'. .-'. ,J ' ."7-11,0 -7-' THE i OREGON1 DAILY JOURNAL,? PORTLAND. MONDAY ' EVENING, 4 ARIL 1 1, Hilt 13 ROOMS AND BOARD 15 Juit oMind First oltu family hoarding house, home mad bread, rrad 'joom, piano, (35, E. Morrison. v East ..CLEAN rooms with - 1st -olass table . board; home cooking, home privileges, ree bath and phone, $22 and up per ?Ynth; two meals. 40t-W. Park. ,. Mala Morrison t Furnished room ""it Doard. lame ensra iirm cians. V'Mj-m 1.-.. -i.Alrl'H. - 'K ai ho .sut.. iwiii, uuinv cvuAiiiK, l' Hn location. 617 Kearney. .Take SjARGK, , well ' furnished rooms, with a. vy or .loin at. car. uoara; strictly moaemf epienaia loca- V CASA ROSA Board and room, aultabla , v for families, young men and women. ' 668' WASHINGTON ST. Boom and " beard, f 60 per week for two in a ROOM nd board for' two young men win, ln strictly . private jfamlly,. TPhone :fli2ASANT front rooms. $20 eacH' end ; p; for twd, $4D; all new, modern 1 ?; ,'lvc"'Pcgii. ae inrij near Ryprcn. t S.A PLEASANT place to stay; two young .,V, VlndleB, good music; rooms) and board. HlBth st., 10 minutes from postofflce, - newly furnished " front room, suitable ror- two. 8 per ween: meals ir qesireq OUTSIDE ' rooms, board, heat, bath, 1 $6.60 week up; table board $4.60; meal VVTE1 Children to board "and care ror, good tioma anamoiners aare. Pi-one Tabor 18BS.- Mrs. H. Maraton BOARD and room for two In private famllv! 948 Clifton St. iROOM and board, - reasonable, . In a ;nristian nome. can m-bizo. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - 8 - -WEST SIDE ... , REFINKD young- lady, linn alone, wishes lady roommate to share room flat; walking; distanoe, tt per month. tit Cable st, 1st flat, near Chapman and Mill st References exchanged and required, LaRGB single front rooms; neat, lights. JVbath, nice lawn, walking- dlatanoa to 4lty, W car, 2Sd or lth mt cars. $11, r tl. til month. hr .VHk. IU Couoh. eor.'18th. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms fck in), eiectrio light, bath, tele ' Phone and water free. IV60 week; also slnala room, . ta.HO. 80t 4th at Z The Edgar, 14th h Waslv IWlCB front room, with kitchenette, fur-aoe-heat,-leetrle light. asy-walk-Ing distance. $.60 and up. K. Xlat, 1 Block rroro wasnington. faOUSEKEEPINa and furnished rooms, Gem hotel. 6S 1st; steam heated, new winging; rooms i.io up, TWO large housekeeping rooms, gas range, not svna com wiwr, uc- Tine location. a jwrm., nwr ni. i''QLE or suite of housekeeping rpoms, JVIl conveniences. Reasonable.., - 45J Hall st. "TWO large front rooms newly fur- nlshed for light housokeoplng. 275 iv, list at. k. K. ROOMS, furnished, ft month. Phone and bath. 801 Uth st Main tlS .MCELY furnished housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences, 11.80 and up. tOT Bhsrman. nar let st Marshall 1193. 1T1DTXT-1 AAmsl lnwt Tm t Asl ' eleetrlo light, phone, watejLjneludod. (pm water st. Fl'RNlBHEb housekeeping rooms at 82S-S Jackson at: walking; dlatanoe; -nth car south. A-a4 FOUR elean, light furnished housekeep fiig rooms, gas, yard, $1.60 month. tB Front st . ' ' f URNISHEil housekeeping rooms, 82.60 per week and up, free light, bath and phona 272 Montgomery at., corner 4th. LarGB housekeeping room, furnace , heati Ught. . water, bath, phone, 12.. 247 Hall St TWO large front rooms, furnished for i, housekeeping, clean, convenient 808 'uouenn. iBAHO, 888 th st. furnished house- keeping. cneap tor iuuii,r uiuuiub. 18 to i per week. CEMTRaLLT located, completely fur i .nished, convenient. $2.26 up, 422 Main st. . NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, light, phone, bath. Very aheap. 48 loili"Vi- tlA FOUR furnished housekeeping Jlnmm raa nlate. steel ranga 18 7tK st 'tealn 4529. ONE. ttro and three aulte H. K. rooma also sleeping; room; walking dlatanoa 850 Clay st, HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or en sulteTgas. bath, heat. 171 N. 17th st FOR RENT 8 furnished housekeeping rooms, yard and bath. 625 Thurman. fWO nicely furnished housekeeping roome. i e my, fi.66 WEEK, dry basement; range, prl vate toilet, running water. 116 K. 28d. i40H FIFTH Suite of rooms, running waver, gagy pnvg" tjm.h- irpt Tim .nitia sriK niiltA fiirniahAil tar kn..o1rnlna' clone In. 210 Main at. vum..K,"ni - .. ... DGHT housekeeping rooms, $2.50 to $10 per weea. m ONE and 2 room housekeeping suites; llgnl, Datn, pnonw. ipt mn ou ENTIRE upstairs, neatly furnished, all conveniences,, 85 a week. 468 10th st KlCEST, clean" JI. K. rooms In city, 81.76-22.00 a week. 184 Sherman st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST hWJH . NtCBLY furnished front suite, gas, voiVi nVione close In. 4(4 A K. Burn u. nr nth at "lur, REK furnished housekeeping rooms, round floor: nice surroundings. O 802 w6 nlcsly furnished housekeeping ' rooms, $4 per week. 166 B. 16th at fibWNSTAIRS nicely furnished, with is w Salmon. Kant Ka. ptaiuw. t-w J This Is Just to tyfAAJv z tit 3 rvjLAi TVuaJW. ffi: t?Vvr, 0- JkAAAOfVa CyJv. mXX. r'CAsvw crU2o . tet Ia oSUwrwp Ojfliti zl, ;H''';''!?,A OLua fU.';t::lr I 1 " ...a.. . S ) j n i " i. " ' 48 THREBT unfurnished rooms., game as new, with large wardrobes, cupboards, storage room, hot and cold water,, show. r uam, . in . parsa , airuov, win, m from Bunnynida car; use of telephone. ( per montn. jaiccirto .Jigo " wash, at Inqulr- at residence' or 423 namuiun nicy. nmng jnain ot.i.- io une cn.ia, no oojeciion: iwg iruni , "communicating rooms and large slaep Imm 1. . I 1 1 . .1, nr.., all modern, eon venlences, yard and flowers, ujjj ruuin .ana oo wm iuuo. ' ground " floor. , Completely furnished for , housekeeping. , Oas ranges, hot wa ter' heat, use of bath and: stationary wash tubs. 1181' Karby st Phone C. H6T. FOR RENT t room apartment,-; on - Sunnysido carllne ; largaj prlvata family, bath, large ' closets, v talephone, gas range, residence district" No other roomera fnone M-irt fl6 TWO fine, large bay window front . rooms, facing street, overlooking riv er; all conveniences,-yard, rosea, walk- ins; distance, aauus, uau up oenwooa $16 TWO fine, large, front rooms and Bleeping porch, racing street, ovenooic inarr river. . walklna- distance, all.' con' venlences, yard, roses, etc. Call up Sell wood 1109. ' v v : - - .. 2FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, tit ' a month; also 1 large furnished H. K. room. $ 8 per month ,- free light and water, lini mmm iva LARGE front room in clean new flat, ; housekeeping 'privileges, storage "and large attlo for drying, tity B. 12th st, vii, uiuift , , uux uii iiu.n. THE ST. MARK'S. 2924 E. Burnslde. .well-furnished front suits ot house-) Keeping rooms.', wanting aisutnoe, gas ran are, lovely rooms, TWO newly furnished modern front H. K. rooms; very pleasant; walking dis tance; cheap. 412 Larr&bee at U car. tiast twin maauu will nyai uiiqiii, , , imii, telephone, newly furnished,' only $22.60 per month, v 87114 Russell it , Phone r.asr Jl.76, $2.75, furnished housekeeping rooms; rrea peat, pnone, nain, launary, as. 669 Commercial sU near Graham. car. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. eiectrio lights, water in kitchen, gas plate and wood stove for cooking. 607 Mississippi ave. EAST SIDE, walking distance, "steel bridge. 2 or 8 modern furnished housekeeping rooms; no children. Stats term s. v -z v, journal. NICE! modern half - basement rooms, cheap; only $6. Brooklyn car. 664 FURNISHED housekeeping suite, newly - furnished and clean, also sleeping roomer 8zh is.'t;iay. FOR RENT H. K. rooms," gas, lawn, nice neighborhood. ' cheap, wood lawn 109 VH3 ts, itn in. . THREE complete housekeeping rooms with bath and both phones, very cheap. 674 is. Baimon. cor. itn TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, in private home; no children. Call Ta per 9191. HOTEL ACME, housekeeping rooms. Co- union ave ana. is, Morrison; $2 per we-eK ana up. DOWN stairs, nicely furnished, with I .1 - T7. k , , T ft C TJ. CM1. TWO ' furnished housekeeping rooms, fuel, light, laundry, $8 per month, to Knott si.,, u car. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms. Prl vate family. Modern. 69 E. 80th N. least 40b. TWO furnished-or unfurnished house- Keeping rooms, lis sin a., jarooa- lyn car. -i ' - - HOUSES FOR RENT FOR KENT 6 room house, Rodney ave nue and Beach Inquire 868 Fargo street, xei u-zass. ? KOOM house; 1033 East Sherman DURl, flO UIVII.U, V PW., ,7 .U. ... V, Main -7776, . -'; FOR KENT Two story house, 710 - K. Tavlor. between lotn ana list sts. li. Blnshelmer, 109 12th st ; FOR RENT Five room modern bun galow, w. W. car. Phone Beiiwood 1608. ' COMFORTABLE new 4 room house. M aqje garden, 6 cant fare. Y-28, Jour n1 . - ' It S-fiOOM lower flat 266 Stout at.; yard. $17; 5 room cottage, 693 Jerrerson st, ilg. M,rsnaii hw,-- tvey zo ptniu. 7 ROOM house. 1212 Moore St., Pied mont sras. electricity. 818. Fh. Kast Zoa, or 4461. i diockb rrom cars, MODERN- five room cottage on 29th ave. and 60th st Phone Main (181 or Tabor 1042 after 4 p. m. ONLY $13. newly papered 6 room oot tage. E. 12th near- Hawthorne - ava Phone Bellwood 1667. , ( ROOM house on,.5.81st st Phone Main 6792., Also a T room house on Kearney ana ZOth. FOR RENT 7 room house, 8. B eor nr 4Sth and E. "Main. 2 earllnea handy, 8ee owner or phone Tabor 1406. $18 SEVEN rooms, yard, fruit, school, carllna 840 Montana. woodlawn 2100 A ( room cottage on B. 9th; worth $20; to a good steady tenant for $16. Phone Tapor i04 MODERN 6 room house, 246 McMillen, walking distance, wain sozo FOR RENT 7 room house, 692 Petty grove st, 817.00. Inquire 298 N. 18th. o "'t - - MODERN 6 room house, B. 26th st, . . i a t i k. n n n near morrimn, g-uuiia o-naaa FOR RENT 6 room house, 1268 Haw thorne ave., i per montn. ROOMS Gas, bath, close In, Jit. 487 B. Harison. .--'- - TWO houses on Borthwlck, near Russell, one 5 and one 7 room.' rnone is. 6697. FIVE room modern ' house, (09 Front St., near tjarutners. MODERN 6 . room cottage. $16 month. r.. J tn, racuic rwpe tuy cur, FOR RENT 4 room house, 638 Market St.; yara; fi4 $14. ( room house, lawn and rosea In "FOR RENT House, 8 rooms, modern. 9K. 16th W, Phone E. 2870. $184 ROOM house, yard. 64 Mill, near' lew sc. - IIOUSEKEEPINa ROOMS . A' EAST. SIDE .; Let Jeff Catch Up - - , : iJ r - - - I .re i c ' I 12 SEVEN room modern house with lOOx 1U0 root lot; roses, pernea, appia, cherry and prune trees, plentyy garden BDaca.. Loelv homa 820 tier month. Corner 74th and QHsaa gta Phone Tabor loss or Marshall iz. ' M FOR KENT Two , good cdluges, tli and (76 B. Btark and H. 19th sta, one having six and one seven rooms: good condition, and reasonable rent to de sirable tenants. Wakefield, Fries & Co., 86 4th St- : , : ' ' , ' . "'t-- ' ..; ' ' . MODERN t room tou. new, . E. 17th nd Rhone. . Take Bellwood car. J. F. Kertchem, agent, with Pacific States Fire insurance jo. jfnones juarsnau a as, A' 4831. 200 Chamber of Commerce. Free Rent In Gregory Heights. ' Take Rose Clfy Park oar to Gregory- Heights office, Seventy-second (72d) street. - ' ' FOR RENT 1 room house, furnaoe, llarh-t. a-as -and nhona. fins 'basement. Will lease for year Or so to responsible parties without children; fine view of city. 240 E, 60th. Phone Taoor 3688 $116 room cottage at Kern Park, 8(41 t 68th at S. E bath, electrto light, Vjuuvvn iiuubo. AUUAr ooti v bubhm t1 or 7i4 list Yfc fl Wooamere Free Rent- Ih Gregory Heights. Take Rose City Park car to Gregory Heights ' ornoe, peventy-seconq ixa) st, FOR SAI.TC or rent. 6 room modern house, laraa srarden. block and half south of Grays Crossing. Mt. Scott car line. . pnone Marshall tjwner, 6ROOM modern house, fire place and china closet; $16 a montn; i diock from St Johns ear. 1116 Concord st; Phone East 4160, FOR RENT VT wo five room houses with basements. Your 'choice for $13 per month. . Apply at gel. Jfl. itto at fl, union ave. cars. 11 ft flp'VTT.M rnnm boilHA. fi-nod orAttT. 1420 E. 21st st. N.. one block from Alberta car. Owner will set out -roses to suit. ' Kev across street A 6 room cottage with bath and, gas; 0V0 oujiwn PknnL uat eviii . n. M M A .Ir... ... T0. mm ej, nitagii j. 8 ROOM new house, 3 2d near Bryce ' 'street nlmstead Parkr rent or sell: monthly payments; sacrifice price. How- tra una company, bos ewetianq Diog, 4 ROOM house. Dartlv furnished, with garden, no children, UPi Woodlawn FOUR room cottage. 8 large lots, chick en house, lawn, good garden space, rruit trees, f none Tapor izsa FOR RENT t room tent house on 10 0 . 100. bearlnr -fruit tnees near W. W. carllne. Address weirs, jb m. inn in. 7 ROOM house, arranged for two fam HUa I2R: vatnaa and linoleum for sale. 287 Grant, near 6th. Call after Sunday. FOR RENT Neat 7 room house. at east approach Broadway bridge. Owner, Main bsis; room zD.xt.OTCe''t"r P'og. FOR RENT room eottage,- walking distance west side, inquire ztt tn st. PARTIALLY furnished 4 room new cottage. S5S K. 86th st S. Rent $20. Phone Main 9627. ' FURNISHED HOUSES 86 FOR SALE or rent furnished ( room house, for some casn ana traae; one 10 room house: rooms all full, cheap.' -if sold before 1st or May. owner. Main 7 MS. NEW and well furnished house, 8 bed ' rooms, piano, gas and electricity, stationery tubs, nice lawn and roses, on car una 968 ia. tjitsan ana aist. SIX room cottage, elegantly furnished garage, beautiful lawn, full cellar, reasonable,' terms. Apply at premlsea bub saecemento st. FURNISHED 7 room house, piano, $26 month. 1268 E. Yamhill. Apply Hall, bi water, fnone Mam ;zu. IX room nicely furnished cottage. yara ana garaen. inquire zsa ima. Main save $25 BUNGALOW, ' 4 rooms and bath, 983 Vernon ave. Call M, Pedersen, vi union ave. in. wooaiawn iveo, FURNISHED I or 4 room house, v yard. and fruit, rent, reasonable, 879 Chap- ?ian at. N Piedmont, furnished 8 room house for board of one. Call evenings, 1168 Moore st 110. TWO room furnished 'house, 1 block east of W W car on High st 6 ROOM furnished cottage. Inquire 267 Kussen. . pnorve East sio. ROOM furnished house for rent Call Woodlawn 827. HOUSES FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 FTJRNITUREJ of 8 room flat for sale. flat for rent; well furnished and clean. 881 6th. st Call Sunday or even in sb.-, FURNITURE ings.-, of modern 7 room house. all conveniences: 1- block from Wash ington. 486 Burnslda Call 622 Savler. Mam zsie. THIS Is a good buy, close In, fine loca tion, 8 rooms, well furnished, full, ciean. -z3, journal. FURNITURE and piano of 6 room house for sale-cheap. House for rent. Apply o, union ave. FOUR light, pleasant rooms, rent in- ciuaing water ana pnone, lurnl- ture f7fi. 8Q8 ooliege. ROOM nicely furnished, good location. This is a barsraln and must be sold perore xuesaay. Main zzati 12 ROOMS, with over 31400 worth of furniture, nrlce (860. terms. Sea John. son ft Johnson, 168 10th st.- MUST' sell, almost new furniture of 6 - room cottage, less than half "value; rent cheap. 491 MU1. "ear 14th. $300 FOR FURNITURE of 6 rooms; easy terms, rent $25. 891 Guild st irum iv o ai iermvn, NEW furniture of six, room flat; bar gain. .cash. A-1340."1 v FURNITURE of 5 room house for sala Prioe $176. 673 Savior. SIX room flat for rent furnlttieewf-Jr sale cheap: leaving city. . 264 7th t tAT for rent, furniture for sala 606 ia. tza. Beiiwooarioi FURNITURE 4 room cottage cheap: nice . . n. . ..h,. 0,1 BAA O Jt . ytruf iwww ct, f ,0. 0V0 ou pw A 12 room house for rent close In, some furniture tor saia rnone Main 2174. HOUSES FOR RENT nOURES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOit SALE 82 A BARGAIN., to be appreciated; must be seen, so come And make me an of- rer on my new rumea oak rurniture, with every thlnr complete to so to house keeping, as I am going to sell at some price, as the best offer takes it' Mar- snail loot or cal-8H4 naiiway raxenange. 'Furniture; Of t rooms, fine condition. Will sacrl floe for cash. Phong" mornings. Main 4 ROOM house, all housekeeping, all rented: rent $19. Price $300; big yard ior cnicKens; lots iruu trees. Bacgnm; nave w leave town, 01s i. vinneny, oei, inn ana istn sts. FURNITURE, ( room. flat, rent or sell, " arood location for roomers or boardera Second floor, 185 f N. mji, at. Phone Main eaea . f-r .... . . . FURNITURE tW "l room flat, $65 cash. Kent 8iz. Bast 4za. 1 APARTM3T9 '48 . THE VILLA ST.- CT.ARA. i' lztn ana xayior. . ; Most magntf toently furnished apart' menta In the city: location perfect; rent ale reasonable: every modern conven. tence, banquet hall and roof garden; high class service; referenoes required. Both phones In all apartments. Main zzis. The Florence Newly built brick apts.. absolutely Iirst class, s ana e room iumisnea apt. beat-location In the city. Modern con venlencea In every , room.- 288 Uth, Mar-nail 4174. - - . KING HILL APARTM 4, 6. (-room apartments; select tenancjt -Apply on, premlsea 171 King st 1 ' , Alamo Apts. 494 Market near 14th. Marshall 4666. JTiial nnanmAt fnt-nlMeil itnA tint urnlahed apartments Everything modern. No objection to children. The Burch Now open for reservations; under new management; modern 2-room apartments with dressing rooms; ex cellent location for summer. 110 21st at. THE MEREDITH Is now open, fur nished new, 1th the best. t. 8 and 4 room anartments: hardwood floors. private phone and bath, best Janitor service: references requiraa; new man agar. 71 z wasningron st. THE McKINlBY 429 B. MORR5SON. COR. 7TH. 0 , 0Sm- m, will iwui ' . Mu.uia, bur nished up to. date, private baths, free pnone, moaeraie prices, new manage ment, best eerviee. THE JULIANA. 45 Trinity Placa bet 19th and 20th, just off of Washing ton, 2, 8 and 4 room apartments; newly Tarnished and close in but cost no more. 8za ana u THE DEZENDORF 208 16TH, NEAR TAYLOR 2 elegant 6 room unfurnished apart ments, one NB. other.S. W. expo sura Apply on premises for reservations, THE CHETOPA,8th and Flanders st. I. S and 4 r.'t modern anartments. rurnlshed and unrurnishea: -new rurni ture and new building. Apply to the janitor. KENTUCKY APARTMENTS. ' Nicely furnished 4 room apartments, steam heat, private phone and-bath; new and modern, on East Ankeny and Mon tavilla car lines, corner of 28th and E. Gllsan. Phone Knat 8387. or P-1488. APARTMENT. Haddon Hall, -cor. Hall and Uth. 8 and 4 room suites, $25 and up; beau tifully furnished, hardwood floors, prl vate porches, bath, phone. Mt. Tabor car. Drickston Apartment 448 11th near College. 2 and 8 room w 1. lc d, dviivlij ,i,av v i c r. " , . wii.iui apartments a specialty. Marshall 87. THE AMERICAN Most tin to data anartment in North west; 21st and Johnson sts.'; 4 and S rooms: all outside; apply on premises, or calf Marshall 8360. GRAY GABLES. 1 room suites, $21.60 to $25.00: all mod ern conveniences, close in. Phone X 2629. 289 10th st Fannie Talbot man ager. PAGE APARTMENTS. TJndor new management. E. 8th and Burnslde; private phone and .bath .In every apartment. THE ' ORMONDE One modem apert- ment. 6 nice light rooms, Tree tele hone, gas range and refrigerator. 666 anders at Main'SZDi THE SUNLIGHT APTSu 8 rooms nicely furnished $25. private phone and bath, on E. Belmont .Tabor 2298, H-304I. THE LEONCE 186 N. 22d. near John son, 2 and 3 room furnished apart ments, private bath, phone, $27.60 up. Phone Marshall 2250 THE MORTON, Washington and King modern 8 room apartments, furnished and unfurnished, both phones, new man- lagement. rates reasonable. WELL furnished H. K. suites and sleep- ln ' nAmat m nlaPn nil rST VAn las jbsb close in, good location, reasonable. 830 Mill. V DURt'EB APARTMENTS x 8 room steam heated anartments. nrl. vate phone and bath. 308 Stanton st. irtK , UAVldWl'OKT Newly furnished 8 room ADt.. nrlvate bath and nhone. reasonable. Main 6436. 605 Jefferson. THE NORTHAMPTON, 407 HALL ST. Furnished 2-5 room, izs up; 1 bach elors.' (13; new. Mainiz. ONEONTA, 187 17th, suites $10, $20, 880: ail moaern conveniences; Main 4697. BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apart ments. 696 Lovejoy st. Take "W" car. PARK APTS, 868 HARRISON Beauti fill 8 and 4 room furnished apta. walking distance. Marshall 3070, A-4426 THE WESTMINSTER Nicely furn nlahAil anti alan nlniTla rooms: S min utes from P. O. 262 th. - Main 6582 LOVEJOY APTS., 17th and" Lovejoy. Main 21C. .Two and 8 room furnished apartments for rent BEULAH Apts., new modern brick, heat ed; rent reasonable. 927 Union ave. wooaiawn eift. MODERN, vip-ld-date 4 room furnished apartments, reasonable rent 621 Marshall st .... ..'--.. ; . . v ;',..,,.,, . r ,',.,"v.. 1-5", ..'.II; Nt i n ' i' i i . . j :" ' ' 11 ""nj "iV--irM;n i rnr; v,-y ,r 43 - r join ana avereiv 1 - .,New management . 8, 4, or.om, unfurnished apartments. The nest apart ment" In the city, for the money; they have all modern conveniences, .are close In, neat and homelike. Don't- fall to lnsrar-t : them bsXaraXooatlna.lf..fur', nlshed apartment is oesired, i can ar range this ton small monthly payment with rent, tenant eventually owning fur niture at same monthly cost as fur- nieneo apartments. Montgomery Arjartments -Cor. Sd and Mnnitromerv. ntw' modern brick building. $ room apartments, fur nished complete, private bath, phone elevator, 8 minutes' walk; rate's $27 to $36; beat in the cltv for the money. No ennaren, Main 9466.. .-. PENI NSu"LA- Apartments1, the healthiest v coolest, best looted summer home In the cltv. , , elevation hlirh -as. the heights; everything first class, 4 min ute ear service, tatte Mississippi, u car at 84 and Washington sts.. 20 minutes' rldo. H35H Alblna ave., corner Klll lngsworth. Apts, completely f unlahed. l' - 10 izo. aiso uniurnienea apts, Phone C-1170. ' ., . Thelenard aSS Dll.aalt a, 'r.. TT.t.ta 1 , .".W . V U D D V. , . DW WI, V I.-' 4T0 New modern brick, under new manage ment; 3 room furnished apartments; light airy front rpoms: Just the thing for summer; private baths and phones In an apartments; steam heat, electric ugnte- ana tras; I minute car service ront $30. PhoneTt-1758. ' APARTMENTS. Don't our your Ufa miss It. Come at once If you want to live In .one of our up-io-aate z room apt. For gentlemen and their wives only. Babies and dogs not taken. Clete in, and reasonable. Strictly respectable, modern. 286 Uth. FOR RENT FLATS 13 TEN minutes from heart of eftv. Port land Halff-hta mnrijarn 8 fVkflm . Ilnmr riat: gas range, launary trays, furnace, narawood floors, sleeping porcn, r ire place, aelect neighborhood; rent 840, 626 20th St., near Laurel. Mar. 8624, MODERN flat, select neighborhood, B rooms and maid's room,- furnace, fire- Flace. gas range, shades, hardwood loors. - 264 North 25th. near Nerthrup; adults; referenca Apply 8.70 Northrup. w.csr, FOUR room modern flat, gas range, dls- appeanng nea, linoleum in Kitcnen and bath, large porches, light airy rooms, - on L. carllne, 820. 1O40M Al- Dina ave. fnone wooaiawn iao. FOR RENT Desirable upper and lower 6 room flats, 286 14th, near Jefferson st, reasonable. Inquire S16 Commercial DIOCK. TWO 5 room modern flats, 801-801 tt E. 12th, near Hawthorne, walking dis tance, fine location. East 4188. MODERN 4 room flats, bath, gas, base ment, porches, newly tinted, $12.60. 478 Falling. Union ave. cars.' Call Tabor 2896. woodlawn 1943, FLAT for rent modern 4 room flat. close ur. z blocks east of new narri man bridge, $18 per month. 174 B. 2d N., woodlawn sez, FIVE room, modern, outside lower flat: steel range, gas plate, fireplace, fur nace, linoleum on Kitcnen ana Datn. 18th and E. Alder. Phone East 8113. MODERN 4 -room upper flat, large at tlo and alcove, furnace, eiectrio and gas fixtures, swell location, close In. 442 12th st 4 ROOM lower flat modern and oom nletelv furnished, sras and electric: no objection to children, $18. 1606 Ontonta St.. wooaiawn. -rjione wooaiawn budi. $10. , 1442 Mllwaukie st Bellwood car to Bybee st. NEW modern 6 room flat, also $ room furnished flat. 1043 Gantentoeln, cor. Alberta, . ' CLEAN, well arranged 4 room flat to reuaDle tenant cneap, Aioina. cast 2911 TJ-T-Tr-tl lAciias flat Mvn AW ara m Wanira, f jl d I W I LI IV tv oi aiOiVf vvi uw , pnti iaiio, walking distance. 400 Ross. One mock north uroanway. -u car. 6 ROOM lower flat modern, with all conveniences, corner Rodney and Cook ave. A p niy B wiuiama ave. NEW modern 4 . room 'flata, sleeping porch, walking distance. 699 Market st. Main o. SEVEN yoon -flat for rent 621 Corbett Batn. Key sza, . 8 SALMON 5 room flat with bath. Key at two eaimon 6 ROOM flat for rent, $12.25 per month. 62R Mill at. NEW 8 room flat reaeonable. 706 Van- couver ave. woodlawn 1868. CHPiAP, an upper flat Z. L. Dlmnlck, -CT? Lumhermens bldg. Main 2382. WEST side. 4 room flat, new building. everything up to gate. in. zotn st. FURNISHED FLATS 50 COMPLETELY furnished 4 room lower flat, modern, electricity ana gas. 115. 1605 Oneonta st Woodlawn, Woodlawn 3061 FOR RENT Nicely furnished 4 room flat - ground floor; also 2 room apt. moqern conveniences. m ivin at FOR RENT Furnished 6 room flat with piano. B-3110. FIVE room elegantly furnished lower flat, close In; rent $32.60. Main 7785. HOTELS S4 HOTEL. FORTLAND European plan pnly 33, 35 flay. BELVEDERE European. 4th and Alder. EASTERN pREGON HOTELS MITCHELL , HOTEL -Large sample 1 rooms, comniBiriai aiming- room. Mrs. j. M. Mitchell, yrop., josepn, uregon. HOTEL MCREA Headquarters for commercial men, wallows Or. WANTED TO RENT FOR RENT After April 24, store room, . 24x40. 6 living rooms upstairs, corner location. Just across street from car, Kern ram station, rnone -ranor 8Z. FOR RENT Fine office with use of big lobby, f 20. 800 Chamber of Com merce. LARGE Store, suitable for barber shop and pool room; also suitable for bowl ing alley. At (98 Union ave., N. APARTMENTS, STORES. AND OFFICES 11 :VH Facto ry;' for; Rent vtft '.. r.- - .4,y.. . .;'-,'' i H 'Tj.-- Two ffoorg In new brick building. Just comply tad,at Mood, and Bekes-slraats, South Portland. Long lease, low rental. Building Is well lighted and will make an Ideal ' location , for .manufacturing plant ...A L. FUh. care of The Journal. THKEJU floors. 25x100, part or whole; , new brick building, 16th and Mar shall, suitable for retail, wholesale or iigni manuiactunng. A. o. i.ong. TWO offices, suitable for doctor or den- tlat:. new hrlnk; all modurn 'pnnvan. lenoes. Powell bide., tor. 87th and Haw- inorno. Tanor 1141 NEW 2 26x78 storerooms, 1 block eaui ' of Lents P. O., on county road, or rent. Tabor 8671. WANTED TO RENT WANTED BEFORE MARCH Modern 6 room house In West pied mont or 'North Alblna, near Kenton car- une preierreq. none wooaiawn uv.- 1 OR 8 room house, modern, near-orT- vate school if possible and car line; either side: ground floor bedroom not oojoctionapie. a-84, journal. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO RENTT I have callers for houses every day. List them with me. John Dick, 6.49 Union ave, w. fnone Knsi ibz4, WANTED 6, 6 or 7 room house near Kiuingswortn ave.; must be moaern, J-6U0, Joo rnal; HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 Bargains $165 takes team weighing 2500 lbs., color white and .black. 9 and 41 years old with harness and wagon; $150 takes team consisting of mare and horae, al so harness; $ta takes nice white horse weighing 1100 lbs., works single end double; span of gelding, 3400 lbs,, sound and good workera at $265 with harness. 247 E. 12th at, one block north of nawtnorne ave. FOR SALE Pair steel grays, 4 years 01a, weight 1100. -year gray mare, 1660, and fine pair bays, 2400, 6-year-olds. Some fine blacks, 1300 to 1400. each young.,' Some good cheap ranch horses. Pair black mares, 4 to years old, 2776, guaranteed as representeo. Inquire 815 2d, near Mm. pnu wuetter, MUST BELL HUNDaYT Brown m.ra 1 vears old. 1260 lbs.. smooth, trim limbs; . gentle; work or drive anywhere. Bay mare, 7 years old. 1200 lbs.; round, plump and trim; stout limbs; gentle, iuu. uasacero car 10 Gresham. Inquire at depot for Walters place, TWO sorrel geldings, weight zz0. raars old, $250; one bay chunk, weight 0. t years' old, $160; one span sorrel mares, years-Old, welght-2200.226; one span bay geldings, 4 ana 0 years old, weight 1260 each. $285. Star Stables, 808 Front.- All horses guaranteed. A Car Load of eastern Oregon horses, mares, weight 1800 to 1600, well broken, sound. This stuff is first class, juaaison staple. 185 1-2 Madisont at Bridge, ROSE City Park Sales Stable at 62d - ""d Sandv road, has good horses for sale at reasonable prloes. It will pay you to see them; they are guaranteed. Aflama k .:amnpeii. props. HAVING disposed of my ranch will ' sell my team, harness, on mare, one horae. Call and see them, 8th and Haw thorne ave. Travis Bros. Wood Yard, Mrs, Oppenhelmer. MUST sell good team, mare and horse, weight 2600; work anywhere; harness and a farm wagon. All $175. Take Bellwood car to Insley, walk 6 blocks esst to No. 781. TEAM of marea weighing 2400, harness and wagon, $125. Two sets of single two sets 01 single spring wagons. 469 harness, two Unt E. Salmon. OFVl'Plt., kaw anA llrht horses: these horses can be seen at 8th and Hawthorne ave. Travis Bros. Wood Yard. MUST be sold at once, good young team, sound and well broke, weight 2500, one single -horse Woodstock car to" Glad stone, hi ainnji HORSES and buggies tor rent by day, weea ana . monio, , special rmir 1 vt business bouses. 4th and Hawt-orna East 72, THREE or 4 head of cheap horses, also one big 1500 lb. mare In foal, will ex change for good livery horse.- 14 Union ave., cor. Asn 1 FINE saddle pony, one very fine yearling mule colt Very large; one work horse, at 292 N. Uth at. Portland Concrete Pile Co. - ' PASTURE for, horses and cattle. Hill side Farm. Canyon road. Main 847 after 6-p. m p t in v t. ... - - - $45 BUYS a" 1100 lb mare-hroke . to m-- a.n A V -O O wagon. xnunp pcuwwwi x 1 00. TO TRADE Fine light team for neavier mm; rauni ue luumi sua irus. f none Tenor FOR SALE 1 second hand bakery or launary wtivo,, ctirn, iiirea muney, 741 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 2869. HUKSES. mules, harness: farm delivery and express wagons; cheap. Hubert A Han, itxi water at., cor, wontgomeryr SEVERAL horses from 200 to 1700. Call and see them, corner -8th and Hawthorne ave. Travis Bros, wood yard THREE- big horses, all working. Job goes, too: ror sate or traae. lour rhnnne. fnone Heiiwooa xzs. r HOUSES, wagon tor rent and boarded reasonable. Columbia Stable, 802 Front. HORSES, mares, all sizes, some well matcnea iwrnaj, lout. 01 janin. LIVESTOCK 85 FRESH dairy and family cows for sale. Will have other in tomorrow: all first class cows. ' Jersey, Holatein and Dur ham, wltn calves. 709 Maroia ave., naif way to Heuwooq. j. rv Maypsrry, FOUR,- five gal. cows, fresh, good or- ... w ... . r. n . . BELGIAN hares, fine, pedigreed stock; also glanta 443 Farragut Wood lawn -801." r-. FOR SALE Fresh oows. 1427 Commer cial, corner DeKum. woodlawn 278. By H$' rouiiTRT B7 RHODE ISLAND REDS and Ruff Leit i' horns, eggs for Thatching. We are ti largest breeders of Buff Leghorns In Oregon, . place your order now-and get eggs from .our special mated pen. PrW' 1.60 to (8 per setting of 16. George Ha er, Sherwoosy Washington Co., Or. Box BABY CHICK8 White Leghorn baby chicks, pure Wyckoff- or Tancred stock, -15 cents each; also other breeds standard . breeding . stock, incubators, brooders and feeds;. -The Poultry Sup-' ply-House, 206 Salmon st. - - ' , I1UUST OtITlll ,,f , , 0 ducklings and more eomlnrl "!0a each; Indian Runner eggs. lOo eaoh. Mrs. Sehon, 4030 E. 734 St 8.. H. Mt Soott car. ' ' ' .' WE REPAIR all- makes, of Incubators; we also take your old - Incubator In exchange for a new one.' The Poul try Supply House & Hatchery, 205 Sal mon St.. .r $10 STARTS' YOU RIGHT. Our tireless brooder and 60 .white : leghorn chicks, also '6 pounds of our ahiek feed. The Poultry Supply House y Crest Farm - Single Comb White Leghorn eggs, $1 , per 16; $6 per 100. Harrison St., Mil" wankle. . Phone Red 762. RHODE Island Red setting fiens, also a few of my beet cockerels cheap. All " high bred stock. , 4603 41st ave., S. E. W-W car. -; . ' -.. PURE bred White Wyandotte, .White Leghorn, and Barred Rock egra at $1.00 a setting; stock for sale. Phone Bellwood 480. FOR SALE Game chicken eggs, $2 to per 16. J. P. Llmerlch, 417 San Rafael st. city. - ; - ORPINGTON egg. buffs and whites; very choice, "hard times prices," Mur- phy. Bellwood 1230. S. C. BROWN Leghorn eggs, heavy lay ers, $6 per 100- sjiv quantity. Jas. Ire.' : land, Miin 41Z8. 414 Bialdmg bldg BARRED ROCK cockerel, egga and baby chicks, thoroughbred stock; Royoe. Bellwood 1835. - . ANCONA and White Leghorn eggs, $T setting, $6 hundred. Tabor 3888. BLACK Minorca setting eggs, 1145 E. 21st N near Kllllngsworth. HIGH class Silver Laced .Wyandotte' eggs.$1.60 setting. 1062 E. 9th st l.. " FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE New ar.fj second-hand Car om and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix-, tures of all kinds; easy paymenta fh Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 48-48 6th st Phones Main 789. A-1769. - - CONTRACTORS', outfit full line grad Ing tools, fcteam ehovel, concrete mix ers, 20 teams. Invoice $20,000; over $50,, 000 worth good contracts on hand,, going concern and good money tq right part les. R-29. JO' , al.'"- ' . "- , TYPEWRTTEiSj at "prioies never before" equaled direct from the menufactur.tr st $35 on the basis of (5 per month or $30 cash; rentals 9 months for $5. In vestigate. tt. t. V.O., Z4 BtarK st. WE sell cash reglstns, scales, creon registers, cheese cutters, coffee mill., etc.. at greatly reduced prices, either for cash or payments. The Portland Store ' Supply Co.. 260 2d St. MarBhn.ll 4548. SEWING-machine, 60 machines sold for storage; .drop head and good as new; Singer, New Home, White,- Domestic and all leading makes at, your own prices. 292 Third and Columbia sts. SEW IN 0 MACHINES Special sale, box top. all standard makes, $5 each. Hur ry. White Sewing Machine Agency, cor- SLIGHTLY used oash registers, credit -treglsters, computing scales, eta. bourht and sold., The.Iefio Store- Service Co.. 227 Stark st7 Main 7711. SAFES New and 2d band; low prlcex; easy terms;. safes Opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 86 6th st. Main 6809, A-41 1 , 8PECIAL sale Of slightly used Singers. "W. ft W.," White and Standard sew. Ing' machtnest easy paymenta - Call 883 ... i . . c. rawiimni iicbi vtibiwi. - FOR SALE or Rent, Logging and Holst- 1 1 1 fg j.ii.iiio, , j.nija, uuvuiiiu- , ttves. Railway Equipment Company, DAHLIA bulbs, 100 varieties, $1 to $3 a dosen, all named, will deliver. H U9B after , ( p. m. E. H. White, 607 m. uan. FOR SALE Stump puller, nearly new. feu; also ugnt wagon. zo. ana one 8 4 skein wagon, $26; double -harness, $15.. Phone Bellwood 1383.- . - ' 300 MUSIC box, suitable for moving - picture show t win sell cheap or trade for anything. 248 Madisorr; . ' CAPITAL JUNK Cor. dealers In Iron, metal, rubber, sacks, machinery, pipe. tools, joo lots, it im. ist st. war. bxh'J. BARGAIN 8 foot quartered oak dining . table; practically new, 836 Missouri $190r-rlncubator and! broodet-'outflt. w ill . exchange for good horse. . 281 Burn-. side t. GAS range, steel range, water beatei. folding bed and bicycle. 610 -Wil liams ave. ALL kinds house rurmshlngs bought sold and exchanged. Star Furniture Co.. 880 Hawtnorne ava a;asi iot7. HORNLESS talking machine and 2 records, $13.50, $5 down, ft week. 859 Aiaer st. NEW visible tyewrlter for sale; heed money. BiacKweu, iga in. i4tn st. MOTORCYCLE and gent's bicycle chea) heai neatJ for casn. ii Maaison. FOR SALE Two room tent house, nea ly furnisnea. i7t Macaaam. FOR SALE Good folding, go-cart, "coat liz. sen for h. lad in. zza. (Uxll and 9x19" donkey engines, ready to load on cars. R-28, Journal. - - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ; S BE WISE; get more for your second t...a AiMifliiM ktt:..'-u- l, t.- a i.w .-.-. j w.tH i v in fvru , Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 9981. A-2445.' , 868-870 E. Morrison st E. 122, JlOJl WANTKD -:i hand furniture. Esst 3184 348 Howthorne ave. 8eater ft Martin. CASH paid for household goods. C, M Pennell ft Co., Mar. 4265. 84i First vVANTED Two carloads of second hand .!,,.. Th.. JAAA . T. .wiuiiui , nun, I iiihi iuv0. ' , ' "Bud" Fisher