THL ORECON SUNDAY JOUKN'AL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY WORKING. APRIL T. 1911 If I Oil ILi MK19 IT Itiit MIX JVAHM IT 4T mttiSUtWtUUL aM)T4IttS4 tiluL-U. t lMMi.ll It eilaax (imt l.u4. lV.k.M4 .iy, ira a. ra ka.t.4 aai.Rai.1 v4 ImwM, a la a. U" la. . , 14 a. a 4 fU!. iv-i .! ! I - 'tkMK, .J gJ4 !". ! f t,ea..iiaej ta aw ibti44. I t a. t. awn ,--., ;t) m i Mit, l:ia-e ka. V. 1 K. hrw CWse- twttlx, $ i ailf ellaaak, I r ,.,, .Vnud tettv 11 a. a Umikh ! l a fair CMt, I'rt la eolf Ill fen f alcWleatttla, 1000 Acres or - Growing Wheat IJ H.:Mii vfti,rtoM ill la) ii, ! 111 aula f i.Mk I la rv.iiiiu aa oil. Ail !. avs cta f aJ 1 I Ml. 4 f lean.! iitaiUl ei eMittery ltt-a UOlllll nf t-Lheont, fftOl'iHff wi ti4 Ik U.. Bhl.ll kiiMtll Sf 1 It'fM 4 A RARE BARGAIN BE QUICK iMt-mst tit ri fckt- mi $-.. ihr lit av.'aat teiel aa.a-4. aa4 e.t, M ui .ata. !! -Mr t !.,;.. 4 at-at., eH I Maa, ea-tag ai.l I lift- ixivlU .. i. It iur lawa it, life ea aWtt41l fun II r awak-alal, leltaaak M lll ft-el... U Jala 1. . kl.K tat j aaa-aaa) .laar, fc.!, ttaflvw III .... 4 ii. fiwm alcWlarlll. ' "-' . Mt 1, fc,r ihtit.. e.rfa I Oh!. a la 4 cl , Si ' lit a. C MMlll. -' I n,. H , e4 ! ie in -. a triM,Untt V " -kJ-iB, pi...,. Untl 4 Uaiiaing,, l nut I'm .iI IUkVMiMeut.,i.iMUiitiM 2,.il.?n. JIM.'l.,.V,mi"t t- I t Url.. llt to turn I ittT?ir JV JcT..7 uhlTT jVla i cMt ll ft M4f , Ilk i4 brrca la ka aJ lu. laM fiaraaltl l I .- Tr lu ui 1 L U' la tl kuoott I.kU l'fil IvtC lofth i. kLAAkV m. I bit BKUlf'THllS IJ la eullliallnn. Uaitwr lovih fir llmiwr, an ti kid I k 1 B V BJ A I -A V M b . Vlt Ml. I at-raa baartnt oicKarA. nH I run drjr, .-tit ktahotiM, on fou4 outilr KM't, mlla to rhool, Idrtt. r rlmrrh. good aal hbothOMl ! I' llo Id IWIltxd. IDIa l Tltr Uf.tit IH f ulta al 17ta, aa4 xmI Uihii ran b arranged ha mr ! al Ka J I liak al. Chittenden & Neill ICO Acrrs I Mat I a frcaa kiatlraa. imita W anli from lirfiiaa tlriwt IW ai)aa lima wing auihilallva4 )ar. Iltat kaUanlf aah aoll. ara4 ti naaal f feral - - Ul rr- "aa tii 1 1 (mil I r-n Mm oihar luillina T.l U tllr Uarl of Uixl a no rtt li al um I ra f fn In rumkrann. I'llo III Will a--"-l I I'si I lat.l taalitir proMM? up Id t4v m iifti ij mni. ratoraiiia lattna pa ia ltvnt 80 Acres . All llttahla aiuai-i aluMii artwa plradM anil. ca Ua lrrlai1 fmia own alar rlahl. About 1 araaa tat baaa eulliraia4 Hm.a frull. hudaa ao4 olh. hm BAUr-Ortle a-r farm. tall from ttniic lllfhwar. M It ala- t'n. I'. I), achuol, rhurcii and boat UtU if M (olunbla rlvar. All rxxl farm atila land, a atraa jrounf rharry ore ha 1 4. 4 aerta baarlng orrharT of rharrlaa, ap- rlaa, tara. ale. tood T room houatt 1 am a4 good outbuilding latf la born hut 1 houaa-a and rorrala "Ma ung Ifim, nw harnaaa an1 (arm m rhlnnr, 4 ctti hoga, ale. Prla !". v rath talanc irrmi or will lral up to guttd motiarn tinlnrombarHl t or 7 room rraiilaora. l!Ko c-ah. bal p latma. Uaorr. room 411 1'rrkma l-oltl fHMIll KAHM. : a rfa, 11 arrta In flna alala of rul 'r lit alum. flnt hl houac. IJ8 f-al long; : a rra jran iimorr, a " ' tn I ni nar! lo c lrar Oiol hnuar an. I larn. " imM -l with wind mill, walcr plpftl to ho'iM an4 barn with thr iiiai la 4 rait. 1 hurw. wagon, bugg. Iiarn', an.l all frtn mtrhimr)' and toola lrli-e liftiO. u -ah. MII tak horn In M un tax Ilia fnr about 11000. ATKINhOS ft (11I.BKRT, 40! Waahli at -n al.. opp"lt tof flra. am nut rr. Vnli Ta a Vinmuvtr atrrtra r. Dairy and Fruit Ranch 10u arr-a. ii mllfa from I'ortland. 40 rodaj fro-n aiallon. on plwtrlc Una. 1 mlltt from aruoJ town. fairly wrll Inn . d running wattr and good wrll. t.'i a. tra In cultivation, jo ai rr um-I-r. lalania gihid paaturf; fair houto and good ba'tt olhrr ixitlmlldlnca: all Itrm imdinriita and vahlrloa gotllh Ila' i ut IS5 tor a-r; ran niak- good . rni Nral HrownSJMI Pa-rtland Mrtg 1 60 Acre Snap o arret! olfartMl. mill Ion fret Mm bulldinga. TMl ffrirty la u milra front lUtXKJt I.AHOK IT IQ'ltlNO KuuiltTH. railroad and Ua landing clHxtl gi plara. I'rlra tt pr a-r. Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co., ll til Hoard of Trad. Ih und rrd nttol aoll. no hilly land, 4 A Few of Our Bargains A RARR BAROA1.V l arraa :t In rdltltallon, all flna a.l. living watar ran Im tuood from ayrlnga lu tw.oaa. old Ifiilldlnga: li Irfti mora ran Iw aaalljr claarod. Ii a. rra Imltnm land on rounly mad )n Wathlng Ion roiintjr. Or..n; Inllrd Itafl tl will run rloa to 1Mb ranch. Thla will make a flna dairy ranch. Itlie la only lid per arm. term a arraa. tt In rnltlrallon. fair bunding; ran ba Irrlgalrd from apringa: wtltr lo lha houa. t arrra brarlng orchard, aoma . cry nnd onion land, 114. ml.ra o TI H. on cU)Hv road; telrnhono knd H y P Hrloa litis. H ""f Will aall stork and Implrmanla al rraionabla prlra. Id arrra rolling land U r Ira rod othrr j llmbr, bIkiiiI 440 -ort"a of wood; nrw 4 room lingua, amall bam: I frrah row. ; hlootlad brood aowa: 10 flna rhlckrna; tram hniara. ham ran and ttion and toma amall tonla it, aarka (nta tora: young orrhard, living w. trr. ?i milra from Otatnn; trl rphonr. IX K. I . Price !000. Ball & Kuntz 131 Lumber Kxrhange Iddg. 1 ott) la liitalttta all la t ( t'tl a raw arrra kit f awtaiawa a a. I garwatv N tunu lat r giaaat. balal,, 14 grroa) loi Bag la baaaala. gv4 Igatai f ywuag aaafaav 1 1 4 llaa, I !' f.a i.aiaa. aaa. tr ttl I t-iaaa. ail latttt"l. 4 rlaa alaiaey totta. 1 J at as taartlaga. (twaea arlar t-laal r limbar fatvt g-mi t ruom laaa. ta!tt 4411, all acxaaaatr awlbcltdlKga. fatttll ur t4. Iata of aaiM, all flaai aoll aed narly lutl, aai 1 (Vttiat. Muk iTio ta. kiwi I afar Dakar, tt 14 and r ' w gj iif tj-v m ACRES u kiii.ui rnou i-uMjtJiMi. I artae la ruliltalirttt. ;3 arraa rd- ad. mile front Miiiemelte rlrr and boat laadma. 1 talUa from ataxlrte rttr. aa good county to4. good rxntaa, aw Urn aod otiibulidicga; 1 cra of gd ramuy orrnari, beating, piaoiy rt walar: f4 fan.; vr rtth aoll: will lae grain and olalue enough lo plaal bavUnt-a. Irlc 144, with I arm lo aull purrhaaar, al a prr rant I'M'Mt tk ItAkfll 41 Bhrlo.k Mdg, .or 14 and Oak WILL trade my home for a farm or acreage. Please nive phone number, Address ID-38-J, Journal. Why Buy a Farm? a M a t aanntaa.4 e -awl4 l.m.a.tal Hat f .1 ) !! 4 It. It awt iii (, a at-aaaatta 4 4 far fa tl ft ta a a-4 (Sriaa t'ailfaa r4:iva4 l mmikm Vav Ail - 4 wagwtt a.a la J n ltl-Ait TlatfeatH , -ll bai!a tt4a .Jg llOaf VjiTJUItj aTl MtWa4 fiiaXU a 1-4 iiui, taiit iaa4f pa . baal tt4, gkrJ 4 aaa, alo Ida, a ,..fci...i, fa4 iglV vVtal, ;4I tta. IWI1 J 1 s . -. .--x. I - . a- ... r-- - II Jtll-a 1 1.41 I n i.l . a l aif lal a..naaaxla la coatial Mi' a fa lart. i It h h a. f.l ta.IUa.iaia 1 ft Hi-Iil :1 Taa U( -i -. r-a-ii- Housts to Trade t-g l.vua. la4 ntkl tii ul la ai Jakha. utltrui I fa'ta tWul I Ha aaaaa lula4 aa laicloda Have Ycu City Property to frado for Good Country Property - r rt"H ryti s,it: i.rfkfiT witNf- ' lvt t viitlui fKAl't 1 1 4 1 -v-4 ata ar Maria. 1 ka Baat uuli, all gw-4 kaA.4 , all -, lie. IwNliilf fl- - U. III! K lilt la tHe ltl : ar4 tK.taat fita f.4'a tm, ta aulla 1 ataltuw. f faim-a l a4 It km M.k U lit llata lar botMl In ll Ilt4 I ilia . vtatlvaa all uk4t$ iiau. ail fiaa-i ta aau.a b4il, a-l I J oel. la a J a-aiuti HMf 1. 14.4V) l.auae on Ut IWi Iih. t : t laka a faint up klu l tiih la le rallaa Iin !'. land Will ', l.0 keaaa M Jaltaa. Il4 i tiaM ma up Id 4t, ri. a lout !-.a a fiba large f gruut.d. I4X4 bauaa In H'aiaal l-ark on Wll. lana lit lake a aa firet iatanl. k.aiM.a iak trr ravMJ c !t4 Ktut avn Alaawo'lh ate. 11444 ntuilgaar M lake aa Imbrute-t farm up to lie. 444 Waal farm a lib aiu. k a i.d in i Ita'.aftte allSIa 14 ml.n fram .iViim a OKI Ii e ttn .-ia 1 ixMlla4 1 7 1. ! 4 - 41 id.. iv-.r itilien tc a -a a0aa-4 11 !'. I r-lit i'i II goaia. I aj rallie. it l . 4 Uan a lu and IH iiiarJ al Itatv. tela I I .t J III T. lt aaM. aa. altl il rllf prutaxly J auifca tiK I !- t .im ar liiu.x all la rtpiiiiallii . I arte larttg r ri..1 I raum ti-MNlcia ii.a l.ii. k .iuu lot... l!l UU IK l lltVt' At l-IV'IrKfl t in . and l-ortl llkei hauaa and 1 lot aa Ih aal Ida. blixk fraia lha rar Will take a farm up Id fba aaitia talua. 1 uotifiii r ii. ii oi it rros inj Rare Opportunity j 0n, IUI liVKI riRU lly )iilrvil. I hour Nrtland, ron. airtrr (uriialu a mm ! Yra.n Mar.hall 1493 Ill rtllt KKVX FAIWW 14 I N INK arrr. ; mllra of Torrat Orovr ! nrw hOuar and Urn, fruit, 1 arm of I atrawltrrrlr. balan--r In rrop Ilia 1 ' a r I rrnilng muat buy I horar b'ltTgv I larrir aud cow for 1 1 On 1171 down. i lalam (x-l I VValttr Koawurm, for , tat Ororc. Or 11 of 4. Ha cn ti.a taal !.!. or good i-rraaa. urlini'ioi..! if -d aoll. on alt lltx-d or liia Kalatada ar Una. I milr out l-ri.a iuuji l. v M'l.l lan urn anl I mlla lro:u i-Blof:ir atorr. rrMinarr, t h'l and rburrli. :i at rra In rultlra- Il'.n 4 a' rt l.i timber, iHtla'ira alai-l. J lin. mi.iiiir aaairr 11 ir rod ii.i , i,eaf log oril.ard twut Ti lf-. goiria an. all fruit, good I arry l.inian, lain and oulli'illdi a I'rlra for I ta I at 40 arrra la lil'" the htlama, Ittvg. irrrti at I 'tr tml rrpint I iukkh. Ill Hi-rrljw-k ll!.1 I'. r d and Aak StaIi'ih iViiA ii Wofti "iiKAl.Tl Co :01 Kwrtland Mil Vrha'l :i!I. It 1 an) IVih K'ii SAi.i: up. km'Hanui: 71 rta in I'olk ryunii, hlguly Ini- Al I. Si 1.1 I Alitkll M , .ji al.K oi Ii IX' IIS..1: Dorr E. Kcasey A. Co. M noi rinaUf i.f 1 aitinora llldg "IF" arra i.ear kil 11.1 Tlr.a. a-w3 bulUlag, alli hhNIl lata flrai l-i:icii tuy r"irl). lung lime on bale ft ca. 7vl a raa Mtl lie kf!r t Ilia 14 In rullltttk'n Uiittt ran b I'rlra l I -a r at la bcal lwr(alu In country want rlly t-ropaiO 1 flat a On liuta.ll rt , bttalnaae prop, arty; great tafgaia. ItlOO, want farm or raatdanra Tao huuiri td ronlrairt paying t' rrr nwiblfi. trad for farm a Kb af,ock I Ol'O. I) i'tii all Improred nlra bunga low, ihl ken boukaa. In utal're. tr, I Ina n.llra fiom til), t.i I larcar farm or illy f.M-rl llata I. It (. ard le - eouth loud II ne. tint rliy I rtn iir..-M, IprotKl. to trade. rt:v r..-rt or nil- 10 arrra on rWllon Uln Road. nrar)W fann iirln.-u:iilK-ri-1 up to 1:1. 000 rlty llnill. with I room houae, rhlfk rn lirtuai-a. barn, rtr . alt fenrrd. over It a 1 f under ru I tit it t Inn. rraaonaMe rant In rlarhr oarlv (an te rt iKiaaeaalrtn at orica Hoy oa ner Hrr Hive. T Id at K:o ACItKK. Iioua. ham. crerk. furl, 15 nc rrt i-ultltated. near loa n, rent 1 1 JO aa rirat baJanre payment; gtiott raay lirnil on 44 a. rrn. f.lnrotn rotmry. highly Im proved. ira.1 for lty property to prtive.1 . I lu.Ouo Irrigated Valley Ranch year In advarirr. Ad Ireaa II. K llonald. I " ro..rn inolorn hon. rirdnmnt; I twf. Vaneuutar ata, ill v. . ftubO. I rati, fur riaa In farm. ( a I 1 !) I'D V. ...... r n lj7lll ( IJ srrea In Wlllamrtta vallev about it - 't.-'i.. ...... 1. There art all unincumbered and caah mile, from Portland all flr,t of ..,, mon,hi'v oil n mark al Phone , Pr!r.! lilgrk Iram aoll. nrarly all In cultivation Talor 170 m a iew arrr. or roon limner fiaro k; r r wrll fencfd all Irrle.iarf tm .r..i, fhM arrra fine garden land. thiour'' blac. plant-- of water, no water1 to rent on abate. riot Tn lilt acne. row. 716 Chamber of mflra lo i-ountv acat on good county Vftiiil. 11! per acre. 1-1 carh, bal. long tlitit- R per cent 'rent: Ilea level, cotin'v roa.1 thronah evrrvthlng but tram . ?- 1 ...nil. place- ?H mllea from town: good bear- ', "mmtrce. .0. l.urii Iwr t.xc mnge Bldg . ng orehard and-l arrra of fruit net ana ifcN b.av.,d.m land for rent. lL","." .E1J 'year; about 60 acrca in i-rop, 40 arrea ( near Vancouver. WaaU.. on kharea. (IKT our Canailian home from th . read" to aord. paalure green all th : Tlor 1 575 n.ln Pncinr Why farm hlf 1-! yer; one 8 room how, one cottage. ffAjli. partly cleared, on J.hron have many other tradra and can malfh yii'i rn ar ythlr.g. ALTOMiJllI!.KSSAT of rlty. rtfir lit pr prrtt !4 a. rra ett .f rilr ntir t'o'brrll wrl lmprrd. gtxv Iniil.llnga, 111 t rbangr thla for In part raao. rallfomla t fuom hunaalnw. raw beaut'ful. laka a ld. or ahal have oti for flrat parmenl I IK) aitoM"t'lln for 110(1 I I 4 0 A ladllla.- for I1CI lljt'O huutl for auto to at-ria of Innd. ahat bare you? Mtr boat ft.r :n ll.tian boat, furnlahr.1 1171 Inla. 1 1 to . i month. M.f4ii lark loia lo trad We hr Imndrrtla t.f propertlra for trait, imil YU'ire atatt; ae have Ina Ira lira. Hal a!th ti fur a!a or rt t f. a 1. g a ll.VM"KK I( K A I.T Y CO.. tin W ttr.calcr h'dg t.Ttuai.'k: II itm the very lal land, good I rotini houae. gtwl barn and mil bul'd Irira. horaea, row and Implrmrnt. tal.ia I17K0; will trala for ln-oine prop rrlv; owner 7t) ) old. wanla to rc- t'lrAPIN-IIKHriW MOHTOAGK A TltT'HT 3 3 : 3 J fhainbrr of I'ommerra, Ak for A K'rllrr Acrea Wanted. To EjaChana fcr City Prcporty T faaa lrt,(! J.ra a---a, llaalLn m ea ria.a Iter. Iktalliala :l- taall a la lu ptvaai a.:vt li tHl4. Id a.J.t,kai aid4ta I 1 wan koa fa'taaaa It', til aittui. u.)i taf IflM tf aaa.aU aaiaag la li ax "1 g.alfl.l 4 ivMBi p:. lie twutlga It al ? ..' .al. will illatia etlfilt lt (aa i.a 1 a--l t-l I loaati ktauaa. ( ll I ? I lit afHaage let aMaa-'l ' kar rllf Wtadara ? rm buuax 1 11 a li. iKoKi 1 ... a 1 lu M ., aaaal a of ill TavlMl t!rf at ! r tii.lilabo, !!! ilrla I, I I :t ta 1 aitat r.ul otrr ;t ittHaa tt,l atrl. fly oaiatiain t ttaat ... HH f .rna 1, Iti rhail a I,.. .11 1. an rat alta lrtra tia i,tai ottittr aatli fr.'tt. i t 1 kt In l(!l tn-l a et.1. el titer St niilca from IS-tliaH.t ait n g.i Riuiit abate lit p .r In prtec. a til pa y J;ritiin.a In at I room bouaaii, la e-.v! lurallon OO aal a'de f. :r4 ant laa a.laa i.eaf fat rhl.keit lalalng S'aw, modi-tn 4 room Kou. ta ri!f I ration on al ld Price lltoa mortgage 4t ooiiar will aii'ltarf 1 1. tat aplandl t Froirty fur email plate ot ter t liillaa out He ua at onea If yen want bar gain In vrtland property A. K. Hill Co. 41 Mcnry llldg pi-rttand Or 160 Acres of GooTTimber 4,1.00.000 frrt, noo rl.-ar: 130 acre of giamt farm land. Ilooon rlenr: HO a.rea Tillamook. JS0.) rlrar; 7imrt In firrt rlnna aiiurltlra All thro fo. g.xd rltv property; prrfcr Ihconie, but liouae. hen nouatj. 4 horacg. lk cow helfera. 6 brood aowa, 1 hour, 5 fatting hoga. 1 bull, ISO ehlikena. 4 stand bees, hay for all alnrk, BOO bu. natn. aomo vctcn and 15 tu'.cka studa: vlrKln oll of wratrrn Canada. Flneat lrigii(n1 or non-lriigaled landa from )0 10 30 an acre. Write for booklet nn Manitoba, Saakatchewan and Al l.rta V K Thornton, (lenera) Agent. Canadian Pacific Hallway. 112 eat I Implement and v. Nclr are all Ai'nm ft., Chicago nrarly new. hinder, mower, rake, drill. iJo ACRuS. four mllea from Cumaa; all ran",p'T . "J"1- P'.w- tillable. 40 acre In cultivation. 7 r,"7,l; ; ftfi"v, , hnck lLuprv ,two a. M K orchard, good liouae and barn, j '' """ ..I1''11, a"d beavylmr- prlng water piped in liouue and burn ; 1 Pf0"- cream gepargtor. cream cana and lemt'Tlta I"".,...., n..ti ail .mnn iim.ib, owner creek. 10c fare. Phone A-BJO. WANT Kl -Ka rn 1 c r with team. liara or1 wnl'IN.,. h11?, ., n-iln HSU I.I af room 9 I rll'.K Mil. HAllHMI.I U.. .V.I...,.; ' ' Tr'V.1'-:. P. ' will .onaldcr olh. t. 1 .r:X'.,.,.! .T-' . .r- so .ore of 1:00,1 ln. I 1 t in i,n n- n ; unit, .- TlilN". I0ll. h ull I i M 1 1 Hnl'HK A l PAY KKASnNAlll.K l'A?ll 1'in'KH- K.cR. ult wii.i. sr.1.1. to PA JIT Y ON HBAiiuSAULK Tb'llM.4 110 Itotltrblid bldg. Marh!l 1111 7 ntim hltel, cloae In, trade for city or farm properly, clrar I too lu 4ju inonlh 4u arrra In Tillamook rounly, trade for roimlng bona Value )toi 3 tola In Vanroutrr. l-OoO, trade fnr wmii k nonaa or l.ouae and lot in Port land 0"f orchard, full bearing, neat Itorwt.iiig, tiatla city property. I mv ,1 Wklnot orchard, trade city property 21 a. -rea In Vancouver. 11100. for lrllnd rpertv. iriii.'O. 4; arrea. Ixautiful country home, take port land property 40 a r.. !4 mll-a from Portland; wn: atiH-k farm. Implement, rtc, lln.000 home In Purlland or flDOtl t-aah, balan raay. Iloiiae on Itlh al . beat bargain I Portland, take lot and rah or ael I40O down, balance raay. lioint'. I31"0. trade lot or hone and lotai want more room. 60 arrra near Eala. a.Ia. take ell nrooert v. If yon want to buy, ?U or trade, come In. ' UvwU L-4,v aa - w. sr t tva'V akataea a IV, kaa. gate. fW karaaa a.4 a. 4 faavaaa .g 41 fa llaa t It It aaa ..s a- aaaiA I taa akat e4 t.l, ?tv-f-av t ,.;, f-aT kwa) -4 - a 1.auax la'. - I faltaa. It aataat, Jaa.aW4 t-aWga. I. a 14 14, Atatltaatl la I (taayaoaa. A kt g.Aa. I .-ai f.ll ata, 1 at avat(ia - Mltti.H IM. ipkltavakl I H I I e aWa tVavg av-t m ai' ta aa iaa a. t taavtat laalaMk4 14 4ltl I a? aa-aaar We. a 1 a.l.a, LaiatVaaay. fa lfttl-a Uet II aiiat lat akaa4. Il'4 III raaT. I W Mia a. 4 IfcrK-aa ta a .. fee t aa m4 lt III aviak Hlkkat, kt 44twt I A, faf Wrt iaa.4 lkra. - I laa. IMtktita. VA tk, far fcaewae aav4 l.i I aetata MlaLaia laht laakwJ. lef kaadaat av4 I'-t it ariaaaa. b'w tvl 111. laMgKeteaaV lake P"dia4 itt .... k laalla I all, tar r44 aed ihwl I 1 ...rn lauktaai, let ll" l"at Mia, 1 at laaautaw. laka !4 a I tarthaM, I a ir a lalH,a aaai t.e f ' f gi-4 .ltit'. Chittenden L Neill ria tatk en . Hifih Class Farms for Exchange i: iciia all la niuuiiot, aal In crop, ail goa4 aoll W:1 uua iet any kind a tvp. Wait adapted le top falali a), bknalawl atoul II amllaa up lit t Ilia wane rmr front purlland Bear l"a l-trKt gad aatatll town- Pitt 14 par trr laar !!! aa fua- -af(taav4 aawB P' OV rt. TI rr tn Tmhlil rulg: a't In rulllt-alloit. tbtnil half geailig rolling, talahrat try la wtlk rich black luar) Jn rhatlaw bx a I Ion not far fee Pn 1 a a4 and cl' lo good Jl R. lewn. Prlo lilt i-ar kfia Owaar will iirlnnia for Pvrthtad lacot propaeiy It will pay you ta ua for goud fal'U A. K. Hill Co. 41 Henry bldg. KARM for rent, ner good town. Wll lametle valley. 1H E. Taylor t 10 CHAM liKK OK CfiMMEItCE. a.t,i i-ii!- water nlned in liouae and burn ; 1 ."' Li,n arparaior. cream runt nun - . , 1-1 . tLi'?.K .'r .FJ p? ?il ""a 1 V.iiJ.... bucket, and all amall toola: owner fit" nrrPlfro T OCA tn Pnrt- l'.-r..ivtinw for moon- ahont hair rash wl"h' to retire; will sell thla fine farm , , c3 .. f-unMKtim 'r o. M0..0 land near some car line or au- l'nrtlar.d property 43000 to 13000 aa "h. ir.Oro to 17000 Income property, or , ... 1 A J J 1 .a0" M KrMv l.oe. Cama'a. Wh. " f- Portland, oal.nce can , tOmOblle d, AddrCSS K" I .....t. , .. , ..!.. TTi run " earg at rt per cent. See diagram rVn-r 1 1 'uuahl.- tOacrea In cuU.vanVrt. "Y V'""' BrW" 610 "nd , , JQUmai, K iiiltv In lot for good plnno. - 1 Nlrily furnlahed room flat; tnk dia 1 par' trade. ' 1 II room rooming )ioue. nice and . .... . .. . ! clean; take rlty lot aa tart trade WAN I to buy a small ranrn "'ty ". n bM WA STHU FA MtS Here orrliarci, goon riouao itrm nam. aprlna; water piped In houne and barn; 1300(1 worth of stork and Implement. Everything; for 19000; nbout half Caah, balance I011K time, 4 per cent; might take Portland property, zuuv to uu, . aaart payment. Kell For Sale by Owner creek bottom land, whole place Is In ment. Kelly 1,011. v anian, tiB.tii.iniiumiioi, iniiea iu guoa uiwn on tine roan mne 10 electric, (rood e room house, with water piped In from ACUEAliE FOR TKAlU: I have iume fine Improved aero tract near ntatlon on Salem Klectrlc; will accept city pruporty. LaBarrc. 203 Cnmmercl 1 block. FARM lOH TRADE 4 Hi ii'i.. toniu crop In. good bulld InirH. nil Lieironal property and furnl- H have a client who wnnlji a 130,000 ' ture gocK. will trade for city properly, farm and t,i rlv in ari-hin.a fr 1 l.nHarro. 309 Commercial block. I amnio Portland avpartmeift house Willi Juli HALE or trmlo. clgur. ice cream nnd confectionery store In connection with pool room: doing a good bu.ilnrr; close In acnajie preferred. Call 2STV 1M at. honae an. I 12 I 11. -raa et,tir-a1 In rtrm triaatlfin for roam ing houau or guitatry atorp. liUi'i. mnrt gnp liooo; when you know what thla In you will buy It. 140 acre funp In Yamhill county; 100 In cnlttvotlon; good, rich aoll,. nnuia anti bam, I IS. "00; mortgage 13000; will ex elm ne for city property. 10 nrrea, clot In. 13Rim. clear, for city oroperty; 6 room houHO, IlK'O, for room Inir hoiiM.. or lot. 6 lots In Mnall town to trade for anr- fgS.OOO Apartment, r- tA II a n o itl U110 50100. with l-rnom bungalow Em Slat, trad e.iulty I130J ami aoma cash for Improved acreage. 1 134.750 IS acre onion land near Ft Mary a. on lllllshoro road, trad for Portland Income property equal value. thing of ivjiiiiI value. M. C. Heed Co.. 617 Hoard of Trade bldg. .Main IB7&. equity Sla.000 trade for good property an some raah. This paya about 1 per cent, gross. Jackson & Deering 344 titark at 5l 1 1 .. . r . i .. 1. . ' , 1 1 ,, , , ... , , 1 ioa.r iin r.Kiu trni. till a. atxuicu irnau 45 acres, all fine land, 36 acres rich ' at 27r per month. (JOWEN-lIiK TRl'ST COMPANY. Lumbcrmena llldg. Uround Floor. miles from' Portland. Will sell at $40 line, all crops, tools and extra fine team, cow, 2 hoirs. all chickens, for .mall Mvmtnt down balance team. cow. 2 noffs. an cnickens. ror iSS .!. LLifiJL-50ii rr at once ns It will not last.. FA KM 300 or 300 acres near Portland at a low price. Will you consider trade? W-33, Journal. Fit I IT LAN1)S 45 .11:11 a r-1 r P"M 12 cultivated. 135 per acre, fair old born. 80 acres, 10 cultivated. $30 per acre: 60 acres, cultivated. $32.50 per acre; 120 ncres. 25 cultivated. $.15 per acre, good house and bain, saw mill 10.000 capacity with 1,000,000 ft. rough timber, $1500. Hugh Magee. Hcotts Mills, Or. FOR SALE 45 acres. 20 acres In cul tivation ana crup, i.anwi. .m ,.aa..u.v. Been slashed several years. Good soil, water etc.; fenced: small housa and cat tle shed: old orchard; mile from R. R , boat landing, P 6.. church add school Price. $5000. $2000 cash, terms. Will trade for modern 6 or 7 room un incumbered residence to $4000. Own er, room 433 Perkins hotel. " 160 ACRES. . 11.. fon-nllis. aTOOd nOUSii gnd barn, family orchard. 70 acres cui- Chittenden & Neill No. mo Oak Street. Bad Deal l..,. 1. iMft.-i.ia'ei ott t- run 1 ,i 'i i.i' 1 1 . . 0.LL.1.. ; , . $1500 $100 ci'.sh-JiRlunce easy month- 1 4i ACREH, in cultivation. 3 miles nta tlon, clOHe store, church, schools; $3-50. Exchange good Portland renl dence. Murslmll 1343. Rocker, 337 Lumber Exchange. FJNE garden land; five uereg near Van couver, Washington, trees, berrle.", house, barn and cows, chickens. etc.; will take Iinlf trade. Prlco $5000. Apartment House for Ex- chanfio We liav a splendid apartment bouse clone In on the esst sine, within two l.locka of tho new Broadway bridge. an.! Ii Mocks of n new $ apartment heart of tho Molalla valley, close to House now oiniiing. mii trano tor ,hp new eloctrlc Una. It I well 1m- gootl farm. Value Is 135,000. Thla proved, has extra good building, good property Is leaned for $375 per month family orchard, all fenced on two good on art cijiht year secured lease. Or we r(,nds. There Is a fine trout stream and will Include In trade tho furnishings throe good springs on tho place. Price nnn iciieo m numtj lur tu.""v. "'" Including; about 11200 worth of atoclt. 1 month. This Is nn extra good deal OOWEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY. 2 Lumbermen's' bldg., (rroiind floor. 80 Acres Molalla Valley We have a fine 80 acre farm In the vould nrid $150 net to the Income mak- mril.mentp, ana furniture Is only ng a total net Income of $135 Per (SO'on The owner will trade for un- MT. TABOR. nil or part adjoining city Incumbered Portland property up to $4000. Hetter see this farm. PeYOUNQ & JOHNSON. 514 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 160 acres within 35 miles of Port- Call Main 9013 Monday. man s road to independence. FRANK M. HHDWiN, INC. 1020 Chamber of Commerce. $50 PER ACRE. This Is a had deal for me, bftt I am compelled to sell 160 acres, 40 clesred, 6 miles from Ore-con City, ti room house burn 40x60, good out-buildlngs. fair' fences, running water. 3,000,000 feet I fir and cedar. 200 hearing fruit trees. I 50 acres of this Is rich bottom land, 1 I In that fine Ettaradn district. Some, team, 3 cows 2 hogs, chickens, farm fine young orchards In tracts of 10 machinery. if you have $1000 cash acres or more. Finest boII In Oregon. ly payments will IruV -6 acres. 7-veur- old bearlnir iinnle orchard nluntttl to delicious Inesiip, Home Beauties ami ' NEW modern 6 1 00111 house in Alberta Jonathan annles. In Wenntchee district. I district. 7 passenger unto and good where yearly crops have never fulled express wagon. Will exchange all or and apples command the highest prices;! any part for tillable land or 1 1 v to cms fruit sold lust year. A poor I stock ne.-ir l'ortluml. r03 I, umbo; Commercial Orchards and want the best bm-gain you can fibd inquire at eu Spalding; Bldg., -Portland, Ore. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LANDS Tn tracts of a few acres up to 600 and Price right. Investisrate this. X. O. T4ARKKK. 327 Mohawk hid g. yri -.., . SHKFLKR. 822 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main 6826. HEADQUARTERS FOR flra n. BtOCK. iruu iu.nt.uc., ti.. to $50 per acre, wasco county, Or., 35 years' experience at your 8rV JOHNSTON-BOTHFUR & CO.. HQS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 100 Farms In different parts of the Willamette va ley Priced from $20 to $150 per a"re according to eoll, Improvements Jnd location. . See C. If Cable.. or W. H. Posh. 615 ppai'iun l": OLCHARO LA Nl 40 acres. 2 miles from Sheridan, adloinlne- orchard planted and owned by the professor of the agricultural department of the ral college at Corvallls. mi. Wtfts-on & Therkel- Ings; soils choice clay loam upland and 1 sen. S08 Kpaldlng blrtg. Main 7592. fuate.l all stock and Implements, shot 1 B50 acres, each .aggrogating several j of the agr Icultur ' .An Ideal fruit land. Price $8 thousand acres; convenient to Salom oni'regon Agricultur clay soil. Ideal iruu ianu. . macadam roads near and at boat land $75 an acre; term fertile alluylal and beaverdam bottom !An ESTATE owns 160 acres of valuable miiun (tuaftcu ij I'.uuuLLitiu 01 uups., peaches, t-puds, alfalfa, loganberries, onions, etc. Call for particulars. Our prices are the lowest. SMITH & S.HEFLER, 822 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5826. fruit land near Underwood. Wash. Must be sold within the next 45 dRys at a great sacrifice. If Interested call at room 510. Ahington bldg-.. Portland. Or bldg. Phone Wendliwn 936 rmens IS KOOMS IS Will trade for farm, (lood location. LE OETTE & BOONE. 509 Spalding bldg. Cor. 3d and Washington 's. 3 ncres park, uneKjuaiiey view, rine son, nigniy Mand, 2H miles from town, with good improved, fruit, flowers, water, eloctrlc- improvements. 40 acres In crop and nr. pnones, near pavement anu cnr. 40 acres nearly ready; good bearing or- rnli-'ht take some trade; also 6 acres .. hard: will trade for residence nrooertv near oswego ana iuu acres on inmmnia u Portland, vacant lots, or close in river near city. Owner, E-41. Journal, acreage, price, only $60 per acre. Will tiiko. part trade and mortgage back for balance. (i(iWEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY. No. 2 Lumberman s building. Uround floor. Owner Will Trade Equity for Auto In 7 room house near Rose City Pnrk: new furniture Included; value $1300. Tabor 31)64 Main 1 X65. WILL oxchango hriie of 8 rooms Join ing Laurelhurst, for lot in Portland. $1500 equity. LeGette & Boone, 60S Spalding bldg." fiulty west side close In Income property for something cheaper, clear of Incumbrance or apartment house witri lear-e. Call A-7711. Main 4HI1. " See Our Exchanges Wc have a good variety and may have what vou want. Whitmer-Kelly 'Co. Main 101H. 70 4th si. A-100S TWO $10!0 htitlfllng loans wanted; HO per cent valuation, lonn guaranteed by bond. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-312 Lew 1h bide. 1, v KM inside 10 mile- circle, a mue west of Elnionlca station. Oregon Electric, county roan ano creej . per H. G. through Place; all good soil. 107 Ml with .crop, stock. Implement". $250 terms: no agents. n...... at St V'ingren. Beavorton. R. P10ACRES near Medford, Of- 10 acrea " A Good Buy 20 ACRES HALF CLEARED. Only 17 miles from Portland, near good live town, 10 acres In crop last year, 10 acres in timber, spring 011 cor ner, you can t beat this at $100 an acre. $500 cash, will buy it, balance arranged to suit Atchison & Allen 218 Oerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder street. Ideal 10 Acre Farm All under chicken wire, 360 bearing fruit trees, good 6 room house, good barn, chicken house, milk house, fruit FOK SALE Fruit land, 280 acraa. 8 miles from Mosler. Or., 100 acres part ly In orchard; 1 mile from Mosler. Or. .Terms. R-20. Journal. I hmiaa .1. 1 U. n.roa in Dlr.whA.ric. L cultivated, a uauuy iw out...u.,.v.. . . - . .-. . ra bv bearing orchards and nice homes. 1 acre In raspberriej: no better land In S- Vfwrt at 165 per acre. . Can be sub- the valley; only 2$ miles from Port. '7 ' fi T nrofitabh' i . GOLD QtTARTZ land. Price $3i)00. . some terms, divided pioriiaoi). u"''l',,?";"5i . nnvAVTt.Miri.-'iro rn $45 per acre, 40 acres orchard land, same aa In Hood River, near Wood land, 14 miles from station. Rlshard, 188 14th st.. Portland. FOR SALE TIMBER 28 arilo ninff. fraiiK incrnsn neoltv Co.. S09 Teon Mdg.. Portland. Or. 1 ,! atra nuallira. 1 C VOUHtT rn. cu, r. . , , 1 . 1 i,..,,ua mirniii nina?rL. arooa well-1 rrnrrcr. " ' : : . - 1 r?P ruii ---'-'::-. e: nice hpi . v; ? riuua iiuvan. 5 ZHOU. a w a siamiOQgP. Or rr.f. a iT.E 80 acre farm, close to elec tric line, near Caxatlero; 11 acres or e .L.d 35 acreg under cultivation; bal , , ' easv to clearl good buildings, good ? nees good red shot aoll; finest of fruit i-.mi. Call on owner. 1210. Ton bit! FOR SAI.r. tow riaearjr . niuniT relinquishment, mile from railroad ur cy good house, barn, some cleared -iin.lrr 'fencei. fine chance to Irrigate: tioo 3 p. TJunnaway, cashier U. 8. Bank. Vale., Or. . . t . t. wn .er. rrra-.K i ... rn mil Ail ll f l . ' ' ' - tillable; "V'r uun...r.,-i w . ve n., .hit-kens. team, machinery, cows, house hold goods. 4 miles to H. R. 43500. l$d0 r'ssh balancat t;uu per year. . wici ttotx BRYANT-MEEKS CO.. 634 Chamber, of Commerce. lo acres, rich black loam, some beav erdam, no waste, 60 bearing fruit trees, fully 6000 cords of cordwood, only 20 miles from Portland, 4 mile to electric station. Thla la a bargain at $0 per acre. Call at once. 618 Ablngton bldg.' A Real Farm fARM for ale or trad s.o gcrea, witn v. four miles of Pullman. Wash., fo aat'fl R or k, W'ash.. 1n four iu for 04 Mi acres,' all In cultivation, no waste land, good house and barn. H mile to Gervalg on S. P.. 14 mllea to St. Louis on Salem Electric, on main county rdjvd.'' Only $126. per acre and owner will take in soma Portland prop erty a part payment. w. rt. KU&a, ei rtpaiomg mog. FORCED TO SELL FINK FARM. . ' 11 Portland, 10 minuses' wa He to electric tation. half cleared, 709 cords wood, good buildings, fine road, good fences, all level, fine land. Listen now at the prlctv $111 per acre, $39) rash balance easy." -. , CLODFFLTER BROS, 414 Ipouch blrlK. Timber ant JUpal.- . We have 10,000 acres of timber land In Coos county that will cruise about one billion feet. This . property la all underlaid with coal, and there Is a producing coal mine very near this. Has the finest of water transportation and -would be a big moneymaker for any individual or company that can handle a deal of this size. Details, price, terms, etc., iat office. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE!, 709-10 ROTHCHILD BLDG. BEAl'TIFl'L summer home, situated on river at Oak Grove; clear of incum brance, for Irvlngton house. Will as- sumo). R. Conklln. 619 Henry bldg. BUSINESS chances, farms, acreage, houses and lots for exchange for any thing anywhere.. Bring In your trade to room 228, Lumber Exchange bldg. EXCHANGE splendid large restaurunt doing splendid business, located at S86 East Morrison St., near Grand ave. Cash value $1500. Phone East 714. 1C0 ACRES Irrigated farm; Rogue river valley, Oregon, to trade for Minne sota or North Dakota farm, 'improved. D-4S, journal. FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres Irrigated . land In Montana, under Cary act, per petual water right, plenty or water; no Incumbrance: 1 00 acres being put Into crops; fenced." goon small rrame house; will exchaiiRe fnr good Willamette val lev lnn.1. Box 47. Amity, Or. All under cultivation; value $300 per acre; w-111 exchange in acre plots; make your oners to Mr. rtazen, louv Spalding bldg. 13 Fine City Lots . In good location, center of city, free of Incumbrance, for small improved ranch near city. WOLFF, 3;; HonV bldif rtlfled cruise of 75 acres of first class virgin soil, 35 miles from Portland, 5 minutes' walk from station. 3 miles from county seat. adtolnlng land that Is set out to or chard is being sold, at $410 per acre; has mile river front and is a cnoice piece of land; only $110 per acre on very easy terms. uurt tn-iuis TKifT i-uiurANi. No. 2 Lumberman's building. Ground floor. HOOD RIVER, BARGAIN. 20 acres, all planted to commercial varieties of apples, mostly Newton" part in oeartng 30 THREE and four room apartment -'house on Washington St.; will take $1000 cash find balance In lots or acre age or farm land. 518 Board of Trade. TIMBER i-lntm with 3.000. 000 feet, & nines rrom railway. n,i snitnenherirs 3 miles from sawmill; to trade for fjne spring, good house, beautiful view homa In Ml. Scott district. Must be UMF town of Hood River on main right. 6705 Fobler'road. Alt. Scott carlcounty road, good Income next year; to Kern -Park. I w-lll take modern 7 room house as part EXCHANGE. I payment. E-45. Journal. Rinder Trades 4 1,3 OiMtd 4-room mud am hora wltH furnace, on eor voile: want lo arrra near Pnrttaltd with atoek and Implrmeate If paelhl HAVE rtOklB CAelt. and will aaaurrta 11001 good building lota In llatraloek id . near lledmonl ear laarne. clear of Inenmhr rvre : wnl fond medium priced homa ta city. Will aaautna. Hare vral good farm a and feutrk ranrhee which e ran eirhangt la pert or hole for city property. Chas. Ringler & Co., 211 Lewi bldg. Farm Trade 140 acre. 4H mllea from romtlfti: 15 acre aeeded, 7 acr potatoe; good l-room hnuae bam, windmill. All fenced Thla Is rolling land. A-l deep red shot oll. 1 horaea, 1 tntlk cows, t young stock, t hog, f I l tt !- ena, all farming Implement. Including agon, rarrlaga. Me. 0 Par acre. Will lake house and lot to 15000. aoma can and terms. Douglas, 60S Board of Trade bldg YES, I WILL THADKT'OR Cm PHOPERTT. 10 acres, all In cultivation, ea car line. C miles out of Vancouver, t good mushroom cellar thould pay 421 tola vear. 1 14 acres of trawberrletm. to acrts all In oata, balance ready to plant to spuds. Fair houa of i room. A barn and chicken house. All fncd. Place Is In fine shape for a horn at once. See owner, 101 S E. Slat t, N., or nhone Woodlawn 1161 or C-104T. GOOD acreage and farms to trad for unincumbered Portland property. Sev eral rooming houaea to trade tor Port land nrooert r and acreage. If you want a trade on a cash bala, list your prop erty with us. We can orrer especially good trades for unincumbered Port land nrooertv and for amall Improv! farms not too far from transportation. Marshall 1952. A-4164. J. R. Uendergon & Co., 607 Spalding b'df A Real Farm 1 4Va acres, all In cultivation, no waste land, good house and barn, mile to Gervais on R. P.. i M mllea to St. Tnila on Salem Electric, on malrL-COuntV roa-d. Only $125 per acre, and owner will take in soma .Portland property aa part. payment. W. tl. it' iyy, Ilk ppaiqing niug. WPI HAVE YOUR TRADE Best paying 60 room hotel for farm nnd Tjtrara Hat of sDlendld rooming houses from 8 to 100 room for city property or farma. Wa can trade your vacant lota for any kind of a bualnee. We en n't suDnlv the demand. -Have traded the last one on our Hat . (K) J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 816 Yeon bldg. 166 ACRES of timber and agricultural . land, located In the Sluslaw country." In T.nna countv. Ortrtron. Will trade' for vacant lots or acreage In or near Fort- ' land. What have yon? ,- . Ball & Kuntz, ; v , 431. L.umrer rjyenange. WANT an apartment or rooming house. from $15,000 to $25,000 in exchange, for country . Income property. What have you7 ' ' - -f , , Ball & Kuntz, ' . 431 Lumber Exchange bldg. "T Your Chance We fiave so many good timber claims, surveyed and open to entry that w can afford to locate people at reasonable prices m order to clear up., wn nevers naa a oener opporiumiv. J. B, HAVILAND tlMBSR CO., 620 Ry. Exchange bldg HOMESTEADS 47 120 ACRE relinquishment, well Im proved, in Josephine county, with gotd running water. vFor good locatlon.lp hjrnesteal"clatniB situated near Vale, address Wm. Mast, room zzz AQington tog. NICE 5 room cottage, . full corner lot, growing part of the city; will take lot as part paVment,' balance easy; $2300, ' K-4;i, Journal. VALUABLE coal mine stock; will ex chango for Improved or unimproved property. I. Dawson, 618 Board of Trade. 60 ACRES of fine acreage, IH mile of Kiamst h KitUs, to exchange for apartment houso. rooming house or store, oob Yeon Ding. - 160 ACRES good wheat land. Franklin county. Wash.; trade for rooming house lota or acreage on coast. Kwwn Realty t.;o., 311 AiisKy niag. Wl" have defiirable property to ex- AUTO 5 passenger, complete: exchange change; housen and lots for acreage etr acreage close to electric railway; and acreage for houses and lots. If ci,ance to turn your equity for clear you want to exchange on a cash basis, machine. 422 Chamber of Commerce gee 'tis. : , bldg " 4 2,l'2Aamb 20 ACRES best unlmprovedHood river JlllJJI-5(LlP",erce bldg- iani m upper valley, easily cleared; COMMERCIAL fruit ranch. 40 acres, casn vaiUe $1500; want Portland prop- -n nerea e-ood hearln? annles. eood,A .anelHurari w. c ' - - . trltjr, Itu nil . .rn . ........... . - barn tool house, etc., ditch runs through 7 Journal Rrvder-Ticea$160oTo'COwmr' acTeV't S SlVEN T-f00Tar iiTCo. R, V erproPprert9y 'ti'lZriS a fi7orarln;r,a"r" 800 caTTi tlnf 330 Lumber Exchange. llfj' g?rk , ' ONE acre with 8 room house in Wood stock, With fruit trees, to exchange for small bungalow near car. Rowe Thatoher Co., 32 4-6 Chamber oi Com merce. . WILL give two Wellington business bits as first payment 011 a Portland home; balance monthly. Phone Wood- lawn 2309. 460 Failing sb I WILL trade 'a'good 40 room rooming house for store. rotvor -small home. 506 Teon bldg. ' EXCHANGE houses and a 7 pass, auto for lots -and acreage. S. Petersan, 1024 Board of trade. Main -1498. tiKt-T buy In .Washington eountv. 17 U seres, si in cultivation, z house", rood Portland Income property. Is. :l(th at. i t, orehard, -rtttining water, lanij-jkJJ . taie. o rained, s miiw irem roriunn, 4 P P. - I1 ?V??!-L yfCM A K'L' nS Abington : ra'te-a-t - e,ectrle - al . IN. oVvMltK Pyridine. ' jarr.ool, $.'50 per acre. EELI.S RENTS FARilS. I Fry & Lnunona, Ia eiectrle ataon nitle- Id Term. B Quick. avcrton. Or. BEING a homesteader myself and want in: our district settled. I will tive yaluable information to anyone wanting a homeitead in central Oregon. Call ac 809 Keller at., Boutn Portland, or ao- dryea T-l.. Journal. , " TWO 160 acre homesteadX nearly ail tillable; running water;-1, central Or gon; location fee $160. Phone C-S1J5 or write Journal. - ' ' Rkl.I.vgi." lallXl eNT an hoiacUarj" p'only of .giu.i clir. , $i2 54 il, rwir aiw --- r - IF VOU are a good talker and want .money, call at room 104- Ellers Musio bldg. , - ' ... TZ ACRES onion land, all cultivation: 12000: take' $1X50 equity In good house. 438 cnamtier 'cr comrperce. $500 EQUITY in 10 acres on Salem Electric; exchange for. lot or personal property. Owner. 608 Swetland fb1dg. WILL exchange my Bend lots, valued at $1600, for-auto or -Portland: prop- erty. Phone eTe-nlngB. Eawt $94. , $00, equUy In J1350 house and lot, Portland. Exchance for farm, stock. wa?m and harneeta. , Phone Main 12S3. j BAK1XQ. aronfectlonery and tee cream WAN! to. trade i'toom iinurt, litty -w-oumneaa; --ViL-i r- nio.ern. rr vacant lota. . sua l. Pitch; j atrj cnamoer 1ii.mmnH.T, -,v BEAUTIFUL summer home, situated on river at Oak Grove; clear of Incum brance, for Irvlngton houaje. , Will as- sum. R. tjonkiin. eiji rtenry piag. TUP, most beautifully furnished 17 room rooming house In Portland to trade for what have your sua leon bldg. I WILL sell or trade my lot in LaureL burst -very cheap, inss i a oargain. Call M. I. Ford, 3Q4 RarTway Exchange. EOl' IT Y of $3100 in new 2 story Lau- 4- relhurst residence; want unimproved farm land. H-44. joumat. tisftii EtatllTY In new a room hunga low In Alberta district to trade for acreage. - Lr-3. journal. SIX good lots to trade for home in city. 6705 Foster 'road, Mt. Scott par; get orr at rvem t-arn. SO ACRES well Impiwed; want groc ery, roomim? house . or rt?idenee.; c-i 62$.- - v r .:.f... LOTS In wtr JnhPia for acreage or -.tuinp I UTK fp St- John for acreage or stump ,.- land., .. taklitv, 6l lionry bldg. land. IV. Ckilni 1$ Henry bldg. TWO beautiful lots in Eugene to trade for property in Portland; win ashume soma if property is right. 6705 Foster road. Mt. Scott car to Kern Park. TO EXCHANGE for house or automo bile, good close in lots In town of Terrebonne, central Oregoiv near Bend. Frank E. Moody, owner, Portland, Or. 'ilMBcJR Will . you excnang. your logged-off land for roy Portland" real estate? X-39. Journal. . . PROPOSITION Close lrt Portland property to trade' for cheap land near Portland: value $22.0OO. 404 Yeon bldg. LIVE. ONE Seller a t-ontract. house. 4 lota, value $5100; mortgage $500, for fa rm ; w!l not atisume.- 404 Yeon bldg. A BEAUTIFUL 8 room home to trade or farm.'. 4705 Pouter Scott car to Kern Park. road.. . Mt. Trades of All Kinds If vou have something to trad 'coma in and see me, farms and acreage for citv uronerty. city property and business i proposiitons lur laroie triiti aurtmat v. ieai j5rown, ax pweiiann mog. : i WILL trade good, farm with hothouse 200 feet long, all kinds of fruit, stock and Implement, for v homa In ' Montavllla. Atkinson 4 Gilbert. 401. Washington stret, opposite postoff lea, , Vancouver, Wash. $850 equity in two Coqultlam, Brttiah ? Columbia, lots. Will trade for acre age near- Portlartd. Ccaiultlam la th new Canadian Pacific railwav termlnti, 17 mllea from Vancouver. - W-$, Jour. nal. - ' ' :. nnon home on E.' Burnslde St.. for lot or equity in lot, balance not ls than , $20 pen month with Interest. Price $3750. P. J STEINMETZ. Owner, -Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder . . WILL take residence for good 10 acr near Portland, well improved, brr, etc.; part of crop, planted, all plowed and ready for you, . N. it Apple. 429 Htmrrshldg.r-T- r- - - -FOR SALE or exchange. 10 acr Iract, ifooti orchard land, partly cleared lo cated In Rogue River vallev, J 'i mlt from R. R 6 mllea front Medford. P. O. Box 117, phoenix. Or, r ' .J". .". .. I HAVE a roomfng" house of 65 room, which I would like to exchange for Improved f arm-'aotnewhere .r- Port landZ-Sj-Journal. FOR SALE Grocery oro, 6'.xjc0 ft. irt nn loo ft. at. Will take email roaming house and om eas.'i. Pltitr , Woodlawn 2100. ; - ; - -. - ; fWO kit. PortlandTTor 1 or J Ion aula trucks: 4 lots. Tufoint, . tt auto or hay. 117 Hawthome eve,. po-"!aT.d WANTED to traj my $4 " enuily In t aera In Lents for small nture, t'..' Marshall 204. . , . $5. FIRST mortgage. '9 per cent; traTla-foe lot. auto or'daver Piano. Address K-40. Jourrral. FOR salO or trade" city pror-ertr. wai nut. fruU and rjewiltrr ranch. S acres. Bear the cay. 3io 3d tt ivrtiail, LOT -Fine Imjiroved lot to autetnobiie v. rue at. -r-.-tr." nn" 5 17. 13th, Eugeaie. Or $3?'J eooity ij-i Jot to trade f .r f iircii'" . lo- will if:.., j, ro.--t n, i ; ; A: -. i a t: . rty f