The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 04, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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the jouRNAL!.',r.",..-;.J: .;
aot nurfc t tho .44 ef Ik II ta.Aee,MB44eiU-y fth
. .1 It UftMtkf ! ta...M44 salary. AH aa, '
Tfc. N-ve York
Primaruf . .
i , r
ihe 414,11 44. a e e rnuet er
, .'t.a. t Aair, r Gbei, o
Hw aW U ana. A? Hk4t tUll UUiiu. '
IIU uU (aatul. thai U. bit ' i ' '"
f. eea
HrU har, U rot Um i.a 4, If T tUal f te Ut lia twe
( i . I .. - 4 in llll " .. -
i iw - iv u ik tut ia kia a
. :ir"' tor 4knr4 M
, i,r r il Ui re4 44d ire rt& 4l
ti Ifitki a.... lit.
frwMKH III I .Hal W laa ' ' "
" IM V-V t I . I I
iiiliul 4 kit 4r ea.a I a 4
t rf r fo pMh -
p-ar rat rtliitM All k 14 frM (Morr, 4w1 hoot
kow for LU IK work U Ul a aMerwaM 4 to. I bilk c a4 V4
hUh L Lm Md frva hi ormB It U lie r l hsM
-4 tl a kotw to ka 4JUe4 by lb j 444 l4eat4 rt. r( of kt ta.lbe halfl R4t U 0erl 4
ffati.r ef it 1U7 to build 4 mr
4p fcokw, or cilf gal, of la
j4 I IM cllf )r or la
,Tt-T I-), r.4 lt'rl fft4lJa U lk furii
okrron oil4 U 4M4 la
fc- mk '
44)1 tT
II 4 cf r.iifc, for !orr or
1.0 J 444 fur lb bsur of l rlljr
a urMcMun fi M;tTKr
Hal tit Ibtrvttuefi,! ! h dl-1 a'" t414
Karavl o far 4 lLa aaa U oa-i aaaajaj
cvfoei 14 ik orfc I ta 4u4 fwr' k U1I
iba ivm. T Cfr4Uoii b4J- '"ta. rt4.4 IU 4U
L4 14. r,.M cf lh fk . ' '"t-
LfKllB lh
W ffl atit (at, t
W alWi1it 4 1 la ' MM'.
TTiiinrr.v Tif 1. T.-w i 4 T 4 pHtf I44tln 41 Hair B
- l I Tat44T. rr4rei Kerr of ihi
. . . . I ' M HiaU Afrlrullural tilrf. uf
Data of arK 14a
144 441 ! famlljf aa ha4 lo ll r
!ila.l. laal ra.4 Ilrl4( la tout If
U"fe r.rblnla L4 to t
"llln iptul la rovM'Bf tot hU
A rKf4 H fc ! tMital .
A raiiMf lx M a
(out a.
TKaa k a la a4
I.Uh IfeM dol t)-J
I TWO WL't'Hft
ft la Mtly lo aatli llll Ihe
fiiSrK4. la luoaf Iftaiaurm. I h
iritii4rk 44 tuOra to Jo lth
lb cbokw of offlrttla I ban 4o
U lorilua
Tter U coaataat ctarf that
d 4 fcav co4 toTramnL
-W'oM It Ua fault? Who cbooaoa
'tb4 oftklaU that anako tbo goara
Tbart U eoaataat eotupJalat taaf
tS U t ucrtprtal and bbpo-
forr.. Vkoat U tbo f4alt Wbo
cbooaW tho efflclala tliat oaforco or
fall to uforco Uo law?
Tharo la tra.oltl la mast 4 boat
bUb Uif. VboM u Uo fault? Who
Romlaalao oad olocia tbo offldaU
that nab tbo
c(a4 tbal tbo baal flaa lor
I under a rtllt t atala adacaUonal la
jaiii.iioAa la oa 4 Kaala of a inillaaa
Tlrf It to Joull of It. 7h Ju
raltoual laautuliooa a)oul4 bI t a
't l.aatat laaua ttafor tha UsU!alura.
IKn4a for I hem ahotiM 40I ba dr.
!lll atrrr lo )ein, attd rrrr;
two xoara bo a auaailoa ovar whlrb
totra ara atl tod lu( roMlnf
I rarlKc-4
H la aa ay to bao talr main-
laoaar aaHlcJ anJ fcmtl aottlfd aa
to bavo tbm r,Mjiually uboetllad
A tolltM l4i proTldlB for all tbtlr
umiIi, acooomlcally a1mlnta(ara.
bould bo adoptM. Obn la ra-
lloo 1 would pro I da for thalr
crovtb by tbo locroooo la tho ui-
4M0 properly of tbo atata Tbo In-
aiiiuuooa would a now earn roar
what to dapoad on. and would tnako
up tbolr budaaia lo fit
faiull; Iba bar BKawtrlri of (Uo
Tha aurt'lua livtng for r!i 40 on.
aa A o4ljr bcfiea bn tha Btra-
flra ha Urn protldad for and
M'fuca ara l-rjun
h would b a good Idea If Iba
ItArh laland Ix-ojila woald (( Oal
abolbr rlrrular howlBf tbo oortb
of lha tDTastiBanl In A hen t.a baa
roni'leiel bla aenlc. otrly, dill
fnttr acd tmibl, fur iho tariu of
bla hicl ability.
Tbta tucctatlon ahould t-o rwpm
iund4 more arllrutarly lo tho
Eocltah rallroada wboao ujciv want
rcattll)r on atrtho.
Lttrf From tKt Pop!
4'..-0 a- ft 4 a
Y4.a Wata a 14a awtlVI
l'aa 14aa m-Qaao.o IH ataf - 1 1 l a. tv,f .aMtl
4a 1 Wa.4aA al . 4mw j H ta, 4-4i0
TVa Ca fill KU kaa r'4 tha
iaaa -aaal ika if.a- It
M aaa .. ra tkUh 4ttra4.
a iimi
r a mm o4a a aaw tHt bC
I.IFr ril'ANH
TUa MiavltaiOkB t M ttrrljr
rWltaaa. jlaul I Ta 14a Uux al
Taa JiwimI rvata r !! ailia4
tiia af Jklr Aablia 44 tU tJr4
ie'f ( lnf.f Ittal a far IM
naii' af 4 a hj m rata a aaaa
In a Itu.lia4 aay Ha ariieary 4a 4ea
maiir a.euaieJ 14 fca aal Mar
avl iiuti li la lt nuiiiuit aaa
urWa urririal a a aaa af aallilka'
14 tak aval alrlka? ll la 14 fro-r-r
ra4 r f r ikf ailiial a4 i-
tuu4 bl lajamai aMf mm4 ika alia-
vlallea af lha UWrt maaaa
ll la la aa aaa rlallaaarf .
iy II laa.4 la Inlalfr rlaa kalraata
Tka jriUa tariff aalirf, r Trt4
I ! taiaa, iiniwIm Irvtia. at 1 1
and faaia't dtu kairaaa Tka
mlnlntwm rata t ik tl auncor la
bar an4 dlaalrala rlaa KalrWa Ia
atriln In Ki".an4 n on It gnMhar
lhaiaaea of Ika ulullua 444 datalop-
mM t.f taaalrial law b ma rarwoal
lloo and jrelftun of a aalttrwl Dbl af
ma a.
u4 ntaa man 4 craaiura af ra
UObt AS MOUNTAIN, for tnoro
ttan half a century a raaldant I acloua raapoaaiHiitr. an4 4oa4 klm
of PortUnd. tclabralod hlal" a tr wUL whleh l aaaanllol 14
nlnalJalh birthday Mondar Tbo ","lrfa wprka. a4 ihua m4 ika
. a . ., . . . . I aao m - r a o- w aa-WOa
rraiaani oi foruana. taOd nI4 ,t 0f aaa taU munUipal Uw oacaa
olnaly.flfth tullaatono At Hrownt- aary, and al lha aaraa Uni ra4ar4
Tbo ploa would bo tar batter forlrllle. Jaair Ulkkaly will. If bo aur-1 " lararbla f forBlaUn 4 tarfact
tbo iBititntlODa and far betlar for vtvca until ne.l S'nvamhr aiiaia I raiaa tt law. Tkia wa ana4a poaai
..... "rv. i..n,,i... !.. . w--...- . I u' oy SJtio rataiauoBi iui ll o.
Uin and oat tbo wo",d BoC UrT O0 Tr and century. Ju prc,rU of ,4, aiino law a a
roiiiB( in tudqi mo naxi, aa la orioa 1 inero 1. DlgD authority for tho municipal ctda. liy ih adoption oa4
Ttia Mont ann.lf.aha lha afflrtalft ! " Tn'T wott,l kBw ODO bfllaf that by propar living tho ar- fortamar.t af Ih.aa jural a tha
.7. yaar wb4t to ororldo for aa to fac aa Ian at h of Ufa in th 1-niiaH ,lr 01 " u praanra4 aj4 par-
mi pwpi riKt ut wimi n, Mi.t 11,. ...1 i ik. ci.i . 1 1 V.. paiuaiaH, by lha ad or 1 J on and aaforca-
naonla w-.ll rt aiuHW tha kind of u1' or oJP"ao "o nv. lor ino oiaiea couia t mcroaood 14 mn U,i .ri.iH Mltllral orlH.u IK. Ufa
offlclala taor toto tor. oxacdr tho mouDl ' "",T iooino woma do in a f-noraiion. lonrirmatory ov- of a nation la rranaca4 and daatroya4.
- - - I J.M- 11.1. 1 M V A 1 . A v - - L . I J . . . . . I n m . l . . . .. .. .
iMiuri in rati oi nio uva maiiiaiaa
bui ....r.m..i .K re daftnltol fUd. Nor would thrro bo Monro la tho fart that tho tiwfaa
xacUr tbo klod ot law tararromont b PtUeU of raforondum wboao av.r.,a llf, .po In tbo a..-- Bh'VmhJj). " Trna'.'.on
tho, TOU for. ir th. kind Of lf7,.r"dUn .'.d.V-: hl-Bl.h f'nt.UI " 0B" " Hof . hum.l.'rio 1 U VonaS1 by
tAtoc tbor-wou for aad tbo main l,UH" ri'''' ""l ' 7. .
TotiBff TtU b Voo two wooka benco. wofu,a "
aka I W Wt
1 a a leai aaakara
fa a taa t4
" wwa a.l 4ala4 fl x.klt
a a
Hi iiM k4 ikia uah
A ai aa Ikai Ik.r a 4 al
nU ao t.a
Ua Ika t.,,M
ra.f Oi4 a-gkl la
aaal4 If aa aa f ( klaa
a a
ll Ni.y lak t-!k a I ,.,
rw aitlaa la aakla atata
1!rvW Wltaaa la k-lh
r 1 1 w a(Mi ajati nana aaa aaf
im u Ik. taeb ....a
w"c" ""aa cat p4a taliaaca la Ika ara.
la Ika Milli on iliyiM r
" aay vl ba 4ayT lakl.
a a
T4a rarfiano T. If C A kaa 4a.
aaaat af v4 14 Ua It ara af
IKa t t4 Ika aaat af lk a If
Ikia. ka Ika fa4l aa-4
asa) 4 a 4Mk.
a a
Tkf lu a mm to faH Oavaa
nwkin. ta a. I a. a kaal 1 Ik I
Li.t... kaJit ta (ka X a a 1 1 aaa,
akWk aaa -al 1 w
it l Ika H.i.
Atkaav I ! Taa ArUaay Traa
ill avi-4 ftaa Mund v f M 1 1 1-4
l'-a fraat 4 kraa4 4w I4 rfM.
(aial Oraama Walakiaa
lilt. aKj III tmJa la ba ua4 la
eaMaaeiia alik 4 aalra fa a 1 faf
f4laa lit v. kWaiiaal. Tfc
tt.aala af ll-a tllr ! 4act4a 10 ava.
cd. ti.a t!iLji .1 Ika lar4a. 444
M !. wkkrk lon.ilr lua4 at If
II loa al a. -II4 Ika aac.ita af
triaaa Maaiataa: Two rOaa
wka ka. kaaa IrafHaa aa tha aaal
luf wf Ik lilKaaal rai arrnaa 14
moualalaa fram hbl V Ikt Vkail
aula. I.HIMI tack a 1 Mr ta
in Iia I ilaap la aoeaa ai
a a
Tha apaea al aai4a
i.a-w . aaaaa aat
aaia war 4ai:ff4 at it. araa,4 ja
lac t U e, or t.tnarvj ( hat
amlia, aa4 am a. aa4
W i Inlaraailao
ka UuiM ta
Hum wkaa
A rati anar
aei haaw aaak
a a
OUdraa ahaali .la.
haap clear af Uw and
raw up.
iia rua ar m:i iu.ii. -u
Hal Trmiidai wan I rhaaa. ua
Caab) Irrlataf: Tl
far a iaik b ih. Caul
tr a4alnla tka trad rruai airaa
I ravnrk) earn.
a FT'
laaea all! aoaa ba but MB k lha Oawln.
ara famf Ic eoaafaay. aaj plaaima will
41 a net bala-
tr a4alnia Ik
II talai put fa 4ap Tka araamanlal
FaadUlaa l-aal Oraaoalaa J aha C
CaIi.c. ihimiimM kunl.r ai4 lraprr
oa Ik aarlk lurk af klrhain ciaaa,
nam la aim Iwa liaf kldaa. aaa roan
aklo. tfcra ca"la palla and aarl
uakral far Th laa kl4 ara al
UaJ at III arlaaa and la a4lillan lo Ih
ika fura ka aararro in raauiar
aa4 4 fiat aalarp.
UHJ U.M.THhu... Ilk. Ill.lllvia.
m m n . n i m a aaa i m i . . 1 . . - . . . . -
Ui " '".77" a wl"'.
" . . . v iu . nriM I Mi n .1 rt.l ..I ra la palWirfaaA 1 1
t law. I ka. . . a.a. a. rl.,k alrlWa I. Vll.M naik
Not a eaji4'dta af erlalnaltt' .k.1. I ,.w.i k. ...'.i. in..
441 rlloa thai la aaalnat Ih. -in II. .Jim... ii.. wk.f ka la A i.
i - - " . .. . w w I " - .w -
' lhava I oral ad a rich la.
Oufaaahfli. aa 4 Tfl dll fram prl-a far
Oolarado want h.lp lha pral4ai la! bounty at
WBaiovor'tbo abortconstsr, wbat-
tbktlyaara. la now SI. 7 yean Tha nrfa-
oni avoraga lonitth of life la India
It would bo far battor for tho ta-!a SI
-rap tbo Tci-limn- whAtovor tho ,or u ,ou loaiaiaiora ieg- me meant or itngthontnc tbo life
hlnn4ara innnr hlah tho tkaL 1,U, tn' wlU ,0 f0'1- POrlod U pure foodo. puro water
tbo whole blame la oa tbo public. "tor" ror OD ,ul,1' o food aanltatlon 4nd provenUng
It Ivaa tbo nortr. It baa tho ballot. cnM,t TOt ror otber legit- preventable dlaoatoe. An Inttanco
ti baa ait tha work t a tool a of rood J toft oU ob tbolr roapoctlr blut I of .. what can be accorapllBhed
niaiiMMi i iiiina t f h for duckt to awlro. The day that by combating rreTontable dlaoaaoa
TJBflU. . acruha and nndcalraliJoa to ln" wuucauonai outa are io oui is the record of yellow fever
Offlow. tt 'Bnt both par tho piper of tb WaltUturo by ate of the I In Havana. In 1ST0 tho nuto
antl Meant Uw odium. nuiiago us ayaioni. ono laaue win oe per of deatba per 100.000 of
Tboro It a eoavwntloa ayatem lu u latiaiaiure aaa one population waa aoo. in 1896 un-
I k at B al.aa k. aw. ai a f.. kallaala a.1 a I . ... ... .
gov. i rw .u.u. .vi ireuci iu i atr npnniBQ occuptuon wun miaer-
1, . iieRiaianon
Tbo plan la not oven debatable.
Tbtfro la literally no argument to bo
IIZ tmporlaj Chlneoo rovern- orrered ror continuing tho preaent
boui CTicnrT
r mnrt fire per cent Hnknang trttera of bavlng the odncatlonal ap
railway, alanine fund gold propnaiiona nororo every legiaiature.
loaa bonda were offered for I It ll an unbualneaallke way. a com-
publlc eubacrlptlon and were aold at Ple way. an nntatUfactory way, a
91 m4 mwmtt faterwat. vexauoua way ana a crude way.
t Aftoa ar Baoatha of mvoluOoB " Ooodlett plan, a wattoful
when tho Pekln rovernmont haa P,an n1 ftn -ndefenelblo plan
lna If. hiklrl Aa r,M.tlr..ll aaara PTCtldent KeiT't tUggettlOH It
prorlnco, wbn not only tbo PekJng wortb of tt-wlde attention, and
- -treawy bat tbo revolutionary troaa- ,M1 " onc' 1010 CI,ect-
. arlea ato empty and actually with
out faada to pay their goldlora, when
armed bandtta overrun tbo whole
i rout try.' when' tha Imperial dynaaty
V. haa . retired with all ita .adherent
', Into private life, when private bua-
WO member, of tbo auto party
Identify H. E. Roberta aa the
aaaaJlant wbo ahot George
Hastings and Donald Stewart
lanna im lha-nllla1 aaiaa.kar ,ka I
rr: "r.kV .::rK.r:; ' -ton. .tr0ng dreum.
a u a tu kaAivia vi tuw iHiiaui vaftai vm cat v
starving to death and pestilence
atalka on the beelt of famine when.
lastly, tbo whole structure of gov
ernment la rocking a till what it
tbo verdict of timid finance on the
.current value of Hukuang five per
cent gold bonda? They are worth,
and are atandlog firmly at 94.
Thlt Is tbo.' third' miracle whl-h
atantlal evidence which aoeint to In
d lea to tbat Roberta it the man want
ed by tbo authorltlea for the mur
It it, however, the function of a
court of Justice to weigh the evi
dence and pass on the question of
guilt. The point here is to say that
Sheriff Stevens and hit deputies are
to bo given credit for quick and ef-
able sanitation. It waa 639 in every
100,000 of population. In 1902, un-
derAmerlcan occupation and proper
(Jo4 In hU provldaaca 444 aubjaoud to
hla order of juatlca. "In tha swaat of
thy fare thou ahali eat brraj." ta ad
dr4 to Aitain aa 4 brrad wtnnar. II
Impotea 4 duty and confara 4 rlghL
Tli duty lo work la anjuload. and tha
fruit of hla labor, hla wafaa, ar eon
fcrrad. Hla wafaa ahoold ba suffldant
to maintain hla family with tha ordi
nary comforta of Ufa. If tudldouely
eipandad II ba Inaurriclant for that pur.
poaa and th resulting "dlttriae ba wida-
praad and laallng. It than bacomn tha
duty of tha tta to racofnlg nd pro
tart lha right by th adoption of 4
minimum rat of wagaa.
I JAhfEfl B C1RH.
Wanta Roada Rut Not Bonda.
Rlttar. or.. April I. To. the Editor of
sanitary regulations, the number of I Ttl Journal Whil I ilva in 4 country
Jamea,' Ink of foamath.
deaths per 100,000 waa tero.
In tbo United Btatas the average
length of life In 1890 was 81.1. In
1900 It waa 86.8 years.
uimwrj waai cwr ,. or u .. marvoi- fecUvw work In , pursuing the very
ous alx months Of Chinese history. .,,, ., tni4f t
That the empire should bo replaced arreBt ara B0 roan faI,u
try a republic and that tbo flag of ln tTtLiUng down criminals that the
to waDira euouia uy over we ao- prompt work of sheriff Stevens and
maun 01 mo empire, mreaienea duv h,a mAn .finA(,jaliw .,.rinT
-.-.A, . a . .1 . . , I "v" ''Jf'v 'J a aaa9.
"a 108 If Roberts proves to be the right
aBiflai aaa Aailka' akniiAlntlH. A Ta. A i ika I
ursi miracie. inai tne women or w, hA -.. , .n,ni
a-t- J i 11 I . ... "w --"-v. "
milium, buouiu unre luaae koou lueir if hfi ,..,, ronvlrMon thara will
equal claim to the ballot for the
new Institutions, new men and new
laws that is thr second miracle.
Tbat the credit of securities Issued
by tho defunct imperial government
on a Chinese railroad at 5 per cent
interest at 97 should have withstood
- for six months the upheaval of the
country, with loss of only 3 per
cent this is the third miracle.
If explanation of ' this last Is
Asked for there Is but one. The
. Chinese empire, province, city, rail-
road, firm, business man- each and
-all 'are known, the world over, to
keep their faith, their word. Repu-
tation is all to them. To lose their
. credit is to lose their face to for
feit their right to see and to be
still be satisfaction ln the diligent
and laborious efforts of the author
HE Rock Island Railway Sys
tem has very recently issued a
bulletin to Its employes ln
which a man Is regarded as
an Investment by his employers, it
la quoted in the Railway and Engin
eering Review. The amount Is
taken as the capital sum that would
De required, 11 invested at 4 per
cent, to produce annually the wages
of the man. So a wage earner of
?1000 a year is estimated to be
worth S25.000.
Tie circular proceeds - that - the
company willingly pays interest on
$25,000 for the use of the energy
and faculties of the man that earns
the $1000.
The sermon to the mea on this
text is that the man by Improving
his time and feeding sensibly both
PPARENTI.Y. there is a great
work for the I. W. W. to do
at Corvallls. Unless some
thing Is dona, that beautifu
but naughty city it hopelessly lost to
the great cause of revolution.
Planting bis soap box in front of
the town drill hall, an orator of th
red flag began a thrilling bugle call
to revolution. He sounded th
alarm for the Corvallls slaves of the
republic to throw off their chains,
and lo, tho unfeeling bystanders
He shouted to the down trodden
to throw off the yoke of tyranny' and
smite the powers of pillage, but the
hard hearted Corvallisites jeered
He pointed to the Corvallls militia
men, declaring that they are school
lng themselves in the use of arms so
they could go out and shoot labor,
and thereupon the stony-bosomed
Corvallls hosts of capitalism assault
ed him with a shower of cruel soft-
nosed eggs.
What a reception for one who
strove to save the enslaved Corval
lisites from the Jaws of the octopus.
Are they going to Insist on following
tbo stars and stripes in servitude and
slavery when the red flag of an
archy temptingly offers them three
square meals a day without the both
er of working to pay for them?
It is Corvallls, benighted Corval
lls, that most needs missionary en
deavor by the chieftaina of tbo I.
W. W.
whar. wa hara nothing mora than row
trails for roads, I 4m not In favor of
anr good roads bill that will bond our
children or futura feneration. Wa
nave now, It aeems to me, gone the
Irmlt an banding, and If futura genera
tions aver pay what bonda ara already
atandlng agalnat them I ruins my guaaa.
I am In favor of auch good roada 44
wa ara able to pay for without having
to pay two or three time In lntareat
what tha roada will actually coat to
1 build, to soma one who hs nothing to
ao witn road building, win never see
the roada, and perhara never know they
are getting 4 rakeoff from that aourc.
Thla Idea will probably ba called revo
lutionary, but H la nothing mora than
we have bean allowing the favored faw
to do for many year a.
My plan la for th atate of Oregon
to go Into tli a banking business. W
can elect our bank offlclala Juat th
name aa tha stockholders of any bank
do; iasue 110,000,000 or 120,000,000 of
bonda, with or without lntereat; d
posljt them In the treasury of th United
States and get currency Issued on them
same aa banks do at prevent; do a
ganqral banking business; loan money
not needed Immediately at S or I per
cent and go-ahead with our road build
ing aa we aaa fit
With this arrangement th Interest
on tha money ao loaned will take car
of the bonda In 20 or IS years, we will
have our good roada built and We will
not be out a dollar for their construction.
I am aware that the banks and mon
eyed interests of tha entire United
States would throw all possible obsta
cles ln the way to defeat any such
measure. But why should the publlo
which has tha bills to pay, consider tha
wishes of those InterestsT Are they
not getting their money the same way?
And doing the same business that thoy
Will object to others dolngT Why should
we be compelled to pay the moneyed In
terests two or three"tlmes what It will
COHt us to actually build nur rnarl.a
wharf wa .can do it without their money
and assistance by using a little common
sense T Yours for aood roads at cost
.a-p WENTY bubbling fountains
I with four mouths to each,
from which Bull Run water
shall flow for all time, as
suaging the thirst of young and old ' body and mind especially mind
rno fUP8 Inspire fear, of carry lean earn more mofleyT6r himself
contagion, but clear, cool water from j and thereby Increase his investme&t
tha .-durable bronze Is that not a I worth-for his employers.' -thanks-Inspiring
gift. (But there Is another side to this
To some of ua. at least, the free-j calculation. Let A be the workman,
doro -an d-spontanletr of the present j who being sober, industrious and
adds rreatly 4o Its value. iThere ! capable, earns not 11000 a. vear 'ht
Fourteen honor meu are at large
as a result of escapes since Governor
West's prison policy was inaugur
ated, nearly a year ago. There were
28 escapes of prisoners from the
penitentiary under the old system,
the year before Governor West as
sumed office. So far, the record is
decidedly in favor of the West plan,
without taking into account the work
done for the state by the honot prisoners.
Wonmouth'e tragi history baa re
deemed from cantarnpt 4 pa ran n wbe
waa naturally 4 aiadlocrlly and some
thing of 4 foot. ) was th aldaet net
ural aon of th young exlUd CharUa
II and waa brought Into prominence aa
a beautiful boy at th Raateratlon.
There waa always 4 hankering notion
that a aecrvt marriage had eilated be
tween Charles II and Luoy Waters, tha
mother of Monmouth. Charlaa took fur-
ma 1 stepa for declaring the contrary to
ba tha truth, but naverthelaaa, tha lev
the king had for his handsome son, and
perhap4 4 faw auspicious facta, kepi
alive tha Idea In tha young man's heart
Tha eppraeaed dlseentars took hhn up
as one In whom they might have hope.
If legitimacy could ba established, ao
It aaa no woader, when his essentially
weak character Is considered, that he
should have aat up pretentions to the
throne agalnat hla uncle, James II,
though nothing could have been for hTm-
stlf more ruinously unfortunate.
His 111 starred expedition In June.
1115, the rebellion he headad, his de
feat at Sodgemore, and the subeequent
clrcumatancea, have all been rendered
familiar to tha preaent generation by
tha animated narration of Macaulay.
alonmouth's Itebelllon Is one of th
most Interesting efforts In English his
tory or an attempt by reason or birth,
to dethrone a king and place the lead
ing conspirator In his place. Mon
mouth's treachery against James com
pelled him to flee England and take up
a residence In Holland. When It wn
finally decided to undertake the de
throning of James, Monmouth started
for England, with a small following
landing on June 11, 1685. He was well
received and waa not In England- ti
hours before, he found himself at th
head of 1C00 men. But though popular
among tha oommon people, he received
no support from the upper classes. Even
the strongest Whigs thought his at
tempt 111 timed and fraught with danger.
Meanwhile Monmouth advanced to
Taunton, where, vainly thinking to at
tract th nobility, he eeeurnad Ihe IUU
of king. Dut difficulties already be
gan to gather around him. Ha was la
auch want of arms that although rustic
Implement war convened Into ptkea,
ha was still obliged lo send away many
volunteers.. The mllltta wera lolng
la upon him In 411 dlreetlona. Oa Ih
fifth of July, Monmouth waa advised
to undertake a night earprla and did
so on lha aixtb. Tha night waa not1
unfitted for such an enlerpiiae, for the
mist waa ao thick that at a ftw pacas i
naming could he seen.
Hut fate was against the pretender.
n was put to rngnt and waa short!
apprehended in tha' New roreet In th
neighborhood of Rlnawood. He Pell
tloned abjectly for hi llf. hot In vain,
H was executed on the fifteenth of
Th spot In th forest where Mon
mouth waa raptured was for severs
centuries Indicated with precision by a
tree, wnicn waa called Monmouth's Ash
11 was with some difficulty that h
was identified, ao great waa tha change
wnicn tne muen attire and three dava
of personal neglect, starvation and ter
ror had wrought upon his ones graceful
form. The woman, Ann Farrant. who
had given th Information to th king's
troops regarding his nterlng the Island,
waa considered by tha peaaantry to
havo never thriven after her ungracious
Th failure of Monmouth'a attempt
to aelse the throne waa followed by the
most terrlbl cruelties. The number of
men killed Is computed by soma at
2000 and othera at 300: a dlsDarltv.
however, which may be easily recon
ciled by aupposlng that the one account
takes In thbae who wer killed ln bat-
lie, wnue the other comprehends the
wretched fugitives who were massacred
In ditches, oorn fields and other hldlna
places the following day.
ra a fim Tee WmM
tVa rnaiiiai 1 M aiia ae
farae, 44 Mr. .l 4a.e.4
fkal Ike hna-et law tavaaiad teat
yaV r lha la fVal k4 4t l
ll akaatA Ult waa ikafwaaklv aa
Wafaaat 14 44 aaa a.
Tm :( ratal y tavrrf tag their
gnafOfata tale la fa t eutiM.t4
N U ra:ai 4llea4Ug lha fU trial
f Ik kw ftrtatarr yateM 44 4i4
tho aeeaeaa'r kfricial reaiiaao k I v
14 Ufl Jaaaaast f
Ta b4f 4 4f le4 Waa aJtaaatk
UaffKieal ts, k, Mfree.e af Ua
tf.Ue la A anskkaa f lasiaa.a ki.
a. a
4.Uim4 41 411 la e-ii.ia lallu. ,.
tafclkaao who wMi4 Ut W4 If u.y
k4 a4 lha fpt-ariwaiiy wr. aaakl. 1.
aval that halt.
vat there la aa rauu i. , . .a..
If taiteu has kaa. t,,orwl 1.,.,. 1 1...
at every avqing a.. la 11.. nn
evarrlkleg ka (M aaaklv. klr
ruauaaiell WeaU hat. f.rJ ... .-.
aa 4e refara in. Ika .1. r.fc.
tlweli trvef f tka local wakaaa 1
a.r. iiaueateji a aaautida.
The pftaaariaa were axH . (a,. . t..
taua. Al, rtavaataii ka UJiy baal.i.
.a lercMOi rr 4U fotlaweie la a. I
44y avch sialoa. u al aaoaiiii
aicfcMi- ut arlmia.i- ik.i v. u..
aJl kiiovtlA h faai4.
a far aa th aa udi aa it ah...
Ikel af Ike M4alleeae mha look
irauhl to ge la lha pal la, only about
aa la ibra auoDartad klr kt..n
a bia third -1 arm amkiuaa. 11 w.a 1.
141 oaaaty taat lha Hooaavalt ukun
ccaelraia4 their effari. apeal Ihelr''
aay fraaly nt4 Mr. KeJI leak
etump. ia ik La county in.ra a..
lha I aaal cava far oumilala I ku.u..
of in dieirifcaUoa of Ulloi. The fail
ura i dallver ballots effected princi
pally ih aihrr baroufba. la whirr, tfc. factloa road few eon tea La.
TUmrm ara about enrolled rUpubll-
caa vi.ia la New York ouuai. n.i.
. voted al th prlmarlea. Of thaee
auovij voia4 for Mr. Kooevl
ana over 11. e for Mr. Tkf L
la 1 101 the Taft vote la thla amisli
waa Ui ue rim i.i.
bar ara eoroUed Mepubilcan and ei.l
titled 10 vote at the party prln.arlee.'
I.aa than 10 par rent f h total num.
bar voted the Kooeevelt ticket at Tuee
day a prlmarlta and barely It par own I
volad the Taft tkket
llow is this city ever to have "a full
ekpreealon of Republican opinion' for
which Ih Hooaevelt beaduuartara i
clamoring. If Hepubllcan volar will not
enroll, will not go to the prltnartea. 4nd
whan th.y da. win not vole unanlmoualy
for Mr. Hooaevelt? llow ara lha whal.
(aopl gulng lo govern If an active cam
paign, liberally financed results In oniv
on fourth of lha Republican voters ei-
preaaing their choice of presidential ran.
dldataa at the prlmartesT How la -gen-ulna
democracy and genuine popular
rule" to be analned when 40 email .
minority, not only of the whole people
but of the Republican volar, takes an
Internal in direct frlruarlaa?
Tomorrow Count Julian.
feava public tneetings, no col
vlecting committees, no tags or rib
.1 boas, BO fuss And feAthera, jio atalue
or taciet oa which S. Benson1 same
$600 a year for the period he stays
in the corporation service, which is
probably nearer the" average fact
He earns It for the corporation on
shall be InBcriJed-. There it 0 bid : ita showing. and It, values him aa a
. tor ininra frenorauont to read wnoU per cent Investment, at $15,000.
it waa to whom; tho idea -came And The service-securing power of the
who It waa that atopped not to. be $16,000 remains constant for 'the
ona of ten or twenty, but f.llfliwn company during tha maa'a working
free tria and ttnjioJk;itadJ proitided ufetime, aay - 2 0 years, and - It la
Ther are signs that Portland wiUJ
make an effort this time to select
the best possible officials. The peo
ple seem determined not to permit
themselves to be bamboozled by un
fit candidates with flying, glittering
platforms. Most platforms are torn
up after election. They are usually
a mere device to get in on.
It is but two weeks until the
primaries. Mostly, the primaries
settle the question of who are to
be the officials, and the officials
run the government. If the citizen
wants, good government ha can get
it He has the ballot
District Attorney and Sheriff.
To th Editor of Trie Journal Your
editorial in last Sunday's Journal on
The Public's Own Kault" was well
aken and to the point. It is nobody's
fault but our own If we do not have
good government and- honest officers
If the voters who want gnod govern
ment will stand together they can get
good government anj hontat officers
to enforce good government laws. The
vast majority of the voters are for good
government and honest-;of fleer; but
mSny of them are blinded by glitter
ing preelection promises made by many
unworthy men; the forces are always di
vided by enemies who work within their
own camp. We can, if we will, elect
men to office whd will make and en-'
force laws and carry out the duties of
each office Without trying, at the same
time, to -reather their own nests." If
men who hold office ar trying to hold
down the office and also to "feather
their nest" they will enforce -the law
or negiect to enforce it, according .to
which method will bflng the most
feathers to their nest'
The two most Important offices In
this county ara th office of district
attorney and th sheriff's -office. In
order "to properly enforce the laws we
must place In these office able, 'hon
est fearless and clean men. Give us
N. H. Bird for sheriff and out a sauare
district .attorney back of him 4nd we
1 win nca neea jj lament over the lack
or law enrorcement. Mr. Bird la hon
est and fearless; his reputation la be
yond reproach; his personality la clean;
a square deal for all Is his guiding prin
ciple; hla ability' has never been ouea-
savlng administration. This Ik th kind
of a man you want Mr. Voter, and w
stand ready to prove to you that this
Is the kind of a man Mr. Bird Is.
The Journal has correctly argued In
Its editorials that we should look to
the man rather than to his platform ami
should look into his past reoord in or
der to get a correct criterion on his fu
ture action. ' This Is the correct dni
only method which should be employed
by each voter and we ask that you em
ploy this method ln selecting a sheriff
and district attorney for this county.
. Every boy ln Oregon should r bei
Impressed by the case of- Temple
Alexander. He is In prison now. It i tionedr hi official record. xtniin.
la be-u. hs Invert rha lllii. i. many years, la without a
fast living, and tried to travel in a xfT?j!&:3
One Kind of Lawlessness.
Portland, March 80. To the Editor of
The Journal The party who makes
this kick is a lover Of flowers; has
taken considerable pains to grow a nice
bed of hyacinths which are now ln
bloom; some ar ln a fenced yard out
of reach from the sidewalk, and are ad-'
ralred by all who pass by.
Last night a fellow comes along with
a small kid; he wanted them. ' Instead
of coming to the house and asking, as
any' 'gentleman would have done, this
1 petty thief lifts his kid over the fence
to steal some of them. Now 1 want to
know "what rlgtfta I liave In -such a
1 This Is not this first time it has hap
pened. Suppose I were to Inject a lib
eral dose of fine shot Into the abov4
mentioned petty -thief, -i there any law
by which I could be either prosecuted
or persecuted?
I am thinking seriously of trying this
method. If we are to have a "City
Beautiful" the flower lover must have
some rights, and such petty thievery
must be stopped, else they will get dis
gusted and raise weeds Instead of
1 lowers. kos sritnitiiv...;
The Maiden Avenue Job.
Portland, March 31,To the Editor of
Th Journal I have read with much
Interest the several articles which hav
appeared ln The Journal - recently lfi
regard to th bids for paving Maiden
avenue. I wish to compliment you on
th activity you have shown In bringing
before the property owners of Portland
th fact that the men they have in
trusted to transact their publlo bust'
noes in the most economical manner
consistent with th Welfare of the pub
lic, stand .accused of granting to th
paving trust a contract for 16000. in ex
cess of th bid of th lowest responsi
ble bidder.
In. asking for bids' for public work.
th city of Portland reqolrca. that acll
bid shall be accompanied lyy a Certified
a a bond of good faith and to guard
against any loss occasioned should the
contractor fall to enter into a suitable
contract. In making thla demand It la
assumed by tho contractor that th city
pieages its word to award th oontract
to wie lowest responsible bidder. When,
however, such conditions arise in let
ting tne contract, as on Maiden avenue,
the honest contractor will cease to bid,
thus stamping out competition ftha de
sire of trusts) and placing the property
owners of Portland at the mercy of the
paving- interests. The result of which
we know from past experiences.
I have been a reader of The Journal
since I. have been a resident of Oregon,
about three years. I hav always ad
mired the attitude taken by your pa
per, in safeguarding the best Interests
of the public, and shall continue to bo a
reader as long aa these ara your poll-cI-
P. P. RAWflON.
Thinks Lea Ambiguous.
Portland. April 2--To the Editor of
of Th Journal. Referring to Candid
al tar declaration of prlnalples In
your issue of yesterday .! have gone
over the numerous whereases and seem
to fine that all but the last one are Just
" . .1.. mi , . .
-nunc. iag mot one, nowever, arid
me imai resoivea seems to have been
careiuuy iramed, ror Its meaning is
very successfully concealed and one
wonders - whether thff-pomielkns did
not put one over on Mr. Lea when they
got hlra to champion their Delphic re
solves. Just what Mr. Lea's attitude Is on
the tuberculin test is atill somewhat of
an open question, or so it seems to me,
By Miles
?Ti,,!,,l?.,n,B wh0 n e"4
And I II tell you the reason why.
Bhpw m a woman who a gay and glad.
And 1 11 name you tha cause or try.
O. Ita Easier time and ah haa her hat;
Hut hr husband ' purae ha lost Its fat -
Show m a guy with 4 whining voice
And 4 natural. Inborn grouob;
Who wouldn't Work If he had a choice;
Whose dresa la tbat of a alouch.
Know who ha is? Has tha guy who
Th world at large from a dry goods
Show me man with 4 amlllng faoe.
And a hand that la nn Ih. ali.C
Who tella the folk that hea In tha race.
With mora than an ii.n hr.alr
You'va guessed th answer th first
time, mate:
H Is ths perennial candidate.
Show me a maiden with gracious mien.
And her every motion a aon-.
With her ae somewhere about sixteen.
And a walk that ta anrlahrlv afmnar
What la the matter with hr, you al asst '
Nothing, by beck; not on blamed thlii.
Moat anybody can read the mind.
And th. fai-a nf fnlw h.'ll laaaM
The grouchy, the mean, th alflsh and
All of them march down th. .irat
They can also tell when they read this
th g
guy who write It la somewhat
P. 8. Take notice: And mayb drunk I
Pointed Paragraphs
A man may not be able to do hi own
oooklng, but h can roast th 000k.
As yet th suffragettes haven't
charged the politicians with Adam's
It's easier to Induce soma men to
run for office than to walk a blook to
secure a Job of work.
I0V1 r
Talent In. th kitchen and a balac -ln
O10 bank should form a combination
lor generating domaatle bliss.
A good thing about summer la vniir
appreciating It when tha mercurv la
flirting with th sero mark.
A self made man Is usuallv in anes .
hurry to finish the job that he negleot
to add the finishing touches.
Hag No Use for the I. W. W.
-Coquilla, March S 7. To the Editor of
The Journal I have to work; I was
taught to work. -1 feel Jt a part of my
rellnflous1 duties: I have lived out tha
best part of my days, but atlll there is
Tke Beef 1 rust
(Contributed to Th Jnnmal I. nr-i
the f.mon. Ksnsss poet His prce-poems ar
resuUr leature of tbis column la xij Dill
"The foreign wrestlers seek this shore
ano; say they've come to wade ln gore,
rney want to show us what a botch is
our great champion, F. Gotch. And Far-
meL,.05tC,l rear" ' up and cries; "Ero
tackling ma. dad ''bin- mn,
have to throw this htisky Turk ao shod
your rag and tret to worvi"
the foreign athletes stall, and say tt :
isn't , fair at alt "4iy dying a-rannyX
one explains., "when t h.r .k..jJS
fhl. pa-Ln8' t10"1 my sacred promlflu
"will M."81 ??Turk uPn the mat
Meet Mahinftiiii" v. . ... r 1
. . "muiier one, "in-
?" i " C. ont ,IM!orBa hla church or
1 creed; his grammar's rmtan ,. ......
"."a, a.v. UIO III Utl TIU DHL I., .11 .a... 4. - . . ---- C..VI
would'not join on Of thoe4 gngs of : m " V ' ' i?l re.or P'a'.'
I. W. W.'a tbat are howUnmm...tlJLJiT;..l'X. - ln8 whole blame.1
street, comer. 1 W& waiko
iirwn to worit while another man la rid- hi crown and chased the old
lng n a fin auto, putting on stylo, and of town and made a burden of JSl i
says one,-
They stripped poor Abdul of
Whose fault is It? Is tt th man's fault, doraing auch a came ir t ... J?
or th govrnment't Why, tbo man's j Mahmout s fram." And scornfully tire
o course. Thla has been on of th
best governments that maa aver lived
under, . I hav no us for th t W.- W.
' ..' W. R. JTOOTE.'
The publlo tervlc corporation nir
not. Object to publlo ownership If thev
Aam .. inlMsirl sail Lal a IS : a .
check for an amount sufficient to MTtnnC" ':-
wrestler laughs, and nn...
photographs, and bands" out threaU
-ud mak.; th-
rt.K ' PUbUe Wep' l n "rt of lidna
la-B ahore. who show. whn the
hv growled a few, thyr. &
fo MhMi . - ".ay-r only f
kfor rabbit stow.
Corrtot, j, ...
fiaarr klattkew ktssi.