The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 29, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Gains 'of Last Fall, Coupled
With Factional Troubles
: Among Republicans May
Shift Control of Senate.'
Sprtal to Th Journal.)
Washington, March 29. The Demo
cratic gains 9f last fall, coupled with
the factional trouble within th Ee-
publlcan ranks, havo given rise to a feel
ing of expectation among the Demo
cratic leaders that they will not only
Increase their majority in the house
but will ga,ln control of the senate,
as a result of the elections to be held
next November. !
A margin of only five votes now exi
lists between the two parties in the sen
ate. The appearance of four new sen
ators, two from New Mexico and two
rrom Aruona, does not nelp eitner party,
for-New Mexico Is sending up two Re
publicans and Arizona two Democrats,
With the arrival of these four senators
the upper branch will stand as follows:
Republicans M, Democrats 44, Vacancies
1. The vacancy Is in the state of Colo
rado, where Senator Charles J. Hughes
died, thus costing the Democracy one of
its ablest members, and the legislature,
although Democratic, could not get to
gether on a man before Its adjournment
, 30 Senators Will Xetlre.
On-March 3 next, SO senators will re
tire to .private life if they have hot
meanwhile been reelected 'by the legls
laturea of their several states. The out
going list numbers 17 Republican's and
IS Democrats. -Among,, them are some
of the most Influential members or the
upper house, on the Democratic side as
well as on the Republican side.
The 17 Republicans are: Messrs'. Cul-
lom of Illinois,. Nelson ,of Mlnnestota,
Richardson of Delaware, Wetmore of
Rhode Island, Warren of Wyoming
Smith Of Michigan, Kenyon of Iowa,
Guggenbejra of Colorado, Gambia of
South Dakota, Dixon of Montana, Curtis
of KansaB, Crane of Massachusetts,
Burnham of New Hampshire, Brown of
Nebraska, Briggs of New Jersey, Bourne
of Oregon and Borah of Idaho.
Senators Waose Terms Expire.
The Democratic senators whose terms
will expire next March are: Davis of
Arkansas, Bacon of Georgia, Paynter
of Kentucky, Foster of Louisiana, Gard-
hm Matn. P,ntf if MfRefanfrmf S3 ! m .
mons of North Carolina, Owens of Okla
homa, Tillman of South Carolina, Taylor
of Tennessee, Bailey of Texas, Martin
of Virginia and watso, or wes, Vir
ginia. , - :
Of the 13 Democrats, several are al
ready assured of reelection and of the
remainder the majority are certain to
be succeeded by Democrats. Maine and
West Virginia are the only two states
la which there, appears to be a possi
bility of the present Dcmocratlo sena-
tors being succeeded by Republicans.
the Democrats, despite their victory of
last year, will not be able to elect the
legislature this fall. Failure to control
the legislature will mean the retirement
of Senator Gardner, who was appointed
by the Democratic governor , of the pine
tree state to fill out the ter,m of Jthe
late Senator Frye. In West Virginia,
which Is normally a Republican state,
the leaders of that party, are hopeful
that they will be able to unseat Senator
Watson, who Is filling the vacancy
caused by the death of Senator Elkins,
and who must come tip for reelection
next winter. ,
Gains la Excess of tosses.
The possible gains on the Democratic
side of the senate are believed to be
considerably In excess of their possible
losses. First of all, they are confident
ly counting on a Democratic senator to
11 IS CiiliO'
Oregon Women Abls to Con
duct, Finance Own Cam
paign, Says Mrs.Hutton.
ILl lit
! t '
u )-
u J JJ
m TGumsTS
f. tiU-rs !; 0;-ra"
F-enl, Or., I'.xrch C?. I Tom t!i num
Ur of renr'.e who are coming to cen
tral Orr-gna seeking free . government
l.mds, it scorns that the -"t i.. it to the
? il- movement T.s Etr.irk Portland.
The Fort Rock country, in northern
LaVs J.-.iunty, Ls the merea for most of
these settlers, a rolor.y of consl.i-rable
size being established there. Fifteen
or twenty, arnnr J the hi several -!
en, have recently f-.leJ on lar. 1 r
Fort Rock. Although at rwrt fir
from transportation, the line of t:.s
Oregon Eastern (Harriman) railway has
J-- r- 1 V.'.i
Commercial Club Raises Sum
of $1054 to Start Cam
paign of Publicity.
"Before the Ides of November wax
and wane Oregon women will have the
ballot and the mora faithful you are In
paying that little annual or biennial
visit to the shrine of personal'llberty
the ballot box accompanied by knowl
edge of men and affairs and an un
Mased, unprejudiced frame of mind, the
rewer regrets you Will have until the
time rolls around to make another pil
grimage to this Mecca of American
Mrs. May Arkwright Hutton. the well
known Spokane suffragist, spoke these
words o cheer and prophecy at the
equal suffrage meeting held yesterday
mormng at the home of Mrs. James I
Schulti in the Irvington district
Thirty-seven women Were present and
the meeting was most enthusiastic
"The women of Oregon possess the
wit, beauty, brains and money to con
duct and finance their own campaign,"
said Mrs. Hutton, "just as the Wash
ington women conducted : theirs, and
thereby maintain their own self-respect
Speaks Today. V
Mrs. Hutton and Miss Emma Wold,
the other speaker, were Introduced by
Mrs. I T. Hidden, who presided. Mra
Hutton will speak today at the home of
Mra F. T. . Townsend, in Laurelhurst.
At the meeting of the American Wo
man's, League aTM Republic at Eilers
hall last night, Perry 3. Green was the
principal speaker. Mrs. Hutton was to
have -addressed the meeting, but found
It impossible to be present Mr. Green
suggested that the women of the United
States form a republic of their own
within the republic and that then the
federal government would be glad to
have them Join the national govern
ment He termed the denial of the vote
to women a relic of barbarism..
Mrs.' Aureria" Taylor, president of the
Rose City chapter of the league, pre
sided" at the meeting last night
The state central committee of the
affiliated suffrage societies decided to
levy a per capita tax of 10 cents on all
suffragists at their meeting yesterday
afternoon. All of the affiliated socie
ties agreed on the assessment
. Attitude of Woman's Club. :
Mrs. A, C. Newell, a member of the
committee - appointed to find out
whether , the Woman's club is sincere
in declining to Join the affiliated so
cieties, reported that the action of-the
club was final, as they held that the
society was not a suffrage organiza
tion, ;
A report was also submitted by Mrs.
Sarah F. Conunerford that she organ
ized a branch of the State Equal Suf-"
frage association at Lebanon last Tues
day and that she expects to place an
other in Newberg next week. A branch
In Dallas has also been established by
Mrs. Sarah Bard Field Ehrgott and she
ls at present , at work in Umatilla
county. - .. . .'"'' .
The Woman's Political "Equality
league will conduct Its usual forum to
morrow afternoon at 2:2 0 o'clock at
the Olds, Wortman & King store.
Walter H. Evans, Republican candidate
for district attorney, and others will ad
dress the meeting.
i (RpMl t Th Joumtt
Newport. Or., March 19. The Newport
Commercial club this week raised $1064
with which to finance an advertising
campaign for Newrort as a summer je
sort Part of the money will be "ex
pended with ""the Southern Pacific for
the community plan booklets and the
rest in newspaper advertising. Other
advertising plans of the club include a
visit of the Albany and Corvallis clubs
to this place in April and also on ex
cursion by boat from here to Bayocean
in May.' ' - ' -
.The club ls also conducting an active
good roads campaign In this section.
All road data concerning the best auto
route from Portland here ls being gath
ered and will be published In booklet
form for mailing to all auto owners.
In July a pathflnding trip will be
made by the club and the "E-M-F Auto
company of Portland, up the coast to
the mouth . of Siletc bay. This is, a
very rough country and a good road -is
much needed. . :', '
A Reasonable Plea
for the Stomach
If Your Stomach Is Lacking in
Digestive Power," Why Not
Help the Stomach Do
Especially When It Costs Nothing; to
Nof with drugs, but with a rein
forcement of digestive agents, such as
are naturally at work to the stomach?
Scientific analysis shows that diges
tion requires pepsin, nitrogenous fer
ments, and the secretion of hydrochlo
ric add., When your food fails to di
gest, It Is proof positive thftt some of
these agents are lacking in your di
gestive apparatus. ,
. Stuart's . Dyspepsia , Tablets contain
nothing - but these natural elements
necessary to digestion and when placed
at work In the weak stomach and
small intestines, supply what these or
gans need. They stimulate the gastric
glands and gradually bring . the diges
tive organs back to their normal con
dition. - ,.,.i):v'
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have btfen
subjected to critical chemical tests at
home and abroad and are found to con-
r tain nothing but natural digestives.
Chemical Laboratory. Telegraphic
address, ."Defflndo." London. Telephone
No. - 1102S - Central. - Jp Cullum - St,
Fenchurch St, E. C. . , . s
v London, 9th. Au,?., 1905
I have analyzed most carefully a
box of - Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
(which I bought myself at a city chem
ist's shop for the purpose), marfufac-
, tured by the F. A. Stuart Co & Clerk
enwell Road, London,1' E. C.. and have
to report that I cannot find Rfy trace
of vegetable or mineral poisons. Know
ing the ingredients of the tblets, 1 am
of -opinion that they are admirably
adaptable for the purpose for which
they are intended.
.'V-' :. (Signed)
.John R. Brooke, F, I. C., F. C. 8.
There ls no secret in the preparation
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.; Their
composition is commonly known among
physicians, as 1s shown by the recom
mendations of 40,000 licensed physi
cians in the ; United States and Canada;
They are the most popular of all reme
dies for indigestion, dyspepsia, water
brash, Insomnia, loss of appetite, melan
cholia, constipation, dysentery and bl
died diseases originating from improper
dissolution and assimilation of foods,
because they are thoroughly reliable
and harmless to man or child. .
Stuart's Dyspepsta Tablets are at once
- a safe and a powerful remedy, one grain
of the active principle In these tablets
being strong enough (by, test) to digest
JOOO grains of steak, egg and other
foods. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will
-jUscEt.-i-'Qur, fdoilf or yxiii wlwn . yaux
stomach can t.
toniacii can i. .. i ;
Ask your druggist ToT a fifty , cent
box, or send to us direct for a free trial
sample package and you will be sur
prised at the result, vj A. Stuart Co.,
160. Stuart. UWg.. Marshall Ulch, ,
succeed Guggenheim of Colorado, who
will not be a candidate for reelection.
The last Colorado legislature was Demo
cratic and the Democrats believe the
next one will be of the same com
plexion. Another Democratic gain ls
expected to be contributed by the neigh
boring state of Wyoming, as a result
of thp serious split between the Insur
gent and standpat Republicans. -
Two othjer Republican senators whom
the Democrats hope to supplant are Dix
on of Montana and Richardson of Dela
ware. The fight between theRepubll
can factions in Idaho makes that state
interesting ground. The indications are
that Senator Borah will have no. opposi
tion, for the Republican nomination, but
the activity of the Democrats and their
success In electing the governor last
year makes It appear that a Democratic
successor to Mr. Borah ls among the
possibilities. New Jersey, which will
choose, a successor to Senator Briggs,
hopeful ground, particularly if Governor
Woodrow Wilson ls the Democratic can
didate for president
(Washington Burtfta of The Journal.)
Washington, D. C, March 29.--on-gressman
Hawley thinks the ways of
the pbstofflce department are devious
and exasperating. . Last : October - he
started on the comparatively simple Job
of getting rural free delivery route
No, & at Oregon City extended 15 miles
to accommobate some 76 families in
that locality. Borne of whfch are "now
served from 'Sherwood. At intervals
since he has been inquiring why it
wasn't done. Finally an Inspector was
put on the Job, but he has not been able
to report yet. Hawley ls getting des
perate and. has written another letter
to the department
. irinlttWI Pmi ImuI Vhil
Washing ton, March 38. J4o effort has
been made today to locate Mrs.. Eleanor
Hoy t Hlchborn. wife of - Phlllo Hlch-
i born, or Attorney Horace L. Wylie of
Washington, with whom she Is alleged
to have eloped. It ls supposed that the
pair are living on an Island near Monte
uario. a, - .. , .-. . .
Mrs. Martha Pearsall, sister of Hich-
Dorn, at wnose home he conunlttel sui
cide when he heard of the olopement
is prosiratea. DTiends are arranging
ivuay iur- vua lunerai.
Famous Orchestra Coming.
''; (Special to Th JodrntLt
London, March 29. Arthur Niklsch.
the famous musical conductor and the
members of the London Symphony or
chestra., TOO strong with all their valu
able instruments, which alone are in
sured for more than $500,000, are among
the passengers of the liner Baltic,
whicn sailed today for New York. The
ramous . orcnestra, under Its brilliant
leader will make a concert tour of 21
days through the United Statee and
i Canada, traveling as far' as Denver to
the west and Toronto and. Montreal to
the north. ' t
Building at Cottage Grove.
gtwrtl to The Journal.)
Cottage drove, Or., March 29. Pros
pects are bright for considerable do.
veiopment in Cottage Grove ani sur
rounding country this year. A large
number f email tracts ave been dls-
poatd, of. -during.-
Railroad Surveyors at Vork.
(Special to Tbe JoornaL)
Newport. Or., March 29. A large sur
veylng party left here Wednesday In
charge of Morris Wygant, a railroad
surveyor.; They started work at Otter
Rock, 10 miles north of this place and
will work" up the SlleU basin. Just
what road they are working for is not
known but it is supposed hey are to
meet th e party tvhich started Srom
Dallas a few days' ago. Their object Is
probably to , find the quickest way to
make an outlet for Slleti timber.
(Sixclal to The Joaroat)
Sherwood, Or, March 29. While get
ting 'Into a buggy, Miss Ivy Hoffman,
aged 16 years, slipped and fell and in
some way her foot caught In the step
and the horse becoming frightened ' ran
away, dragging her by the foot around
the barn yard, breaking the limb aPthe
ankle and otherwise bruising her terri
bly, especially one hip. Had the gate
leading 'out of the yard been, open she
would nave oeen araggea to aeatn as
no one was with her. The mother, how
ever, heard her scream and ran out of
the house to see the horse tearing
round the yard, but managed to stop it
after a time. A Sherwood doctor after
several hours succeeded In getting the
bone set and her wotteds dressed. Miss
Hoffman suffered great agony the first
24 hours, but is now resting quite well
and her chances1 for recovery are good.
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Hoffman, h er
parents, burled a son 24 years of age.
four weeks ago, who died of lingering
consumption and several years ago their
eldest son Jack, aged SO years, went
to work in the logging camps down the
Columbia river, against his parents'
wishes and had been .away only two
weeks when his mangled "remains were
shipped to his parents, a log having
rolled over him,
(Special to Tb Journal.)
Ontario. Or., March 29.- The OntarioV
Kyssa Irrigation system is almost com
pleted. The pipe line, 6000 feet long,
and large enough-for a man to walk
through It standing almost upright, is
completed, and the pumping machinery
and motors are being installed. This
system will add 7000 acres of tillable
land - to Ontario- fields. - This - land ls
of the best In eastern Oresron. It lies
adjacent to the best alfalfa fields and
Another very Important irrigation
project well under way that will belong
to Ontario Is the S000 acre tract on
the north of the Malheur river, and
west of the Snake. Arrangements are
being made to pump water to a 62 foot
lift to cover this land. All of this area
will be located within four miles, of
Ontario.;, ;...,. .'.,,,.,.. i.
Albany, Or., March . 29. -In the re
moval of the last vestige o Albany's
historic Chinatown, another landmark
has disappeared to make room for the
rapidly growing mercantile Interests bf
the Hub...;'." -
W.kF. Pfelffer,, who owns the prop
erty, has purchased the brick block be
ing vacated by S. K. Young &, Son, at
First and Broadalbln streets, and a
Portland contracting firm will move it
to the new location. The building is
82x110 feet, two stories high, and 18
to be removed Intact a distance of three
-blocks. '
4 a
Catarrh Ended
Money Returned If Hyomei
Doesn't Banish Catarrh.
Get rid of catarrh start today cure
it without pouring into ypwt- stomach a
vile , and unpalatable Rostrum. HT
OMET (pronounce- ltHfh-oroe) cures
catarrh in pose or throat; and does it by
such a simple and pleasant method that
thousands who have been cured are glad
to recommend it.
Just breathe Hyomei, and its soothing,
medicated and antiseptic properties will
come In direct contact with the inflamed
parts, stop, the discharge, drive out the
soreness and heal the membrane. ',
"" n
nil -O
rrs so.
about Moyer $15 Suits, because tKey will
justify all that we say of them.
When you buy a Moyer $15 Suit, you may
choose from many good woolen fabrics,
thoroughly tailored in the models that
suit you best .
Besides the reliability and the good fitting
qualities of Moyer $15 Suits, there is .
an actual saving of at least $5 on every
suit, because we produce them for less "J
sell them at a smaller profit than is
usually done.
We want you to become acquainted with Moyer
J$15 Suits; suppose you have a look at some
of these Spring styles in the. Spring weights.
Morrison v
First and
Third and Oah
07 and CD
fl ov JUST
I. vr
Hyomei is made; of Eucalyptus com
blned with other antiseptics. Breathed
through the Inhaler it destroys the per
latent catarrh germ..
A eomelete Hyomei outfit, includina
will move onto them with their families.
In the city the building going on indi
pates a healthy groWth. Two business
blocks are under construction ami con
tracts have' Just beea let, for , several
residences, .-.-.-; ,
'-heTheleiv bettle''Iiywnet "Rntl shniJip" ln
structions for use only costs 11.00
Extra bottle of Hyomei 60 Cents at
druggists everywhere. For catarrh,
couKhs, colds, sore throat or catarrhal
deafness it will give tatlsfactlon, or
iaocd" tack, - i
See Our Large Line of Imported German Easter Novelties. Bring the Children, They'll Enjoy It.
Satur dayThe Day of Bargains atTO
You Save on .Toilet Preparations I . You Save on Rubber Goods
The Guaranteed Quality
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 9c
25c Rubif oarri, 2 lor "7, .25
5c Fairy Soap, 7 for. 25
75c Pinaud's Xilas Vegel 55c
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste.. 29J
50c De 'Miracl'''Vrr.7iT''.29
$1.00 Fitch's Hair Tonic. .G9
$1 Potter's Walnut Stain 6
Fine grade face chamois FREE with every box of face
powder sold at 25c and over. '
50c Rubber Gloves at. .33
$2.75 Red Seamless Combina
tion' Bottle, 3-quart, guaran
teed : ;";";V.wr.7;. r.91.89
$1.25 Ladies DoucheY.".89
$1.25 Maroon Water bottle,
guaranteed 79
$1.50 Red Fountain Syringe,
guaranteed . . .9G
Dustless Mops, 40c to $1.50
Dustless Dust Cloths at 25
You Save on 1
Household Drugs
25c Soda Silicate (wa. glass), bot 19
15c White Petrola, per jar. .......7
50c Pure Cream Tartar, pkg....34cs
10c Soda Bicarbonate, pkg.. i .. , . . .5$
10c French Flowers of SuU pkg...6J
30c Carbolineum (for hen hoosts), per
bottle. . . . . . .. v .... .. ....... 19
15c Denatured Alcohol, bottle .. .11
25c Peroxide Hydrogen, bottle... 16
GIVEN AWAY With each purchase
of any of the above specials amount
. ' ing to 50c or more we give a can
of "Wood-Lark" Marjoram Spice
purest and best Ask for it.
: Week End Savings on" Leather
Handsome new Handbags, In genuine
' seal, walrus and calfskjn ; leather- lined
with extra inside coin purse; brass, gun
metal and leather covered frames. These
bags sell ordinarily at $6.50. Special,
your choice at' only . . . . . . . . .... $3.19
5650 Suit Case, $4.88
( If you're planning on going away in
the near future, it will pay you to get
your Suit Case now, ,
Well made leather Suit Cases, with steel
frames, 24-inch ; all linen lined, with extra
shirt fold; brass lock and bolts.. Others
' ask $6.50 for similar Suit Casesv Our
special, only . . . ........ ..... $4.88
You Save on Wines
Ours are unusual in quantity, quality and
price. When we sell you a quart it is the
full 32 ounces think of this when you
order wines. '
For our week-end sale, we offer best me
dicinal California Wines (32-oz. bottles),
in Angelica, Burgundy, Claret Madeira,
Muscatel, Riesling, Sauterne, Tokay,
Port and Sherry; the grade usually sold
at 75c, the bottle 50cS or $1.50 gallon.
Finest Port and Sherry full (32-or) quart
thebottle 75, or $2.50 per gallon.
A perfectly pure , - California . Cooking
Sherry and Port, for $1.00 per gallon.
You Save on Stationery
We are exclusive agents for "Cross"
London Lawn, in either the regular writ
ing paper or correspondence cards; hand
some two-letter gold monogram the
$1.25 sort at Only. , 59
See our window display of correspond
ence Papers and, Engravings.
$1.50 "Wood-Lark" Fountain Pens, guar
anteed, at 98c
You Save on Pictures
Above 400 subjects of pret
tily framed Pictures in oak, imi
tation rosewood , and antique
gold. You'll1. agreewhen your
see them that the value is there.
Values to $3.00 now.....9S
You Save on
Patent Medicines
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla ....... G9
$1.00 Pierce's Golden Med. Disc 67
$1.00 Listerine : .... ...... -595
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion .69J
$1.00 Pond's Extract ..... ... ... .G9
$1.00 Warner's Safe Kidney Rem. 71
50c Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient . .. 39
50c Hoffp; German Liniment ..,i.29
50c Radway's Ready Relief ;.. 1.39
$3.50 Borden's Malted Milk. ; .$2.75
$1.00 Peruna-. Z. . 77771 v. 59c
$2.50 Needham's Red Clov. Ex. $2.17
$1.00 Foley's Kidney Remedy... C9c
50c Lane's Family Medicine. ,. . .29
$1.00 Mist Pills, No. 2..J.... ;;.7l
You Save on Bristle Goods
land Combs
25c Nail Brush, bQne or wood backs, 19
25c Tooth : Brush, bristles warranted se
cure, at 19
$1.50 Hair Brush, exceptional value. CS
$1 Cloth Brush, solid wood back... 70
$1 Ladies' Hard Rubber Comb,.... 75
All credit account ,pwfdi:s t--"5
remainder of this mor.lh .will
charged to April account 1 '
Us. Vc T.
t r t - 1