The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 28, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    c::zco:i daily journal, foi;tlat;d, Thursday evening, march
vrr v i nturrn
Ju l 'ntLL J..CU'
President Will, If Full Vote is
fi tit i
ruueu, nave ividjuiuy uver
Combined Vote for Roose-
Succesa for William H. Taft In Or,
icon la predicted today toy W. E. Ayer,
chairman of the president'! campaign
committee In this state. Mr. Ayer went
further, and aald ha bellaved that If a
full, vote were to be polled today, Taft
would hare a,majorlty over the com
bined forces of La. Follette and Kooae-
velt .' v . -J ' . .... - ,
Heretofore Mr. Ayer has been guarded
In hie statements, saying that while re-
.ports. were highly encouraging, he did
not Intend to deceive himself as to the
Kerloueness of the fight on account of
them. Lately, be asserts, Taft has been
making- such headway that he is con
vinced the state will stand by the presl
. dent ' :'-: . v .' '
This claim of the Taft chairman Is
derided by the Roosevelt and La Fol
lette enthusiasts, each of whom claim
to have the best of the argument Many
of the prophets, since viewing the re
cent La Follette wave, have reached
the conclusion that the fight In Oregon
is between Taft and La. Follette.
Praises Direct Primary.,
Mr. Ayer, surveying the primary
tangles In New Tork, said he Is glad
that Oregon has & direct preference law,
and took a. few swats at Roosevelt
-methods In Texas and Missouri.
. "When I read of Mr. Roosevelt
complaint about the New"" Tork nrl
maxiea, and the turmoil north and south.
It is clear a primary law. for direct
vote is the only way to get an expres-
sion of opinion. For Instance, we read
' of a letter sent by Colonel Lyon, the
chairman of the state committee in
Texas, to all federal officeholders," In
which he calls attention to the fact that
he reoommended for office every man
now fcolJlng a rrf.13ent!al commission
In Texas except five, and asks them to
return a card to him showing their
preference for preterit Then hee&ys:
"1 repret to state that there are In
Texae some. men who attempt to carry
water on both shoulders, end on that
account there will be some who will
seek to avoid placing themselves on
record and who would ordinarily, there
fore, not comply with my request that
they fill out and return this card. To
such I will aay that I will make my
own classification If I receive no reply
In 10 days.'
People Etn flying Situation.
"Here we find that the Roosevelt
chairman calls on every, officeholder
whose appointment he secured to de
clare himself. Then we read of a re
port at Ozark, Mo., where a mass con
vention was held, and a circuit judge,
John T. Moore, commuted the sentence
of four men who had Just been con
victed and sent to jail, so they might
be taken Into the Roosevelt meeting as
delegate. .. , . -.
"Thus It will be seen there Is good
reason for the demand for presidential
primaries, properly safeguarded. Mr.
Taft has declared squarely for such
primaries as we have In Oregon. His
criticism of the 'soap box primary Is
justified by the things we hear.
-"The people of Oregon are studying
the situation carefully, and 1 believe
they will declare for Taft In his Chi
cago speech the president said, the
deliberate judgment of the American
people Is a wiser and better guide for
the state than the judgment of the
most experienced statesman, the most
learned jurist and the most learned and
profound student of history. In this
proper sense the voice of the people is
nearer to the voice of God . than any
other human decision.' : w
"This expression Of Mr. Taft I be
lieve, will be verified by the vote of
the electorate of this state. As I study
Mr. Tart I am impressed by the aim
pllclty of the man, and feet that his
greatest want is a bandmaster to
blazon hi words and deeds from the
housetops, for his methods are those of
thought and action, the quiet man who
abhors advertising himself
Woman Takes Witness Stand
to Find She Has Legally
Passed Away.
Van Zile Wins MedaL
(Special to Tti Journal. i '
Marshfield, Or March 28. Charles
Van Zlie won the honors In the debat
ing contests, of the North Bend high
school, being awarded the first prize.
The oratorical contest was a publio af
fair and was attended by a large num
ber of persona
Journal Want Ads bring results.
, (netted Freet teeetd Wire.,
San' Francisco, March Si. To mount
witness stand in an Oakland court
room and make the discovery that she
was legally dead and burled was the
startling experience of Mrs. Anne J.
McKUlip of Toronto, Canada, whose
sudden appearance has placed a. valu
able piece of East Oakland property
under a complicated tangle of conflict
ing titles here. -
Mrs. McKlllip made a trip across the
continent to look after her property.
only to discover that It had been sold.
Investigation of a long series of titles
disclosed that the trouble had started
through confusing her name with that
of the late Mrs. Anne J. Green Mc
Klllip, the appraisers of whose estste
turned over the wrong property to a
nephew of the deceased, who In turn
sold It The Canadian Mrs.' McKlllip
Is now, seeking a reconveyance of the
asfnuch as there are' 14 lodges in the
ethta. the fund is expected to reach
$5000 or 6000.
It was the original Intention of the
La Grande lodge to offer $500 for each
conviction, but. at the tugpestion of the
state game warden, the fund will be
made permanent, only the Interest being
used. Tills, however, will be supple
mented with enough from the state
game fund to make the reward In each
case total $250.
According to the warden the chief Im
portance of this move lies In the fact
that several thousand prominent cttl
sens throughout the state are directly
contributing to a fund for the protec
tion of elk and will, therefore, have a
personal Interest in the several small
bands yet remaining In different parts
of Oregon. . Warden Finley says this
cooperation will result In the arousing
of a publio sentiment which will make
possible full and complete protection
of elk. He also believes the good effects
will be extended to game protection In
general. . . '
This Is the second Important move
made by the La Grande lodge along the
same line, and both are directly due to
the Importation of the famous Oregon
herd of elk from Jackson Hole, "Wyom
ing to 'Wallowa county, Oregon. The
first action was the sending out of per
sonal letters to each of the 600 members
in Union and Wallowa counties, calling
upon them to cooperate to the fullest
extent with the state game warden and
hts deputies In their efforts to prevent
the annihilation of Oregon's game.
(Special tn The Journal.)
Pendleton, Or., March 28. According
tn advices reaching this city, the La
Grande lodge of Elks will take what
State Game Warden Finley considers
the most Important move for the protec
tion of game ever made In Oregon this
evening. , A resolution calling upon all
Elk lodges In the state to contribute to
a fund to be used In assisting the state
game department In securing convlc
tions for the killing of elk will be adopt
ed, and the La Grande lodge will head
the contributions with $800 or $700. In-
ffill Oil GUARD
Rioters Indignant Because of
Mayor's Action in Calling
for Troops.
J. W. Perkins May Build Again.
Roseburg, Or., March 28. Another
large real estate deal -was consummated
In Roseburg yesterday when J. W. Per
kins purchased, the T. R. Sheridan resi
dence property. The property Is 80x102
feet and adjoins Mr. Perkins' recently
erected four-story building on the west
The purchase price, as nearly as could
be learned, was between 112.000 and
$15,000. ,
Although Mr. Perkins has made no
building announcements. It Is said to
be more than probable he will erect a
fine business structure.
- Golden Dream Fades.
' Minneapolis, March 28. Dissolution
today faces the Republic ft Dominion
Fire and Marine Insurance company, a
golden dream of a number of Call
fornlans and Mlnnesotans, according to
reports . here. . The dissolution will
come. It Is understood, through a peti
tion from the stockholders to have the
new $8,000,000 corporation's affairs
I placed In the hands of a receiver,
(TTBlM Prrm LmmS WIm.1
Rock Island, 111., March 21. With 800
militiamen patrolling all the city's
streets. Rock Island Is quiet today,
after two days of political riotlnr. In
eluding one fatality, serious Injury, to
many, two of whom may die, and an at
tempt to assassinate Mayor - Schrlver,
All saloons remain closed. Six arrests
have been. made by the soldiers.
' It la feared that resentment rfgalnst
Mayor Schrlver, which Is still running
high, may cause renewed rioting at any
time. Fresh fuel was added to the
indignation , of the rioters by the
mayor's action In calling on the gover
nor for state troops.
All political meetings have been
barred here until after the primary elec
tion April J. A body of militiamen
guarded Mayor Schrlver's home all last
night to prevent a possible repetition
of an attempt against his Ufa
Packers Not to Bo Worried. -
'; : (lolted Fhs Leased Wire.)
Chicago, March 28. United States
District Attorney Wllkerson announced
here today that so far as he knew the
government contemplated no further ao
tion against J. Ogden Armour and nine
other beef packers acquitted Tuesday
of charges of violating the 8herman
anti-trust law. A complete report of
the trial has been sent to Attorney.
Factory for Rent.
Two floors in new brick building Just
completed at Hood and Baker streets,
South Portend. Long lease, low ren
tat Building Is well lighted and will
make an Ideal location for mahufactur-
plant A. L. FISH, care of Journal.
- m
- - Closing Out.
Boys' hats, $1, formerly $2. Kenshaw,
its Fourth, 449 Washington.
W V - .
An Array of Correct and Exclusive
Fas&on Without aTeer cr
Parallel Anywhere
Blue Serge Goats
For Friday and Saturday only we place
for your choosing; a" number of $18
value blue Storm Serge Coats, with
satin striped collars and A flC
cuffs. An actual $18 coat at J),7elj
Better Grade Goats
Such as the popular effects in wide
wale serges, navy diagonal serges; gray
and tan whipcords, etc, are here in
every favored style.
At an Actual Saving of Vi
Strictly Plain Man-Tailored Suits
For Friday and Saturday we continue
the special prices on these Suits, which
are excellent values at rA
$27.60. , Special for 2 days J) 10. J U
An colore
and slses. '
?The Flor
ence's" Beg.
9XOO Tains '
Sixth and Washington
Entrance 327 H Washlnrton.
Elevator to 84 Plooi Arcade
"Iff, A- , Aherafioas
Li Free
Store Opea
evening un-
tn 10 p. m.
Other eve
ning until
Daily Increasing Assortments Strengthen Our Spring Lines of Wearing Apparel
Novelty Hand Bags 98c v. ,
Suede, satin, velvets in all black moire linings. All fitted
with coin purses. With silver, gilt and gun metal frames. Car
ried by long silk cord handles. Assorted sizes. '
MwoiMife Q).
-L Tfenctoandtee of fteril Only..
Special Prices on All Bibles
Prayer Books Hymnals and Easter Novelty Booklets. ; In
oifr stationery you will find cards and novelties at special
inducement prices.
$40.00; Tailored Suits at $27.75, . ,
-You can get now and here a perfectly plain tailored suit that's full of
wortfly of distinct style individuality, at a fraction of the original price.
Suits that women of discriminating taste will be pleased with.
The skirts are. modeled in a new side and panel plaited effect. . The
jackets are 28 inches long, made semi-fitting, with deep mannish revers,
collar and sleeves, fastening with three side buttons. Has a fancy outside
'. pocket, button trimmed. Lined with peau de cygne silk.
As to the material you will find it to be an extra quality of, imported
, wide wale cheviot serge in navy, tan and the new blue.
One-Piece Serge Dresses
Very Special at $15.00
Five new model dresses of English' and Frencht serge in navy, tan,
brown or Copenhagen.
Made in the newest high waist line effects, with revers and one-sided
effects. Made in the Dutch neck styles,' with lace collar or embroidered
and silk piped. All the sleeves are set-in in elbow or three-quarter lengths.
The skirts are made in plaited, piped and braided effects to match the waist.
New Lingerie Waists at $1.45
Ten distinct new Spring style waists in high or Dutch neck effects; also
plain tailored waists. , v : .
They are made' of fine white sheer lawn, batiste and voile. Some are
attractively trimmed with Valenciennes lace and insertions. Others have
panels of cluny lace and fine pin tucking; still others are hand-embroidered
and trimmed with lace medallions.
Misses' Smart Norfolk Suits $30.00
Norfolk suits of dark navy blue serge. The jackets are designed in the
regulation Norfolk stvle, with straps and belt. Lined throughout with
a fine quality silk. The skirts are very girlish and pretty, trimmed at the
side with buttons and buttonholes. Norfolk suits are always in fashion,
particularly for young girls of all ages and these we are offering at $30
are very smart and up to date in every particular. The material is of a
fine quality and the workmanship and tailoring is of the best
Linen Cloths $1.95
Regular $3.00 Each
Lunch' cloths of fine German
linen in many choice and attractive
patterns. Made with scalloped edge.
. Size 64 by 60 inches.
: ''
- Toweling 1 1 c Yard
Bleached toweling full 18 inches
.wide, of an extra heavy weight,
finished two ply edge. A regular
1214c yard cloth.
Rower Trimmed Spring
. Hats $10.00
Hats fresh from the hands of our expert designers. '
The shapes are smart the colors becoming, trimming
chic. - . .
Just fancy buyiner a beautiful hemo dresa hat trimmed
Mn the smartest style imaginable but not over trimmed.
The trimmings consist of natural colored roses, com
bined with soft satin ribbons.
Every one of these hats has been made special for
this sale. '
No two trimmed alike. So when you buy one you will
have the satisfaction of knowing that you will never see
another one just like it ..
The hat illustrated is s fine navy blue tagal hemp, and
the rotes are in a deep rose shade with the ribbon in a
primrose color.'
Prevost & Co.-Epglish Sailors
We have just received a shipment of these smart English
sailors in black and colors. Made of rough straws in many
attractive styles. -:
Qace Kid Gloves
$1.39 Pair
Women's three clasp over seam
glace kid gloves, with Paris 'point
stitching. Come in brown, mode, gray,"
green, navy, v oxblood, ; gray, pearl,
white' and black.
f . : . .
6-Button Gloves
$1.98 Pair
This Is a 16 button glace kid glove
with over seam stitching and one row
of embroidery on the back. Can be
had in tans, brown, black and white.
16Button Silk Gloves
$1.00 Pair
' Full 16 button length silk gloves In
all the leading shades for spring and
summer wear. Pongee, mastics, pink,-
-Alue,f -reseda, tans, brown, leather,
black and white.
Chamoisette Gloves
50c Pair
This is a ' two clasp - chamoisette
glove theg!f3veThatalwajrs1o6kf
. Untrimmed Tailored Hats .
Specially Priced From $138 to $5.50
r-v 7Trrrrrr'iy CKiW-- 4"Nv
The smartest styles of the season are reflected in this particular lot
of untrimmed mannish sailors and derby effects. -All
made of this season's fashionable straws such as chips, patent
milans and hemps.
In black, navy, brown, tan and white,
You will do well to secure one of these hats, and by adding a little
bit of trimming you will have a smartly tailored hat fit for any occasion.
.!9c Each
. Former price 85c
These novel Dutch tea cloths are
made of a fine German linen, with
, hemstitched edge. Size 30 by 30
inches. They have bleached centers
and colored borders.
Bleached Towels
Special 10c Each
Towels of bleached linen with
hemmed ends. Siz 17 by 32 inches.
This is a regular 12c a yard
. Crochet Quilts $ 1 .33..
Regular price $1.50
Full size hemmed crochet Bed,
Quilts in very attractive patterns. :
Crochet Quilts $1.49
- ' Regular price $1.75 -'
These crochet Quilts are of the
same fine quality as those above
but are fringed and come with cut
v Real Hair Bargains
$5.00 SWITCHES $3.48
Switches made of fine German
hair 23 inches long, full and wavy,
mounted three separate strands, so
you can wear as much as you wish
at a time. All natural hair shades.
TIONS $1.48
Transformations made of fine
16 inch German hair mounted on
22 inch French weft. Go all around
the head. All natural hair shades
wavy hair.
Special 12 or 25c
The original La Recamier silk
hair nets the largest silk net made.
We have just received a large im
port order, and to reduce this large
stock we offer them for this time at
the small price of 12 for 25c
Final Demonstration Announcement of
Only Two Days Left
In which to receive the personal advice of Mrs. Redding. '-
Mrs. Redding has had years of experience in devefoping"beautiful fig
ures, and a few minutes' talk with her will be of inestimable value to you.
It is s pleasure for her to show Modart Corsets, whether you buy or not.
Come in and spend a few minutes in our corset department tomorrow,
even if you are not resdy for a new corset right now.
30c Voile Tissue
19c Yard
In stripes, checks and solid
Sheer and dainty the fabric
best suited for summer frocks.
Men's Wear
Silk Lisle Sox
Children's Rompers
Sizes 2 to 6 gears
. A Special Silk Purchase
Imported Foulards Friday at $1.50 Yard
. This, the popular, beautiful silk in double widths full 40 inches wide.
Foulards hold first place for light weight spring and summer dresses. :
This line is all imported and can be' had in such colors as navy, Alice
blue, new brown, champagne, American Beauty, lavender, white and
black, also black and white. f . .
You are certain to appreciate the beauty and the worth of this-repre-sentative
showing of fashionable' foulard silks.
Foulard silks offer a world of ideas for women who sew as they adapt
themselves to all kinds of draping easily cut and handled. :
.Friday they sell at $1.50 the yard. ,' '1
Gas Lights, Mantles
$1.00 Gas Lights 25c
Gas lights all complete, ready
to light, in the inverted style.
Every light guaranteed. For
Friday only 25f .
. .
10c Inverted Gas Mantles
i 50c a Dozen
The Dime gas mantle. Best on
the market Made by 'Lindsay
Light Company. On sale Friday
only. They come in one dozen
lots. Only ONE dozen will be
sold to a customer, at 50 doz.
. Special 49c
Regular price 75c
These rompers are of chambrsy
in blue and pink stripes and checked
ginghams the two most practical:
ChiffbirTaffeta-$ l:50lhe Yard
Friday and Saturday Only .
: Owl Cut Rates on
Toilet Articles, Drugs
Toilet Articles
$1.50 Oriental Cream..... ....881
50c Pebecco 29-
35c Java Rice Powder....... 26
25c Massatta Oriental Talcum
Powder ...15
25c Woodbury's Facial Cream 15
25c Creme Dentrifice. 15
50c. Hinds Almond Cream. 35
25c Bathasweet 16
25c Sanitol Tooth Powder. .. .,i5
50c La.Vida Rouge. ...... ...20.
25c Bath Salts.,,......,.,....
25c Luatrite Nail Enamel 16
Drug Specials ' .
$1.00 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine 66
$1.00 Herpicide 65
25c Castoria , .....10
J?5jLJ5pMtsjrrpen.tin.c. ....... tQL
well and wears well can be washed Qilffon taffetas in a soft pliable weight in changeable and plain colored
in . Doth light
as well as a silk glove, retaining its
shape, In white, gray and natural.
effects with borders and without ' borders.
and -dark
. W.-.rn v r i- nfitarLalmfat-fiucli-frarmcntiii
WUSlCdpeCiat,4TOrDC " , . ,.. Bottle Rose Spray
r Made in regulation style with
(-Everybody's Doin' It-Viplin collarless neck and short sleeves. vvnui
Rag Beautiful Dojl That Myster- Trimmingsi of bias bandings j of 25c Bay Rum. . , .
ious Rag... , v L. ... white cr checked gingtams. : 75c Mellin's Food
.;. 16
...I.., ...16
23c Pair
, Men's colored silk lisle sox, made
of fine silk lisle thread with double
- heel and toe. In all colors except
' blackl 'All sizes. Regular price 50
Negligee Shirts $1.15
Regular price $1.50
Negligee coat shirts with plain
and pleated bosoms. Attached cuffs.
Made of madras snd French per
' cale. They are perfectly fitting and
represent high grade workmanship.
A good selection of patterns.
Lisle Underwear ' ,
$1.00 Garment
. '
' Men's white cotton lisle under-
wear, shirts and drawers of medium
- weight and trimmed with sateen
facings. They have long; sleeves
and ankle length drawers. '
Initial Handkerchiefs
22c Each
or $1.25 for box of 6
"leiTs'liiltTArsofOrnis.l.cJ 1,..1.J-
kerchiefs with solid colored borers
and the initial wdven over t! s t !
cred shield. Hemst'tche J an 4 r " -for