The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 07, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Colonel Roosevelt Declares
That Same Issues of Popu-
tar Rule Whicn Confronted
Great Emancipator Prevail.
I. r- ) i i
III Ml . V Jll I
v yj v- -Qo-,4r- "vr
; cists mi mm
Senator Files Stitement of
Expenses With Secretary
Upper House. ,
kMH klaXoa IU ftrfteMJ
fa akioratlaaoo !- t 14-4
e o a a 104a, ia a4
aaa..ieaIa Baal T a. a. a ant
lt.o Iw UMMU
ttoJ, HW f fmMUi
wi 4 r at. 4
Mason, or Joaephin rounlf.
C.4tk,rll II' 1(1'! If. I).. -..
. rtljr o Ik MM.t. I I c I IKttJitl T hO
0".v hnlil ! -!.' I llrllf rf.
ooa. aa aa Mir.. b !' -
of A fcr.k.ta J K. uo if l:
ij I. r M;I!H. l-'Hrt III
ftwtariii am. fcia i-;H'..l if.h.i. Oel.r1 il IB. Ikiur.
wkbll ru&ftwl It.. -1 Iwta) '
IK. MM. jlk.4tl lllrl Id (wr-
tfeeuat .t.J lb I ). ful4.u.l I lllk i
of iJOuota a flalfuiaa. lb. rlghl of Ik. ,
.t iv rwl. ttrt ad Hut t rjlcj '
kr a N'l lb oovpao, la pro )
llMll Ik laaW. f
"II la af lll bk lallr. Ihal Ik. J y
trio Of Ih - I. ru)d ! tlilr-IMj
fo ourlai oa4 4uellll Juallra Id
4MI or bruad (fc.rilf aBd tmJIIIini
alt" aaid, "to! oliri ai.rn in.i.i
e !!( 1Mm f.oul4 rllntln.lrU
frura bur liuluairut tifa . rl ahoulj b
alra tr Ha -otf la tr (tolltln) lira
'flu 4r.nOfa of prirlWta ha.a m rul
.Mil l.aa la domia.l. II tL.f 111.. , -'" l"rtat l ' l
iwa aita tni of DIIBoli. u n , f-ifctr rro.J lha pi. In i(h hla pa
Ikfaair 4 oolra. Ihal Un.x.i. rvntt mUn ha a amatl rMJJ
. ba Blood for hobaatv la Mllllra .a ' ula wr.lrfn.r II. oaa
ajl aa la arr lha rhaaa of auf ' 1 X'rlln and U aocoa.a
. ItalloAaJ Ufa. ahould rati hi kaia 1 I bualnaa -la f'irmarly on-
- rl-d br II ua. la roonarlloa Hh i ,l4 lth lha bualnraa lift of M.rlli
Vr (lmr ana M tixvitln Thr i n ' rrnl la dapuly ahenff of Je
.n4 far and Ih.r lHf H lfcn, i.phlna rounljr
"Ml InrittMica afaiaal blch Uacula'a i
a hoi a i f m a prolaal.
t TIy af no I l! nijr m.n. hommrr,
"ho a Ihla rn.l. Ml. rlalmlti( In
HK'"-H or lo balona la lha Mrpub
"llrain parly, art rurid.m.nlaily ho.ul.
is f r orhr I rmdi I ion la thai party.
' A ftutabar of .rr rich man. Irwludini
'both lha hraJa of bl rarporallona and
, blf eorporatlnn Itvyrra aha h.r. ttn
, a.aodatad arllh th.m, hart ahown thai
thajr era hot loyal to lha cauaa of hu-
msaia. numan ju.un ana numifl i p u If il ! n i
llhrtr. Tha rich man ho truala ml. A. M.ttl.i6lJ BCll6VCr in
,'hla nrbra; lha rich man who rafla that
UI44I4 hl W tU fWMl I
, Mwti'tiM. a trb
lIr fU4 otib li. acti.lafy of lk
a-! a !! .l.i.u.hl of hi. raa.
lia iifwum, aa f-4ull l lha fJ
n.l tuir.rl ialira a-1 Tk. alalt
' Mr. h Ik. la aJ!IKxi la
' for fr !. la lha ub;ie,itr a
itlti Kitl;k4 lr lha aiai f omih,
BKala tur .pi.4t 114 la piiM
14 i4 flftuUllaf palllluiia aad h
ng un pi.kltj oh It., primary
tallo(. and I'ftl for oin.r purpeai,
aaaklKg a lil !'
"i lor la h. oi-anii.a at lil. rtat!t
tavrn. kinuuia.1 Hal auuid a.k.
, ro tampaian furlh.r IU. I l.k. f ui
pat). a In Ik (.;ll. Ily parxphlcl anj
It i.m Pvaaa I a t ,
hi yi.iu atl k liry
aWaiiMl krrt g a. ka kvaa -
la lha araa af i x una ,C
Jmih afaad !(! UtUi Wlnayo4
tlU( Wulua.. a fvraMf aallU "nalr
girt' kaaa4 la rvil IwAai Ikal t
ha4 allMiaoa fruaa lha a. aal.
la UUbm la ale faaslly pialkaa fk
laa IL fill hla ptar
Tha KM lhalaad af hla( a.l f W
rial lMi;. tal ur wain April it l
tx avi (Hafhiaa ptaavatag lM.kM of
lha alaiul.a alkc laa aaa, a4 !
ahjlliy la uka a aall.r al Mo-
I aa l a la .aaa la lha of
ahoth.r raaa.
aicwiiUa. in adtik( lha rf ( af
hia vllhdraaal. Ik nrvvahaa lt la IKel ha aU ha uKt4. I ya
atwnd i lha rail of lha Taf fairaa In
lha pnl4rtial oaJbloala-a U Ihla alal.
anl thai la awM lava l l4raar
from all tai pblw a.iiaa arftll hi
family a haallb had Impra.nt.
lie's a Great Dog Catcher, but No
Fighter, So He Carries a Ptigilis
p p
faAdlalaax. It. A tl
MiiMiN Hart xm lata la a
It. alar lo kjkla' ar daaaa tmk"
atakao a, jf mar a mi or
II hM hwkta oar da fa tiaut'
Harry JlarC faawwa a a ra Ichor af
raaloaa Ino fa4ao-t Ipl okaa. Ih hlM
Ikal ar av 4ill rta IUaa awl
TaJuahio aaua.l lha a 4
lha rtaa h.a ha aW teaeava
f (aha ibaaa i tavraa I roodiolaa p.
par4 la f lha af Ua rtaa aaala
for a-ra ytr hla la ho y f ward
aa ai-prtaa fldklaf '
II a foraHortp carried a rlar II.
a .aid ad rr1 of arvlarlio A all
af a an or rluk aaaiaoa, far
aayvody wilt fih for 4i a anaa
h,l, (Va-ia
U4 vi ,4ap a ihj-i4f1.4 -i I
ll ay i: kt Mi M i
alia ft ava a a-a. a
ha h laioa 144 hif fva'4
1( M MM4 ! k I ai
." ha akja, M I M M
b ay aod Uai tiw
ho aP a7lMr. Ha
la a Ivo aaM '.
ova, ha ia nh mn'
$150,000 HEART BALM
Ifty laital aaaai
K. form, Ai-U Art4 Lk
a(p af Ih ( Mr af
baa. 4 Woaaa. of U Wait at ro. k'
lanakai fi Want af J. f. Mo4aa aad
foratortf Umiii of lha I u4 laua
felaat MtllM. o4 a4a lha d.f r4- I
aal laap a a U r -M rf hraasr
of probata, lo Mtarry I'na P tltydcr
Wia Itayd rhaia ikal la urw
I UK Hi trfa . Is hla p'vra'
ha hr Ma '
J aa Jolt, la Mur TronUa.
ItalUd foo (aaoid t.l '
Chicago, April Ja 1 iohaar j
haaiptoa) hoayihl pU4tlial. fai 1
to at ar lo.U r at Aaattiaat I al
Hialaa lll.ratr Jnh' aftlr
t I dall.a. r."
aatuullkf aa4l-o
y aoal M'atn..Jy lha fo4.rl ft ad
ary ay iak a.u in ih
i aftlr lo av
and i-trtiua l)
1,'kicoa h f
rl I- TV. Jrv i -.. dr. April J M. Ul
ton. txmucrallt.- tandldat. fur abartff
of Joa.phlaa county, la making hi torn
jlgn on tha lrt- of laoa,
l'ral t-pllon ao4 all oth.r Ha
X. Matthicu Believer
Cause Other Pioneers
Attend Meeting.
hla Braal'b anttllra bint lo mora than hi.
ahara of polltlral. aoclal and Indualri.l
powar, la Bat orally acainai ua. Ho.
Iihrwiaa. tha man of litil faith, tha
: man who In Ih bottom af thalr brarta
ilatK-llrrr In our whola prtnclpla of
'oomocratle. snvprntnontal ml, ar alao
afkini ua. Hut Ihla la no new thine.
'It la aiartly what happanod tl y.ara
1'avo when out of tha plain paopl. Lin-
roln nd ihnao Ilka him. friahlonod tha
Itapubllcafl party. In Novambor, lilt,
JJncoln wrota:
l)nl of nmtimnn aa wi-ll aa In II I f..
rnorri or the plain oin JMmorrary la; ir. Mary Anna Thompaon prcalilad.
with ua. while nearly all of the old. n-(Wlnn Baked her ate Mr. Thompaon
noiv ona -nniBi.rr i. muaniiy rapu.oi - am 7 year
a rain at aa.' youn. ami trowing yotmrrr all tbn
Hit men and women whoaa aggregati
aire total mora than one-half of Me
thuaelah'a t year, rondurtad tha
werkly fomm held at tha Olda. Wort-
nian A King audi tori urn yeaterday aft
ernoon under the nuaplrea of the Worn-
ana' Suffrage -club camnalan commit.
"Tha IndlYldual who belTd In prlvl-
, ee and thoae who dlatruated the peo
. fple wer afklnat l.lnmln then, and they
J ar. aaainat tin now.
f If you people of Illlnola let the bread
anl butter politician and tha federal
officeholder and tha men of tha atamp
'Of Senator Lorimrr and hla aaaoolatea
xoatrol ou at tha approachlrtf prlmarlea
tlnre" At the rlfht of the rhalrmn
aat K. X- Matthleu, who celebrated the
ninety-fourth annlveraary of liln birth
mat Tuarty. The other on tha
epeaker- atand were; Levi W. Myern.
Mr. Hnrah Ieo. Mra. W. A. Warner
and Mr. Harriet Lowry. Ehch one of
theae peraona la an ardent bellerer In
woman auffrace, and each one of them
, or roaater you In your sorrrnroent, you 'o laid claim to growing- younjer all
fannot pect
trial Juatloa.'
to ret aoclal or Indua-
A Rood many people who have been )
- -, atklng- w-hy the plan of the public docks
i cnmmlBfllon to Ihhu 600,000 In bonda
jwlth which to meet the flrat coat of
lulldlnir Portland a 2.ROO,000 dock aya
' " tern ahould have been deferred over the ;
aereral month a I nee It wai flrat an- ;
'novneed that the bond a would be lsaued. :
v A complaint or two has been heard
'that unlesa 'the commlnelon uaea more
expedltlow than It haa Die first ahlpa I
.. ' through the Pnnnmt canal in 1914 will
, find the Portland hnrbor unprepared to
handle the Increased traffic from Ih
canal. Chairman F. W. Mulkey of the
- dock commission eald yenterday that the
reaon the half million dollars In bonds
bad not been Issued Is because City At
torney Orant hnd deferred rendering an
i "opinion as to whether It Is necessary
; for the commission to make a tender of
rah for dock Kites that It expects to
! obtain by condemnation. He asnured a
. reprenentatlve of The Journal that it Is
.. ! no part of the desire of the commission
lo delay the actual work of construction. :
but If the city attorney holds that It la j H other states of the union will
unnecesHary to mako an offer for prop- Riven, their right In this respect.
erty before condemnation proceedings
are InstltutPd, it will be correspondingly
unnecessary to Issue bonds until the
valuffi are determined In court action
'and a larjre interest cost will thereby
- bo' avoided.
tha time.
In opening the meeting Dr. Thomp
son told of her -pt experience In
the fight for equal suffrage and pointed
out what aha maintained la the unfalr
noM of the circumstance which pre
venta her from voting In the city of
Portland;, though ahe haa been a tax
payer In the city for the past 50 yeare.
"We shall have fever ealoons, cleaner
atate Inatltutlona and more humane
prlona," naid Mra. Thompson, "whr.n
women are allowed to vote In this
Dr. Thompson then introduced Mr.
Matthleu, who naked to be excurw-d
from apc.iklng. Dr. Esther C. Pohl ex
pressed Mr. Matthleu aentimenta In
favor of equal nuffrage, as ahe had
heard him express them at various
times. The thoughts of Mr. Matthleu
were summed up In the comparison-
mat even as much aa a bachelor's apart
ment needs a woman to give It a thor
ough cleaning, bo does the nation need
the help of the women to give the na
tional government a good cleaning.
Mr. Myers, the next speaker, went
more fully into the suffrage question
and its growth, predicting the right of
suffrage for Oregon women in the near
future, even should they not carry their
Issue at the fall election.
"Women- have always had the rlghtt
to vote," said Mr. Myers, "but an un
fair social distinction has prevented
mem rrom exercising their right. I
advocated equal suffrage 65 years Ago,
so it is not a new departure to mo.
Eventually the women of Oregon and
j i I, f i r mi i j
Fiber Carp
1 1 i
Sale Hil
llii.if nr. .1 r t i
Eld war
A ule of a itock from MedforrJ, Oregon, bought by u at 40c to 60c on the dollar.
The name of the firm" we are not permitted to arJrertiae but you can tee their price
tag on the good.
Fine Carpets Regs amd Matitiinigs
Draperies, Lace Cuartaiims, Fixtares
Couch Covers and
It Will
Pay You
to look in
tain sale.
worth $1.25
n our lace cur- These are regular 4oc Shades, 3 feet by 7 feet.
Hn curtains.
er pair 75
Oil Opaque Shades 50c
Nottingham Dice curtains
priced about half ...90t
Scrim curtain in various
styles from fl.40
Novelty Net curtains,
worth $1.75. now . .81.10
.00 CASH
$1.00 a Week
rnltoi Pre.. loused tV'Ir. )
i fikapway, AluKlca. April-6 Tlie South
ern Yukon Mining district i-i Jubilant
today, the .-aure for rejoicing being that
me ore leoge in tnp "nig; Thing" mlno
Is the history of real revolutions that
there ling been no turning back. It la
so in this case. The women will win.'
Following Mr. Myers' address a gen
eral discussion was had before adjourn
Officers of the Portland Railway,
juik'ii rower company nave been re
elected for the year, the election by
me ooara or airectors having been an
nounced yesterday, aa 'follows: Preai
near l arcrnss. 1. r.. which has been j dent, B. S. Josselyn; vice presidents, F.
remuwiiur .jgugui lor rnany months, ' f uller, M. s. Hopkins, Herbert L.
has at last been struck. The lost ' Clark and E. W. Clark;', secretary and
..reuKe 01 me nig 1 iiing mlno has ab- ' assistant treasurer, Oeerge L. Esta-
Aohnt )A nil,.n(i. . C Al. . 1 - . It I.. j
iiiz nu-iui'Mi ui me en tiro a if - ; uruoK; xreaurer ana asaietajit aecre
trict and unnn its recovery rf te1 tn ' tarv. C. N. liutr-rlnfl: trpnArnl mann
r iniiMng 'in!'- W. HJld. The 3irectorl are: J. C.
'Ainsworth. A. C. Bedford. YT m. frinric
. . I Ji. L. Clark F. I. Fuller, Fr T. Griffith,
'i r-Ialsn f.fUllii UpHrlifc pAuuclnnn ! V V H il mun C "NT UinrDn. n a
a. - ' .av-i-. M (I.CV J I (4 ; --awo.wt-.aa, . . Ma,filI0r J3. O. I
Iftueii vn W "a. f 1 r, A A ..I, a
v v.-ui a j itf t . iii. juuu, x- a vut j 4i. f 0 iXaueB
and T. B. Wilcox. '
va large extert tlip fut
'Southern Toukon.
t! ' ffnlte" Pres. t.aed Wire i
( Pasadena, Cal.. April 6. Helen C3onld
and .per party arrived here today and 1
.mis aiternoon were guests of honor at
a big reception given by the Y. M. C. A. MnOni I CLr i tlUMUCU rUK
. . convention officers. This la her ortly-
public appearance here as she Is matn
, talningr her well known rule of avoid
- lnar publlcltj'.
The only safe headache
Frederick C Forbes Co.
' (Special to Tn Jonrnkl.)
I Albany, Or., April 6j W. Tobey of
j Portland, ia the succeaaful sjrchltect of
I the First National bank buiViing, which
! will ba erected at First and Broadalbin
: street this summer. Tha 'structure Is
! to ba five stories In height1 and will cost
; 75,OO0. It will be built of reinforced
1 concrete and will be tn first Class A
ouud mg to be erected in Albany.
California Hydrant Plant Burns.
innlted Proa towg Wtre.j
I Itedding. Cal.. April . The hydrant
jpiani at Heroult, or the Pit river, was
I destroyed by fire today. The loss is
36oa. The greatf iron smelter nearby
I was unharmed.
Have, yon read the great piano pur
chaalng opportunity n pag. a, s-c-tlon
It T'.
I llVaSl
1 1 r at nil 1 1 1 a ?i is? at -
1 imn mmmessAumi i
I If you want a go-cart to knock L II It
around come in and see wjiat we jfV Jf 1 "
Good rollers and jood cloth, 3. ft. by 6 ft., at this price.
Beat Duplex Shade 75c
A shade with different color on each side, 3x6 feet, on
best rollers.
We can furnish Large Shades at reduced prices also.
Some treat valuea in thla.
line. Also a lot of piece
goods Sundoura, Madraa
and Curtain Nets at prices
you cannot resist.
Mualinea and Nets at
Madras, very fine -. 50)
Real Sundour 83e
Couch Covers. 60-in ..2.50
Portieres, aundour
Portieres, special .
i' II'
TheStay SatisfectOiy'Riinge
Place a Monarch Range in Your Home
Set Up Including Hot Water Connections
The balance you can pay at the rate of $5 per month or $1 per week. Use the range for
30 days. Test in every way in your own home, and then, if not satisfied, we will take it back
and refund your money. THAT'S FAIR.
A Five Year Guarantee in Writing
With every MONARCH Malleable Range sold we furnish a guarantee in
writing to refurnish absolutely FREE the firebox or any part of the Range
that breaks, warps or burns out within a period of five years from date of
Extra Large
Your Old Stove Taken in Part
Payment for a New
and we will allow you every cent it is worth. Just telephone Exchange De
partment, Main 504 or and our stove man will call and make you a
price on your old stove.
Has the Famous Duplex Draft That Saves One-Third the Fuel
A I t J . . . '
At tne lowest prices you
ever heard of.
10-6x12 BoddJJF AA
Brussels ... . .D00UU
And a Monarch Range in the kitchen means much to the entire family. It
means less money expended tor tuei, better cooking, a big saving in labor
A MONARCH actually pays
malleable iron frames, making -a tight, strong construction that the .hardest
usage and wear cannot loosen up. I his, with the DUPLEX DRAFT, makes
and airtight range that consumes all gases and most of the' smoke as it gen
erates, thus saving in coal.
ana energy to tne women wno go tne coomng. A muinaklh actually na
for itself in. a short time.' The heavy steel side are COLD RIVETED
10-6x13-6 C3A A A
Body Bmssels5t)y UU
Wiltons . .
11-3x15 Body
Brussels . ,
11-3x15 Wil
tons . . . . ,
$5 Go-Carts
at $2.50
. - ...
; j Good Place To Trade ,1
If you want a go-cart to knock ll lO If I illf I JmMI k S fU eJ - La.. 2
around come in and see what we JJ if 'LMf yZJ ' 2Xf $SA ' T
cangive yc for $Z5a This i, VOiSilll S ? ft 1J .
I -'Vn"rt ' ' "''lIVMri'fl1''"""1' iggurr- i? ith -the ends and
" '"'- ' .-Vl T;ft - .1 i-v ;A. ,'tI.; .Juv..;.,.t.;.,. v-... .n.,ry,v,.r' ',.'' - " ' brackets -
Enamel Cottage,
Rods, stron ger
and better than
b r as s; complete
i ' . .- . ,'. r.. . .'. ........... '. -
-Uf- -,