11, 1:::. i:ct'si:s rcr 12 APAKTMLXTS 43, roi: r.i:NT rL.Ts 13 1::. ? T A r t T K C, R. Hansen L Co, General Emrbyment Agencies FSTAFU.-HKD 1S7. 2S and IS Norm 21 st.. Portland. Or. Women's Dept. 7th buJ 'Wash, sts. Upstairs. Help Furnished Free San Francisco office 8C5 Howard it Spokane office 2 18 Bernard St. Y ii. ;. A. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOY- '- - " MFNT AGENCY, SECOND AND ASH STS. Headquarters , for competent loggers, millmen, R. B construction men, term hands, and all claeses of skilled and unskilled labor. Write, wire, phone or call at our r pense. MAKgHALL j27ia-7745. ! A square deal to employer and employe. No charge to employer. FREE -EMPlWmENT OFFICE , All classes f unskilled, akllled, pro fessional and clerical, male and feuals help furnished on sho-t notice. No fee. - . . Men's department 115 M. cor. Salmon. Women's department 146 Salmon at Main I55B; a-dsm, Bennett's Emnloyment Agency 14 N. Id. M'll 164; A-19SS. Quick pervlee. reliable help to employer free. SITUATIONS MALE SION and show card writer, good all a round man, 10 years at business; will work on commission, small salary or buy interest in small shop. R. E. V is rn, Men. uei., ruruHnu. .AUTOMOBILE RUYEBiL- ' ( Experienced automoDiie man win Rive onstrate any gasoline car; best city references Riven. Call Main 7145. ; CHAUFFEUR, 28, experienced In re pairing, - careful driver, wishes posl : tlon private place; understands garden inn and willing to do other work. P-874. .. Journal. - - ' -' SITUATION wanted by elderly nian to do light work about the place of a country home, Christian family prefer . able; , wages not so much an object i Pleaae address V-384, Journal. A EXPERIENCED agriculturalist and hor- tlculturalist wishes position as man- agir of ranch. . Also good stock man, A-l rererences. a-ant. journal. " WANTED Position as working house keeper on ranch, by experienced worn an with girl, I years. M. K., People's 'Institute, Burnside, Portland. MARRIED man wants farm to man age; good references; first class hand with stock: state wages, also other con ditions. v-378, journal. CARPENTER want inside work, hotel or office bldg., or any light work; city references. Call Main 2331, or address J 34 Gllsan. WANTED Washing and ironing called for and . delivered.- Phone Marshall 4887. :' ' WANTED Baby or small child to board and give mother's care. S-S84, journal. I' CAN recommend clean, quick young man for position as chauffeur, with private party, rnonei lyiarsnan c, FIRST class carpenter would like con tract Or day work; perfect satisfac tion guaranteed. Phone Sellwood 1619. MEATCUTTER wants work in suburban market; references. A-670. Journal. , SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 WIDOW,' with references wishes house keenlnf for widower's family. ' Call after 6 evenings at 811 Main St. write or phone Main 60. Mrs. r. A. Henaryx. xiv rrrT maprittil ainnAn nuRK.il m i t U 1 VJWk. ' ' f die age, position as nurse, helper or housekeeper for , nlca people. , E-387, journal FRACTICAJ4 experienced competent lady bookkeeper desires orrice post Tlon. K-S8, journal. EXPERIENCED telepnoue exenange, . ' operator wishes a permanent position. 'EXPERIENCED private exchange oper- a tor wants position; references given. T-3 7 8, Journal. tjrn curtains hand laundered by careful lady; called for and delivered. Main es9, nrwlWrVKIf wnman santl Hnv'worlf: washing. Ironing and cleaning; phone Marsnau 40t2. JiAi HiKHliiNr-u woman wim uausuwi, 12. wants house work .or charge of ; rooming nouse. tr-ziv, jwrmi, BEGINNER, accurate, good education, wishes situation as stenographer with reliable iirm, k-sns, journal. WORK wanted by day or at home, first Class launnress, city rpicren, jmu to-nry in. warsnaii 4001, a-ibb DAY or chamber work by day or hour rnone wiain flifi. room t,i. LACE curtains washed by experience! nann ior g yeara. iwr inn. k I.ADY with small child desires-a no sitlon as nouseKeeper. is-avo, joumai. NEAT, capable woman wants work by s . . i Mini iaj aay. mam qhi, ruum ivt. LACE curtains hand laundered, special prices to hotels. Fhone Main 141s CURTAIN8 wanted, hand laundry. Woofllawn ZS84 LACE CURTAINS laundered. I5c u 1st class work, quick service. Tabor 8 DRESSMAKING 40 modeling, and repairing; high class work guaranteed; prices reasonable. Room . 850 Aider st. BICK garments made well at Hildreth's Ladies' Tailor Garment Hospital De partment, tot Central bldg., 10th and Aiaer. FURNISHED ROOMS .-' WEST SIDE tj-c A TTTTtTTTT T .V t urn ah l hAlrvinniM furnaoe heat and bath, 12.50 per week ana up.: bb mn mi. $2.00 per week for beautiful furnished room; walking distance; no other roomers In house. 461 flth st NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance, very central, reason able. 646V4 Wash.; also sleeping rooms. NICTsLY furnisEed" housekeeping rooms, modern - conveniences, $1.50 and up, 207 Sherman, near 1st st, ' NEWLY furnished rooms, permanent or - translent, $3 and u$v per week. - 328H Washington LANDORE Furnished room, hot and cold water, steam heat, easy walking distance. 288 10th. . - 24 1 tt ill. at, rooms ;i.60 up per week. Free phone and jth. Main 7 764. PLEASANT, modern rooms, for gentje men; central. 183 12th st, near Tay- ONE large bright nicely furnished sleeping room, heat, lights, and bath; reasonable. 134 N. 16th st. THE Davenport, newly furniBhed rooms, hot and cold water, phone, bath, $11 to $16. Main 6485, 606 Jefferson st. WARM, large, bright rooms, best of lo cation; all conveniences, reasonable, Main 69(6. ZS3 itn si, NICELY furnished room, suitable for , 1 or i gentlemen, wanting aistanca. -70 N. lbth. " LARGE, well furnished front room; sultable'for one or two? modern con- SLEEPING room, free bath and phone, electric ugnts, jor a or , a per week, 807 Jefferson. . TWO 3 furnished rooms, loa N ,18th. Main 8193. , '; , . : - : FRONT room, furnished, $1.50 per week. 324 4th st ' - - - . FOR RENT Furnished room,, all ' moa- , ern conveniences. '407 lotn. Apt l. LARGE front room, suitable for studio. 800 Jefferson. ROOMS $l.o0 up per week, free baths. The v'lav. 843 Morrison st. ' "ROOMS. 50?.$I per dayT'$I'up"weeki THE CLAY, 843 Morrison st. NICELY furnished rtnam heated room, nlso one houseiepin. 471 Morrison Jf'l'tlNISHED room, -all new and clean; '. close tl RSI T'nvls. Marshall 414H . "- ROli'MS nicely funilshcd, at4-6 Alder. Tho Ed.:ar Corner 14th and v a-iiincton. New ly. be:v.mfu;'.v furnislie.l sleeping rooms, by day. weik 'Jr month; reHion- IiOT.L hiiNV ICiC The hnrt of the buclne nter, 7th and Tuyior, opposite Helllg theatre, quiet home tor quiet veopte, strictly modern, pTnnerit: tranmnt. Main H EiuAL'TIFL L room, private bath, phone and alf modern conveniences, ISO pef month: einele rooms. $15 per month and upward. Calumet hotel. 150 Park et. illy n ly home, suitable for two young men or Indies at $3.50 week; modern. S20 'Montgomery street. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, fur nace heat and bath. 12.50 week ana up. 8S9 11th st. . ' COMFORTABLE furnished room in apartment, steam heat, etc.: close in. 110 per month. Phone A-2708. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front parlor and other-fine rooms, reasonable. 471 Main st. Phone Main 4805, LEWISTON hotel, 271H Morrison sc. corner 4th. First qlass rooms, tran slent and permanent. ' NICELY furnished rooms, modern con veniences, centrally located, reason able. 404 Clay near 10th. FURNISHED front room, alcove, light housekeeping; heated: private porch. 476 Clay. . LARGE front sleeping, with all conven iences, Pest or location, itti Monte, 20th and Washington. FURNISHED ROOMS east suns v 52 THE GAYOSA Modern sleeping rooms- phone in rooms, steam neated, 3 up, with bath 4 up. Grand ave. and E. Stark . ' v.. NICELY furnished room, with bath, heat, phone, home cooking, very rea sonable, In a Christian home. Call B 8126, or V-888. Journal. THE ALDER-GRAND Nice clean luwiiw, Eiicaill ,1CU, V- fv c& uy. izil urana ave THE LARRABEE, 227 Irrabee st; modern, permanent and transient, 12.50 up. Close In. East 849. C-2788. THE. MONTGOMERY Cor. East Mor rison and East 8th; nicely furnished rooms, 2 to 13.50 per week. Close In. RO6M with large sleeping porch, also dandy front room., bath ana pnone, 847 Grand ave. N., near Broadway. ONE newly furnished sleeping room, S3 per weeK. suzh &. Burnsiae. NICE single room, very central, with bath. Phone East 16. 83 ti. lotn. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO connecting unfurnished rooms, al so 1 large room; use 01 patn, ugnts and phone. 171 18th. Main 451. THREIi large unf urnisft d .iusekeep .ing; flO per monra. . Call at Hi N. 14 th st. " -. TWO unfurnished housekeeping, rooms. 830 E. Alder. K. 1)227. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with rates very reasonable. Inquire 821 West Park. Fhone A-7104. NICE sunnv room with board for 2, very reasonable rates, private ramuy, want ing distance. ' 384 Halsey and E. 2d. - ROOM and board in private family suit- able for nice working laay. eve Mont gomery. Phone Main 7541. - NICE large furnished room suitable for two with or without board. Phone Rellwood 835. ' ' - - - THE CASA ROSA Large, airy, fur- ? niahed rooms with, board, splendid lo cation. soo Jefferson. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2 gentlemen, with board; rererenoes. 188 16th. PLEASANT room with board, can be got at 662 vater near Arthur,, i diocks rrom canine, SMALL child to board, 1290 E. 12th N. woodiawn Vfo. FOR 2 gentlemen, reasonable. lth st. 164 N. ROOM and board, 492 Taylor st., home cooking, moderate prices. Main 7J4J NEATLY furnished rooms- with board. 8S9 Everett st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE TWO connecting ' rooms,' newly fur. nlshed for light housekeeping; gas rftnge, heat, hot water. 557 Madison st SUITES and single rooms for house keeping, completely furnished, mod ern. $18 and $12 per month. 509 Mill. FRONT sdite, handsomely furnished, modern, exceptionally desirable, $4.50 week. 116 N. 23d. FOR RENT, cheap, housekeeping rooms, No objection to children. 604 Washington. Main 8763. A-7042. FOR RENT 3 nice clean housekeeping - rooms, cheap, hot and cold water, day or night. 778 Gllsan st. ' SUNNY connected housekeeping rooms, $18; sleeping: rooms, 'modern. , 775 Gllsan.- $103 furnished housekeeping rooms, gas plate,, steel range, 618 7th st Main 4529. TWO front rooms, I II. K. rooms, op poslte city ball. ,263 , 6th st Phone Marshall 4it, $14 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, gas . Plate, ateei range. xs 7tn st Main 4629. BASEMENT rooms, plain working peo ple, $6 month. - 676 Couch, N. E. cor, lSth. . :-.- - --i LARGE single housekeeping rooms com pletely .furnished; also light clean si ee plngioin81$L75week NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, for rent reasonable. .Close in. 171 West Park, near Morrison. THREE neatly furnished housekeeping ' rooms. Walking distance. 449 7th St., bet. College and Jackson. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, walking distance, fine location. 429 Market near 11th St. CLEAN pleasant housekeeping rooms, very reasonauie, - pnone, - sina. gas, oatn. K4& is. ltitn st. FINE large bright Well f urnlnhed sleep ing and H. K. room, everything first class; reasonable. 615 Everett. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. price reasonable, $12.60 per month, JS84 xay i or st fnCELY furnished suite, walking dis tance, rnone, oatn ana ugnts rrea, $3.26 week. Call Main 8979. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, good location. $27 W. park. SINGLE housekeeping room for rent, walking distance, $12. Main 9029, Ar 3313. ' ' ': 1 ' NEATLY furnished rooms, $8 per mo, and up, with or without housekeep- ing. 476 xayior. 161 Taylor, near Hellig theatre, neatly rurnlsheoy running water, iree natn, phone and lights. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, - private family, reasonable, light, heat phone Tree, mi mid, near mn. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, heat, gas, phone, bath, central located. 181 14th. 310 MAIN St., furnished for housekeep ing, a homelike cottage suite, close in HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable prices; bath, pnone. 84a may. PLEASANT housekeeping: rooms, mod- ern, lltatt uism.. unrwp. 1,0 umuumiii. PLEASANT 3 room suite, heat, light. B.nU a ween- oai fivsren, 1 185 20th, cor. . Flanders,' furnished and unfurnishea nouseKeeping rooms, nlshed. convenient; $a.ze up. 42 Main. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, gas, bath, phone, heat 171 N. 17th st. LARGE single outside H. K. rooms, $13 to fin per momn, did '.oiirx SLEEPING rooms, also housekeeping rooms;-st'jrmrMftlri-I7irrr37g TamMlf- TWO large, light housekeeping rooms. Turnmnea or unrurnisneti. aott college. COM PORTABLE furnished housekeep ing rooms, enTtp rent. vi ibi si. WJl t I iij.1.1. houseKnnpins; rooms i llM, gas; moderate. 7th-Flanders. A-4076. V, S CP. 4 beautiful'.v furrlshe.l bousi'-keetl-lf rooms, reasor.lie; furrac h-at. bath and phone furpisl.cd frre. f-i.it,(Me for family of adults or two cooi-leM. ?h9 t jth ft. TWO cie.111 weil furnltiiied rooms, com plete for housekeeping; one large front room; phone, gs nd bath: hot water all the time. 5:6 Marshall, Pcrt land, Oceiriin. , Hunt's Exoress & Baga8 Co t trunk, eos Addttionartrunks, JSc each Grip with trunks free. A-I41I. Marshall L41S. FOli RENT Two connecting rooms, also one single room furnished for housekeeping or will rent unfurnished; heat, light, phone, bath and hot water furnlehed. 275 N. 22nd St. Main 6797. t OR 4 beautifully furnished housekeep ing rooms, reasonable: furnace neat. light, bath and phone, free. Suitable for ramuy 01 aauus or one or 1 coupies. 3f9 11th. NICE front room with kitchenette, new ly furnished, electric light easy walk ing distance, S4 weekly. 66 N. 21st st, 1H blocks from Washington. MR. WORKINGMAN, nicely and com pletely furnished 4 room flat, only 20 per month or will sell for $135; terms. 188 Market. . LARGE front room, first floor, house keeping; 1 third floor, sleeping or housekeeping, and 1 basement room, verv cheao. 64 North 18th st. - HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, nice and clean, central 'location: electric lights and gas. Call at the Rose, 189ft 3d et. south. , Baggage & Omnibus Transfer Baggage moved and stored. Phone MB1 HNO.-A-i8I. FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. phone, and gas in house. walking distance. ' 147. Market sW near new Lincoln high. THREE room housekeeping suite, sink and your own private bath, only 116 month: also single front housekeeping room s wees. 40s Hall st. REAL " BARGAIN Housekeeping rooms completely furnished, near 10th and Stark; bath, gas, heat, $4 week. 40S oiara si. 53 N. 18th. Phone A-1339 Light housekeeping rooms, furnished anq nnrurnished. 13 wei- weeK up. Aider, cor. loto.!arge clean housekeeping suites with kitchenettes. running water, sink, phone, -13.60 week up. - BEAUTIFUL furnished t room suite with large kitchen, closets and fire place; absolutely 1st class; all conven lences; alt-o sleeping rooms. 129 N. 15th, EILEEN COURT, 16th and Morrison st, newly furnished sle'eolng and h. k. rooms; modern: phone and laundry prly ileges: reasonable. Main 4051. HOMELIKE rooms, large or small, fur nlshed for housekeeping or sleeping, gas, electricity, phone and bath freei ai ao 1 izrn si. Keasonaoie rent. TWO : nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, close in, running water, all conveniences tree; price reasonaois. Main HB4S. B53 iztn. NEWLY furnished room and kitchen ette. modern, beautiful location, walk Ing distance. 4th door from Park st 885 Mill. ELEGANTLY furnished suite; with prt other, for $3.60; lovely home; modern; pesi people pus xeon mag, 6NE large,' very desirable room, fur- nisned complete ror housekeeping; no children. 295 .Montgomery. - BASEMENT room, suitable for house keeplng, $10 per month 835 Mont gomery Ml. FURNISHED front room at 553 Hoyt st corner 17th; an moaern conven lencea, ror iz.bo per montn, FRONT pleasant room; also i room suite, reasonable. 294 11th St. TWO room housekeeping1 suite, all con venlencesj reasonable. 699 Everett st HOUSEXEETING TtOOMS , 48 EAST SIDE . TWO large front rooms and kitchen, 1st floor, all furnished for housekeeping; free water, lights, phone, bath, pantry, big basement; large porch, $25: also 2 front rooms,, one inside, second floor, all furnished for housekeeping, $20, 731 Union ave. East 6616. $1.50 to $2.60 week, clean furnished housekeeping rooms, free heat laun dry, bath, phone, yard, gas range. 406 Vancouver ave. U car. Phone East 6039. THE ST. MARK'S. 392 H K. Burnside, well furnished front suite of house keeping rooms, walking distance, gas range, lovely rooms. $1.75, $2.76 furnished housekeeping rooms: iree phono, neat bath, laundry. ?as. 669 Commercial st, near Graham. 1 car. - .-.'; NEWLY furnished 2 or 3 room suite. Water, heat, light, phones. $18 to $25. 371 Multnomah, cor. Union. Phone East 8680. Adults only. THREE modern furnished housekeeping rooms; no cnnaren; 14 diocks rrom Russell st, S blocks from Williams ave. 464 Flint st. FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeep ing rooms and sleeping rooms. tiZk East Clay. East 1161. FDR RENT A furnished room for light housekeeping; price $3 per week; good car service. 45 k. inn st LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms, lift im H K n r.A m.lt,ln. Jla. f.v u J , 15111. au ni i RniniuB u.a- tance. 692 East Morlson. East 6901. THE GAYOSA Modern 2 room apart ments $18 per month and up. Grand ave and East Stark. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, chone. lieht and heat: no chil dren. 667 E. Yamhill at HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2 beds, elec tricity, gas, not water, $16 per mo, 695 E. Morrison. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, lower floor, good location. 690 E. Burnside. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; light, fuel, laundry, $8 per month. 96 Knott. L car. r - FOR furnished housekeeping - rooms close in and reasonable, see 89 E. 12th or E. 6279. THREE completely - furnished house keeping rooms, very reasonaoie. ? ONB neatly furnished housekeeping room, moaern close in. jn; aiea neat sleeping room. $s. sas East Mam at 8 ROOM housekeeping suite with pantry. electrlo lights, ground floor, $20. 694 B. Ankeny. - -,. WUR rooms, furnished, heat, 'water, light, gas, bath", $25, or 3 unfurnished, gas piate, i id. za m. met si. SAVO sunny housekeplng rooms, $17, Including fuel. gas. bath, 129 m. zutn, near Morrison. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent, $10 per month. 761 Williams av. NICELY furnished uousekecplng rooms. 718 E. Morrison. HOTEL ACME. 13154 Union ave rooms and housekeeping rooms. 1 TWO light housekeeping rooms for rent $3 per week. 451 E. Yamhill. ' TWO .rooms housekeeping, pantry and sink. $4; 392 E. Burnside. Housekeeping rooms, steam heat, light, phone ana oatn. aH union ave. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 FOUR room house, some yard. ,480 East Grant St.f corner 9th, $10. . Tabor 261. NEW 6 rom modern house, ciose In, east . side. Phone Keiiwooa mni., 7' ROOM house, 602 Petty grove st, $16, inquire 293 North 18th st FOR RENT 7 room house, 629 East Ankeny. Phone East 2670. FIVE room house, Beach and Rodney. Inquire 863 Fargo st Phone C-2263. FOR RENT 6 room house, $18. 126$ Hawthorne ave.' . - 6 ROOM house, newly tinted, Inquire 2 Btark st. Kent i. 279 21RT N, T roomsBuItable or twgl8 ROQM Iwuse for xejit . furniture for fan.llles. feftsbhab1eMarshaH'll40! 6 ROOM house, lawn, fruit. ,46 Shaver st. Main 23o6. i - ; - - MODERN 5 room house, $16. 145 Web ster st cor. Alhina ave., L car. $15 -8 room house. 1 nli mornings, 8053 ' br Woodiawn 900. C- I'CV. RENT 5 room new r 'oet'-red tun- palow. hot and col'.l Witter poreviaiu bath and . touet, located at Kenton, J12.50 per month. HA KGKuYK & SONS, 122 N. 6th st., cor. 6th end Glisan. Main 43M, A-72S9. . FOR RENT 7 room bousa. strictly modern, 100x100, prunes, cherries and apple trees, raspberry bushes, big gar den space, on carline, near Laurelhurst, 'l abor 219, or Tatwr 80X9. FOR' KENT' In fieumont fine home. modern in every detail.- larce lawn and park, with shade trees.. Call 2S7 Alnsworth ave. NEW, modern a room house and sleep ing DOrch. wash travs. laree cement basement Blandena and Congress, near Jefferson high. 4 ROOM house, 995 Clinton st, electric lights, bath, 60x100, carline, corner, fruit $15. Room llJ Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. Main 6S21. FOR RENT A modern 7 room house, sleeping porch, corner lot and furni ture for sale, 114 East 14th st, corner or Aider: - , NOW is your chance to rent one of those west side ft- room modern cot tages on Vaughn, near 25th; key at 864 H Vaughn. NEW modern cottage, 46th. E. Lincoln; reasonable. Mam gisiK Tabor 8326. residence. 1 FOR RENT New modern house and lot near .Woodstock high school. $10 per month. Phone Main 2132. 43d and Belmont, 6 rooms, modern big lot, flowers and trees, $20. Call Main 772, - . ' - ' 7 ROOM nouse, some furniture. Just across steel brldee. near Broadway. ;.6. owner, room 32. Worcester Didg. 3,-.. ROOMhousewlOoO - raspberries,. 5 fruit trees, electric lights, at 82 E. 69th st. N. Rent $10. MODERN 5 room house and barn, large yard. 1343 Detroit ave. Phone Wood- lawn 8187. EIGHT room house, East Burnside, near 22nd; no furnace. $35; lease 1 year; laz.fty; years, ysv. b-ihii, SIX room modern- well furnished house. 70 Ainina ave., net tsnaver ana Ma son, Call 617 River st. Phone C-1998. MODERN bungalow, good Place for gar- aen, eoxiuu jot, rem i. (au m E. 12th N. SIX room cottage, 2 blocks from Haw thorne car; nice lawn and garden; $20 per month. Phone Tabor 626. THREE room furnished house, near fieamont car . Darns, fhone wooa- lawn 1240. SEVEN rooms, modern, walking dis- tance, sbi jioss, near Broadway. ast 4877. $20. SIX room house, electric, gas and fur nace, stationary tubs and lawn; $25; 385 Grand ave., near Harrison st. FIVE room house for rent, strictly mod ern, furniture for sale, cheap. Phone C-2107. 901 Cleveland avenue north. HOUSE FOR RENT 9 rooms, modern, good cellar, furnace, 608 4th at, near Sherman. Main 7317. FOR RENT 6 room bungalow. 75 W. Prescott si, partly furnished If de sired. Tel. Woodiawn 475. $30 Modern 5 room house, neatly fur- nished, 13 blocks rrom tne city nan. Lawn and roses. Main 6080. $30 monthly rent buys home, no first payment necessary, owner Kast Z741 FOR RENT 4 room house, yard, $12, ' 632 Market st. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 BEAUTIFUL 6 room cottage furnished for rent at reasonable terms; full cel lar: large green lawn with garage; close to three lines oi cars, inquire at prem lses, 308 Sacramento street, near Wil liams avenue. NICELY furnished room house at Un iversity Park; lovely home; garden patch, roses, etc' $20 a month to per manent tenant COS Ycon Bldg. Main 4557.' 'v FOR RENT Modern furnished cottage. All conveniences and electrlo lights. Key at Miller Drug Co., 631 1st Rent $l; house at mi MiiwauKie ave, A MODERN S room furnished cottage, large yard, 4 blocks from car, 6027 89th ave. S. E. ' Tabor 1042 after 4 n. m. Main 61S7, any time. $20 furnished 6 room house, bath; fruit, ; loro-A o-arrfan nnt 077 Hhsrlin at Rt i Johns car to Van Houten, lft blocks i south. $30, 6 room modern. furnished house;! fireplace, furnace, lawn. (JrOCKett room 3, Washington blag. . NEW, clean, modern 7 room house, new furniture, silver and linens, furnace, Hawthorne ave., close in. Tabor 2270. FURNISHED 6 room cottage, to respon sible parties only; rent $30, 880 E. Davis. SEVEN room furnished houBe in Sell- Black 612 FURNISHED 6 room cottage, Sunny side, excellent location, rent March 16. Phone A-270S. WELL furnished 8 room house, every convenience, $30: close in. "East 667'. FURNISHED house, 8 rooms, close in; can st& yamnii! street. FOUR room, nicely furnished cottage. tan S34 Montana ave. Take u car. 6 ROOM modern furnished cottage, $25; gooa location. Tel. Home C-2175. $20 4 room house, furr.lshed yard. 853 S.' 16th, corner Mill st FURNISHED 4 room house, near car. 711 Vaughn st. Phone Main 7081. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOil SALE 82 IF YOU mean business and looking for nice home my beautiful furnish ings are a bargain; house desirable; 2 rooms pay rent $35; west side;- easy walking; nic locality. 332 Harrison, near 7th. Phone Ai-63(U. SUNLIGHT. PURE AIR. ' Handsomely furnished 5 room cot tage, large lawn, fruit, roses, delightful home, rent only $13.60; will sacrifice for halt actual value; $75 Cash, balance to suit you. oz AiDina. iLi car.) A TEN- room house for rent furniture for sale, cost 1700; will take $400 cash or will exchange for real estate; rent $28 month: rooms all full; call eve nings or Sundays. 661 E. Madison; phone East 2804. ' , SACRIFICE on beautiful mission furnl tur 4, four room ' flat; Includes $3$ acorn gas range mahogany piano, ma hogany chiffonier, etc. All just like new. Well Worth Investigation. Call 1Z97H Hawthorne ave., phone H-2194, 18 MINUTES out; rent $13.60; pretty . 8 room cottage, beautifully furnished; half actual value.; good health depends upon pure air, sunsnine. eee yoa AiDina. FURNITURE of 6 room cottage, close in, for sale cheap; rent very reason able, Call Sunday or evenings, 329 6th between Salmon and Main sts. BY OWNER 16 rooms; one of the best paying little places In the city; low rent; long lease cheap for cash. Main 4196. , ..... ... FINE 6 room flat for rent, furniture for sale; first class furniture, good car pets; am going away; will sell cheap; cash. 800 12th st Phone A-6348. FOUR room modern cottage for rent, furniture for sale, very cheap, If sold at once. 94 B. 61st St., N. M.-V. car. MISSION furniture of 8 room cottage for sale cheap, for cash. , 746 Grand ave... cor. Fremont. COMPLETE furnishings of 4 room flat, $250. Priced low for quick sale. Must sell this week. 207 McMlllen st. FURNITURE 6 rooms, bargain; cot- tage for rent; reasonable; walking distance, 401 Mill st. . MUST SELL This week furniture of 18 rooms, housekeeping: house for rent. cneap; gooa location, of n. imn st. FURNITURE of 7 room house for sale, house for rent cheap. ; Main 7495; 6 ROOM house, furniture brand new, .' at a bargain; terms; suitable, for oou- pier B4 -P.. lBt flw FURNITURE for sale, cheap; modern; 7 rooms, diock steel Driage. Z91 Crosby. SEVEN rooms, all housekeeping, cheap, ror case, 64 k. Ankepy. FURNITURE of 5 room flat for sale, $6iv 708 Union ave. Ml'flr sell new-furniture, eight rooms, i. 671 Kearney. Rent $30.' ' THE VILLA ST. CLARA. ! ll'h and Tavlor. 1 Most magTiificenily furnished apart-j ments in the city; location perfect: rent-.' als reasonable; every modern conyen- Jence, banquet hall and roof garden; ; nifc-n cians service: references reqaireo. , Both phones In all apartments. Main 15. NEWLY furnished, now reaay The Upshur. 26th and Upshur its., fur nished 2 room apartments. 115. $18, $20 and up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water in every arartment, pri vate phones, public bath, electric lights, gas range," laundry room, all free. Take S. 23d or W cars north. No children. Dogs not allowed. Phone Main 859. Page Apartments East 8th and Burnside sts.. 15 min utes' wnllt enurl location; new. modern brick bldg., with very desirable 1 and S room apartments, ror 128 ana au These conveniences on the west side would cost double the money; mvesu- gate. , - KING HILL APARTMENTS, 4, 5, 6-room spartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. 171 King st ... - Burch Apartments 110 21st st N. Marshall 4141. One elegantly furnished 2 room apart ment and dressing room; reasonable rent. MOST beautiful apartments in the city. Three and four rooms. Situated in the most exclusive residence district surrounded by beautiful homes. Rea sonable rate. Nob Hill apartments. 19th and Marshall. - LINCOLN APTS.. Cor. 4th and Lincoln. All outside 2 . room apartments: Holmes beds, built in writing desks. vacuum cleaner, janitor service; $22.6Q to $30. Including lights, private phones. A-S47i, Main 1377. THE MEREDITH Is now open, fur nished new. "1th the best I. 3 ana 4 room apartments;hard wood floors, private phone and bath, best janitor service; references required; new man ager. 712 Washington st. THE McKINLEX 429 E. MORR'80N, COR. 7TH. S, I and 4-room Apartments, fur nished tip to date, private baths, free phone, moderate prices, new manage ment, best service. , KENTUCKY APARTMENTS. " Nicely furnished 4 room anartments. steam heat private phone and bath; new and modern on East Ankenv and Mon tavilla car lines, corner of J8th and E. Gllsan. Phone East 6387 or B-1432. THE AMERICAN Most up to date apartment In North west; 21st and Johnson sts.; 4 and 6 rooms; alloutstde; apply on premises, or call Marshall 830. PENINSULA APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished and unfurnlsheo steam heated apts.l take Mississippi L car. 3d and Wash. sts.. 20 minutes ride. corner of Kllllngsworth. Woodiawn 3269. HISLOP HALL., HAWTHORNE AVE. AND TH ST. New building, new furniture, 8 room apartments, best service. Walking dis- tanee ana pest or car service. GRAY GABLES. . . 1 room suites, $21.50 to $25.00: all mod ern conveniences, close in. Phone A 2629. 289 10th st Fannie Talbot, man sger. ' : 1 v PENINSULA- APARTMENTS Nicely - furnished- ;nd . unfurnished steam heated ants.; take. Mississippi . c. comer of Klllinssworth. Woodiawn 2259 CAMBRIAN. 12th nd Columbia. Beautiful two and three room apartments, nicely situated, beautifully furnished. Prices reasonable. THE LOIS, 704 Hoyt st 3 and 4 room apartments for rent, all outside rooms;, good service and the prices are ngni; very large rooms. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison sts, 8 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apartments, Htrictiy moaern ALBEMARLE. t and 8 room apartments, steam heat riavte batn, phone; walking distance. st 419S. bus Williams ave. I CLACKAMAS apartments, 272 H Wll- 'jams ave., 3 rooms wun private Dam. Unfurnished. Or Will fUmlsh With UeW furniture. SAN MARCO apartments, E. 8th and coucn. new DncK, moaern, I rooms, f tiatll CI.11M IHullo ICUIV 4 eCLOUlit ble. Call E. 2761. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders sts.. 2, 8 and 4 room modern, furnished and unfurnished, new furniture, new building. Apply to janitor. THE MORTON. King and Washington Sts. Modern 3 and 4 room apart ments, lurnianea ana unrurniBnea, patn, ones; rates reasonanie. ANKENY COURT. 935 K. Ankeny St. J and 3 room furnished apartments, modern throughout; rate $20 to $32.60. Phone B-2624. WINSTON aaprtments: 841 14th st; rtew. completely rurnisnea two-room house keeping suites at $25; walking distance. Phone Main 1789. t ROOM apts.. ntcely furnished, $26 per month. Sunlight Apts., on East Bel mont. Tabor 2293, B-3041. THE WESTMINSTER Nicely furnished apartments; also single rooms: 2 min utes from P. O. 263 6th. Main 6682. THE WESTFAL, 410 FIFTH ST. $80 Nicely furnished t room ant: private bath, nhone and heat. frill El VODTIIAUBTflMkiM MATT CK ..V'i.J .v.,, i', """If to l FurniBhed 2-3 room, $26 up; 1 bach elors. $12; new. Main 4299. THE DELMORE. One and two house keeping apartments. 148 E. 3rd st, bet. E. Morrison and Belmont. THE DAVENPORT, newly furnished f room apartment, private bath, phone, reasonable. ' 605 Jefferson. Main 6435. JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS. Furnished housekeeping rooms. 614 Jefferson st Phone Main 5482. TWO room apartments, " unfurnished. comer rooms, first floor, 10 minutes walk from P. O. 89 E. 12th or East 5279. ORDLEIGH APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished, moderate prices. 82 Grand. FOR RENT -FLATS 13 NEW modern 4 room flat 1040H Albina - ave.. on L car line; furnace, gas range, linoleum In kltehen and bathroom, fold ing bed, spacious front and rear porches: tent $20. Phone Woodiawn 1290. FOR RENT Modern lower flat 364 N. 25th, near Northrup; 6 rooms and maid's room, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors; adults; references. Apply 876 ' Northrup. , $27.60, new 6 room upper flat, west side, walking distance, Jefferson car to end of line, walk west 1 block. 867 19th st. Main 8311. $26 Holladay addition; 6 rooms,, mod ern upper flat; walking distance, 262 H East 2d and Multnomah sts. Phone East 2948. ' MODERN, large, 6 room flat, also 3 room furnished flat, 1043 Uantenbein, comer Alberta MODERN 6 room flat, steam heated. - $45. Appiy on premisesj su7 utn st, near Columbia. A. E. Poulsen. FIVE newly papered rooms, over store, $10 per month. "j uiuo, wvia mwwrxDf 68 Harding st. Lower Albina. FIVE room strictly modern flat E. 14 and Madison eta. $30. Phone Sell- wood 691 NEW modern 6 room lower corner flat. walking aistanoe. is ju. Aiaer; rent $29. Main 1728.- FOR RENT New modern 4 room flats, block from tarline, walking dis tance. 669 Market st. Main 4079. MODERN lower 6 robin flat, 333 Cook ave., $30 month. Apply Williams ave, TWO modern 4 room flats, 1 upper, 1 lower, sweu iqcwuon. mn st. MODERN1 6 room , flat, Willamette Heights. 1010 Bavier st. A-2850. MODERN flat Call 314 Eugene st Rent reasonable. Take U car. FOR RENT 6 room flat, clsgJSJii T. g-s--J"- $10. 4 room flat in Sunnyslde.. E. Yamhill. B-2541. 1043 SIX robm flat, East Pine near 13 th. 2260: East 6095. ' STEAM h-Hteil 6 room flat all mod- era. Flione Slain 3448, FOR KENT By owner: 4 rooms and bathroom, flats, new nr.fl strictlv mo.t- ern, good location. 1O35-1034W Maliory ave., across Alberta st. from Walnut Park. 2 blocks from Union ave. car. 3 blocks from Williams ave. ca'r. Inquire wjtnin; $18 month. Phone woodiawn 1149. $1S SEVEN room house, nice home, 1220 E. 31st St., N.; 1 block from Al berta car; bath, hot and cold water, electricity, etc. Owner will set out roses and flowers. - Get key at 605 Mc Kay rude. FIVE room flat 36S Stout st $17, key 280 Stout st. FURNISHED FLATS 50 NICELY furnished S room Hat walking distance, very reasonable to respon siole party. 448 Rodney aye., cor. Til lamook. Take U car. MODERN 4 room fiat furnished, $21 ; with water. 639 Commercial Court, between Comercial, Kirby, Knott and Russell sts. . HANDSOME 3 room front flat; other rooms; fine location for business. 168U 10th. MODERN 4 room-flat, nicely furnished. Adults. C-1160, 853 Sacramento. WHOLE lower flat. 4 rooms, nicely furnished, $25 month: 411 4th sf HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only $3. $6 day. BELVEDERE European, 4th and Alder. STORES AND OFFICES 11 100x94 feet new, one story concrete building, lblnaave..... andKilling s?4 wonn, rnone &ast hut. Cheap rent w, Reldt. STORES for rent, in buildin N. E. cor. 3d and Columbia, on at- 170. one at $12.50. Apply 206 McKay bid g. WANTED Small window display and desk room,- ground -f lopr; state rent ana location, c. h. Earl, 248 page st ViSi. : ojtning for a Dr. and dentist. new oirice rooms, not water neat 62r ana Sandy bll. Tatwr SI 3. r WANTEDTO RENT BY. ; RESPONSIBLE - party, modern house, about nine rooms, on west Bide, Nob Hill district preferred. Any one wishing to rent their home, will una it wen carea ror. k-3o, journal. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO RENT? . I have callers for houses every day, List them with me. John Dick, 649 Union ave. is. none East 1624.. TWO acres or more, house, barn, chlck- B. 89th. B. POULTRY 87 8EVEN Buff Orpington laying pullets and cockerel: 10 P. R. laying oulleta and cockerel; four White Leghorn lay ing nuuets. sen or win traae ror cochin Bantams. Boyd. 647 FrorK. A-8604. . EGGS for hatching, thoroughbred 8. Cl W. Leghorns , fnrise wlnnintr toe VI: settings, $1,25; 100, $6; fertility guar anteed. K. W, Prudhorame, Gladstone, vir. - WHITE Wyandotte eggs for hatching, $1.60 for 15: from strain of winter laying hens. H. Frisbie, 1336 E. 10th street, nortn. THOROUGHBRED ckks. Buff Orolnir. tons, Buff Leghorn, Rhode Island eas, wnite ocks, iibi is, , iun ..N. rnone wooaiawn zsos. F GT for hatching on short notice; alt nreeas; pn,ojr cnicks; incunators and supplies. The, -Poultry Supply House, uo eiaimon sr. S. C. BROWN Leghorn eggs, heavy lav. ers, $6 per 100; any quantity. Jas. Ire- land. Main 41414 Spalding bid ORPINGTON eggs, Buffs and Whites stock and prices right Murphy, Sell wood 1230, , 8. C. Black Mlnorcas eggs tor setting, i.ou ior inorougnorea, 740 Cor bet! ist. Marshall 4468. filGft class Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs. 11. dw setting. 1082 E. 9th St. N, HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 CARLOAD OF MARES AND GELDINGS liar ARRIVED ir you are looking rar a mare or horse for any purpose, come and look mis stock over. Most of these horses are city brolr: so consequently are not afraid of any- Following are some of the bargains Sorrel team, very closely matched, weighing 2600 lbs., with new ,hi breeching harness, at $185. pan or Drown geldings, 6 and 7 years old, chunky built with new heary brechlng harness; this pair la wry showy and are Just as good as they look; $275 will take. them. ; Span of black mares weighing 2400 ion,, a years oin, at izzt. , . Span of bay mares. welghlnabJlOO lhs and they are beauties; $185 will take mem,. . Seven head of horses from $35 up, AH good workers; also several wagons. If you are In tne market to buy, come and get e aays- rree trial; by that way you know what you get. Call at 147 East l2th St..' one block norm or nawtnorne ave.. right In park. ROSE CITY STABLES. . 16fh and Alder. We have 60 head of mares and horses for sale; all slses and prices. Here are a few of our bargains: Pair mares, welgnt 9000, good workers and guaranteed sure breeders, well mated, as fine a pair ua you will find in the city price $386; pair bay geldings, weight 2900, sound and true, zu; team or geldings, weighing 2600, for $145; 2400 pound pair for $135; 2400 Dound team of bay mares, work single and double, price $165; one 1600 pound bay horse, no mate, will sell cheap; sevesnl cheap ones as low as) $46. Come ont and see our stock, as we have a large number to pick from and know you will like our way of doing business, as we guarantee, every horse soia oy us ana auow you one ween free trial; in this way you know you are suited before paying out any money. Come and see us. as it is a pleasure to snow you our stock. ROSE CITY STABLES. 605 Aider. ONE high bred black driving horse. weight about 1100; well city broke for women or children to drive; also fine runner tiMp puft ana harness, i will sell this oatfit very reasonable as I am going to Canada. Call 808 Frontr Star Stables. Ask for Mr. Sorrensen's thutf it ... Carload Eastern Oregon horses and mares, mi young and sound; weight 1200, 1600. Madison Stables, 185 Madison st at Hawthorne priage, west side. SNAP If taken immediately; one span geiaings, ana years, weignt Zboo sound and true;. double. set of harness practically new; inch wagon. All for $326. This outfit is -worth $500, t oot. oi wain si., west. siae. - ROSE City Park Sales Stable at 62d nd Sandy road, has good horses for sale at reasonable prices.- It will pay you to see tnem- tney are guaranteed. Aoamw : cnmrjoen. props. HORSES and buggies lor rent by day, week and month; special rate'! to business houses. - 6th and Hawthorns. East 72. YOUNG team with good harness and guaranteed sound and true; also 2 seated hack and heavy wagon: will sell cheap. Phone Ben wood 1669. 502 e. 6th, FOR SALE -9 head of horsese weighing from 1000 to moo; au souna to work, from S75 to $176. 664 E. 10th it Phone Sellwood 609, TWO span horses, good workers; har nesa. wagons, plows, scraoers. etc. $426 for all; $100 cash, balance monthly payments. H-883. Journal. TEN head of cheap horses from $25 ud 3 nearly new 8 14 wagons, 14 Union ave.. cor. Ash. FOR SALE Horse, wagon and harness. 350 Ankeny st. HORSES, mules, harness; farm, delivery and express wagons; cheap. Hubert & Hall. 11X1 water t,f cor. Montgomery. HORSES,, wagons for, rent and bparded. reasonaoie. coiumnia biaoies, sua Jiron HORSES and mares, all sizes: some well matched teams. Foot of Main, STALLS for rent. Team Ior sale,. 120 lbs. 129 N. llth 4- GOOD work team for "eale cheap; 6SJ Jnsley, Svllwood car, ' 25 bend rf horses and marts no. 1 w. '.l matched teams. In the lot are t. uh bargains as listed below. Bay team of eeldlnes. 2 inch Stude- baker -wagon and r,w - bree. lunij har ness. This team is thin from hard -work, but they are well hroKen, single and double, and absolutely fearless of anything. They are as true as steel and sound in every way. They weigh 210 lbs. now and will weigh 2300 lhs. In good order. The outfit Is comolete and a bargain at $225. Red roans, mar and ireldlnr. wolirh 2350 lbs., absolutely sound in every wav. both 6 veara old and well brnken double. They are dead mates and true ' to pull: are well mannered in and out of stable. If you are looking for a nice team, see these before vou ourchase elsewhere. Y DIDN'T COUMT Driving outfit consUtln? of coal black mare, rubber tired buggy and har ness. Mare is 7 years old, weighs 1056 lbs., sound and the best broke one on earth, as there Is nothing she is afraid of. She will road from 10 to 12 miles per hour and would make the most timid person an . Ideal. horse. tOride or drive. .;.. This outfit does not belohg to us. but is a boarder -here in the bam, and the owner, having purchased an automo bile, has no use for rig. He is attached to the mare and insists upon her get ting a good home, and is more interested in that than in the price. If you can show ns that this mare will be well cared for, come and make us an offer ,: and you can ownsame for Tialf its cash value. Ask for Mr; Johnson's rig. 66 Horse, wagon, harness, blanket, storm cover, nose bag, weight, halter, whip, it all goes with this delivery outfit; mare years oia, souna ana city broke; wagon in good order; she is working every day; you can ride on th wagon while the deliveries are being made and see what a wonderful bargain It is ior iuu. . . , 7 span, some at work, some In the barn, price from $126 to $250 per span. These mules are good workers, young and sound. There are ' mora bargains here than mentioned, but we can't name them all. Come and see the-farm wagons, delivery wagons, surrey, buggies from $25 up. Harness of all kinds. In fact, every thing in the horse line is for sale from tne livery stable on down. Everything sold with a written guarantee to be as represented or your money refunded. Bank and business references furnished. JVi-W. MAUIAKi) & K. U -KVAAS, Props., 15th and Couch Sts., Portland Stables. ' ' ONE span mares. years, weight 2200, jzzo: one span black geldings, weight' 2400. 6 and 6 years: 3300: one sran of bay geldings, 2400, 4 years old, $300; one sorrel horse, 4 years, works single or aounie?; cuy oroke; wei?nt lzuo. ib&. 808 FRONT. STAR STABLES. 1 PAIR horses weight 2500 lbs. true to pull single or double: guaranteed: 1 pair, weight 2800 lbs., sold unde the same conditions as ai i-these norses; 1 pair, -weight 8550; this pair has no equal: can have a week's trial. Call and inspect these, cor. 8th and Hawthorne ave. Travis Bros.' woodyard. HAVING no use for a nice pair ranch horses, will dispose of them with harness or without; can be seen at 451 Hawthorne ave. Mrs. Thurnbull. WANTED Span of mares, about 2400; : must be cheap for Cash, Call B-1681 after 7 evenings. - LIVESTOCK 35 THREE fresh cdws, Guernsey, heavy milkers, with heifer calf 1 week old. 619 E. John st, St Johns. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 48 FOR SALE White English setter bull dog (female); sIbo thoroughbred Spits dogs. Main 8458, Tabor 1317. CANARIES Few choice singers from imported stock, cheap. Tabor 817. feOYD, th dog man: boarding, expert care; anything ror tne nog. A-aSQ4. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS C4 ON account of illness am compelled to sacrifice my manogany case llallet A Davis plana lust year old: cost $600. O-280. Journal. . AM leaving for east and must sell an almost new Vou & Sons piano; will sell at a bargain. N-239, Journal. $96 BUYS larg Emerson upright piano; payments. Soule Bros., 127 llth St., near Washington st. Open evenings. A KIMBALL pl-ino. sughtly used, for sale mt a bargain. N-238. Journal PIANO for rent, Woodiawn 2424 T3T 1005 E. 10th N. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 61 ROWBOATS, launch hulls, work boats, houseboats built to, order; boats re- F aired and refinished. T. Danielson, oot of California st; Fulton car. ' FOR SALE 20 foot launch, 3 II P. en gine, in good condition. 1574 Ma cadam. - FURNITURE FOR SALE 63 FURNITURE for ' sale; dining room set library table, bookcase and rugs, bedroom furniture. Phone A-702S. C E, Watson, 627 Everett st HARTZELL URNITURE CO. For sale, stoves, ranges, furniture, te. We pay highest cash'frlce for house hold goodsr 833-836 lat" Marshall 2476. FOR S AIMISCELLANEOUS 10 SAFES -New and 2d hand; low price easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 85 6th st, Main 6H09, A-411S. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit registers, , computing scales, etc., boueht. and sold. The Paclfio Store Service Co.. 227 Stark st. Main 7711. SPECIAL sale, of slightly used Singers, "W. & W" White and Standard sew Ing machines; easy payments. Call 183 E. Morrison near Grand, IVER JOHNSON, truss bridge bieycl... nearly new, coaster brake and mud. guards. B--H06. 8-889. Journal. FERTILIZER Well rotted cow an.J horse manure delivered to any part of city. East 2276. OAS range, steel range, water hn folding bed and bicycle. 610 Wilv llama ave. An established tea and coffee busincrs for sale cheap at your own terms. S- 378, ' Journal. " , ' ' CAPITAL JUNK CO.,' dealers In Iro-iT metal, rubber, sacks, machinery, pl;ie, tools, job lota 67 N. 1st st. Mar. Ik ;i X ALL kinds bouse ' furmshlTigs buuglit. . sold and eschsnged. ; Star Furnlturi Co., 880 Ilawthome ave. East 1047. . FERTILIZER, Well rotted cow and horse manure 1. llvered to any part of the c Hyv V.. 2 1 7 4 FOR SALE St(7re fixtures, coniiciC - showcases, cheese cutter, ToI.-.m scale. horjijedjRjron.a41 C.STHi, N, OAK rolltop d'f'sk and chulrs f-ri a bargnliu T-3SS. Journal, EOL- hulii .-grow a .i.s sud.-u i Valley Nui.suiv. ln.,3 C a n FOR SALE SO sarks Lun potatoes. Mjjt-,. M'ir. . STOVING piotula .outfit fci Park streot. TuTi t"V -4"s . 1 r: few tlhi',-. HVj, -"., i-i r .. 1 I IE HUNDRED DDL