The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 07, 1912, Page 27, Image 27

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a...! a 4r44 -
WJ a
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it A
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,'.. 444 fcfcl.l P
At tit. I UK
SetcLil ln5t.illT.en! Buys
4 a.., ll HtttUTTION.CWW
II w 4wi ta r i-a. im we,
4.4 4-4 I 4- l -A S 11.4
f t 0 4.4a 44.4 4. utMl I ! 4
kll4 1 k i
Wt4 WM 4il
lite f'M 4hp,
M t
114 111 f I 4 !-( !! 1 ---
t-n'.H (UK, oil
(i lit.
- -
The Shaw-Ftaf Co.
r : f i aa lull.
. j I f wr
I nKa III,
Choice Bits cf Acreage.
v. .k. All !
. -. . - t. riu ifta J A iri7
... ah, a uui.k Ml ll
.Jl fM
4-i i4 'vol '
.T- ,l1,4 Th- i ni '!
... ..J t r4 lrrl IV, Bllr
'.k. k ifer fto malt? rail
, . touik of lb muU rlcr b (1i.i-
a. and ur. ti n tv
rt with mll llmlxr n0
rLtt4 Into T 1-1-
an!- bom. TM otl "n of
lh fl'.Mii im.r rri en lh Oregon
-ir flhln. A lh l
n4 rrk on lh Orrfoj co ",,")'
for IroMl lunlnj nd awk h"",,ni.Jil
mall to nJ Columbia rlr in H--!
count. W.h, .th "?J-r'"
fUrt. Aboul J rrra ro4 J im Un1
talarr k nllt alotn.. Hull A-1, no
would Id"1 rnr"
i. . r..lti for anynn whn
Prk-a 11 lit.
lo aull or I
ii k. La t Bnr nn
"- will Hlll crr of thla pl for II)I. I
w-- Cj,n. bIanc on um? i u.t.
Vancouirr, Wuh.
- rhon. 1 R. 1U h- H t
; , . , Cultivated Land
All Cleared
$150 Per Acre
" n-d ahot o!l. pecUlly adapted for
frolt ralnln. Nar l'orllan.l. flrtrlo
and (Mm iraaaporianoo.
' the bt farmlns dlatrlrt In tha atnle.
40S Couch Did.
lii ten
114 lo W 4
k. I4K44 l' Uu. I
(. I H Ii -f rj .
- Mill 14 lltll
a ! 4. a a
fi"i4r'. -Uua ll all
.'llU. Ink li c-h,
llx. Ii4 ail rHUilaia 144 laitM 41
I 4.4 .. lal4t4 f
I a.. ( ttiax
l.fc. 4..I ta. frail ill M aa taa
1 la a VS.. . fiaa 41 44
la.. Il (II fttv. mU, I4
I a44a hkaBthu. 44r M4
f..11 i a a 4 4.4 1 1 a, i .waaa. aa.
la lt4 1 1 aal a44aa
It i.iit at- hi Kulth. -at. II aaa
laa bit4 lifH. a Ii fr . aai aa
k4t-a aa4 ! ai li V4 rh
1 a.a. H tail I( M'jK. artiaa
rl.. a.a flail, f uJ hkI, !,
Ha rack, talaafa - sl
tta 4ii 14 tai -a x.! Va al a.11 ca-k
111 4 1 1 x4 H W a fC"
axtawi-fi. r,a
Tia lak faiai. )ua of lt flr
11'n.iia v a Ha l-aa im4. la IKa Waal
I It a. 1-lalllt.a t "-"alt -a lo -a ha4
444iU fv ar( tola l.lcirt:
a Mf 14 f r ( .r Ihia ri.arir,l
aaaafad tat Inia yrar
Th"ll lU.I'illTa ItfcULrY CX-
V. t-r kll lt.f car Una.
T'-" tf, I' nn
tH 4Ua.rAtU.t
a ..a. 1 ..... . a. y
6 t -2 Acres, tl Miles Out u'JIT l1J7Tr?f.9
r baa. I. I.I I aak k.aWw lUil 4-w W J 1 II..U 4
wit 4-alfc. 4tiaa44. a'ti. avA t4 arroa. f kjtt IL4a4 f
4 iia.l t. 4i44tMa4 AaA -a. fc-a (u.a 1 1 . I k- aii.. a
44 Arrira aino n i
Aa4 ) artl.a Mahvav. MfM
rvar ha'l; VWfia oil all
rlnal 44lr bt4. ill,
UI cask, bataaa fxf
inKiiTr"i vn u
ai in Titi-r
Al Ma.lo.. 14 ft!la
a) K vt kkkUiti a( flJIeu
tulr law I flrM a4 on
aairai kind af ltn-. 4il
M4 ikia k
kill llulMIl.'-t'DII
IW r 'om Hide
Mala 11
IT AfHI'H. nHa touth af
forilabd and I miU io town
aad rallrvd. I! acra In ruld
vallon. houaa. barn. Pari frnn.l.
oar.a fruit, a flna oln Baar lha
houaa run lha I" a r rounds aoitia
ak and ftr 1 1 m fin rub.
dwp uil. price a prr mr.
lit! doan. balanra aar kl prr
rni K f Harhrrat
A Till HT i1".
ID-III Chkmbar of Com mar ra
IT AffilJjI. mil. 4iiB of
IthI iM an 1 1 milaa lo lawn
aa-l (ailraaa. I ra la rulll.a-
I041. 44UM. bars. Mart faarad.
4.i frwll. fin a win kaar ika
iMua run in .r found rma
4i and fir HmW, fin rtrh dp
oil; itrif I) a par aer. tl
, ualano aatf a I par cnL
l It ivcar kraal
A Tlll'HT CM.
Ill 111 Cbambar of t'ommorwa.
rraa unimpru.a.1.
r-ralrla .allay laad la Waariua rounl..
.N-.ada Ik tracla frnra 41 lo III arra.
liuala-i allhin fl mili4 of California
faiaia ia and II milaa of lha Ora
.(la nn. at ral or II ir arra: v
. an. tjaanc in lao to la faara. In-
trl ir rnl r annum, oaykbl
. anauallr In advanca. or would airhanca
j a yiiion vi piiu rparir icr aiiantijr
iMimwin, improved, rraldcnc pfon-
arlv la I'ArtUh I Iw r I. nAtl1
;M4h. Call or writ owner, room 111'
' I . Iilork. ivrtland. rr
a !-! AaA 4- la.
a.'a ll la4 l.J, a
tiara Ua ail 4 I all la
f.u bvana I rr aid llaiiaa
rfwaa alrk-a'A la - la. I 4aW.
taav Y kta r i.-f t f aaa 44 1 4.a
Vmaiai iv4 a4 t wllkta
I I aaliaa IKa MN4 .
a r -vll i kad akaal I a
f'.w alal4M4 a J a 1 1 1 II a . la
aalaal l la la 4vlaa4V T -a
m . III k la, kkaaa
ad a.l af Ika !
Ika ll, la 4r IM. k'f aa4lladj
ra'aaa.ah ai-4 aaaaaf klfk c laa
4Xaaa Hl( I fcldh hw ,
d..lall.f lalf 14.11 ata4la
a4 .iL. Tba frail mm
Ik an ka'4 in faar will bal
! 1M ka4i ll. W14l4 Ball
a Ideal I lara 1 Ink tkl'kraa
la lfc vixbarA. . arri4
far aala brfa a ad wa
laa II 4 U Jvtal aa adfMia4
and a axtlfto al lit; lll
taaK. balno l ll
If a-r. H aolta fiaan lkri
lug lull rlly an alaatna It It.
II art r Ira fad balaH llr
riaarvd gvud runaiaf aira..
l-a fount fruit Ira I ur a fyl
lira unlf Mi t-ar arra II4V
( and Will fwaldr ltM a
l; la innd tlir piir Ma
laflatad tHr will ch rvjaldrdL
What Do You Think?
ft an. H f Uilaai
II a.r rlaad. 1 arra baarlng
. har.l, a?r loaanbarrt,
fara fcull.tinfa. alorb aad Impla
mrn I a llloo Traa
Tarw a-r Irwrla; III! Oar
afia, V, :! from Or a Eio
trtr alatlon; I mil from lti
land, naar rburrh and arhool ;
vary baat hop land; ftad roada:
food wlr; foo4 draiaaa; all
In rrep and Ul aa a labl: all
fanrwd, oialaa land no ballar,
aaltln for lui la III bwr arra.
Good Cheap Land Is Not
All Gone Yet
III arra III arrwa foo.1
farm land, lo arrra claarod; (o-m!
runnln crack; on uno4 road.
Thr 14 nouvh timber on IM
rlaro lo par for II ral lima,
or ih ramarkahia low prl'- of
III r-ar arra. will laka !! of lb
abT prtr n rllr proprtr If da
ir you ara inmi
Ma 1 lif. I S baiia b4i aj
M laal.K 444a aww lul a.
4 k Ala.4a4k, a iaaa4Ja4.
i.uia irwai 4iiu. 14 I aa a aa.
lia 4 la aaala. pwl 4 4 a.
a l44a atf4aat Ik .
a-aa 4U aaaa) paalar ka If Wa
a-aa 444 wd paalar ka l wa
taa4 4f 4i A-l
Wii fa4 a4 naM MaV A
aaaad a faaak k a a. 0 .
4a4a. 4 aaai afa;l4 f '
a..a. taMW 4 4 1 1 f .ai. 1 k
laad wtU 41 aavkil irarla 4a
faai a4444l4fl lla( ail V
Jl 10 Itaa fvA la till A ka
Itavl ana It.. baa I fal lal
Mali Itarla. Wl.i ka aal I ftl
Oad all lA a 14 at III! -a
ara tkla baa. Ufa! 4 4 Al
III il xf ar. 14 f-a. U a 44
a If 4 1414 i WIW4f 4 44X
1414 br Ik pltCVA If I bava I
Ik kauat. fc f (a4 A 4 lk
y ara i4f
Wa b tar a tram f-allaAOA
fa raivaiaaiioa.
Back to The Farm Co.
ru C 4at-ll tlwK
ilk d uab alA
I ftafcl lb Ml; Manila. Ala
IkuataUw 4 aaaa aaA aklck kaa
rr I fl rbtckana. rrkr III, will a.
4M laMlatwd baaaataw a raak 44 la
lit r ! av lira llttv lb
Ii a-ra, Inrilad rtdhl la lb aJ af
I in c4t; ail ta cuiuvaiio
aira ar4fd.
Caa of lb la I lilkl
madaia bana.
Ilo b fautad.
Cenf aortananr I-oc4la4
I (!. Aulaa A Ma buaiaaaa.
Ih bat alura of It bloA I
la fact,
Ika cur.
HUI 4.11 41 a bar 1 aim. of aalbl trad
far foud rai 414(4.
OrnrouCla4ria- 111 a
rood raaJdarvo. and rr atbar
itiAla fin taf (rouaA ITio l
Kwbra la ana af Iba bll lowna
In I ha alt, (ood colUj. ba aaiaona,
food viraal. a ad A blab claa pwpwl.
ton. Wa bar a Hal af nn far ana
I arounA that ell. 44td alao rllr oroikarlr.
CU or writ IxalJ VI. Walt. Nawbwrg.
irr . or J K Amltb. Ill Cbaanbar of Com-
marc. iMrlland. cr.
40 Acres
fk4iall lal.4414 414, MC AA
la A Vaavli It. , aaif a
L.aJ I' (44 llaa -v.t4
I 4.4a la k-i 4444 ai.ta4a. I
4a kulal ait 444.4"t 4
44. 144 a lal4.4.4. f 4Ma4A
faaA 4'i kA I a w': l.aav.
4 ai44l fMt4 4 lk 444-
I b'a aaA . I b-4
-.. I l-4l . I kalTfl. .
aJ nvih k4.a, I rl,at4.
, I ia, aa! f. 4.4a4,
ai-aai I l.-4 4f b. 4t 4 .
44.14 -44 f a.l IH AW4I ba.f
144k, i4 Mfl 4441 i I 44-
.ala in I4.0 4r4taxW4 44 V
14 la 1 44 4
40 Acres
I it 1 Aft ia iiiait44. ai I
- mt ha. I bia 4t Wl; ! 4
f fall! lA. Mlul.14 ffff l a a
.11 baa. 44. Uia. 4 l"
wair ki ;4 14 b-a. 1 1 . a
a a IA laaiA.. I4llrr twal tla4
I 4a kkltta ( 1 itara, .
4ab44 1-. H W.I. f' ita
k M, i mii fim r-1 a -4
twaat rA rrt li. ilia k
20 Acres
IW u4 rullKaiHM. aad la rp.
balaac wlnaM 4) m la I a -alata
ad aaw fvaaa 4mm, ikfa 4 a
Uarw, akl'kaa baaa. I " W4
a 1 u-4 (a a I (air. 41 tuk4.
he 44 All b4akulA far4iia
kuHJikf aaA ka Ua wwtia
1 1 Ar Jr i mil f's Wi4t-B.
Mul, 44a I l Ipal4llw4. ball ai:a
I acbaal, 44.;l. lo. , ""I
aaaal 4a:l: bora brubaA UP ky ai
tTUm III, u bat all raaa
Aiairtir iiAitAUA.
at biiaia.'4pi
fra 10
a noA Invtatmanl fl
raM on ua
'pn aundara from I a. m. I
1 p. m.
41! Chamber of Com mere a bldg.
Main m.
T II arraa. I mil aouth or rail
rnact. all In rultl.allun. 144 fin
fruit Irara, I arra brarrrda m ;
I onaa on plai. all frnrd. altla
nalk on half mil to plar. Irlr
l:tr. 1 1 k A down. bhur tlnir.
y ll iarhrl.
I11-1JI c hamber of Commrra.
I trar old I mlK-tl hrri and
1 ) rr old prara imnl tranaix-r-Ullnn
10 I'nrlland If ou ara
I h I a you wilt rraln) want II
Faa!at kind of Icrrna and low
ral prlr
The Westlyn Trust Co,
'li:i lon bid
4 arrra aim naat I room houaa. nut
hulldina. d aprlnc wall watar pi pel
i'i mr nouae. urarma nrrnirn. nerrieB,
on macadam road. Thla la a beautiful
I l a and muat t aen to b appre-
i riaitxi
I ll-Caril Car Tar.
) lil Chamber hf ComioercA
, I'hon Mnln H2
HUM i.HADi: rsH-Mij. u UNIi. .
IAT in Vt'.H i-KST AM) II I'PR
Riverfront Acreace
Naar lraon t'Ujr tar. Uel off at Oak
Orov. waik wt to my alAn: 100 ffrt
by Ito fi, at two third prlro of ad
Jinln properly nd eav term. CJo
look tndav. all tomorrow. 1-athrop,
ni Anmrinn iinif.
Bevr-ral tilarhly Improved iimall farma
"within li mllea of Portund. on th
rlectrlc rarllne; two of thoa place, hay
fp yotinr orrhardH Juat comlnK Into
b-rlnir. One place of 21 acre all In
cultivation: oo'l bulldlnBa. plenty or
herrlaa ami nmall fruit. Arod water aya
tem. atock and farm tools; for aala on
r.y terms.
One place of 5 arrea, all In jjarden.
One of 7 arrea, with extra wood house
and outbulldlnus; Ko1 orchard, near
lectrlc station; cheap and on euisy
U,m"- W. H. UNO.
J76 4th at., opposite city hall.
Phone Main 23.13.
Country Home
II miles from Portland. Improve
roenta are neat' and attractive, with
private water system, and la situated
on an elevation affording a beautiful
vkw of surrounding country ; Is 1 block"
from station. Tract consist of 50 acres,
all In cultivation; 40 acres Is a rich val
ley In highest slate of cultivation. I J 00
per acre. Hie Oeorge Knglchsrt.
2 Lumhermens bldg..
Ground Kloor
4 Acres, Tigard
With Good Buildings
Thla Is a dandv little r'ace, 15 min
utes' walk from station; room house,
barn, both new and painted, some younn
fruit trees, land ready for crop; price
13000, teima If desired.
Atchison & Allen
IIS Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts.
5 acres 25 miles from fortlsnd. IV,
miles from station on Salem Elertrtr.
one mile from arood town on S. P. It R.
this place la all cleared and seeded In
grass. The soil Is A No. 1. This Ih
a good garden, tract: prlct- $200 per
acre; half cash, balance on time. Other
land close to this sells for 12S0 per acre.
It will pav you to investigate this be
fore you buy.
'Vancouver. Washington.
Phone S63 R 1?1& K. H. t.
Onions or Potatoes
We have five acres nice level meadow
land, clen ami ready to plow, located
among the garden that' are being plant
ed thl year. Price 11280, $150 cash,
$1R0 a er. per cent. It's REAL
BEAVER DAM It will make you
iwonev and pay for Itself.
Wallace Investment Co.
Room SI" Oregnnlan bldg.
$150 Puts You in Possession
Of beautiful 6 aero tract closo to
Portland. Ieep. black, mellow aoll, In
high state nf cultivation and handy to
electric station, store, church, achoo;.
etc. If you purchase a tract from us wa ,
can give you employment.
J221 Yeon bldg.
4 ri,b r:... . 1 . . t n . . .a I
cnooi. men. mac ami. rree rrom
rock a, II large apple trees, fine bund
ling alta. $100 raah and 120 per month,
, I per cent Interest. See E. W. Pettlbone.
I SI?-3 S Chamber of Commerce.
40 Acres
On Section Line road, all In cultiva
tion; house, barn, chicken houses. This
Is a beautiful tract and we can sell It
cheap an only H cash.
Rowe:Thatcher Co.
824-328 Chamhar nf Commerce.
All In cultivation, aood 8-room house,
orensru. 1 good wells, horse, cow ann
small tools, lu, miles from Mutton, near
goou scnooi, x miles rrom cltv.
$2! Chamber of Commerce,
Phone Main RK2S.
IC? A R .iL'AI.NKiM CHANCE a realty
SOI Swetland bldg. 1th and Wash
IT room H. K.. Iwal lor t Ion. 1 71
rent, $lo. ;.io down or will trade
for amaller hru.
IT II. K room a, r.oa In. rani only 111.
furniture goxl. ITIc l00. joo
raah. Can get Iraaa. Trad for
10 room Ttat. few mlnulea from P. O.,
aacrlflce for quirk sala.
14 ronma. mostly aleeplng, rent ID:
furnar. $400 will handle or will
trade for acrarge.
We hava lot of oihera for sal or
trade for 1 tty property.
Only S25 ner Acre
Fin wheat land. 208 In cultivation.
S arrea orchard, barrle. 7 room hoiiaf.
barn, granary anil other butldlnga. I
mile to school, store. Plenty ahad 1
trees. Rich neen soil. Hlg cropa.
14 irren In I angles Co.- 41. arra
river bottom. 0 arrea In cultivation.
Orchard. room house, lane barn, a
million feet nf timber. Oaa engine.
aaw. chnr-Der. 10 cows, horses, chickens.
etc. Thla Is up to data farm all com-j
plete. Only 18500. Terms.
so MCivay Ping., ninmnq.
s- Five Acres
and Small House
on Oregon Electric
A beautiful nleco of land, cleared
rearlv for the now: very sightly: rtn
soil: fine section ; close to Portland.
Trice cut until It la certainly a bar
rain. .Eor partlculara call A-7711
Main 4411.
Some Bargain
S3) acraa. Ill 4cra In culllvaUow;
II fin, moaiir In crop, all f4ncd and
ero4-f ned : good t room houaa. wlln
water pipad. Lrn and rraatnhou and
all n4C4ar eulbulidlnaa : famllr or-
I r hard of aorld frull. I flna atarva In
foal. 1 bora. 7 good cowa. btrra I
bifr ralvea, I 40, I plga, I ra la
ta rad bull. 7 1 'obickana. waaona. Iron
trurka. I binder. 1 roowr. 1 buggy. I
gasoiin ngln and wooaaaw, craa - - - -
rpralor. all klnda ef faal chop par,
grain drill And aeparklor, InrutMilor and
brooder In fart, everything thai you
ran think of. Plao lla on main coun
ty road. 47 mHa from Portland V
mllea from f4. P. R R. and good lllll
tows with milk condnsary: fine farm
ing aecilon; R. P. Ii.. Irteplione and
milk rout. Price $10 per aer. $4100
caah. ba-lanca long Mm. Pr rent
Thla la a sacrifice.
ISO Hr Kichange llldg. 4lh and Hlark
Kaar fartlkavd and tlarlrk; 1 144
II acraa, I acta la rulllvUlon.
email bu4 and bark wir
at IS mile front ialloi; lie 04414.
I acraa. all In rultlalt, fair ba.
mil frwen aiail. I mil frutn
trvUa4. All la I r rcbrl.
II acraa II arraa la mltl.alloa. good
4 room boua. bare, rKbrbaa houaa all
f m ! ria well, young orchard, coo
aldcrabl mall fruit ilea aoll and lo
cation, bale,- 14 relnul walk rrotn
la lion, 14 mile fnim Portland. Terrtva.
IS aera. II arras In cultivation. bl
nr eaally cleared: good I room boua.
larg barn, modern and bw, lnanl
boua and outbulldlngA On fin alraam
of water. Personal erotrly and Im
Kraviaiinti at A vatua imaunl lo OVf
I half lha prtr aakrd- Tbla brlaga the
land under It par arr ana 11 i io
r I m. on flna raunlr rrd U mile rrom
elation. 1 mlla from Purtland. Liberal
term a.
lt Hpaldlng HMg
Stocked andEouipped
192 acres, 2-2 miles
A Few cf the Very 'Best
1:4 ear , II a la 411,
t -al '4 4a 4-4af luj.aaj:
lia 4. a I
444 I.
ira Haif . I a- 1 . 4 1 1 1 , :M
kaIC.I Yaa La b.
444-4 4-i 4a A f-'al.l a) fa
III M' a, II be lapt4
tA fai 4w4 444 Ura, 4W.
I a4r 4a, aaaa Wat
4a 44-4. Yaaaall nar
tl'4 ewtt 111 Ik fa' I la. a 14
4 ! 4f Aa'WaaA. 144 I'
4 a 1 fiM 4Ji iii . 4 . . -
kaaal i x14 AO 4f4M 14 c.
4,ei:4 l . awla. ,
III a a- fr A H'tuMr
Im:iu4 farm brl4 .al 4414
ef lUM. ail lui 4144 Uadt
4WIA144 t b AA 44 akap 44
tbla la II baretiiy. Imfa!
I laa 4aw4Jf ka burtkg tta 11
A"f 44
E00 Acros
Only $30.00 Per Acre
. Ie4 1 a !' 4f laad wlib III
Acta aadaf piew . lie I we 4144
ef bull414a, gtaad Irwwl lram. ,
a pr tr 4 4 r nofbo4 ea Uad.
I.lri l.., R " It. ebu T.v4 iy
fl ef fla fir limir, r
1 44- fad stay eoli. 4 aaA
' rrtu A flu elark farm
wtib lei ef outran er ci4 be
ii4d ! amaller in lor fruit.
Tbla If. 4 la en a rounly re4
af ghartdatt ftanall Iran 41I
aruaad ibl iling fraa I in 4 br
art tip Tb prue baa b put
4aplun!tr or l tuaaa a riukg
4a la. Term raa b arraaaaA
,Vhitmer-Kelly Co., 70 4th StJ
A44V1B t f. k. AVI.Ik.
II ajcr In euliiaOoa; goad l raon
bMi4, guod 4 roent houaa, go4 bAm
raaabouaa 11 la I ton!
Iron will be l e.ata per pouai
bl er.
i ru. Jr-i
I Arr. la lUUta pronea, V mile earf
n. H ml 14 ernnui. en guoa irfir.
J, ihtckly aiil4 coualry: will tak
trad PorlUrvd Propartr. Prkai
. loLUrxbranc III! I
I Ai'lIEK, 1104.
In Italtaa prunaa.
I or
"Genuine Sacrifice
$42.50 Per Abre
Washington Co.
owner or izu acre tarm rauai nava
money Immediately and will aacririra i
from town on good county,
road. 75 acres in crop, 70
acres about ready for plow,
halanrA mk rrnh nnsturp.
i . rr . . i l ai . . I acres under cultivation. SO acraa fenced
ADOIIT UU aCreS CreeK DOTIOm bearing orchard collating of 0 trees
I krraa
rd tar tvaloa I
od bare, rood wall, on a
luinlna raunlif Iowa: church
and lor I mllaa from car Una 4
tnllaa 441 ef Portlaitd; will lake
Land properly.
Ii ACRE". lltOO.
IT acraa In fin atata of cultlvktliwi
I arraa ptur; gooi beuee. barn u.l
outbuilding: flna family orchard; goo I
wall , nn giavl mad. S mile rrom arhool
will take gnd hon.4 In Kaat i"ortland
124 arrea. all level, all la cultivation
!0 arra In fall wheal. 44 arrea In bar
ley. 14 arraa eummer fallow; good I
room-bouse, fair barn; I mil er
warehou and town. Price lit par
era, will lak small rrro in Clark
county nr Willamette valley
ATKINHON at illl.ur.KT,
401 Vhlntton St . Orp. Itkatofflee,
Viiwmii.r WA4h
Tia fiT.A.r.A ' IN" ClaRKe" -
Tl acre Imrroved farm. Includlna
cowa. I heifers. S yearnnga. 2 noga
team of horaea, wagon, bogsr, ham
a, mower, ha r row a. plow. rulC
valors, cream a pa ral or and all small
tools and machinery all for $1200. part
time. Improvement ertfcalat of M
land, the creek running across
VlrilTrrtZ&xZm mis rarrn. uooa iu room
rnciromm,e good barn and out-
llZZT'i" '"rnlir. 'TrtrX j buildings. Completely stocked
rleared, 40 acrei
timber. S acres
In $ year old
20 acrca partly Improved, Qood hous
vouna- orchard. . R. r . u. rout.
miles from Portland. $150 per acre.
Owner, C-41. Journal.
9 3-10 ACRKH, six cultivated. lny nlcn
between Oswego and Oregon City
price isnoo; phone Heiiwood Z49.
terms. 754
A-l ao I. 10 ml. clrc e o
for sale or trade; $1500
It asth st. N. - -
187 Acres
miles west of Portland, on fjiia
road, good house and barn, 70 aces
under cultivation; all lays level and fln
tst kind of soil. This is a big thing
for someone to double their money on.
Rowe-Thatcher Co.
S24-6 Chamber of Commerce.
ONE acreK In view of station, 40
minutes out; rich soil, at $250
per Acre, on monthly payments.
Office open until 9 p. m.
102 Fourth St.
Main S5. A-3500.
$40 Cash Dawn
Buys une Acre
Near station. 38 minutes' rldo from
Vortland; on electric line; balance
f 10 a month: land All cleared. Atchison
. At Allen, 21$ Gerllnger, bldg., 2d and
' $125 Buys 5 Acres
- Balance Easy Payments
Fine soil, near both electric and S. P.
.?:: station,.. 42 cent, fare; 2S minutes' ride
from Jefferson at.
: Atchison &. Allen
- . 1'QerTlnger bldg.'gd and Alder sts.
- $18 AN ACRE
. . . 110 acres SO miles of Portland, nearly
- all good cultlvatAble land. House and
- barn reavdy to go onto. This land will
surely sell for $50 an acre In a short
; time, and la the kind of an Investment
- you can not help but make big money
on. " "
2. Ji: rKENCH ft CO.
412-41J Ablngton bldg.. 10f Third eL
5 Acres Near ' Garden Home
laln road, adjoins school, excellent
poll, eeoond growth. Price $325 an acre,
4 y terms.
' " 114 Omen bldg.
$40 Per Acre
K0 acres, deep, black loam noil, 20
acres cleared, 80 acres can be cleared
for $20 per acre, balance good saw tim
ber; 2 good springs, country road right
through place; 20 mllea from Salem. -40
mllea from Portland.
Cor. 3'th and Hawthorne. Tabor 3661.
20 ACRES! " i
4 acres In clover, balance wooded:
flcnty of water. level; lies between 8.,
nnd Oregon Electric roads; 16 miles j
from Portland. Price $260 per acre.
Terms, H cah.
404 Wilcox bldg.
Phones Main A-2653
Only $70 per acre and up, right on
Oregon Electric, near Portland; small
cash psynient. balance easy terms.
Also some acreage with Improvements,
building, etc.. very reasonable price and
GEO. W. LILLY. 606 Marouam bldg.
Highly Improved 28 Acre Farm
26 acres bottom land, E acres Into
bearing i.eaches, balance fine for pota
toes or hops; good buildings, good well;
ercek forms south boundary line. An
Idea) farm, 2 miles of Townsend. For
quick sale, $5300; half cash.
608 Henry bldg. Main 3200.
11 Acres
Cheapest Price, Best Terms
for 22 sub.tantial farmers in best pay
ing farming: section In the west; yearly
crops guaranteed; the right men's
1020 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Just east of Montavllla: will make fln
I est country home site In district; high
.and slghtlv: new car lino will be within
s or a mile; cheap.
Rowe-Thatcher Co,
324-3 26 Chamber of Commerce
Potatoes and Alfalfa Land
25 Miles of Portland
Listen to the Truth
65 acres, 40 In cultivation, level.
genuine sandy loam sediment
river bottom soli, 8 acres In early
BpuJs. 20 acres In vetch and oats,
5 acres garden, truck, nice Im
provements, fine running water
and good location. Equal to beat
$400 per acre land. Quick for
$80 per acre. $2800 cash, balance
on time.- H. Chapman, Claypoole
apts. Phone Main 6891.
FOR SALE bv owner, choice acreage, 2
to 10 acre tracts, easy terms; also
firie Hood River orchard, city property
and acreage; sell or exchange; for par
tlcu'ars write or phone R. J. LIcMell.
Milwaukee P. O., R. F. " 1. Phone
Oak Grove. Red ,22 8.
FOR an Investment or a country home,
w.i have some of the best acreage
buys in the state. You will make a
mistake If you buy before Investigating
these. Multnomah Rooming House Co..
807 Rothchlld bldg. Phone Marshall
$1000 buys 120 acres on Lower Colum
bia river. Good land, some timber.
about 20 acrrs sheared, creek through
Place: '4 mile to boat landlna- and
county road. This land la actually worth
$.10 per acre. Bryant-Meeks Co.. 634
Chamber of Commerce.
A Real Bargain .
320 acres of fine level land all cleared
nnd put In cultivation: clear title, for
$1500; $1009 cash. For further Infor
matlon address K-49. Journal.
$100 CASH, $1B MONTH
Buya Sty acres at electric station; fine
for chickens, fruit or gardening; good
investment; price $1600. on terms.
Pmlth-Wagoner Co., 311-812 Lewis bldg.
ONE acre on t-lectrlc line, all set out
In bfaring strawberries, raspberries
and grapes. Small house, chicken wire
around entire acre.. - Price ouly $1150;
easy terms. Bryai.t-Meeks Co., 634
Chamber" of Commerce. ,
10 ACRES, near Mt. Hood line. 85
miles eaat of Portland; open land,
nearly level and good soil, only 4 pieces
left. $50 per acre, easy terms, w. F.
Miller, owner, 213 Board of Trade.
60 acres of fine soil In Willamette
valley, 80 acres in high state of culti
vation, mostly In crop: 6 room house,
barn and outbuildings; good water; lies
on main county road: 1 cow, 4 doien
chickens, all farming implements, tools,
buggy, wagon, harnesses: 47 miles
from Portland, i miles from.S. P. R.
rl. ann good town, with milk conaen
sery; place has R. F. D.. telephone and
milk route; close to good school. Price
for quick sale $4000: $1000 cash, bal
ance long time at 6 per cent.
520 Ry. Exchange Bldg.. 4th and Stark.
Two Snaps
168 acres of eastern Oregon land, In
Crook county; $1000 worth of buildings:
20 acres cleared, balance easily cleared
for wheat. Will selH for 10 per cent
down, balance 10 per cent annually.
Value $3100.
Will sell my suburban home at Ever-
freen station for $2200. One of the
inest suburban homes on the Oregon
City line; $200 or $300 down, balance
$16, with Interest
840 Chamber of Commerce.
b.t.rippiV.c're.'and equipped, This is one of
appiea. fine apringa. Uhp host farm? In tha rniintrv
I . Ml I '
ana win maice you money,
5u per acre, good terms.
Douglas, '
505 Board of Trade Bid
water piped to houae, good bulldlnga.
The very best of soil, no rork. 100 acrea
thla pi Ac the very beat or rarm land:
guaranteed aa advertised: eacriftced
thla week for only $42.60 per acre: $1600
rash, balance long time. Call 601 8 wet-
land bldg.
Med ford Farm Bargain
30 Per Cent- Below Value
108 acres, 80 acres In cultivation
acres young pear orchard and 100 peach ;n" al
trees, balance hay. grain and alfalfa; house I
400 feet from R- ft. station: good build- vation;
ings, on good county ,rod and mail
route. Thla place will bear full investi
gation, nnd If you -are looking for a
plana where you can make money thla
la the place. Owners used to live close
to Portland for many years and will
sacrifice in order to get hack to rela
tions and old friends. Price $16,000;
terms. ,
A, Vester
S25 Railway Exchange Bldg.,
' Portland, Or.
140 acrea within 14 mllea nf PnrtlanA
and all but 20 acres rood land: bo.
ana small pern; lj acres In cultl-
running creek: price I6S an
such aa apples, prune, rharrlas asd
pears There Is In the place two
Imrn. a wormsnrvi a cream nouae ana
rhlcken houae. Fine flowing prlng
na good wen. a iical
10 arr ranrh partly Impn
$2900: Improvements consist of bearing
orchard of 80 trees; a 6 room house,
barn lx40 feet, a woodshed. chlckcA
house and other outbuildings. There M
a rin flowing spring on me piac ana
the distance to public echonl Is only
about s mile. Thla place adjoin the
71 acrea above advertised.
4 acrea In an established community
nicely located at only S1S00. Thla Is a
hlg snap and only reason for selling Is
that owner must nave money.
Lots or other bsrgains can re naa or
calling upon or addressing.
O. JORQEN oiEN. Cashier.
Yacolt, Washington. "
Dairyman! Stockmanl
$85 Per Acre $85
Will put you In possession of one of
the best dairy and stock farms for the
n n . I ik, ... 947 mermm hIArhlv
KA .-. "" ' - -. "r-"jr
, one or me peer im- I improved, with 8-room nouse, nam b.,x
1 68 acres In sam neighborhood. 20
acrea In cultivation; all good land,; $86
proved farm a In Oregon, In same local
1.7 1110 aoove; price I1JQ an acre.
72 acres, all platted In 5 and 10 acre
tr".Vi?' DUl " farmed with good
buildings; within eight miles of hesrt
pf Portland, and overlooking the Colum
bia river ann r-oriiana; an Ideal subur-
uan noma; iwfi an acre; convenient to
x oriianu, Dom oy rail and steamboat.
60, three stories, full complement other
bulldlnga; everlasting water and piped
to house and barn chicken run, etc.
Farm excelfentl." fenced and cross
fenced; 180 acres under cultivation,
rood part now In crop; milk and mall
route at door,-telephone; about 60 head
of stock, chickens, an implements ana
equipment, including dairy and poultry
raising and growing crops go in at $85
Near Corbett and R, R,
87 acres, highly cultivated, very ... ... i: .M rlKftII ft CO.. ..r.. fann lornted IU mllea N.'W
level and all tillable, black loam oll, ,- ""nm-m Ding, iobh Third St. Newberr: mlcht make trade for city
frontage on Columbia river, several flno 1 FINK 40-ACRE FARXf nrnnertv or will sail a.t acrea of above
epringn on nignesi pari 01 tnu. running . uwaiw in me suourns or f orest urove, farm, containing nearly ail in cuitl
water In house and barn, small family and Is as good as can be found tn Ore- vation and rrowlna- crops, for 165 ner
orchard, only 600 ft. to station. This gon. Every Inch In a high state of cul-
place bas one or the rinesr unoostructea uvauon; excellent new, modern build-
views of the Columbia of any place In ings of all kinds: exceptionally good
tne state; goo a moaern a room nous. . nu truss ranees, a line crop
nice barn and outbuildings. This place , now growing. This is one of the best
is a bargain and $3000 will handle, farms in the state and in one of the
Price, etc., at office. oest rarming districts. Ths owner Is
PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. positively going to move to California
708-10 Rothchlld bldg. Marshall 8825. m a few weeks, lit will sell this place
ui. arjjr icrni or win accept 1'ortiand
I property for part. It la a genuine bar-
ace. In cultivation h. hsUnc 1 . . aiiur write J. 2. Bmitri, 618
Z..Zm -a K.V,.r. . ir.-' . .,.ii h...a ! V nam Der or commerce, Portland. Or.
nnatiire and hrnnh: him n amall house
and barn, some fruit, spring and well
water. This is a snlenaid piece or land :
good roads; some tools and machinery
So with this land. Only S miles from
regon City and 8 miles from Sellwood.
80 acrea adloininr the above1, all tim
ber, good- county road; land nearly all
level, soil first class; school near; tim
ber enough to pay for the land.
rrice, ir soia soon, uniy 40 per acre,
Vi cash, balance easy terms. See me
about this soon.
Oregon City. Cor. 8th and Main.
An Acre
This farm contains 600 acres of rich.
black loam, perfectly level, and all
cleared; mile from station In Wash
ington, between Seattle- and Portland.
Especially adapted to fruit, vegetables
and grain. If properlv farmed", this
place will pay for Itself the first year.
A uplendld Investment or platting prop
osition. Price $16,000. One half cash.
balance terms. Oreat Western Land
Co., 103 3d st.
uoiumoia river rrontage, bo acres on
Sandy road, 10 miles from Portland,
eieci ric car win, pass ngnt Dy tne place,
compelled to self at a great sacrifice.
jonn kick
649 I'nion ave. North.
Pl-icio D! err Ice St. Pr
vuaoi iiiiiftici u6 uui
tn Iwls bldg.
- Bargain
In 14 Acre Suburban Home
AH In cultivation; rich loam
soil, splendid for garden, fruit and
berries; good house and barn, in
fine condition; chicken houses and
parks; choloe family orchard and
all kinds of berries and shrubbery, l
The location can't be better r ii j
mile from little town witlt-rood a
wchools. churches and stores: r
flectrlo carllaes and hard surfaaC I
road right into the city: only 10 I
miles out. 1'rice only $7000; H
cash. Adjoining places no better
have sold for $600 to $800 per
acre. Come and see this. We can t
do ft Justice in a short ad.
A, K, Hill Co,
419 Henry Bldg.
1 miles from Fourth street line:
land rented now for 1-8 crop, which
purchaser will get. Price only $200 1
per acre; easy terms. .
KUrF K.l.rJlXiSUU10,
418 Board of Trade Bldg.
ONE acre of land. 2 houses, one barn,
- running water, 1 block from, electric
station, all for $600.. $803 down, balance
easy terms. 6705 Foster rosd. Mt.
Scott car to Kern Park.
40 acres unimproved land overlook
ing the) Columbia. Has several fine
building' sites. 27 miles east of the
city on good automobile road. $1200.
Atlas Lard Co.. 420 Lumber Exchange-
FIVE acres near Tualatin. M mile from
car, cleared, all good soil; price
$1100, $150 down, balance $16 per
month. IW5 Foster road, Mt. Scott
car. Get off at Kern Park. Tabor 2964.
I UAKGAiN from owner. .Ibarra good soil.
1e car fare- Price $325. Fbob
TVoodlawn 1140. -- - T
A HARGAIN. . Acre end quarter". 40 mln
uu out on electric line. Fin view,
good ott.-tc. CU A-U49.'.
' Base Line Road,
Suitable for I sub-dtvlalon: 5 acres.
fsnan. ta-m. ; . ' '
CO-OPERXTIVE trust com pant,
. -404 Yeon bldrA
FIVE acres and new 4 room house,
close to Sycamore, for sale at $1290.
H cash, balance terms. 4705 Foster
road. Mt. Scott car to Kern Park.
Cultivated acre and 4. room house.
Woodstock vicinity,. fT per - mo. 422
Koaro or 'i raae:
10 ACRES. 17 miles from Portland. 3
"miles Houlton, j-leh soil, fine for ber
ries, small frultH, potatoes, 12100, $300
down, balance $25 month -'Crtr, 72J
Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE in Acres land, 26 miles
east 0' Portland,, 1140 .: OUsan- .
TEN fine acres, well located, all In cul-
$2000, $260 rash, balance
. N. M. Apple, iZ Henry
your term
HOOD RIVER 30 acrea In Hood River
valley, partly Improred, amall bearing
orchard, cheap at IIIOOO: terms. Apply
A. D. Hay. 174 -1 4 1 Ii 1 at-, Portland.
FOR SALE 6 'acrts on Falem Elecirie,
right on townsite, 17 miles out, $304
per acre; .terms,- Owner, L-41, Journal.
80 acres, 2 H miles from Woodlawn
Wash..- acres -earea.abont-an acres
more easy, cleared,, all . fenced: jmd cross
fenced, larxe barn, small house, chicken
house, and woodshed, 3 fine springs of
water ana a line creets. 3 iruit trees
3 years old. assorted for family tuse,
about 40 acres valuable timber. $1000
cash, balance 8 years, 6 per cent. Peper
t Maker, t rneriocK. oiqg,. xq ana Uak.
Don't Miss This
$3000 Farm, Terms -
80 acres, V. mile electric station, main
road, all fenced, bouse insured for $100;
barn, running water, close to school,
stores, etc Metcalf, 310 Yeon. Marshall
ISuO CASH will put you in. possession
of 40 acres with house, small orchard,
30 acrea of rood timber, running .water
on place. Price $3000. Al ara hail 4621.
404 Commercial blk.
FINEST stock ranch, bouse and barn,
( acrea cultivation. 3.000,000 feet tim
ber, cheap buy. in Baker Corr all '"if tiler
fence. See owner. 105 A Grand ave.
IF you have hetise to rent see -
01 Spalding bldg. Main 7192.
EXTRA 120 acres, 17 miles from Port-i
land I, 1 mile from station, 2Vk mllss
irum onerwuuu; gooa auto roaa to port
land; 30 acres In cultivation, 40 acres
In heavy, standing timber balance in
stump and pasture land, mostly bottom
land; easy to clear: has running stream
through the place, 10 room house, plast
ered, built 2 years; good barn and out
10 ACRES, all ia cultivation, 6 acres in houses; 8 wagon, drill, plow, harrow.
prunes, 4 acres In apples, the remain- ; mower, , raxe, oisk ana small, tools all
At in str4.hArri4 ann rannnerriea' 1 ko wilii iiie Diace: mis ia a rin aroeir
now a rimm riirniahd houaa and nlher . and dairy ranch: the soil is fines the
outbuildings; 8 large chicken yards, all price la $12,000; will take $5000 cash,
lencea. 1 nis rarm is an iencea auu "Y;1,"' . "i.. " " oalttllLB murigg,
onlv mile from electric canine. pines, cnamoer or commerce.
AOS Spalding bldg. Main 71
93 ACRES, 8 miles from Sheridan and 1
SKU. ACRES- all in rultlvallnn hnnui
Main 7592. -and - barn,- nice- family -orchard,- closo
ld&n and a to city, on trooa county roaa. mis rarm
miles from Buell P. O. About half ' can be bought- at a reasonable price and
m cultivation,-Daiance limner ana pas- . n wnnt.
ture land, "some improvements; running
water. Only $30 an acre for , quick
sale; terms. -
306 Spalding bldg. - Main 7BB2.
I-WANT to trade ranch for-a
home. Give 1 phorie number.
D-383, Journal, ' v-:j
Hn acraa of fine sandv land, all but 10
acres can be farmed; water right: ,un-
limited outside range; s miles rrom Kj H.
town, in eastern Oregon. I will sell
this place reasonable on easy terms. No
agents. R-27, Journal. . " '
w a THrvw a- Tirir.-ptrirT.Btrw
301 Spalding bldg.; . . : -Main- 7B 9 2,
60 ACRES of th finest land . In Ih
Tualatin valley, only 14 1 miles rrom
Portland: .30 acres under" cultivation:
only $125 per acre. R. Conklin. Ill
Henr bldg. '
.;.;; SMITH A' fiON, 310 RY.. EXCH.
40 ACRES unimproved fruit land near
Ashland, Oregon; little clearing to
be done; on mile to postoffice, mile
to railroad station, Z5 per acre, terms.
A snap. Need the money. Phone Sell
wood 1246 Monday.- "
6 ACRE farm with 7 room bungalow,
concrete basement, hot and cold wa
ter, modern in every way: good bam and
other buildings; only t) rods to car;
this Is an Ideal country home for $6000;
terma. 403 Rothchlld bldg.
(0 -ACRES of the finest Und In the
Tualatin valley, only 14 miles -from
Portland; 30 acres under 1 cultivation;
only Jits per.. acre. ; R. Conklin, 61
Henry bldg. . ?
40 ACRES. 18 miles from Portland. 1
- mile from electric line, 15 acres In
cultivation, balance wood timber,- -good
buildings,- flneo rchard. on good road.
Price $2600; terms. , 314 Henry bldg-.
80 acres. 3 miles from railroad east
A cltv ' a-r.Ait tioiiaa . ham m.n1i. S1
creeks, 2 cows, chickens, tools and Im
plements all for $3500; this is fine apple
and berry land.
140. acres In Benton county, 7 miles
from railroad. 120 cleared, rood house
and' 3 barns, springs and creek, only
$45 per acre. $2600 cash: mia-ht take
soma trade. i
20 or 40 acres unimproved close to
transportation, $30 per acre: easy pay
420 Lumber Exchange. 4 '
Beautiful frontasre on river, well Im
proved ISO acres, cultivated. 80 .Acres
fine beave.rdam. balance deep - leWtila
sandy river bottom loam, above ok.
lnar-ti-)aat ffl. n.i.hai Irt eta Kftrl eva.
hops, spuds, alfalfa, etc. Do not ftULM
investigate mis place Tor a noma vr
-i 22 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 6826. - ' '
Next to Portland, the finest ctty Jn
Oregon. . Ideal -ell mate, f I neat soil and
nicest class or people. -Then why not .
secure a 6 or 10 acre tract near the cits
limits while chea-: $160 an acre; easiest
terms; for particulars, address
.:.; A. A. CLARK, : ' - V
Oregon niag,. fjugene, ur.
IF l'OU want to buya 6 acre place on
-. electric tine within 10 mile circle, 1.
have It; 6 room house, barn, incubator
house, chicken house, 120 bearing fruit
trees, assorted; acre strawberries: fla'i
roads and : view of mountains; all
plowed: terms. 0-4 8. Journal.
FINE milk ranch, 168 acres, new houae..
and barn- on -niaee.: price noo' per
acre: also some small farms. See Rab
in sky, Scappoose. Or. , . ' ' '-p ;