t J CONLJLTISa SPECIALIST . m aid WOiEH XVK "'AKE PATLY O.UNIMi IN PI H; 1.10 CONI--1DKNCL--PKCAVSK WK .Alili SULTS W II Kith OTHERS 'AIK REAP W HAT THIS PATIENT HAS TO SAY, HE IS ONXT ONK OF THE MANY WHO WRITE US AT 'ON a SIMILAR LINES. i-t. ". Mrrh 1. 1912. Modern Specialists, Portland. Or. Gentlemen -'I wish to thank you tor the benefit that you have done me in restoring my health. It "hard for on j who has been In poor health for three r four years to truly show his ar precis ion to a doctor that has done for Mm what you have done for me. During the lest -three years J . hare doctored with doctor that were highly recommended to me. In Denver and Pu eblo, Colo., and also here In Portland, but for tomi reason they did not em to benefit me any. although I think they mere sincere and tried to do their besl Allow me to say that If In return for vour kindness I can recommend or bring any new patients to your office, I will do It gladly, feeling that I am obligated to you In Immeasurable terms. With best wishes for your continued success, I remain. gJggg- If yon are sick and ailing consult with ns free today. M0MH SPECIALISTS FIRST AND ALDER BT8. PHONE MAIN 4488 entrance: 211 alder rr. Mci and Women -tod S. t Clan l - 133 First St or . 225 Alder st. Dr. & K. Chan Mrs. Uc. Chan The reliable Chinese Doctors, 8. K. Chan with their harmless Chinese medicines of herbs and roots, can wonderfully cure all kinds of internal and external sick nesses when others fail. Chronic ali ments successfully treated. NO OPER ATIONS. Examination for ladies by Mrs. Dr. Chan. Call or write to B. K. CHAN CHINESE MEDICINE CO.. 132 H 1st St, N. W. corner Alder, Portland, Or, BBSBSVBVa'aHSSBB'SSS BIKG CHORG Chinese Doctor. His Chinees herbs and root medicines cure blood troubles and all lungs, liver, stomach, kidneys. When others have given you up, con- suit or , write to uwg Chona Removed to 232 V, Wash., corner 2d St 1 BR0I Civ Prompt sad ESecmal Relief . without inconvenience, in the MOST OBSTINATE CASES No other treatment required. SOLO BY ALU DRUGGISTS. lii si HIBO TOlPilUi I Ship Builders at This Port to Get Work That Would Ordi narily Go to Bay City, Belief. ' Positive assurance was made this morning-, by a man familiar with all local waterfront matters tliat Portland will soon be the gainer as the result of the strike of ship carpenters and caulk ers, which has been on at San Francisco for some time past In speaking- of the matter he said that there Is no doubt that a number of large job which will require dock ing of the vessels as well as repairs snd overhauling that will be made on them will come to this port ss a re sult of the strike conditions. For that reason he looks forward to particularly busy tiroes for the shipbuilding con cerns here as Well as those handling contracts for caulking and liks work. There Is one large Job on an American ship which Is practically assured now, the work being a complete overhauling which will require her to be on the dry dock for some time. The name of the OTHirS ImprOTSd tJver FOU PEOPLE having indigestion, bilious spells and headache, with bad complex ion or pimples, can be cured with these vegetable pills. They drlva out the cause of sickness and clear the com plexion. You look better and feel bet ter after using them. One for a dosa. 25 cents at druggists or by mall. For sample write Dr. Bosanko'Co. 1631 VINE STh PHILADELPHIA, PA V4J HSSjggBBSBSIWBM 1 ' Sar l i i , 5 m tL it xV, f x I s. Tf Quickest Results Are Obtained Dy Want Ads In The Journal MODEM rIETiODS Y ) MspssMdV " ' " 1 mm inisa DR. J. J. KEEFE Qualified Specialist I publish my own pnotogrsph, per sonally conduct and manage my own office and have no connection with any other practice. I am legally qualified to practice my profession in the States of Oregon, Washington, California snd Nevada. Practice lim ited to the scientific treatment i of special ailments. ; i l Every man calling at my office Is assured of m personal and Individ ual treatment until a cure Is ef fected. Be sure to consult me be fore treating elsewhere. NEW GERMAN REMEDY FOR My Method of Administration la Ab solutely Bare, l administer tne rem edy to both men and women. Nels ser Bacterin for special ailments. Animal serum for nervous debility. I FULFILL MY PROMISES I ACCEPT NO INCURABLE CASES t Never HOLD OUT FALSE HOPES Come to me If you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins, Plmolea. Nervous Debility. Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood PolBona, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments, Piles or Fistula. 9 to 5 7 to I Dally: Sunday 10 to 1 . Examination Advice Free J. "J. 'KEEFE, PL G. E D, i Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bids. 212 ft WASHINGTON ST., Cor. 6th I'UKTbAMI, UK. ooD-.ro THOS. A. EDISON, THE GREAT . ELECTRICAL WIZARD, .SAYS : THE NEW GERMAN REMEDYN40T the cure of BLOOD POISON Is the greatest achievement and discovery of 1911 and that most of us have Blood Poison snd don't know DR. C. K. HOLSMAN, THE EX PERT SPECIALIST, SAYS: It is now one year since the Introduction Of the NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, and during that time I have admin-. Istered this preparation In several hundred cases, often giving as many as five doses In a single day. I know my experience with It is far greater than any other physician or specialist in Portland. I have given this rem edy a severe test, having met in my expe rience some extremely bad cases, and I can say without fear of contradiction that it is ii m Kieaitsi uincuvtry vi me ago ana , ins nearest absolute and permanent cure for p. Blood Poison, regardless of the stage of tl4t;. umrana wr lus ByiupiuiUB preHeilt, rj V e r y symptom of the disease, from the small erup tion to the worst kind of running sore,, are rnecxea in tneir progress at once snd completely u healed within ; ten days. Thers Is no longer any doubt about the wonderful curative power of this remedy, snd when given by an ex pert there Is absoluttJyjio danger. of ny kind fiom-4t- use. I Introduce It DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOOD by the INTRAVENOUS METHOD, the only proper method of administering ii, ana ine one recommenaea oy r ror. C K. HOLSMAN, M. D. Licensed In Oregon, Washington and California. I possess skill and experience acquired in such s way that no other can share. My years of experience, the rleht kind of experience, together.. with TJ ine cures I ahave effected, have earned for me the titleThe Leading Specialist Ehriich himself, as the following extract from his letter shows - "Judging from all the reports received by me, it appears that the in travenous injection Is to be pr-ferred to all other modes of administration, M,.f'JL Permanency of effect Is concerned. Although I have to ad mit that this method of administration will prove an ohsucle to ' the introduction of the remedy in general practice, on account of certain tech nical difficulties. 1 believe that the Interests of the patient demand that only the most efficient form of treatment should be decided on I should feel much obliged to you if you will as heretofore assist me In this direction snd in the future employ as much as possible the intra venous method for ,the administration of the remedy. , . , Signed. ' "P. EHRLICH." . ,PP!?nJ.All."B..,,n? 88 any In Oregon and I give you the GENU INE GERMAN REMEDY In the RIGHT WAY. You come to my office, recdlvs the treatment, go about your work as usual and in 10 days' time sll symptoms disappear. Why should you continue taking mercury and other injurious drus in your stomach for years, when you can corns to me and be cure.d? r ..-K",''"'.'.'. Je!7"lrknb, Success all ailments, such ssf ENLARGED ES'l BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLE and I GIVE INDIVIDUAL TREATMENT - I wish to make one point distinct snd emphatic. The remedies employed In treating my patients are prescribed and compounded to meet the exact requirements of each Individual case. Every patient of mine can rest as sured mat tne treatment he receives Is not of the "reildy-mado" kind. I make a special study of every case I treat, note all conditions In the -beginning, note all developments as the cure progresBes, and so alter mv' reme dles as to accomplish Just what my knowledge and trained perception tell me must be accomplished. Afjter diagnosing your case I will know Just CONSULTATION FREE TO ALL PATIENTS. If you are suffering from shy of the above diseases, call for Free Con sulfation. If you cftnnot call, write me Immediately, giving me a description of your case In your own words. By return mall I will send yon, absolutely free, a diagnosis of your case and my best professional advice as to how to iirocwMl in order to correct your trouble.- .. i- ' My office is open sll day from 9 a. m. to I n m : nnrt n " -rmir. ' f irri,"i J.V11I1 1 1MJ11 ILlCCk iniUVJ PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 C.-K.M ri i iiiii vc.ss.-l was not ar.r.ounct.l. but It- is rtftl rT T 1 I H P'lf?,l undorstood that she Is likely to depart ! II IH fiy . ' Hi for this port In a very short-time. I 1 .1 1 1 d I 1,1111 lii I 'ii The barkentine C. F. Crockrr. which UUUill 1 1 ill I LI IJ Utl I BUiLDliIG OF BRiDGE put Into Fun Francisco February 21 In distress wtillo on hrr wsy from the Columbia river to Eten, was dorteJ there but Is said to have been hurried off with Just, enough repairs to allow her to continue her voyage because of the conditions prevailing through the strike, i Ijater there will be other big repair and overhauling Jobs come here, accord trig to this source of information, and an unprecedented wnve of prosperity will 'attack sll lines of shipworktng In the local harbor, he says. . - CANDIDATE FAVC."i3. - - DIRECT FHI" AH Y LAW CAPTAIN BOLXES DIES Was Commodore of O.- It. & N. Co.'s Fleet of Vessels for Many Years. , Word was received her this morning that Captain O. F. Bolles, well known In this city, passed away at his residence In Menlo Park, Cal Tuesday evening. Captain Bolles suffered a stroke of spoplexy about three jnontha ago. and though he improved "considerably; It finally resulted In his death. ! He was born near New Bedford, Mass.. and would have been 71 years old next May. He took to ths sea at an early age, and was In command of a vessel be fore he was of age, For many years he was captain and commodore of the O. R. & N. Co.'s fleet running between Portland and Ean Fran cisco, and while In thatervlce brought out the steamers City of Chester and Columbia from New York to this coast. About IS ears ago Captain Bolles was appointed by the government Inspector of hulls with headquarters at Ban Fran cisco, and he was still holding that posi tion at the time he was stricken. B. F. and W. E. Stevens, both with the First National bank here, are neph ews of Captain Bolles. HAZEL DOLLAR CRIPPLED Steamer's Rudder Stock' Broken In Ilnrricane; Back In Port Advices of the Merchants Exchange this morning stated that the British steamer Hazel Dollar, which sailed from the Columbia river February 24 with lumber for Taku Bar, returned to Vic toria this morning in a damaged con dition. She reached the British Colum bia port under a Jury rudder. She en countered a hurricane off the Aleutian Islands on March 7, In which her rudder stock was broken. ' r WILL BUILD a STEAMEK Newport " Navigation Company ' Will Add Ship for Summer Travel. (Special to The Journal.) Toledo, Or., March 27. Shipbuilder George Walker of this city has mads a contract with the Newport Navigation company- for the building of stster ship to ths steamer Newport The ship will be rushed to completion and used a barge during the coming summer In transporting passengers from Ya qulna to Newport. ALONO THE WATERFRONT Tha steamer - Ocklahama took the bark Levi G. , Burgess from the coal bunkers to Llnnton this morning, after which she shifted the British, ship Kirkcudbrightshire Into .the berth at the bunkers, where she Will discharge ner coai cargo. To take on cannery supplies the shin Berlin will be brought up from Gobla to Columbia dock No. J Saturday. The steamer Carmel arrived at Ore gon slough last night to load a cargo oi lumper jor ner return trip to Call fornla. Arriving last night from Ban Fran- Benton County Citizen Objects to Expenditure of Public Money. .. SdmU1 to Tbt Journal.) Corvallls, Or., March 27. Pants. Do dele, a resident of the north end of Ben ton county, has filed a complaint against Benton county asking the oourt to enjoin the county from building a bridge across the Willamette river at Corvallls. It Is claimed that the site of the pro posed bridge is not on a county road, that the cost of the bridge Is to be about 162,000, easily In excess of the limitation of the indebtedness ljf such cases fixed by law. The Willamette river at Corvallls Is the line between Benton and Linn counties, and at ths last session of the legislature a bill was passed allowing Benton county to build a bridge con necting Benton and Linn oounties at ths expense of Benton county. A number of years ago Linn county built a bridge across tha Willamette at Albany at the expense of -linn county, and It was considered by ths advocates of tha new bridge that Benton county should stand ths expense of construction. To be sure that this plan was tha wish of tha people of ths county, tha court refused to consider tha matter unless petitions favoring the bridge should be presented asking thai, the bridge bs constructed. Petitions were circulated In all parts of ths county, and and in. tha petitions presented . to the county court more than 800 signatures, representing mora than half of tha tax able property of the county, were pre sented. September 6 a board of viewers, consisting of Marlon Hayden. Qeorge IL Llnderman and L. N. Edwards, was ap pointed and. the alts selected by these viewers Is the extension of ths county road that leads to tha present ferry at Corvallls. i if-' ! I it : M. D. Hawe. . M. D. Hawea, candidate for tha Demo cratic nomination for representative from Multnomah county, Is a native of Illinois, and was born In McLean coun ty in that state in 1886. He declares in his platform for ths initiative and ref erendum,' the direct primary : law, and Statement No. 1. Mr. Hawes is secre tary and treasurer of F. B. Bowman company, a corporation which has been operating extensively in building, buying and selling in Irvington for the past four years. This company has built some of ths most handsome residences and modern flats in Irvington. Mr. Hawea is an active and energetlo young man, and has many friends throughout ths city. i . . - - V 1 IEFE1E PUT OVER YEAR Celebration of Anniversary of Christian. Victory Over Pa ganism Is Postponed. C a tar r h C o u g h s Colds, Group Keep Hyonieiin the House anrj Have Nothing to Fear Money-Back Cure. ; - Every one ought to have a little hard rubber HYOMEI Inhaler and a bottle of HYOMEI (pronounce It Hlgh-o-me.) Once you own an inhaler - you can always buy a bottle of HYOMEI for only 60 cents,. Pour a few drops Into the Inhaler and just breathe if' By its intelligent use you can in a few hours vet wonderful relief from catarrh. coubhs or colds. Breathe It regularly it Is guaranteed to entirely banish these troublesome diseases. Remember, thers isn't a particle of cocaine, opium or other habit-forming drug In HYOMEI. . It Is made chiefly of soothing, healing, antiseptic Eucalyp- tus. A complete outfit, which includes in haler and everything you need, costs but 11.00. Sold by pharmacists everywhere. ctsco, ths steamer Johan Poulsen, Cap tain Lancaster, went to Kalama where she will load lumber for one day and then go .to Wastport to finish her cargo for the Golden Gate. On her i new schedule, ths steamer Breakwater, Captain Macgenn, sailed at 9 this morning for Coos Bay, with passengers, and freight J. ; Lumber laden! the steamer San Ja cinto will sail tonight for San Pedro, from the Inman-Poulsen mills. 1 Carrying 200 passengers and 2500 tons of freight, the steamer Bear, Captain Nopander, will sail tonight on ths last sailing of ths winter schedule. Laden with cement, asphalt and gen eral cargo, the - steamer Thomas L. Wand, Captain Peterson, arrived at the Supple dock last night from San Fran cisco. ' ' '('-.:,,.' : . -' James E. Harvey arrived this morn ing from Seattle to relieve H. E. Prl chard,, local agent for Frank Water house & Co,, as the latter was taken suddenly 111 yesterday. Until Mr. Har vey's arrival. Miss Wilson, Mr. Prl chard's secretary, had charge of the office. Laden with 650 tons of domestlp snd 106 tons of bonded merchandise, ths American-Hawaiian - steamer Falcon, uaptain benage, arrivea yam can rTan-j simultaneous with ths announee clsco last night at 8:10. In her bonded, ment of ths postponement today waa cargo were i Twenty barrels of cheese, ma(je also ths announcement that the (Doited Press Lmm4 Wire.) , Borne, March 27. Of f lclal announce ment was made today at ths Vatican of the postponement until next year of tha exposition and celebration In honor of the year of Constapnne, the 1300th anniversary - of Constantino's Christian victory over paganism. The postpone ment was made largely to enable the committee that has the celebration il charge to arrange for festivities- on much larger scale than had - been planned. The postponement, i however, will not Interfere with ths major part of the big pilgrimages which had been planned for ths year unless the pro moters of these prefer themselves to postpone the Journey to Rome until next year. 16 cases of wine, 160 cases of beer, ISO cases of spirits, 28 cases of enameled ware, 8 barrels manufactured flax, 78 crates of decorated china, 800 kegs ar senate of lead and 10 rolls of linoleum. She will sail again tomorrow night two days ahead of her schedule, with 600 tons of grain for Ban Francisco and some miscellaneous freight for New York.-:-.. '" ' Two or three boats have been picked up In ths last few nights by the customs patrol launch H. W.. Scott and it is the intention of Collector of Customs Malcolm to take vigorous action against the violators of tha navigation laws in the future. MIRINE 1TOTES -THE- True Scenic Route 4 Trains-continental Trains Daily Through Tickets to All Parts of the World at Lowest Rates. Up-to-date Sleeping Cars, , - Up-to-date Tourist Cars. Up-to-date Dining Cars, Up-to-date Service. - THE s .... Astoria, March 27. Sailed at fl:J0 a. m steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay and Eureka. Sailed at 7:0 a nv, schooner Virginia, for Ban Francisco.. Arrived at 7:20 and left up at :io a. nv steamer Coaster, from San Francisco. Sailed at 8 a, m., gasoline schooner xuiamooa, ior Bandon. Sailed at 10:30 a, m., steamer Elmore, for Tillamook. - Sailed, steamer Temple E. Dorr, for San Francisco. Ban Francwco, March 17. Arrived at (1 a m., steamer Daisy Freeman, from Portland... Monterey, March 28. Sailed, steamer J. A Chanslor, for Portland. Astorl(i, March 26. Arrived down at 12:30 rh.. schooner Virginia. Arrived at 12:30 and left up at S p. m steamer Carmel, from San Francisco. Arrived at 1 and left up at p. m., steamer Jo han Poulsen, from San Francisco. Ar rived down at 10 p. m., German ship Tblelbek. noon, steamer George W, Elder, from Columbia river, Sailed, steamer Roan oke, for Portland. . ;j. I San Franclsop, March 26. Arrived, steamer Maverick, from Portland. Sailed at 2 p. mv steamer Kansas City, for Portland. Sailed at 6 p. m., steamer Klamath, for Portland. - - - Victoria, March 27. British steamer nazal Dollar, from Portland, for Taku Bar, returned to Victoria this morning. Rudder- stock--' broken and -under -iury rudder. ' Experienced hurricane off Alu tian island, March.7. -- Astoria, March 27. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a m., smooth; wind east,' 6 miles; weather, cloudy. Tides at Astoria Thursday High wa ter, 8:49 a, m., 7.7 feet; 10:81 p. m., 7.1 feet. Low water, 2:08 a m., 4.1 feet; S:S4 p. m 0.8 feet. Dai!; River Readings, POPULAR ROUTE, TO- The Old Country, Hawaii, Australia, Alaska, China and Japan. Try the ' S00-SP0KANE-P0RTLAND - Service de Luxe A solid train, electric lighted, running through between Portland and H St, "Paul in 2lt days. For. rates and, full informations-apply at local office, Third and Pine (Mult nomah Hotel Bldg-), or address . FRANK R. JOHNSON, I G. A.P. p.. Portland. STATIONS l,ewlHton ...... I., liiparia ........... Umatilla Euceno Albany , Halem . . . . . , .. . , . Wilsonvllls Portland . - 2 2S EfQ "?J o 'i ? 3a J??. S ga : - J- ;3 ,52 : r' off ,r . 3 E . 24 8.71 073r'"0t 80 6.0 0.6 0 26 1.8 0,2 0 10 5.1 0 0 1 2.00.2 0 20 4.60.2 0 20 4.00.1 0 87 6.6 0.3 0 16 2.6 0.2 0 committee has definitely decided on ths erection of a magnificent temple to Christ, ths victor, just outside of Rome, and on ths site of Constan tine's vic tory. iiilliJiiLuLl ii Ddil SET ASIDE PPM Mittie Point MiKer.Says Fraud ulent Means Used to Get Decree. ' Xm i j Elko, Ner., March 27. Las Vegas, Nev., is today 'the scene of a bitterly contested divorce suit, centering about former Senator Alexander McVeigh Mill er of West Virglnls. in which sensation al charges are made by his first wife, Mrs. MitUs Point Miller, a noted writer of fiction. In March, 1911. Miller ob tained a divorce from his wife on the grounds of desertion and extreme cruel ty. Shortly after this he married again. Now comes Mrs. Mlttle Point Miller, the divorced wife, alleging frsud in con nection with her - divorce, and asking that the decree separating her from Miller be set aside and a rehearing granted. She charges that ths divorce summons had never been served upon her. Mrs. Miller has published 'several.! successful books. . 703 Acres Etock Uanch Tot :. SQO Acres Alfalfa Produced 1000 Tons Eay Last Season. FREE RANGE of Ten Thousand acres finest bunch grass adjolnln. for grslng. Vou real ly get over 19,000 acres by buying 2700. 960 acres now irrigated by gravity. 600 seres may be under flitch at slight expense. Bangs supplied with creeks and springs, near good towns and neighbors, railroad anticipated. A splendid ranch for cattle, sheep and hogs. New 13-room t An A akads aitaai ' OtfWlls hopi, orchard. A snap. 8700 acre f 18.60 pr acr. part cash. - frank McFarland Realty Co. ; - 309 Tsoa 2Udfn Portland, Or. LINCOLNSHIRE HANDICAP VI BY LONGSET, 13102 London, March 27. Lincolnshire handicap of 1600 pounds sterling, straight mile, was won yesterday by Sol Joel's 6-year-old oolt Longset, by Ra- belals-Balle Perdue, who carried 8 stone pounds and , started at IS - to 2. Q. Facer's Uncle Pat, 7 to 1. was second, and ths favorite, IL Nlckall's Warfare, to 1, third, ' J--v Hornet's Beauty, favorite until he went lame, finished in ths, ruck, after starting; 10 to 1. Ths field numbered 1 Training Camp Notes I Chicago, March 27. Manager Chance of the Cubs released three players, Pitohers Harrington and Dressen and Inflelder Smith. Dressen will return to tha Salt Lake club. Smith, who is an Indian, halls from California. Monroe. La,. March v 87. Pitohers Heinle PernolU Maurer and Remnas will probably bs sent to ths minors by the Detroit Americans. Pernoll, if released, will return to Oakland. Remnas was drafted from ths Union association, ; Spokane, Wash., March 17. Charley BarteL the young Portland pitcher, failed to convlnoe Manager Ostdlek that he could deliver ths goods and waa re leased. - Bartell will likely play, in ths Portland Railroad league this season. Want An Investment 140O will handle it Clears be tween $75 and $100 a month. . Owner is an old man. This skating rink is between two towns. , One ii a big mill town. Only other amusements are. two small picture shows. Fine maple floor, $865 electric piano, 175 pairs of ikates 100 pairs are new. Price is krAA s i t . fn .1 AA .J . . .11 J Ibuu, including tor oaxiw ana duiio- H. GUNTHEK, 819 YEOW Vancouver, B. C, March 27. Pitcher Burs-ess of Medford: Or., was handed his release Saturday by Brown of ths Beavers. Burgess failed to show Tery much. Three others were also released. FOUR WORKMEN HURT IN DAY AT SAWMILL (Special to The Journal.) : Centralla, , Wash., March- 27. Four more or less serious accidents occurred in succession at Doty yesterday. Wal ter Cullen, a logger, received a crushed foot and was being pushed down from the camp in a car when Oeorge Mann. who was helping bring him to town. slipped and fell off a 40-foot trestle. His recovery is doubtful. W. A Odell fell from the river bank into the water, striking a rock and breaking his shoul der. . He was brought to a hospital in this city. Neil McMillan, assistant foreman at ths planing mllL was struck on ths head, by a flying cross arm. Ha received a bad Injury, but may re cover. : I' ..-..-IT'' i- INTERCOLLEGIATE HIGH JUMP RECORD BROKEN Stanford University, Cal.,,March 27. George Horlne,; Stanford's crack high Jumper, holds a new world's lntercol legists record today, having cleared the crossbar at S feet, 4 inches. ' , M The new mark was set in a meet with Pomona college, in which Stanford was victorious by a score of 89 to 34. The previous record was I feet 4 inches, held jointly by Horlne and W. B. Page of ths University of Pennsylvania, i WATERFRONT Factory Sites 16c Sq. Ft. West side, both water and rail ship Ing facilities. Channel 26 to 40 feet leen on harbor line by government oundlnsrs. No dredging reouli Sidetracks alreadr on adjoining prop erty. Near new location of 22,000.000 Dlant of Portland Gas company. Avail able water frontage in this locality lim ited. - . W. JT. OEAXTJr, 438 xohawk Bids?. Si tbeb ijrromMATiojr oar ova ' .. . PXOXTJBXS BEND - Airs. - - CENTRAL OREGON Will b shown every Monday, Wednes day and Friday evenings at s yciocKs - BBZfS PASX COM? AST , ' Hotel Portland Oonrt CLEARS $300 a month--net Seven or. eight thousand wfll han dle this 32 two-roorn apartment house, jelect tenants, always full snd always will be only place, of its kind in the Clty PRICE $30,000 Will take city property up to $12,000 H. GUNTHLR, 919 Ycon GRAMMAR SCORES PENDLETON ELKS WILL COME IN SPECIAL TRAIN (Special to The Jonrnal.) - -Pendleton, Or., March 27. At a meet ing of local , lodge of Elks a contract was made with the O.-W. R, & N. company for two special trains to convey Pendleton members of the ant lered herd and their horses to Portland during the grand lodge convention next July. One train will consist of 10 standard sleepers, an observation car, baggage cars, chair oars and two diners. Ths other will consist of 10 palacs stock cars, to carry the horses and equipment AKED'S CHURCH TO ERECT NEW $250,000 EDIFICE San Francisco, March. 27. Plans were announced f or the erection of a - new $250,000 edifice as ths horns of the First Congregational church here, - of which Dr, Charles F. Aked, formerly in charge of John D. Rockefeller's church in New York., Is pastor. The church will have an auditorium capable of accommodat ing 2009 persons. One member of the church alone con tributed 250,000 to the building fund. Actual- work of construction will be begun almost immediately. k () Rising. -) Falling. Factory for Rent. Two floors In new brick building Just completed at Hood and Baker streets, South portiana; long lease, low rental. building la well lighted snd will make Ws rent new pianos at M per month snd sflply ths rent on the purchase. Carta ire free. Kohler & Chase, 275 Vashlngton street,- Spirit for Rheumatism Ths use of spirits in tha treatment of rheumatism jas proved an Innovation among the 'medical profession, ""when mixed with- certain other ingredients and taken properly It is said to bs an almost infallible curs for rheumatism and ; back-ache. Here is the formula! "From your druggist get one ounce of Torts compound (in original sealed package) and one ounce of syrup of Sar saparllia compound. Take these two in gredients jitone and put them Into a half pint of good whiskey. Shake the bottle and take a tablespoonful before each meal and at bed-Ume.- Results come immediately. If your druggist does not hava Torls, compound In stock Ths Lents school team defeated the Richmond nine yesterday afternoon by ths score of 6 to 1. Ths effective pitch ing of Ellis, a southpaw of Richmond, was ths feature of ths game. Barker pitched for the Lents team. Red Rupert umpired ths game. ' ' ' Ths Sellwood school nlns defeated ths Clinton Kelly team yesterday by ths scors of 12 to 8. ,Jt Ths Alblna Homestead school team went down to defeat at ths hands of ths Eliot school by ths score of 9 to 2. The Holman Grammar school team shutout ths Davis team yesterday by the score of 6 to 0. Ths pitching of Warner was a feature. . Wolgast to Appear in Tacoma. Tacoma, Wash., March 27. Because his contract with ' ths Pantages vaude ville people did not bring him to Ta coma Ad Wolgast, lightweight cham pion boxer, will appear in three fast rounds of exhibition before the Taooma Athletic club April 2, with his trainer, Solly Salvadore. Ths 'little champion has Joined the club. Half a dozen six round bouts are advertised. McBrlde Wants Return Boot. Chicago, March 27. Arriving hers from the east today, Eddie Murphy, lightweight boxer, and his manager, "Mickey" McBrlde, are making every effort to land a return match with Packey MoFarland at 125 pounds. Ef forts will bs made to stags ths battle In East Chicago, . , . - . v.- ' . Baseball Meeting Called. : t The Archer-Wiggins - baseball league will hold a meeting tonight to adopt ths season's schedule and discuss other rules. - A Saturday section may also bs formed. All teams Interested in the league should have representatives pres ent , " Mr. Homeseeker Befors locating, investigate CXJISXB OOtnrTT 20 minutes from ' Portland. Well served with electrlo lines. Famous for Prunes. Pears, Berries, Dairying, Tlmbthy, Clover and mixed farming. Land prices moderate, COMMERCIAL CLUB VAHCOUTEB, WABBnfOTOH Taks Vancouvsr car, 2d and Washing ton sts.t Fars 16c. ' Doors and Windows PApmS, OIXSJ and OIUSS Plumbing Supplies. Hardware, etc. Dlrectyto eon- vvrue ior aesenpuve caui-iogue. sumer. Chas. L. West Co. POBTLAUD, Olfc SACRIFICE, Fine apartment site, near West Park, rent of house pays Interest on 220,000; 16000 will handle If taken soon I will pay to Investigate. v , O. PKEB PISH 21 OOm 613-514 Belling Bldg. A-7711, Mala 4841 Apartment Site 60x100 on' Twenty-sixth and Belmont. Price $3760. Terms. Phons E. 282, KKAL ESTATE LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS KfflU'JOHl. L CRONAN rT07 if SC9 IniUInt 1U. ' ' The Oregon Law on Advertising ; Midgets Defeat Irvington. In a praotics gams yesterday, . the Jefferson high school Midgets defeated the Irvington team by the score of 12 to 7. ! James and Hanson pitched for tha Irvington team and Hughle Mo Kenna twirled for the J. H. S. Midgets, an Ideal ' location for " mnnnf arfm-lna plant. i a, U ffSlI,,carafoitfnal.lllliaJ5'lU-g?tJ wholesale - house. Don't . be influenced to take some pateht medicine instead of this. Insist on having the genuine Torts compoundln the original one ounce scaled yellow package. ( v Cross-Country Team Trains. The Jefferson high school, cross coun try team, selected at a trial run held last week, ' will be Langley, Thurman, Glger, Bwain and Harmon. The flva runners are out each night taking long Jaunts around ths track. Columbia. "U" Wins Practice Game. The Columbia University and JefferV son high school teams played a prac tice game yesterday afternoon. It re sulted in 4 to 2 victory for the Co lumbla team. Ths game lasted five in nings. - , , . Swimming Meet Postponed. Th-swimnlng-net---Uj-i'rtlad Amatrur Swimming association will be held tonight Ths meet -was scheduled for last night but was postponed. Sev eral more swimmers have entered. . It Is scheduled to start at 2 o'clock. . Any person, whe la a nwpper er othr eerlodlcsl, or In publlo (dTertlMment, er 1 letter or eireulir, knowlDgly makxs or 1-cmlnates-nj tttement or lunrtion eoactrn Ins the qmntlty or qnslity, the value, tts prTre, tbe f method of prodnclnr or minnfir. tare of his merchtndlse or profenlnnal work, or ths manntr or source of parchaM of turh merchandtse, or the motire or purpose of ior ale which It untrue or riloalated to mtsleirt. -shall be die in til guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punlabed br a fine of not leaa than $10 nor nor than $5, or br Imprisonment in the conntj lall not ei ceedlnar 20 darn, or by both lucb fine aod lm prlnonment. (L. 1009. e. 104, p. 104). The attention of adrertlBera, who une "Th Journal," well aa that of th public. If di rected to th abor section from tb Oregon Code covering adrertlrtn. "The Journal" makes th fam rates oa dt ilar adTertlalng to all adrertlaera, In propnr tlon to the apace used, and doe not mat "flnti of -one" adTrtler and "fleah of an other, " belleTlnfc on claa, or profeaMon. In dividual, or, corporation ha "equal rlghta" adrertlxe aa In other thing, and should d ao on the aame term and conditions, . "Th Journal" believes that It Is no erim to advertise. - ' - Render of "'Th Journal," anawerlng ndr tlaements appearing In this paper, - are re quested to report In writing any failure on th part of th- adrerthwr to do a h advertise, and It the complaint Is well founded, tit d vertlaer will be denied aceee to these colnmna, aa ha been done In the past. nd If th d- Vertlaer's acta ar in violation of th law be will be nniect to prosecution. There are no advertiser nalng these column airalnat whom complaint have bees mad bv our reader. nd when complaint are mad prompt attention will be given to them. C. 8. JAt'KaON, PuhI1sh.r. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS aore commencing in south line of section 7. township 1 south; range 2 enst, 813.66 feet west from southeast corner thereof; thence, north 191.11 feet to be- gmnir-' point . . ., . T2I J 1 1