The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    I II
M k k ill I U
(.ll IS iiLOEii,
Board Will, Make Great Mis
take if Site at Tenth and
. Taylor Is 'Retained, Says
"The library board will be making a
great mistake to build the new library i
on the block bounded by Tenth, Elev- i
enth, Taylor and Yamhill streets," de-l
clared Municipal Architect E. IL Ben
nett, formulator of the Greater Port
land plan, when he arrived In Portland
yesterday afternoon. i
Mr. Bennett aald that w)ile he was
In Portland making studies for tha plan
Vifh Mn tarTtA with HAnW..u. n
brary board concerning tha site for the
library either facing one 'df the park
blocks or on the widened Madison street
Iff conformity with the plan, - "
"I was then told that no relocation
could be made because It had not been
found possible to sell the half block on
which tha library now stands," said Mr.
Bennett. .
"I am rary certain that thepresent
plan, if carried out, will be regretted by
all the members of the library board. I
understand that the argument for build
ing the library at Tenth and Taylor
streets la that It will there be more ac
cessible. I believe any of the park block
Bites or on Madison will be found mora
Honor for Oregon.
rne growth or the city makes it cer
tain, to my mind, that, the site to con
form to the Greater Portland plan will
much hattar urita th najtria nf tM
Munlclnal Architect Bennett la tha
author of the Ban Francisco 1915 exposi
tion plan, and Is consulting architect of
the architecturalcommission of tha ex
position. He says that plans are for
"ward to glva royal reception to tha "Ore
iron first" excursion which leaves Port
land the afternoon of March 12, and
added that the honor of first choice of
sites for the Oregon state building, la
a great privilege which, from the ad
vantage of location and the attendant
publicity, should ba worth a .great deal
to the state, - : '
"I recommend that Oregon be as well
br better represented at the exposition
than any' other state except, of course,
California mlvlnn Mr Rinnutt "It
will be a wonderful opportunity for this
state to exploit its resources, products
and home opportunities before hundreds
of thousands of people from every land.
The exposition will ba tha greatest the
world have eve seen." . . v
Mr. Bennett was met at the train when
he arrived In Portland from San Fran
cisco yesterday by President C. B. Mer
rick of the. Greater Portland Plans as'
t , 1 1 V
A t r C t I ftita
i I r.h, ',.-s riT.!.r of ti; fc.-t and vtitt
j siut-a to t,ie ciit: m'.h 1! tne city wow J
cirrv 1 r , J tr , l(. at VereaM ef
fort and lessened time. He also said
that the lateral "'proposed for running
northwest from intersection with the
park blocks at Burnslda would save' the
city from destruction from fire that
might some day sweep up from the
The establishing of a civic center with
the present city and county buildjnga as
a nucleus, a recreation center in the
neighborhood of the Multnomah club and
a transportation center near the pres
ent union depot, arc, be aald, simply fol
lowing in a definite way the present
lines of city growth.
He also explained his plan for ten
miles of subways beneath the business
portion of the city, saying that the time
Is rapidly coming when the surface
handling of freight will produce such
traffic congestion as will seriously hand
icap the business of the retail, ware
house and shipping districts. !
' One of the surprises of tha meeting
aullLiiUiit) lihiiL--
Vasquista Forces Get Ready
1 to Leave Chihuahua for Fin
al Stroke Against Mexico
City; Ranks Being Swelled.
(United Pren Uatcd Wire.
El Paso, Texas. March B. General
Pascual Orozco, now commander In
of the Michigan Boclety was the dlscov-' chief of the revolutionary forces, and
several hours -With: tha two officers-Of
in9 aBBTCiaiiun, buu annugcu w meet
the, executive board this afternoon In
regard to tha publication o the Greater
Portland report" . TT
fK TfiicU 1,500,000 Population. -
- In an address before S00 member of
the Michigan society that crowded the
ball room of the Multnomah hotel last
night Mr. Bennett predicted that Port
land will have a population of 1,600,000
within tha experience of many of the
people 4 living here now.; That there
should be a plan for the Intelligent di
recting of the growth of a city bound to
be bo great Is beyond argument, said be.
For more than two hours the munici
pal architect explained to the former
"Michlganders" views of tha drawings
that Illustrate the Greater Portland plan.
He showed the desirability of locating
the proposed union depot at the head of
If the Hair Root
Is Not Dead,
Do Not Despair
Falling hair means scant.halr, and
scanty hair means baldness? The whole
trouble la . caused by , dandruff germs
that destroy tha natural nourishment
that is supplied to the hair root.
6 A G E tha
scientific hair
nourisher, pene
trates Into tho
roots of the hair
and not only
kill the germs,
but supplies the
hair root with
jufit the kind of
nourishment it
should have.
y If you are get
ting bald; if
vourhalr 18 fall
ing:, don't wait till too late but
bottle of PARISIAN SAGS today.
It is possible to save your hair and
prevent baldness If the hair root is not
dead. . ( ... .,' , ;
PARISIAN SAGE . U guaranteed to
mtlsfy every user or money back. . It
stops falling hair, scRlp Jtch and ban
ishes dandruff in two weeks. It is a
refined hair dressing that puts a radiant
luster Into faded, dull hair. Fifty cents
at Woodard, Clarke & Co. and dealers
ery of the number of former Michigan
people resident in Portland. .
Xarge Hall Crowded. j
The large hall where the meeting was
held was crowded long before the ad
dresses commenced. While Mr. Bennett
spoke every seat was occupied and the
rear of the room was crowded with those
standing. 5 President Frost of th soci
ety, In introducing Mr. Bennett, declared
that the reason for the organisation is
to aid In tha building or the Greater
Portland. The report of the secretary,
Mrs. Harriett Hendee, showed a rapid
Increase in the enrolled membership of
the society. :
Mr. Bennett said ba wished to congrat
ulate the people of Portland on the suc
cess of the Greater Portland plan day,
February 29. He said that nowhere Is
there mora intelligent Interest in city
planning than in Portland. He la the
author of the Greater Chicago plan, of
a plan which has Just been completed
for Minneapolis, and he is now on his
way to Brooklyn, Ne York, where he
bar been engaged to make a plan for
the city. -
Last night's meeting was concluded
with a reading by Miss Christens Ander
son, a solo by Mrs. R. W. Schmeer, and
a "Get acquainted social."
(Continued from Pago One.)
school booksrcontracts wera let to the
firm submitting the lowest bid but It
will be noticed that the contracts are
quite 'equally' divided among a number
of leading publishing heusesvAThls
may mean nothing or It may mean
much that will deserve the careful at
tention of the members , of tha new
commission while they are working
with their identity unknown.
. Here Is Ust of Publishers.
Under existing contracts tha follow
ing publishers are supplying the books
used In the grades below the high
school: -
American Book Company, New York
President Francisco L Madero, at the
head of Ule Mexican federal troops, will
most likely decide the fate of Mexico
in a battle to be fought in the capital
within the next 10 days.
Jubilant over his decisive victory over
General Francisco Villa in Cludad Chi
huahua yesterday. General Orozco,
whose army Is now swelled to S000 men,
announced today that he would leave
Friday for a march against Mexico City.
That Madero will - personally assume
charge of the capital's defense la Indi
cated in a portion of his manifesto, Is
sued yesterday, urging all loyal Mexi
cans to enlist, which reads: "I know
how to. fall at the post of duty." (
WW Taxa Post at President.
General Orotco has announced that If
he succeeds in wresting Mexico City
from Madero's control ha will imme
diately proclaim himself:' provisional
president. Advices from the capital Bay
that Madero f greatly concerned over
General Oroxco's threat and today Is
pressing every available man Into serv
ice. - . ' l - '
Oroxco's army was reinforced to the
extent of 800 men last night by tha ar
rival cf Cent-rnl Cu:r.,-. a.-.l Us forces.
General lr.ti f.iUzar '.t! l.'.s comman J
cf 1500 rirn Is due in CiudaJ Chihuahua
today and rebel lenders In Jj.iivs pre
dict that General Orozco will have not
less than 6090 men at Ma command
when he leads the assault on Mexico
Small Force to Stay Behind.
Orozco will leave behind htm only a
sufficient force to guard tha larger
cities of the state of Chihuahua against
federal attack All other rebels will
Join In the attack on the capital. Gen
eral Salaxar and his force will arrive
over the tracks of the Mexican Central
railroad. He will see that Americans
and other foreign residents leave the
state before the main body of tha rebel
troops leave. So far as is known here
the ' Only federal troops - now In - the
state of Chihuahua are those command
ed by General Villa and his men are
said to be wavering Mn their loyalty to
President Madero. -
General Orotco today arrears to have
the situation in Cludad Chihuahua well
in hand. - Guards have been stationed
along the principal streets to prevent
looting and all stores reopened today
for business. The people are Jubilant
over existing conditions.
Business men and ranchers : of the
state. It was learned today, have sub
scribed $1,000,000 for General Orosco,
"ti which to finance the Mexico City
r h tOQ armed, Mexicans menacing
American cltlsens.iWa. ' renewal of the
fighting on the IV 1 js ranch, near' Co
lumbus, N. M, bttfeen Mexicans and
American cowboys, which resulted In
tha killing of four Mexicans and two
Americana, is expected hourly today.
Raiding and looting, tha Mexican band
Its are causing a state -of anarchy al&
their aide of the border and a strong de
tachment of United States cavalry to
day Is en route to Columbus to preserve
order. ''",. f :
'40 Pioneer Die.
(CWted Preie Litaird Wire.)
Btockton, Cel., March 4. Jacob
Bracks Sr., a pioneer of '49 and with
one exception, the largest land owner
In San Joaquin county, died today at
Lodl, aged 87.
Natural Introductory Gnoaranhy. Nat
aecretaryIlA..epeiit ttrs.v-Sehoel-Geefrraphy, r-
Newson & Co.; New York Modern
English Lessons: A Modern English
get a
A A 1 7
Grammar with Composition.
- Heath Cow-Boston An Elementary 4
History of the United States.
5 Doub ft Co., San Francisco A His
tory of the United States. . :
Maynard, Merrill & Co.. New York
Reed's Word fiessons; A Complete Spel
ler. ,
D. Appleton ft Co., New -York- First
Book in Hygiene; Graded Lessons In
Physiology jnd Hygiene. , ;.
W. H. Wheeler ft Co., Chicago
Wheeler's Graded Primer; Wheeler's
Graded First Reader; Wheeler's Graded
Second Reader; Wheeler's Graded Third
O. P. Barnes, Chicago The Outlook
Writing System; The Outlook Copy
Slips; The Outlook Practice Book; 'Em
pire Writing Speller.
The Prang Educational Co., New York
Art Education Drawing Book Course,
eight different, books; Text Books of
Education, seven different books. ;
Ginn ft Co., Boston Agriculture for
Beginners; Primary Arithmetic; Prac
tical Arithmetic; New Educational Mu
sia Course In first, second, third, fourth
and fifth readers; Cyr's Fpurth Reader;
cyrs Fifth Header.
Books for the high' school course are
furnished by the following publishers
D. C. Heath ft Co., Boston Algebra
for Secondary Schools; An Academic
Arithmetic; A German Grammar for
Schools and Colleges; A German Reader
for Beginners.
American Book Company, New York
A New Astronomy; A Compend of Ge
Powers ft Lyons, Chicago - Office
Methods and Practical Bookkeeping.
Ginn ft Co., Boston Elements of Bot
any: An Elementary Study of Chemls
try; Plane and Solid Geometry; Gen
eral History for Colleges and , High
Schools; Cicero's Orations and 'Letters;
Virgil's Aeneld; A First Course in Phys
ics. , : ; ;
Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston-?
The Government of the American Peo-1
pie. - . - j
Silver, Burdett ft Co., New York I
The Elements of Economics; Caesar's
uauic war.
Newsom ft Co., New York A Modern
English Grammar with Compositions.
Scott, Foresman- ft Co. Chicago
Composition and Rhetoric; English Lit
erature; American Literature,
World Book Company. New York-
Hand Book of English Composition.
The Macmlllan Co., New York A
Student s History of the United States;
New Physical Geography; Introduction
to zoology,
Atkinson. Mentzer ft G rover. Chicago
A Flrst Latin Book; A Latin Gram
Maynard, Merrill A Co., New York
A Treatise In Physloloey and Hvalene.
-f rT9 rap. aTft m n
Bronchial Troches ortnuiM Ltwvw wuupu
" Tilers Unotbluf more effeetivefnr Throat Irrlta- n'nifed Presa tid wir. '
tlon,Hoarene and Cough. Sixty yean' rep .; Paris, March 5. It liall just been
tatlon. Soldonlyin boxes. Sample mailed free. mttda known that the Baron GuBtave
JOHK L BROWS ft SON, Boitoa, Maaa, . Ve Rothschild, who died here a few
' ' "1 weeks ago, left $200,000 for the relief
Absolutely Pure
Ught Biscuit '
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine' Puddings
Flalcy Crusts
The only Baldng Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
of poor Tenants. -The sum will tie ex
pended In the erection of cottages near
Paris, to be rented to working people
for no more than upkeep and deprecla-
it Y rre xr . . ! tlon amount to. .
Here 8 an Ufrer YOU bhOUldl Bai are the American tenements,
i tne average is rar sdovs tnose in Fans.
For the Stomach
Not Overlook.
Rexall tJyspepsla Tablets remedy
stomach troubles by supplying tha one
element, the absence of which In the
gastric juices causes Indigestion and
dyspepsia. They aid tha stomach to di
gest food and to quickly convert It into
rich red blood and- material necessary
for overcoming natural body waste.
Carry a parage of Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets In your vest pocket, or5 Jteep
them lit your room S Take one after
each heavy meal and Indigestion will
not bother you. '
We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tab
lets are and-what yiey will do. We
guarantee them to relieve Indigestion
and dyspepsia. If they fail we will re
fund your money. Tljree sues: ZS cents,
Owl Drug Co. Stores In Portland, Seat
tle. Spokane, ,Bni Francisco,. Oakland,
Los Angeles and Sacramento..
The latter arc almost Invariably In the
old- parts, of the city, In buildings hun
dreds of years old,-with no ventilation
or light, thick, damp walls, and are un
connected with the sewage system. In
addition the rents are rising rapidly.
Warehouse for Rent
Low rental. In new brick building,
15x100, just being completed at Hood
and Baker streets. This is the best
proposition In South Portland from a
rental standpoint. A, L. Fish, care The
Grand Spring Opening
Sale of Art Needlework
New Designs and Stitches .
We create the newest ideas in Art Needlework. Our shop is devoted
exclusively to this craft. Our creations and designs are the newest,
and most beautiful in the market.
THIS SPECIAL SALE is inaugurated for a few days only to ac
quaint you with our stock. ,.
We give free Jessons in embroidery every day. A few lessons under,
our guidance will enable you to work the most intricate designs.
THE NEW PUNCH "WORK DESIGNS, which are so popular this
year, are found here in abundance. Note prices below for money
saving specials: -
New Punch Work Waist Patterns, stamped on voile. Regular $1.00
values, special , , . . .69
New Collar and Cuff Sets, stamped on voile or linen. r Regular 50c
values, special .39
New shapes In Handbags, stamped on white or tan Knen. Regular
50c values, special 35f
New Children's Dresses, - completely made and stamped for. em
broidery, special ................... f 1.40
New Lunch Goths and Napkins, stamped on best damask
The Needlecraft Shop
w- mm m"Wm- "
Four Cuff
CtJFP' SHIRT has an extra pair
of attachable sew-on cuffs to
match, made so that they can be
stitched! on in . place of the origi
nal ones when they become frayed
on the edges. When you recuff a
"No-Fade Four-Cuff v Shirt it is
made as good as new and without
. - (, - -. ' ; '
Tht assortment" of "NO-FADE
all the latest popular weaves.
Our Price
Brook Hats
BROOK HATS mean smarter styles,
better qualities, in THE NEW
For men, women and
children : guaranteed
six months.
i i" I
Our Merchants Luncheon is
all that business men desire.
Quiet and business-like-ready
to "s e rve the instant
you are readyfrom 1 2 to 2
SO Cents
Telephone connection -at your-iable on request
Special attractions in Music and
entertainers every evening from
6:15 to 8:15 and 10:15 to 12:15
Piano. Rent." i
Wa will rent you a new piano In any
wood for $4 per month and apply tha
mnim nq. tU)0.,. Bold only, by Xhi re.nlLnneurphaseartasaXreA
Kohler A. Chase, 876 Washiarton et,
Crowdi attend Oaks rink these days,
r-1 imm :ia
Sari Francisco $6.00 and Up
- (Two Days Sightseeing: at San Francisco, with Meals and Berth Free)
We used these SKINNING KNIVES to
We float akin yon
Thronged our store Satur
day, the first day of our
dreda of satisfied people
bought hundreds of dollars
worth of cutlery, manio'ire
sets, razors, - hqnes. strop
pins;' machines and ' ether
shaving sundries at BAR
GAIN prices heretofore un
heard of In Portland.
i r.. i
-l f .
: 1 '
We skin tha prices
Every article reduced so
LOW that you cannot re
sist buying. : About thrte
dozen of these Skinning
Knives, regular 60c and 75c.
for quick sale, NOW 'oe.
Iu-(?. BOc and 75a Butcaor,
Cooking Carving Knlvjs,
NOW 25. Kitchen
Knives, all makes. NOW
5a. "
Shop Early in Day if Possible
Buch GENUINE BATtOAINS will find large numbers of buyers. Many
dollars can be SAVED by attending this sale. The OPPOnTUNITV Is
Genuine Stance Cook Knife end
SUcer, reg. 60a and 78o, NOW 37
Carborundum Knife Sharpener, reg.
25c. NOW , 8
Ilenckel's Flexible Manicure KIVs,
reg. 60c and 75o, NOW 230
Manicuring scissors, reg. 760 ma
w ............
$1.00. NOl
Pocket Krtlves. 11.60, NOW. ..95
Pocket Knives, reg. $1, NOW feft
Pocket Knives, reg. 75 o. NOW 4S
Prun'g Knives, Shears 33 1-3 OTt
Safety Raiorg, all makes, 80 OTT
Swarty Dry Hones, SI, NOW 25
Genuine Carbo Maenetic Razor, res.
12.60. and $J, N0W,.....,.i.25
All Other Goods Reduced Proportionately
All kinds of razors and tools ground and sharpened. Mall orders filled
'promptly and express charges prepaid on orders of 5 and over.
Gillette Safety, Blades Regular $1.00, NOW ...... .,,?... v '.80
Y. M; C. A.
WITH MA&CH, 1912.
BoUdlng, Cor. Sixth and Taylor streets.
, . " ; "' . " :, ' Fee
' Class , - j jto.
Advertising Sismt
Algebra 6 0i
Assaying 15 (K
Apple Culture , , ,No F
Arcnueci. utslii
Arithmetic - . ,
Boys' School
Business Eng. and Cor
Business Law . . . 4
Carpentry and .Woodturnlng. .
Chemistry ............ . , . . ,
Electricity and Electric Machinery 15.0
...... t
- 2 OH
2 no
. 2,0
10 en
10 OH
3 00
5 o
6 on
Enirlish for Forelsm Man.
Kngllsn Grammar and Reading...
English Grammar and Rhetoric. ,
English Literature .......
Freehand Drawing
Forestry and Iinmberlrg
Geometry . .s
German , , 6 on
iAtln t , 5 o i
Mechanlcsl Drafting 7 .to
PenmanshlD ., 20ft
Pharmacy 5io
Plan Reading and Estimating,.,, m
Plumbing Shop practice , Hid
fubllc poaKing ........... . j ... . 6 On
Reinforced Concrete Construction
Salesmanship and Advertising
spanisn .......... i
8horthnd , .
Show Card Writing
j ypewruin
vocal M
i .
V no
A 0,)
H 00
3. 0!i
Call or send for Free Illustrated C.utu
mllar schools Seattle, Taroma, f'tto-
Footer Ct IClc!r;i:
High Grada Commercial ani i -
: ,' fcr Tti aei r! '
T (