THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. . BIWDAV MOgNINO. APRIL V till 1 Let Us Repeat Again and AgainHiat These Pianos Are Worth 375 Dollars Each, But the Club Price Is 267 Dol lars and 50 Cents A good $tory stands retelling, so let us re peat again that literally scores of these instruments (without the extras wc put in thesefor this particularclub) have been sold right here in portland at 375 dollars. Hundreds are being sold every month ail over the United States at 375 dollars. They are worth 375 dollars. Measured by any standard of value you wish, they are worth 375 dollars. They are worth it on our floors, or on the floors of any reputable piano dealer in the country. Our Club price is 2,67 dollars and 5o cents. The price includes everything. .There are NO EX TRAS of any kind. Nothing to be added for drayage, stool, scarf ABSOLUTELY NO EXTRAS. TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS IS THE PRICE, AND THE PRICE INCLUDES EVERY-THING. J Thi hvs cm f tk Clmk riuN fta4 dxlo. npwmUmg tk r.rj UUrt Ml U ob- traetlok. The Club Price of 267 Dollars and 50 Cents Can Be Reduced As mentioned above, 267 dollars and 50 cents includes every thing, SO IT DOES. This price can, however, BE REDUCED. The club member is entitled to 175 weeks' time in which to make his payments. If payments are made BEFORE THEY ARE DUE, SO THAT THE TOTAL TERM OF PAYMENTS IS REDUCEDA REBATE OF 25c for each and every week of reduced time is handed over to the Club Member IN CASH. You can therefore see that the price ($267.50) can be reduced just as many TIMES TWENTY-FIVE CENTS AS YOU WILL PAY weekly payments IN. ADVANCE or before they are due. Reduce the terms one week, you 'reduce the price 25 cents. Reduce the terms two weeks, you reduce the price 50 cents, etc. Tfrejy of Our Btg.Piano Club Is Almost Invaluable , The life Insurance feature of our Big Inaujnl Piano Oiib cinnot be spoken of too highly. This feature provides against the possibility of the piano being lost to the family in event the head of it should die before the piano Is fully paid for. This invaluable feiture Is set forth riht on the face of the contract in the sJmplest, yet strongest, language like this: "If the signer of this contract should die during the lift thereof, and all wetkly payments have been paid when due, the re maining Install ments will be can celed forthwith and a receipt In full for the piano turned over io the family of the deceased." This is a simple statement strong and to the point operative and helpful to each and every member in it. GREATEST POSSIBLE. We want every protection want this big transaction to establish without doubt that you can come to our store and buy a dependable piano at a modest price, and buy it upon the easiest and best terms and conditions of sale. We want this bis club to be a STANDING ADVERTISEMENT for us as long as we are in business, and THIS LIFE INSURANCE IDEA IS THE CROWNING FEATURE. If the head of the family dies if the breadwinner dies if the source of income in stopped by death the piano is not lost to the family. The family will not nave to work and worry to meet the remaining pay ments. They will be immediately canceled and a clear "RECEIPT IN FULL" given to the family of the de ceased. Isn't this a comforting and reassuring idea? Isn't it ALMOST Invaluable? -that covers the whole story. We want this club to be co We want the saving to each and every member to be the that we can think of to go to all its members. In short, we Life Insurance Clause of Our Big Piano Club If the signer of this contract should die during the life thereof, and all weekly' rentals have been paid when due, the remaining installments will be can celed forthwith, and a receipt in full for the piano turned over, to the family of- the deceased. (Signed) Bush & Lane Piano Co. The Regular Terms on Pianos Like These Sold Through Our Club Are 25 Dollars Cash and 10 Dollars a Month The Club Terms Are 5 Dollars Cash and 1 Dollar and a Half a Week What the Club Is In a Nutshell By Reading This Paragraph You Can Join the Club Intelligently i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. The club is composed of 200 members. The value. ? the piano furnished is 375 dollars. The price to club members is 267 dollars and 50 cents. There are no extras of any kind to be added to the above price. The terms are 5 dollars cash when you join, then 1 dollar and 50 cents a week for 175 weeks (nearly 3 and 4 years). . The piano is delivered when you join, or later, as you wish. The weekly payments of 1 dollar and 50 cents begin when the piano is delivered. Every instrument is guaranteed without reserve for five years (the regular BUSH & LANE guarantee) a guarantee as strong as we know how to make in writing. - f - If, after 30 days' trial, the piano is not satisfactory, we will give you your money back. " If the piano is satisfactory after 30 days' use,' the club member has eleven more months in which to satisfy, himself as to its character. If it does not then prove to be everything thjiifihe expects, he has the privilege of exchanging it without one penny's loss for any other instrument of equal or greater value that we' manufacture or sell. . , ' - -- '- If a club member dies during the life of his contract. BUSH & LANE will im mediately send a receipt in. full to his family for the instrument. A beautiful stool to match the piano and latest style scarf are included without extra cost. , The piano will be tuned twice without charge. A rebate' of 25 cents a week in cash is given to those members who desire to pay faster than at the rate of 1 dollar and 50 cents a week. CASH 50 TJje terms given to members of this big Inaugural Club are the easiest ever made on a really high gride piano. Go to any piano store offepute on the Pacific Coast, and buy a piano of the grade and class of these we are supply ing to our inaugural Club, and you will be asked to make payment of 25 dollars as a cash payment and then 10 dollars a month. Maybe, in some instances, these terms can be brought down as low as 20 dollars .cash and 8 dollars a month BUT NEVER TO OUR ABSOLUTE KNOWL EDGE HAVE PIANOS OF THIS GRADE SOLD AS LOW AS 6UR CLUB TERMS 5 DOLLARS DOWN, THEN A DOLLAR AND A HALF A WEEK. FIVE DOLLARS IS ALL IT TAKES TO JOIN THE CLUB OR LESS THAN ONE-FOURTH AS MUCH AS IT USUALLY TAKES TOv MAKE THE FIRST PAYMENT ON A PIANO OF THE SAME GRADE -.. , 1 .. " .V'VJ After the first payment is made ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS a week is all it takes to make the weekly payments, or but little more than ONE-HAIJF i AS MUCH AS REGULAR OR CUSTOMARY PAYMENTS. You pay 5 dollars when you join the Club. This is credited to the Club price of ' the piano , ($267.50), leaving $262,50 to be paid at the rate of ONLY $1.50 A WEEK OR TWENTY-ONE CENTS A DAY. - " - Only through being manufacturers and through a big transaction like this Can SUCH TERMS BE MADE ON SUCH PIANOS. , CHEAP PIANOS can be sold on CHEAP TERMS, but it is only where the piartos are sold by the manufacturers; where a great market can be made in a short time at little' expense.' and where a house is willing-to sacrifice a large part of its profit, as we are doing in this case, .CAN SUCH ?i TERMS AS THESE BE MADE ON SUCH HIGH-GRADE PIANOS. -O , i- l , WEEK -7 t If you cannot come to the store, simply send us your check or a $5 bill and say "you want to join the club." If the piano is not satisfactory after it has been selected and tried 30 days, we will give you your money back. Phones Main 2756 A1925 fI (fife, Pfet Ik Phones Main 2756 A1925 355 Washingt v-