"IT"" C " " T" O T DAILY JOWAt-,A x sA I.i: ? IlsClXL-VNI'.Ol'S 1 9 UK WON'EH LAMP, nccfu.) kerr-i-ene mantis ).. -'oft car. .lie jmww; cheapest wn'.t- (TVrichtest Utht; burns co..wnon coal f Pvlt particulars and demonstration en i l i.i'Riion. C. II. EARL, Agent 4!H Vj ncouver Bve. f-i.I.L CHEAP 6x6 reversible steam en gine with hoisting spool; 4 h. p. gaso line engine, 4V.X36 inch defp wed brass pun-p, new, new auto tire purrp. Well drilling' machines and tools. 30 Van couver ave., city. Phone C-5478. FOR SALE Ne-x aid "sec-und-hind Car om and pocket billiard tables, and bowline alleys and accessories: bar fix tures of all kinds: easy payments, 'fhs F.runswlrk-Ralke-Cr."ender Co. ii-ii Mb ?t. Phones Main 769. A-1769. WK sell cash resistsa. scales, credit retlsters. cheese "utters. coffee mills. etc., at greatly reduced prices, either for cash or payments. The Portland Stort Supply Co.. 250 2d rt, Marshall 4548. SEWING machine. 60 machines sold for storage; drop head and Rood as new; Singer, New Home, Wslte. Domestic and all leading1 makes at your own prices. 292 Third and Columbia star. SAFES New and 2d hand; low prices; easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 85 6th St. Main 6309, A-tllS. (SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit registers. - computing scales. etc. houcht and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co., 227 Sterk st. Main 7711. SPECIAL sale of slightly used Singers, "W. A W White and Standard sew Ing machines; easy payments. Call 281 E. Morrison near Grand. ROTARY twice, 12th N. mimeograph, 120 takes it. cost $35, used B-3274. 14 E. STRAWBERRY Plants, 'Gold Dollar" and "Wilson," lor saleaoheap. C F. Hardin. Clackamas, Or. Route 1. WASTED MISCELLANEOUS B rOTJ have it We want It We want 11 the used furniture, stoves and household goods we can get within the next 30 days, any quantity and will pay the best cash price. Phone East 636. - WANTED People of Portland . to know that 1 pay the highest cash pries for second hand household goods... X M. fleeter. -US Russet!. Fast 1562. iY'K BUY SECOND HAND CLOTHING AND FURNITURE! Fay the highest price for everything; call Vain :nsrt 2(V first. COVELL FURNITURE & COMMIS SION CO. Pays tha best price for your second hand furntturercarpeta'TirnJ stoves. Z04 jsi. Mam 3022. TO buy cash register, scales, cheese cut ter, coffee mill, credit register and meat sneer, rail Marshall 4548. HE VV'iSK; uei luoia fur your second hand furniture by eei'.lng It to Ford Auction Co. 21 1 1st Main S9R1. A-.S44R. BARGERS' AUCTION HOUSE, s 268-3 70 E. Morrison st. E. 1022, $103) worth of good -furniture at once. WANTKD 2.: 7iand furniture. East 3124 348 Howthorne ave. Heater A Martin. CASH paid for household goods. C. M. Pennell A Co.;J Mar.- 4865. 845 First. WANTED Moving picture outfit; sIko folding chairs, etc. R-379, Journal. WANTED Two carloads (of second hand furniture Phone Enst 4009. V ANTED Furniture lar" or small lots. for 17 rooms, Marshall 8223. AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 130 TOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE? We are exclusive dealers of used cars. Over 75 cart to select from, all makes, all prices. Don't fall to see us before you buy. Every Car Guaranteed. Oregon Auto Exchange 2lst and Washington. TIRES. Tires, Tirs. 13.00 to 115.00 each. Smith Is now located at 203 Madison st We buy. sell and exchange anything pertaining to automobiles. Tubes re paired. . 25o each. Auto Tire Co., 203 Madison st. FOR bargain In used cars see us first Write for list. .We buy and selL CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO. Cor. E. 13th snd Hawthorne Ave. Li 1 1 lh used aeinonstrailng car, ar snap", ruiiy guaranteed for one year, Stoddard -Dayton Auto Co., 690 Wash ington st. ;AHEB.J0Tn''gBBigC"i Springs guaranteed. 22 N. 18th st WANTED All kinds old rubber and metals, auto and solid tires, cast 'Iron specialty. Phone im: we call. J. Leve. 3S6 Columbia st. Main B198. - -FOUR passenger Tourist, 1910 model; if you are in the market for good car st a very low price can at 6ZZ Alder. SEVEN pass. 40 horsepower touring car, $650 takes it. Stoddard-Dayton Auto Co., 690 Washington st. -- v,-. FUR SALE Model A 109 Monitor auto truck -at a bargain; used only two months. P. O. box 418, The Dalles, Or. TWO pass, runabout seat covers, top, lamp, etc.; price $475. Stoddard-Day- ton Auto Co.. 690 Washington st. $375 buys beautiful Stanhope Electric with top. ? Stoddard-Dayton Auto Co., 690 Washington st. .'.".. AUTOMOBILE washing, polishing and , V5-nt Pairing at your garage. Phone A-1030, Main I860. 1 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS C4 TWO used upright pianos, $S0 and $95 ; ....large Kimball -upright (used) $110. Payments; 127 11th st., near Washlng Mon. Open evenings. ON actuuiit of innea am compelled to sscriflce my n-.anogany case Hallet A Davis piano, lust year old; cost $600. '-230. Journal. WANTED Oraphanola or Vtctrola. Phone, -call or writs 721 Y. M. C A. bldg. - - AM leaving for east and must sell an almost new Vose A Sons piano; will sell st a bargain. N-239, Journal A KIMBALL pin no. ale ttt a bargain. silently used, for N-23R. Journal. FUItXITURE TOU SALE 63 AT a sacrifice for cash, complete fur nishings of 4 rooms; heavy mission oak furniture. Havlland chins, aluminum vare. mahogany chiffonier, etc.. all prac tically new; ran rent flat - if desired. Call and investigate, 1297 Hawthorne, coruer 13. 45th. . .d(w i i. n T V( J r- 1 1 f text II nl:U 'jrl'h tAW -4 HI) I . 1 jS ur7 new ntsmw J nun fl . yfclWvviTHEfAcuiiyAr anichonewith ( 1 .'I J CClliE OFriCt J . A . .,, :n 1 n n 'V PK0UPTD WELCOME tU( SUNSHINE IN IT I V f , I ( S . ,-H ANDWlU flf- Ij. J)U r- ' l.v S " T&Hl'SROOfl ) - . . , 1 WONDER - . ... ........ ,. . i . '! ' '. " ' ' . " ..'.. f ,-,--, , .; , ,-:' ! . . . ,,....... . ' , ., - , ' ' V J ' : . .' ' ' " '.'"1 ,- .; ' ' '; ' ... V 1 , . ' ... ,,. . ;. ,. . ' ,1 ,i .... .... . ..; . , i .'.... , " . , ,...,,'.- ' ' " """"' " I - ' " . - - ,,,..)4i,A.."...:- y . n.,.l;.J1L..a.r. y , ; , , ,, ; x t --v ".. ,' , j- ' .' k.' ''' ' :'"' . , y '"." -1' ; : ''""'' ."f"' " ruiMTi:;:: ro:: sale cs IIARTZELL iL'rtNITURE CO. For sal. stoves, ranges, furniture, etc. We ray Mirhest cash pries for house hold grods. jr.l-S.15 1st Marshall 3674, LOST AM) l'OUXD LOST Petween S05 Holladay and N. P. terminal roundhouse, mounted el tooth, 15. P. O. E.. 326 on one side, Dec, 30, 1906, on onposlte. Liberal reward return to 3t)5 Holladay. East 5974. THE lady who took a sold headed um brella in Hamburger's, store on 2d st. on Saturday between 4 and 8 P. m. please leave at the office of store. Keep sake from a dead daughter. LOST Fob with monogram initial H. L, T.; on 2 back bars is Inscribed (From Employes of "Logging- Engine Dept. Willamette Iron & Steel VVks.J Reward. Phone A-2895.' LOST White female dog; has spot over eye: new harness and license No. 690. 14 Union ave., corner Ash. LOST While and tan-Foxterrler. mala. license No. 473; phone Main 4107. or call 448 Yamhill;' reward. LOST Lady's gold watch with fob, half second hand broke off. Please return to 40 E. 7th st and receive reward. NOTICES SO SEALED proposals addressed to E E, Wilson, secretary of the board of reg ents, Oregon Agricultural college. Cor- vams, ur., win De received oy ins aaia Doaru or regents unui s o'clock p. m. March 29. 1912. for the furnishing o all material and .the performance of all labor required for the erection ana completion of the mines building for the agricultural -college, stats of Ore gon. All bids to be Indorsed, "Pro tosal for the Mines Building." Said proposals to be opened upon the above date by the said board of regents. All work and material must conform to the plans and specifications therefor on rue at me orrice or tne college, uor vallis. Or. and of the architects, Bennes & Hendricks. 400 Henry build ing, Portland, Or. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check of live b) per cent or tne amount or me bid, as a guarantee that the success ful bidder will enter Into a contract ac cording to said plans and specifications. Said check payable to the Oregon Agri cultural college. ir ror any reason the bidder falls to execute the proper con tract end bond required within 10 daye after notification of the acceptance of his bid. then said check will become for feited to the Oregon Agricultural col lege. ---.' NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. Know all men by these presents, that Hnderahd"bv virtus of the-term sand conditions of a certain lease and mort gage entered into on the second day of November, 1810, between the Kt Clair Investment company,. corporation, as lessor and mortgagee, and Philip Jones, as mortgagor and lessee, said mortgagee wiil on Monday, the Hist aay or March, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the office of the St Clair Investment company, 603-508 Ab Ington building, in the city of Portland. Oregon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the lien of said lessor and mortgagee, of 21275, all of the porsonsl property consisting of furniture, fixtures, fittings; bedding, linens, carpets, rugs, silverware, dishes and cooking utensils located In apart ments 8. 5, 6, 24, 26, SI, 32, 34 and 86 of the St. Croix apartments, at number 170 St. Clair street, Portland, Oregon a complete list and inventory of which property -may be found at the office of the St. Clair Investment company above mentioned. . Dated and first published this 24th day of March, 1912. ST. CLAIR INVESTMENT CO By W. F. Flledner, Pres., lessor and mortgagee. THE annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Oregon Furniture Manu facturing company will be held at the office ot Ladd & Tilton bank, 3d and Washington sts., Portland, Or., on Wednesday, March 27, 1912, at 11 a. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and transacting such other business as may properly come before the stockholders' meeting. FLETCHER LINN, Pres. PERSONAL 23 UR Walker, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sore j, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder anJ piles. 181 First st. i-ortmnfj MIND as applied In science removes the underlying causa of all disease; no matter what. nor how serious; consulta tion free. Hours 10 to 6 daily, 424 Clay street, suite 34. SCIENiiii'lC CURE OF FUNCTIONAL, mental and psychlo troubles: private care when necessary; consultation free. Phone Woodlawn 2309. SPIRITUALISM-REV. MAY A, PRICE, MEDIUM. READINGS. TEACHING HEALING. DAILY. CIRCLES TUES., 2; WED., 8 P. M. MAR. 1749. 291 5TH. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton" Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 box or 2 boxes for $5. bi mall. T. J. Pierce. 24BH Morrison. ' NEW FRENCH HAND LAL'NDRY-. " All work guaranteed; dyeing, cleaning and pressing all kinds of fine. Washing. 475 Williams ave. East 2347, SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness - In men, by mail $1 per box; money re turned if it falls. Dr. pierce Remedy Co., 245H Morrison. ASTHMA" r heart trouble; wish to see the case I can't cura. DR. DOUGLAS. D. C. 838 Union ave. N.. Portlsnd. Or. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. , Disea.es of women and surgery. Ex aminations free. 202 Merchants Trust bldg., sth and Washington. Main 4047. MATRIMONIAL paper; descriptions re fined beople, with means; all parts United States. Mrs. Bell, 1815 Mag nolla avw., Log Angeles, Cal. MIS-RAGNHELDJJ .icobsen: navlan trained masseuse, son at Marshall 942. 74 John- WOMEN Use remolds wnen others fal. Bold and guaranteed by the Ausplund Drue store. 11 a N th st. Main 8106. MATRIMONIAL bureau; for lnforma- tlon, address Miss A. Emery, Van couver, Wash., P. P., box 424. LORENZ Nerve, Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality; 25o box; 6 hoxes $1.25. Stlpe-Tsylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st MRS.' SOPHIA B. SE1P. mental, spirit ual scientist 802 Alisky bldg. Main 6824. Meeting Wed. and Frl.. 8 n. m. PAINLESS ohlropody, pedicuring and manicuring. A-7845. 417 Swetland bid. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 532 Davis st. Main 9211. 100 linen visiting cards, 7Eo. Welch Prlnt- mg co.. zzs Alder. Main or A-4147. , SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk - or suitcase at 582 Wash., cor. 17th st PATRONIZE the lady barber shop on oaimon oetween 4tn and 6tn. A SHEbETONIZED HISTORY OF TEDDY-HE ri:r.so.AL RADICAL curs by tl-e litest natural healing methods. Including radium; all electrical currents, lights, best, vi bration, radiation, baihs, niassae, ad justment, nnd manipulations; most ex pensive, t.nest equipped private office in" Oresron; no medicine or operations: over 61)00 treated patiemts and not a death while under our care; we will be slad to consult with you free of charce. Dr. t. E. Mallorv. SI 3 Rnthchlld bid. LADIES $1000 rar5: I nosltivel guarantee my great successfu "monthly" remedy: safelv relieves aom of the longest most obstinate, abnor mal cases in 3 to 5 days; no harm, pain or interference with work; mall 11.50, uouoie strength z. Dr. c. T. Southing- ion rtcmeny io.. Kansas City, mo. HTPEREMlCi TREAT MEMTS" Hypereme cures bv suction. rhnm tlsm. lumbago, goiter, tumors, nervous. ness. Will increase the bust and restore snrunxen limns and organs. Trial treat men free in the mornings. Call 405 and us iNortnwest building. 6th and Wash ington Dr. Burroughs Har had twenty-flv years experi ence In successfully treating teryou disease. Examination fr.-40 North west-Mdg.. 6th and Washington. TA1TENA, the prescription jf the late uwson lait, me celebrated English surgeon, for the cure of female trou bles, to be obtained from the Hawthorne prarmacy. corner Marguerite avow and Hawmorne j-none b-bzzs. price 60e. DR. At.TCIB x. rvrtirv Disss f women and childrea, hi MADAM FRANK teaches palmistry and card reading; lessons 60c: results will surprise you, uor. 4tn ana Morrison. FINANCIAI 51 CASH PAID FOR MORTOAOFR Or sellera eaulty In contract of sale on reat estate in Washington or Oregon. n. ci. nopie, Lumpermens Diog.. Loans. LOANS WANTED 80 $2500 and 14000 wanted on two homes valued at mare than double tha amounts asked. Located in first class residence district Win nay 8 and 7 per cent, respectively, and reasonable expense.- d-is,- journal. I HAVE real estate security that I want to oorrow on. r can give plenty of gooa security ana i neea tne money rient awayv-3,jourriai, WANTED Loan $1500 for S years; will ing u pay per cent interest; good security. Toperty worth 13500. Phona wooaiawn suki. no agents. MONEY. TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 Western Loan & Savings Co, OF SALE LAKE CITY, UTAH. Under state supervision and control Incorporated 1892. Authorized capital ...$6,000,000.00 Permanent-reserve fund 100,000.00 Assets' 1.268.730.00 Six per cent. on savings accounts and 10 per centpn Installment stock. l' or particulars see JOHNSON & JOHNSON, , 168 10th st, Portland, Phon Main 4028; A-7136. HAVE the following amounts to loan at once: - flSOO, 2 years, 7 per cent $2500, 2 years, 8 per cent. 23800, 3 years, 8 per cent '. $4000, 3 years, 1 per cent . 28000, 3 years, 7 per cent. $13,000, 8 or 5 years, 6 psr cent $30,000, 8 vears, 6 per cent. V 'SEB3 MR. HARBOLT. . A, S-i DETSCH CO., 840 Chamber . of Commerce. 3 2 f t til I 1 LOANS made immediately and nonftden. tiany on real estate, furniture, pianos, Utos, livestock, storsee receipts, room. Ing houses end all kinds of securities. U. S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAHECO. si2 Hamilton Ridg. Main 2084. 131 8d Street t 8 I $ $ $ I $ Will Loan You Money On your furniture, dlsmords or real es tate; lowest rates of interest See me first J, Er- Nichols - H8 Yeow bldg. MONEY to loan on good first mortgage real estate security. NORTHERN TRUST CO., 212 Railway Exchange bldg. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CdC SHORT TIME LOANS Reference: Bradstreet A Duna, 1309 Yeon bldg. - Main 8947. MONEL to loan in sums of $2000 to $10,005 at 7 per cent on high class business or residence property. Trow brldgs A Stephens. 331 Wilcox bldg. I HAVE on hand some money for good loan: would like to get the money to work at once. Address X-382. Journal. TOLOAN $1300 at 8 per cent for 3 or 5 years; ho commission. G-18. Jour nal,. - ."..'. .' $200 UP Dwelling houses; principals - only, no brokerage. Attorney, 210 MORTGAGE loans, in any amount: Liberal terms; mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomrae Co., Wilcox bldg. $100,000 in mortgages, city or farm propertv, fire insurance, McKensie" A Co.. Qerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEt to loan, large loans a specially. building loans; lowest rates; fire in surance. W. O. Beck. 815-218 Falling. SMALL loans on Jewelry or chattels by private party. Strictly confidential Y-11, Journal. - WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Belts A Co., 810 Saplding bldg. 'QUICK loans on all securities, 8. W. iving, e wasnington rilOg. Main 6100, MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. I L. White. 701 Selling, bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon A Co., 229 Stark st MONEY to loan on real estate. J. J. Cahalln, 635 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL E8TATH. a. tt. MArtini . :. ix chamber of Com. SHORT TIME LOANS. $100 AND UP. 207 OREOONIAN BLDQ. MONEY TO IXAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 PRIVATE PARTY LOANS. 10 TU $100 Furnlttire, storage, receipts eto Strictly Confidential. 820 Lumber Exchange Bldg.. Open Monday and Saturday until 8 p. m. ?roi:v to row 07 CIIATTLLS. SALAIULJ , cloSsE An Amount .loan1 Our unlimited CAPITAL enables us TO LOAN MONEY AT RATES honest peo ple can afford to p"v- SPECIAL NEW RATES Rorrow $10 pay back $11.60 in 6 pay'ts. Horrow $:-5 pay back $.".P5 In 6 pay'ts. Borrow $50 pay back $S6.45 in 6 pay'ts. Borrow Jioo pay bk $111.45 In 6 pay'ts. Other sum.s in proportion. Ask about our FREE INSURANCE. We do more than we ADVERTISH, YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given if Paid Before Time. Portland Loan Go, 206-T MACLEAY BLDG. Both Phonr. Pet 4th and tth sts., on Washington st Open Monday and Saturday till p. m. State Security Co. r 1 1 rit r-n o SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $6 to $100. Being salary loan brokers exclusively we are enabled to make the best terms and give the quickest possible service. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL State Security Co, 308 Failing Bldg. ' $1 to $1000. TO LOAN On' Diamonds CHEAPEST RATES GUARANTEED. 207 Macleay Bids;, 286 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE MAR. 3386. A-2897. TO Drake's Easy Money ,10 Fnm!hd Balnrtod pmdIh without ma. curltv. indorrenient, delay, .deception ot fort 1nn Ua noor wo faa kAa4r M - i-v c x. rm f. it ri 4KHIA ltl 'fs I private terms In Portland. 807 Spalding HTTTTOV CREDIT CO. Money on Easy Payments Weekly or monthly Installments on anything of value., furniture, pianos, autos. livestock.-contracts. mortirai'M. shipping receipts, etc.; confidential and without delay. Adolphua Lane. 414 Ab- mgton nnir. Mamnsil um. MONEY FOR RAT.ARTIT.ri tRTPT.P! Women heenlnr hons and ntera titr. nisneti wunoui security, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want It and bay as you can. Offices In all 'principal cities. D, H. 1 ".""" 1 ' mumper r;xcnange. MONEY LOANED. JKWWLTtY' DIAMONDS, SIT.VEB. WATCFTES. PIANOS, ETC. PRIVATE OFFICES. ELRY COMPANY, 820 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDO, DO YOIT WANT MDNRfT You can have a loan for the askinr I loan on autos, pianos, furniture, etc. Strictly confidential and no delays. Low rates. M. Maiden, 606 Swetland bldg. MONEY, MONEY, For salaried people. Strictly confidential. 820 Lumber Exchange." WILL loan money on ood business ac. countjM receivable. Strow, 711 Sell ing bide. - ' LOANS on diamonds, jewelry and other articles at U usual Interest ru ran. fldentlal, 825 Falling bldg. MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried peODle. F. A. New. ton MS Henry Bldsr. LOAN ior the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC. COLLIS. BERRIDOE & THOMPSON, n Worcester tsiog. main 6687. ASSAYEBS wj;ij- a pkoebsteTj, assayers, an- iytlcal chemists, 204 H Wash. M. 7508 MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore irmniK. jnaranati zviitt. Morrison. ATTOSNITS A, BL COOPER, Attorney at Lw. Oen- emi practice; aostacts .examined. Re moved to 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Mala 878; A-2071. - ' CHI8TOPHERSON A MATTHEWS, general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg. - ' BICYCXB RIPAJanfO r BICYCLES, motorcycles, bought sold, repaired. Mad. Rep. Shop. 181 Madison. BXJUTX BOOK MAXXU HOWE DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d st, Blank ooK tn'Fg. ; agents for Jone? tnproyed Loose-Leaf Ledgers; see the Hew Eureka leuf, A-8188. Main 181. BUSIKESft CJtDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. II? 1 Peck bldg. THE BAHBER ASPHALT PAVtWO CO, . Portia pd office. 605 Electric bldg. caxpxt cxiuumrai JOYCK BROS- Electric Cleanina- Worka carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E, 440. B-196S. 204 E. 19tb N. CAXFXT WBAVRfOr NORTHWEST RUO Y.TORK8, rugs from j.01 narpets, rsg rsgs, carpet cleaning. vimvii va., near li. jtsorrivov. RAO" CbTDUt nd rugs, 1518 Patton ave. Pnone Woodlawn 2685. CABPET XiATTira CARPET laid and refitted; upholstering and furniture packing, . labor 2031. CHIBOPODIST F.J. KINO, specialist on fiat and de formed feet, will relieve tired and schlng fegt callous end enlarged Joints. 416 Rothchild hlrf vraroh.ii iW MARCHANT A DiCKEY Hair goods, switches to order, scalp treatment, fa clal; chiropody. 731 Rothchild, 4th-Wash. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD chU ----- . ' ' "' .' ' ' J MfcU o.iiu O Q 1 1 i 1 1 IC - ton. 514 Dekurri bldg. " UK. u. S. (J. and Mrs. Fletcher Pslnl.ua Chiropodists. 73 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg CBTXEOPACTIO FHTBICIAJT Hyfl T,V? thousands of adjustments; 22.60 wetk. Bath office 2 and Wssh. DR A MRS. S. K. CHAN, Chinese medl cine cures men and women; new loca tion. 183 A4 1st. -ror. Alder. DR. J I LONO MEDKiAL CO.. nhv. stclan for men, women 2SH Alder. LAUIF S- and gontlf men's bnt cleared fliui lilocke.l. I'ar.ania.H tleached wit! ont Injurious cheiuu-a is. cie.inera and taiiors tiike notice. Uur work menu tradii ror you. o-.it of l.nvn orders carefully attended. The "Royal Hut works, jri'S 1st. Mrtin 844? E. A. MIDDLE BROOKS, 42S Chamber of Commerce. Wain 3 2A4, COLLECTIONS WELLS MEP.C. AGY.. EST. 1908. CUK RENT, DELINQUENT ACCTS. COL LECTED. M. 8775. 701 BD. OF TRADE, PHYSICIANS' dentists' sect, general collections, ziii Mo:ical bldg. t. 61( COST&ACTOSS AHTJ BUILDEBS HIGHEST grade enrpenter and cabinet work for banks, stores and homes. O. M. 11 am mo no, 185 Madison. W ILLIAli KISHBECK. carpinter and builder. Jobbing and contracting. 20 tn st. Main 6241. h- tEORGEFF, carpenter, Duilder, store front r.nd store fixtures especially, glazing. ;m Anseny . Marshall ZHhl, COAX A3TD WOOD v BEST COAL -LOWEST PRICES . Not In the fuel combine -Gale Creek Lump, $8.50. - Gale Croek Steam, $6.60. (Holds fine alt night.) Rock Creek Lump, $7.60. Comet I limn lit Kft (ankA Buy your coal loose and save 60o per ton on these price. PORTLAND CONSUMERS COAL CO, ,asi itt and Tavior. Tel. E. 11$. Home B-1118. fr" SPW.UI. i mrKvn PRICES ON m GREEN SHOHT WOOD. $2.60. UKKKN 4 FOOT WOD. $2.50. ' INSIDE GREEN SHORT. $3.60. .' DRY SHORT WOOD 8AWDU8T. for fuel and bedding Tlie. Pcrtland Slabwood Co. Main 8119. A-7001. V.D, Smith Fuel Co, tfhlAii Dry fir slsb and block wood. ROCK SPRINGS XOAL Economy Fuel Co, 31 GRAND AVE. East 814 B-2343. BORING WOOD & COAL CO. East 3138. Country slab. Tabor 1743. B-2633. Block and Cordwood. B-2629. PAC. SLABWOODCO MalA.?ss1 - Green slabwood. hltr and small Innlda win wooq, pmner trim gs., corawootl NEER & FARR SJSSS. 'FLte sawed to order. Prompt delivery. 101 water, st. Main 4696. A-454T. Williams Ave, Fuel Co, Dry slab . wood. ' 83.75 a loadr also cord wood and coal. E. 8S76. C-1T6S. PORTLAND WOOD YARD. Wood and coal; 4 ft. or sawed; wreckJ age. Sth and Glisan. Main 8363. A-2283. STANDARD WOOD CO.. box planer and cordwood. 147 E. Stark. East 231s; B-1R95. - --... ill 4 toot dry wood. ' Nat Fuel Co 387 Water St Marshall 960, A-3548. L DELIVERED PROMPTLY. Main J. SVERTS, Ft Curry st Yamato Wood and Coal Co, KABT 818. H-18B7. SEGHERs WOOD CO.. F, Hill. Prop' Cord,, oak, ash, slabwood. Get prices. 18th and Vaughn. Main 653-9 A-2416. SOUTH Portland Slabwood Co. Cheap wood. 4 ft. and short slabwood. $2.50 and up. A-3842, Main 2158. ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of greea dota(coa7 wood" Rock 8PlB "d Men- COAL and all kinds uf wood. Phone Holgate Fuel Co.. Rellwood 48S. CITY MARKET Wonrt Yard, Cook A on, Id and Clay. Main 824 48. A-4I2I BABTCTjrO) PROF. WA I WILSON. Dancing taught ; ever morning, afternoon and evening. Lessons 25c; waltz, two-step or three step, guaranteed in first lesson or money refunded. The best Is always the cheapest; stage dancing and vaudeville specialties taught quickly. Trial les son free. Royal Academy hall. 85 H 6th st, between Stark and Oak sta. Phone Main 7G37. : BERTHA BECKETT HEATH, teacher of fancy, stage and social dancing. Clcsses Monday and Friday evening at 8. Private lessons by appointment 109 at., petween Washington and Stark. PROF. FORD'S school of dancing. 7th st and Hawthorne ave., 'classes Tues day and Thursday evenings at 8. Prl vate lessons by appointment. Tabor 8707. prrCTrra AgEcT INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency, male and female: strictly . confiden tial; consultation free. Offices 612 De kum bldg. Main 6424. POg AJTO HOBSE HOSPTTAX BROWN BROS.. 646 Wash. Main 4086, A-4086. Res. 91 E. 12th. E. S44.1. B-2287, PBESSMA rNg BCXOOTa VALENTINE'S system of cutting, lorlng and dressrciklng taught E. Morrison. -- tal. 8$ DRAMATIC FLORENCE" HOFFMAN Emerson sys- tiem 01 expression aramatio art, stage, platform. Marshall 33, American Apts. ELECT CXC AX3T0S3 BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-117. Walker M'jtensle El. Wks., 108 Union. PUBNI TUBE BEFAIBLITa BOWErS A ' PARSONS; formerly with Tall A Oibbs. furniture rep. reflnlshed, packed, shipped. 100H Front M. 7441 jni ana irari snop rurniture re paired, rr-flnlshed, packed, upholster ing, Mar. 8964, 7th and Flanders. Ref. rUBDTACES. INSTALLED, repaired: stoves 'repaired. 2d-Jeff. F. H. Leltner. M. 7563. B-8228. OASOLIHE EWGUTEi STATIONARY... and marine, electric, equipments: launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery C6.. lt Morrison. ml IS RECEIVED AT KARVARD N"s l-f.; Vlf;i, bli-cpe:i; hui'rs. Zavn ; .' tr v' t 1 ori't-r, fx;- 2 H M.irriy,, ;rt EAia C3CI3 FF.3VET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair poods, br.tr dressing, manicuring, t.ca and scaip treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M. 646. BOSSES BOUGHT AJTD BOLD All kinds of horFes bought, changed. 247 E. U'th. East Z', sold, 78. KOUS2 MOVTWCr Cv E. CARR & SON, house moving and raising. Phone Sellwood S97. IN SURAS C2 JAS. Mcl. WOOD A CO.. all kinds Insur enee, surety bonds,"Railway Ex. Hldg. PACIFIC STATES Fire Ins. Co.. home office Portland, Or., Ch. of Com, bldg. McCAKGAR. Bates A Lively. 201 Yeoo . bldg. Every form of Insurance, bonds. JOHN KER Insurance, surety bonds. mtge loans. 1823 Yeon bldg. M. 125, ROLLS develoned freer nrlnts. Io no: mall orders solicited. 205 Merchants Trust bldg. UEATHEB AJTO T1XVVSQU CHA8. L. MASTICK A CO- 24 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, v rindlns. AIACBXSZBY B. TRENKMAN A Co.. hydraulio and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanss, mining machinery, all repairs. 104 N. 4th. y KOTOBCTCXB CSTAXBUrO) REPAIRS ot all kinds; also bicycle aup- pilea ana repairing, 18 Burnsioe. MUSIC TEACHEBS PIANO, French elocution taught by Florence Pelton. Main 516 from 8 to 8 p. m. 227 Market st. Suite L. E. TH1ELHORN. violin teacher; pupil Fevcia. 800 Msrqtiam. A-41s. Mar. ibzi PIANO, new, rapid method. Hawthorns BCnOOl, Z34 K. 8Z1 st. MXT3IO SCHOOLS. PIANO, violin, mandolin, guitar, banjo, wimd Instruments Latest conseryntory methods. Instruments -loaned. - Trial lessons. National Conservatory of Mu sic, Grand ave. and E. Morrison st. RAGTIME nlano taught 16 lessons: ex pert teachers. Players command good salaries. Room 17. 386H E. Morrison st. ZTATTKOPATH FETSICXAK DR. Catherln C Gates, 11 years' experi ence threatlng nervous and - cbronlo diseases, 807 Abington bldg. Mar. 1141 Hrs. io a. m. to 6 p. m. OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIAW DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and cnronlo diseases. 08 Kenton bldg. Main 8961. Dr. Smith, graduate Kirksvillo. Mo., 1898, postgraduate 1SH7. HZ3 selling Mdg. - PAINT. 3IX, ASTD GLASS jr. B. BEACH A CO.. Pioneer Paint Co, las f irst st. Mam list. a-y4. RAisMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard" paint. n. cor. za A Taylor. M., A-1771. PAHTTIWO AZtD PAPEBLHO E. H. PICKARD, palntln- papering, tlntlnff hv dnv or contract! antlafnn. tory work or don't pay. Phone East 1356.: .-v.' y. ' PAPER hanging, painting, tinting; work guaranteed; prices reasonable; phones Main 7089: A-4T24. Residence Main 6174, FOIl HfEST work, prices right, call P. uoane. io union ave. East loss. TINTING $2 room up; painting, paper- nanging. u. A. names. Main 18S4. v PATEIfT ATTOBHETS PATENTS obtained: trademarks, copy rights registered In all countries; book lets free; consultation without charge. Peter Haberlln. 926 Worcester bldg. U. S. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chsmbr of Commerce Building. PATENTS procured of J. It 'Mock, At-torney-at-Law, late of U. S. Patent of. nee; oooK rree. vis Board or TradO DKIg. R. C, WRIGHT. U. 8. and foreign pat- euts; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum, PAW" BSOKEB UNCIE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years In Portland. 71 6th. Main 910. piano Tuamro FRED JACOBSON, piano tuning, $2.00; ib yra, experience. i nn. iwam sa i, van PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory ani office. 24th and York. Main 3489. platimo woars WILLAMETTE Plating Works, 203 4th, ; nuunn ana pongning, M. SS4S. A-7IS0. PBIHTINO 5000 printed envelopes, $10, sp'c'l. Welch rrw. ;o., zze Aiqer. Main or A-4147, BOOriNO. PAIJXTIZXG, SEFAZaiHO TIN roofing repairing painting, Jobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jefferson. Main 1424. BUBBEB STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningnam Co., 281 Stark. Main 1407. tsADUL.S,., trace checks. . brass sibus stencils. Krchm Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. 1871 BAPE3 THE MO: L.-2R PsTe Cu lot 2d at Safe! at fastory nrlces; repairs; lockouts opened: bargain' In second hand safes. SINGER sewing machlno store: Used machines your own price. 882 Morrls'n K ISOLES BEST ; in Portland. See them. Washington st. 8. R. Gilbert. 201 SHOWCASES AJTO PIXTUBES R. H. B1RDSELL, HAMILTON BLDQ, Show cases In atopic. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co SHOWCASES ot every description, bank, . bar and store fixtures 4uaie to-order, The Lutka Mfg Co. THE JAMES 1. MARSHALL MFG. CO., new snd old showcase,,, cabinets, store nd office fixtures, 289 Couch. M.2703. M a r !- 13 ATiO KOSTF.'l'A KLEIS: -s; the Scst sign nmkers In tho i 'rshest IX 7ll and irX Everett its. 1 hones Last 1111. Home B-22I4 TAlLOJUSa amm KREUZER CO., HIGH LIFi; TAILORS. We ars llv taliots for live people. Are you living? If not, remember us at 111 12th street, between WaahlngWo and Stark streets. ALFRED OiilLlijlE. 310 Labbe bldfc- and Washington. Suits to order. NORTHWEST TAILORS. FOR LAtJlV 8 AND GENTLEMEN. 2 N. STH ST. TAILOKIUO SCHOOL ALL branches tailoring, dressmaking taught; cutting, fitting, drafting, de signing; expert teachers; investigate. Chicago Ladies' Tailoring College, $09 Central bldg.. 10th snd Alder, Kl ESTER'S Ladies' Tailoring college, lesm dreesmakin. tnilorln?. 143 11th TASHJEBaCST PACIFIC COAST TAXIDERMY CO. 147H 1st st Phone Main 7778. TOWXL IU?PLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co.. 9th and Couch sta. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Ce Phones Main 410. A-4410. TBASSrSB AND STOSAOl a O. PICK Transfer A Storsge Co., of fices and commodious 4 story brie. warehouse, w?th separate Iron roon.s and fireproof vault for valuables, N. w. cor. Id and Fine sta Pianos ari furni ture moved nd packed for shipping. Special raise made on goods in our through ears to all domestic and foreign points. Main K9. A -1996. Oregon Transfer Co. Established IS70. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storr.ve. free trackage. Offices and storsee. 474 Olisaai street comer 18th snd Ollsan, Phones. Main 69, A-1169. PtRTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor. iStt nd Everett sta.. Just opened. nw est, most modern storage warehouse In city; every convenience for safe and proper-handling- of goos: lowest, in- . surance rate In northwest: free track age, vans for irtrtvlng. Msln'or A-1520. MtrtABdR EXPRESS A ST'R'GK CO.. Trips to Mt Tabor dally. Also city moving and express. 114V4 Grand. E. PORTLAND TRAN 1FER A DELIVER Y CO.. 206 Wagh. Storsne, piano, rum. movins. Main 610. A-1604. NORTHWESTERN Transfer Co.. 64-66 Front General transfer and storage. Main 446. A-4468. PROMPT deliveries all farts city. J. Dawson. Main 7SX1. A-S71S zss nyior. CTTY Hall Trans. A Strg Co.. Fur. and piano mrving. M. 708. A-47Z4. BAOOAGE A Omnibus Transfer Co. Es- tab shed 1882. Phones M. 6980, A-83ZI 1 TTPEWRXTE3D ALL makes rentedrepaired, sold. Cun nlnghsm Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. TYPEWRITER A SMpplleS Co. Rebuilt. ia hand. 14ZH 1.1 st war. iS; - UPHOLSTESEBS CARTWRIQHT A CO.. 188 Madison, up holstering, furniture repairing andr" mattresses: work guaranteed Main 6388. GOLDEN Rod Vacuum Cleaners 22S Worcester oflgL.A.Am!CK. Mgr. m 43h ETEBIHABIABI MODERN veterinary hospital, 418 E, 7th, cor. Grant nogs, eats treatsa. oo&ra- ed. Dr. r. IT. Hutbmsn. B-1B6;i. F. 1847. WHOLESALE JOBBEBS EVERD1NO A FARKtfLL, proJuce and commission merchants. 140 Froiii at. 7ortlsnd. Or. Phone Main 171. M. A. OTJNST A CO.. DISTRU3UTORS OF FINE CiaARS -i . PORTLAND. OR. v , WaDHAMS A CO.. Wholesale grocers, manufacturers and coffee roasters 4th snd Oak sts. MorGan" WALL paper co.. 220 21 St.. between Salmon and Main. ALLRtf A LEWIS OROCERIF0 TBAJffSPOBTATIOH f ; I ill 1 T.VJ AJJr'XlM SiAXlJ EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR 4 San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. S. Bear 4 p. m., March 37. San Prendre (t Portland S. S. Co, Tiokct Office 143 Third 9Jt Phones Main 8605 and A-1402. COOS BAY LINE . BTEAM B BBEAKWATEB Sails from Alnsworth dock, Portland. 8 p. m. every Tuesday. Freight received at Alnsworth dock dally up to 5 p. m. Passenger fare, first class, $10; second class, $7. including meals- and berth. Ticket office Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 8600, Main 170. A-2832. New YorK-Portland American-Hawaiian S. S. Co T32TUA1TTEPEC KOUTX Freight Carried on Schedule Time. X.OW BATES.- . .". Frrnuent Regular Sailings. C. D. KENNEDY. Agent 18 Hallway Exchange Bldg. ' " Coos Bay AND EUREKA STEAMER ALLIANCE SAILS TUESDAY, 6 P.M. KOBTK PACXPTO STEAMS TP CO. 133 Third St. SAN FKANClSCt. IAOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT NOBTH PACIPIO S. 8. CO. S. 8. BOAITOXB and 8. 8. ELDEB SAIL Every-Wednesday, alternately, at 6 c. m Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder..,.. Phones Main 1314, A-1J14. MARTIN J. HIOLEY, Pass. Agent W. H. bLUosEK. Freight Agent wow! FL A f"" '! A