The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 27, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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    1 ... . 1 J i
1 1 !
li.i u
iL tu I
fio Reason Why Sound Should
, Have Advantaso, Says
H. W. Mitchell. -
H. TV. Mitchell, . manager, vie presi
dent and treasurer of Mitchell, Lewis &
Slaver Co., believes that Astoria ia en
titled to terminal rates equal to thost
given Seattle. Tacoma and other Puret
sound titles, less favorably situated as
regards rail traffic meeting ocean trans
portation. ' Ho considers unreasonable
frplght rates from interior points to
Bstorla b way of the Columbia rlvsr
water grade route when' higher than
rstes from the same points to Tacoma
or Seattle via the expensive mountain
routes. . : .
"My Idea is that there la no reason
why points In the-Interior should not
have the advantage of shipping over the
route to Astoria at rates as low as those
charged to Seattle and Tacoma, when
we know that it costs the railroads less
sh-p grain frc
slmuM a! i
;i t:,e
i si:
;y s-! ' ! w
Ma river, but
f.our that Is
tier ro;nts In
the Interior.
Situation at r reseat
""Most of this flour now gns to the
Pupet sound cities, because of the fact
that the shipper has to par more for
the haul to Astoria than to Seattle, Ta
coma or Everett. Yet the haul to As
toria costs the railroad lees because of
theeasy down grade. As everybody
who has studied the situation at all
knows, a train load will roll from points
In, the great Inland empire to the mouth
of the Columbia river at very little ex
pense of energy, whereas to haul it
over the mountains, up on one side and
down the other, Involves heavy cost.
"By giving Astoria rates mual to
those granted the Puget sound ports,
vessels bound for various destinations
could drop In with very little delay and
pick up flour and other freight, or they
could come up to-Portland if it was so
desired. I believe we should develop
the Columbia river traffic as a whole,
whether the bulk of It be done here or
at Astoria. By bringing it to the Co
lumbia river, Portland, Astoria and thel-
whole state will be benefited. It will be
a stepping stone for a greater Columbia
river business. . ;
1 ; Oonld Transship.
"I think transshipping at , Astoria
could be done to excellent advantage In
on car; i. tit .1 t'v n I
c :vcr cr
lint' r
.iv vy r.tue lc cf t. -:-.. Lvtn.
tui.;:y t,-.e bvln-s wou'.J Increass to
snrh volume that instead cf bringing a
fear hundred tons thee stealers would
arrive and leave with caraclty cargoes.
Astoria would then only be to Portland
what Fort Costa Is . to San Francisco,
for Portland Is the natural point of
transshipping. I believe these rates
should apply both ways, so that San
Francisco shipments going to Montana,
for Instance, could be shipped on as
good terms by way of Astoria as by way
f the Puget sound cities. 1 can see
no reason why the rate by way of As
toria should be higher than by way of
Tacoma or Seattle when we all know
that the haul la less expensive."
, ,
(Continued from Page One.)
members of the crowd, killing a man
named Kellogg and fatally wounder an
other named Swingle.
The mob' dispersed, but reassembled
an hour later and smashed the windows
of a hardware store In search of wea
pons. Peter Hayman, the watchman
held the mob at bay until the police
Later the nob went to the office
r I.- t
t:e lsrr In wi.U
"river was ma,,
:n, they wrecked th
:h the t".i:k
Un;ir: to
Troors Eaited to Seene.
Echrtver called upon Sheriff Erumer,
who was powerless to stop the rioting.
At midnight Governor Deneen was ap
pealed to and niBhed state troops to the
scene. ' ,
Colonel Channon, commanding the
militia, declared today, that he believed
the trouble was over."
Mayor Schriver informed the police
today that an effort was made to assas
sinate htm In the city hall. He said
that a bullet fired from a rifle In the
street passed through bis window, bare
ly missing him, and buried Itself In the
wall. The militiamen who are patrolling
here are unable to locate the alleged
assassin. . -
To Hold Troops for Election.
Mayor Schriver and Commissioner ef
Publlo Safety Hart both notified Gov
ernor Deneen today that it will be neo
essaxy to keep the Sixth Illinois regi
ment here until after the primary elec
tion, April .
Further riots are feared tontrht The
wires which furnish else trio lights In
the business section of the etty were
out this morning. Business la practi
cally suspended.
Threats to dynamite the city hall If
the troops are brought from Spring
field are being heard about the streets
Adjutant General Dickson will arrive
t;.;- sfte-r.oon, m-i If V:a sIuib 'Jon war
rants, wl'.l declare rr: mini law.
tov;:i topics
1'iyot Comes Tomorrow Mayor
Rushlight, Councilman Tom N. Monks
and John II. Burgard will arrive home
from California tomorrow afternoon on
the Kansas City. A telegram from
them stated that they had started yes
terday from San Francisco.
Aastos Collide Two automobiles, one
driven by H..B. Noble of 790 Flanders
street, and the other by W. R. Ander
son of 604 Fenton building, collided last
evening, at Sixth and Pine; streets, re
sulting In the slight damaging: of both
machine. Neither of the drivers was
injured. .
Vareat - Teacher Circle to ICees
The Parent Teachers' circle cf Thomp
son school will hold Its regular monthly
meeting tomorrow evening at S o'clock.
A business meeting will be held at 7:10.
George K. Roger will speak on "The
Boy Soout Movement." All parents are
. Beak "Hop" Feddler The pSlloe have
been asked to look for a Chinaman who
is said to be peddling opium and mor
phine about the city, especially to the
colored. . population and the disorderly
houses. He has been seen several times
carrying a small grip, but not until
yes'erT.-.y was It lartie.l V at be tw
C.orosipg cf "l:op." ratrolrr.aa II jrn
phrtes has reported the affair to po'.lce
headquarters, snd has given a descrip
tion of the man.
(United Prrs Letted Wire.)
Nevada City. Cat, March :7. With
trouble In securing a Jury anticipated,
the trial, of Paul M. Doyle, a merchant
of Truckee, Cal., for the murder of W.
II. M. Smith, editor of the Truckee Re
publican, has begun In the superior
court here.
Doyle shot down Smith In a quarrel,
presumably oyer town polities. It is
alleged that Doyle accused Smith of
advocating an "open town" polloy In his
paper. Self defense Is the plea.
TJnrt4 Pren Lmm4 W1i.
Washington, March 17. - President
Taft today sent to the senate the nom
ination of David Utter to be surveyor
general lor Idaho,
Ws rent new pianos at 14 Der month
and apply the rent on the purchase.
cartage rree. Kohler & Chase, 375
Washington street . ,
(-e-Ul tn TV. 3 -
e Iinitoro, Or, V. .r, :?
4 That the of h'- f . "
4 ful roare should be filled m
4 peace, comfort and plenty 1
without toll was provided in t i t
e will of the late John U. Ii.-n.-v.
4y which has been filed hi t. .9 vl
4 Wsshlngton county pro'iue .
4 court. Henry was a wealthy
farmer living near Tualatin and
. died March 0, aged 63. years.
The will bequeaths his estate to
4 a niece, Hester Henry Schmo-
kel, and her husband, Charles
4 Schmokel,. but la upon the con-
dltlon that "they caxe for my
mare Dot. give her a good home
4 and not require her to do any 4
work as long as she shall live."
The estate Is appraised at 111,-
Factory for Rbnt.
Two floors In new brick building Just
completed at Hood and Baker streets.
South Portland. Long lease, low ren
tal. Building Is well lighted and will
make an Ideal location for manufacture
plant A, I FISH, care of Journal.
All Mcrchandtoe Purchased on Credit the Rest of Tills Montli Will Be Ctiargcd on Your BUI Payable May FIrot
ivimc. ivianeue, Koyai vvorccsicr ana uon ion, ivinie. ncicnu, ivmrqumu unu Kcngo pen uorsets, saniln waists
f 17
Pounds Sugar v v
Special, Gl.OO (
le'Cane SurarJ special sale w yt ' J
Genuine 4 Cane Sugar; special
price tomorrow jonly . 17
lls. $1 ; or sack of 100 lbs.
Portland's Authoritative Fashion Store
Oecupying Entire City Block
fi j China Lily Bulbs
fW1 10cDoz.,3Doz.25c
price and plant them out of doors.
Phone your orders in tomorrow.
i. . ? M I f
It is entirely fitting that Portland's best and most progressive Fashion Store should in its modest and informal way show the
. reliable, authoritative fashion whims and mandates adopted for the coming season. In order to make the exhibit more inter
esting and instructive, we will show many of our most clever styles in garments and hats on walking models. By this "Fash
ion Show" we offer an opportunity to study the new Spring Suit, Costumes, Afternoon Dresses, Coats, Millinery, Fancy Neck
wear, ploves, Shoes, etc The big Second Floor Garment Section and Millinery Salons will be in readiness for your pleasure.
ii ir y win mm iLmm'w mmm
Picture Hats and Pattern Hats
FasMonaMe Apparel
Gowno and Dreooco C FZt(Cl rh CH S Z
Price Rang ing from pDLP TO tploCE
Garment Department Second Floor. Walking Models.
A showing of exclusive models from French style originators, far in advance o! the
time generally shown in the West Women of critical tastes can select their Spring
apparel NOW to just as good advantage as if they were in the celebrated : fashion
shops of New. York; Qur Gown Room is full to the overflow with beautiful Recep
tion Gowns, decolette with trains Afternoon Dresses and Dancing frocks of soft,
clingingmaterials and handsome laces, with low draperies, are among the most pleas
ing models. Others are shown in the apron front effect over skirt edged with
fringe. Many small ruffles and narrow plaitings outline the unique styles of others.
The "Quaker Dress,' with, fringed ruffles, full sleeves and lace fichus is in. popular
favor. The Lingerie Gowns were never more charming; Cifffl $f Ofl Gff
developed in eyelet embroidery and real laces, on sale at VtlU. m.3 VJLOv
... . ,. :.'. T; . v v ,;. ,l, - ,"fv ' V :' r . V ' ; . ,i, y , : .,- " .', . . ' ( rM'' -v ', :'. '., .; ..
New Novelty Easier Suits
' G-42.SO to 011O
Garment Salon Second Floor. Walking Models.
Each single garment will hold its own distinguished place in this "Fashion Show."
Each different suit has its points 'of merit. Two and three-piece Suits are shown in
taffeta, silk. trimmed in handsome laces and many of the skirts have draperies.
Cream Suits are shown in the wide wale, whipcord and rich basket weaves, trimmed
or plain tailored. All of the new medium and light and dainty shades are shown in
variety. Side front and side back effects; draped revers of soft taffeta or two
tone bengalines, also combinations of braid and lace, "OIO Jf! '"'ifsffc f A
This collection excels any previous showing. Prices l)Htta5l II Iv f)JLJsiU
"When Vou Get Big YouTl Look Like That"
See The Big Windows
Unparalleled Sale of
1200 Pairs Women's
Long Chamoisettes
Easter tsale of 1200 pairs of Women's Long Gloves, 16-button length, suede finish cham- KQ
oisette, white and natural chamois "color, washable, all sizes. Special sale at, the pair tJtl
24QO Palro of Long Glovca at,,Pa!r, C9c
An extraordinary bargain-46-button length, pure silk,' 2-clasp at wrist Black, whlta, ttCk g
navy, tan and assorted gray colors; sjzes for everybody, 5J4 to 74. Special at, the pair yU
Palra of Wbmcn'o Slllc GIovcjj at 39c
In the Glove aisle, main floor, a great sale of women's 2-clasp pur Silk Gloves, with QQa
strong finger tips. , Colors are white, black, tanv grays and rtavy; sixes to 7. Sp'l. 5tC
Only 600 pairs in this lot. .It's" an opportunity,
that don't come often 16-button length White
Kid Gloves, overseam styles, perfect in every
way; 3 pearl, buttons at the wrist, (PI I KQ
full range of sizes. . Special sale at OJ-stli
350 pairs of Fancy Mocha Gloves, extra fine
quality in light gray and chamofs colors, with
fancy, black embroidered backs; sizes 54 to
7 the best of all Easter. Bargains. (Pt fQ
Special for this . sale tomorrow, pair VXsU
Deiit Kid Gloves at 02.2i5
"Dent's Best Quality" stamped in every pair.
One pearl clasp, pique Paris point back; colors
are tan, gray, white with black stitching, and
black with white stitching; all sizes.
Priced for this sale at, the pair
Women's "Reynier Gloves in the suede stock,
known'aS the best glove in the world; 3-clasp
overseam style in black, white and all desir
able shades. All sizes in this lot. CP 1 r7P
fitted by experts, on sale, the pair
c'f Der .t3 and "Eokay"
Kid Gloves, Pp. 01. SO
We are sole agents for women's "Derby" and "Eskiy" Kid Gloves, for
dress and street wear, 2-clasp overseam or pique, in black, white J" fTA'
and all desirable shades. Full range of sizes, fitted by experts, pr.
' .... A ' . . . . ' .
Trefouooe Long
Gloves 02.35 -
"Monarch" Kl d G 1 oves
Price, tlie Pair, S32.00
We are sole agents for' the famous "Monarch" Gloves, with 30 years of rep
utation back of them. They are made of the finest quality real kid, pique,
2 clasps at wrist; black," white and all desirable shades for street Qf) fif
name stamped on every pair,
sires, utted by our expert titters ana yc
A full - range of
" priced special fur tomorrow at, the pair
1SOO Palro Kid
Gloveo at 98c
wear, fitted by experts. Priced for this sale at, the pair, only
02 Fancy Street
Gloves Q1.65
Trefousse,' the name that stands for high qual- . a1,' i. ;:,i;f c,M' '.U-" 1000 pairs of women's fancy Street Gloves; fine,
iviu vviui u.c I , , . . , , , . .. : . . . I
onyciasp iuu pique; uiacK, wnue ana tan ana
gray; aH sizes in the lot. A quality which OQ
will give perfect satisfaction.
RTn quafy se1eHedcapestockr'PrXrir. sewii.
white stitched with black, and black stitched with
white; sizes 6 to . Our best regular GJIfJC
?2.00 gloves. Special foithis tPXsUtJ
Qt S35.00 to 5150.00
Tomorrow will be the best day for you to come and study the style
trend for Spring. OurFrench Room, second floor, is a scene of splen
dor. The great modists of the world have contributed their ideas to
this showing. Pattern Hats and models designed by Mme. Georgette,'
Caroline, Reboux, Marie Louise, Teanette Lauvin, Suzanne Blum,
Mme. Louisan, Kuranan, Bendel, Joseph, Tappe, Lichtenstein, Ells
worth and Olds, Wortmari & King. In this most exclusive assem
blage arc beautiful Paradise, 'Tlume French" and Flower models,
heavy or shadow lace effects. A grand showing, pa o
at prices ranging all the way from $35.00 up to ilDUftUi
Tailored and Semi-Dress Hats
Priced S7.00 to 325.00
NoveltV Flower Trimmed. Frenrh Dstrirh PlnnW Tfanro Ci4i, .nrt
Paradise Trimmed Hats, built on neat-tailored lines, with a touch or
Jl twist that makes them different from any you have
x hc pnee range on inia vasi collection 0t Jtis
IiniipFll2(ffl FDws!ps
A 1
Feathers and Trim
mings on Sale at
Hats is$7 to(J.tMfJ
1) Jf5Ss&l;
; Main Millinery Salon Second Floor
As a. special treat to .the women who attend tomorrow's "Fasnion Show,
Oiler our entire stock of beautiful Imported . Flowers. None will be reserved.
Also i'ancy leather btick-ups, Wings, Quills, Novelty Ornaments and Bands
u i iiiuiiiiiugs, nwiur.ure nair.;, enure siock oi Millinery
Ribbons included. Tomorrow vou mav choose
Women's Waists
810 Grades 8S.95
In the Waist Deipartment, second floor, a sale of fine
Tailored Waists in Irish linen, trimmed in hand em
broidered designs, with eyelets and plain Mexican
drawnwork, with small, tucks in front and back; have
linen collars and cuffs. Values to $10.00, Jr QE
priced for this sale tomorrow at only, each vO0
Women's Aprons 25c
In the Apron store ' second floor, a tale of Women's
White , Lawn Tea Aprons, made with ruffle, pocket
and wide strings; als6 embroidery and cross- Op?
bar dimity. Placed on sale tomorrow at, each dmiOK
Easier Hosiery
gKayser Sillc 01.00
Pure Thread Silk Hose, in blacks only, with garter tops
and lisle thread soles; all sizes in the lot ((
Priced for this sale tomorrow at only, pair DAsUU
WOMEN'S COLORED SILK HOSE, with lisle thread
tops and soles, in white, tan, gray, pink, sky, P1 f(
lavender, cardinal and gold; all sizes pair $XUU
WOMEN'S "KAYSER" SILK HOSE, pure thread,
heavy quality, black only, silk garter tops FA
and soles, all sizes. Priced at only, the pair vJ-t)U
-KAYSER- ITALIAN SILK HOSE, pure thread, fin
est quality of Italian . silk In black, white j" f? A
fend colors. Priced for this sale at, the pair vXsOU
In the children's store, second floor, we are showing the': most "complete"' lines "of ' Children's" Confirmation and
Easter Dresses, made of plain sheer lawns, daintily embrojdered and trimmed irt laces. All are well COf Aft
made and stylid in most pleasing effects. Sizes range from 6 to 14 yrs Prices range from $2.50 to iWDsUU
Children's Easter Coats, made of white serge and Bed
ford cords, black silks, pongees and plain serges and
fancy mixed materials, sizes run from 2 to 6 years.
The season's best styles, priced reasonable CJOA Aft
at $1.98 to ; dZUsUU
ISats ancl BdimeSG
Children's Hats and Bonnets to match coats, daintilr
trimmed with fl
pleasing styles.
82.00 Dresses $1M
A splendid, showing of Children's Dresses, made of
good quality gingham, ; chambray and galatea, styled
with high necks, long 'sleeves or low necks and the
new kimono set-in sleeves; sizes 2 : to 14 3" "1 0.
years. Regular $2.00 dresses. on sale at only ;v '...
Rompers and Bloomers
A special sale of Children's Romperr and Bloomer
Dresses without extra skirts. The materials are linen,
chambray and gingham. .-. Sizes 1 to 6 years. KQ
Priced very special for this sale, the garmenj uUC
tfimmed with flowers and ribbons, the most OK
Prices range from 75c to Vlstl
Bargain Circle First Floor
Boys' Wash Suits
S1.98 Grades 98c '
300Boys and Children's Wash Suits, sizes2j4 to 8
Cloth and fast color Percales and Ginghams,pretty
styles, with military and sailor collars. 'Bus- QQ
ter Brown styles; $1.43 and $1.98 grades at VOL
Basement Circle
Press Mot IiQp2
83.C0 Grades G1.00
On the Basement Bargain Circle, a Tr
IIatlSlapevj:.cpteseatuiga..taniple . Jir.c v.
picked up at half the maker's price. AM ; -condition.
Small, medium and lirr :
n a great variety of t y 1 ; t ,-.'.