The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Toxicurs A?rusr;n:xT3
HEIUG 'The Frlnce of tonight."
BAKER "The Girl From Rector's."
LYHIC "Miss Tommy from Texas."
OBPHEUM Orpheum circuit vaude
ville. PANT AGES Vaudeville.
KM PRESS Sullivan & consldine vaude
ville. PEOPLE'S Motion pictures.
Weather Con ditions.
Portland" and vicinity. Showers to
right or Wednesday. Northeasterly
Oregon: Showers west, occasional
rain or snow east portion tonight or
"Wednesday. Northeasterly winds.
Washington: Generally fair tonight
and Wednesday. Light frost interior
west, heavy frost east portion tonight.
Northeasterly winds.
Idaho: Fair north tonight and Wed
nesday, occasional snow south portion
tonight or Wednesday. Heavy frost
' north portion tonight.
Acting District Forecaster.
Inner Circle" t a The "Inner
Circle" of' the Portland Ad club held a
meeting for organisation last night.
The purpose Of the organisation within
the club is to study the technical and
scientific phases of advertising. The
purpose Is to improve the advertising
copy written by the aH men of Port
land and to lift the profession to a
higher plan. Commendatory of the
"Inner Circle" organization, Frederick
Hyskell, chairman, received a telegram
from Herbert Houston, ohalrman of the
national educational committee of the
Associated Advertising clubs of Amer
lea, saying: "Extend to your study cir
cle of the Portland Ad club and ad
readers my hearty congratulations on
this the birth of the educational Idea
in advertising in your club." Another
telegram from President - George W.
Coleman of the Associated Advertising
clubs of America waa also received,
saying: "ln the name of the National
Association I congratulate! each one of
you on Portland's determination to cul
tivate the educational Idea In advertis
ing." Ten speakers, each taking two
minutes, will attempt to answer the
question "What la ' Advertising?" at
the next meeting of the "Inner Circle."
The subject will be divided into four
parts and the discussion is expected to
be highly interesting.
T. ML 0. Ai Report Issued Five thou
sand, two hundrey sixty-five persona at
tended the Portland Young Men's Chris
tian Association in the four weeks from
January 29 to February. 5. This large
aggregate attendance ia. shown, by a re
port that has been prepared by R. R
Perkins, religious work director, and
which will be presented to the board of
directors of the association.- In all, 127
meetings were held, 14 of which were
strictly religious services, including the
four Sunday afternoon meetings. These
14 meetings drew 1831 persons, and, in
addition, 51 meetings of Bible and train
ing classes were .attended by 1116 per
sons. There are 19 sucli classes now
holding regular sessions, but they will
soon give way to a new schedule for the,.,were seven,
social events, attended by 943; 4ft com
mittee meetings, attended by 196, and
three special meetings -.addressed by Y.
M. C. A. secretaries and attended by.
oju persons. ; it is Deuevca mar tow
associations in the United States could
.. show religious work conducted on such
an extensive scale. In addition to the
aggregate attendance of 6265 men,' sim
ilar meetings were held In the boys' de
' part men t. which would make the total
much higher. - . - .
Safety of nation Samuel Hill, pres
ident of the Home Telephone & Tele
graph company of Portland, will speak
at the Westminster Presbyterian
church, East Tenth and "Weldler streets,
tomorrow evening at- 8 o'clock. His
subject will be, "On What Does the
Safety of Our Nation Depend? '' His ad
dress will be illustrated with stereopti
ccn lantern slide pictures, showing the
beautiful scenery along the Columbia
river, which elides Mr. Hill has had
expressly photographed and painted fori
this work. He will also show pictures
of road building throughout the. world.
No admission will be charged. Exhibi
tion will begin promptly at 8:15. Every,
body ia Invited.
meeting of the state board of fish and
game commissioners yesterday in the
office of William Finley, state game
warden, it was decided by the board to
stock the large akes in the Cascade
range with fish. It is estimated that
there are 80 lakes In the Cas ide moun
tains In Oregon which have no fish of
MUSIC, 611-611 Eilers building. Is now
a permanent Portland Institution. For
the purpose of demonstrating. ..the. su
periority of our methods and giving
them the widest possible Introduction,
we shall make special rates to all pu
pils entering before March 10, 1912.
All piano pupils will receive private
lessons. Pupils who enter previous to
March 10 may Join the class' of Olsa
Steeb for six months' term at $6 per
month, 80 minute-lesson weekly. After
March 10 the regular price of $5 per
lesson of 40 minutes will be restored.
Pupils entering previous to that time
may continue lessons for six months at
the speolal rate.
Olga Steeb'a' method of technic, prac
tice and memorizing by which she has
been enabled to memorize and play the
largest repertoire in history," wiir be
made a special feature of the work of
this school. This system of work is
absolutely unknown to any one except
ing the members of her family and can
only be learned at this school.
In the ; past two years Olga Steeb
has played over 200 different composi
tions in . concerts and recitals and her
memory never fails her. Her repertoire
contains -1100 compositions, any one
of which she is prepared . to play on
very short notice. With her method of
work she Is enabled to memorize new
music at the rate of from 60 to 70
pages per week and to retain every-
ining memorized. ;, ,-, t ;
Special attention is given to begin
tiers. Children beginning with this sys
tern should, as soon as they are far
enough advanced to play little pieces
with great ease,: memorize 60 composi
tions a year. Olga Steeb always learned
100 compositions every year from - ber
sixth to her 17th year. Her father,
who originated this system of mem
orizing, taught it to her when she was
six years of age. He has never made
It public It is now ' made publlo for
trie nrst time. . -.- -
Those desiring to take advantage of
. this fer should- apply.. at:-orioeQlga
Steeb School Of Music, 611-612 Eilers
East 629
W Jim,
LiBERxr coAL & ice ca
( : i : v. : i. c r t , i:
l....cs .. rrcl..t:y t.'.a j:::ce il.'.a
eur..rrr. s -tvr.l le used to con
vey large cans t' Vith young fidh
to these J:r:erer.t Ukes. The matter cf
closing the Willamette river betwn
the bridge at Oregon City and the Wil
lamette Falls, to fish nets was dis
cussed. An adjourned meeting of the
board is to be held Saturday or Sunday,
when the members will make the trip to
Oregon City to Investigate the present
conditions. -
Call for Roosevelt Ken. "Call is
hereby issued for a meeting- of all
progressive Republicans, to be held in
the auditorium of the east side library,
at the corner of Cast Alder and East
Eleventh streets, tomorrow evening at
8 o'clock for the purpose of organising
the East Side Roosevelt Progressive Re
publican club for work in the coming
campaign." This call was sent out this
morning signed by Dan Kellaher as
committeeman to all east aids voters.
Notices have been posted in conspicuous
places. The call enda with this state
ment: "All progressives. Insurgents and
friends of progressive Republicanism
are requested to be present and aid In
progressive Americanism.". Mr. Kella
her said this morning that he expected
great success in the organisation of the
Roosevelt club on the east side and
added that many pledges of support and
attendance had already been received.
Sentenced to feockpQe Hugh ' Mc-
I lure, , a cement worker at 46 Seventh
treetj, waa this morning sentenoed to
10 days on the rock pile and fined $300
by Judge Tarwell on a charge of as
sault and battery, growing out of his
attack on a 10-year-old girl last Sun
day. Parents of the girl, wishing to
avoid notoriety, did not wish to sign
a complaint against the man that would
take them before the grand Jury and
McCJure agreed to plead guilty to as
sault and battery. The arrest was
made at the man's home by Detective
Van Overn. The man la 42 years of
age and has a wife and two children,
all of whom are now ebjecta of charity.
The offense committed last Sunday,' the
man has admitted. Is not the first One,
but' .the child had been told that her
father would thrash her if she told. .
Baden-rowan Here Saturday Lieu
tenant General Sir Baden-Powell, head
of the Boy Scout movement, will arrive
in this city Saturday morning.. The
committee, consisting of Robert Strong,
Arthur E. Wood and William U Flnley,
who Will help entertain him in Port
land, expect to arrange with the school
board to have the children of the dif
ferent public schools meet the distin
guished visitor Saturday afternoon. Mr.
Powell will talk to the students of his
work. ' In the evening he will be the
guest of James Laldlaw, British consul,
at a dinner at the Multnomah hotel.
After the dinner a general reception1 la
to b held. - ;
"Stole for Kwrtag" Shortly after
midnight. Patrolman Powell discov
ered Ever Davis climbing out of a win
dow at 867 East Ash street, and when
arrested the man admitted having
taken a pal? of glasses, a brooch and
a bill book, but . stated that it was
done for revenge. He said he went to
the room of Lester Day, who had In
vited Mm to spend the night, and that
Day assaulted him, whereupon he took
the things . and attempted to leave.
The case will be' tried tomorrow.
Kicks Snif Oomes 8TIowly Attorneys
in the case against Burt Hicks, charged
with- killing- WrHL Wortman- last- fall
over labor troubles, occupied this morn
ing in questioning. A E. Lambertson,. a
talesman, relative to his prejudices In
the' case. Larnhertson la the second
man to be called by the defense upon a
peremptory challenge. A Jury la ex
pected by Thursday evening,
Ternoa School Meeting The Parent
Teacher' association of the Vernon
school will hold Its regular monthly
meeting Wednesday at t o'clock. There
will be a very Interesting talk by Miss
Lillian Tingle on "Domestic Science. "
Everyone Is invited to be present
Sold ZJauor to Indiana, Allsgl The
trial or Lloyd Chandler for selling
liquor to Slleta Indians is In progress
today before ; the federal court The
prosecution is' being conducted by As
sistant United States Dlstrlot Attorney
Robert Magulre.
"The Revolution In Industry an& the
Evolution of Capitalism." Lecture by
William Thurston Brown, principal of
"The Modern School," tonight 8 o'clock,
in the school rooms, Behnke-Walker
building, Fourth and Morrison St.
Albert Ehrgott to Speak Socialism
and the ethics Of Jesus will be the sub
ject of an address by . Albert Ehrgott
at People's hall, East Seventh and An
keny streets, Wednesday night at 8
o'clock. Admission free.
Crawfish in season again, special
cooked in wine; always fresh ev
ens Grille. French dinner from 4 to 8.
248 Ash street, opposite Multnomah ho
tel. Professor O. Morris win give a free
illustrated lecture on "Love, Courtship
and Marriage" at. 511 Tamhill, Wdnes
day evening. .,., .:
Chart M. kaboook, at Maryhill,
Wash, has three good orchards to rent
oh shares with buildings and farms ad
joining. Refrences required,
Steamer Jess Harkins for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leave Washington street
dock at 2 p. m,
W. A, Wis and associates, painless
dentists, Third and Washington,
Albina Tnei Co. Prices all. gone to
Hell-o phone East 182, C-1117.
Werner Patterson Col, high grade
merchant tailors, 260 Stark,
Dry slab 93.78. Edlefaen Fuel Q
Dry alab $3.75. Edlefsen Fuel O.
Dr. 23. O. Brown. Eye, Ear. Marquam,
1 . . .
- $4 Piano Rent. .
All money paid as rent can apply" on
purchase price If desired. Ask about
our drayage plan, Bush-Lane Piano Co.,
868 Washington street -h
luxus Bar Opening.
Al Schiller and Kick Helser cordially
Invite all their old time friends at their
newly opened bar, 220 Morrison street,
near corner First.
Piano Tuning.
Expert piano tuning at . reasonable
prices, all work guaranteed. Tel. Mar
shall 2621,- Kohler A Chase, 876 Wash
ington st. -
New Pianos for Rent. '
At. Bush-Lane Piano Co., 856 Washing
ton street . -
T16U8B moving ana repairing James
Garrlck. Phone East 4427. 80S E. Mor
ris )n street '
1 3 minutes from First st to Oaks
rink. . - - e
Henry Woodruff.
, Henry Woodruff, who backs up his
good looks by acting ability, and la ap
pearing at the , Heillg theatre tonight,
tomorrow and Wednesday nights, with a
special price matinee Wednesday, in
Mort H. Singer's musical fantasy, "The
Prince of Tonight" is a golf shark,
according to his fellow members of the
Lambs club. Mr. Woodruff has a beau-
n miimu iy i iij
KHs I fats U
i m a A aft J I
ItlllMf i
Possess very
a .. i
Trousers have
the belt In place.
Vests cat
pocket and an
Coats have
fitted with extra
Young men's
gate DesfeiD
Fpotih mi Akttr Sfrecte
'JJal Our
Guarantee Means
The Union painless i
Dentists Is incor
porated under the
laws of the stat
of Oregon, and the
company la respon
sible for the guar
antee that foe
with' all of the
work that leaves
this elce. This
affords the publlo
absolute protection
against Inferior
workmanship and
gats Tta?. J
21lCMomfmJl. Phnnw Mam KQR f)pfn EyeningiL
t:."..I f T l.c-rr S . !:: 1 t i .-..' --r-
iett, 2.dnjrkt lile, :.... lurt-j Ce
summer, wUle entertaining several of
the Lambs at fcls horns, eaci cf Ma
guests modestly acknowledged that he
was the champion golfer of the club.
Woodruff suggested that there was a
private golf links adjoining his grounds,
to which he had acoesa, also that he
could get the various implements neces
sary to play the game. All enthusiasti
cally set out for the grounds, and were
there thoroughly and everlastingly
beaten by Woodruff, whom they had
never considered In their championship
argument Their astonishment, as ex
pressed to Augustus Thomas, the play
wright, at the club, was lessened when
he informed them that Woodruff owned
the links, which he had constructed him
self. Now they are all practicing and
threaten to hire aa expert to ooach them
to bea him next summer, when a lamb's
tournament will be held. ' .
rSeectsl te Tb Journal, t
McMlnnville, Or., March . The
Southern Paoif lo has a mr roved its service
to this, jlace by placing a gasoline mo
tor on the west aide between here and
Portland. The train made Its initial
trip yesterday and will be run regularly.
The train Is for passenger only and will
make the trip in two hours or less,
leaving here at 1:45 in the morning and.
returning at 7:50 In the evening, thus
giving the patrons of the west side a
full day in the metropolis. A new pas
senger depot will be butlt soon, grounds
for the building having already been
purchasd. ;
m ' i
(Brerltl to The JojraaU . .
Hoqutm, Wash.,' March t. .Fire which
for a short time threatened to' wipe out
the seaside business blocka at Mocllps
today, destroyed the business block and
grocery store of J. M. MoCammoh and W.
W. Kurt. The fire waa fanned by a
high east wind. A call waa sent for
fire apparatus to Koqulam, . which
aent it :
Brerltiea of Sundalev Wash.
Bundale, Wash., March. 6. The new
schoo dlstrlot reoently organised, held Its
first annual meeting March 2, ana voted
bonds for a new schoolhouse at once In
eMiivj aaiiiiiiiiic. mviii i i
m mi
The Young Men's Models for
many splendid an3 exclusive
two watch pockets and glTk telt loops that will keep i
very nigh, har o button, fitted witn
outside pencil pocket
soft roll English lapel or the stiff1 French lapel, and re
ticket pocket inside front.
Box Coats are cut a trifle shorter than
lines. Most young men's Coats will be finished with a narrow cuff on
the sleeves.
Colors most in vogue for young men are light tan and light tobacco
brown and the ultra dresser may have choice of the new shades of elec
tric blue and subdued purple, and there are also" pencil stripe silver grays
-as swagger as can be.
Now, although "Schloss" Clothes are by far the best clothes made in
America, they cost no more than the ordinary. .
$15 to $40
............ , , . . . x :
N. B And you, Mr. Conservative Dresser, will find plenty to
choose from in these splendid clothes. .....
EXTRA Entire stock of heavy weight Suits, Overcoats and Rain
Coats is on sale at greatly reduced prices. ,
r Clothing Co.
L Schloss Baltimore Clothts Schloss Baltimore Cothes
Non-Slip Plates Best of AH
The Improved non-sUp plates either upper or lower ar rttarasteed to he
the finest taat It la possible to make. We guarantee them, in every ease, to
fit perfectly, not to chafe, not to slip, and to enable you to eat with absolute
pleasure. We rnarante plates to equal nature's owa teeth la their natural
appearance. We guarantee every plate In every particular. Plates are mad
in a number of styles and of different materials, and may be had as low as
f 5 fully guaranteed. ' t
Yeswe'll give you is good
dentistry as the highest skill,
most scientific methods and fin
est materials Can combine to,
achieve, at a cost that you can
really affordand in every case
we guarantee to please.
Cl.s; :::ta creek caxysru '.-Iks I.1.J.4
Ees.k has teen employed far the sjrir.g
term, and school startel ca February
28 With 10 pupils and several more In
prospect R. D. White, IL W. Counts
and J. R. Shepard were the direotors
Cool weather Is holding back the fruit
in fine shape, the buds not , showing
any perceptible swelling yet The mois
ture is deep and wheat promises better
than In years. Fruit trees are nearly all
planted, owing to the tavoraDle planting
season. -
C 'A. Knapp waa closing a breech
loading rifle Sunday, the shell became
fast and exploded before the rifle was
fully closed. At first It was thought
Mr. Knapp had. been blinded . by the
powder, which blackened his face, but
there is hop now he will not be per
manently Injured.
i "
' Terrebonne, Or, March 8. School
bonds to the amount of 88950 were vot
ed by the district of Terrebonne for
the ercetlon of a new school The pres
ent school building Is toe small to ac
commodate the rapidly Increasing
school population. ,
Literary Club Organized.
Terrebonne Or.." March 8. The Ter-
rebopne Literary club waa organized
HWr fv-' : I: I
I Trr I Merk i responsible for its acknowl- ?
1 ' J edged supremacy over all other meth-
V'tri- ii
rrarnuri2ujxw prvjt
Spring in
an extra inaio,
the conservative
Schloss Baltimore Clothes
Our Prices
Pull Set of Teeth
, ..;,.. 85.00
Bridge Work or
Teeth. Without
83.50 to 85
Sold Crowns ......
83.50 to 85
Poroelaln Crowns,
83.50 to 85
Bold or Poroelaln
- PUllngs 81 up
-"-"h 1 l.h a'-: cf t '. Al-
thoufh Terrebonne is but 2 years' ell
and tas but 200 population. It is n-
cowea with more crranliatlons for
the social welfare cf the community
than are any other towns of Its else
in Oregon. The organisations are the
Terrebonne band; Terrebonne symphony
orchestra, the Ladles' Pioneer club,
Terrebonne Literary club, Terrebonne
Athletic club and the Terrebonne Com
mercial club.
Farmers Will riant Onion.
(Special to Th Journal.)
Terrebonne, March 6. Farmers In
this locality are busily engaged In pre
paring for spring planting. With the
heavy rainfall of the past two months
a bumper crop is anticipated. It Is
tstlmated that 500 acres in this dis
trict will be seeded to onions alone. Mr.
Terrell, living near Terrebonne Bold
8900 worth of seed from one-halfi acre
of onions.
A union of electrical workers Is being
organized at Charleston, W. Va.
e rserUsls
Poison Oak
Vi Blanchard's Iciema XiOtion.
,J Sold by Druggists. .......
FBEI diagnosis, instruction and ad
vice by C. K. Blanchard at 231 5th st,
Portland. He will also state how the
disease will act and disappear under
the use of thla lotlonLCall from 1 to 7
p. m. or write for symptom blank.
W. Baltes
and Company
incite yonr
inquiries for
First and Oak
Geary Street, above Union Square
European rtaa iM a day tip
American Plan $3.00 a day up .
New steel end brick structure. Every
saedara canraaUnce. Metek,xtae.
Canter af theatre ead retail district. Osj '
L ear Unas trsaifarrinf ell ever city, Elao
bte BMibwe saaau Uaine a ueaauu.
W .iWIVWP 1111
I . . . II
i nwa i I
... ' -- I tiSt$ I
:m : fell
f'iV s ". r I fcfelfte,
1 7r Wttmm
j I ' '''''''' I r?
lib' W. fW tec
w w u S
L. ' T IsHfmM
SCHLOSS jA 'I!) sx spfits,
f u
i l. .ii.i 'in!!-Lji.miji m rfryitr""SI
LttMi ttMl
" ll' I "" "fflii" ' ""' " ' .ill
V-B.WW j Jk ife .....
Rcr-d to VczUI;
Yes wt know It's
an old "copy book"
saying. But you've
proved the saying
many a time since
your school days
haven't you? . ;
YouVe found out, even
if you haven't gotten
ahead, that financial
success can only come
from keeping your ex
penses within your in
come. Let yonr savings do
more than accumulate
let them HELP,
Bring every spare dol
lar to this bank it will
be absolutely safe and
, Four Per . Cent
Portland Trust Co.
Thlrfi and OaJc Sta,
Phones Main I and A-U22.
TosJarat 8:15
f psolal Me
Hat. Tomorrow
I Tomorrow Vigbi
In th Musical Fantasy
rm rxxxca or Yosxdjrr."
Svsninrs Lower floor, II. BO. IL
sony, $1, IBo. 80c Oallsry. 6O0.
Wednesday Matin 41, TtTo, 0o,
lie, 16c.
Mrs Leslie Carter
In Rupert Hurhes Play
Management John CoK. '
tt; 7 ows, $1.80. . Balcony, first if
rows, 11; next rows, JSo; last I
rows Sua. ualierv. KQo.
. Ma
eat. Mat. iiower floor,-ii rows.
11.10; 7 rows, 11. Balcony, S rows.
lery, tSo-lio.
KaU a ana A.S3MM
Oeo. Ik Baker, Xtf.
TOnaSTan week, Vt.i Wd, (23o),
Sat (05O, aoo). i
Paul M. Potter" sensational faro,
Clever east One of the most laug-hable
attractions of the year. Evening; prices
o. 80o, T8q 1. Next week ROB ROY.
Kosrt T. Xslne la "The Ooward'M Kike
Bernard and His Any Butleri Wilson
Brotbersi Bio and Prevost Planaran
and Bdwardsi Charlotte MTBoroft
Cland Kood.
Statu imr say.
aUlvaa ft Ooneiflla
formerly Orand W SUTiaed Vandevlli
WZSK SCAJtCX 4 "Danolnr Girls,"
Phil Bennttt) Ma Sevlia Si Oo. Is
Ooufsts MerrltS and Boaa;l Orohs
tra. prices, IB and 850.
Uatinee Dally
WEEK MABCTSt 4 Toyshop Pastimes I
Frits Heuston; Metropolltaa Quartet t
Moor and Brownlng The Colonial
.n..f Wa. WaII WalAwlvis W&n-
jtarescope. Popular prices. atATrwEH
DAIIiT. box oiiio open itdio tu a. m.
to 10 P. m- Boxes and first row bal
eony rsrvd. Curtain 8:30, 7il5 and S.
yhonee A-flaaS, Main 4638.
togto Celt from the Xeath. .
Weiss, Ounnlnrham k Weiss, au4
em Parformanoes Hlrhtlr. Mat. Dally.
prtday Vlght Chorus girl' contest
after each performance.
P-ut your money In
A reliable pavement. .
V-olds fewer,
E-asy foothold for traffic,
M-ore durable and desirable,
E-conomlcal and efficient,
N-olseless and dustless
T-his Is Bitulilhlc r
rasMutat aitaaliM.
.Dry slab-83.75. Edlefsen Fuel Co.