L, PORTLAND, SUNDAY 1 1 OR -:I:QFOSED LEGISLATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF IMPROVED HIGHWA rr j f - j THE OREGON SUNDAY ; I $ - ; f jt h i' i; ii FOUR IfOADBILLS PRESENTED FK COilEHO! ByHAHONVHIGHWAY COMMIHEE Drafts of Two Bills and Two Constitutional Amendments Prepared for initiative Petitions That Electors May, at Next General Election, Decide Whether or Not the Legis- lative Machinery for. Development Will Be 'Available, v The citizens of Oregon are asked by the harmony highway commit tee to criticise, comment on and suggest improvements la the four road bills produced by the majority ot lta members. After a reasonable time, when suggestions hare been received and profited by, the bills will be Issued In the form of Initiative' petitions under the direction of the Oregon Association for. Highway Improvement and signatures will be secured that the measures may be passed on by the voters of the state at the next general election. 'The sew bills are a revision, modification, and Improvement of the measures produced by the state-wide committee. Several inaccuracies are corrected.' The proposed bond issue by the state Is limited to tl, 000,000 a rear and the entire amount cannot exceed 3 per cent of the assessed valuation. The original measures proposed $20,000,000 in state bonds, Issued at the rate of $2,000,000 a year for ten years, but no lim .itwasplaced,on Jtheamount of bonds Jhat might be Issued. The text of the new bills which are nowlo be Initiated 'are printed " In order: jltn. ilijJ: iLJ:..:j:i- LL: .li'."v K HIGHWAY COMMISSION AND FUND CREATED IN PROPOSED MEASURE An set to provide for the construction . 0tf nrvnannt VAaAa in rreata a. atata ; road board, and defining the duties and i powers inereor; to create me omce,oi I. state highway commissioner, -and au thorizing the governor to appoint to " Mid office and tlx the salary thereof, , and defining the duties of the state highway commissioner;, to create a state highway fund, and providing the method f to authorise the Issue of bonds of the ; state of Oregon not In excess of one t million dollars each year for the pur : post of road, construction, and pledging the credit of the etata for the payment thereof; and to authorise the le'Vy of ' taxes for the payment of the principal and Interest of said bonds. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Oregon : Section 1. The meaning of the words , and phrases used in this act shall, un less inconsistent with the context; be as follows: "Road" shall mean permanent public road, and shall include bridge, culvert, viaduct or other like thing; i- "construct shell' Include repair, maln ;" tain, Improve or other like word; "con. ' atruction" shall Include -repair, main tenance, Improvement or other Tike word; "county court" shall mean the ,. county court of the county in which the road mentioned in the context is sit-1 uated, and shall Include the county com , mlssioners, or other constituted authorl ' ties In the county having control Of road construction; "state, highway eom-i t mlssloner" shall be synonymous with c state highway engineers a county shall. ha mnnmiAMrmA lA "liaua" rat4 ' I - w .......... Hivxv; for the purpose of road construction" when money derived . from county Uk,UVU I sources shall be in the county treasury and shall be available only for the pur-10 yuH ui tutu cuniiirvcuun ur iiibui OeivQ i cu . i.u siiaii.c niguway I una, tnt bten pnt for road construction ; wordilroad bond retirement fund and the Imnnrtinos t V a nl it vsi 1 veiTnikave msh Ma I TnrihAtrB - TmiA- lrtt tKa wsiai A k.a.Ji La applied In the- plural. I : i rrovidiaf of ranis. Son 4 Th .tot. n. im to provide funds tor . the construction of roads in the state, does hereby thorlxe the Issuance of gold bonds bearing Interest at a rate not to exceed H per cent per' annum, payable aemi-an-eually, and to be Issued at a rate of not to exceed one million dollars each year, and to run for tha full term of 10 years ' from hA dfttaa rtt th. r.ir.rHv. thereof; and the state of Oregon does nereDy nypomecate and pledge Its cred it to. the payment of the principal and Interest of aaid honda In'TTnlturi ntt gold coin of the present standard of weigni no nnejiess. ; : - Sec. t. There Is hereby created a com mission which shall be known as the state road board,' which shall consist of the governor, secretary of state and state treasurer, and of which the aov- ernor shall be chairman. Bald board nau saopi eucij rules of procedure for the conduct Of Its buslnoia u-ta It seem beet. Said hnnnl th. KAni. committee of the state of Oregon, shall nave cnarge or me-preparation and is. sue of the said bonds and shall arrange the form and terms thereof and shall market the same to the highest bidder in such lota as the board may In Its dis cretion Of f lr hilt ilvam ..I. ... . . . j . vv- . less than par and at such premium In aauiwon mereio as msy be offered. Sate of Bonds. Bach Issue of tha um dnnx. .v. it bear date the first day of January of i4 7r hi us issue, ana no issue shall be made except as of that iat- md all said bonds shall be signed by the governor ana countersigned by the seo retary of sute and shall b sealed with the seal of the state of Oraaan See. 4. In January of each year the Boaro snail asoertain by com putation the amount of money which will be needed to pay the Interest for the year on all of said bonds outstanding. Including those which may be sold dur- : Ing that year', and tha i.hal.. - - ' . .iimi uwU N1U secretary of said board shall thereupon certify said amount to the board of state im commisRioners; ana thereafter said amount shall, ba Mtl.-t. i ,. - - - - - v ..u w Hta nniiia manner as other state taxes and shall be paid Into the state treasury and go Into an account to be known as the road bond lntei.m account' Bald money shall oe uaea to pay the. Interest on said '.iiunai, ana lor no otner purpose. See. t. For the nnrmu r ,t. - r " . V t.1 1 111 a said bonds at maturity there is hereby created a sinking fund to be known as the road bond retirement fund. To supply the money for this fund taxes shall be collected In 80 annual install ments during the last 20 years -of each ibbuv vi Donas. Method Of Collection. The iethod of collection shall be as ivuvwm. in January oi each year after the tenth year of aver iuu road board shall ascertain by computa tion as nearly as poaelble the amount which, collected annually during the re maining years of such laaua. win .mi, the Interest on such amounts, suffice to pay the bonds of such Issue at ma turity! and the chaJrman and secretary . Of said board shall itharcnnnn r,4 said amount to" the board of state tax manner aa otha. atat- t..- -d -h-n nmmr u otner state taxes and shall be paid Into the state treasury and shall the trreducibla anhnnl rund . .iv.r.iti, fund, and agr.culiu'rii college fund "sTe Invested bv the atata land fcnard l- Jkmla iaauad h .rn. a .ns Usued (by .virtue T$al acl and I V the interest from 'such investments shall go into the road bond retirement fund, which fund shall be for the re tirement of aald bonds and for no other purpose. , . r j . Highway Commissioner. Feo. t. The office of state highway commissioner la hereby created. The governor ie hereby authorised to ap point a suitable person to hold said of fice, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the governor. The govern or is hereby authorised to tlx the safe ary of aaid officer at a sum not more than $300 a year, which salary shall be exclusive of his traveling and other expenses incurred In pursuance of his duties: and the secretary of state is hereby .directed to furnish to said state highway commissioner an office In the capitol building. The state highway commissioner shall act as adviser and secretary of the state road board and his duties shall be defined by said board consistently with this act The state highway commissioner is author ised, with tha approval of the state road board, to employ such assistants: and Inrill mih nthAP Avrvort mm mm i vnov deem necessary for the conduct of bis orrice, proviaea tnat tne total expense of his office, including his HAkrv. ahall not exceed tha anm nf lit Ann mi vaar Said salary and expense shall be paid from a sum which the state road board Is hereby directed to deduct from the state hlzhwav fund. hereinafter men. Uoned, before any : apportionment la made therefor, as hereinafter mentioned. state Kignway Jund. fieo. 7. Then la harahv . to be known as the state highway fund. The proceeds of all bonds sold by the State of Oreeon for tha nurnni .in structing roads shall be paid Into the treasury of the state and go Into the state nignway rund. Two thirds of all the license taxes on motof vehicles here- '--mm ' "U UO Hit arter paid into the state treasury shall lBto sild state highway fund. est account shall be controlled by the state road board and all disbursements lt0 1 be made from said funds or said n?on1"y" hall.be first certified by the au-t?"1""'8 nd cretary of the state road thereupon draw his, warrants "therefor upon uie state treasurer. Seo. I. Befora the first On V rf Tan. uary of each year the state read board shall . estimate the amount nf mnnav Which Will be In tha atata hlvh on the first day of the following April, no uio amount wnicn win then be ap portioned to each county in the state, as hereinafter erovidad: and ah.n upon give notice of these estimates to me county court or each county. . ... apportionment of Pnni. " Bed. IS. On or hafnra tha ft n April of each year the state road board shall apportion to each county the pro portion of the state highway fund which will be payable to said county upon com- puuivv bj saia county with the provis ions of this act Sec 11. Bald annnrtfnnn-iant ahoil , made in the following manner: The state ruB owra snau rirst set aside from the State highway fund a aum aiifrtni.Tit a pay the salary of the state highway commissioner and the expenses of hie Office until the date of the next appor tionment: of tha ramalndap nt thA highway, fund the state road board shall sot apart two tnlrds for the counties; this sum so set apart for the counties """ uiviaea into tntras, and of these one third shall be apportioned among the counties equally, one third in pro portion to their resnartlv. th. - - . mm. -a.asa eMU V" remaining third In proportion to their iravmun uaessea valuations for the year preceding th apportionment Tha total of th three sums thus appor tioned to each county shall constitute wo yyui wyiujiBni oi saia county. oonaiuoas of Payments. Bee, 11. The state road hnard aati pay moneys to the counties from their respective apportionments only upon the fOllOWlna- cnndltlnna- . A. vim vi ap portionment the state road board shall uiviue me counties into two classes. The irai ctass snau include all counties hav ing an assessed valuation fi. ,- preceding the apportionment of 1,10.000,. vuv wi mure; mi secona class, all other counties, Before any county of the first class shall be paid any money from Its apportionment it shall first show to the state road board that It has raised, during the yea of tha a .. . . , " -rf'ii, - .uu, rua.u construction equal to i -inount-wnicn said county asks to be paid. Before any county of the sec ond Class shall ha Its apportionment It shall, first show lo n state roaa board that it has raised, durinr tha ment sum for road construction equal to one half of the amount which said county asks to be paid. Payments may ; " v ' vjuuinn iium uieir re spective spportionments at any time be- ieeo vne uaie oi tne apportionment and the 21st day of the following December, and such Davment ahall Ii. m.A time to time during such period upon snowing oy tne county demanding such payments that It has raised the nuui u to sucn payments. jkoss Be Certified. i Vw um STeater than the amount lot Us anDortionmant in- that " I 4 11 A era M A T - . . I .a v 1 rT .. . "'?. tne -state fee?. STSrSfUd t&r& I ... k.. " rr V1.".' lney ma?e P1' I Z " upDn "ema- eatinad shall I make payment forthwith. Any balance Summary of Suggested Good Roads Measures 1. STATE BONDING AND COMMISSIONER BILL(a) State-issued road bonds not over $1,000,000 a year, and not to exceed in the aggregate 2 per cent of state's , - assessed valuation, (b) State road board, composed' of governor, secretary of state and state treasurer, (c) State highway . commissioner, appointed by governor, at annual salary not to exceed $3600, and expenses of office not to'exceed $12,0Q0 an nually, including salary, (d) road fund made up of money derived from bond sales and two thirds of automobile tax. Two trftds of the road fund is to be equally di-v vided among 34. counties. Remaining one third is to be divided between two con gressional districts outside of Multnomah, each county in the first instance to raise as : much moriey as is received from state aid. 2. BONDINhJAMENDMENT TO STATE CONSTITUTION, . ' 3. ENABLING ACT PERMITTING COUNTIES TO ISSUE BONDS FOR ROADS, indicating method of bond elections, and authorizing a tax to meet principal and interest. ' ;- ' ; ' ', V- '' 4. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT LIMITING COUNTY BOND ISSUES FOR OADS to 2 per cent of the assessed valuation of, that county. TWO CONVICT LABOR BILLS, left unchanged as produced by state-wide commit tee, propose use of city, county and state prisoners in roadmaking. . of the apportionment to any eounty wnicn, oy reason of tha failure of said county to raise the funds Tequlred by this act ahall remain unpaid to said county on tha Slot day of December of et.h year, -shalMoae Its character as an apportionment and shall cease to be payable to said county, and shall with the rest of the state .highway fund be apportioned anew the following year. The money paid to the counties, as here in provided, shall not be a reimburse ment to them for money raised or spent by them for road construction, but shall, In addition to the money raised or spent by them, be spent or contracted to be spent within one year from the receipt thereor for the construction of roads; and money not so spent or contracted shall at the expiration of said one year be returned by the counties to the state highway, fund. -' ... . Pay to County Treasurer. . See. 13. All money paid to any coun ty as aforesaid shall be paid Into the county treasury and the county treas urer shall give receipt therefor and said money ahall thereafter be subject to the ordar'of the county court and shall be disbursed only upon th order" of the eounty court attested by the county clerk. Said money shall be spent under the direction of the county court inde pendently of the state road board or etate highway commissioner. The ceun ty court, however, may, by resolution duly signed, call In the state highway commissioner as an adviser, In which event it shall be the duty of the state highway commissioner to furnish plans, specifications or estimates and other wise aid and cooperate with the county court to the best of his ablljty. Sec 14. That part of the state high way fund which la not apportioned among the counties or set aside to pay tne salary ana expenses of the state highway commissioner, as hereinbefore provided, shall be expended, by the state of Oregon lit the construction of roads as follows: One naif shall be used to construct roads In the ; First congres sional district and one, .half shall be used to construct roads in the Second congressional district of the state; and in th expenditure of this money and the construction of these roads the state road board ahall have full and complete control. . independently of the county court or road authorities of-any county. Sec IS. All acts and parts of acts in consistent with this act are hereby re pealed, STATE IS AUTHORIZED BY AMENDMENT TO BUILD GOOD ROADS An act to amend Section 7, Article XI of the constitution of tha,. state of Oregon. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Oregon:- Section 7, of Article XI, of the con stitution of the state of Oregon- shall be, and the same hereby 4s, amended to read as follows: : Sec. 7. The legislative assembly shall not lend the credit of the state nor In any manner create any debt or liabili ties which shall, singly or In the aggre gate with previous debts or liabilities, exceed the turn of 160,000, except in case of war or to repel Invasion or sup press Insurrection or to build and main tain permanent roads; and the legisla tive assembly shall not lend the credit of the state nor in any manner create any debt or liabilities to build and main tain permanent roads which shall, singly or In the aggregate with previous debts or liabilities Incurred for that purpose, exceed 2 per cent of the assessed valua tion of all the property In the state; and every contract of Indebtedness en tered into or assumed by or on behalf of the state in violation of the pro visions of this section shall be void and of no effect ENABLING- ACT THAT PERMITS COUNTIES TO ISSUE ROAD BONDS An act to authorize counties to issue bonds for road construction; defining th method of expending money raised by bond sales; providing the method of holding county elections . to' determine whether or not such bonds shall be is sued, and authorizing the county court to levy a tax to pay the principal and interest or said , bono, Be it enacted by tne people of the state of Oregon: - . Section 1. Counties Authorized to Is sue Bonds Counties are hereby au thorised to borrow money for the pur pose of constructing roads and to is sue bonds to evidence such Indebted ness. 1 . Sec: 2. Petition for Election When ever a petition therefor, signed by not less than 10 per cent of the registered voters or any county, shall be filed with tho county clerk of such county, the county court shall order an election to be held atr the time mentioned in silch petition, to determine, whether or not such county shall Issue bonds for. road construction. But if . the county debt for road construction already incurred or authorized exceeds 2 per cent of the assessed valuation of the county, then the county court shall disregard such petition. Said petition shall state the amount of the proposed' bond Issue. Sec. 3. Bonds Approved by a Majors ii j vote eaia Donas snail be issued only upon approval of a majority, of those voting at such election. Method of lectloas. SC 4. The rules applicable to county local option' elections, expressed in sections 4830. 922, !3, m, 4(25, Laws, shall, unless Inconsistent wun tnis act. govern elections under this act. ' Elections may be held at any time, but the Detltlon therefor than be filed with the county clerk not leu than 30 nor more-than 90 days before wi uy oi election, (icue issuance of bonds shall have been defeated at any election held Under this act no subse quent election shall be held for the same purpose within one year.) Sec. S. Form of Petition The form of -petition" shall 1r substantially as follows: ' , Petition for Boad Send Election, We, the undersigned, legal voters of (here Insert nam of county), petition that -on ....... the ...... day of ....... 19... an election be held to determine Whether (here insert amount of pro posed bond issue, as, for example, $100, 000). In bonds shall be Issued by this county for road construction, and each fr himself says: I have personally signed this ' petition, end my residence, postofflce and voting; precinct are cor rectly written after my name, Kama Residence (If In elty. Street P. O. Precinct and number, if any) . (Here .follow 20 numbered lines for signatures.) Sec a. Form of Election Notice The election notices mentioned In section 4926 of Lord's Oregon Laws shall be substantially in the following fonm " Boad Bond Election Votloe. - Notice 1 hereby given that on the .day of at the in precinct ... In the county of . .. . . an elec tion will be held to determine whether (her insert amount Of proposed bond Issue, as for example. $100,000). in bonds shall be issued by this county for road construction,-which said election shall be held at t O'clock In the morn, lng, and will continue Until T In tha afternoon st said day. Dated this ....,, day of ........,........t........ County Clerk ef .................. County, Oregon. , Sec. 7. Form Of Ballot The ballots shall have printed in bold face type the total amount of the existing county debt The form of ballots shall be sub stantially aa follows; w Ballot for a precinct ...... .. county (date of election). Total county debt is (here Insert In figures the amount of the debt). Vote foa or against the issue of (here Insert amount of proposed bond issue, as for example, iuu.uuoj, in eounty road bonds. Ai&ra (X) between .number and an swer voted for. , . . ; 13. For the bonds. 13. Against the bonds. Besult of Slectloa. ' ' See. . 8. County Court Shall Make Order Declaring Result of Election Effect Thereof -Upon a canvass of the vote aa provided In section 1129 of Lord's Oregon Laws, the county court shall make an order declaring tha re sult 9 the election: and shall have the same entered-on the records of - said court; and the order thus made shall be prima facie evidence that the law applicable, to : such election . haa , been complied with; and the said order, shall be conclusive evidence In favor of any bona fid purchaser of any bonds au- inorisea at such election as to the val. idlty of said bonds. Sec ft. County Judge. County Clerk. and County Treasurer Form. Bonding Committee The Judge of th county court the county clerk, and the county treasurer are hereby created a bonding commltee of the county, and the Judge of the county court shall be chairman and the county clerk secretary there- ox. .. Issuance of Bonds. Sec 10. Thirty days after the entry upon the records of the order mentioned in section 8 hereof, or if the election lsr contested, men within Q days after the nnai determination of such contest the said bonding committee thall arrange to issue sucn ponas as were authorised at such election, and shall thereafter, aa soon as may be, issue and sell such bondsr Bald bonding committee shall have power to arrange the form, details ana sale of said bonds consistently with the provisions of this set Bee. ji. Form of Bonds All bonds Issued under this set shall be 80 year serial bonds. That la to say. If the bond issue authorised is 1100,000, then the issue shall be divided Into 20 so ries of 15000 each. The bonds of each series shall be numbered consecutively from out- tip; -and ahaU-alwn bear- the number of the series to which they belong-. 1 The first series shall mature at one year after issue, the second at two years after issue, the third at three years after issue, and so on to the twentieth -series, which shall mature at 20 years after issue. Interest Coupons. Said bonds shall bear date the "first day of January of the year of their is sue. They shall have Interest coupons attached to them, one' coupon for each interest payment that will be made. Said bonds shall bear Interest 'at a rate not to 1 exceed .per cent per annum, payable on the first day of January and July. Said bonds and Interest cou pons shall be made payable to bearer In United States gold coin of the present- standard, rrf weight and fineness, and shall be paid by the county treas urer upon presentation at his office at or after the date of payment named therein. The county treasurer shall keep a register of all bonds Issued or sold under this act noting therein the number of the bond, the number of se ries, amount date -ef Issuance, date of sale, and such other facts as In his Judgment will serve to keep an accu rate record of the bonds 'issued and sold und ir this act. Said bonds ' and cou pons shall b lithographed or printed on good bond paper, and said bonds shall be signed by ; the Judge of the county eourt and the county clerk, shall tre-sealed -wlth-theeeet -f 4he-M!ntr; and shall bear the certificate of the county treaaurer ever his signature that they have been registered In his Office, naming the date of registry, v.. Text of liawi " They shall realte on tholr face (1) the text of the provision of the constitu. tlon of Oregon limiting th indebted nea ef counties; (2) the text of the order of the county court mentioned In section 8 hereof, and (I) the text f section 8 , hereof. " Bald coupons . shall bear thaprlnted -facsimile signatures of the county Judge and county clerk. Sec, 12. Sale of Bonds No bonds au thorlsed by this aot shall be sold for less than par, or for anything but cash, All bids to purchase bonds must ba sealed and accompanied by certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. and the bonding committee may TeJeot any and all bids. Said committee shall advertise in one news paper in the county, if there be one, and in one leading newspaper In Portland. Or., and In one leading newspaper In New Tork elty, for two weeks before sny sale of bonds, the fact of such sale, inviting bids therefor, and stat ing -such facts aa will Interest prospec tive purchasers; for example, the date and place of sale, the terms of sale, th character of th bonds, th amount Interest and denomination thereof, the fact that they are 20 year serial bonds, the fact that all bids must be accom panied by a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid; that any and all btda may be rejected; that the bonds may be sold only for cash, not below par, and to the highest bidder, and such other facts as may in the Judgment of said committee procure the most advantageous sale of said bonds. Sec 13. Proceeds of Bonds Shall Go Into General Road Fund of County The proceeds of all the bonds sold, un der this set shall be paid into the eoun ty treasurer, and shall go into the gen eral road fund mentioned in section 6320 of Lord's Oregon Laws, and shall form part of eald fund and bo dis bursed accordingly. Sec 14. County Court to Levy Tax The county court shall, at the time of making the annual tax levy upon, the previous year's assessment levy a tax on all the taxable property in the eounty, sufficient to pay the outstand ing bonds , next maturing, and the ' In terest on all outstanding bonds for the current year. .. The proceeds derived from Isald tax shall i be used only for the payment of the principal and in terest of said bonds and shall be paid by the county treasurer to the bearer of said bonds and Interest coupons upon presentation thereof, as provided In seo. tlon 11 hereof. Sec IS. Repealing Clause All sets and parts of acts Inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. COUNTY BOND ISSUES NOT OVER 2 PER CENT OF ASSESSED VALUE An act to amend section 10. of article XL of the constitution of th stat of Oregon. , - Be It enacted by the people of the state of Oregon: Section 10 of Article XI of the con- stltutlon of the state of Oregon shall be, and the same hereby is. amended to read aa. follows: ;yv:. ;: !.'::': Sec 10. No county shall create any debts or liabilities which shall singly or In the aggregate with previous debts or liabilities exceed the sum of 35000, except to suppress-insurrection or repel invasion or to build and maintain per manent roads within the county; and debts for permanent roads shall be in curred only on approval of a majority of those voting on the. .question, and shall not either singly or In the aggre gate with previous debts and liabilities incurred for that purpose exceed 2 per cent of the assessed valuation of all the property in jth county. WTO TREAT AND BIACKHEADS Successfully and Speedily With CUTICURASOAP And Cutictira Ointment, at a trifling cost, Is teamed from the special directions which acepmpany these puWa-sweet-andgentle-emollients. . " ' 0tlr Sop ,d OlBant o!4 etarrvhara, Wberal amW at Mok aullad fro. lth K . ; Boas SaaTlas SUok, a auati rt luua. PIMPLES UK rf I III k I'l I'HII lii WILL I IAD HUT Machinery for Highway Devel opment Is Provided by Bills and Amendments; What the Proposed Measures Include. Tfo bills and' two constitutional amendments are Included in the pro posed, legislation produced by the ma jority of the jharmony highway com mittee consisting of W. B. Ayer. C T. PralU W. K. Newell and Judge Bernard Daly. They provide, .first, for high way bond Issues and commissioner; see ond, authorising counties to issue road bonds; third, a constitutional amend, ment permitting state good roads bond tssuee, and, fourth, a constitutional amendment limiting county bond Issues to two per cent of the assessed, valua tion of that county. -,- State oad Man. v: v ' The bonding and commissioner set suthorlxea the Issuing by" the state of SO year, tt per cent, bonds at not to exoeed-41.o 08.004 a year and nevar 4u excess of two per cent of the state's assessed valuation. t The a-overoor, secretary of state and state treasurer are to constitute the state road board which Is given control of state built highways and the state road fund. The road board alio has power to levy tax to meet Interest and sinking fund, th proceeds of this tax to be Invested as school funda are In vested. .- , --. , The governor is given cower to "in. point a state highway commissioner at an annual salary of 300. the office expense not to exceed 112,000 annually, Including the salary. He will advise the state road board on, all matters con. nected with road construction through out the state.---' .. Tha atata lilrhvi iij m v. -c -. -t -,, ,unu ni.i vi era- ated throujft.the sal of state bonds and two thlrda of the automobile tax. Two thirds of the fund will be equally divided among M countle. each county raising as much money within its bor ders as is received from the state. The remaining one third is to be divided equally among the twe congressional districts outside Multnomah county and be spent by the state building roadi in these districts. Highway Improve- ment outside th state is expected to oeneiu juuunoman county and Port land indirectly fully aa much as tha two outside districts benefit from the dlsJ ..s.vii v viia reinainuer OI mo XUnQ. County Enabling Aet. The enabling aet permitting counties to bond themselves for the construction of. permanent roads Is submitted under ihe amendment to the constitution adopted at the last election. - A petition signed bv 10 ner cent of the registered voters ef a county shall empower th county clerk to call a tend election, providing the county's IndebUd- ness for roads does not already exceed two per cent of its assessed valuation. Rules now applicable to "local op. iion" elections . will govern proposed county bonding elections, which may be neia at any urns if the petition for the election be filed 90 days bsforg th election. ; . The county court is reculred to. give notice of the result of the election. The county Judge, county clerk ant county treasurer are to form a bonding commit tee, ana ponds are to be Issued so days after final approval. The bonds issued by counties are to be 20" year serial bonds, bearing Interest at not to exceed alx per cent, and no bonds are to be sold for lees than far. Proceeds of bonds will constitute th road fund of the county Issuing them. An annual tax will meet th interest and sinking fund. , ton01nf Amendment, ' The state is not now permitted to incur indebtedness in exoess ef IJO.000 save to repel invasion or put down In surrection. , Th proposed amendment to section seven of article 11 of the state constitution extends the right to inour Indebtedness for th building of permanent roads in a sum not exceed- LLlilOLllll PREPARE TO TrussesLikeThese Are A Crime Get Rid of Elastic Bands, Springs and Leg-Straps. Such Harness lias Forced Thousands to Under - go Dangerous Operations. - Trusses like those shown above th halt imi lea strap, elsstlo and spring ontraptiona sold by drugstores, sur gical Instrument nousos ana many aeii Styled "Hernia speeiallsts'--make life miserable for; everybody who wears V'a aven when drawn so tight you can scarcely stand to keep them on they do no good whatever. Instead, they often do immense harm, they - equees -. thav X- rupture, often . causing-atrangulatlor dig into the peU In bone In front press against th sensitive spinal column at ins Dace. . The Plain Truth Is This. Tl ii nt ti re- aft exDlatned in our fre kwfn t be relieved or cured can't even be kept from growing worse un' Inss constantly neia jn pisce. jubi a broken bone can t "knit' unless the p-rts are held securely together. ; . And Just as a bandage or splint Is the only way a broken bone can ba held the right kind of truss Is the only thing In the world that can keep a rup ture irora wmii v.. , -. . . what a difference it will make when you get that kind of truss. . 'Ana JUU B v. Irt s without risking a cent of your ttVihe famous Cluthe truss or Cluthe Automatlo Jrtassager. Far more than a truaa far more than merely a device for holding the rup- u iifrnrenl'fro'ni' everything else for rupture that it ha received is separite patents. . . Thousands say It is as comfortable - ,v,-i nlnthlna. No belt, elastic belt or - springs around your waist, and no leg straps nothing to pinch, chlafe, equeeze or bind. Belf regulating, self adjusting. It Is i held in position by suction can't shift or slip the only truss in exist ence that is honestly guaranteed never to let tn runiura coma ouv . ; r Try It 60 uava at uur Kisk. We have, so much faith In the Cluthe Tr-s we nave seen ii wora- wonoers for so many othera m'ke one especially mac we .want ' to for your case and lat von wear if at our risk, We'll give you SO days' time to telt It -If It doesn't keep your rupture from comlns out. when you are working and at all other, times if It doesn't put an end to the trouble you ve heretofore had with your rupture if you don't gt better light away than tha truss won't cost you a cent ' , COilVIC FOR ROAD M Two Measures Providing for , Employment of City, County and State Prisoners on Hiahwavs Unchanaed. The two bills produced by the state wide committee providing for the use of city, county and state oonvlcts on roads, have been left unchanged by the harmony committee. Signatures to Ini tiative petitions for these two measures will still be good. The bills are not contested by the state grange. The bill to work state prisoners on the roads Is very brief, first providing that It shall be unlawful for any private lnrareat tn mnlriit fw n.l.nn lahAv but: - . ..v...-.- "TT-rJka aaa.a 4 ...... a ufun a ii n win Len rinuvii ua anse ctijii ii ty court of any county In the state ox Oregon or of any superintendent of any state institution the governor may detail from the state penitentiary such convicts as in his Judgment may seem proper for use on the public hlgnwsys, or on or about any state Institutions." . . County Prison Labor. The prohibition against private Util isation of state prison labor is made to apply to the hill providing for the use of city and county prisoners on roads. County prisoners are to be placed linrla Vi A Ainiiml eaiinrtf rsn m4 at mt n A aaaava tun H VJ VI WVUHiJ WUIIS SW1 VSi road supervisors, being relinquished by the sheriff. City prisoners may be in the same way placed under the control of the county court Any . eounty court may transfer t another eounty eourt prisoners for worle on roads. , Any prisoner who refuses to work may be kept on broad and wa ter diet until he Is willing to get busy. If he works well credits which will shorten his term of imprisonment will be allowed. If he refuse to work the time of his refusal will be added to his sentence. Counties having boards of commissioners will be vested with the same authority as is bestowed upon county courts, and the aet is to apply to all counties. One of the Important phases of the eounty and city- convict bill Is that it removes the prisoner from the eustody NL VL Ml BIlfirilL Ur D1LT JAllflF LU Ilia RDU ni ntlfecourt, commissioners and road 1 super HKsors, tnUi transferring the expense for board from one eounty office to another. lng two per eent of the assessed valua tion of the state's property. tlmlta Xndabtadnaaa. The amendment te section la ef ar ticle 11 Of tha State constitution nassad at tffe last general election did not put any limitation on the amount of bonds that could be Issued by any county, but the new amendment to the same section of the constitution now proposed does place a limitation that Indebtedness for road building shall not exceed in any county two per eent of that county's assessed valuation. The Journeymen Stone Cutters' asso ciation reports that during last year 61 local branches secured a material In crease In wages, the total Increase ag gregating close to 1300,000. In addition to this, it new looals have been added te the association. As -Cap-So WILL STOP THAT : Headache PRICE 25 Relieves Headache quicker than, any known remedy, Quiet ing the nerves. Affording a restful sleep. ; . , , Portland Hotel Pharmacy Frederick C. Forbes Co. . How It Strengthens and Heali. In addition to holding the rupture, the Cluthe Truss or Cluthe Automatlo Mas aiger Is constantly giving a soothing, strengthening massage to the weak rup tured parts.' "...'' j. .. All automatically the massage goes on all day long, all without any atten tion whatever from you. " This massage--whlch strengthens Just as exercise strengthens a weak arm Is so remarkably beneficial -so remark ably curative that in 169 cases out of every 00 rupture begins to get better from the day a Cluthe truss is put on. World's Greatest Book On Rupture. Don't t on letting your rupture get woraa sua i apenu a cuui On account of your rupture until you get our book of advice which two cents for a stamp or a penny .for a nostal will bring you. This remarkably book clpth bound, 83 pages. H separate articles, and 1 pho tographic pictures took us over 40 rears to write took us that long to Ind out all the facts we've put In It. It explains the dangers of operation and why they don't always cure to stay cured. Tells why for. the protection of the public drugstores should not b al lowed to sell trusses; - Explains why belt, springand elastic ' trusses csn do no good. Exposes the "humbug methods," appliances." "plas ters," etc. . And tells absolutely without Mils, representation all about , the Cluthe Truss lust how It holds how It gives the curing massage how It is water proofhow it ends all expense how you tan get it on 0 days trial and giver narflee and addresses of over 4000 people who have tried It and want you to know Shout It, , , . l Write for It today don't put it off this book may be the means of adding many years to your life and of reetorlng you to full strength and usefulness. - Just use the coupon, or simply say In a letter -or postal, "Send me your book.? In writing us. nleaa a-lva ..r box number as below. Box 51-CLUTHE COMPANY 135 Bast 83d It, vew Tork City, - 8en4-we-yeue free gorg-OHttl Cure of Rupture. , ; Name , 8 i ree t . f. Town ...... i; V . 0 i