The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 27, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Even (s in Society
r,iii'i.;!i').M's Chosen.
J:s. I,. ALLt.N Lb WIS, airs.
WUVam Mac.Mastcr, Mrs. Walter
V Kimth. iirs. Helen Ladd Cor-
,tjL hftt. -Mrs. J. G. C.auld, Mrs.
ttlchanl Koohler. S1W. J. r ran
Ws'.son, 3Jrs. Charles K. Heebe and Miss
Failing have been chosen to act as
patrunrsfes trr the subscription ball
10 be piven Trvrfe-y after Easter-at
Jlultnoniab hotei. On the committee
In oharee of the tces this year are
Mies Claire Houghton, Leland Smith
and Kenneth Beebe. ..
IYp-Xnpfial Compliment. '
Miss Ethel Honeyman, wTios mar.
rUge to Alexander1 Gardner wtll take
j'Uce.a week from today, was the com.
jjlimented guest at a small bridge tea
(twin yesterday by Miss. Judith Scott
Jlrs. Kay Matson and Mrs. D. O. Lively
-?ptur(Hi card honors. Daffodils graced
the taMrt and about the rooms pink car
nation were used with charming effect.
I.niieheon for Mr. Clark.
Uenage S. Josselyn has invited guests
for a luncheon tomorrow nt the Arling
ton dub !n honor of C M. Clark of
Many Interested.
A large number of women are Inter-t-s-ted
in the Hypatlan Round Table lac
ture course to be given in the near fu
ture by Klla. Crlm Lynch LL. R. Dr.
Florence Sharp Man ion is secretary of
i. e xiound Table and the patronesses
. re: airs. Helen Ladd Corbett. Mrs.
-Mhfrt A. Morrison, Mrs. Theodore B,
WHcos. Mrs. Charles E. Sltton. Mrs
Holt C. Wilson, Mis. H. C. Wortman,
Mrs. Thomas I Kliot, Mrs. Walter J,
.Burns, Mrs. wmtam M. Ladd , Mrs.
Kolomonlir6ch, Mrs. David 'T. Honey-
wan, Mrs. Cyrus A. Dolph, Mrs. Lee
Hoffman, Mrs. Benage S Josselyn, Mrs.
Bon Selling, Mrs. Wlnslow. B. Ayer,
Mrs. Richard 'Kochler and Mrs. Henrv
Idd Corbett ' The lecture to be given
nre largely on current events, many of
which are of particular Interest In the
west, such as "Alaska, and tha Coal
.question."; "Japan and Socialism,'
'Chinese Rebellion," "Panama Canal
ana Mexico . and Her Revolutions."
Fourteen illustrated lectures comprise
the Round Table. Mrs. Lynch has prac-
uutu ww m uregon ana Ohio. She has
been a. student at Oberlin, Delaware,
Lake Erie seminary and the Universities
fit Fnnsv van b nA T n - Ok. .
m . l, l aa, n v .1 V
no years in Paris and provincial
Franca and devotes . considerable time
to the translation from French Into
Ingush ror the magazines.
Here and There.
Mr. and Mrs. Coe A. McKenna. (Miss
Lillian O'Brien) are home from their
lionejmoon In southern California and
will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. -J.
V. .O'Brien until the first Of April, when
they will occupy thfr Francis I. McKenna
residence on Tortland Heights.
Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Ong returned jree
lenlay from a pleasure trip of two
weeks in southern California. They
went itntitb with r. m
special and after the week of festivi
ties in Kan Francisco continued to Los
Angeles, Fasadena and Long Beach.
Mr. and Mrr. Paul Byron ar visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Byron's par
nt. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Starrett of
Walla vValla."' v.--- . . i - . , . ;
-'' :: .'-. : '. ' i
Mrs. Lcthi Hodgson,'' 1060, Bast Main
street, has returned from a delightful
visit of sis weeks In San Francisco. .
Mrs. Ie Albert is visiting for an ln
. definite timo, In Forttina, Cal., at the
home of ,h-r parents, Mr. and Mra, JSl
ll Uavenport. .;
Mr. and Mrs. August Fetsch have
come from Grants Tas to Portland to
make their permanent home here. .
Mr." and Mrs. J. W. Shattuck have re
turned to Portland after a visit of two
weeks with Ciiptaln and Mrs. R. M.
Creswell at Elslnore, Cal. Mr. and Mrs.
.". n. Alaniey or Portland are at pres
ent guests of the Cresweus.
Young Teople Debate,
Tho children of room 12. ninth grade,
Ladd school,, enjoyed a debate planned
by the teacher. Miss DeUraff, on the
question "Should women havo the right
to vote or not?" Grace. Ling, Vera
Hampton and Hazel Martin took the af
firmative side and on tha negative were
Harold Adams, Edward Thirkell and
Frank Lindstrom. Great Joy reigned
among the young misses ; In the room
when the Judges, Immoaen Rogers, Wll
Ham Fordice and Damon Gorden. de
clared tha affirmative the winning side.
Reception Given.
A reception In honof of Fred and
Charley Engel was given at the home
of the Misses Anna and Pearl Krumrey
Saturday evening. Gamea passed the
time away. Later in the evening re-
rresnments wera served. ,
R. Allen, a prominent cattleman.
and wife, of Missoula, Mont., are guests
at the Portland.
W. Clayton Miller, a railway con-
tractor of Spokane, is registered at the
Portland. ' . . -
J. Ducey, a prominent timberman of
Detroit, -Mich., , is registered at the
Portland. 'T
George L. Syrnon, a cigar manufac
turer of New York, is registered at ha
F. W. Gaston, an Insurance adjuster
or Tacoma, is registered at tha Port
land. '
Lieutenant A. Garfield, on a leave of
absence from Manila, is a , guest at
the Portland.
T. C Starrett and H. N. Hovey. cao-
itallsts and promoters of Detroit, art
guests at the Portland.
Dr. WedelMandt and wlf of St Paul
are registered at the Portland.
E. Hofer, the well known newsnaoer
publisher, of Salem, is registered at
the Bowers. ;'.-...
George B. Hall, a business man of
Lewiston, Idaho, Is registered at tha
Bowera. '-, c-.v.,..-.-.
I. M. Nolan, a buslnesa man of Cor-
vallls, and wife are registered at the
Bowers, -.. i- '.
MraR Mr-Hardlflg,-wlfa-of bual-
ness man of Sllverton, la a guest at
the Multnomah.
Charles B. Huntley, tha well known
contractor of Tacoma, la guest a
tne Multnomah. .-:,, i
W. K. Newell, the Well known or
chardlst of Gaston, and wife are guests
at tha Multnomah.
E. K. Ellsworth, a real estate dealer
of Bridal Veil, is registered at the
W. I Benham, a promoter, of Salem.
and wlfa are registered at the Mult
nomah. ..,. J v ; '.
O. P. Hoff, state labor commissioner.
of Salem, is registered at the Imperia'.
John Thorp, a tobacco grower, of
Memphis, Tenn., U registered at tha
Ad Wolgast and wife, of Cadillac
Mich., and Tom Jones, hia manarer.
and wife, of Los Angeles, are registered
at tha Imperial.
C 1L Judson. an attornev of Tacoma.
la registered at the Imperial
vv. j. McGregor, a salmon cackar of
Astoria, Is registered at tha Imperial
jacK tioaman, a real estate dealer;
F. 3. Berger, a merchant, and L Van
Marter, of Eugeno, are reglatered at tha
imperial. : ..
P. E. Thompson, a business man of
Salem, Is registered at the Imperial.
Henry D. Allen, a merchant of Baker,
Is registered at the Seward.
A. K. Goldman, president nf a mit.
Ing company at Seattle, la a guest at
the Oregon. He la accompanied bv the
- Ms a, V. II. Ilt'i'Mris. w!f, ut t!, we: I
known pear raiser of Central 1'oirit, 1
registered at tha Seward.
B. Lynan. a hotel i roprletor of Th
Dalles, is refr',trel at the Reward.
J. R Morson, a prominent lumber
man of 1m Pine, Or., is registered at
the Seward. .
W. E. Pldcock a buslnes man o
Victoria, B. C and wife are guests at
the Seward. -
W. M. Bacon, a business man of Spo
kane, and wife are registered at the
J. Arnold Doyle, president of the Ore
gon-Southern , 'railroad of Medford, i
registered at fte Cornelius.
It M. Farrer of Boise, vice-president
of the Oregon-Southern railroad, is
guest at the Cornelius.
I. B. Maher of Ellensburg, Wash.,
owner of much Portland real estate,
la registered at the Perkins.
Hans Lage, a fruitgrower of Hood
River, is registered at the Perkins.
, W. E. Keyt, a merchant' of McMinn
vllle, is registered at the Perkins.
J. M. " Stark, a hotel proprietor of
Eugene, la registered at the Perkins.
C A. Taylor, a well known lumber
man of Kelso, and W. 8. Lysons, are
registered at the Perkins.
D. G. Crulkshank, a fruitgrower of
Hood River, la registered at tha Per
kins.. : . ' .
Mrs. VT. H. Ecclea. wife of tha well
known railroad and timberman of Og-
den; Mrs. W. H." Ecclea of La. Grande
and Mrs. Eli Beaudette of La Grande
are registered at the Oregon, -
R. It Cowden, a lumberman Of Sll
verton, la registered at the Oregon.
B. A. rarrlsh, a merchant of Castle-
rook, Wash., is registered at tha Oregon.
F. It Sholefc'a merchant of Corne
lius, or., is registered at tha Oregon.
J. H. Chambers, a lumber dealer of
Cottage Grove, la registered at the
Oregon. .
manager of the smelting company, 8.
Joseph Barton.' vlce-Drealdent of the
Bumpter Valley Railway company. Is
a guest at the Oregon from Baker.
. H. Edwards, orcanlier - for the
Owls, is a guest at tha Orefton from
Chicago. ; -f- .
J. R. Dean, manarer for a hotel aim.
viy iiuua at umana. ' accompan.c?a DJ
his wife, la a guest at the Oreeon.
miss Aill la l. Welsslner. daughter nt
Air, ana Mrs. Paul Wessinger, who waa
thrown from her spirited riding horse
when it ahied at an automobile yester
day, will Buffer no permanent ill effects
from tho accident Though ah waa
severely bruised and obliged to take to
ner bed from tha shock, aha waa ao far
recovered today that she was able to be
up. Her mother, l-ra. Wessinger, aald
mai ner injuries had been very slight
i ii i
k . C , -i t' ' i' n .
i V
A PAIR of wtde awake ad'
pitted against the dei
ready to take advantage -weak
point in the hand
What Others Say
The Need of Sex Hygiene.
pear Miss. More: The woman I mar
ried waa ignorant of aex hygiene, ate.
Her mother was such a prude and ao
narrow minded that aha would not teach
her daughter how to take cars of hor
aeir, but she would tell her risque
atories Instead. But, tha whole matter
regarding her mother la that aha Is
one of those women who will not play
cards any. time nor even have them In
the house, hut will play any other game
or alt and laugh like a Cheshire-' cat
when her husband would tell her of
beating some poor sucker -In a horse
I beliava if peopla Ilka Dr. iOwan
Adair woMld try .to get a- few laws
passed relating to compulsory education
or prospective wives, husbands, moth
ers and fathers, they would all the
quicker atop tha growth of criminality.
I say. and believe can crove. thaL if a
child were taught correctly and taken
care of and shown tha dirty spots of
ma insieaa or having auch thlnga hid
den from hlra ao tha only way they
amcover and learn auch thlnga la from
dirty conversations with more worldly
children and dirty actione of auch child
ren, thera would be less, much less,
criminality In the world and tha face
of tha earth would be much cleaner.
The wbole cause of divorce and crimi
nals Is directly-due to .puny puppets
oi pruaisn ana ignorant parenta.
A Letter to "Worried"--By Dana More
' Written for The Journal.
AND so, you have- a "gnetleman
f i tend Whom . you think a good
deal of, but who is two years
your Junior." And, "you enjoy
each other's company, having
fcumewliat similar tastes and 'he poa
KOKHes somip-tTUtttitlea you admire very
much and which ypu seldom find in men
Jvmadnys. And your friends have been
"catty" to you and they mako fun of
m behind your back and say "a man is
foolish to marry a - woman older than
himself, because she ages so much
more quickly." And you want to know
if I think "it is dreadful for a girl
two years a man's senior to go with
him. or even think of marriage."
I'll tell you - what I think. I think
that anything you may do, will be the
. right thing. Your letter was like a
breeze from the ocean; It, also, gave
me a good, iiearty laugh. The girl who
vun maka a Realm Feminine editor
laugh Is bound to make a good wife.
I'm glad to meet you. You are a cool
headed girl of common - sense. You
liave ideas. You are resourceful. You
know your human nature. Don't let
tliem worry you for ,a send. Have
confidence In yourself and go ahead.
Your Judgment won't let you go wrong.
Thera won't be any heavy hearta around
w here you are. ' Your husband, be he
two yeara your Junior or 20 jeara your
senior, will be your slave for llf.
"No, I do hot think it "dreadful" for a
girl two years a- man's senior to fall
Wd la love with him and want to
marry him. I think it very nice. I
think thera la just one great big thing
that really matters In matrimony, and
that 1 LOVE, Now, of course, I don't
mean by that, that a girl of 45 la jus
tified In marrying a boy of 38 or vice
versa. Because the lova that I am talk
ing to you about doesn't spring Into
Altenoe between such people. Do not
let the fact that your "gentleman
!? -i iwa year" funf than you
are, disturb your calculations one lit
tle Mt, U you know you love each
other dearly and you cannot hear to live
ZlS?.wJ?' U always looks better on
tC?"tr man 18 raw years older
ova isnt and , the only way for you
la to keep your heart and your face mo, ana your laugh mer-
m- f ' !T J'icu!t
" u"v anow now. becausfl
you are a c ever eiri r t.ii, ."..Vi
r,t MytMni that tarted out
i Thuer r no haVd and fast rules
In choosing a life partner. Ther. -r
ll?'?"0": . o 0' the
whVi T. iiHP ' ,i Know ".: woman
who la lBWAara older thn h. h,,.v..-
of 20. And he worshlpa her. And they
Only careless
ly than men, slovenly women, lazy wo
men, bad women bralnl... Z
merober, tt la what yonr Ufa. has bea.-J
w.. wumtn tana, man: it isn't
Z"n- I' you'll writ your Ufa hlstoryj
Ilka the letter hmt Jr
S "n Zt- you'i, alway.
... unw v.ii.i. ttaypy, -
... .1 ' 1 ''-
w-tvflifl - I ir 1 1 a lm A ;
. . ' " ' rarrr - lilt
man. .yon love. You can overcome al.
most anything, when you LOVB a man.
Make your hom a hH.n
comfort and laughter. Hold fast to all
jruur cu.,uBiries, your optimism. Optl
" ,T. I" w,r a 6rat thing. Oh,
you'll be happy. I know It. It Isn't
tha two years dlffrnr. i. .
" mat m BUI II K
to ateer your craft, if .. ?
,, . - , " vu juur-
o.,. wouisn wno ia clever enough
to maka a fine art of her marriage, need
eve. ein. nor letters, -J Worried."
Get a 25c bottle tf Danderine
end try this stops hair
falling out.
I'fiiulerin'e diddolve every particle of
I 'fiiidru'i'f like snow beneath the blazing
wm, flearisea,- purifies and Invigorates
the scalp; forever stopping itching and
li liii'g hair. -: v
"! Wuhfn ten minutos after an applica
tion of Danderine you cannot find a
KiiiKie trtue 6f Dandruff or I Jouse or
fi'tilng tialr, and.' your scalp win not
wut ne nr a few weeks' use. when
! "i will actually ee new hair, fine
I rinwny. at first yes but really
i(. hi.r fpr,otlrg oil ovor tYe scalp.
a nlt DJl,Jer'ne will Immediately
double the beauty of your hair. No
difference how dull, faded, brlttla and
"craggy, just moisten a cloth with Dan
derine and carefully draw It through
your hair, taking one email atrand at a
m'V effect amazing your hair
Will be light, fluffy ad wavyTand have
an appearance of abundance; an incom
parable lustre, softness and luxuriance,
the beauty and ehlmmer of true hair
f 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'a
Danderine from any drug store or toilet
counter, and prove to yourself tonight
"-now that your hair ! a nn. ...
aayt, It ,ka. h.en-;gfpwe
uT .uareiess treatment that's
all you surely can have beauUful hair
and lots of it If you will just try a little
Danderine. .,
v Before and After.
BeavertorC Or.j March 25. Dear Darra
More I am a cpnatant reader of your
page, and while I prefer reading to
writing r cannot resist offering an ob
jection to Mra' H. E.'s letter entitled
"Common Sense," ln your issue of March
! She makes the statement that If
women would study the masculine mind
before marriage, aha . would be better
abl to understand a husband." I would
be glad If she would tell me how we
are to Btudy this wonderful m mascu
lino mind before marriage when that
same masculine swears by all that Is
holy that all he Uvb for la to make
her happy and that he cares nothing
about whether she can darn aocka or
bake bread, that ho can buy aocka for
50 cents a dozen and that it la cheaper
to buy bread than to maka it That he
can't possibly live without a kiss everv
five minutes. Of course, wivea do not
expect him to fulfill all promises, but
do expect him to give evidence of sen
timent a little when he leaves In the
morning and again on his return ln the
evening. . .
Mrs. II E. also Baya'Surely a true wife
la not a support who can only aubelat
on petting." Most men claim that they
prefer a wife who ia not a prop or lean
ing post, but one of the "dinging Tine
sort. My observation has been "that
mose very clinging, vlnea ara ex nee ted
to grow Into aturdy oaks, but Instead of
obks tney become dogwood and oh, how
bitter, Mrs, H. jb. Baya that If It la not
a man'a nature how can he be expected
to be demonstrative. Theso same men
are often demonstrative before marriage,
are they not? Why changa ao complete
ly after the vowb 'have been aaldT A
wife should never permit herself to be
dubbed - "old woman" . or - "old lady'? If
she doea not , want to polish his shoes
and burn his shaving paper. My advice
to woman who discover their husbands
to be far from their ideals 1b to picture
that ideal and tell tha husband that he
la expected to live up to It In most
instances he win endeavor to do It -
. MRS. J. M.
Mcmbera of the library board and the
county court hava been Invited to attend
tna meeting or the Greater Portland
Plans association tomorrow eveninsr and
answer, if possible, the presentation of
reasons why the library should be- lo
cate on a site facing one of the park
oiocks, ratner man on tne block chosen
by the library board at Tenth, Eleventh,
Yamhill and Taylor Btreets.
Joseph Jacobberger, chairman of the
puono Duuamgs committee of tha a .on.
elation and George M. Hyland, chair
man of the Rotary club's Greater Port
land committee of 0,, are to present
the association's stand in tha library
Each chairman of tha association'.
committees has been requested to Bend
ln advance a btfef statement summar
izing the work of the committee from
the time ofits appointment until the
present time, including the committee's
wnai ii can accomDiisn in line with th
association's general plan for the in
telligent 'directing of tha city's greater
growth, '
Inferences to Be Prawn I-oni the
Dealer'a Declaration.
PAIR of wide awake adversaries
dealer and
of every
d of the
declarant are ln a fair position
to save the game many times, when If
tney were neglectful of their opportuni
ties the dealer would certainly Bcore.
To make tha best of the varloua situa
tions which arise inferences must be
constantly drawji and It must also be
realized that the most valuable of these
muit of necessity be negative in char
acter. For Instance you may draw
surer Inferences oftlmea not from what
tha adversary declarea but from what
he doea : not declare. Information of
thla aort corriea without his being able
to help himself. His position must be
clearly defined from the beginning if
he haa either strength or weakness. If
he says either hearta or diamonds the'
opposition knowa at once that ha must
be strong in the suit named and thla la
so easy that it hardly deserves mention
if tt were not that when ha passes the
make, the nondealera may - as surely
know that ha is not strong In either of
tha red suits, and also that ha haa not
an all round hand with which to take
a no trump ohance. When tha dealer
passea he may hold some red cards, but
he cannot have attacking strength, ln
either red. auit ;:
But tha question of inferenoea doea
not end here, for as the acora is more
advanced tha dealer may ba inclined to
take a greater risk ln naming red. Sun
iuae that tha score stands at IS In the
dealer'a favor it doea not require great
calculation to see If ha passea that he
haa no hope of winning two odd tricks
at diamonds. He would never make a
light diamond declaration at tha begin
ning of the game but might easily do
ao if well up, for while a light call
might be poor bridge at tha beginning
of the game it would ba a perfectly
justifiable risk at a acora of 18 or bet
ter. Suppose the dealer passea when
hia score is 24. He not only Baya that
he cannot take the odd trick: at either
red declaration but he la confessedly
weak ln both clubs and spades, for at
either of these declarations ha cannot
see hia Way to go out, not befng aura
or two trlcka in clubs or three in
spades, even if hia partner glvea him
an average assisting hand. -3 .
' No .one can play good bridge unless
hels constantly on the qui viva to read
what the dealer's declaration may mean.
Aa the acora of tha dealer adyancea
the nondealera should calculate what
declaration tha dealer ought to make or
would ba likely to make ao as to have
a reasonable chance of winning tha
game -on that hand. - If ha doea not
maka tha declaration that la expected
of him you may rest assured that hia
hand does not contain those elements of
Buccess which -would be necessary to
win tha game. It ia very easy to learn
that if tha ' adversary baa 11 on tha
score that ha would be likely to say
hearta if one trick with hearta would
put him out or cluba it two would -do
bo. If tha acora waa 24 either one
heart or ona diamond trick would en
able him, to go game and he would
probably if possible say ; diamonds
preferably, aa thera would be an equal
chance of winning tha game and leas
danger of tha enemy doing, ao If luck
was against him. With tha acora At
21 there la tha strongest aort of reason
for saying clubs, as ona odd will apell
game and even a double would not coat
so very much. When tha acora baa
advanced to 28 or 28 yon may ba on
the lookout for a apada declaration
from strength, lor no good player would
pass auch an opportunity for winning
the game and would even do ao if he
was perhaps giving up tha chance of
greater possibilities at a mora expen
sive make. Whenever "tha dealer does
not "declare to the score," aa it Is
called, you- may count his hand aa fall
ing ln tha necessary. Ingredients to make
auch a declaration auccessful. " 1
Ona other declaration remalne to ba
considered by tha dealer Which IB hap
pily rare and that ia tha original spade
call,' made when tha hand does not con
tain a single trick. At one . time this
maka had a certain vogue among some
pretty clever players but as they ex
perimented with it it was found that
tha weaker the hand of the dealer was
tha greater were the possibilities of
strength with the dealer's partner and
so the original spade call has fallen
more and more Into disfavor until now
it ia only used by players who aro glad
to hide their cowardice behind a worn
out custom.
If the dealer is so foolish aa to say
spadea originally you may count upon
hia having an utterly worthless hand.
Outside of the spade suit he can have
nothing (unless of course he is" de
claring to tha score) although ha may
hava aa many aa seven spadea headed
by the queen or tha Jack. At auch a
time most players are wary about
doubling on outside strength for the
reason that tha high Cards are in dan
ger of being ruffed but the situation la
an Ideal one to play against for strength
ening cards can be led up to tha dealer
against which third hand can finesse
deeply, for he knowa that tha dealer
haa nothing of any value ln"hla hand.
Thla ia one of the chief reasons why
the original spade declaration haa fallen
Into disuse for it puts a very powerful
weapon Into the hands of the nondealera
of which .they ara quick to take ad
vantage. , i
- AA Original Club Make.
While tha defensive snada declaration
Is still occasionally used tha orla-lnal
club make is quite a thing of the past
No one now ever says clubs from weak
ness, but on tha other hand all good
playera will name cluba when tha odd
trick at such a declaration will put
them out and they see a certainty of
winning tha game with cluba as trumns.
The opposition can, therefore, only ripad
an original club declaration as meaning
great strength , Jn tha . club aui and
with no other card of reentry.' .This Is
the gist of tha whole matter. That the
dealer sees no way of doing anything
outside of hia clubs. If tha club suit
has been established, and ha held other
outside cards ha would hava said no
trumps. So thla ia What tha nondeal
era may aafely Infer that the dealer la
absolutely powerless ln tha other; three
suits, any of which; may ba led tip to
unu mm peneci eaieiy. ; . , , u
Thla principle of "counting tha hands"
aa la called may be applied even fur
ther. Suppose that tha dealer haa not
named hearta and you hav not an .honor
in hearts and when the dummy hand
goea down you see that ha la alao with
out an honor in hearta. Doea that not
prove conclusively that your partner ,
muat hava at least two or three hon-'
ora in hearta. possibly four, for if the
dealer had had aa many aa four hearts
(counting 64 ln honors) he would In
fallibly hava named that suit Tou
may sometimes go even further than
that, if the dealer passea tha declara
tion. Suppose ha doea tbia having 16
on tha score and both you and dummy
hold but two hearta each, can you not
aafely and aurely plaoa thosa missing
heart in your partner's hand?
"How many players will reason that
wnen tha dealer has made an original
no trump declaration that he must hava
ona high card at least in three of the
suits. Everyone knows that thla ia what
tha dealer la likely to do, but how very
few playera, when put to tha test. Infer
accurately, in tha beginning ''what tha
weak spot in tha dealer'a band must be
or what suit to ba afraid of. Suppose
that tha aldeat hand opens with tha six
of a BUlt and dummy puta down tha
knava aeven tray and third hand holds
the. queen, nine, eight by the applica
tion of the eleven rule it ia plainly seen
that tha dealer can hava no card higher
man the lowaat held by third hand or
take thla case. Tha leader opens with
tha 5 seven. Dummy laya down tha
knave, alx, four. Third hand haa th
queen, eight threa Tha dealer has only
ona card higher than the aeven which
may be either the aca king, ten, or nine.
Tha inference would be that tha dealer
having Said no trump is vary likely
to hold .either tha aca or tha king ao
third hand should pass tha aeven lad
and 1f his guess ls-rlght tha whole suit
is established.
ii.. . t
i.r ! it) ,'
Oakland. Cal., March 27. Investiga
tion la being made toiiay at the Insuea
tlon of President Taft into tha photo
graphing of S. C. Lil'iis, a federal pris
oner servins six months in the AJameJa
county Jail, for unlawfully fencing pub
llo lands.
Li ills is a wealthy stockman who was
oonvicted In Fresno four years ago. He
arrived at the Alameda county Jail sev
eral weeks ago after fighting conviction
since 1908,. and was photographed at the
He .has now appealed to President to
force Sheriff Barnett to withdraw his
picture from the prison files and to
surrender the plates and prints to him.
: Tots Starring, He Seeks Death,-
San Francisco. March 27. Distracted
by the hungry faces of his three little
children and hia wifa and hia funds
i e-l .-? f;--1 ':-t t , i , ....
' i, a ',: t-r, i ! :!- ' ; --.t!:
- t.'.-r- '.f l- t; e : .. t t r I
:;;:: a. !, w t 1 1 oi 1.: I ' -
fire fuelling the l.urr-y r '
wi.:; Ct.ho la In a lit ptu., wi-.t x ha
hi a f i'f ( iianw in r' -mcr. .
An Appeal to - Wives
Tou know the terrible affliction that-,
comes to many homes from the result
of a drinking husband 6r son. You
know of the money wasted on "Drink"
that is needed in the home to purchase
food and clothing. ORRINB hss saved
thousands of drinking men. It is a
home treatment and can be given se
cretly. Your money will be refunded if,
after a trial, it has failed to benefit.
Costs only 1 a box. Coma in and get
a free booklet end: let ua tell you: of
tha good ORRINB is doing. Woodard,
Clarke. & Co., 2S0 Washington streat.
Skidmore Drug Co,. 161 Third street.
Helehe Rosenthal
Is here for a two weeks', engagement, demonstrating and .
L a-
' 'iter ':
w- I lit
Miss Rosenthal is an exnert'coiv;
setiere, : direct t from -. JMew, York, .,,;
. .. She will be glad to assist ypti in V .
selecting; the '.t correct corset for
N your individual figure, will fit the " '
corset to you and will instruct you
as to" the prorjer -modes of lacing'
' etc. Her advice is most valuable I
to every woman seeking the prop-; -;
,er foundation for gown, or dress.'
! Ynn
consult her.H' Miss Rosenthal is l'
.also demonstrating and fitting
American Lady .Corsets.
r Madame Lyra" Corsets
All Fittings ;Free
Principal Agents for Mmj&'Lyrt .1
and American Lady 'Corsetsv
' .a- ? . :.,m;j. ' . 'v.-:
Rev. John Wesley Hill of New Tork,
pastor of tha Metropolitan temple, a
Methodist church in that city, Is com
ing to Oregon to apeak in the Interest
of President Taft Ha haa long been
active In politics and is a warm ad
mirer of tha president, having accom
panled Taft several times on campaign
tours ln tha past. "
It has been announced that former
Congressman Charles F. Bcott, of Kan
sas, would ba tent to Oregon, but the
Taft national committee changed the
plans, concluding that Scott is needed
in hi horns state. Dr. Hill la to be
ln Oregon five days, beginning April
IS, and his itinerary will ba prepared
at an, early data, so hia meetings may
be well advertised.
(Bpeelnl t) Jounnl.)
Albany, Or March 27. To crystallize
local Bentlment for tha establishment
Of a T. M. C. ; A. here ' a ' banquet waa
tendered 40 Invited guests bv Hon. Al
fred C. Schmltt at the St. Francia ho
tel Monday evening. ' visitors from out
Bide were President Roome, of the Eu
gene association; J. B. Rose, general
secretary of the work, and J. D. Lukens.
assistant secretary of the state asso
Every effort Is to be made to effect
a strong organization here, and nlans
are already being disoussed for the erec
tion or a t; mvc, a, building.; ; "S
For Infants and Children,
Tha Kind Yoa Have Always Escght
Bears tha
denature of
"" "'' "' ""ii inTffiiiT n nil jJijCRwifBBl
' (ITnlteil Ptm Win k
San Francisco, March 27, Pending
um uvui ornn colleague, commls
sioner Frank L, McDavid, Commission
er Joseph E. Blaok of Missdurl haa ae
lected today a tentative alto for hia
atate'B building at tha Panama-Paclffo
1918 exposition here. - McDavid will ar
rive . April 4, when tha site will be
definitely decided upon and tha deed
to tne iana turned over. .
Hair Health'
If Ypu Have Scalp or Hair
1 rouble, Take Advantage
-.'.'of This Offer.
Wa oould not afford to ao atrongly'
jnaorBa Kexau "83" Hair Tonio and
conUnue to Bell It as wa do if wa were
not certain that it would do- all wa
ciaim, it; will.,.; Should our enthusiasm
carry us away, and Rexall "93" Hair
Tonlo, no,t lve entire satisfaction 'to
xne users, tner would lose faith in us
and our statements, and ln consequence
our business prestige would Suffer.
' Therefore, wben wa assure you that
u your nair is beginning to unnaturaiiv
fall out or if you have anv aroin
trouble, , Rexall "93" Hair Tonlo will
promptly eradicate dandruff,; stimulate
umr grovtn ana prevent premature
baldness, you may rest assured that wa
anow wnat wo are talking abotit 1
out of ona hundred test cases rtii
"98" Hair Tonio gave entire satisfaction
in ninety-inrea cases. It has hn
proved that it will grow hair even
on bald heads, when, of course, the
baldness had not existed for ao long a
time that the .follicles, which ftra the
roois or tne nair, had not become abso
lutely ureiess. -
Rexall "93" Half Tonie '"ia vn.tiv mr.
farent f ronj other similar preparations.
We believe that It will do more thon
any other human agency toward restor
ing hair growth and hair health. . It is
not greasy andwjllnot gum the
or hair or cause permanent Btaln, It
iB as pieasant to use as pura cold water
Our faith ln Rexall "fla- Hair'Toni
is so strong that we ask you ,to try it
on our positive guarantee that your
money will be cheerfully refunded with.
out question or, quibble 4f, tt does not
do ase claim. Certainly we can offer
no stronger argument It cornea in twn
ataeriHiie.fl eenta-and-t I.r flold
only by The Owl Drug Co. Stores in
Cisco, OafelaTid, Los ;Angeles and Sacra
mento. . 1
Dav Letters
: .Night Letters ..:J?-
4vo mau s aeiay
ine quicK route tor m
business J v
" ' ' ' ". . ft : '
8 f i
GOLD DUST will sterilize
your kitchen tilings and make
them wholesome and ' sanitary
Gold Dust does more than cleanit sterilizes
and leaves your kitchen things sanitarily safe.
The ordinary soap-washed utensil is not fit to
eat from, because soap does not cleanse as
: thoroughly as it should does not kill germs
of decay which are bound to lurk in oft-used
utensils. ( J ; . " ' 1 " " ;
, Gold Dust does most of the cleaning without your
assistance, and does it, too, in a quickeVand more thor
ough manner than' will
soap or other, cleansers.
Geld Dust makes pot r
and pan spick and span.
Do, not Hie soap, naphtha,
borax, soda, ammonia or kero
aane with Gold Dust. Gold
Dust has alldesirable cleans
ing mialities in a perfectly
harmlesa and lasting form.
, J your work".' ' -1 w
' Mada by THE ft K. .FAIRBANK COMPAN Chicago
"' Makers ol Fairy Soap (tha oval cake) '