The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 29, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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    VOL. XI. NO. 19.
STANDS flVfi CliU.
Tells How to Live Long
Portland, Oregon, Friday evening, march 29, 1912. twenty-four pages.
; ;". - ; ; ', AT HOME? - - j
I i
State Department at Washing-
ton Ships 1 COO Rifles and
' Supply Revolvers to Yankee
Residents of Mexjco City. ;
If President l$ Unseated Reign
of Terror Almost Certain V
'In Capital. ;
"--.' (United PreM Wus.t .
Washington-, March 29. Communica
tions received here ."today from Mexico
City confirm.' the rumors current for
eeveral days that the regime of Presi
dent Francisco I. Madero la totterlns.
It la declared that the revolution Is al
most Bure of triumph In the near fu
ture, Including the taking of Mexico
City.. ' "
The rebels have already Issued a
proclamation that Madero will be shot
If captured, and It is reported that he
Is preparing to flee from his stricken
country. Should the president leave
thO' cupttal with his troops, carnage,
rapine and plunder, in which the for
eign esldenta will sustain heavy prop
erty losses and possibly lives, are ex
pected to follow. ; . s
Arms lor Americans. ,
. The state department announced of
ficially today that 1000 rifles and sup
ply revolvers, and a quantity of amniu
- ruuon was shipped yesterday aboard a
Ward llner.i"going., from New York: to
Vera Crut. The "munitions are con-
signed , to United ' States Ambassador
Henry h. Wilson, at Mexico City. Wil
son plans to distribute the "arms ,and
ammunition among the Americans' In
the Mexican capital so that they jmay
pfoperly defend themselves In case of
trouble. : v: . . - . . ' . X -v- -
. It is reported that the action 14 taken
as a result of dispatches of the most im
portant nature which" have, been ; re
ceived from Ambassador Wilson.
Anti-foreign sentiment is growing to
dangerously aggressive portions in the
Mexican capital, and violence is being
prevented there only by , the presence
of the government troops. , If these
soldiers leave with President Madero,
anarchy is certain to follow, it is de
cleared. . v
...' ipsotol Order' Issued.
:" Although a presidential order has been
Issued forbidding the shipment of arms
from the United States into any Amer
ican country involved in civil turmoil,
PfA.lilnnt V. - B,.A,1 - 1-1 A I -
pensation in this case, to make the
shipment legal and tneet the gravity of
the situation. . . .
Reports to the stats department state
that-tbe advance of the rebel, General
Orosco to Torreon has . been checked
by the federals; who have burned a nurn
ber of bridges in his line of march.
Armies at Ilide-and-Seek.
(Dnltrd Press Ua4 Wlrs.t
- El Paso, Texas, March 29. The blde
. and-seek game of warfare being played
near Jiminea by the Mexican , govern-
ment troops and the revolutionary forces
continued today, General Trucy Aubert,
commanding'lSOO federals, being report
ed to be retreating with General Pas
cual Orozco's rebel band in pursuit. Reb
el advices here say General Aubert is
likely to be .again surrounded this aft
ernoon and a declsiv battle fought.
Loyal Mexicans here assert that Gen
eral Aubert -is a Wily commandt-r and
is playing a strategic game. It is con
tended that he is engaging the atten
tion of the rebels to give all federal
troops in -northern -Chihuahua time to
concentrate In Torreon, where a united
stand ' ill be made against the revolu
tionary forces to prevent the proposed
advance on Mexico City.
, Anarchy In Mexico, j
- (Unltpd Pr Lenwd Wlre.l
Laredo, Texas, March 29. Anarchy
prevails in Mexico, according to a -band
of 300 foreign refugees who arrived
hpre today. They report that the states
of Durango, Chihuahua. land Zacatecas
are overrun with bandits who are corn
mlttini murder and rapine unchecked.
General Zapata is approaching Mexico
-City at the had of 2000 rebels, and It
is reported, that fighting is progressing
.nt Puebla.
The refugees were unnble to confirm
the report of the execution of General
-Villa. - - -
Where $1 .Goes to the Pxor
ntjany q uoes 10 salaries
1 "and $t to Expenses', "
(Special to lht loamnl.l
Seattle. Wash., March 29. To ex
pend $1714.41 in charity disbursements
cost $4798.40 for administration ex
pense, according to tl.e report for 1910
19rt; .of the charit organization so-
clety here. . The report (shows that the'
organization is costly, its expenses in
cluding $3307.75for salaries of offi
cers $1340 for' general expenses and
office rent and $150 to send delegate
to the national cluirlty conference. Di
rect relief amounting to $1301 was
given, while a' special reltef fund, In
ijAi ii if j-s!svt4M4P,M'4i4"'totft(J
$718. During the year the society'sin
come was i $1122 and disbursements
$M2.' ! .
Tim ninkliiK public of tlmne '.figures
will llKelyyTnMilt in iniierttialion or pt
IfHxt rttreiiclunwit In tUo Hum of, tun
ning expenso.
sSatlalBBUJjBrar ir r
1111 wm
If City Officials Cannot Con
trol Situation Tomorrow
Sheriff Will Be Invited to
Make Next Move.
(SpcHnl to The Jonrnil.)
1 Hoqulam, Wash., March 2.If th
city officials here are. unable to cope
with the strike situation in the morn
ing, an official demand will be mad
on Sheriff Payette for ald and if he
finds he cannot handle the strikers, he
will ask for state troops. At a citizens'
meeting last eveMne a resolution de
manding .protection .for. citizens from
the rioters was passed and Mayor Fer
guson stated ' that - he was unable to
get patrolmen to assist In keeping or
der. He asked Sheriff Payette for as
sistance last night and when Payette
said he would call in the troops, re
quested that they be allowed another
day. . ' ' ' '-: : - ' V
fhe strikers this morning at first re
fused to permit men to go through their
ranks to the Hociulam Lumber & Shin
gle company mill, where the rioting oc
curred yesterday, but on request of
(Continued on Page Two.)
. V , .,: X . ' (. .- ... , - ....
Smgle Extra Taft Vote in Pre
cinct 9, Boise, Might Have
Swung State Policy. -
rspeclnl to The JonrnaLl
Boise. Idaho, ' March 29. Had one
single additional Taft supporter turned
out to vote in Precinct 9, Boise, in yes
terday's Ada county Republican pri
maries, the state' of Idaho would prob
ably have sent a Taft delegation to'he
convention at Chicago. As it is; the
delegation will probably "be solid for
The remarkable chain of hard Taft
luck was 'voided in this nay:
The vote in Preslnct 9, was a tie and
Its nine votes in the Ada county conven
tlon vlll consequently be , divided be?
tween Roosevelt ana Taft. -
, This division will give, the Roosevelt
forces a ' majority of six in the Ada
county convention, which will, therefore,
send a Roosevelt delegation of 81 to
the. state convention at Lewlston next
month. :. '' ' - . ' - . . ' .
. These 31 delegates will be sufficient
to swing Idaho Into the Roosevelt col
umn, so close is the state's alignment
Several Taft men in Precinct 9, who
did not take the trouble to go to yes
tej'doy's primaries this morning, have a
guilty look, far should the vote in the
iiitUa: si, aoayeaUott. besa.. elosa 4hat
the' Idaho delegation holds the balance
of power, each of these individuals, may
have himself ta blame for. jtha. Identity
of the' next president of the United
Yoblei day's vole in Ada county stood;
Jioosovelt, IUS; Taft, lUi.
Petition In ,'MaguIre's Ha'nd's
Waiting, to Be Filed With
Secretary of State, ,
The primary election will be quickly
followed by another election to decide
whether or not District Attorney Cam
eron shall be permitted to serve out his
term, according to the plana of Council
man James Magulre., who had charge
of the circulation of the Cameron re
call petitions a few months ago. ,
Maguire has the completed recall pe
tition in his hands, and he announced
today that he will hold it Until short
ly before the primary election, when it
will he filed with the secretary of state,
Under the recall law, a special election
will be in order within 20 days.
"I think the candidate nominated at
the primaries would be the logical can
didate to put .against Cameron in a re
call election, said Maguire, "so I will
hold-the petition until Just before the
primaries. . Then we will have a spe
cial election, and elect the candidate
nominated at the primaries to fill out
Cameron's term.
"The new man would have five or six
months then In which to make good,
and if he falls to make good the voters
can make another change in November.
You can bank on, the recall being filed,
so Cameron can be pfut out soon after
the prlmaris." A '
One obstacle to Maguire's plans will
doubtless be encountered in the secre
tary of state's office, the, attorney gen
eral having .ruled- that the recall amend
ment is not operative without further
legislation. If filing is refused, the
legar question -can be raised by a writ
oi manuamus, which can be taken di
rectly to the supreme court for a de
cision. - ,
(Cnllod rrest Leased Wlro.)
san ranctsco. March 29. By a vote
Of 11 to 1, San Francisco has todav de
elded to bond the city for $8,800,000 to
erect a new city ball and to purchase a
site for a civic center.. The total vote
was 46,133 in favor of the bonds and
4035 against. The work on the new
municipal center and buildings will be
completed, before the opening of the
Panama fair In, 1915. ,t
The election marked the first oppor
tunlty which the women , of San Fran
Cisco have had to exercise the ballot
under the new equal suffrage law. Many
men visited the polls in company with
their wives and daughters. It is esti
mated that 14,0001 women voted, nearly
an in lavor oi the project
Q ' 1 " ' ,0'
' (United Vttm ttnwA Wlrf.) -
Rotk Island, III., March 29. With
200 men of the regiment of National
Guard who are patrolling Rock Island
as a result of the recent political riots
amttdln-4hs awi rthowsor the "Itiqwwtt
over me remains or rank Kellogg, who
was shot down in a battle with ' the
police, was opened today by , Coroner
Rose-. Blxty witnesses have been sum
A fpeolal KiHiid jury will convene this
$8,800,000 BOND ISSUE
I mml II ' Mil I kl W W w WtV
There Is No Reason Why Puget
Sound Should Have Any Ad
vantage Over Oregon Sea
port, Declares J. H. Lothrop.
"The question of; terminal rates to
Astoria is one that does not come dl
rectly . before the transportation com
mittee of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, hence I have not given it
serious consideration," said J. II. Loth
rop, manager of the transportation
committee of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, in discussing the subjoct
"It. does not require. much thought.
however,; for one to become convinced
that considering distance and cost, the
two most important factors in fixing
railroad rates, Astoria should be placed
at least on an equality, with Pugei
sound cities. , .'. . . ..
"There is no doubt but that If As
toria' were ' served by a line that did
not reach any: coast city enjoying ter
minal rates, Astoria also ' would be
granted terminal rates. - That would be
the policy of . the railroad in protect
ing its own interest.
"There is a strong undercurrent of
feeling rapidly coming' to the surface
that Astoria and Portland are not re
ceiving the full benefit of their loca
tion, that they are being denied their
natural advantages. While this is true
with regard to , practically all kinds
of traffic, it is particularly true with
reBpect grain and flour from Oregon
and eastern Washington producing and
milling points. iThe distance from such
points generally is shorter - to Astoria
than .to , Tscoma and Seattle, and the
cost ot transportation is very much in
favor of the Columbia river l..tul. .
' O.-W. S. & N. Company's Position.
"In the past, that s before the O.-W.
Rr & N." company : had its; own line" to
Puget sound, in my opinion that com
pany should have insisted that a fixed
differential . should be ' maintained be
tween Portland and Astoria rates on the
one hand and rates to Puget sound on
the other. ' No doubt such a condition
would have resulted in a prolonged
rate war, but the O.-W. Tt, & N. com
pany could havjB stood the fight fully
as Ion j as could the northern lines to
Tacoma and Seattle, j Now that the O.
W. It. & N. compariyihas its own lino
to Seattle, that company would no doubt
hesitate ; to voluntarily '. carry : lower
rates to Astoria and Portland thun to
Seattle and Tacoma, On the other hand,
in the early days prior to the construc
tion of tlm North Bank road, the North
ern Pacific had hut very litHe Interest
Continued oh Page Seveny
" - "'- :-!':-
(Cnllcd I'm loused Wire.)
4 Med ford. Or., March 29. -Al-
though ' she fell a distance of
4 only seven Inches, Mrs. A; Kel-
4 llhor or tins city-tnis morning
fractured her left hip and lc,ft
4. arm. She weighs 258 pounds . 4
and ye"fait''if Thw ne"1"1
cldont decurred as sh4 started
to ascend ths steps leading to
tlm kitchen of her. residence.
Mrs,..lollihor', is not xpected to
nc,ovtr. ,
Incendiaries Start . Blaze in
. Engine Room and Set Off
Blast 100 Feet Distant in
Center of Plant, at Once.
Windows and Doors a Mile
Away in St. Helens Are
Rattled by Shock.
Speliil to "JTi Jntiroitl.l .
St. Helens, Or' March 2S. Enemies
of the Columbia Coyity X,umber com
pany lasi nignt set lire 10 me piani,
then blew. It up Vlth giant powder, com
ple.tely destroying the mill and equip
ment, together with SOO.nOO feet of lum
ber.. The loss is J5ffi000, partially in
sured. " .'-'V-':":' '.
So great was the explosion that the
noise and shock were felt distinctly in
the center of St. Helens, almost one mllis
distant, windows being shaken and door
rattled. Sheriff E. ThonTpson ' is
absent, but Deputy Sheriff Lake began
noon after the fire to hunt the perpe-
tratora ; so far no arrests have been
The destruction of the mill began most
peculiarly. ; Jake BUI was night watch-
man. A young man who has resided in
St. Helens several years, he is considered
reliable. H aays he went from the
mill onto the (Jock to see a boat go by,
the mill plant being on Oregon slough,
about a half mile above the city limits
of St. Helens. lie was' absent, he de
clares, not more than five minutes. V
On return, he saw firs springing up
In the engine room. Almost simultan
eously, 100 feet distant in the center of
the mill, came the explosion. It was
apparently impossible for the fire to
have caused the explosion. and of
course no powder was kcp.t in the mill.
There is no reason evident for the fire
in 'the engine room as the mill had been
shut three ', days and everything was
"dead.". The explosion blew the mill
almost to pieces and the consumption
by fire followed quickly. : ?iV-
The Columbia County Lumber com
pany had no strike troubles such as are
affecting the Grays Harbor ntiys. lit
employs only Amerfcan labor jind : is
considered to pay good wages. : Ths
workmen are of a permanent class, most
of them married residents of St. Hel
ens. H. F. McCormlck is tfrinclpol own
er. He is manage of the big McCor
mlck mill at St. Helens proper, and is
brother of Charles W. McCormlck, owner
of the latter and the principal figure
in the big McCormlck Lumber company,
which loads vessels here constantly for
coastwise ard offshore business. .
A small part of the dock was also de
stroyed, .but the lumber on the dock
was saved. - The steamer America, O.
M. Abel, captain, which travels between
Portland and Oregon slough ports, was
Impressed into service to help save the
waterfront property.
Lieutenant 'Says When Presi
dent's; 'Followers Realize
Weakness, Will Desert Him.
(TTnltfa Prii teased Wlrs.l
Waterloo, Iowa, March 29. More than
1000 persons heard Colonel Roosevelt
speak at Vinton, The former president
was engaged in denouncing the polit
ical bosses . as the train nulled out of
the station. - Alexander Kevell, one of
Colonel .Roosevelt s staunchest sup
porters, predicted that President Taft
would never be nominated on the first
ballot, and this fact, he declared, would
result : tn - me nomination - going to
Roosevelt - " "
" "PraCticar pOlltlcIans,"" "he 8&ld,see
ing the hopelessness of President Taft
securing the . nomination on the first
ballot, will flock to the support of
Colonel Roosevelt."
, lowans Crect T. R.
Aboard the Roosevelt Special, Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, March 29. Colonel Theo
dora Roosevelt was warmly, .greeted,
upon -his arrival hero today by 1000
persons who had gathered at the rail
road station. From the platform of his
private car the former president spoke
to the gathering, pleading that the gov
ernment bo tu k on from the control of
"big business" and restored to the peo
ple. . . '
More than 200 persons gathered st
the station at Rock Island, 111., at 6
o'clock this morning to see' Colonel
Roosevelt, but they were disappointed,
as he was sleeping. ' . ,
In Tawney's District.
(United t'resi Leaned Wire.)
Albert'Lea, Minn., March; :2ft.: Speak
ing here today in the home district of
ex-Cohgressman James .A. Tawney,
Thrwdore "' Roosevelt discussed the
tariff question, repeating a speech he
deltevero;d at Sioux Falls, (September 3,
1910, almost In its entirety.
J . ,. -' ,: .
(Wnshlnetoa Iluicna tit The Journal.) -.
WasiunKton, March 29.- Congressman
1 faw Icy' has Vet omniended ths. 'appoint
ment cf a. Ml. Woodford as postmasur
H If'tl
at Meaford, 4
Dr. Calvin S. "hitc, secretary state
board of health, who addressed
'convention of health officers of
state this morning.
ntervention in Labor Troubles
by Uncle Sam Is Regarded
as Probability Today, - ;
.(United PreM Lmm4 Wlr.l .
Cleveland, Siareh 89. President
White of the United Mineworiers to
day struck the first Mow at the, operat
ors when he ordered an immediate sus
pension of all anthracite coal . mining,
Not a blow will he struck in ft mine un
til ths referendum has shown whether
or not the men are prepared, to go 011
strike. .
White'g order suspending all anthra
cite operations followed on apparently
final failure of all negotiations between
the operators and miners.
Wheeling, W. Va., March 29. -An
tlclpating a general strike order through
out the bituminous coal region-when the
present wage scale contract between the
miners and operators ends at midnight
Sunday; as a result of the failure of
the conference in Cleveland- to reach
a compromise, 2000 miners in Belmont
county, Ohio, struck today. The rest
of the miners in the district are ex
pected to walk out tonight.
Clev'eland, March, 29. Interventldn by
the United States government - to pre
vent a general strike throughout the
bituminous and probably the anthracite
regions of the country is reported here
today to be a probability,
This belief, became current through
the presence here 6f United States La
bor Commissioner Charles P. Neill, who,
though he declares he Is in Cleveland
principally to attempt a further agree
ment between &0 eastern railroads and
their- engineers, is believed also to bo
watching for a moment when President
Taft may intervene in the coal war with
a good chance of success.
The miners and operators of the bitu
minous fields went into conference again
today, but no one was prepared to say
there was prospect of an agreement to
sleht. ;.; ; , , '
Strike Believed Probable.
Washington, March 29. An official
statement by the American Federation
of Later on the outlook for a coal war
today says: ,.:.;f-.' ...
'From present Indications; there will
be a general suspension of mining both
in the bituminous and anthracite coal
fields. .All efforts to adjust differences
between the , miners and the operators
so far have' failed. In some parts of
the anthracite field preparations are
ilraady under' way to employ strike
breakers, .but it is not thought this will
be generally dene." .
Bamu'el Gompers declared today that
conditions have changed radically In 10
years and' that the men can no longer
afford to work at the old scale. . ".
I.nbor-.Commissioner Netirisr' ndw in
Cleveland watering he situation.
' Strikebreakers Imported. '
, Wilkesbarre, Pa, March 29. General
belief, prevails among the miners here
today that large numbers of strike
breakers are beinff imported into the
anthracite coal fields. The miners have
already begun getting their tools out of
the mines in anticipation of a general
strike. ," ' ,ir.
Appointed Nome Postmaster.
(VVmihltiKton tlim-Hit ot The Journal.)
Washington, March 29. Beverln
Bakke was today nominated for post
master of Nome, Alaska.
Special Articles in
Tenth Anniversary Number
TIMBER . IN OREGON By C. S. Chapman, former United
, States District Forester. ,
".. State Engineer. , :
President of Reed College. : ' ,
CLIMATE IN (OREGON By Edward A.',13cals, Pl-tri t
Forecaster. ' i -
TO OREGON By Henry E. Dosch. , -
Wednesday, A pril 3.
And, Most Astounding It Is,
Divorced Persons Shortest-
Lived of All, Says- State
Health Officer.
Married Folk" Get Plenty to
Eat and- Live Regular
Lives; That's Why. -
Jt you would live long and pass your
days In peace, get married. And after
you are married, stay married. Above -all,
get married Just as quickly as you
can, for every delay is only lessening
your chances for length of days.
This was the conclusion to be drawn
from information given by Dr. Calvin 8.
White, secretary of the state board of
health. In a paper on "Uniform Methods
of Collecting Vital Statistic," that he
read before tha session of state, county
and city heaOT officers of Oregon this
morning. Dr. white knocked, the props
right out ' from under the confirmed
bachelor and the fair divorcee, for he
showed from figures that divorced per
sons are the shortest lived of us all,
with .single people next and married folic
at tha top of the list. ,
The Ufa of the ordinary married man
and woman. Dr. White ahowed, is some-
waen uiuunu to years; wun ine Dacne
lors and spinsters coming several sea
sons behind and the divorcees trailing
far to the rear. It's all because the
married man gets plenty to eat and lives
a regular life, while the Jars and trou
bles ot divorced people weigh on their
minds and lead the.-i Into bad habits
that shorten their days.
Xf Yon'ra 83, Tonre Safe.
Moreover, if you are 25 years old and
haven't yet committed suicide, been run
over by a street car, knocked down by
an auto, smashed up In a . train Weolt
or tumbled out of an aeroplane, you can
figure yourjself reasonably safe, said
Dr. White. The great majority of ail
violent deathd, especially suicides, in
the United States, Dr. White told . tha ;
doctors, occur : befor the age of M
years. v.. ;- v '
Dr. White devoted considerable atten
tion to doctors who don't send in their
statistics promptly to the state board.
He declared that the work of the board
in bettering health conditions has been
of more importance to the children of
the state than all the mothers' con
gresses that have ever met Then ha
read a sort of roll of honor of the dif
ferent counties of Oregon, showing how
they stand in statistics. . This lT(st came
(Cftfltlnued on Page Bl
Mystic Alleged to Have Squan
dered $100,000 of Fortune;
Bench Warrant Is Issued, ,
(Culled Pri Leased WtraV
Los Angeles, Cat, March 29. Gorham
Tufts, Jr., ascetic and mystic, la under
indictment today on a specific charge
of having embezzled $401? of the fortune
of his wife, who formerly was Mrs. A.
R. Roe of Fort-Worth, Texas, and Chi
cago. Tufts, who lived with his wife
find her three daughters in a palatial
home in fashionable Chestef Place, was
arrested in a theatre during a matinee
performance on a charge of vagrancy.
He was hold while the county grand
Jury voted a true' bill. Bonds were
fixed at $20,000.
With George Parnell, former valet
of King Edward of England, Tufts vis
ited Nepal, . Thibet and Interior India,
studying occultism. Following their re
turn they went to Chicago, where- Tufts
met the , wealthy .Mrs. Roe, Interests!
her in his religious work and married
her. ' '"-';-:';" -
Miss Mary Roe, daughter of Mrs.
Tufts, 'declared today that Tufts had
squandered more than $100,000 of her
mother's money, and that he exercise l
a weird influence over persons through
what he called a projection of his own
will. The couple, it is alleged, sepur
sted recently Whan Mrs. 'Tufts tojd hnr
husband hs need occupy . her home no
longer. - ,'..' . : ' - -' '
Tufts formerly conducted a mliHlon In
Dearborn street, Chicago. . He la stiM
to have promoted many religious and
missionary enterprises. A bench war
rant for Tufts' arrest under the in
dictment' was issued today.
Extra Cop!, ; ,
aitc j-ooa- jto wveaucate the riot