The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 29, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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reunion. "X" formation to this effect as
received th'.s mornlr.j by Secretary
Harry C McAllister of the 1913 coa
Ttntion commission. Arrangements are
also well under way so that the Cali
fornia naval militia with the eruisor
Marblehead will be here during the
same week. Alony with them will prob
ably come the Washington naval mil
itia, on board the gunboat Concord and
the cruiser Raleigh.
This feature will be only on of the
many In the program for the entertain
ment of the Tlsltlng Elks during the
entertainment week.
The third - bulletin entitled "Dope
Sheet No. I" has Just Been received by
Secretary McAllister from tha printers
and Is, being sent out to the various
Elk kx!sia tie ViJted States, as fast
as possible. It contains a summary cf
part of the program that will be ac
corded to the Elk visitors when they
attend the convention.
quitted of the chares of combining their
forces against V.'ilson.
In all other primary states, so far
as reported, th name of Clark will not
appear where Harmon is a candidate,
and the name of Harmon, will not ap
pear where Clark Is a candidate. Neither
Harmon nor Clark are contesting states
where Underwood Is In the fight With
the texceptlon of Oregon. It Is Clark
against Wilson, or Harmon against WUr
son, or Underwood against Wilson.
'These tactic have riven rise to the
charge that a Clark-Harmon-Underwood
combination exists to capture the larg
est possible number of delegates from
Woodrow Wilson. Fred V. Holman, who
has been active In having petitions cir
culated for Harmon, says that while he
cannot speak for other states, he knows
thpre has been no combination in Ore
gon. -
"It Is a straight fight for Harmon,"
he said.' There has been no collusion,
and no proposals have been made to
keep our candidate off the ballot If
any suspicion of that kind existed. It
ought to be dispelled by the filing of
the Harmon petition, which I sent to
Salem today by special messenger."
Mr. Holman Is a candidate for dele
gate to the national convention, ex
pressing bis personal choice for Har
mon, but pledged to support the candi
date favored by a majority of the Dem
ocrats of the state. He stated that the
Harmon petition contained over 1200
names, gathered from nine counties.
S it Ct" I i - -
lii i U , i kO VUvilti , . t I i
Bremerton, .Wash., ' Jtarch S5. V. ; V
smeared ink on a hotel rvnLU-r r -talnirg
the name of "C B. Davis, I t
O.." on April 1, 1911T That is t;. '
sorbing question In the courtnmrf .1
trial of Lieutenant K. C Jones. TV
prosecution blames the defense ani al
leges that It was done to hide Jon,'
writing, when he rented a room In a
Seattle hotel, accompanied by a woman
believed to be Mrs. McReynolds. wife of
Lieutenant C S. McReynolds, as testi
fied to by Mrs, Florence Connors, the
Euried Dynamite Claimed.
(Coked PrrtM UtMd Wirt.)
Santa Anna, Cal, March 2. Twelve
hundred pounds of dynamite .found
burled near hers la said today to be the
property of the- Hawley Stores company.
The concern for several years has sold
dynamite to ranchers and railroad men,
and declare that ths store discovered
was merely their dynamite stock, which
could not be kept In the sales place.
Officers are Investigating- the discovery.
If lh plan now being mads by the
larga delegation of E!k of Washing-ton,
D. C., who are to com to the Elks
1912 reunion to be held In Portland next
July, carry, the Portland harbor will
be filled with a flee; of United States
cruisers and torpedo boats and torpedo
boat destroyers during the week of the
Oregon bears the distinction of 'being
the first state In the Union where a
primary law exists in which the names
of Champ ' Clark and Judson Harmon
will appear, on the same ballot. Appa
rently the Clark and Harmon Demo
crats In Oregon, at least, can be ac
Store Opcno at 9:3Q A. M, and
Cloocoat 9:3Q F.M. Saturdays?
a apicuuiu snowing oi u.imuren a, ureases,
made qf good quality gingham, chambray an4
crfltatM' stVlpri frith hio-h nfrW Inn? tlwv?
or low necks and the new kimono (P 1 1 fl
set-in sleeves.-Sizes-2 to 14 years
On the Basement Bargain Circle
2000 PaiPs of Men's
Tomorrow will be men's day at the Bargain Circle ; 2000
pairs of Shoes and Oxfords, representing a very special pur
chase from a factory which specializes Men's Shoes. The
lines comprise a great Variety of splendid styles in tans and
black, all sizes in good wearing Shoes, which if bought in the regu- A j ft Q
lar way would sell at $3.00 and $3.50; to morrow we specialize them M.70
Ice Cream Parlors In Basement
Stioe Shining Parlors in Basement
Tomorrow's Charge Purchasco Will Go on Your April Bill Which Is Payable May First
Standard Rotary Sewing Machines Sold on the Sl.OO a Week Club Plan, Second Floor
Women's Pumps at S2.9 8
In the Shoe Store, main floor, a sale of Women's
Velvet Pumps, with welt soles, handsome patterns,
trimmed with the flat, hand tailored bows, modeled
on the late short toe last We are offering d0 QO
our regular $4.00 grades on-special sale at JO
(Q)M9 WdDFUimsiira i Mnmig
Occupying Entire Block Bounded by Morrison. Alder, Tenth and West Park
Cent e r CI rc le Sale
Woimem's Petticoats
LW ami Si
k All Abies Lead to the Center Circle, Flntx Floor.
For tomorrow only on the "Center n An unusual offering of
Circle," main floor, we will specialize
women's messaline and taffeta silk
Petticoats. The messalines have ac
cordion plaited flounces; the taffetas
are made with pin. tucks and under'
flounces in every wanted 30 A(
color, including black, at tytd&V
women a
black sateen Petticoats of exception
al quality, styled with tucked and ac
cordion plaited flounces, with or
without underdrops; skirts suitable
for everyday wear and indispensa
ble for auto and outing to- 01 fl Q
morrow only, priced at. V XeXU
On Sale in the Basement "Underprice Store"
$25.00 SUITS ON SALE $13.95
Here's an opportunity to select from the most
attractive lot of Suits we have ever shown in
the basement store -300 to pick from. Ma
terials are unusually good, styles smart and
dressy. An exceptional showing of mixtures
in the season's most desirable shades of tan
and gray; also plain grays and tans and plain
blue and black serges, always in demand.
High-grade Suits, faultlessly tai- Sri O QT
lored, retains shape. Spring model tD AOsitJ
$7.50 HATS ON SALE AT $3.95
Already for Easter with 400 splendid sample
Hats, all new creations for this season. The
most attractive Hats we have ever shown in
our basement Hardly two alike in the whole
lot Being "House Samples," they are per
fect in every way. Small, medium and large
shapes, trimmed in flowers, nets, velours,
feathers, etc A most pleasing collection of
colors. Hats worth from $6 to QO QK
$7.50, special for this sale at only tPUealti
Sale 4 Good Specials in Women's Coats
Here's a sale of 4 new styles in women's Coats, which we will specialize for tomorrow only.
Flam serges and mixtures; this season's latest approved styles, ay mere cnance we picscu
these up at a savjng of 1-3 off the maker's price. Economical buyers will take ay,08?;
Lot No. 3 special tomorrow oiuy
Lot No. 4 Special tomorrow only ? 14.05
Lot No. 1 Special tomorrow only at 97.48
Lot No. 2 Special tomorrow only at f 9.95
for Boys
SS.OO to 315.00
Happy Boys Store, First Floor.
Every proud boy will want a new
suit for Easter. Think how the boy
will feel if sister has a new dress
'and haf for Easter Sunday and he is
obliged to wear his old suit to Sun
jJday school. Our new spring suits
for boys from 5 to 17 years were
"t never so attractive. We show a splen--J
did assortment of Norfolks and
double breasted Knickerbockers in
high grade materials and full of
smartness in pattern tf 1 C fl A
and make, at $5 up todJLDeUU
J56.SO Suits Q3.95
in extra speciaPsale of 300 Boys'
Double Breasted Knickerbocker
Suits, comprising many of the Her
cules makes; sizes 8 to 17 years,
made of all wool materials in
browns, : grays and mixtures, pants
are - well made and full lined, full
peg style, pur regular $5 rfQ qm
and $6.50 values, special, dJlD
Long Pants Suits for Boys.
Made just as well as the older fel
low's . suits. ' The very latest and
best patterns; priced $10, $12.50, $15
Boys' SJU50 Hats Only 98c
Boys' .OO Hats f or 51.39
Boys' new Telescope Hats in the
rough English; styles in felt; blue,
brown and gray colors, nifty styles
Easter sale of Boys' and Children's
Hats, in jaunty little, styles so pop
ular this season, in - browns, tans,
grays, red and black; our reg. QQ a
for boys' Easter wear, QQ
$1-50. $1.75 and $2 grades PlOi7
$1.50 sellers, special at only
Q12.00 Trunks at Only 09.5O
S3.00 Suitcases Only 02.48
In, the Trunk store, 4th floor, a sale
of, 34 inch canvas ; covered, fiber
bound Trunks, all brass trimmed,
with front and end dowels, 2 leather
straps, 2 trays inside, our ff A
regular $12.00 trunks, at V
In the luggage department, 4th floor,
a sale of very good 24 inch matting
Suit , Cases, extra . deep with steel
frames, leather corners, good lock
and catches, linen lined, $3 PO AO
cases, on special sale at PirO
Sale of Men's, Wear
I'OOO Men's Mew While
1U5 ff?lafiteri Sliipts 95c
"Irrthr Western Gentleffien Ster e-Flfst FloorT
Easter sale' of 1000 men's strictly high grade, white Shirts, cut full in the body and correctly
sized, coat. styles, with cuffs attached; come in medium and narrow plaited bosoms, all AP
sizes in thft lot; just the shirt for Easter Sunday; regular $1.50 grades, for this sale at "DC
Q2.O0 Gloves 1.65
In the men's corner, main floor, a sale of white kid
gloves, one pearl button style, overseam sewn, one
row back, reg and cadet sires, excellent M (fZ
01.25 Gloves Sl.OO
In the men's store, main floor, an unusual sale of
mea's silk gloves in the best known makes in the
correct shades of gray, tan and chamois, one
clasp, double, tipped fingers, ' all sizes,
$125 grades, for this Comparison sale,
Grocery Specials for Saturday
Phone Order Clerks on Duty at 8 A. M.
COOKIES 2 DOZEN 15 Home made Oatmeal, on sale at Bakery
counter, 4th floor. - " " ' " '
Hams 15 c
Best - Eastern - Sugar
Cured, Hickory
Smokedv From corn
fed hogs15c pound.
50c Tea 40c
The O. W. K. brand,
put up in airtight
cartons. We guar
antee every ounce.
English style.' Eastern
Sugar Cured very
choice guaranteed .to
please 15c a pound.
Westphalia Ham, at, lb., 65c
30c Kosher Ring Sausage, 20c
Limburger Cheese, pound, 2k
40c Imperial Roast Coffee, 28c
Hunt's Table Peaches, at 20c
a can or 3 cans for only 85c
Norway Mackerel, 10c and 15c
English Walnuts, at pound 16c
FRESH ASPARAGUS, 4 LBS. 25 -The large white-Just received.
Phone your orders early. . , . "
Eaodly Specials
, Bargain Circle First Floor
40c Cocoatine Chocolat&.25c
40c Turkish Fruit Paste, 25c
40c Candy Joasties, at 25c
40c After. Dinner Mints, 27c
50c Marshmallow Cho'ts, 27c
50chocolate Chips at 30c
40c Nougat Chews, lb., 27c
40c Chocolate Peanuts, 25c
values at $2 a pair, specialized at the pair j $i5 grades, for this Comparison sale, VXeVl
3000 Men's Ties
SOc Gradles 29c
. In the Western Gentlemen's Store.
An Easter offering which will appeal to all thrifty men. t Those who can
not come should send some of the women folks. Women have splendid
taste in choosing Neckwear. These are the very latest four in hand styles,
open end and reversible; every wanted pattern and color; an assortmnt
so extensive that every taste may be satisfied; actual 50c Neck- OQ
wear, special at this Comparison Sale it the low price of each 5itt
Men's Chamois Gloves for SI. SO
A sale of the famous "Fownes" Gloves in doeskin and chamois, one clasp
or button style, Prix seam sewn, white or natural colors, all (M TA
sizes in the lot, priced for this Comparison Sale at, the pair ' tPAsfJir
Come Out Tip Top
WItli a New Hat
on Easter Sunday
Owe "CliesMFe" $3
Hat Brush Free YVltli Every Hat
We have just received a new "shipment of our1 famous guaranteed "Che
shire"' Hats for men. The very latest approved blocks for the "Western
Gentleman," and the Stetson Hats, for years standard of the market Just
a glance will convince you they are the styles you want for spring.Hat Brush
Free with each hat. Cheshire Hats, 93. Stetsons, $4.00 and $5.00.
In the Drug Sundry Aisle, Main Floor
4711 Glycerine "Verdura," special
sale t three cakes tor only f
Jap JEt'se, regular 10c,, special f
Fairy or Ivory Soap, reg. 5c, 3 f
Dr. Stuart's Buttermilk, 3 in box,
Peanut Fritters, special :5c each, or the pound, at only 30c
"Old Time" Sugar. Mints, 30c grades, pound at ; only 20c
Small Chocolate Creams, 40c grades, pound at only 25c
Artie Jelly Gum Drops, 30c grades, rpound, at only 20c
Apeaahttssorfment--ofrfaasterCaTidies' uh mairrfloor
and Basement. Departments. Buy HER candy here.
regularly 25c the box, at only 18f
California Medicated isoap, regu
larly 10c, special at, the cake, 6
Toilet Paper, ;1500 sheets, fair
quality, specially priced at 10
Carriage or Automobile Sponges,
regularly $1.75, -special at f 1.00
Floor or Window ; Sponges, regu
lar 75c grade, special at only 80
Face Sponge, small silk, regularly
sold for 10c each, special, only 5f
Absorbent Cotton, full pound, reg
ular 35c quality, special at 21
Sanitary .Belts, reg. 35c, at iS5
Dressing Combs, coarse or coarse
and fine, regular 50c, at only
Nail Scrubs, regular 25c, at 16
Hair BrUshei, three styles, assorted
woods, regular $1.25 grade at 69f
Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes, reg
ularly sold at 65c, spedil at 39
Tooth Brushes, assorted styles and
bristles, - regiilarry-35e,-each--ai
Raiors, straight old styles, guaran
teed, regularly $1.50, each 69
Razor Strops, - "Torresl" regu
lar $1.00 grade, soecial at only 754
Gem, Jr., Razors and 7 blades fl
Bathing Caps, all colors, prices
range at from. 25, SO to 75
Bath Brushes, jcgl $1.00, at 69?
Syringes, new stock, best white
rubber, reinforced seams, 3 hard
rubbef fittings. These are guaran
teed to" wear to your-satisfaction.
Two qt., specially priced ;9C
?1.0U; 3 qt, now at only Viifatf
Peroxide, 1 lb., full strength, reg
ular 35c grades, special sale at 21?
Listerine, Lambert's reg. $1, 69?
Witch Hazel, 16 oz., reg. 35c, 21?
Mentholatum, regular 25c, at 16?
Fitche's Hair Tonic, reg. $1, 85?
Hardwood Toothpicks, reg. 5c, 3?
Carter's Little iLiver Pills, regularly
sold at 25c, special at only 15?
Epsom Salts, regular 10c, at 5?
benna JUeaves, regularly JOo, at o?
Perfumes, regular 50c oz.; at 15?
Sal Hepatica, reg .$1.00, at 79?
regularly 25c, special now 19?
Malt Nutrine. reg. 25c at 19?
Lysol, Lehn & Finks', reg. $1, 83f
Melba Prenarationa
We believe this to be one of the
best lines on the market today and
sell each article with the guaran
tee Money back if unsatisfactory.
Melba Face Cream, special at BO?
Melba Skin Cleanser, at only 50?
Melba Astringent, special at 50?
Melba Nail Polish, special at 25?
Melba Rose Bleach, special at 25?
Melba Face Powder, 25c and 50?
Parisian Ivory Picture Frsfmes in
oval pr square. Prices. Q PA
range at from $1.25 to; 00O)
Clocks, Parisian Ivory, nice, size,
guaranteed timekeepers, d1
special sale now at, each 41DU
Vanity Boxes', and Mirrors in Pari
sian Ivory, in several s1 A
sizes and styles, 25c to ldU
Mirror, Brush and Comb in Pari
sian Ivory: our regular i0 AO
quality at $7.50, for only rO
Tray in Parisian Ivory, 64 AO
by 10 inches; reg. $1.50, at UpC
Cuticle Jar. 'Parisian Ivorv. lr?l
at special low pricelof only
Swamp RooVTegr$1.00,' now 79?fA-fgl linc of thtrlantrnftrrilraTr
at our drug section at prices we
Hose at 25c
In the men's corner, main floor, an Easter
showing of pure thread Silk Hose, with ex
tra spliced lisle thread heels and toes, colors
are black, tan, navy, gray, burgundy and
heliotrope, all sizes, on sale at (Sri OK
25c a pair, or box of six paira for V AstltF
500 boxes of extra fine quality thin, silk
lisle hose with extra four thread heels and
toes n black, tan; navy and. assorted
shades of gray, all sizes, on sale (Sri O K
25c oer oair or box of 6 pairs tPlwW
E a s t e p U n d e p w e a p
$1.25 Vassar Union Softs 95c
$3.50 Vassar Union Suits $2.48
An important sale of the famous "Vas
sar" Union Suits, constructed for the
. comfort of particular men; 1800 spring
weight garments will go in this disposal.
Reg. $1.25 Vassar Union Suits, 95c
Reg. $1.50 Vassar Union Suits, $1.19
Reg. $2.00 Vassar Union Suits, $1.65
Reg. $3.00 Vassar Union Suits, $2.19
.Reg. $3.50 Vassar Union Suits, $2.48
Important Purchase
Cooper Ribbed
JJ n d c p w c a r
Special for 87c
3000 Cooper Ribbed Shirts and Drawers in weights suitable for spring wear,
salmon pink and light blue colors, also white and ecru; superior finish, to
be found only in the high grade "Cooper" garments. Shirts .and 07p
Drawers, sizes up to 46, special for this sale at the low price, each vJ 1
Men's Athletic Underwear
Shirts op Drawers lor 38c
In the Western Gentlemen's Store, main floor, a sale of good -quality
checked nainsook underwear- Shirts are cut coat style with low, JU
round necks and no sleeves; drawers knee length in all sizes, garment u:v'
UNION SUITS, "Athletic," made of checked nainsook, low neck and no
sleeves and knee length, with pearl buttons, elastic band around waist, '7p
all sizes in the lot, priced reasonably for this sale, the suit, only
Men's Union Suits for 95c
Mn' fin ribbed Balbriffzan Union Suits, suitable for early spring wear,
"splendid makewell finished, with pearl buttons, close fitting cuffs QKp
and ankles, sizes 34 to 48, special for this Comparison Sale, only tUl
M c n's Easter
Spring Suits
15 to 4
In this "Western Gentlemen's
Store," main floor, a showing of
the season's best and most attrac
tive styles in Spring Suits. Partic
ular men will make it a point to
look through our stock beforejniy
ing. Your choosing will not be
confined to one make of "adver
tised clothes," but the best makes
of botjb advertised and unadver
tised lines with the Olds, Wormian
& King guarantee label on every
suit We send our buyer to the
market free to buy the best from
all the good lines, which gives a
better and . : broader, assortment
to choose from, We invite
your inspection of these" suits,
priced af$I5T $207O"A Aft
$2SL00, $30.00 and 3)1:U.UU
n n 1
H " : -V' I