The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 14, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    ... JiiUiiialiiiilu
All Who Have Filed Are Re
publicans; - Lawyers and
Real Estate Men Ones With
mm puce
V ,
House Democratic Ways and
Means Committee Presents
Measure to Supply Revenue
Lost if Free Sugar Listed.
Thirty-two candidates for the tat
legislature hare thus far appeared la
' Multnomah county, from amonf whom
t:;? voters la AtrU"WUl choose 11 can
Vitiates for representative and rive for
state senator. . There Is also a joint
representative to be chosen with Clacka
mas county, for which office two canal
dates are announced.- ' ' : a
AU cf the candidates who have filed
re Republicans. While several Dem
oorats have stated they would run, no
clarations of candidates have been of
i; !ally launched, and the reckonlnf here
given deals only, with the Republicans
who are taking; the necessary steps to
have their names placed on the ballot
Of II candidates for five seats In the
state senate, four are lawyers and four
are In the real estate business. Out of
20 candidate for the house of repre
sentatives, 10 are lawyers and two are
In the real estate business. A com
plete lift of the filings to date, with the
occupation of each candidate and his
residence address. Is as follows:
Tor the State Senate ;
Tln h tf.llaliA Iniinmlunt
Robert S. Farrell, ex-representatlve.
commission business, 705 Iicvejoy.
dT, L Perkins, dentist, 105 East Flf-
George W. Caldwell, lawyer, 504 East
Twenty-second, north.
Gus C. Moser, lawyer, S5S Thirteenth.
; K E. Coovert, lawyer, 128 Johnson.
George M. Hyland, real estate, 625
Halsey. '
William A. Storey, ex-eherlff. real es
tate, 427 Twenty-first, north.
William O. Powell, chiropractic,
Williams. ' ,
Michael J. Clohessy, real estate. Hotel
Charles W. Hodson, former state sen-
k trtt " oaol mar a t a 1 AUsT Thnitman
Boon Cason, lawyer, (95 Umatilla,
.t Tor Representative.
John H. Nolta, : real estate, IMS
Haignt avenue. -
Conrad P. Olson, lawyer, 25 East
Fifty-second, north. . ' .-"
Dundas, lawyer, 245 Glenn.
Edwin G. Ammo, Incumbent, consult
ing: engineer, 467 East Fifty-second,
north. . .
A. if, Brunswick, collector, 864 Main.
Arthur I, Moulton, lawyer, 930 East
Caruthers. ;'?''.; . i- .
R. O, Rector, meraber city executive
board, carpenter, 875 Gladstone. n i
Michael J. Murnane, member city ex-
ecutive board, steam engineer, S26 Mis
sissippi, -
Arthur W. Lawrence, secretary Cen
tral Labor council, printer, 1391 Bur
rajre. George Rossman, lawyer, 846 East
Sixteenth, north. . . , ,
Joseph J. Fltzslmmons, special po
liceman, 471 Morrison,
Louis G. Carpenter, former city detec
tive, 972 East Btark.
R. B. Lucas, real estate, 172 Monroe.
Harold A. Wilkina, lawyer, 827 East
Forty-fifth, north.
C. A. ADDlerren. lawyer. 266 Broad
way. .
W. Irving' Spencer, secretary of tool
manufacturing company, 175 Larrabee.
Claude 13. Hicks, lawyer, 605 Tacoma,
Henry McConnell. lawyer, 4316 Sixty
fifth, southeast
John R. Latourette, lawyer, 444 Alns
worth avenue. . ;
Tor Joint Representative.
W.' H. Chatten, ."incumbent, printing
business, Rock Spur.
David E. Lofgren, lawyer, 266 Broad
way.. , .. ; v.. . . . .- .
. s
i J
JSneclnf te Th Joornal.)
Hillsboro.. Or.. 'March 14. J. W.
Gates, a farmer near Hillsboro, ' has a
remarkable potato freak which Is as
great a riddle to many persons as the
old fashioned potato In a bottle. The
seed potato became covered by a loose
root through which was a hole about an
Inch In diameter. . The potato grew
through this hole and Is of average
size except , the portion In the hole.
(Special te Tie Journal.)
Albany, Or,, March 14, The Albany
Commercial club has decided that a
manufacturers' exposition of articles
made In Albany be held at the Armory
within the next two tr three weeks. The
idea grew out of a similar one that la
now under way. by the manufacturers
of Portland, . , .,
It was agreed at the meeting that
every factory and mill In the city and
county be Included and that they fur
nish an exhibit of products. The exno-
sltlon will continue for three days.
(Special n The Journal)
Eurene. Or.. March 1 4 r'nnti,i v.
ert W. Collins of the. TTniM at.t..
army, who' has been detailed by the
war eparoeni to instruct ana Insiiect
the coast artillery corps of the Oregon
National Guard, arrived in Eugene yes
terday afternoon with hla family and
w mane ms nome in tnis city, having
been ordered to make Eugene his head
auarters. ,. Ha will mwt rninn.i r i-
Hammond, commanding the corps, and
the several, other officers station Kn.
at once and outline plans for the sum
mer's work of the corps. He will maxe
frequent visits to other cities in the
valley where companies are located,
- - Leprosy in London,-
(United Prut teaied wire.) ' "
uvuuuii, juarcn i. inere are 0
caaea of leprosy In London, according'
i v;iviii ui luvai govern'
mcnt board.
(Slpm Burn a of The loarnxl.)
Ealem, Or., March 14. An Uluetration
of the Intense Interest aroused among
the children of the state in the Indus
trial contests,' being promoted -in con
nection with the schools, is shown In a
letter received yesterday by State Su
perintendent L. R. Alderman from Helen
lialrd of Dallas. This little girl saved
her Christmaa money and' hired th
groundplowed for her potato patch. The
lt-tter says: - '' v., -
"Mamma gave mo about one fifth of
an acre of ground. I expect to put It
all into potatoes. On Christmas I had
15 given me, with which I had it plowed
about two month ago, I have harrowed
it twice. Tomorrow I will get it plowed
rcaln. This is the first time the ground
lc a ever been cultivated.
"I expect to put up a board fence my-
if. It will keep the cowa and horses
in f, and the chickens can't hurt the
potatoes.' "
"I expect to ralae other things for the
fair, but I will put them into mamma's
garden." . , .
. (United Pr Uiiwd Wire.)
1MB Angeles, March 14, Earl Rogers,
counsel for Clarence Darrow, connected
with the defense in the so-called graft
trials In gatr Francisco some years ago,
will defend ..Viola Carver,, the girt who
piiot and killed J. Edwin Edge, accord
ing to an announcement here today.
Lcgeis has been retained "by telegraph
fiom the girl's father, John Carver, of
Tacoma, who is hastening to his daugh-
Mlss, Carver, Bays her physician, Tr.
W. II. Horton, does not yet realize the
enormity of 'the crime with which she
n ay be charged. She alts calmly in her
cell, apparently enjoying the enforced
rest of imprisonment. '
y4'' '- -T"" r' : v!v':::''
(i;nltd ir uid Vlre.l
Eagle Palis, Texas, March 14. Lack
of ammunition may prevent the clash
at Torreon between the rebels and aov-
ernment troops. A report here from
Torreon says the rebels have stopped
at Jinilnti because of an insufficient
supply of ammunition and are seriously
considering turning back. The rebel
chieftains fear the tack of ammunition
would leave them at the mercy of 'the
To Properly Treat V
Obstinate Wrinkles
"Particularly where wrinkles are long
and deep, the massage devotee la apt to
rub too hard and' too frequently," says
Dr. Llmogea, "Thla loosens the skin,
cauaee muscles to Bag, aggravatea tha
wrinkled condition Just the opposite
result from that Bought
"Better than massage, -'. or anything
else, for the most obstinate wrinkles aa
well as the finest lines, la a formula
well known in, France, which you may
readily avail yourselves of, as you will
have no v difficulty procuring the con
stituents from your druggists, It la
this; One ounce powdered, eaxollte dis
solved in one-half pint witch haseL"
Bathe face, neck and handa In this. The
effect is really, marvelous, not only aa
to wrinkles, but also In cases of baggy
cheeks and chin. The application la
cooling, soothing, tending . to relieve
fatigue and Insomnia."
Eye Time
Is Now
Many eyes are weaker
during the summer than
at any other time. Now
is" the time to fortify
-yourself from eye trou
ble. ' Give them the.
best expert attention by
visiting the
vs. M
' .: . ., Railway Moves, . .y!''
On Saturday, March 16, the passenger
frc-lcht dnartmpnt. f thT rana,
mn laciflo will move to th.ejr new
titiarters. corner Third and Pine (Mult--n
ah Hotel Bldg.) ,
We have a number of very fins
bargains in good ased I'ianos, euch
as 'Fischer, Chickering and Brew
ster, Boothe & Co., Andrew Koh
lerr thht we are offering at greatly
reduced prices, and on very .easy
terms.' It will pay you to visit our
storetand examine them carefully.
TJoltd Pre Leasrd TTti- .
Washington, March 14. Designed to
supply tne J5S,MO.O0O revenue lost If
the f re sugar bill passes, - the house
Democratic ways and means committee
today presented an "excise tax" bill
The report says that the tar proposed
Is not an Income tax and therefore will
not be affected by the supreme court
decision.' An Income tax would be fav
ored, saya the report, were It not for
the doubt as to Its constitutionality.
As an argument to show that the bill
is not providing for an Income tax, the
report says that the proposed excise
tax is "merely an extension of the cor
poration tax law to Individuals, firms
and co-partnerships." The sponsors of
the bill Claim that the measure ' taxes
only the amount of "business of the
Individual,- therefore la not an' income
tax properly speaking and escapes the
condemnation of the supreme court.
Further the report saya: -:
"The term "business embraces every
thing about which a person can be em
ployed. It allows to escape few whose
earnlnga -exceed $5000 annually,-" A peN
son having an income under 16000 pays
nothing; person whose business earns
110,000 pays no tax on the first $5000
and on the second $5000 only. $50 an-
nually." .-.v.....
Kot.r, a a t r;:..T e.-. 1 tuo t:
res"..-!e in rornar. i. aa fc'Jj t a.l out
sisur living la Duf.:r an.l a trothcr
livln? in Now BrutsswU-k. The, funeral
will be held here totmorrow afterno3
the services being condacted by tie
s 1 1 iU Ui .n
(Special to The Journal.)
Dufur. Or., March 14. Hal R. Mo-
CUntock. head clerk In Johnson's de
partment store here, died very suddenly
at T o'clock this morning, the eause be
ing heart failure. Mr. McCllntock was
native of New Brunswick but had
lived In Dufur the past seven years,
being employed In the one place thei en
tire time. He was a' member of 'the
(Special to Tht Jonrml.l
BIngen, Wash., March 14. Stone &
Webster, " the Seattle contractors who
are building a dam on the 'White Sal
mon river, five miles north of'TJn-Jer-wood,
for the Northwestern Power com
pany, have been compelled to move half
a mile north, being unable to find bed
rock. They drove a tunnel 1E0 rt
long back from the river, but were nn-
able to find anything but gravel. They
have been at work there for almost a
month and the search for bedrock Is
proving very costly.
M urriJiiOi!
BIngen Box riant Opens, .
ISwIil to T Journal.
BIngen, Wash., March 14. The BIngen
box factory atarted work for the season
this morning. It will at first turn out
some rush orders for different kinds
of boxes and will then run on straw
berry boxes, having orders enough to
keep them going for a long time. Laat
year thla company ran both a night and
day crew during the strawberry and
apple season.
Kew Terk, March 14. "One Round"
Hogan of San Francisco is the man Ad
Wolgast hB selected as hla first oppo
nent, since he was knocked out by
"Kid ArremHtis." Kew York fans
who witnessed last night's fiasco be
tween Hogan and Leach Cro?s are
agreed that the lightweight champion
could not have selected a riper quince.
They contend that Hogan Is lacking In
everything necessary to make a fighter
gameness, clevernpes and aggressive
ness. It Is admitted that Hogan has
a fair wallop, but It is rolnted out that
he Is too awkward to bring It over.
Jim corrroth has telegraphed Oil
Boag, Hogan's guide, offering him av $0
round bout with the champion, and
Hogan, It Is said, will accept -
. Lost in Blizzard. '
Alhambra, Cal., March 14. -A aearch
Ing party left Alhambra early today to
search for James Wilson and William
Warren, who are believed to be lost in
a billiard that Is raging In the moun
tains near Elizabeth lake.
When an old man dies and hla rela
tives aay that he la better off the
chances are that he'ls.
Seeley, Who Fitted Czar
of Russia, Called to
- Portland
Seeley's Spermatlo Shield Pad
afsVs. -W
( Toti r The
Philadelphia is now, at the the
Multnomah hotel and will remain In
Pnrtlnnri tita wMa crT.,4,
...... WWU,
day and Tuesday. He Bays: -The Sper
matid KhloM Trail flttA ,v.A
Caar of Russia and now used and ap
prover Dy the United Btatea govern
ment, will not onlr retain in n
Hernia perfectly, affording Immediate
opening In 10 days on the average
caae., Thla v Instrument received the
Only. .award In England and" In Spain,
producing results without surgery or
harmful Injections.. Mr. Seeley haa doc
umentary references from the U. S. gov
ernment, Washington, D. C, for Inspec
tion, If any Interested will call he
will be glad to show the truss without
. . ---------a - .... n .ii uv iwu l Buuir i no iruss
and .complete relief, ; but closes . theoharge, or fit them If desired
i.3up.tuue.,, , breach or tear In the abdominal wall, as lgnorantly bud
posed therefore nothing to knit or heal. . But rupture is the T dilation or
stretching of a natural openlng-therefore subjectPto closure by stimulation
cost y out
else from
. . ,5avei
- , You
i-,""" i f ' Money
izL i An
V1 Perft
and is worth it for
we have it in the
standard makes. Because
our stores do the largest sam
ple shoe business In tne" world
we sell it to you for ,
131 FOURTH ST, near Alder under the sidewalk.
rhonee Karahall 4348
Vex to So, lOo, 18o ftore
Quickest Results Are Obtained by Want Ads in the Journal
Saturday Sale of
Rubber Goods
. .. Rubber goods , of . guaranteed quality,
the dependable kind at removal prices.
$2.00 2-qt Maroon, Guaranteed Combina
tion Bottler ' $1,27
$1.00 2-qt Fountain Syringe ...... ,G3
$1.50 3-qt. Maroon Water Bottle, -guaranteed
i 70e
$1.75 3-qt Red Fountain Syringe, guar
anteed .................. ; ..... . $1.37
$1.25 Ladies' Douche at only 98
45c. Silk Sponges selling at, each. . . .33
Friday aid
Friday-Saturday Sale of
Patent Medicines
Removal Sale of
Leathers and Trunks
Ladies' Hand Bags in latest styles and shapes
in seal, walrus, pigskin and morocco.' " Values :
ranging from $2.50 $25, and which are hot
duplicated anywhere, reduced ONE-FOURTH
Men's Coin Purses 39c
Men's fine Coin Purses in pigskin, seal and walrus leathers? our regular low
price of 75c is still further reduced these two days. Your choice.. . 39
Fitted Traveling Cases
Something every person should have when traveling. Good, substantial cases,
with, up to date fittings, ranging in price frcrsa $1.50 to $25, reduced One-Fourth
Our new line of Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Xikly" Trunks are arriving.
We want you to see them. Now .selling at removal sale prices $0.50 to $75.
Pictures! Pictures!!
Friday and Saturday
Two days in which you can secure
wall decorations at a considerable sav
ing. - - . .
One table of colored fac-slmiles, 11x14
and 10x22 Our regular low price of
35c reduced for this sale your choice
of the lot, each 23
One room hung in 16x20 Carbonettes,
framed in mahogany ; 13x28 Etchings,
framed in 2-inch - oaks j combination
Fruit Pictures in mission oak; famous
Firelight Series, also Hanging of Crane
and Home Keeping Hearts. Our regu--lar
low values to $4.00, reduced for two
days' selling your choice ,...1.37
$1.00 Hay's Hair Health 72
$1.00 Cuticura" Resolvent 83f?
$1.75 Succus Alterans $1.34
$1.00 Kendell Spavin .. ,69
50c Sloan's Liniment 29
75c Antiphlogistine ..53
$1.00 Cooper's Sarsaparilla, the
best blood purifier , .... .75
"3 for 2.00
$1.00 MercoUzed Wax..,69
$1.00 Pierce's- Favorite Pre
scription ;.;.69
$1.00 Ovoferrin 73
$1.00 Hanford's Balsam Myrrh'
for 65e
$1.50 Vapo Cresoline, complete
for,.. f.09
$1.00 Muco Solvent .. . . .74
$1.00 Uricsol .79
50c Foley's Honey and Tar at
only ,. ....29
Two Days' Sale of
Toilet Preparations
50c Pebeco '....29r
ouc btiiiman s Jt recklc Cream
e -"",v"!'r-:i"i':':-:,:i';' i r,r' AiMm H-Vi
Friday-Saturday Sale of
Combs, Hair, Tooth Brushes
Handsome large black Combs, choice of
several makes; regular $1. These two
days, each .. . . . . ,75J
25c Tooth Brush, guarant'd bristles 19J
$2.00 Hair Brush, choice of ebony or rose
wood backs, good value -specfal 1.49
$4.50 Parisian Cushion Back Hair Brush
with Comb, two days special I . 3,59
Removal Sale Prices
In Our-Jewelry Section-
Hair Nets in all regular shades, regular
10c grade, at only G
Genuine human Hair Nets, all shades ; 25c
grade at only 1G?
Drop Earrings in latest styles, now ex
tremely popular priced $1 to $15, Your
choice at . . .. .... . ..... . . HALF PRICE
Open a Monthly Charge
Account With Us
50c Semore Giovlne ..;.:28
25c Bathasweet 16
25c Spiro Powder . . . .... 160
50c Hines' Honey and Almond
i Cream . , ,v. ,270
25c Holmes' Frostilla . .;.13
25c Babcock's Corylopsis 13J
25c No-odor, 2 for ....... 25
50c De Miracle Cold Cr'm 29
50c Queen Hair Dye . . . .325
. Toilet Soap Sale Now in
Friday-Saturday Sale of
Household Drugs
25c. Rose Water,. bottle. . ,14tf,
40c Crude Carbolic Acid, per
. bottle r,31
35c Absorbent Cotton, lb. 27
25c Hydrogen Perox., bot. 16J
25c Assorted Corks (very use
ful) 200
25c Sweet Alm'd Meal, can 90
50c Ripe Olives (qt. can), 400
5c Cough Drops,. pkg.4 . . i . 30
10c Glyc. and Bay Rum, bot. C0
10c Compound Licorice Pow
- der, pkg. 60
10c Chloride Lime, lb..,;.. 80
15c Saltpetre, powdered or
Jump, pkg. ..... ... . , , . . .90
10c can -Sewing Machine Oil,
can 60
25c Denat'd Alcohol, bot. 200
15c Soapstone (French Chalk),
package .... . s : . . . .... . .90
Easter Novelties
In Our Stationery Section
Prices 10c to 85c
Also very large' line of Easter and St
Patrick Post Cards.
Arrange now for your after Easter
engravings. Let us show you samples
that we will duplicate on your work
and the. cost will be no greater than the
ordinary sort Announcements, wed
ding and calling cards.
Laird & Lee Diaries you need one
every day 25c kind at only , . . . ;190
$1.00 Goodall Playing Cards, tartar
backs . . . . . . . . . , ..... , , , . . ,420
$1.25 "Cross"; two-letter Monogram
box stationery', extra special..,.. 750
75c Box Stationery 470
35c Box Stationery 170
lOc.Dime Banks ,70
Fountain Pens cleaned, ,while you wait
no charge We'll also fill your pen
without money and .without price. 4
Spray Your Roses With
"Wood-Lark" Rose and Fruit Spray.
Pint, 2505 quart, 500 ; Spray Pump,
Are You
"Cross" Chamois Gloves, sold the
world over at the uniform price of
$1.50, are on sale Friday and Saturday,
your choice . .. . .; . . . .... .......980
"Cross" Novelties
As a birthday or Easter gift nothing
could be more acceptable than one of
the many "Cross'' Novelties, such as
Sewing Baskets, Writing Cases, Collar
Boxes, Utility Sets, etc., to be found
only at this store.
This is your last , opportunity to buy
wood burning subjects at less than cost
Just a lot of odds and ends all grouped
together pieces worth up- to 75c your
choice while it lasts, 3 pieces for . . 50
$2.75 Burning Outfits, while they - last,
each OS0
Two Days' Selling of
Medicinal Wines
and Liquors
$1.25 Old Oscar Pepper, bottled In
bond ..980
$1 Carlisle Rye, bottled in bond 790
$f Old . Tom" Martin I . . . V .7.V.690
Muskingum Valley the best medicinal
whiskey made", . Qts. 1.23 gaL 4
$1.00 3-Star California Brandy.. 890
25c California Claret . . . ; , . , .. ; , , 180'
3 for V. 500
50c California Claret, Zinfandel, Ries
ling, Catawba and Port . . .. . . .340
' 3 for..: ,..1.00
75c California Sherry, .610
. 3 for; .,...1.50
Good Medicinal California Wines, the
gallon S1.00
JJxtra fine Medicinal California Wines,
gallon 1.50
Very best Medicinal California Wines,
gallon 2.50
Imported Medicinal Wines, gal. 3.50
Mineral Waters for Less '
You can purchase all well-known
Mineral Waters here whether of 6o-
re always less than others ask.