nig OREGON . SUNDAY JQUKNAL. rOIlTLAKD. SUNDAY MOKNINO. AJ'KIL 7. 1911 i Drt ItliWilOtSiJ I ItiH aWs. ttt ftiM ll4Wt0( L4 1 I tOU a.tlJU-UlBi I I 1 1 i i 1 ! ! t 4 I 1 : i i a i Jr.. tot Otei'kettf k .A' f 4 4 , i I . t ' i-aittr :4 W.-n & i k . '. ..,. f..l5 .en tf-t.,i 1, II t .:.! t,t i.(.tlKa fit wit. J tl 1 It) It t !kt' 1- it. t loJ 1 I4.i t fc-t I l V j ttii .!-.-. 1cii ! S l 4 id .,11 1 f It V Ut il s. is : i i i f.rf.. f0.!i ?:t. luiiU-u, -1. v ! .'.v.: r, nuJcMl tin. .:: c!--.;; tu.I Dai' !j t.-.arts i'i J.t'.,.;!y I sacrifice Baltic ' , r t IV A I-. f.i- , BlK'.ti l-V - ! '.' tf-iMittri t I I. I . I I. : t it - k I V r If.!' ! Don E. - Jl flOWC I - 1 ' t! !' e t vie, J19o Va.'Tcu.ef .r.t , C f"- JfSb-P M., 1 l.'ii. ft rfi of K!i!-;ti ru?.', ae., 0? :..y i 1 fa .-! tHit ft IwWtUi ' .. I- WI It llii 4 ... -. wi i .. 1 .. V " tivkltt i 4144 "a. we! fctt, 4ft fr,4.l4. I'lr. iMa U. tltfmi tiiUI I J I It - - ,!.., fill' nil .J k.. i lUrt 4. 1 Wi kM lHl' 4K ft.k il--4'. lltw I v m tk.i t r ik vtiv4 MMSkw ! 1. 1 : t tc.K fc.tll Ulllit l til ..-U ,mi lilt l I a Wl ""' , 4i i-.ii . -x. It. ir f 5 trnt M lit'' ' A fe.v Snap j OnJySlCSO 4 ti I . t nw 4i U Ilil4 I, ml ,' !.. r !. tkl Read to Step In la trfctl. c(i- f.ll LMatt.l, 11 lrli ! .ti .iii . Um 4tllt, ti lli.,t.i Tin t'u I Hi )rf i lacey Cc. I f i(it-' fift : I K ;l .'4 1 Mri t I . ' K ! t S": If t4f 4 ) ! ! ! .!. lJ ! .vitf, M; f..f J r xii mw( ti f H'idl rali llanr ! r 11 fooui itifvlr t ti - ! Iri! f!r 11 it t: n"i r t I.I tll ae. Iletttvtl lll. i a iu.i!-. rl illr I Liin ii i- .S. I . -v iiii.nt Tni r i i -'j -f ti4 VI i- ' I i'i A I'!! i A Swell Homo I rflom M i4-fM I oin iur. Ir r...-ir. lcf li:,' urn t; i linl4. h.l, full ktin-.ri-J, ftrraif Jsafiftrjr llr, lllll 'l-ll ritir id :lt wnnfll W ' .!. i. fu. la a. fflri l d ft- I. 4 1; -m lion -r. Kt- h'-ntc -rri I (Hi. r'1 e IMt I'll. II 4 h L.air ii i: ihitti i !j ! Whitman tatin l h-uii tar Pt. on Tal-r H tlfni LrUttcw I I 4.l. .i.- 13"' ' ln. f Mf c-oiil, I )f. TM" I , itl k.. fwulll If tW f n l.'ttl lFr! i ! In I'lilr' in Ia I Hilt" 1 rl :0. U inh, t-l'i,r r icnl 4 rtH!M hu 1!H' tmxlnn )! It lo- -iit tttot. I.. I .bh. lal i l-r t-l. t room hkvI'-'' 'j on Uxln . ,rlua la Kugrn 'rl.- IlK"". laU ci.. I!iri T j--f rnl l'l IfilO" liuaU-itM lriil on ltu.l !-". to in l!;ifli at l'l rrtc lU.:! nl. 1 t- n"d-rl .o:r. iii Tlttam.Mil l . i tt. o William ae Tri) HI') U -afi Hawthorne Acnfje SlfiO Cash , $20 Per Month Vnt4 "W t twin tunvl.i-n, Imi'l for a lunif. In.uIiU inlru" lim Ifir'jFh jut, wllh lrc fialai-.M anojaoil. lr Iat tlvlni room mill firt-j )- ail lwnlircMi, in9n14 tim'ne r in wu 1'jilln bufrrl. I'lilrh kil hin. J Jnrit! Ixvlrooma. ' I r!ol, hll or.amlr.1 ; hafx. Urj fUmrrJ altlc. full mrnl rMmi'Dt. wtlnt floor arid Ui.nilr)r Iraja. 1 am IIIPr mm iiumr mi i 'ip ii f- rr.i ni low n.ot. of inc. .hiri. ,.n.v in. paJow on h. 30 h and Sher- rluilt aimiimrriti for n-rr anil -" . .1 --.n-mi nika. i ?m i.- '".v'" man sis. f u 1 1 cement base- itih iiuirra im !' l.,t p 1 , . ., 4v4 h--avr thn any . orrrapondlnj . mCm, liflt IlXtUfeS IP, rCallV i'wni in in-r uiiiiti. ' 'Jim!; rinu fall ll5 Ila-nhorni' a.. or. tth. rhone Tlor ttt or 'ti'-'Injps Tarmr nt .. .. Li II 1 11 l a ! (t " I li !. J iil i . .i-v I I iiu f If II wlil i.r - l'' - It., 1.1. .1. : III! 1 llll ). II HiM I.k-N . MliMI'l r. lloMl if !4 iN tl a-4 11.4' V.I Best Buiit Homes lfvl-ir'' i; r.MiiMii. Alm.l. (ln !l lark. . :. I 14 10..B1. lrl.MI n-iilrro Iiijiii allh tr"J tlr . i.J 1 n f 1 li-ira. irmmrlir a5 nif In ri Mll'lur nuilmiriMii i rry lm. rMJ don li.i.t flnlah. haa all th lalnl -iirnlrme. i irtc ruokrra. lr hxi'.'Aint iiiml at or. r. ainl I. ni fit rricm , ar.-o'jnl for tl ur.Dii j.tfhwi.n o t rl m ll! home r f'.r l'lvlrra of Siouar at "f- r ivirrana. inMtwl ownrr. 10M vln l anl nf Tri1 i'u uu a'n ana 5.10 per mo. buys modern b room bun Snaps room nf1rn hmii. rornrr 44lh an! Xclvate, rwntloa liall. ' flrfplnra, l.ulliln lnofciaea In llvlnx ruorn. rtlnlnit r'nim rln'!'',' . and Imijv rtiilSnr. fur beilr-jonia with larea cl'-ncl; furnuir, a bargain at flOOu; term a. B room modern bun-tnlow. F.nat 44th at., noar corner W S" car; trlrtljr moilprn In vcrv . war: furnac--; n Mk nai at 360n. For prt!cular ho The Lawrence Co. 24 Alder ft. a bargain for $2500. Brvant- Meeks Co., 634 Chamber of Commorce. Irvington Two Family Dwelling Beautiful now. atrlrtly nindi-rn and up to -Jatf houop with 2 cotn plt linmes of 6 roonm each. !lve in one and rent upstnlrfi for enough to Rive you rent fri'e ; fend pay irood Interest on tho ln veetment lnt1ra. PKIt'K 76.r.O. J1300 cnch will hamllr tliln. Dorr E. Keasey & Co, Id Floor Chaiiibt r of (.'ninnii'n p. New, Modern House, $3600. I ix-uma with tliraa ronvrnlni-ra : Full piin-rt-fa bnpemnt, furnarr. firr(i!ar. liuilt-ln liulf. l. kllrhan cadlnot. library, hatliroom. tr. luxated on K. ((Ii at, two hloika from T'nlon av. piauttfuj loratlon.- Twri tiUlfk-l from Car. Ha lt rlcted dl-trli-t. IS00 caah hal4nr monthly. tttop pyln rant and buy thia prrtty houR. MF.IUPIAN TnrfiT COMPANY. It all war KxrhnnKa bldK Pnn Marxhall ;.SM. A-74JO. 4 -) rattai r ,(. Ivt 4il! 1144 I rk m r ', f car 4i Pldinunl. I4. 4 rxn cu. Hi Hlj PrnrW dia Ifirl. i.tar "Ui at J re.4r lK4. l!Hll4 l-l. Ml. I imh ui .. r Miaiaart ala . Ul Moil! rif 1141 4 r-m l.ou otafl-fc'klli M!laitU flier e,f K!1U' orn IJiHI f r"in heu. Sm i m m Uurlu. JUouL- Ii. ll l.'l. l' . 4 .. J lrf ru. ' Anat-aJ m. Ml rx nil ir. ! I"" IJ I r m uaw la 1ll l"'. 44 J4- I". II4M ?h fla r liaraaia aH l Itltlll r""' 4t(ttf wn Brcrai twi A llll MaraKal t; J ,t Ml M i nns A v. l: SiMin l-i. Ycurs for $1900 i.Jtl 4 lm.m 4lr 411. oil. .ib a. i.r .f Hm4 iiI:i.iv ij, r. l cwiJ titti. ). a -' vhtiViK, i i i try r4' t . 1 1 1 f 4vtk, la M i. i i n ) l.tlll.lVi bt I!'-' rMtlANUt. Ur I ri.-i In lill.ii lUl. M Allall I I. i;l a i Ih jiiii.iiij Jl F if.e fie.r.imort Home ! t94 IKtHin bl l llnHli' . K ihrl.r.J tat Ai u(a allc-tf- I- is i' ia j ni) t iiiil iui i.ia lulltl b !"". fllUw . a rift IJlKtrt fkli ! "ii I l !. nHfc ! aid. 4ull ttiAtlrvrltJ IIiihK' jji .Jr cKlrn fi'tt ,. cl . li! I taalla I cull. I. r:n ! uf . umi i.d . !i en lla t . iwiar !III 4 l-.l Kll. ltl I l. IJ .!. l.if 'i grl tin 1 r4iluriii' IB litauRiunl. Irviec l-n. Irtiriiw,.l rd luiltiurl alii r I ft m tvtll iwamrtil Jnn r mi. i atrl iin.if lno. IjI or uioi. tail aa flial tuiitnl, t'tln taiurtlhlr t a but) an.l i- r lot a Km lo icl ft nri lilt an ill l at kuun l1y fim I J loll, m IiiHTI.aM' lit'alNKart A VOK. ! It. -III. Mil l HIJ") Uuahall III Hawthorne District SAW i H Twit r t linUtt -fla,All T lvl Hl. , lit' Ivarf PK rw ) . wHlk tVaM , 114 ii !, ifin iia ii4.a. l-al L.llt'l 4m dXta lnl in oil fci.i l la 4 1 1. 4- w.1 ui4 aa ait, t,!.! liUti, II lll. Awtl J w4 fli JkUI., ItlM lw.littk till, UiaA'l ta "i' a la c4kii tii t.t, l.fcta 1 Ml 1441 N,la IMM4 it Mll -- , fa- UfJF vv4 ta-MtJ i.fl i.i htbt T-kl rta n-li iAa a-u I nal4 14 auii Iut i.'tl. iu.r riaMau la a4 irkll- ia-i ,F lnil A- fata la ua f Ik lgl fcam bouara 4a fc-i sir. 44. ril la BaoicaaA 1'a v laa o!4 a I' l a4 Wa llwu -fr mJ ul f14fe It 4 aull kuL ItatbMMtrvi' lhr ii titataaiacil aiaiual r ' rl la uiit!-i I av al al as rtal irri Ik auadl ir. ! rf ! li,l- at -aala Ui altorl t-loilia ttaal al4l k-4 raa aiircf y la ay ttMli i rli. or lait,l tan. m 1 hitl k4W..l t r intnittit. Iii tail 4ia lf or A OI ,'1 II llllll.l'l W M i att44titi IIVI- llll I ll'hi ! rt nsf Jf.'8W . 111 .Mi ' t4it ii Aa 4; iliii Jvil'Af 4i4 I All! Na tv4 1 . 4..,. c a 1.1. !! I4 it- a.'! J It !.) HI f li -U ; Ui.wu; HfJk 4V4T 4 lv-u Wlia 'H-,,lk III. a. I 1-4 Ull -" . 1 . 4.. a fci i'4 it'll. Mt.4 1 aau.a aa4 4a-4 Mi.tti, l-i.a is 1. a 4i4i ait4a. 1 11. !. u 1 m m . 4 a wi. 4lit oiia a ua . rii. AU l i. --' It.UJ'ti -. J l l ail-. Jl 4 . .4.Ml ai t-( 1.4.. .iit ""-".:. atH aaua 4 -. Ua J'.l-'l'.w 1 4Tj Vir. 1 1 4. Uia ,..i.ii,. ttaa lav ltw aiw4 4f - I " . f.i . . . ,ii ..... ii ka k.,.4.-wl flw,a r...H4..v "l""''' tfl. "r.,t? tl N kll llUtM. it.'.-'r"'".. . 1 i n-4 knk( ..utt.4i. & &T SELL ItOUK CITT I'A It K " : . iM 1 I llf0l HI NGAl'W l.'N'tiKK I10J4 HAKE era raar tarrca or will taka oJ lot aa I -rl jinnl, baiarvo I k runu lit IIHF.I.i. 4 HON. 4!4 alrr4.i and Haridy lloa. 'ona Tabor 1141. I'-IK? LookP LodkT A chance of a lifetime from owner. Must .! 1 to brand naw room houaea, built-in DutPii kitchen, buffet, mlaaloo rlock. bodkmaea. full cement baaemetit. walla tinted, laundry trava: between 16th and 1 7th atreeta think of 11. Price $2W0 and IJ300; t00 t-aali. Ouar- nnUrl tllnn nn,tir v.I... til... ytr . . - w ' v K 1 U 1 . 1 Ill'IJt t4JU lnwn 3 IBS. kose ciTr pahk b v no a low tTSW. ! rinSllflfil! R rnnm hnr...Uw .. ,, nll ,,, . iirww, IIIU.I' ' ern. double OonMrurted. built In furnl f ture, fln plure. bnth, beautiful Ujfht fix "Iturea. near carllne, roatrlcted dlatrlct. lniurancc $2000, lot 461100; 500 caah. I balance tcrmn. No monthly payment I deal. I OWS'KR, 741 K. th N. TWO niodi'l liouHes, 6 and 6 rooma, will I s.Ml either one. both nn corner lot; vi lll'piorlflce either for cash price tl7o.l iimd ll!6fl; either wofth J2730. hut I iiiust huve caBh or aecurltv Ha trnort .-i-H.-ii. an i ani Komg- away from here; abKtrart and warranty deed all clear: no Miriimnrance. opa jon iah. corner Mil lard ave. and .2d st., or phone Tabor tui;, The moal choir rvaldentlal dlatrl.t In Portland and ran.1-at lw on rarth. ei-m out luday and inapeet aoini. of Ihiiae maxnlflrent new homea. erry dollar of aiu la ttiar for tno prlcea aakvd. ha a few Vary hlh elae huuaea and bursfralowa to how you at Hie 1 1m M nrli and on torma 10 auii: lake Mt. Tutor rir and rlda raat to our otfliv at end of line; :4 niliultra from P. O.. i-i,m out today Tu'mr ll.lht llially Co. lt K. th at. Phone Ta nor t b2 It 3111. $21?5uTor Swell b Room Bun galow Path, hot and cold water, hulltln buf fet hat bnxea. dreaaera. dlaappearlnK beda. French window a and doora. et-.; rooma tinted, full concrete baaement. cement walka. hid eurface atreeta; K block to Mt Scott car WHY PAV ItHNT WMF.N J0i) caah and 20 PKIl MONTH WIU, Pl HCHASi: THIS HKAPTIFII. IJOMK? My auto la at your aervlce to ahow thla house Phone Murahall 1744, evening and Hunday C-1047. OeO. A. KlKKa. 1S Ppaldlnn bldg . f r " 1 iiJ'l.''' I'I - wv w W W lw w w I, J HAl.ANi-t: AH ItKNT. prand new bunaalow liouhly en. elrortcd I iit'H. .-..I llardaixHi fl.vira. f1tc'!a .! Umlrttr In tltlriaT rntn Prnh iii.lo IwaJiifullr tarirjr 4mia rm rwl l u'l'l l-arj: tj. t.-.ri-. Mi I'm. 'i kll hn path rivnm. c j .1 n i,l wtis laUat anj it of fia lufii lirfr altir Full c.nrrle )e. ii.i.I and ljrdry irav K1 ll oely two ..x k 10 lt 1 if llf in city. lis. Irlririty ae.1 ail oOr piodnn on nenltwic fj-erlal baraali for one w.k Irta will be arroojtd la Butt ou. TAItOH A Bargain Just Finished on Mllur a-,. Juat north of Killinga wnrth; et rrnntije. n.iv.Ktn 7 rom bur.calow. furnaro, flrepUcr on h fltw.r. lotlrt on tact) fluur, den. tanrrS diniiiK riwin wll)ibeani --t 1 1 tijf. tmllt-in buffri and bo.,k. ar. r if il ihiicm in fri't t. lattice potib off drn. full crtnrnt l'mint, h-ird wurfared afreet rement t -Iii around hou. hardwood floor, walnut front dut,r. full lot. Thia plica la a l.rin at fiOuC. on term, l oltTl.ANU HVMNKSH K.M.ll NOF. 7010 lli.lhrh'ld Ill.U. Mnrihall Zlli. Minday. Main 3002. Foity Per Cent Profit- !. a tilaal W4 iiwits two flae IIb wonri ! iblali'Claaa neighbor hnd 1 it wai.ia -tilf wltli aaitie aihouul In rj (ii.uh laro mc4rn 4 nwiu l4tu row bi.i.Jiiia There la l - r tM 1 wfu in four Hivallia. W JAVta li. 4'4 l''n,ii,ri'.ki lllk. that A HAROAIN. 3 room houHe, completely furnished, inrite lot. rruit tree, garden In. fine flock chickens; Bi sco; J500 caah, bal- aiiui ii iihiii ri. ANOTHER. room piaatercl nous-, corner lot ;.,i rasn. nmanre jio a month Hold m:ir ear and achnnl. J. K. Hohm l.Hliri'iw'.iiii. .ni. r-cotT I'flr. Hl'MiAUiVV and 1-10 m re for Hale; land in . iiiuiauuii, nun treB, Derries, etc.; I...US-U nun lame JIV1I14J room, 36X16 root MiiU' fireplace, beamed calllno: built In Ixiocase. etc.; modern plumbing . . i' ikii.'u i , k"ii niiier Hymcm ann fine win cr. i m urejion i itv carllne; 7c rare '21 mlnut'S from Portland. Prion 147KO- triiis. For further particulars address ij.iMoi ii'oa mux oa:i, city. Fhono Oak ir'-vr. lien i'-l. Piedmont Snap A new rood.'i n i room hunijnlow with nitle, .. tiled hatli room, enameled IMitch kludien. cliine to mfiool. clirn h and only 2 blocks from best car line on eiint Kid . You can't buy ii lot In UiiF In- ntioii Hrni build this !iou-.e for tlie j.t ic nki u Only J2000. .',0n cihIi. lalanrt. tcrinf. 'ee Owner. 4!ui4 filth M S K VMVJJ& wV' Will sacrifice J.,00 on .-H-ii ir sold aoon, easy terim. 1 lot. fl:.e residence district, ITl'f; near car. Tliee are pnapF. Do not delay. . pliodes l.und Co., "5th and Sundy Kond. Tabor 2HSH. $2750 Buys a G-room "1-story, full -l.HMeuient, hhh jind eletri'', he'.vfr, .afreets Improve,!; .,x .Minnesota ave. ini-uer of Fiiiljn-f. I block to car. See owner at M'l Allls-Klpd nvc. Phone' Woodla kh nxn. J A1 i in r MAmn mt H 1 IIIO IIUIIIU Ul I IVIUUMl IdlJUI, Modern house. 6 larpe rooms 2 lot New 7 room Mi l. tly moderd liuuso. ! 100x10". beautiful Krounds. This la an paneled dininR room, l.ea:n cellinKs, i exceptional opixirtunlty if you are look hutlUJn book ens. - anl buiTet. Pit fiOx , Inf? fur a flop home or an Inveatment, 1!4 or 111x144: n;,.rt heantifiil view In i come out and look it over and make me citv. See owner i - r :; i; K-ilmon. an offer; am a-olnfr awnv and need some (jwner, noo Commercial street. O.N'K .ACRE, AM) A 4 ROOM HOllBg c $1650 .Ml iearcxT' ready for plow; running wan-.r in house, telephone available, 7c fare, only 12 minutes' walk from ata tion; lbs high and. sightly; $300 cash wlll'handle. 1 ":vj. J-AMAR. 417 Porhett bldK. M1 II iKIiSl 7 room house Occupied by owner for whom It whs hullt. Kteam he:! and fireplace. r,icatod on four ;lKhlly lots, corner, and 20 foot alley. Fruit, nut find evergreen trees and gar den, lawn. etc. Restricted dlatrlct Im provements in and lines. Phone Sell wood. 64tt or .inquire -"i MTirv niuK. . Alain lis SWWRBAN home, yix ro'om houe and 1 Ino!"l MX lots (nearly an hit. i; (.-nod fam ily orchard and berrieR. yprlnK water twt blocks from .l.ctrie ,-nr .stutioii' bft automobile road, t.'OCO, easy terms,' -J W. Hefferlhi, owner, t;, ' ( 'ornett hidsv BAR. IAIN ON l iiii "PFNrNsi:"rv .Strictly modern heme also good biii ew corner, will esciun ge for v.illey furm. Owner, s.jt. nowi.rcs. .Nortnern mil, St ,T .in,- I. ire. r " .4 r . oou, le'.'ic. imin'in, i .winrv resi lience; evrvthinw . on, jdi p-- J.-iu-e lot )iaved utreeta and rlox- to ' Pri.-e 4S00; you make the e-rins. v.:;':; jialn. ilt on bldg. :tv. i ) A HOME FOR A FAMILY IN A CHOJCK H EOT ION OF ROSE CITY PARK Way below coat 5 montha ago. 11500 cash will handler TIIKKF.S A RF.ASON. Petalls. Interior Views. 310 Oak at. I it V INO '173 N . room modern bouse on corner F. 24th and Rraxec Mm.; white enamel woodwork, every convenience; garage; lot 63x100 ft. Price Including atreet Improvements, I'0I)0; terms. II. P. PALMF.R.JONK.S CO., 404 Wilcox bld. Phonea Main 8699. A-2fifi". nAPOAIN PAnOATN VOf CAN nt'Y An elegant home on Brvc avx, .Manic. 1 1 I'srk. every mixlern ron rnlnr'. furnace, ale- IT-int hOld tT;.M I'llCtrlC .'llMll- .b'llrrii bardnixMl flo, irn. eli'K.nt Irslde flnlali, Inrg". mntoilve front -reranda. txtra Inrre lot. ahade; ISuO down, balance by month. Call for C. O. Ileaaan. CllAPIN-HKIUr)W MORTOAOE TRUST Co.. 311-339 Chamber of Commerce. ANAlF-L HaKlJaI.Vbv mnm l.n km lllld tlntll Ir n B I down, balance lit r meritb 1 rotn tttwUaro. Ii0 ). tjavllne) Biontl.iy Ixua lis down, balance i J4" monm. no r irlct Ion I tula. UIilOO. lilt eat-n. Many other iB'ialna. M l! K. I MITHri.THKK. AmiI1 Hi.IIqii. Wt. Hcot Cf Must Have Money Witt Mil my blfly lllll bunaalow of roo'i.a. well arranfed and well likrd. faring rt, on blur If from brat rar amUe in lh elty; ralrcrl dl.lri.-t Pric 11404, ihla k only; I loo down and Ilk r month r4 my agent. t-41'KHA1 IYR IIEAI.TY -. l: Hallway Kiehang lildg H I ' I .K X i i SF. V") lOV il 7 piH.M-l. IIAIlPWixiH KIxiKS. Mol'FltN IN KVKKY WAY. MAIiH nt'KFACK liTltKKT tCI-OHr- INI Ul-o-'K Ht"U CAR, KM ALL PAYMENT ImiWN. HALANt h; :AUV; AT HACKl-l KICK IF TAKKN AT o.NCK. J4 I'll IT THAI'S 1VH 100I IOT8. Ak 4'. ill kf tl V A feCl IIC AT 1101 SI'At.MNO Hli6, NO aIjENTH i ItooM lluUMt.N iFNOAlAjW. IIOu ca!i IkxlOO corner lot; double ceimtruc ir.l house, flna bath, tollrt. waeh trava, cabinet kitchen, paneled dining room, flreptare. all n.odcrn. Prlce IJ-oj, lieu caaU. balance I1I.4U nioutu and lnitreat 8MltM-WA(10NFR CO.. 311-111 1-wla Ride. B33TEIGT M KM4III l Hot HaJy $2760 ' Haiall fayitil lt,ia. Il4t4 aa l4. I lata a 4 nun Ijuualtiar folia. lual eff of liawlhoiae am. thai I will .-! fit al Ii4 alroke ! 4i a il.Bir able l-r, Ikivibb la atilrOy mo4rn la ry way; ! lot 4114 lte ei The Shaw-Fear Co. Mam 14 lt fourth au A - A Good Home Cheap I room bungalow. 1IIJ K. Illh at. lv, klth-ka fmm lh Alb rar lib, modarn r-uaairullen. 40. 10 lot, ard4 alrH and rmnl walk I'rK titlil I J oli. twlanre lit monthly, which 1 rlodca In) lnlrL Pur-che ! turn a email kVoodev! a. a- ' The Shaw-Fear Co. Main It ltJ rourm at. A-lllt A KKAL IIAH1A1N. Bxl p0 lot. t room modarn oottaK. finely located, rloa to rir, acbool am church: will accept flOO down and eaay pa-rnirste, llino. Mr. lavlea CHAPIN IIFRIiW Ml RT(1 AOE . THPHT COMPANY. S 3 -.! S a Cliamber of Commeree. Sure Snap, $550 1 acre, I room houae. chicken houaea and run. Ideal chicken ranch. Cloae to rar. Nothing better offered at the price. Terms. 404 Cenirnvrclal Block. Second and WaahPigton. 1'IKI '.MONT HO.MK Foft SAI.K. Piautlful 7 room houae, on 100x161 ft., corner lot, cloae to carllne; fine gniage. very prrtty lawn and, alutdai ireri; can no purevnaseo; on terms. WATSON A TMCKKEI.HK.V. I0 Hpaldlng rlid-r Main 75S. UOOI I room houae, with hot water tank In eame, lot 40x100, 7 fruit treoa. cement wain, cloae to eon can. price ft7f; 150 down. III. SO per month. C705 FoMer Road. ML Scolt car, get off at Kern ram. On 38th St., Near Alder 5 room bungalow, next to corner, furnace, fireplace, full cement base ment, laundry, fruit room, combination lights, lawn, covered with rosea, nice at.ade tree. 60 ft. lot. Thia pi nee In within 1 block of carllne and modern In all respects and Is a dandy home. A r.ip at 335". 500 d'ji n. balance monthly. PORTL.NT fit 'SINKS,? KXCHAKOB. 705-10 Rothchlld Hldg. Marshall 3125. Hunday, Main 302. HAWTHORNK DISTRICT. Just completed new 6 room bungalow, full cement basement, atrect improve ments all paid, 1 block to Hawthorne cur. Inquire 1156 Kaat Madison at., or phone Tabor 151. Easy terms. ARK you looking for a good honest modern 5 room bungalow, all ready to step Into? Either with or without fur niture. This home la In restricted dis trict, well located In regard to distance to ichrol, car line, stores, etc.; will tak unimproved lot ss part payment. If you are really looking for something good, phone owner, Woodlawn 2504 for fur ther particulars- 1150 CASH. PAT, ANTE 16 PKR MONTH. (I rooms, built In modern except furnace, near Klllingsworth snd Denver avenues. Only $2R.riO. This house wns built for n home and Is very well constructed. ('all for Harrison. CHAFIN-HF.RLOW MORTGAGE" . TIM'ST CO.. 332-3.18 Chamber of Commerce. IN 8WINTON. I27fi0 takes a. modern new B room bun galow; 60x100 feet, east front You must see It to appreciate IL 1500 cash, balance on terms. Office cor. Alldna ave. and. Lombard, at.. Kenton carllne. NF.W 5 room modern bungalow, F,Tm hurst addition; double construction; fireplace. Dutch kitchen, etc.; full base ment, space for S rooma upstairs; lot 110x100. Terms reasonable. Tabor 772. Bargain 11600 ecjulty In 6 room modern house for acreage; no agenta; price must be r I itht. Phone 'owner. Kas t "53. FOI'K room bungalow and 3 lots, 60x100 ft. each, including corner. In Flrland addition, 12500; eKy terms. Watson S Therkclscn Co.. 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7692. Go Lookl Go Lookl Only $100 Down Prettr I room bungalow, all rooma being tinted, beat plumbing, big floored attic, full basement, all lmrt",,nirnt paid; poxllJ lot, rich entl. hnlanr 1 2 SO, only l:o monlh; 741 Kllla av . Hllwood car la mile nearer rlly center llun FU wnnd). ijilhrop owner, til Ablngtan bldg ltr. hafcU I ll rt4 MUM Ik. liBUit tt Mala Ilt m A'4tl t. -ii Hill. hi laie tlitwa a 4 IL l iii In ft. I afl a. . A li alkv r Irvington Bungalow rMn firet f-f kiii iie rt vi4laj kail. al,lag k 4t4kplal t4 ttwi-wai a cv.4 lio-ar. If li 44-4 vr4a, fvtl rHtl m ., aaetil, r Itilufl int4rt ik B, l It V rware eld. Ilf4 it..ivi b.I4 aJV ii4 r-fc l4 Wlta aavai livwi. fO I -B-B SWg . Roso City Park Homo 0clevdl4 rMl a-oi, aiaweal 4vw, In line ai hbof buod. $ liiucli lr"a ear: fall ci-al 4-4bI. funi.t, 'ftlar4 In tf4r4 fir; fear41wot4 fi-xxei et4vdij 1 1 r 1,14. laa aruilila bufrai and eila cl4. t iad 4llaak aaal4 aViitlag rootn, Iii lea kilela aaJ yv tea pul la a cemrorubli tvoati f b4 r-n and airag por mm Uie arvef floor, owl 14444) ia very 4erwt. . Xk 4 W , 4f 1. I in. I,L 14(V tw r . t' w iya4i.i tirvang Te, Hawthorno District I rooma a ad re-itlo haiL futplac aad ulitla bookeaa: franslrd dlnuur i-tK-ta, wlnjw aal and tuff!; Iuleh kllraea, bd iwimi and tadueea la whilAw enaoi!, sleeplntt porrh full baae merl. modern pi una blag- trio) (IDCO. farms; two bl'cka off Haw. a horn a, on T. IIUi al Owor, " at 411 Corbtt bldg. Piion Mar aha II III. A-II4. West of 35th Street We offer several cloae In bun galows In the Hawthorn dla trlct. good lota, fine lawn, hn'f block to carllne, good view, hlfiTi ground; rumplrl and Wll fln lah.'d. Ilwiui ench. MAKE YOl'lt OWN TERMS WITH THK OWNKR. Ijrlualvo good boroea. Dorr E. Keasey & Company Id Floor, Chamber of Commaix. (Tftooms , " $37(50 East Salmon St. New, modern room houe on Kaat Salmon. Juat waal of lllh; all klnda of bulltln convenience, such aa bookcaae. ftreplac. cloth and duet rhutea, lln-t cloaet, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining .room, etc; inre nic Dwirnami tun large rloaeta; full rement basement with I tubs and wood lift, piped for furnaci.4 fan and eleclrlcrty. Prloe reduced li 1.00 for quick aula; reasonable terma. i Heo owner, next door, llll K. etalmon. Pbnn Tabor 1144. Homes on Easy Payments 7 room modern houae I years old, newly painted and tint, near carllne, alore and school. Only S 2 100. IliO rash, balunce 120 per month. room house with good haaemenl. furnace, fireplace, large living room and dan. half block to car. iQ minute' ride from town. Only 11600, lloO cash, balance IIS per month. OOWEN-IDE TRl'ST COMPANT. I Lumberment Uldg., Oround Floor. Hawthorne District . $50 CASH Balance $25 Per Month S room modern bungalow. blocks from car. flreplaoe In Urlng room, alao bookcasCa, china closet In dining room. Dutch kitchen, two nice bed rooma with bath between; good baaemont, lot 401 loo. price 114.10. HAWTHORNE INVESTMENT CO.. 34th at.. Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1 861. Now Buy a Home or EverXfter Keep Your Peace $25 Down . t room houae. bath, gaa, electrlq 1 1 n U . , ...... 1 - . . I . . 1 I.L.,1. from Montavilla car line, a'ultable for' HniKP 3 I fit; SDO DflVVn boardlnK house or roomers, bslnnce nUUi, O LUlb, -P-JVJU UUWII payable 25 per month, which shall ln- ilKA tlTIFt'L PfNOAIXiW SIX ROtJMS MOUEUS ONLY 12500. A strictly modern cottage, on fuH alro lot ami served by two carllnea; In restricted dlatrlct. Iioua baa every convenience. 1 tinted, has shade, electric lights and jraa. Owner wants party able to pay 2t regularly every month; he la not ao particular about first payment. A. N. PEARLR F. 7th and E. Ollaan. M-V car.) Til cluda the Interest at 7 per cent. Fred F, Huntress 512 McKay Bldg.. 8d and Stark.' Sunnyside Bargain MU J2N0 fi room house. 1 block from Sunny- Close In. house has 10 large rooma. full basement, furnace, gas and elect rlo llghta, 2 corner lots, plenty of fruit, berries and flowers, 1 block from Haw thorne ave. Thla 1 a very valuable plnce, and cheap. You cjui rant the rooma and make money. i 601 McKay Bids;. ICXTRA Brand new 4 room bungalow. close to the Piedmont car barna ana 3 blocks from the Kenton car: Is mod ern in every way and on a full alsed Snap " A 50x100 lot with small 2 room house In Montavilla. Beautiful location. Price tliOO. 1100 cash, balance 110 per month. Mortgage for 1100 on lot for 3 veajs at 7 per cent to be assumed In deal. About S 5 ii worth of furniture goes wltli this offer. Y-34. Journal. WAVERLY-WOOPSTOCK. I20OO 4 room modern cottage on lot 4 7"x 100 ft., within 1 block of W. W. car line, in first class (shape and ready for oc cupancy. I'rlce laoau, terms. J I. I3. FAl.MKIl-JOIS f,8 I U., 404 AVIlcox bldg. Phonts Main 80. A-2B53. TERMS. 5 room bungalow, not unite completed. Will finish to conform to the wishes of I he purchased. In Overlook restriction of 12000 minimum; irradeil, grav'feled street, cement walk, sewer, gas, electric lights! 2 blocks to car; slcrhtly lot 50x HJO. commanding fine view, at 72R Over look blvd. See owner at 782 Montana five . or call Woorilnwn f,xt. FOR 11500 I will sell 6 room fiber plas tered partly modern, K. ilth ht., house on good lot; plenty fruits; must raise 1900 cash. For owner, address 0-43, Journal. NKW 5 room house, lot 50x111, Terrace Park, close to Montavilla. 12600; .I0!) I Vwn and balance tiU a month and in ' terest, 6 per cent. 167 3d ut. Billy winters. side car. near 33d st.. hard surfaced at. I 1 1 Pce is iu; mortgage; iuo all Improvement paid. Think of It a ; P "n:r01!,, JS ', u 7T home in the central east side ror tnia -"" V " : . ' , 7 i"T price, must have 1600 cash, 120 per month; owner needs money. HAWTHORNE INVESTMENT CO.. 1021 Hawthorne ave., corner of 34th. Phone Tabor 3661. I ' WARE up! New, modern, 5 rooms, full lot. fruit, Bhnde, 15 minutes east Hawthorne bridge; 11300; terms. Must sell. Make cash offer. 3200 63d st., ; ttiocks Clark s station. a, nn nU iT-ir ,ai KP.iviun o room plastered nouse. OlUU UaSI!, J)U TCI IVIUlllll hardwood finished ripors; Z rooms; 12-100 5 roon modern buni-alow nn ! linoleum kltchep floors; electric lights. W-W car line, has nice bath, linen and LAI'HF.LHCltST. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, dlsnp- nenrlnir lied can he used In bedroom or hlepini; porch; strictly modern through out; 14&H0, terms. flaneurs be tween 42d and 43d. JOHNSTON'-UDTHr'UK & CO., 008 Ohambjr of Commerce bldg. rhlna closets, electric llglits, Dutch kitrhen. full cement hnspjnent, laundry trav lot 60xl0u; uome fruit, fine view of city. F. A. BEARD & CO., (512 Onrllm-er bldg., 2d and Alder. shades. Owner, Main 6640. A-2116 ex ccpt Sundays. FOR SALE or trade, one 9 room, also 1 6 room bungalow; m nignly i-nii trie tea district; hard surfaced streets; two blocks car: hardwood floors; furnace heat; all builtin conveniences; brtch mantels, wash trays, cement basement. Call Tabor 2187. ' - Free Rent OrcKory I).' ht. j ikr ,; t Park car to '.rrsr,rj- HtiKl.ts yeventv-pecond (72di st. MX room, 2 st.iryi"i r'.p.i lovv. - rn"'0IV4-4lleTI!ie-4. If! TOtl'fti t'ict; f urniuhr d. .inclu.iinr, piano 11200 eh, lialnnt'c II.. tr.o(it!,,v -No agents. R-33, Jourr..l. i'Jj.n p, Tln.TT 'd diR- ' iwner. pr WAI.Nl'T PARK. r'.orn modern house, on a paved .-I. i,ii, nice iawn ana in re- .'tr: ted district. This place is uriin ciMii.cred. Price $."00: haif cash, mort--riire for balaiice. H. dunther, 919 Yeon l-l'l " ... . .... - $100 Cash, $20 Per Month 11900 5 room modernVottage on W- between two car i W car line; has bath, toilet, Javatory, electric lignts. Desement, corner roi 60x100. F. A. HEARD A CO.. 515 llcrllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. FOR SAt.F, 4 r.H. j, ,,, lots 1001 no. ftirnlmrt and liftghorns. Price lio0. linen E 5tb et., S.. (7!rr. c.isl.. MiT,J;RN 5 room house! lot 50x100, 2 i-j blocks of oar, restricted district. i id- is a snap and no mistake. Price " l '"; I - '.ensh, ta arK-o 5 1 n per month. J II. Dornian, Firland station. Mount i-.-.iU car. SNAP roomeil rnodi-rn .-otTae.--fnitt, berries, 50ji10o lot, rei.trd year 11!. 59 montH. Must sell. Temis. H,-n-wood .1010.- fTefflniE-i." FOR SALK ity owner, one 7 rocmTTcnTSe" strictly modern. 1 ',, blocks from car Knap 1f taken st once. Piione Wood !wn I65-. 1130. - S rexm . Jiouac, Mniilful Jot, cJmsc tt car, 11600, ea. faymentk. If. F. Lt, ?17 Hoard -of Trade bl l? V int. eaah NI"iV houses Just completed. 6 to 7 rooms, i.i Piedmont and Walnut Park. Owner. is on Job bd"th Winday-s and week days. W. E. Love.' 1104 Mallory ave. Plnine oodlawn S55. S ET.I.WOOD CARMf!n. ' Will sacrifice my 5 room cottage, J 4 bloek from ear barns, gas, electriclt. fireplace'. All anscssmenta paid. Easy terms. 613 Linn ,'ave. ill buy a l'500 S-rmKii 1r" lrtn bomr. with mortraife' of 1I3S4 n.n K. SSd t.. N. 42 rotfi !20n Fl'RNISHED HOUSE 1120U " Modern 4 room boure in WoodMa'k, completely furnished. Full lot, close to car. Cost 11600. Must Bell for 1110-J. 513 Hamilton bldg. ' FAlTViALlv A U-a4; lions always linn M Wain 643?.- .IVili i- OOIIe ARE you In the market for a flna lara-e . I home ,n Irvington at j00 below thel j-ear ) mare?! i nue? . call 4-t.t -8802. I153 this. ' , V houie: full 114 Sher- I handle -- i S'' TA ciES 7 room bouse, lot 5:',-i 1 Sft; nv i . iu -jlirto lot and I Mil full Imnemrnt. ehlcken mrlr Ronm ft v - - t .. .. Tr 1C...I t I... rt.- ... . (. . , . . -. . , "'4v. --'. Joaroal. . i, labor rar. . ... . OWNER. A beautiful lot 50x96, located in White .Salmon. Wash,, 12 bearing cherry trees on same: best location in town. Prloe- 13-6-Q. -laO-ft -caish, balance la -por month. Will also consider trade lor prcperty in Portland. N-33. Journal. KERRY, near Prescott, 7 rooms, fully modern, $50 cash, balance $25 per month. Call for Harri son. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE! .ft TitlTST CO., 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN. Fine corner lot, 15 minutes from down town; -hard surface streets; with house, 3 rooms down stairs, and large attic partitioned into 3 rooms, colled; $2000; terms. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST CO,. 4D4 Yeon Building-. , IRVINGTON. 7 room modern house on E. 24th bU herir Brazee"; on car line... Price for im mediate sale. $5500. ' ! II. P. PALM ER-JONKS CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8699, A-2653. HOME MUST GO. 5 room bungalow, built for home last summer; everything- complete, even to screens; w-u car. fyoo' terms. -v. P. Barker. 327 Mohawk bldg. -. . ONE BIO BAllGAIN. $1800, easy terms, 100x100, 5 room cottage, 20 fruit tiohs bearing, city Water, finely equipped for poultry. East Mt. Tabor, 276 85th. Phone Tabor 80S. BEAUTIFUL 6 room house, on corner of E. 11th st. and Going, 75x100, modern In nil respects and only 2 blocks from car. Watson & Therkelsen Co., 30 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. $750 BUYS $1300 equity, in new 6 room bungalow; 4 blocks from. Alberta car line; lots 62x100. Must cell at once. 145. Journal. ' a Bargain. New 7 room house. Roee City Park. Price 13450: small .pnyment. R. Conk l!n 618 Henrv bldg. GROVELAND PARK -bungalow. 653 and Sherman. Two TblockB to. Haw thorne car. Has every modern con venience: 7 larRe rooms. Just finished. Terms t suit any responsible party. No. 420. B-2381. r" FOR SALE1 $660 second mortgage, 8 per cent. 125 per month and interest, on-new house ilrat mortgage 11000,-8 years; Insurance 11500;' good close In frroperty; will discount. , -35.- Journal. NEW, modern bungalow. Four Urge wnni vainnf ifkn Vill full hn ... m r.r. t electric llslhts, near Mt, Tabor car. Only 11850. 1200 down, bal. $15 per mo. See owner at 4 8 N. 3d st ' 11700 equity in 7 room -modern house, 2 . blocks t car: east side, for 6 room house equal value or will sell. Owner, 1330 E. Taylor. KIVK room -cottage, corner lot 60x100. , $1600 cash pr04) terms Phone Kenwood FOR LAURELHURST EQUITY New. 7 .room homo, exceptionally well finished, fivery convenience. Close. o 'er. Need the ' inouey " and will sell equity of $1700 for $890. Balanco of $3980. Easy terms. V-31, Jonrnal. FROM owner, 2 room house, bath and extra room; 60x100 lot, fruit; Sunny side and Hawthorne cars; between 44th and 46th sts. 1294 E. Taylor. $1900. THMEB room house, beaytlful lot, 4 blocks from car, price $1000; $76 nown, lit) per month. 70ft Foster Road Mt. Scott car, get off at Kern Park. Must Be Sold Only $3000 , Out of town owner orders Immediate sale of 63x100 lot, hard surface street, everything" paid, on E. 8th St., close In; nice German district; 8 room plastered house with complete plumbing, several fruit trees chance for chickens: lot alone worth $1850. Name your terms. Lnthrop. M5 Ablngton bldg. Splendid Home on Easy PAYMENTS. 7 room bungalow been built one year, with modern conveniences. 481 1 45th ave. S. E. 60x100 lot, 5H blocks from W-W car ami convenient to Mt. Scott line. Price $:ji00 with $260 down and $15 monthly with Interest 7 per Cent. This boats paying rent. I an offer. Will take unincumbered lot as part payment. Hera Is one chanod to -ret a dandy horns with little money down. Stiles, 223 Chamber of Com merce. FI rR N I RUED BUNGALOW FOR 8ALK. Modern 6 room bungalow, with brick fireplace, large reception hall, sleeping porch, full basement, woodllft and alk other modern conveniences; gaa, watery sewer, etc., nil in and paid for; full 50 xioo ft lot and only 100 ft from yery good car service; fine, view of the river. WATSON A THERKELSEN CO.. 306 Spalding Bldg, Main 7691, 3 ROOMS', well constructed, wplen-' did location, near 27th snd Pres cntt; $1100, $50 cash, balance $15 month, Including interest. Ask for Harrison. ... CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO.. . 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Two, Beautiful Homes On Mount Tabor. 1 block north from end of Mt. Tabor car line. Nos. 107 and 7 Rooms $3500 Hawthorne District Sleeping porch,, furrtace, gas, electricity, hnrd surface street, good terms or might take vacant lot up to $1000. , B, S, Cook & Co, 605 Corbett bldg. A SWELL HOME RESTRICTED JAB- TRICT. 6 room modern cottage, wide porch, front room linn fireplace, built in book case, dining: room, beamed ceiling, pan eled wall, china rail, built in buffet Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; 16 minutes out, $2950. Phono Main 3476, ask for Mr. Merrltt. A Some Beautiful Homes Built to last, with all conveniences, electric cookers, etc., and in restricted districts. Long experience in buildintw accounts for my low. prices. For more Information call Main 1498 or see me at 38th and Broadway, Sunday. Rose City car. $2900 for a nice 1 rom bungalow on c. invia t., nn a corner lot taxiU3; very eas-y terms. Watson ft, Therkelsen, StH Spaldtog Mdgr- Main 692. " FOR SALE BungaioW, 565 K. 3.5th. Kt. (Waverly) ; S rooms, sleeping balcony, attic; modern. $3300; terms. Owner, Thos. Muir. 63S Chambor of Commerce bldg. Phone' Main 2051. A-2609. CORNER E. 29th and Sumner 6 room fsml 8 room house Tor enle on terms Watson Therkelsen, 306 Spalding bldg. II..I. -to i. - . 6 ROOM bungalow, one acre all in orch ard and berries, V mile' south of Errol Station, 5c fare. Oresham . car; price $2706, liSfij) cash, balance terms. By owner. Address H-45, Journal, A BARGAIN. New 7 room house. Rose City Park. Price $3460; small payment R. Conk- lln. 619 Henry bldg. 1-fOUPE and two lots eOxlOO each. I10JU. $600 csh. 76ttj and K. Clay,-Monta-villa. Tabor 10 or Tabor 1918 after 4.. $200 cAuih. 6 room hounc. al) furnished. Fine corner, near school. Phica $1400. Tabor 3426. Call Williams EIGHT room house. 206x100 ft. lot. szauv; easy terms. watson At Titer lielsen Co., 106 Spalding bldg. Main 759Z. - - - ' - OWNER'S SACRIFICE. , Rulinyslde. 5 rdom. cottage, strictly modern; 1 block -to car; fin home cheap. Tabor 167T. $2800 BUYS modern 7. room house, lot 100x190,' nice beaning- fruit tree, barn, rhicken'run, nice garden. Address owner. 4? H. 78'h t. $3000 Fine new . bungalow; take rood lot..-, some cash, monthly payment. pecKer. sz i.umncr -ixctiange. ANYONE looking for a modern 6 room horhe call 237 E. 53d st; Hawthorne or Mt. Tabor Car. Owner. flOTTSES; lota: $700 up:" t. t.' row, i; niitiiiirm nur.-- TWO beautiful small homes. - one on fWmii .retnrf i1!.-.. Inn Invest me nf sea r . -.!. r . . A . .ten a. V . 1) I .71V 8ALE-Modern 5-rooro buneaJow. I 6 in:m t .t.' I wiodrn tmrne. 18(n, Ph0- Slih noar- Division' streets r.Hvcrl ,.rv mav In-mi Watson c Thrkel. 1 12"0 I roa house. 1211 r;itlon ave. rhoti Sellwoott 141 or 100 Division L I Hen, i06 fcoultiinn bldg. Wain 76I1. ... terms, nttenger. lwv ;jjjnod ave. . Bur- l.ld.. room rr 771. IN AVestmoreland, an attractively built 7 room home, built-in hnni. en .'. -t- Place, china closets, buffet, hutch kitchen, drv basemen! loa-n 4 111 E. 6!Uh Bt. overlooking Ait. Hood trees: 11000 enuitv for 'S5n 'n La rit. and Cascade mountains. These homes I rial. tit-vm are beautifully designed, modern and f complete In every respect. You are in vited to critically Inspect them They I win please you. vve sen noroes, not Rouses. KAfiTE BROS., y 608 Henry- Bldg. -Main 8200. Take $700 Cash Piedmont Home 47600 $7600 9 room house, on 100X100 or-ner,--126S Williams eve". This Includes all improvements; fine district. One should see inside the house to appro elate; 9 fireplaces, furnace, cedar fin ish. If interested, cell or phone; terms. Mr. Jones-, phone- Main- 3713. (IOWEN.IDR TRUST CO., . . . Room 2 '-Lumhermenw B1dg,. : kf fV., .i" u ,,q"'rv ln 6 roorn modern ' i uioi 9 district. Bal- v,w 4.-o vi. otsv lerm-, Hit on a aunAll al ra.hn1l .Au .... !..., I.J Beautiful 5 Room Bungalow At 62d and' Sherman, near Hawthorne tar: artistically arranged1 and a-trictly modern; extra large room; easy terms. Wa seel homes, not houses. KASTE BROS.. -608 Henry Bldg. Main o(. NEW modern Jjungalows to H every .taste; full lots,-" low - prices, eaay terms: best high elrhtly residence lots lh : restricted district; cheap, rf-asy terms, low Interest. E. K. "W eller. cor. K. i 6th and K. ry.incoln. Tsbor 264 2. , . tpvrvTriM 1.4 1 im . , V4-1 uiuiui,uiv, choice .air rouii.ungs, near Brazee st Prtu 5i00. includes numernn -.t.. j . . , v t n n . Tiiaw iicuiars given upon request Phone V?IKYini0afrn I r.oom -0,lf,e. stucco fin" ish, interior finished in mahoganv; 4a' most eiect part of Irvington" I7000 tNY410 "-"m 'house, fine location: e,ifn.r?,ei"Ctme' iwy full; excellent f!rUr v; ,Tery reasonnble, with easy tetTns., Call owner. 266 Lincoln. WILfe take small payment down on a tg01r v, TO?n cottage oh Sacramento t. H block from "Union aVe.. $2500; easy term,. Call East 6117 aft; I p.m! 9'AA l. 1 .. - . ' , ' iff i -.j ,V.i '. V"-m oungalow on 'east side. 1500 c!1h Ki - ' . 305 Couch bldg. ' ' rom modern bungalow: basvi'." menti sas. lawn ma- nti .i.'..'. .we".?"I? owner. 1150 K. 19th st. BARGAIN Aim roln east n-d will si ll USF.E HOMF.STAKE THIRD ACRES. 1 room nouse xn Broad wr-y 'niji 2?th, i ITH SON, 119 Ry. EXCH. rhesri: 50 - cah. bnlar-tx- . :ii: rehu i STr7 CT".OVFRTAVT ' A.CfiF'S '" rhone East 6&t 219 RY. EXCIL plKJ. -t"T' .,?J