder streets. Cars leave 45 minutes past the hour. Get oil at Sycamore. Call and fcet plats of Syca more Acres. Geo. D. Schalk 228 STARK STREET Main 392. A-2392 J Vs vi at Zton Htatio y v A ml ki. Mr. 4 who will ba 'ax. rti Lv a - - -a -a a 1 - 4..i..a'n".i.ii't : 1 Moana Heights UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS Lbts$300-$900 Tomorrow la opantnv dr for Ihla cholca Addition, which la the. moat al on all lha autfkUi aatlful IrMi make It a natural irk. Uarnl'lrant and unol- trurtad view of the beautiful Tualatin Valley. Thla aplendld addition la daa waat af OovjloU Cravt, on the continua tion of I'altun road, near Klon Church. Htreeta graded and city water Included lo prlcea. klake your reaerratlona today. Portland Helfhta car; t off tlon: walk three block wrat Oliver or Air. Jennlnaa. oo tlia property all day FINE IRVINGTON RESIDENCE Strictly modern new ti-room house $6,500 TERMS Watson STherkelsen Co. 306 Spalding Building Main 7592 STARK ST. 4 atory concrete hulldln. new: leaaed for" yar to reanonalble tenant: land valuea rapidly advancln on upper Ktark treet eaeoiitve boar4 la ka all l.i tW re )rtad a ad aw mm. arl4. If Ihla aclfcMft la Ukaa a aaar otnlr'l r hardly ka awarlat la nae l kaie lh apaa lllumlnatad for ti.ata aark. aa mwrh f iha la.ir ftiiurra aca aery, II la at4, mual Ua i.iii--4 troni I be taal The Itthtlaa eotnmlltea tucnm.ni1i-d Ika awardlaa af Ika roliar for the liihilea af iha MatHaoa bride lo live North a eel fUartrtral IZaaltirvrtna' mii. paay. tut iiuT.ai, ikat kelra ti.a io- eat lander fr Ibai o. It raft-oiunieli-l-e4 thai Iba ranlrtwl for lha llanima of lha liaaihom. and tl urn aide biulf.a ba glvea lo lha Wrat Coa.l Kealaaarinf company. Mr ItltL Thla latter com pany la aatd la ba on the unfair Hat of lha uolcna. Mayor Hu.hllghl told lha delegation thai he could not aa hie kir rlear lo Interfere In Ihe nvallar unlra It could make a allowing lhat llirrn had bean IrrerularttUa In Ihe blda. rOtrral other Odmpanlra alao aubmlitaO bid, but theae were all higher than thoae of the two cornpanlve already ninmt. The WALLOPS PACIFIC 'U TVa Jaa.l I MrMlnnvilie. r . April . lit lha crnlhg baaeball ga af the aaaaon. MrMlnavtlia callage dafeaieyt i!.e by Ike a.re of t lo Mi-Minn villa ecr4 I tallica J 'I l a. I. la Ika l-araai) (Jranta I'aaa, Or. April Newa of Tnr, , .-oaali uf Mark lUrirelt. Ihe eBiar who waa klllad In Iba esiloe!on of a kVtuiharn I'aiflc U-molive ThuraU a Klca lllll. or.. aa rcalvad In Ihl city allh f real aorruw. Itartlett bad pi kla lif. hare. Ha waa about II eara af age an.1 leavaa hl father and mother. Mr. and Mra. A Marilalt, a brulhar. Roy Harttell. a promlneat bual- 'nr.a man here, and to alateia. MlikM alao re ld ante of bar brnMhar, Verne engineer on th REORGANIZED IRVINGTON NINE TO PLAY W0ODBURN IwaWaWawaayaaMtaViaaS Tba IrtlAglat lea baa k4.1aj e:l acw kU.aia la lie tta-va ttva ika orgar.taatiuii af ll.e hlrcl!.tti laagvi. fiva af Ike laaai't Itkftavvip were drovia) on aaa-vajiil vf ika e-ew rng of ba Itaii.. La! . tarn f.are ana acarurvol in ih.ir . k 4 Ike I na-P la aa airoaj aa bfa( The leant will lib. up li. la aftca-wM agalnal lha Voo.1t.i.. (H, laai aa fal. oa. foil par. cauui; kiikw and MVki aan. llrkra. Wall.ta. fia baaa; kl I by, oBd baaa. Walla, ah(talt at, Maria. Ihd laa. Kara, ten ftcU, Ie. Voe r.nt.r field, and Jatke-.fl, MaM fft.ld , f j. lfie I r-thelya and tTara. ' .w.lliartlait. la alao an fir,, innl... and k,P, the .M.r. .hi, j u,h"" r,.. .'I oZi oyt III! lha 4ghib. whan N.wbarg I "ir- The i-arenla are anaonf lha oldaei acorad Ita J nine on error The P. njraaiUenU of tha city. pit her pounded a I moat at will. lilatkaUHia allowed but all hlia. Hai trrialaeiri0 collage. Craven and hitiHh: McMtnnvllle. Htackalooa and MiKnlghl; umpire, H ha er, of Pacific unlverally. COLUMBIA BASEBALL LINEUP IS ANNOUNCED If earl a la Tea JaaraeLi roliaga Urava. Or.. April . Bert Ad- 'deraon. who waa killed In tba engine lemloalon at Klca lllll. waa a former Cottage Orov boy. having lived here until about II yeara or age. The ramiiy moved away about It yeara ago. going! lo itoeeburg. where It haa lived elooa (that time. Addereon rave up tha rail Jroad bualneaa at one time becauae he thouaht It too dangerona and ran a rae- Tha Otumtla unlverally baaebalt ' tauranl at Hoeaburg for a while, but team for the aaaeoit of IM! baa prao- , drifted back Into railroad won again. Ilrally be-n aelec-tl Vh Ihe fo-,and Ihe fatality which he feared over lum'jla Ireun facea the Hill Military ! la" lllm- '" aurvlved by a widow team nm Maturday. lha line-up will and three children, who live at Roea- be aa follow. l-lliaarald. Mtcher: He, i hurg Tba father DOW Uvea at Myrtle K. T. A H. Ilo;a Wis (Uaia. The a. P. Lara won tba openleg game ef lha Railroad laafue yeeterdar atteruuoa by defaallag Iba ti-W. K A N. team by lha acore af II ta. flavin atari ed for the U A W. leant bat laete a fea Innlnga when Charlee leaflet, wha waa glvan a Iryaul with liKktna look, and waa hit equally aa hard. Prenilaa pitched for the 9. P. f. nine and fanned Ik batter prentl.a waa formerly a memter of iba Ve.non leant. t'ilacira baaa) ruanig waa (ba feature of lha game. Tha n. P. A H. laatn will alao play aval of town gamea. Ita flrat farsa will l-e played today with Ihe Uhila kalmon. Waah, laaot. Other teama drelrlug gamca write If. Let Ion, rare Accouallaa ' Department. Spokane, Portland A le attle railroad. . Crack, the mother bring dal Hartlett, ,,. .-k.!.!, ,., . a, raicner aiuirneaa. riret 6a; "r.. i... -"a tT L,T...'l 117 J?A l"n. r ahonalopi.th. euglneai. waa aleo well known here. a!. ? .1 !k t J . 1 n-!lH,,,ra. third brae; li.well. left field; I K ? THo of Anclrrw Have Lark. Iten Craig. Kdg.r C l.l.hae and T. C MacDonald, tbraa of Portland a anglera. have returned from a flatting; trip lo Toung'a rlvrr with three baeket. filled with fine apeclniena of trout.'. The threa anglara caught 117 trout. 41 of which were caught In Iba flrat thrw boura. all blda rejected aad new tendere aakrd. r AITTIOXH $42,500 No phona Information. Dorr E Kcascy & Co. Id rloor Chajubar af Ooeajaveraa BlAg We have three houses left in Laurelhursl Sandy Road Place INSIDE PROPERTY ( Sandy Road and E. 24th St. Just think, 50x10O-ft. lot The flnent addition In the city, where a.. 111 -.a... a n a M tha proppriv mill uvili'V OV lci .en in tviiv i . , . , . . a, next 2 yeara One 8. . fo room hou-o. rtn East FlanderS St.. Det. 24th hul t In In. I ' tun room, nrcakraKt room, cheat, all woodwork waxed flntah inlLn f -it- Cl?n "ich one houae In mahoirany. We will aalt ijv mjh, those houuea on your own terma or will trade or exchange for we are In the building buainesa and are atartlnjr 8 more new houaea. Call ua and let one of our represent, lives ahow you over our houaea. We will sell on terms. These prices will be quoted Oregon Home Building for a shbrt.time & Construction Co. Better crasD '-this ODDortu rv r - rr nity now. - SIR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDO. A Gentleman's MODEL Country Home SubManttal and comfortable 2 etory, 8 room home, replete with every mod ern improvement and convenience. i Ram. chicken rung. I 8-5 acrea of irroiind. beavullful lawn, flowers, nat- urHl' rees, roues, holly trees. GEO. D. SCHALK 228 STARK STREET Main 392 A-2392 Half acre In table grapes yielding- sev-l erl tons or cnotce martieiaoie grapes, family orchard, garden, berries, etc. Four blocks from station on subur ban electric, 2B minutes out, - PRICE $12,500 Easy terms to responsible buyer. ' Ei-clualra Areata DORRX. KLASLY & CO. Second floor, C amber af Coinmarca. DOCK L. J. DALY I12-21I-ZI4 FalllP bldg. Kllnsllcw IV few t Oriole. trailed iTeaa laiaH M u. I Itklttmore. A:irll t I'erdne waa In excellent condition today and tho Boa I ton National, abut out Haltlrnore j RUE , Moetnn u 10 1 tiaitlmore 0 4 1 Hattrrlra I'errlue and Kllng; Dy I gert. Oantt and Payne. 1'mplrca Mullunoy and McAte. Only $3800 Hera Is the very beat buy In bualnena property In tha city of Portland; (0x100 feet, cloae In on the Mlaslaalppl carline: the street Improvements nre all In; this lot is Improved with a 2 story build ing, consisting of a store and five living rooma: tha Income la nrrman.nl and thla property will double In value wnen me two new bridges are com pleted: Drloe only 13800: terma raaann. able. DeYOTTVa JOKNSON, 114 Chamber of Commerce bldff. Business Site Best and cheatest miarter nn V. num. side street; $18,500, part cash. ROWE-THATCHER CO., S24-S2. Chamber of Commerce. Auction Sales AT Wilson's Auction House Cor. SECOND and YAMHILL Regular Sales Days Monday. Wednesday, Friday jFEToNl) 11 AND FI'RNITt'Hi:. CAR II'CTS. 8TOVK3, KTC , TO UK SOI,D I 1.-. II, i oil n-.t miro ftv.v.r.. m ..... I IKR. For Private Sale WE HAVE AN IMMENSE MNB OF aiirlnar tralnlns trln CHOICE KI RNlTlltK OK THE I.AT- ?.v I nternJr," i, i K8T DESIGN AND HIGHEST (JIUHFJ Intcrnatlondl I INCLUDED IN THIS LOT IH A MAG NIFICENT BRASS AND OYNX HEP. (cost IJ06), DRESSEIl. PKESHi NO TABLE. LALiKS' DK8K. ARM CHAIR AND ROCKER IN "VERMIS MAR TIN." "VERY COSTLY," alvo OENT8 OOLPEN OAK CHIFFONIER. DRESS ING CASE, BOOKCASES. ETC. POS ITIVELY THE BEST OOOD8 MONEY CAN BIT. (SEE DISPLAY IN YAM HILL WINDOW). . The Irvlngton baaeball team will play iha Wooilburn, Or., .lea 111 this afternoon In Woodburn. The Irvlngtons beat tha Huhhurd Tigers laat Sunday and with several new facea tn their Una up ex pert tp take the Woodburn team Into ramp. Younfrattr Win; 6-4. Tha Clovardala Cuba defeated tha Pouth Portland Plratee by lha acore of lo I yeaterday afternoon, ' Nefff pitching for the Cuba was A feature. Teama of 14 years old desiring game with tha Cubs telephone Woodluwn I18. ALBANY ELKS WILL SEE EUGENE TEMPLE OPENED Iiorfgrr Win Gume; A to 4. HeKaa Preea taaa.e Wrre. Wheeling. W. Va., April . The Wheeling nlna today forced the Brook Ivn'a to go 10 Innlnira before acknowl edging defeat. Haore: RUE Brooklyn 6 4 Wheeling 4.11 4 Batterlea Barger and Erwln; Richie, Graham aru) Bencher. Giants HTionr Class. (Lulled ITeaa Uaaed U'lre.t New York, April S. Before, their own people today the Olanta. back from their took the Jersey eague Into camp rather enally. Score: R It E Jer.oy City 1 2 2 New York S 6 1 Batteries Deschcr and Wells; Ames, Marquard and Meyers. Umpire Latham. The Fulton team haa entered tha 1812 baseball world. Jorgeaen haa bean elected manager and captain or tha team and it la open, fur .out-of-town datca, writes George Jorgeaen. 1029 East tlth street. I.uckey, a former Co lumbus club player, will play with tha Fulton team. Outfielders and short stopa wishing a tryotit may telephone fn..M - n'luiitl.wn aaoa n r h. at the pracUce grounds this morning. The CONVICTS GO MONDAY ground, are located at the root or rue. vada street. (Special lo The Journal.) ' ' Albany, Or.. April 8. The local ord..r of Elks will aend a large delegation Euftana next Monday when - the new temple will ba dedicated. Tha Salem brethren will be joined by the. local lodge on the special train leaving here at 2 .p. m., returning tha next day, TO TONGUE POINT QUARRY ARRELLANES HOLDS Heat on Performs at Home. t'nlted Pres. Iaeed wt Philadelphia, April 6. The Phillies went ahead of the Athletics In the city championship scries today, defeating; tlin Mackmen i to !. Score: SEVERAL FIRST CLASS ROLL TOP I n H F I 'rvnrvn. muni,!', CI, A I ll)f I IKHKH Phtlllea IvT Tinvtiri mi im.i -.. i. ...... 1 iimirn j i, i n l-j i , iiuiijTn i ift i, AI,Mi l ll.r. (Saleta Bureau of Tbe Jeanwl.) Salem, Or., April 8. Governor Weat trn I r rno 1 1 r-i rvj rco announcea ioaay inn ne intended io VILLAutzKb H t LrL tOO I aend a crew of convicts to Clatsop coun ty Monday to work under the direction of the county officials at Tongue Point quarry. Office Furniture 6 DOUBLE YOUR MONEY 640 acrea subdivided Into 10 and 20 sore tracts of fine open farm and choice fruit land, except 40 acres tirriber: with in 1 H tnllea 8. P. station. Lane county; at SS0 ner acre. . aas Ablnartoa Bldg. BLACK WALNUT WITH CHAIR AND OFFICE TABLE TO MATCH. TYPE WRITER DESKS, OFFICE CHAIRS. ETC.. ETC. ACREAGE 07 3 ttx Boher tt Co Mortgage Sale On Tuesday. Next Merchandise IN OUR STORE, 171 Second Street ADJOINING AUCTION ROOMS We sell GROCERIES. SHOES AND GENERAL MERCHAN DISE AT ABOUT WHOLESALE COST " J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Iff' 0 Athletic" 2 6 2 BiUtorles Alexander, Seaton and Dooln; Krause, panforth and Lapp. Umpires Connelly and Rlgler. Sacramento, April 6. Frank Arrel lanes got revenge for the bad first Inning with which ha opened the season last Thursday, wnen he twirled the Senators today to a 10 to t victory over Hogan's Hapless Tigers, The Ver nonltes went up In the air from the first inning and never came down until the fifth. Hosan was chased off the grounds by Umpire Finney tn tha sec ond and his team mates went even higher than they had In the first framo. The score: R. H. E. Vernon 3 8 1 Sacramento ...I.... 10 12 0 Batteries Raleigh, Roschach and Sullivan Sacramento, Arrellanes and Cheek. Stockton Will Honor Veterans. (baited Craea Leased Wlra. Stockton, CaL. April . Stockton Is bedecked with flags and bunting today in honor o the G. A. Jlencampment of tha department of California . and Ne vada, which opens here Monday and continues throughout the week. Three thousand - visitors, including O. A. R. veterans, members of the .Woman's Re lief Qorps, Spanish war veterans. Sons of Veterans and Ladles of th O. A. R.. are expected. ' Residence Auction Cub Down llooslera. (t'nlted l'r.'e. Uaaed Wlr.i ., .,., . Indianapolis. April 6. The Chicago . Holmes Ming Uajne. Cuba and tho Indianapolis American aa-1 " The Holmes Business college and the roc la tlon tenm eng-ifcd In their second i Portland Business college played tha Kuttl. tnilnv nIIFl t lia fnha h.vln. .Via An.nln. . rt thm Pil.ln... rAllaa-a HA.R-D.w.A?l.r ! longr end of a 1 to 0 fight. Score: i league yesterday at Columbus Club R II E ; grounds, Williams avenue and Stanton ntrago l ts o Indianapolis 0 2 2 BntterleM Melntyre, Toney and Need ham; White and McCarthy. Umpire Chill. ,BBrobwnSUgiew; BATTING AVERAGES - FOR'THE SERIES Cardinal! Win Series. ,0'nlted I'rena Leaned Wire. street. The Holmes Business college team defeated the Portland Business college nine by the score of 8 to 0. Bat-' I terles: Holrrtea, Zwelfel and McAllen; I Portland. Ditchburn and McSherry. The Christian Brothers Business, col lege and the Portland trade school will Na. ; pUy Monday, April 8. at 8:30 at the LOiumoun uiuo grounua. roe game FOR RENT FOOT OF SALMON ST. Formerly Occupied by Kel- SherWOOd AcreS Transportation Company HLE 1 S IDCI. W. H. Lang MANT HOME SITES and garden all - in - cultivation, adjoining vood on the electric line and only les out. I trams daily,- jror sate easy payments. ... Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth Street phona Hala 8353. 370 Fourth Opposlta City XaU. BUNGALOW $200 down, balaoce like rent Very attractive' three-room cottage, mastered, and fir plar: full lot. or will 11 4 aera if, desired; near lnts; price fllOO; If yon want a small place, this la your opportunity. v A.1. W. LAMBERT A COM PANT, ' ' 1 ' 404 East Alder street. ' East 440. B-m. . BEST APARTMLNT SlTlL IN PORTLAND lOOxlOO , West Side, walking distance; $5000 he- low me marker, . v - CTAF. CO-OFEJaATZTa TSTJST COaCPABT. ' ' 404 Teoa Xaildlng. . 15th AND THURMAN , 100 feet trackage. ' -'. WAfSON THERKELSEN CO 1 306 Spalding Bldg. 1 , Min 7592. Vr inAS.AH I... t a. I Monn tr. tu. arVir.. i . M. i,ouim. April b.-ine tst, Lionia j a. f nno Ion irtl n fan m w(in t li a. ii . I H In tr 'VT , game In the scrl.-s with the American was to have been played last Wednes- 7a.O JLVerett, INear 22d St. N.. i It-ague aggregation here today. Th ay. .'-A mm j -i ' I Cardinals (rot 16 hits, thre helntr doun-' ' at 1U a. HI., IVIOnday, April 8 j les and one triple. Score: r II K i tirays Meet Camas. PCBLIC AUCTION-Will 8,ll ""to i Us" '"' 7 " ! j T" Brooklyn . Gray, will play their hlarhent bidder, hv niece ihe r.i..m. ,r i "1ownB -. ' - firm ramc this afternoon against the AT OUK SALESROOMS. Hi PARK furniture and furnishings. P.rlnr frJ naileries nu-ti nn uresnannn, ; r . v'aslilnrton .team . Roberts and BT.i WE SELL THE FURNISHING OK nlture, rockers. chalrK, dining furniture. I wl" "c" "" oi.'ii. NINE ROOM RESIDENCE, WITH IN- odd rugs. 2 carpets, 1 very massive, oak I Umpires Egan and Johnstone STRUCTION8 FROM THE PARTY bed of a very costly pattern. ..This ' . ' ARItP.C. e Chadbourna ;2t ;;,-.ll 4 Rodgers 1 . 6 . .lit Lindsay 20 3 ' .1&H 4 McDowell 8 a ;I00 . 4 Krueger . .'.iit' 4 ":i9 - 4 Rapps ..20 .31a a Boane .....17 .',853 e Bancroft ,,,!).! .ISO 4 Howley 12 1 .083 4 La Longe 1 I .(33 4 Henderson ., 8 4,' .000 4V Harkness ........... 8 .000 Koestner ........... 4 1 .250 e Temple 2 0 .000 Gllligan 1 0 .000 ' lkW?,Ji?Ar& Jr"s-i 1 Sox Swamp Ueds. o.vi, v.-vivi mo, xljvjto, aTjt.. ci, liiuivihciji, han lane, nitre I rHriKf! HIGHEST BIDDER FOR TO THE CASH. Comprising; parlor rockers and center tables, very large plate glass mirror, mission settees, rockers and chairs, about 600 yards of Axminster and Brus sels carpets, oak bookcases, couches, oil paintings, engraving's and other pictures, wardrobes, lace curtains, window shades, mission dining room suite, vii., pedestal Hastings table, 64 incli top. buffet and set of. chairs, blue dlnnerware. glass wear silverware, brass and iron beds, springs and mattresses, dressers, chlf fonlers, commodes, sheets, comforts, spreads, .pillows, toilet ware,, round den tables In oak. several "rooma of Axmin ster carpets, green velvet hall and stair i carpets, metal cos tumor, malleable steel.) range, Detroit Jewel gas range. Reliable ! as water neater, rire basket grate, gas eaters, kitchen cabinet, utensils., etc. Following this sale we shall have to offer you another consignment received from Lucretia Court, as follows: Very costly dining table. 61 inch top and I) feet long, massive sideboard and set of chair, all in auartersawed oak. new style davenport recently new,' beautiful mantle ciock. manogany stand. AN TIQUE MAHOGANY MIRROR, library table, -mission rockers, gas range and many other lots. ON VIEW TOMORROW MONDATV. IF YOU JNTEND BUYING WE WISH YOU TO INSPECT THESE. GOODS AT THIS TIME. . . AUCTION ON .TUESDAY. NEXT AT 1 O'CLOCK. '. OnvThursday Next ' WE 'SHALL HAVi THB FTTRNISH- IVUS OF l-ROOH COTTAGEi AND OTHER CONSIGNMENTS. SALE AT 1 A. M. W. C. BAKER AND C. A. CBOWELL Furniture Dealeraand Auctioneers. water heater and manv other thines. LThls must l sold, as Mr. Anderson Is to leave for the east. S. H. BARGER. Auctioneer. On Tuesday we have a lot of fine furniture to sell at 868. 370 E. Morrison street, at our store. We buy. Bell and exchange everything. BARQER'S AUCTION HOUSE, Phone East 1022 Auction Sale FORD AUCTION X0. 211 FIRST STREET Monday. Wednesday, Friday At 2 p. m. Each Day. ' For. Monday's sale you will t find among other useful pieces Of furniture some very line aressers. tn golden oak, Circassian' walnut.' ' and mahogany: round extension tables, leather seated dining chairs, buffet,, massive " side board, DECKER BROS. , PIANO. PACKn ARD ORGAN. -FINE'. OLD VlOIJN. EDISON PHONOORAPH WITH 4 MIN UTE ATTACHMENT; carpets - - rugs, bedding., pillows, picture, and drapery, chiffonier, folding , bed. metal beds, kitchen table, and treasure, gas ranges, steel ranged, refrigerators, etc.. etc.( - Sale at 2 p. m. ,. ' i i -.,J .; E. O. FORD, Auctioneer. If you cannot attend our Auction Sale, It will ray you to call at any time I and you wQl find we. can aave. joy I money on furniture of any kind. . (I'nlted lnaa laaed W'ke.i Cincinnati, April if6. Indulging In a swalfest at the expense of Keefe and Caspar, the Cincinnati pitchers, the Boston Americans won as they pleased today. Score: ' R H K Boston Americans .1:5 15 tl Cincinnati Nationals I 6 2 Batteries Wood. O'Brien and i Slpzy and Ed Wise and Erameretk will i be the opposing battery . men.; ' The I Brooklyn team wants to play an ; out of town team next-Sunday. For ' ram call H. J. Sherrett, 264 East 16tb street. Telephone East 231. maker; Keofe, Caspar and McLean. Umpire Brennan. Can by Wants Ball Games. Cailby, Or., April 6. The Canby team has been reorganised -With B. Roy Lee as manager and has the finest diamond Nuna-jin the state with a grand stand seating Yftiik?8 Win SIuRff'st (Cnited fre Leased Wlre.l Columbus, April 6. In a hard hltffng although loosely filayed game, the New York Americans defeated the Columbus American association: team -todayrScora: R II E New York ....................13 17 Columbus .- 11 15 ( , Batteries Warhop and Street; Pack ard. Smith, Green and Doak. Umpire Nierhalter. 1000. An excellent team has been I islgrned up, capable of puttfns; ur agdod 'fast trame. Games are wanted . with goou uniformed teams, particularly one for Sunday. April H. Address B. Roy , i Lee, manager, Canby,. On. '. ' J .' '' Plan Spokane Trip. V The Washington' football team w!H ! make a trip to Spokane during- the early i part of the 1913 season and play tha I Spokane high school team. Tha Lincoln team will also make the same trip later on in the season. t I Am a ' 'V , k . Life Insurance '$1 r.iicr." . x'j You can make a good JLvfiig fcr your family oil ;vages rr Mlary, hut mff .An foil aii-V fir ilia Ihe1 I'ncome xtie. TO CONFER WITH GRAY No 'man gets ridi working f.r oikery Chicken raising t a prrditabf bit-1 n.ca We fearh will." V MatcC V-:) o'clock he win p ay u. k. Anderson of Northern, railway, who ha.' bees no-1 .indenciident. prosperous fctijlMie' aaaau -': ' - " " JUlii U1II I IB , 1 a V . V. BI 9 ft Bft t W VCWkMm. I he will meet Ii. A. McOlothlln of 1 ; S expected In Portland tomorrow morn ing ofr his way to St Paul. It la ILHnoli, Champion OlIS W. HILL COMING rTlft.1 a-.a-ft van.rvl al ca m -ta tW . aaaka ! V, ' I H'W X-T'S'l vnatiipiii V 1,1 17 CI IHIQ I - of Illinois, will play two exhibition games in the Bowie and Caldwell bil-i Hard parlors. . Monday afternoon at 3 Louis W. HUL president of the Great Ine-sa man with an estate. Grande. , ..'..' ' ' . . ' ' Decide Winner Xext SatnrdaY.' , 'Hyktersnd Sewarl will play the final game of tbe President's Cup tournament next. Saturday en- the 'Waverly Golf oinh link. Jlvster and Seward mere winner, in the semi-final, which, were j rhasinc pl.ycd yesterday afternoon, ' non ported that Mr. Hill plans to rema Portland a day o two for a con with. President Carl It. Gray of lines In Oregon. . f ItaVe you read tha ereat S Oakland opportunity on i"' a piano p Z, t f r