The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 29, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Commercial Agent of Bureau
, of Manufactures, ' Depart
' ment of Commerce, Speaks
; Before Local Chamber.
Lotett if. Wood, Commercial agent of
the bureau of manufacture of the de
partment of commerce and labor, at an
informal luncheon at the Multnomah
hotel at noon today .explained to a num.
ber of prominent members of the Port
land chamber of commerce the Impor
tance end magnitude of American com
merce In the orient and possibilities for
market extension across the Pacific.
Mr. Wood, whose home Is In Seattle,
has just returned from a 16 month tour
of the orient his travels extending over
Formosa, Japan, China, Manchuria, east
ern Siberia, the Strait settlement and
the Philippines. The purpose waa to
Investigate and ascertain opportunities
for marketing goods of American man
ufacture In those countries.
Demand Increasing.
- "I found the demand for American
fcoods increasing In the orient," said
Mr. Wood, fcnd there la a remarkable
wakening in the deelre for modern
goods from all foreign nations. Amer
ica has very active competition for
trade in, English, German, French, Bel
gian, Swiss and Australian manufactur
ers. I found that where large American
Interests had American representatives
who had made themselves familiar .with
the peculiar-trade and financial meth
ods, they received a very satisfactory
volume of business and steadily Increas
ing. These representatives, too, are do
ing very valuable work for smaller con
cerns who are not personally. represented
there. I found, however, too much of a
disposition on the part of smaller
American manufacturers depending on
foreign representatives, a method which
for many reasons is not conducive to the
fullest rea'izatlon of the rapid Increase
of orders for foreign goods all-over the
orient. -; ' ' .- .- ; : .
- Must Study Routes.
'"There is a need for American manu
facturers to study not only the increase
developed under the plan of the bureau
of manufactured Id develop foreign
trade, tut to consider the use of foreign
bottom and the time lost In the round
about shipping routes, and to see what
can be done to their profit In the na
tural shortest and safest routes auross
the Pacific ocean. This would give an
additional advantage of not endangering
perishable goods by : the extreme heat
met with In shipping by, way of Euro
pean porta, ? .
"Another important point Is the na
tural advantig ot isn Oriental depot
for distribution to all principal markets
throughout the orient. My. investiga
tions led me to believe that Manila is
the ideal point of dlatrlbntlon, with Oh
added advantage of being American
territory dominated by American laws
a nd America n-4nihiener
"In io y talks to the commercial bod-
lea of the various Pacific coast cities
I have urged that they not only take
active interest In promoting the 4istrl
Km Mnn " A It 'A ........ ., I
but give such cordial cooperation and
assistance to the Philippine Islands as
will result . In the future to. the great,
profit of the Pacific coast, as well as
the whole union.
Chinese Ate rriendly.
"i oeueve tne i'niuppines are more
valuable "in a national commercial way,
and will prove more profitable to us
as such, than Alaska has been from
I he date of ita purchase to the present
time, and I believe that thase who ad
vocated abandonment of the Philippines
are farther astray than those who for
eo many, years were convinced that we
shcjld give' Alaska back to Russia.
. The Chinese are very friendly to the
United States, and for many reasons,
one being that a number of Chloese
have been educated In the United States.
I found the Chinese business men hon
est and capable, in fact to such an ex
tent that I regard them aa the best
business men in the world." .
Dr. Wood was in various parts of
China during the rebellion, but declares
he felt as safe as upon hit return to
America, for both factions were very
careful not to molest foreigners.
"Had the missionaries obeyed instruc
tions from their respective consuls, they
would have escaped trouble," explained
Mr. Wood, f- '-rr-rr
Missionaries Doing Good.
'"But instead of getting away from
the scenes of the fighting they re
mained, and in many cases endeavored
to retain leadership. Some consuls went
bo far as to deport missionaries who
were overconfident and Insisted, on re
maining. ' ; .
"Others were just as curious and can
tankerous, and I am not intending at all
to cast any invidious reflections upon
these missionaries, and I will say that
the missionaries; have done a great deal
of good in China In the way of spreadt
Ing European education, and for which
. they are entitled to much credit
' Mr.-Wood says the Chinese are rap
Idly, adopting European style of dress
And methods, and he looks forward to
a time in the very near future when
the Chinese will stand far to the front
among the most progressive and up to
date nations. He says the rebellion will
: have less evil" erf eels commercially In
China than had a revolution of its
magnitude In any other nation.
(Continued From Page.Qne. t
as a shock to spme of the doctors
Zr. White talked plainly.! His list:
Counties with full and reliable sta
tistics: Multnomah, Clatsop, Douglas
Wasco, Jackson, Josephine, Marionj Til
lamook, i Umatilla and Union. - .
Statistics fairly accurate Baker,
llenton. Coos, Hood River, Lane, Wash
ington ana Tamnm.
., Statistics totally Inaccurate: iClacka.
was, Columbia. Grant, Lincoln, lolk,
Herman ana waiiows. ...
, fctatlstics ' utterly,: worthtess and
imply a farce: Crook, Gilliam, Lake,
Malheiir and heeler'.;
, Education Tracking.
' LjcJf of education among the people
themselves and Ignorance of the law
compelling ; them to report all births.
deaths and contagious diseases at once,
ne sei sown as one or( the causes why
o poor a showing was made. But he
hadn't any mercy on the doctors who
were derelict through careleasness ftnd
lul" we !e'lye,h0ttldn"eatotHl4e4fr'C)"1 Vh4te
mm, witnout a permit and until sta
titi had ew filled out.
. lr. K, Hcuek. of Roseburg, Doug-
1 a . ....... ,.!.. 1. 1 ' ...
' v'..,ij, iuiu inn cipn.itiiur "Willi
M jM& siUtlc and -gave
plan cf collecting through correspond
ents, that he eaid couldn't fall if ap
plied with energy. Dr. Houck's county
has made a better showing than any 1
other of its population in tts'e state. !
Dr. Houck advocated a law that rath-
er startled some of those who heard
him, however, when he declared that
children whose . births ; were not re
ported and registered should be made
Illegitimate. He didn't think the . law
vnnlit Hsa nMifln rv hnvavAP hut a 1,1
that the education l-resultine" from its
discussion would hlp show the people.
the importance of turning in statistics.
"The people don't understand the val-'
ue of the statistics," he said. "They
should understand that they would save
themselves great trouble Involving
possible legitimacy of their children
by cooperation. I think they will doles the fish were being unloaded from
this,, however, when they are' educat
ed to what the law requires. ' Fully one
fourth of the people don't know births.
deaths and contagious diseases must be
reported." . .
Health officers of several counties
Joined in the discussion following these
papers, and mora than one promised to
use more energy in future, though all
said they were working under handi
caps. These papers and discussions
followed along the same lines as those
advocated yesterday by Dr. Andrew C.
Smith, who declared doctors derelict In
their duty should be prosecuted.
The cigarette came In for a good lam-
baantg from Dr. Alfred Kinney of
toni. who talked on TMrh.r- TS,,ti.
in Publio Health." Dr. Kinney said the
school teacher could be .very valuable
as a sort of detective to ferret out what
waa the matter with the children, and
to remedy conditions. He called the
cigarette one of the dangers of the
"The teacher can find out If the dot
has been smoking quicker thaa his parents,-
he said. "The child that begins
to smoke at 6, 8, 10, 12 and even 14
years of age, unless It can be stopped,
will not be worth the money spent on
Its education. And further, that child
will be a menace to other children.
Is the cigarette more harmful than
the pipe? I think not. But It is a
short smoke, the boy can steal a few
whiffs often, and the tendency is to
inhale. So lu effect la worse.
The boy who begin smoklna- aarlv
Is sure to be a fiend or at least he will
be a drunkard. There never was a
drunkard who didn't smoke to excesa
and most of them began smoking very
eany. inere are exceptions, of course."
Tonight K E. Coon, sanltarv enainaer
of Chicago, will lecture in the Medical
funding on the best methods of sewage
Quarantining Facilities.
Portland has worse facilities for Quar
antining and handling an epide'mle of
contagious disease than any city of
Its size in the United States, accord
ing to Dr. R. C. Tenney, who "led off
tne discussion yesterday afternoon with
a paper on "How Best to Enforce Quar
antine." "There la no place where you
can take persons suffering from con
tagious disease In Portland," said he,
"unless you mix them up with sufferers
from other diseases and let them con
tract three of four varieties of sickness.
I don't know any community worse off,
than this one."
How rigidly to enforce a Quarantine
presents some puzzlers to the conscien
tious doctor, he said. Dr. Yenney took
the view that the community owed tho
Individual protection, as well as the
individual's owing the community pro
tection. Whenever possible, he be
lieved In letting the breadwinner of the
tamily leave the house.
Quarantine in measles Dr. Tenney held
to ba virtually useless, because th eon;
taglous stage of the disease comes be
fore the patient "breaks out" Dr, Ten
ney summed up by declaring that quar
antine is of no value anyway, unless
there la thorough disinfection 'after
every case.
Starts "Something."
Than Mm Tr f! it mut., .iiulffreBs: Dr. Blalock of Walla Walla. I
health officer, who had his little' Joke !
ai me expense or tne other doctors. Dr.
Wheeler was to exnlaln the dlffernnce
tetween eruptive diseases with symptoms !
confusingly alike, especially smallpox j
and chlckenpox, but he started' a small1
slsed, stampede after he had declared
that he was going to "Illustrate" his leo
ture. . !
"Come here" he called to a young
man in the rear of the room, who haJ
slipped in unnoticed. The young man
came. He appeared to be afflicted with
a beautifully developed case of small-
pox and a good many of the doctors
developed a sudden disposition to shrink
into the farthest corner of their chairs.
But Dr. Wheeler assured them it was
After that, ihe doctors went ud to
the young man with the chlckenpox,
who obligingly removed his shirt, and
permitted himself to be prodded and
thumped and pummeled with great good
nature. Then Dr. Wheeler went on with
his lecture. Illustrating on the ytfung
man and by figures on the blackboard
how to differentiate between smallpox
and chlckenpox.
"There's a stage In the two diseases
when no doctor living could say exact
ly which It was.- he said, "but after
the eruption breaks out there's no ex
cuse for wrong diagnosis."
Statement Challenged.
It looked for a minute as if the ses
sion would bs enlivened by a split on
the vaccination subject, when Dr. B.
T. McCallora of Polk county declared
that he had noticed a deep and lasting
prejudice against smallpox.
iaim prejuaicenas been spreading
through the country since the recent
mild form of the disease," he said. "A
good many people fear vaccination more
than they do smallpox. And personally,
can say that I ve seen almost more
damage from vaccination. People get
pretty sick sometimes, sicker than if
they had smallpox. Some cases of vac
cination are very severe."
This brought a quick reply from Dr.
Calvin 8. White, secretary of the state
board of health. . v
"I don't want -; that statement to so
unanswered," cried Dr. Whita "la 1000
cases of vaccination in the last three
months on which we have statistics, not
one has been confined, to bed. And for
10 years now, there hasn't been a death
from vaccination. Cleanliness and sci
entific methods have eliminated1 the
Vaccination . is a doctrine so abso
lutely proved that every man Is .dere
lict in his duty If he save one word
against It"
The tension was relieved when Dr. Mc-
Callom hastened to declare Tie was not
against vaccination, and in fact, urged
ltAhllt that QI niAlv atntln a
fact in speaking of the existing .preju
dice. ;
(United Press !Lm4 wire.)
Seattle, Wash.. March 29. For the
purpose of breaking a corner on pota
toes In San Francisco, said to be held
by a Japanese, 400 tons of potafcoe are
on their wajr to that city today, form
ing a part of the cargo of the steam
ship Governor. The influx. Of . Ban
Francisco buyers sent the prices Of
potatoes up to MS a ton. but the mar
ket has ' partially adjusted itself and
the retailers are able to buy at 40.
Helen Gould In Bay City. '
(Ualtea Pre Ix-Med Wire.)
meiseo," Maren 29,MtBw-Helen
Gould, the notedTphllanthroplet, is In
Sa,n Francitcd today after a. trip across
me continent ty easv etaaree on th
railroads owned by her family. Miss
ttettia s vutt is-surely for pleasure.
mm m
J. LL Barber, a wholesale fish dealer
l 208 TaTlor trt: J- Bastr nd 3
w- Streauser, fishermen of Oregon
City, were arrested at 5:30 o'clock this
morning by Master Fish Warden Clan-
I ton and several deputies, on a charge of
having and receiving salmon illegally
i caugrt-muring tne closed season. Tne
arrests were made at Barber's store
express wagon, in wnicn they naa
been brought from Sellwood. The driver
of the wagon had met the boat which
carried them from Oregon City, where
they had been caught. It la said.
Through a tip early last evening
Clanton learned that several hundred
pounds of fine chlnook salmon were fin
the way from Oregon City to Portland,
and would arrive here some time to
ward morning. , Immediately upon re
ceiving.the Information, Clanton gath
ered several of 'his deputies together
and prepared to lay In wait' for the al
leged violators of the -law. It was
known that an expressman would prob
As-!b!.y from Oregon City at
Benwooo. a man waa piacea on waicn
at that point The wagon In which the
fish were brought also carried the two
Oregon City fishermen, from Sellwood
to Portland. As the wagon neared lta
destination the deputies, who had been
in hiding waiting Its arrival, arrested
both men and took them to the county
Jail. The expressman waa ordered to
leave his wagon load of fish In front ot
tne atore until someong came to
celve them, He was told to stay with
the wagon.
Shortly after (:S0 o'clock . Barbey
carne to open the store and receive the
fish. It is asserted. From a nearby
point Clanton watched the men unload
the fish i and as they were" being taken
into the store he arrested Barbey. The
cases contained 1200 pounds of large
Chinook salmon.
The case will be heard in Justice ot
the Peace Bell's court thla afternoon.
"An X)pen River" rally will be held
in Pasco on April 15 and 16, The Port
land Chamber of Commerce has been
asked to send delegates. It will be
represented among the speakers ' by
Joseph N. Teal and W. S. Smallwood,
the manager of its transportation com
mittee. The purpose of the meeting at Pasco
is to call the attention of the United
States congress tb the urgent necessity
of opening to navigation the Colum
bia and Snake rivers before the com
pletion .of the Panama canaL In its
call, the Pasco Chamber of Commerce
sets forth that the appropriations now
made by the government are not suf
ficient to complete the Celllo canal for
properly dredge the Columbia and Snake
rivers before the Panama canal Is fin
ished. It is ' to emphasize the import
ance of this ar.d to secure' cooperation
c f all commercial organizations along
the Columbia and Snake rivers and from
all over the inland empire that the
"Open River" rally has heen Itnued.
, Besides the Portland tho
meeting there will , be Governor Hay of
Washington, Governor Hawley of Idaho,
Professor W. D. Lyrosn, state director
Maclean and W. W. Durham of Spo-
kane. It. C Beach and ex-United States
Senator Heitfeld of Lew'ston, Judge J.
A.' Munday of Vancouver,. Captain Fred
M. McDermott cf Kettle Falls, and Cap
lain W. P. Gray of Pasco. These men
represent the leaders of the open river
movement of the Inland empire. The
Portland Chamber of Commerce expects
to be represented by a large, delegation
at this "meeting. -
i - - -
Salm Bnreao of The Jsnrnil.)
Salem, Or., March 29. Indications of
a renewal of the fight made last year
by the Musicians' Mutual association of
Portland to Induce the state fair board
to employ during the fair local bands
are shown In a letter received today by
Governor West from Carl Stoll, secre
tary of the assoclatloiut -?-r-rr--"
"Only since last year has the practice
of securing foreign musical attractions
been Inaugurated," , he says. "We be-1
neve sues action unjust to musicians
who are resident taxpayers of the state."
For the last month the state ; fair
board has been negotiating with an east
ern band to furnish musio for the state
fair, and it is expected that the contract
will be signed within the next few days.
When Secretary Stoll's letter was
shown to Frank Meredith, secretary of
tne lair board, he declined to make any
comment, except to say that the board
was trying to give the people the best
state fair possible.
(United Prear Leaied Wire.) i
Peklns. March 29. Serious outbreaks
have occurred In Nanking with looting
1 IA
and brigandage going on among the soUilpifffi
.today. , '.
Two "Mike Millers."
Shortly after Mike Miller had been
arrested by Patrolman John Ooltx In
Alblna yesterday on a " vagrancy com
plaint another Mike Miller appeared
and told the patrolman he had secured
a warrant for the arrest of Mike Miller
No. 1 for larpeny by bailee. Mike MJller
No. 2 claimed that about three weeks
ago he Bold to Mike Miller No, la
quantity ot furniture which was to be
paid .for in .two weeks. Some time ago
Mike Miller" No,' 1 sold the fiirnUure to
Joe Cresonu of .68 Stun ton street and
then left the city, it Is declared He
.returned yesterday and was eenvby
Mine Miner no. z while in the custody
of Qoltti. The case will be heard next
Alaska Democrats for' Clark. -(United
.Pre Letted Wirt.)
- Valdea, Alaska. March 29. With a
strong Champ Clark sentiment prevail
ing, the Alaska Democratic convention
is in session here today. Fifty dele
gates are present, : It is probable that
the. six delegates to the national Demo
cratic .convention in Baltimore will bo
sent there uninstructed.
She Meets Him With Special Train.
ftlultetl Prem leatrd Wlrt.t
"" Ban TtMetiKorUtinfir-tt-tterT!cr
M. Johnson traveled 000 miles from
New Zealand to mSet his fiancee, Miss ,
Helen WVlls, he met hlni here-in a,
special train In Which she carried him
1 ...
ito.ixs Aogoles tv thSAveddlng.
llt-Uil 111 UI1L.UUI1; IU
Anoe Circr Makroetfi' nrl
j UUCo ill oL III IVCUIaoKd cUIU
Then Will Come West; Sen
ator Well Pleased With Po
litical Conditions.
fUnlted Presi Leased Wire.)
Washington, March 29. Details of
his proposed tour of Washington, Ore
gon and California, in the interest of
his campaign for the Republican nomi
nation for' president, were given to the
United Press by Senator La Follette of
Wisconsin. If the present plans are
carried out, Senator La Follette will go
to Nebraska early next week, and will
spend five days In touring the state.
From Nebraska he plans to go to Ore
gon, spending a week In speechmaklng
there, and after a trip through Wash
ington state will tour California.'
Senator La Follette today was pleased
with the political situation, bavins re
ceived encouraging reports from his
campaign managers, on the Paclflo
coast. During his absence and that of
Walter Houser, Congressman Nelson of
Wisconsin will be In charge of La Fol
lette headquarters here.
Benator La Follette announced this
afternoon that for the present ho would
center the fire of his campaign on Ne
braska and the Paclflo coast statea
Later, he-announced, he may tour the
states ot the middle west and New Eng
land. IS
The proposed Interstate bridge across
ths Columbia river and connecting Van
couver and Portland occupied tho atten
tion of tho realty board at the weekly
luncheon of realty men today, Vancou
ver was represented by a committee
headed by Lloyd DuBois, president of
tho Vancouver Commercial club, while
Portland's Interest was looked after bv
C. C. Colt of the Union Meat company
and Frank B. Riley, vice president for
Oregon of tho Pacific Highway asso
ciation. Short talks were made by Mr.
Riley, Mr, Colt, Mr. DuBois and H. L.
Moody. ., -.
Mr. DuBois. who made the nrlnctaal
address from the Vancouver, viewpoint,
prefaced his remarks by declaring that
there Is no necessity for making an ar
gument in favor of a highway bridge
over the Columbia river connecting Van
couver and .Portland. "Evervbodv rt-nt.
nizes the absolute necessity for such
a bridge," continued the speaker. ' "It
must oe bunt sooner or later, then why
delay T-Why-nut go" W wofk sow and
have the bridge completed within the
next two years, so that Vancouver and
Portland may begin to reap some ef the
profit to be derived from a closer com
mercial connection 7 Vancouver belongs
to Portland. It-is closer to th Mntr
of Portland than St Johns or Mount
Scott and but for the fact that th
Columbia river flows between them Van
couver would long ago have become a
part of Portland."
Mr. DuBois ouoted Governor Hav of
Washington as saying that he had no
doubt that the legislature of Washing
ton would do its part toward building
the proposed Interstate bridge.
Upon the conclusion of the address by
Mr. DuBois a resolution was unanimous
ly adopted by the realty board pledging
Its support,--financial and otherwise, to
the Portland-Vancouver bridge.
Milton A. Miller of Lebanori ami
Walter M. Pierce of Hot Lake will ad
dress a meeting of Democrats at Ore
gon City tomorrow night Both ' are
candidates for nomination for the United
States senate and met In Portland to
day, mutually arranging for the meet
ing in tne mm city.-.
f Sdtku
m ins net i m
B 1 1 lU',"',esBTTTB
L $3.00 A
, far 'T'.' 'tLf
A . . .
fk .1 Mek 1
l bchloss Baltimore uothes Schloss Baltimore Clothes
Walter H. Evans, candidate for the
Republican nomination for district at
torney, Is going to take some time from
his campaign and professional duties
and organize the "Candidates'-Defense
league." Yesterday he told why.
"A man came to me and said his name
was Evans. He believed he must be
some klq to me, 4Ie told me where he
had come from and who his folks were.
and . I couldn't remember any cousins
of his complexion. He said he wasn't
busy Just now, and because he and I had
the same name and there was a good
chance of our being- cousins, ho would
like to help me In a whole-hearted, dis
interested way by distributing some of
my cards around Bridal Veil and the
upper end of the county.
"i said to myself: 'All this is too
good to be true. Nothing so soft as this
ever happens to candidates even In their
dreams.' But I was 'willing for Mm te
distribute the cards. , He took them,
turned away, came back, - and mildly
suggested that I pay his car faro and
Incidental expenses. , . .
"Then I wen $ down on the street and
met W. A. Carter, and he said this man
had come to him with the cousin story.
And Henry Reed had also found a cous
in In this obliging Individual.- Ha waa
all names to all candidates, and since
this Is 'open season' fog candidates, I
wouldn't be surprised If ho were doing
a good business. : ' -
"And that's the way it goes day after
day. Tot) would aover imagine you had
so many friends you had never seen
before who need so many things in re
turn for their friendship. It baa to be
the 'closed door to all of them." .
"I want to Join that "Candidates' De
fense league right away," declared Ben
Selling, candidate for United State sen-
ator, who happened to bear Mr. Evans
talking. '. ..,'.,.'' .."
"Only, a few minutes ago a man earns
to me and said he would bs for mo like
b . but. that aa ho was a candidate
himself he would like $150 for his cam
patgn fund. He thought that would be
a fair exchange.
. "I said to that gentleman: "Of all the
sheer, unadulterated, Ingenuous, hopeful
nerve that I ever encountered, yours Is
a specimen of the purest ray serene. Tou
go and. graft soma one else."
(United Press Letted Wire. 1
Washington. March 29. A bill provid
ing for the physical valuation of rail
roads was ' unanimously reported today
by tho Interstate commerce committee of
the house ot representatives. Tho bill
empowers the Interstate commerce com
mission to Investigate all railroad stock
and bond Issues to ascertain whether
there has been any overcapitalization.
The .-aluatlon. Is to begin 60 days after
the bill has become effective.
- Tho Interstate commerce commission
is also empowered to compel any railroad
to submit Its records for tho Inspection
of ths commission. . , 1 ,
. (Bptclal to The Journal.)
Albany, Or., March It.--An automo
bile carrying six people plunged off ths
Calapooia bridge near Albany yester
day afternoon, falling' 25 feet Nona ot
ths occupants ot tho car was seriously
hurt .
Tho car wss owned by Frank Fran
cisco of Corral lis and was being driven
by a son 20 years of age. Ths four
other occupants of the car were Mrs.
Frank Francisco, Mrs. Lucy Francisco,
mother of the owner of. tho car, and
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Guthrie of Corvallla
Mr. Francisco had owned the car but
three days. The party went to a fu
neral yesterday and was returning when
tho accident occurred. ,
. (United Press Letted Wire.)
London, March 29. Wild cheering
greeted the announcement by Premier
Asqulth In the houo of commons to
day that King George bad signed the
miners' minimum wage bill, which be
came immediately effective. - Reports
from tho mining districts are that tho
miners are voting very slowly on the
referendum to end the coal war, but
that they probably will agree to the
government's plan. -
Schloss Baltimore Clothes Schloss BzlMmbtt Clothes
it iiiir i ii
to you.
We invite you
$IS' to $40
(Balea Boreta of Tht Joarnal.)
' Salem, Or., March 29. Two "honor",
prisoners made a getaway , last night
from their temporary headquarters near
Tuberculosis farm, where the men were
working with a. rock crusher. They are
William Smith, received from Malheur
county February 21, 1911, for burglary,
under a two years' sentence, and Qeorge
Beeson, received from Baker county
December 15, 1910, tor assault to rob,
under a four years' sentence.
The superintendent who. has had
charge of the men has been away for
a few days and the "honor" convicts
have been working entirely alone, and
aleeplng alone la bankhouses near their
work. ....
Because the model liquor license
ordinance provides that convlctlona In
tho municipal court shall stand against
tho owner of a license and not against
tho license. Judge Taswell this morn
ing declared th new ordinance is a
joke, unless tho council license commit
tee decides to obey the spirit of ths
ordinance Instead of the letter.
Tho discovery of the "joker fn tho
ordlnaneo has Just been mads by Judge
Taswell and as a result, ho has ordered
that six or seven individuals who have
received Suspended , sentences la ths
court, pay their fines at once. :
Tho spirit of tho law was that each
conviction up to tho third would stand
against a license which would be re
voked on the third oonvlotlon, -tat it
has been discovered that tho convictions
stand against ths holder of tho lioense
and that ths license can be transferred.
unencumbered by any conviction against
' ' ' ' m
No Decision on Schmlti Indictments.
ftTnlted Pies Letted Wire.)
San... Francisco, March SI. whether
or not the Indictments still remaining
against former Mayor Eugene Schmlts
will be dismissed will be mads known
next -Friday, according to Superior
Judge Lawlors announcement in court
today.'.: '- .
lwrTwfwT m P MtsVI MV VMS
That is WHY, when you hear the great soprano
in her . concert at the Heilijr. Theatre tomorrow
evening, you will also hear the Hardman Piano,
. which she has so emphatically made her choice,
and of which she was written, "It gives me the ut
most satisfaction and pleasure."
' The exclusive sale of these magnificent pianos has
been with The Wiley B. Allen Co. for almost 20
5 years." We cordially invite you to inspect our
present stock,, which contains the latest styles in the
various different woods.
Sdiloss Baltimore Clothes
We carry "Schloss-Baltimore". Qothes exclusively, be
cause of . the satisfaction they will give. ..
We know that they offer "the besTTvaluljUInabTeV'
and we can honestly recommend and guarantee them
' ,
to see these Good Clothes,
line or styles and patterns is at its best. -Price'd
very modestly. : K
Schloss Baltimore Clothes
SI '
UaLLiio UaLt
-'(Special to Tht Jonnuil.l
Aberdeen, Wash, March J 9. Al
though there are rumors that one of
the Idle mills here will start work again
Monday morning and that deputies sre
being sworn in to guard the plant
against striking - Greeks and members
of the I. W W there are no actual de
velopments here or at Hoquiam.
Citizens of the latter town - held a
meeting at which it was resolved to
back up tho mayor with a bodyof cltl
sen police and protect all men who
want to work. The strikers are like
wise holding a meeting in Hoquiam but
have reached no conclusion so far.
Labor Trades Council representatives
arc meeting with them and discussing
demands made that all mills take back
former employes, recognise the I. W. W.
organisation, fire no one without the
sanction ot a committee composed of
a- committee of five L W. W.'s and
keep out 60 cents per month from the
wages of all employes to pay a com
pulsory membership fee in tho Indus
trial Workers. .
Moat of the strikers-are now In Bo,
Qulam with the exoeptlon of about 100.
Workers are meeting trains and warn
ing workmen to keep away from mills
where tho strike Is on. ,
One serious phase of ths sltuattoa is
V V I A V -
wm wvuiu mtm was iuajm aa um
streets by Greeks who are making a
practice of ogling every woman they
(Btoeelal to Tbe Journal. I
Salem, Or., March 10 In an opinion
given today by tho attorney general, the
stats treasurer is advised not to collect
Interest on gross earnings taxes not
paid cays aiier railing out,
as provided by law. Ho advises that ths
treasurer collect tho penalty of 10 per
cent. This opinion applies to taxes due
from publio service corporations which
contested tho gross earnings tax law
until tho same was declared valid by
ths United States supreme court In the
case of tho stats against tho Paclflo
States Telephone company, .-
"the Hard
man Piano
is my
sV mm .jk
w Srhlntti
for now the:
Bffffflwnt .
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