The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 31, 1912, Page 73, Image 73

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I turned to taffeta. , Maie no mistakfr-it Is not
the sUff, crackUpg allk of live yeara ago; it la
f aoft, aupple and capable of the moat beautiful coloring-!
and changeable combination! pf 'tones.
In the construction of taffeta gowns there- la wide
: scope for Ingenuity and, Incidentally, beauty. Figured
taffeta can be a'lied with plain; the vogue for stripes .
and diamond-shaped ; checks Is noticeable; while the
always lovely touch of lace, velvet and rlEbon Is not
to be forgotten in the general plan.
-' Th nv rpnnir fllla a nlam in wo man' a ward rob.
It can be worn during spring, summer and fall. It
serves excellently for a winter house dress-and "is
appropriate for afternoon or evening. ' - -1
The taffeta style stands epitomized in the charm- -Ing
little striped gown with the accessories of bag,
parasol and flower hat. A boxrpleated ruffle trims V
. Abe lower edge of the skirt, falling over a hem of '
jrtain silk. On the bodice there is shown the charm
ing jacket effect so evident this spring. The jacket
is of plain, silk, scalloped and' bound with striped'
silk. It is crossed in front and shows decided full-
ness in the sleeves. - Ecru lace is draped in a soft
fichu over the jacket and is used In a short apron
tunlo in front The top of the net bodice Is cut In
the straight French-neck style. Notice the soft
shirred crown of taffeta on the little hat; do not over
look - the taffeta parasol, with its dark contrasting
lining; and give attention, please, to the postbag of
taffeta' embroidered in woolen threadsv ? . ,
Plolted for Street wear.. It la aian vxcellent tnv ti-.iT. :
eling. The coat shows a dlrectolre tendency, with Its' "
crossed line. Its large buttons and Its cord trimming;
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tffkrncon Dress in C&srrf&&fajffiecfc
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Sleeves are fitted In at the armhole, with wide cuffs.
Something new Is the combination of taffeta and
voile. The sheer aklrt Is tucked and trimmed with
a deep hem, inset panels of embroidery and large
buttons. Under it is a taffeta skirt. A chlo jacket
effect is given by the soft fichu' of taffeta, draped .
above a fitted peplum of embroidery. Pieces of taf-
: feta ere applied at the sides and a swallowtail effect
: Is given In silk at the back. The sleeves ar three
. quarter length, falling over aubcuffs of embroidery.
In the hat of -taffeta there are numerous possi
bilities. It completes a costume; in black It can be
made to harmonize with any suit. It Is light-weight
and can be made at home. The model is a blue-and
gold color Scheme. The flat shape la covered with
.taffeta, a quilling of silk outlining the edge. The
crown Is draped with the silk, and silk grapes of the
blue and gold are covered with gold lace. The whole
j effect Is artistic and copyable. ,
Changeable taffeta Is on the cfest of fashion's
wave. It Is combined with a heavy lace "apron" that
covers the bodice and hangs below the waist in front
and back. The skirt shows full lines and is trimmed
with shtrrlngs and quillings on cords in two bands.
A row of taffeta bows is placed on the central line,
below the lace tunic. ,
' : ' ' Last in the group is a taffeta gown that .'Utilises
a short piece of silk In the skirt The bodice is of
the favorite shadow lace and shows a bafv-wlng dis
position of the lace in front, caught by a rose. Cuffs
' and a shallow square yoke of silk are made "from
the pieces." A crushed girdle finishes the frock. ,
The turn to taffeta is decidedly for the, better.
- Purely these prove to you Its practicality and its
beauty! , . . ,
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