The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 29, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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    DAILY 3U-..:;.',L. rO?.TLA!,'D. Fr.IDAY EVIINn.'O, 1 1 ASCII 3. 1012.
X I i L J J 4. V A
Tc!t;;2 Topics
HEILIG Mme. Prager, In "The Oath of
th Fefer Torah."
BAKER "The Isewlyweds and Their
LYRIC Rica A Cady In -At the Fair."
URPHEU11 Orpheum circuit vaude
ville. , .
PANTAGES Vaudeville.
EMPRESS Sullivan & Consldtris vaudo
vllle. . PEOPLES Motion picture!.
sor 7. D. r.evkw H?., Varterloloc'.st or
Oregon Agricultural college, will dis
cuss, tomorrow evening in the Y. M. C.
A. auditorium, ' "The ganltary Import
ance of Clean link." Tbls Is one of a
series of Saturday evening lectures ar
ranged by R. C. French, director of the
educational department of tha T. M, C
A., and the purpose la to aid the pura
milk campaign by practical educational
methods Interesting and valuable alike
to dairymen and the consumers of milk.
Admission is free, and an Invitation
is Issued to all who would like to learn
more about the handling of millc to coma
and hear Professor Eeckwlth.
, Weather Conditions. 1
Portland and vicinity Fair tonight
with light frost Saturday fair and
warmer. Westerly winda.
Oregon Fair tonight, with light froat
northwest and heavy frost south and
east portions. Saturday fair, warmer,
except near the coast. Westerly winds.
Waahlngton-i-Fair toniRht with light
frost west and heavy frost east por
tion. Saturday fair,warmer, except near
tha. cost. Westerly winds.
Idaho Rain or . snow tonight, freez
ing temperatures. -Saturday fair and
warmer. K ED WARP A. REALS,
-District Forecaster. .
Michigan Society. The Michigan so
ciety of Oregon la planning to hold a
meeting without a program in tha as
sembly .hall of tha Multnomah hotel
next Monday evening. Tha "New Idea"
tit gatherings will not have time con
sumed by long-drawn-out business or
longer speeches, said Mrs. Harriet Hen
dee, tha secretary, this morning. It Is
likely that soma attention will ba paid
to planning for Michigan headquarters
In Portland during; -tha Rosa Festival so
that every "Michigander" who cornea
next summer to Portland may ba made
to feel at onca at home. Judge Morrow
may talk tan minutes and President
Frost of the society has a parody on
"Michigan My Michigan" that recites
how warm it was for Michigan folks
in Portland last winter even while the
thermometer waa freeiing In tha home
state. .Tha meeting will be principally
devoted to a social tuna. Introductions
are to ba by means of cards bearing the
name and : occupation of tha wearer.
Mrs. Hendee said this morning that the
charter for membership would be open
until the Monday evening meeting. She
is to be at Eilers tomorrow from 3 to
p. m.,. to meet those members of the
society who desire to pay their yearly
dues. . '
May Complete Sewer By working
day and night shifts Contractor Elwood
wiles hopes to be able to complete both
branches of tha East Stark street sewer
in four months, although the city has
allowed nine months for! the comple
tion of the work. The sewer committee
of tha executive; board yesterday rec
ommended the award of the contract for
'the construction of branch No. 1 from
tha river to East Twenty-first street
to the company operated by Mr. Wiles,
confrsxt for branch No. I had been let
previously. Work waa started yester
day. -.
Illustrated Lecture Howard Evarts
weed, a landscape architect of Port
land, has been secured by the Horticul
tural Study club of Orenco to give an
illustrated lecture on "Landscape Gar
dening" this evening at 8 p. m. There
will ba no admission charge to the gen--eral
pwhiiftr-whteh le eerdlarlly Invited.
This club meets each week for a ays
tematlo study of horticulture, and this
is the first lecture given under Its au'
apices which has been open to the pub
lic. It is the intention of the club to
secure lecturers from time to time on
popular horticultural subjects.
"Where Boll tha Oregon." Next
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Ed
ward Barber of Walla Walla, nvash., will
lecture in the First Methodist church,
South, on Union and Multnomah. His
subject is "Where Rolls the Oregon.
Mr. Barber's lecture is a graphic, Inter
esting, pathetic, humorous and highly
instructive history of Oregon. Every
body cordially invited to bear him.
Don Misrepresent" A. 0. Clark,
president of the Portland Ad club, was
the principal speaker at the weekly
luncheon of the Portland Transporta
tion - club yesterday. He urged above
all things that goods should not be mis
represented. W. A. Bobbins was ap
pointed chairman of a , committee to
draft a constitution and bylaws J.
O. Thomas was chalrmsn of the day.
High Cost of Living. The high cost
ef living committee, Councilman Will
H. Daly, chairman, has called a meet
ing for 8 o'clock at Voelker's hall. 793
Mississippi avenue, to arrange for a
cooperative store to be established in
Alblna. Speakers will be Mr. Daly,
-Judge Isaao Swett and .Miss Eleanor
Baldwin. - . .
Jewish Services Tonight Services
will be held at the Congregation Abaval
Sholom, corner Park and Clay streets.
tonight at 8 o'clock, Charles Boblson
will apeak. Subject wUl be "Exodus"
(special Passover lecture). Tomorrow
morning services will begin at 9:80, Rab
bi Abrahamson officiating.
JTaramore Xa Seleoted At the last
meeting of the executive board of the
Oregon Society of Engineers, F. A.
Naramore was appointed to fill the
vacancy in the board caused by the res
IgnaUon of J, C. Stevens, structural en
glneer, who has gone to Spain on an
important mission.
Special Triday and Saturday Excel
lent Claret, 40c per gallon; Carolina Mt
win:, delicious, 81.50 per gallon. Kline
uros., is TMrd and 268 Washington
..streets.,: Main Bits. . ... e
lecture on Milk Sanitation For con
sumers and producers of milk, Profes
old l-oys, Frank Naple and "Walter Grler,
o hold up John Eruger, a milkman en
the Fulton road. The two boys, la a
plrlt of Jest, attempted to emulate
highwaymen, using the old gun as their
weapon, but Bruger did not see the
Joke, nor did he notice the dilapidated
condition of the gun when it was point
ed at his head. Bruger threw all the
money in his pockets, S3 in small
change, to the boys and then' drove away.
yesterday both boys- were arrested by
Patrolman Rudolph for the Juvenile
court. Young Naple lives with his fa
ther at Fulton, and the Grler boy Uvea
at 1168 Macadam road.
Given $2000 Judgment In the suit of
Myrtle Maud Delaney against her step
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, this morn
ing in the clrouit court before Judge
McGinn, a Judgment for $2000 was given
in favor of the plaintiff. The action was
over money placed in the bands of Mra
Scott as administrator for tbs step
child. ' It was stated by the girl on
the witness stand that she was given
only one new dress by the step-mother
between the time she was 13 and IS
years old. The greater number of her
clothes were "made over" from those
used by Mra Scott, added the witness.
Mrs. Scott explained that - the step
daughter was proud and quit extrava
gant, which caused a large, part of the
money left -in her care to be used for
the girl. The girl la the daughter of
Harry W. Scott, who was a well known
sign painter of Portland. He died sev
eral years ago, leaving insurance money.
The step-daughter married recently. In
the suit brought by the girl against the
step-mother yesterday in the aame court
over the distribution of land, the oourt
held In favor of the defendant Attor
neys White it Manning represent the
girl, while Simon, . Beech St Nelson ap
pear for Mrs. Scott . An appeal was
taken from the decision in the land suit
The amount Involved in this action Is in
the neighborhood of f 10,000.
Frotert Against Purchase A delega
tion of property owners from Montavllla
appeared before the tire committee of
tne executive ooara yesterday to protest
against the purchase of two lots at the
corner of East Eighty-second and Burn,
side streets. The purchase of the lots
for 11650 for use as a site for a fire
station was recommended by Fire Chief
Dowelh The property owners say a
cheaper and more central site can' be
purchased in the vicinity of East Eight!
eth and Burnslde streets. No action was
taken by the committee on the protest
The committee recommended the award
of a contract for 80 Gamewell fire alarm
boxes at a cost of $626. 1 It also rec
ommended the letting of a contract for
a firs station at Kern Park to A. W.
Horn, whose bid, the lowest tendered,
was f 2760.
roan Shark Methods Alleging that
the suit of J. W, Cahow against George
and Jane Tiemeyer will reveal some of
the most vicious methods of the loan
shark, the defendants filed an answer
to the action yesterday In the circuit
court The Tlemeyers arrived from
Germany a few years ago, and had rea
son to go to M. E. Schouweller, a money
lender in the Ablngton building, to se
cure a loan. The answer xuea in ine
aged couple's behalf sets forth that
they have more than paid tne principal
in renewals. , ;
Phones Tie Ton Orders Fresh ranch
carta 9 Act iRn- frpah killed fat henS.
v o p. tj, - ' ,
Z0o per ID.; royal cninooa eiumun, ue
nor lh hVibjI. 10c: laree crabs. 10O each:
rasar ajns.Jtos-sac.Aaj.shen
clams, 6c per id.; .Norway maciterei,
1020o each; yarmoutn oioaiers, ior
26c: klDDered salmon, 20o lb.; Olympia
oysters, 46c pt.; extra select eastern
oysters, : 46a pt.i chlnook salmon bel
lies, 20c lb. King us up. East 418, a
1694. D. Kellaher & Co.. Grand ave
and East Morrison st .
Vfaa Wntlar to Sneak Under the aus-
nlnaa nf tha Frances. Willard branch of
the W. C. T. U., Miss Emma Butler of
the juvenile court, win speaa mis even
ing at the United Brethren church, East
Twantv-neventh and Sumner streets, at
7:46 o'clock. Her topic will be "Amuse
ments and Their Relation to tne ueun
auent Girl." The meeting will be free
tn all a-lrla nvar 11 Years old and to
women. On Sunday evening; juts, wicy
Saxon Additon will speak in the same
church on "Labor and Temperance, tne
Leading mconomio issue.
Boy Hurt by Car Nine-year-old
Lawrence Kepplnger of 894 worm rwen
ty-fourth street while playing on Twen
ty-thlrd street near his home last night
ran Into a Twenty-third street car, in
charge of Motorman Wright and Con
duetor C. J. Seal, and was painfully
Injured. The Red Cross ambulance was
called and . the boy was about to be
taken to the hospital, hut it was found
that he was not badly enough hurt for
such a move and he was taken to his
home. ., .
Only Tour Divorces. The weekly il
vorce calendar contained only four ap
plicants this manning in the circuit
court. Decrees wwa granted to Annie
I Lacey from .Albert Lacey on account
of his friendship for Myrtle Bowen
Emma Simmons from Charles Simmons
for cruelty. Dollle F. Haling from WU
Ham Mallng for desertion, and C M.
Griffith from F, M. Griffith for cruelty,
Seek X.ost OlrL Chief of Police Jra
Hamilton, of Salem, has sent a photo
graph and a description of 16-year-old
Mabel Poole of Salem, who disappeared
fronVher home on March 19 and has not
since been heard from. The girl Is said
to have left Salem with Pearl Rawson
and Is believed to have come to Port
land. She is about five feet tall, has
dark hair and eyes.
1 Have you heard the latest?
' In the popular music department now
completely established in Eilers Music
House, Alder street at Seventh, the new
muslo of all the muslo nuhllsKera mnv
be found Just as Soon as the express can
oring u aner leaving tne presses.
Daily demonstrations of all the sue
cesses: come in and hear:
"Alexander's Ragtime Band," which is
still being called for In lots of dozens a
-uay. . . . . ,.. ,
"Take a Little Tin From vrhT"
V "You Can't Expect Kisses From Me."
YoA Tlk 1?, Your S1P' Don't
Mention My Name."
.. "The' Ragtime Violin."-.
' "Everybody's Doing It Now." '
Also Alice Lloyd's successes In "Little
Miss Fix It" -
"Have You Ever Lovwl Any Other
GirlT" .- ;
"Excuse Me, Mr. Moon." ' '
And that awful dawgerel, "They Gotta
Quit Kickln' My Dawg Aroun;"
.. Etc. c. .-. .. '
All at Eilers Music House, Music De
partment "the Best in the West," Alder
street at Seventh.
(Any of the above seven sent for
81.00, postage paid.) Eilers Music House,
Chlckerlng, Kimball and Autopiano deal
;ers. .v:.V.!: ,' - ,
' The Hbove and hundreds of other Se
lections, can also he supplied In our
talking machine department second
fioor. All the makes and all the rec
ords, all the time.
Lost and Stolen Bureau The polios
committee of the executive board yes.
terday acted favorably on a request
from Chief Blover for the establishment
of a lost and stolen Jewelry identifica
tion bureau. The system will be In
stalled at a cost of $300. The commit
tee recommended the , temporary ap
pointment of C. A. Waddell and F. K,
Chandler as patrolmen.
In ptir music roll department the
shove selections and hundreds of sim
ilar publications can be supplied in
music rolls for owners of all makes of
player pianos (88 notn or 66 note). Eilers
Muslo House, Alder st at 7th.
Total Seglstratlon 35,066 The total
registration for the primary electipn: is
85,066. Of this number 28,059 are Re
publicans, 5168 Democrats and 1847 mis.
cellaneous. Only a few days remain
for voters to place their names on the
precinct registers. The books are open
each evening on tha fourth floor of the
We, the Bast Bide Cleaners and Dyers
wish to announce to the publlo and to
our customers who have patronised us
so loyally in the past that hereafter
we will clean and press either ladles'
or gent's, suits, $1.50. - Thanking you for
past favors. Phones Tabor 8619, Main
9182, A-7388. ," ,
reared . Man Was Bobber Julius
Jacobs, proprietor of the Arcade Jewelry
store, 22 North Sixth street has re
ported to the police that an attempt
was made to hold him up Wednesday
night when a large man walked into
the store and asked Jacobs If he were
alone in the place. Jacobs, who became
frightened at the strange actions of the
man. Jumped around the corner of tha
counter and the man fled, and as he ran
out the door Jacobs saw a club or the
butt of a fun in his hands. Jacobs
gave chase for several blocks, but the
man made his escape.
XJfhts tot Bridge The bridge com
mittee of the city executive board ys
terday adopted a report recommending
the installation of lights on the sub
structure of the Broadway bridge and
the employment of a watchman to care
for them at a salary of 875 a month.
Crawfish la Season Again Spiced
and cooked In wine, . always fresh at
Levens Grille. French dinner from 4 to
8. 948 Ash street, opposite Multnomah
Steel and Galvanised trea Tanks of
all descriptions for crude oil and gaso
line storage. B. Trenkman A Co., 102-
4-8 North '4th Street A-8432, M, 831.
Steamer Jesse Bar kins for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington stroot
dock at 2 p, m.
Trunks Delivered 2 So each 1 mile to or
from depots. Phone rates of city, de
livery. Union Trans. Co.. 129 N. 11th.
Just 19 BUnntea' Bids from First and
Alder streets to Oaks rink; skating af
ternoon ana evening.
W. A. Wise and associates, painless
dentists, Third and Washington, .
See Xomestake Third Acres Smith A
Son, 810 Railway Exchange. , ' 1
Warner Patterson Co- high
merchant tailors, 50 Stark.
Pr. B. C. Brows,. Eye. Bar, Marqnam
Making Good.
"Give me some of yovir cards,' ex
claimed one of my customers yesterday,
after my tailor had altered and fitted
one of my ready to wear $18.75 suits
to his satisfaction. "This suit fits me
better than my old one which was Toade
to order at twice the price." I owe
my success to these good fellow "boost
ers," but I have to "make good" first
Jimmy .Dunn, room 815, Oregonian
building. Take elevator. '
Carnation Special, 60c Doz.
428 Washington Street,
Bet. 11th and 12th.
Marshall 753, A-1334.
Easter's Most Attractive
Glove Sale
Why Attractive?
Because this glove sale offers the world's best makes, the
highest standard of glove perfection, in the'newest and most desir
able styles and colors. Every pair is guaranteed to Lennon's by
the most reliable makers. Every pair is guaranteed, to you-by'
LENNON'S. We guarantee your moneys worth for every pair
of gloves you purchase of us.. COMMENCING SATURDAY.
Women's Pique Kid
; Gloves 98c ,
This style is increasing in popu
larity daily. Made of the slightly
heavier skins, they are very durable
and are perfect fitting. This lot in
black, white, tan, brpwn, biscuit,
gray and other colors. $1.35 AO
value....................... yOC
Long Chamois Gloves $2.19
Every lady wishes to possess a
pair of long wash leather Gloves.
Here's your splendid opportunity.
Elbow length (12-B. L.) o q
Wash Chamois . ....... eDae 1 U
16-button length Wash Aj j
Chamois, worth $3..... $LftO
Long French Rid Gloves $2.85
A quality that is absolutely depend
able, perfect fitting, fine grained
and a glove that cleans beautifully.
White, black and tan. frO QC
$3.50 quality........... ePeOD
$150 Gloves for $1.25
We have selected these popular'
styles : Washable Doe Skin in white ;
English Cape Gloves in new tans;
Mocha Gloves in gray; Pique Kid
Gloves with Paris point embroidery
in all colors. : All worth $1.50, to be
sold at the popular P"ceJ 2 J
Kayser's Silk Gloves
This Glove Store is headquarters for
these well-known and justly cele
brated Silk Gloves. The name Kay
ser is synonymous with Silk Glove
Perfection. Complete assortment of
.Kayser's Gloves always at Lennon's.
16-button length . Kayser's Silk
Gloves, Paris point embroidery, in.
white, black, tan and alldl Aft
colors 3)leUU
We direct your special attention to
our numerous standard brands of
Gloves at the Very lowest prices
consistent with this class of superior
Our Interchangeable
Facings. A "Wise" Idea
Our brldgs
wots nas
been brought
to the high
est state ot
per t ectlon'. .
The teeth
on this
bridge are
at will
without re
moving from
lh. vn mi th
ine Beat Bed Bubbes ltea, each tT.SO
fia-Karat Oold or Porcelain Ciowa $3.00
CKld or Znaznel ruling , eaoa 9100
SUrer rUUnga. each SOe
For Men and Women
putss wrrx txexxbli tuonoir
The Terr Beat and Latest la Madera
SenUatry, Bo More Palling- Plates.
Offloe Honre
m. to 1p.m. Bandaye, te 1.
Phones Mala 8039, A-8039
Paning- Bldg, 3d and waahlBftos
Sr. Wise's Personal Serrloe U requested.
East 629
, "DENT GLOVES," pique and
prix seam, $1.50, $2, $2.25.
"THE DICTATOR," the finest
pique kid glove, $2.00.
"REYNIER" Suedes, the world's
best, $1.50, ?2.00, $2.25.
$1.25 to $2.00,
long and short, 50 to $2.00.
"THE S T R A N D" Pique Kid
Gloves, for dress or street wear,
Many r other styles and makes,
comprising upon the whole as com
plete a Glove stock as can be found
m any eastern or western city.
GloVes cleaned in a superior man
ner either short or long lengths
(any length), 10 pair,
309 Morrison
. a. 3, Lxanrow a p. bxbo
Opp. Postoffice
. The House That Quality Built
HBIL1Q fat AT wu
. tT , ereatlt ft Taylor
Phones Main 1 and A-112J ,
Famous Tlddlgh Singer
Mme. Pragcr pStxbds,ot
In the Yiddish PUy '
Lower flru 11 rows, $1.60; 7 rows. II
Balcony 75e-80o. Gallery 15a, 6o.
When Tea Was First Sold
In 1657 tea was first sold in England by Thomas Garraway,
at the London Coffee House, for $15.00 a pound. We sell you
our best "Society Brand" at $1.00 per pound. We aim to keep'
high cost of living within the limit of your purse.
Portland's Oldest and Best Grovers r
148 THIRD STREET , A-4432, Main 8432
Portland's Oldest and Best Grocers
Best Shelled California Almonds, reg. 60c, per lb...50
- Virgin Rice, in 2 and 5-lb. sacks, regularly 12c per
pound, each 25 and 50
Standard Canned Tomatoes, regular $1.20 dozen. .$1.00
Malaga Table Raisins, reg. 50c pound..... .40
Smyrna Figs, "Pulled," reg. 25c, pound... ....20
Finnan Haddock, fresh, per lb.............. 20
Extra Large Queen Olives, regular 5c, pint ..25t
Best Sauterne, per dozen quarts. $7.50
., Real German Raspberry Syrup, quart.... ......... ,75
Guaranteed Ranch Eggs, 2 dozen for. .45
Fancy Florida Grapefruit,
Fresh Pineapple, Apples, V ,
y Red and Yellow Bananas, ,
Sweet Navel Oranges, not frost bitten.
Fancy Jumbo Green and White Asparagus,
Artichokes, Green Oregon Peas,
Parsley, Celery and Celery Hearts,
Fancy Head Lettuce and New Potat6es. '
Order a nice, swet Sugar-Cured Virginia Ham.
Some Spliced Currants, or Grape Chutney. . -
Swedish Milk Wafers, or St Johnsbury..Crackers.
, Bar le Due Jelly, or Macaroons.
Everything to tickle the palate.
We Deliver to All Parts of the City.
Open an Account With Us Today.
Be Ready For
Old Age Save
It's a period that we
all must face the
afternoon "of life
when our youthful
vigor is on the wane
and our earning pow
er is declining.
If we've failed to make
capital of the best years of
our life to save when we
were young and life was
before, us there's little
chance for success when,
we grow old.
Don't . think It won't pay
to save small sums if your
income is small you'll
have a start anyhow and
then after the income
grows larger you'll save
more for you'll have
formed the habit of fru
galityof living within
your income.
We Pay 4
Portland Trust Co.
Thin: and Os Sts.
"Ernest Crosby," a aisdpl of Walt
Whitman, lecture tonlght-t 8, by Wil
liam Thurston Brown, prtnelpal'of the
Modern school, i Behnke-Walker build
ing, fourth floor. Admission free. Sun
day morning at 11, E. J. S. McAllister
will speak on "The Ethics of - Single
Where il the Best Flaoe to get good
eyeglasses fitted and not be over
charged? At Geo. Rubensteln's. Hun-
lilm. 189 Thlrd-st, noar Taylor.
Took Joke Seriously An old rusty
gun, without a chamber for cartridges,
was used Monday night by two 18-year-
SoydUqaor Store
"Royal Stands for Quality"
You will always find a complete, line of choice Domes
tic and Imported Wines, Liquors and Cordials here.
All goods guaranteed under , the Pure Foods Law.
Try a Bottle of
bicwari Kve ai wjjlo
h "It Sure U Pure"
Free Delivery Phones Main 5375, A-5376
F. W- Baltes
and Company
invite yonr
inquiries for
First and Oak
True Scenic Route
Trains Daily
Through Tickets to All Parts of the
world at Lowest Kates. i
Up-to-date Sleeping Cars.
Up-to-date Tourist Cars.
Up-to-date Dining Cars.
Up-to-date Service.
Owing to the unprecedented demand
for tickets to hear world's
And her concert company
(Box Office Theatre)
nzoz ixoo
Come Early Secure Beet Seats.
Hardman Plana Vsed,
The Old Country,
China and Japan.
Try the
Service de Luxe
A solid train, electric lighted, running
through between Portland and
St Paul in 21, days.
For rates and full information, apply
at local office, Third and Pine (Mult
nomah Hotel Bldg.). or address
G. A. P. D., Portland.
TOOAT, 10 A.M.
KelUff Theatee
4 gffiiNG Snn, Uarch
Special Price Matinee Wednesday
Lulu Closer
' ' i In the Musical Comedy, "
6ft People to. Special Orchestra.
Evenings: Lower floor, H, ll.Bfl;
balcony, $1.60. 11, TBc, 60c; gallery,
60c. Wednesday mat, lower floor,
$L60, 11' balcony, 6 rows, fl; ( rows
76c; ll rows. 60c; gallery, 35c. 16c
Bltullthlo pave
ment Is so perma
nent that there
can be no ques
tion as to tho
economy of this
process la the
long run.
Oregon Humane Society
Office City Hall, Main l8; A-7689.
Humane Officer, sergeant E. U Crate,
Residence 24 E. 24th N..-East 4779.
Horse ambulance corner of 6th and Tv-
! lor. Veterinary in charge. Marshall IH.
Animais- nescue noma, xsormrop Acres.
Thomas A Short, Supt. A-6647, t rings.
Footer 5c Klcljscr
BJgh. OraJeiXommf rtial a ad Elfctrti
Bast Ttfc asA nut v-erett fta. '
riwM swt ixui a-aaa, , ..v: .
Mala a and A-S3eo
Geo. Ik Baker, ten.
Tonight all week bargain mat Wed.,
zoc. Mai. eai.. zoc-ouc, rosuireiy tne
biggest and merriest of musical come
dies. First time here s
Tne Wewlywsds and Their Baby
See them -Lovey, Covey, Snookums
and the rest 60 people, 76 per cent girls.
If there's a laugh left In your system,
they will extract It Evenings, 25o, 60c.
76c. II.
Baker Stock Company
Opens next Sunday matinee In
Greatest plays and players ever offered.
Frloes Evenings, SSo and SOe. Hats 83c.
Monday Bargain Might All seats 83a.
tV XAnr s, A-:oao
THEATRE 1 5-23-50-75 C
MAX, 35
McXntyre and Heath. XCenshaw and Av
ery, Three Shelvey Boys, Alvla and Xn
ny, Schooler and Dloklnson, John Macn-
ley, Brows and Bevarro. Ktnsee Svery
Psy. " ,
'u-' Matinee Bany
WBBX MASO&98 Ad Wolgest, light,
weight Champion Boxer, and Selected
Company, ube Strickland, The tab Bar
row Pour, The Baked Truth, Starr and
Tall, Jbeavrtt and Dunr.nore, risher and
Green, Ventages Orchestra, Vntg'
cope. Fopular prices.
f ,.r. . . Btstuee tvery pay.
rsj SuUivan Conelfllus
r orderly
WEEK MARCH 85 The QlAlt-Actr,
Oeo. Auger; Black and White, Itloe, ti
mer and Tom (4) Hodges (4), Jenulnu
and Renfrew, Orchestra. Vrloes l5o aod
88a - - . .
rand 9 Bef ined Tsadavllie
week xamcx . as B-iee c"r.
Breedw- S)MMre4- ..
Is Flood Musical Comedy Co., In "At .
ralr." Hew faces, sew muaie, new eou.
tomes, new scenery. Two jrfwr- .'
nlffbUy, 7:30o, :lO. 15e sad i i
dAily. 8s30l any sent 16. '
Holidays. niK'i P'i), jr. i
chorus gu'ls' cusUai.