UIK OUUQOU SUNDAY JQUiiNAU PORTLAND. SUNDAY HORNING. - APJUL 7. Hit mi All HailOrders Promptly and Carefully ' FiJ led Express Prepaid on wii' j wpt ajt ii mail aamajpiiinii t i a ay ia) " yi.iai am'i11" 1 nn ar iwajwawaa " 'aaaayai j.aaaaaji ajajai i ttnuumimm- ""-ay';aji"paaiaaapa"aajaMat "-waajaaaa" -nsaaw""--"- - -aarat"- - raaaawaBa)a-4BqBH Purchases of Q5.00 or Over Within One Hundred Miles of Portland Samples Mulled on Request All PnrohaieM Promptly DeUvcred to All Parts of Portland and Violnity Talio Advantago of tlio Great Valnea Prominent Business Men From All Over State Anxious to Joint). A C. Junket The .Whole Store Is Filled to MUCH WING EXCURSiOfl i iim1M tUUl'ii a4 I l la ci f4- a4 t"fVa-4 ' KtlU4 ara) K ' (tviii,r autUa ia fcataf. I -4 m MI4 lath!. la IK Lal !! ; iaa htf1Uu4 AMU 1. I la l aW.i. t af Ik tiH'l. tl ttlt af IU !. . ,. IK aat. af 4.fl I' ' "I '4 lfc "'W Aira)l(MaJ ii t I ha (laalwal umIU. aaaat i uv '4 "t.l4l ln af ll.a 1 a I 4 J Of .goto. f uiiutval. aiaadiaa aa .lata III dt4 hh It ! la l.f uiiiI aiuiai m tar- j ( la-1 Tba ()!( Ja a..aa4 la Jxit toil a4 eaa la huh IK bwaj Iwi man of of1U4 U tllally taltf ala4 Sill Tfaffltf Waaaf IUU af t. i U-U. tt N ; iaA la aaaaalUII) ' a afiuuliuial Hal. s4 U : a-Liataiii.nl. la lUal liaitlt Waal , l'ly ac(Ma4 II ft.atn s4 l.aiof- j ani, Tlarrvfk " lta itumolloa mt F farmlr. pvrauli. latoniM of prtouI laMrlaac and atulJ l Muraa4 ' la ataiy Btatllrabi .,, T, (rua AailFuUural cullcfa la earaaaary fac tor t. ihia .(td. ll houl4 Ka tba fullaal aulXt from Iba a(ala la all af Ma UbUarlaklnaa. abl Iba public (aaar ally aliuuld brcnia familiar IU I ha Kp and .rfarllv&caa f tfc. worfc. Tha rlali o Iba rolla. UI fc. lalar- 1 Hr.f and loatrurllv. anJ .rrn. will j aL rat Id for bavins ma da II." ! Tha atat.tn.nl f Praatdthl Krrr of ' . . . . I . an Hum Lffrvaiiu, nitwwi in Ian of anlartalomcal after In. eicur- j on iralu laa rehud Corvallla on Iba; ornlnc of Ar1l SI, vlaita to alcUinn- j ilia. Knarttlan and Ikallaa liaklna pra i Ml- ! I all 4 v r I a. - aa-aW m twdcxl (ha arrival at Cortallla "Tha laa la to hava auloinobllaj at . Iba (rain a( 1.19 o ilix.k In Ilia atwralnc ' lo laka (ha UaKor lo ih Julian hotal fur biafaal." wrola I'r. Karr. Tbay wilt, ba joined al brtaafaal by a iium- . !ar of oualnaaa man of t'ortaltla. Aflar brrakfaat. at oilork. (hay will ba , trough! In auiotiiubllaa to iha colltia lid U1 to ahown ovar tha Crounda, lClnnln( (hi lour of Inapacllon aa an- . aouncad In (ha circular, at JO o'clock." ! Tha Uiapactlon of tba collrKa, accord- , in I lo Iha program, la lo bagla with an automobile (our Inalda (ha collrg arm ory. Than will follow Inauactlon of , Ilia dorn ratio aclrnr laboralorlra, whar (he aluun(a will ba praparlng foo4 for Iha arming banqutU Hurvry of tha work In hortlcultura, botany and plant pathology, aoology, an loinolon) and phyaiology. In tba art da par(mrnt, achoot of oomtnarra, domcitlc art and agronomy all) occupy tha tlma until noon, when thara will ba a ragl niontal drill on tha CalDPuf tnd A a(0 dam asaombly Which will ba followed by lunch. The afternoon will be apant In looking over1 tha chemical laboratories, and tha irpartraanla of study la baterlology. rcBtry and ptvarmacy. Then, In Ma nual liall, (ba department In civil inewlng, the phyalca laboratory, x mrntal engineering and electrical latorloa. the power houae, tha foun the forge chop, the machine ahop, woodworking ahop and tha dairy Jlng. the farm mechanic! building, stork Judging pavilion, tha poultry la. and all concluding with the ban- aerved by the atudenta of tha do tic actence department in Waldo hall o'clock. The trip n expected to haalztt the great variety of work fitting all who Winn to learn for Ural aucceas which la carried on 'oi viilll and from the college iiKhout the atate. fo PREDICTS SHORTAGE OP CARS FOR LUMBER fron opl Ic diet dni be been Bitu, (hot bull laily Ia. 'l at lumber shipper will be coh- ted with n car shortage la the on of Edward L. Fairbanks, traf lanager of tha Paclfio Coaat Shlp associHtlon, who was here from le yesterday. Mr. Fairbanks p re ft matcrlnl Improvement . In the nd for lumber, but believes It will fflcult to make prompt deliveries se of the ehortage of rolling stock. e railroads are hard pressed for said li.r. Fairbanks, "and the Ion will not Improve although uiids of freight cars are being The Canadian Paclfio la partiou crowded, lumber -manufacturers points between Seattle and Sumas la-ivlng 200 cars of material ready for hlpment and no cars in alg-ht. All of s material Is booked for points in ida, to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Winnipeg;, and the company has in vain attempted to borrow rrom other north" em lines. "Kail shipments have not been as heavy this winter as they should have been under normal conditions, and this means that lumber stocks in the middle states and throughout the lumber buy 1ik districts, for that matter, are low. With comparatively few cars available, it will probably mean- a serious lumber jphortage In places, and this will have 'the effect of advancing values. "I believe that the coming- summer is going to be ttXj best the Paclfio .north west lumber manufacturers havfj had In four years, and they are entitled to it, for certainly they have not had oppor tunity to count profits for a long time. Many have done well to continue opiera (lon " . HUNDREDS OF LOGGERS FIND WORK IN CAMPS "radically all ot the lodging camps fi, ttie Columbia river district are now fcei.'Hiig, a large number of them hav " tig opened during the week, giving; em ployment to hundreds or men. ' At u meeting of the Columbia ft Iyer i.oBffers' association . yesterday after noon, it was eald that : the outlook forj bitiUnefS in coming summer is consld i.i:il,lv better tha for a long time and a. liiuvvass shows that the supply of logei in iha water Is lower than for some tim tnc accrrase ine past inunin nav I, iK heen quite material, rn apite of the fait tlat a few-camps resumed opera tions afeont thre weeks ago. Iouls VVorner, secretary of the West ern Cooperage company, wa elected '.secretary of tha association to fill the -acancy caused by the resignation of fiecretary Irving I Webster, who had ' lafen serving jlemporarlly. ' f ' . , ;T flaw yoo raafl ' the great piano pur chasing opportunity n page t, -section It - "' . I Overfflowinff With the Hew Sea son's GroodsPrices Temptingly Low The mafnlficmt tyle wKich you will Kerc, tKe wocxJerfuU Ur jti asormtni arvdl brotuj rarirtlcA which creet you at errrr turn, and the KnJome ppcarmnce of our itore in fmU Sprinf tUtire. tell the dory of our cfforU to make thi helpful tore mort) helpful than eTtr our sunbttion to giye our cutcr the choke of the chotcot food and to proTkle the BEST POSSIBLE VALUES. We're proud of our pcetnt ahowtng and tiryd you to come now and pM judgment on our Hylee, our qualitiee and our price now, when we are appearing at our beet now, when everything U new, frah and desirable. C...-. The Ioai in Value Tha Sail in Quality An Unsurpassed Showing- of the New Wash Goods We hare nerer before told such a treat lot of Wash Good to early In the ea ton. ThU adrance buaineaa u the beat tet of the rarietr and ttylea that can be een. Thoto who hare not already bought a full supply for Summer tewing thould be intereated in theae offering. NEW GINGHAMS A reit shipment just received, including hundreds of de sirable styles, best standard qual- 1 ity. at 1 UL SCOTCH GINGHAMS Anderson's cele brated imported Scotch Ginghams in a full showing of styles and colors OCsy at only awOL NEW PERCALES A full showing of neat and attractive styles in liht and dark colors, best standard quality, at Cr only 10 MADRAS WAISnNGS Also Shirtinrs, shown in neat small figures and stripes on wnite rrounds, on special ntx, sale at wUL w y v a 35c NEW MIXTURES of silk and cotton, shown in checks, plaid and striped styles, very pretty and durable, specially 95" priced at L OL PLAIN COLORED VOILES, full forty inches wide, shown in a full variety of colors, sepcially priced for this sale at only SHANTUNG SILKS in the new flaked effects, plain colors in all the new shades, on special sale tomorrow at this 'ItZn low price NOVELTY FOULARDS and Silk-Rn-Ished Challies, in dots, figures and striped styles, on special sale at this low C price awOC The Prettiest of the New Silks and Dress Goods 1 ARE HERE IN GENEROUS ASSORTMENTS AND AT PRICES YOU WILL BE GLAD TO PAY. In attempting to go into details regarding the multiplied beauty of these new Spring Silk and Dress Goods, no word too much or no adjective too strong could be applied. With our usual forethought, rwe have gathered a more than ordinarily large assortment of patterns and colorings. The following details will-interest you: NEW SWISS TAFFETAS AT $1.00 YARD Beautiful chiffon-finished silks of perfect weave and free from artificial dressing. They are all silk and are shown in a full assortment of the new plain shades, two-toned effects and changeable; also in neat small designs, self-colored Jacquard weaves and changeable hairline stripes. Choice new silks of unequaled quality at this price. FANCY DRESS AND WAISTING SILKS AT 85c A very attractive showing of new Fancy Dress and Waisting Silks, full 24 inches wide, shown in new hairline, pin and Pekin stripes in all the correct new Spring and Summer shades. It is a soft, cling ing taffeta that will not cut or slip. Specially underpriced for this sale at eighty-five cents a yard. ' ' - GENUINE SWISS MESSALINES AT 75c A YARD At no other store in this city will you find such "a generous assortment of these popular silks. Genuine Swiss Mes salines, full 27 inches wide. A heavy, firmly woven fabric that drapes beautifully and will not cut or sup. Comes in every desirable color. Our leader at seventy- five cents a yard.' ' . - CHENEY BROS.' FOULARDS AT 85c A YARD Just arrived, another great ship ment of Cheney Bros.' Showeproof Foulards -a silk that is warranted not to spot. Comes full23 inches wide and shown in a wonderful assortment of neat small de signs, polka dots, conventional - designs, small colored figures, rich overdesigns, Jac quard weaves, two-toned fancies, etc., in the new season's most popular colorings. Silks that must be seen to be appreciated.' For this sale at eighty-five cents a yard. NEW SPRING SUITINGS AT $1.00 YARD 52 and 54-inch All-Wool Suitings in attractive new styles. Included ar,e the new Scotch Mixtures, new Pekin Stripes, new Diagonals, Whipcords and Serges. Shown in all wanted colors. Particularly at tractive are the new shades of gray. These are f abrics that cannot be matched in this city at anywhere-near one dollar , a yard. . . . DOUBLE-WEIGHT FABRICS AT $1.50 54rinch ?' Double-Weight Scotch . Mix tures and ew Diagonals, : Shown' Jn ; all wanted colors, new light tans, grays, cas tor and mixtures." Fabrics that are war ranted' all wool. . V- SILK STRIPED VOILES AT 85c New Silk Striped. Voiles arid' Marquisettes in all evening shades as well : as cream and black. They come full 40 inches wide and are beautiful fabrics at a very low, Women's Fashion able Garments This popular section of our store will satisfy your ready-to-wear need with offerings of quality at popu lar prices. Here are the apeciala for tomorrow t Women's Suits at $10.50, S12.50, S15.00 to S25.00 Everv rarment a strictly 191 2 Spring style. Made of fine Quality sertres. whipcords and mixtures. Shown in all sizes and in a splendid range of colors. They are quality made suits, that not only looks well, but will give full wearing service. Come and profit by an early selection. , Women' Coats 57.50 to $17.50 Some very smart effects in these stylish garments, of serges, mixtures and whipcords. Handsomely tailored in plain effect or slightly trimmed. Very handsome and stylish garments. Silk Drosses at $12.50 to $10.50 Faultlessly made Silk Dresses of rood quality foulard, pongee, messaline and chiffon taffeta. Come in plain colors, also polka dots and small figures in the bordered effect Low pr high neck effect Children's Dresses 75o to $7.50 A very large assortment of Children's Dresses, shown in sizes 6 to 14. They are made of 'good quality gingham and percales, also embroidered tissue, white lawn and marquisette, in an immense va riety of styles and colors. Women's Waists 05c to $5.50 A very attractive line of Women's Lawn Waists, made in many beautiful styles, with high or low neck. Plain tailored ef fects, also neatly trimmed with pretty lace or embroidery. Handsome waists that we will be glad to show you, at low prices, . Yon Will Be Delighted With Our New Spring Snowing Muslin Underwear Those Who realize the importance of perfectly fitting undermuslins that enhance the beauty of one's figure and provide a perfect foundation for outer garments, and who appreciate daintily devised and carefully made garments of this character. wiU be delighted with our new stock of undermuslins. The showing includes Gowns, Skirts, Combination Suits and Slips, made of excel lent quality material and trimmed in the best possible manner. Fit and workman ship are as good as the highest grade of lingerie. There's a, style and Q )C size for everyone at the popular price of . 1 ewO MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AT $1.59 At this extraordinarily low price we are showing a very large assortment of Women's Gowns, Skirts, Princess Slips and Combination Suits, made of the finest jnaterials and elegantly trimmed. Fit and make absolutely perfect. Regular val- CQ ues to $2.50 specially priced at D 1 Oy. ATTRACTIVE OFFERINGS IN INFANTS' WEAR, INFANTS' HATS AND BON NETS FROM 25c TO $3.50 We are now showing a very complete line of Infants' and Children's Headwear. In cluding Straw Hats and Bonnets, Silk Bonnets, Knitted Silk and Mercerized Bonnets and Lawn Bonnets. They are nobby and stylish and are very handsomely trimmedV Also a nice line of Bojs' Caps and Hats. - Great Sale of Women's Silk Lisle Underwear Z.:- SPRINGrWEIGHT VESTS AND PANTS IN ALL SIZES OUR REGU- (Q LAR$1.25 AND $1.50 GRADE PRICED FOR TOMORROW'S SALE AT VOC Our new Spring stock of Women's Knit Underwear is the sfrohgesi'IweTH shown. A A fortunate purchase permits us to offer most unusual values.- Women's Fine Silk Lisle Vests and Pants in correct Spring weight, perfectly finished and form fitting. v The vests are shown in long-sleeve styles' with high" neck, and the pants come in ankle length ana with equestrian top. All sizes. Regular Si.25 and $1.50 grades on sale at GAUZE LISLE HOSE ON f AA SALE THREE PAIRS FOR -M.UU Women's Fine Pull - Fashioned Gauze Lisle Hose, made with double sole, heel and toe and double garter top. ' They are very elastic and guaranteed fast black. All sizes. Regular 50c grade, three pairs for one dollar. ; v:; v.;';-. . 98c SILK LISLE HOSE SPECIALLY OC rf PRICED THIS SALE AT, PAIR Zo C Ouldren's Finei Ribbed Silk Lisle Hose, with double heel and toe, shown in the new'. shades of, tan, pink, blue, red; also white arid black. All sizes from 5 to 9K ' Best 35c grade on sale at ZZz per i pair. : . ,.