The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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rC r"'s ttr KOV7 111 ? : '- s -for .j... ir
::;;:ae-3 Lien; Chopper, Entertainer Alilis, All Enjoy Dininn in C::r Eccutiuil .Ftii 11. Rc:t:.::r".:: LcC:;:
WEATHER REPORTShowers tonight-' or Wednesday.
?stlQiiM3 - Is-TalMrag-of- Hiq
See " Kiset" Photos
of Oregon
shown by. sterioptican , in' a epedal
auditorium on fifth, floor tomorrow,
11 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Over a hundred beautiful new hand
colored subjects depicting Oregon'i
superb mountain scenery, rivers, lakes
.and seashore.
Plenty of seats free, of course 1 .
Sale 50c "Standard"
Shoulder Braces 4 1 c
, y nssT ixoob, , jronoH tzcTxoar
MANY men, women and chil
dren would be better off if
they wore a pair of these splendid new
Shoulder Braces. They hold the body
erect, straighten the shoulders and compel-deep
breathing; 50c regularly. 1,
Tomorrow they are priced at only "1C
5c Ribbon Hat Wire, oa sale at only 3
25c block of Linen Tape, on sale at 10
5c Berkshire Hooks and Eyes for 4
5c Merceriied Thread, colors, only 3
10c Queen Stocking Darners, at only 7t
36c Washable Hair Rolls, at only 19
Children's 25c White Wihon Hose Sup
v porters, sizes 2 to 14 years, pair-IS
lQc cubes of colored Head Pins, at 6
3c jHt Pins, 8 and 9-lnch only, 6 for 8
25c Prima Donna Shell Hair Pins 15
SilkoJine Darning Floss, 2 spools, at B
Si i ' , ' '
HOW many of you have ever seen an actual, full-size Woolen Loom in opera
tion? Who of you ever visited a shirt or overall factory where busy hands
guided the swiftly-driven machines. to the completion of every detail? You'll see these
and many more interesting manufacturing exhibits in the great "Made-in-Oregon" Expo
sition which has kept the Meier & Frank Store thronged since Monday morning.
Scattered from fifth floor to basement are the exhibits where tents, awnings, men's
waterproof clothing, pennants, a mohair loom, mattresses, bed springs, trunks, women's
hat frames, gas mantles, pottery, etc., are being made.
Come tomorrow learn more about hpnie industrymore about the goods made in Ore
gon for Oregonians. I v- . !
RS&foR Sale Conteed!
UNDREDS and hundreds of women purchased the. season's needs in Rib
bons today. Beautiful All-Silk Ribbons for the new ' Spring; and Sum-
mer millinery, girdles, hair bows,- etc all
fresh and newt Sale continues tomorrow. '
35c and : 40c : Rib
born rich warp
prints, taffetas, sat
ins, messalines. checks afrin-
etc., in light and dark col-
Jfnced atthe yard II t
50c and 65c Ribbons fancy
warp prints, Dresdens, checks,
stripes, etc., 5 inches wide. OJV
Priced at only, the yard uC
20c Plain Silk Ribbons Taffe
tas and moires in all staple shades
-4 inches wide. Splendid? 1 O
for hair bows, etc. Yard l&C
25c All-Silk Ribbons Taffetas
and moiresjn a full line of light
and dark staple shades. For 1 7
millinery, hair ribbons, yd. 1 1 C
75c and 85c Ribbons beautiful
fancy warp prints, Dresdens, sat
in striped and novelty J
styles, 6 inches wide. Yard
$1 and $1.25 Ribbons the love,
liest of warp prints, Dresdens,
satin striped borders, etc Beau
tiful quality, 7 and 8 ins. C7
wide. Priced at, the 'yard 3 1 C
An Added Note of Newness in
Lace Trimmed Quits
racoarp riiOOB -vint bldo
CHIC different l" And there are scores
. of just such smart new models as
the ojie sketched here each distinctive and
exclusive in its own particular style. The very
last letter we received from our Paris office
assured us authentically of the popularity "of
lace-finished, semi-tailored and afternoon suitsr
Then, too, the clever little cutaways
short and caught with 2 and 3 but
tons. Skirts cut straight" and narrow.
And the materials, as well as styles, were
never more varied never so smart never
more becoming than now. Whipcords one of
the favored of Spring materials, both plain and
two-toned. Pine pressed and twilled serges,
rich worsteds, hairline stripes, tweeds and im
ported weaves.
Models to suit every fancy and need. Severe
mannish tailored styles, semi-tailored and
dressy Suitsfor afternoon and visiting uses.
Come up to the second floor tomorrow and
view the Suits that are fast filling the great
ready-to-wear -salons. Priced at from $15
to $85- - .Vv' .
li "
! I
nrrraa cximns jlxsws, maut
BtDo orvxir vr to xsia sals
ORE than an ordinary ;
sale, when the celebrated
Kayser Knit Underwear with a na
tional reputation for style. Quality, fit
and elegance, is offered at the astonishing sav- .
ings quoted below t - V
- One of the most notable purchases our . department chief made while
in the East over 3000 garments, samples and mill lots, of Kayser Under
wear to sell at a third to half under standard prices.
Kayser silk, cotton,' mercerized lisle, spring-needle and fibbed Vests
and Union Suits included. ENTIRE PURCHASE GOES ON SALE AT
8 O'CLOCK TOMORROW MORNING. Wise women will provide a sea. ;
son's supply. ....... lu - -- v-V-ov ;'--.
50c Kayser Underwear
this lot includes lisle and
cotton Vests, low-neck, and
no sleeve, with French bands
and taped tops. Plain and
fancy yokes; our
regular and out
sizes,' priced at
$1.25 t Kayser Underwear
This lot consists of ' spring
needle and fine ribbed Vests
and Union Suits. Plain, French
and crochet " yokes ; low neck,
sleeveless, with
loose or tight knee.
Special tomorrow
75c Kayser Underwear
Vests and Tights of fine
spring - needle and ribbed
lisle. Plain and mercerized;
low neck, no sleeve, with
trench hem and
taped top. Knee
length tights, at
; $1.50 to $2 Kayser Under
wearBeautiful hand-finished
Vests and Union Suits of silk
and mercerized -lisle. . Low
neck, sleeveless, with loose or
tight knee, AU reg
ular and out sizes.
Soecial tomorrow
$1 Kayser Underwear--at
this price youll find women
Vests and Union Suits o
cotton and fine lisle. Lev
neck, sleeveless, with tigh
or loose knee.
Regular and out
sizes, priced at
$2.25 to $3.50 Kayser Under
wearHere are highest grade
silk and mercerized lisle Vests
and Union Suits in low neck,
no-sleeve styles. Fancy crochet
tops, French- O g
hem; regular M myt g
and out sizes V " w.,
ate the "Willamette" Tombrrow!
xooitd 7LOOB raw BTrrxsnra
6judxs trx ma
I.N THE midst of Spring sewing a "Willamette", should
. "be in every home! Think of the advantage of having
No.. 104 WiUamette, $26.50
a high-grade, easy running, efficient machine to turn to.
1 No better time to join the Willamette
Sewing Machine Club than tomorrow
Pay only 2 at purchase and $1 a week.
Thft model 104 Willamette, illustrated, is eauiooed with latest im
proved tylcJC." automaticirophead.. Beautiful, serpentine design of
fine quarter-sawed oak. With each machine we furnish a complete set
of improved attachments. - -
Behind every Willamette Machine stands our iron-clad ten-year
guarantee, during which time we agree to; replace all defective parts ex
cepting the wear and breakage of needles and shuttles free of charge
Come in tomorrow and try for yourself this splendid. Willajnette
Machine at $26,S0iRetncniber. our easy, club plan of payment .
THOUSANDS of lengths of Drapery and Curtain Materials Scrims, Silkolines,
Cretonnes, Swisses, Sundure Silks, squares of Tapestry, etc. remnants from
our own splendid stocks 1 to 8-yard lengths, worth double the amount quoted. In 5 lots Ckr
Sundure Silks at 1-3 off other lots include prices at 89c, 69c, 39c and J
$17 5 Lace Curtains $1 ;1 9
Brighten the home these early Spring days with
fresh, new Curtains. Fully 20 different designs in
cluded in these "neat Nottingham Curtains. Centers
with small figures and floral designs, both white
and ecru, 45 inches wide, 2 yards long; M 1 Q
$175 regularly. Tpmorrow, priced at only
$16.50 Velour Covers $12
' Wonderfully rich, these handsome Velour Couch
Covers in rare Oriental designs and colorings, exact
copies of superb Oriental Rug patterns. Dark blues,
rose, gold, brown and green; 60 inches wide and
3 -yards long. Actual $16.50 Covers, placed
on sale for tomorrow at this big reduction ) XL
Sold Uq?q EjchKiyely
... VorhJ'-
$6.50 to $25:
noon T&ooB-nrsr Bmxonro
If OR yearsTortlahd women
have known that the only
place in the city where the genu
ine Madame Irene Corsets can be
purchased is here in our second
floor section. Let your next cor
set be an "Ireneschoose'- the
Corset that's worn and acknowledged au-.
preme by the fashionable women of New
York selected from the 5th avenue shop
And from this same Corset Shoo come
the custom-made Madame Irene Corsets
that we have here in complete assort
ments. From New York where fashions
are created and where every Paris mode is
noted and considered in the creation of
these suoerb models. The ultra fashion
able figure of the day possible to every woman corseted ii
a Madame Irene. Priced from $6.50 to $25.
$32;50 Gds Ranges ftlfoSO
SAVING worth while to
morrow on this splendid
-burner Acorn Gas Range, exactly as
illustrated 1 :
Made with heavy frame, the large 16xl6-inch
Oven, heated by two long bar burners. Broils
and bakes with the same fire.
Our regular price $22.50 special t0 CA
for Wednesday and Thursday only lO.yv
Acorn Water Heaters $15.50 A special price
on the Acorn No. 2 Gas Water Heaters, a
triple copper coil construction, with 32 feet of
heating exposure.The cold water, divided
into three small streams, is heated far more
thoroughly than with a double IC CA
coiL Priced for this sale at only vlvJU
oss xx by iua
Fresh Butter,
fRESH Oregon Creamery Butter with a delicious
-'wholesomeness above the ordinary. On
special sale tomorrow, two pounds for only
English Bacon, pound for lSe
Searchl't Matches, 12 pkgs. 40f
Heinz' Apple Butter, stone jars,
for 45. ...
Mexican Beans, 5 pounds 25
75c bottle Olives, special 40f
Crosse & Blackwell's Marmalade
for 20c
Jelrycon, 4 packages only 30
Royal Baking Powder, 25c cans,
special at"20eV
Rex Sliced Bacon, 2 jars at 25
Crosse & Blackwell's Lucca Oil,
-. can T5. ... ......
Popcorn, 4 pounds at only 25
45c jars Beef Extract for 25
Best Asparagus, large can 22
25c Walter Baker's Cocoa 19
Famous $ 15
est price we have
ever known to be quot
ed in America on the
c el ebr a ted Oster
moor Mattresses.
rnloon 1 hink what th
..iJTIWQtSTEREQ Cdiw: l lu-olLC UUC-
Y g,s,pAT.prrt niece Ostermoor Mat-
weighing 50 pounds, sold every
at $15.. Bed and Bedding Sale,
Jtiri li'uvi 111(11-
SI 1.90
$? Leg Couches $3.98
Strong, durable Leg Couches, custom made in our own shop, and
exactly as illustrated. Covered with green denim. .They're 6 to QQ
feet long by 30 ins. wide. Sell regularly at $7, for emi-Annual . vOVO
TsxxQ r 1.00a atinr flmsnif
TOMORROW we will be ready to spread before you the most beautiful selection of
new Spring patterns in the famouspundhar Wilton Rugs and Carpets that have
ever been shown in Portland I
We are now exclusive Portland agents for these high grade Floor Coverings, which have been
adopted, after severest tests, by the government, the Pullman company, in courthouses, public
buildings, offices and homes. - . .. - . ,
Richrnew designs in-exquisite colorings of blues, gjcens, dark reds and tans. Bundhar Wilton
-Rugs .in a. full jrange. of .5izes :
9.0x12.0 foot size now $45.00
10.6x;0.6 foot size at $52.6?
10.6x12 foot size now $60.75
18x38 inch size crieed S2.K0
27x54 inch size priced $4.95
38x63 inch size nriced S7.65
Bundhar Wilton Carpets in designs to match any rug. Sewed, laid and-lined, yard, $2.25.
16x7.6 foot size now S16.n0
6.0x9 foot size priced $27.00
8.3x10.6 foot size now $39.60
018 Brussels Rugs $16.20
A. new shipment of heavy, durable Tapestry
Brussels Rugs in artistic small figures, two-tone
browns, tans, greens and blues, the ri A O
$18 grade, 9x12 foot, priced now atj)lDZl
7.6x10.6 Tapestry Brussels Rugs now $12.6( "
8.3x10.6 Tapestry Brussels Rugs now $14.40
$ l'j Metal -Bed8r.88.3S
Chill-less Metal Awl rortiw acilluc-
ww -VJ
trated, 4-6 size, finished in ivory, white
nr' Vfni Martin ; CinUr 4a ...
m tomer arid no phone orders "taken.
Is . r i . . . : j, . . . .
VL ti WJii j;
To make room for fouis cars of new .
Linoleums now on the road .we quote
these big savings on all odd rolls, of
our best printed and inlaid grades : .
63c Printed Linoleums, yard; 45J
77c Printed Linoleums, yard, 57
$1.13 Inlaid Linoleums, yard, 93
$1.35 Inlaid Linoleumsyd., $1.09
S15 Tapestry Rugs 511.50
Full 9x12 foot room size Tapestry Rugs in
a great assortment of new colorings and pat
terns for bedrooms, Hiving rooms, eta Splen
did $15 grade. For "Wednesday Ai H
and Thursday priced as; low ;as bi JU
8.3x10.6 foot Tapestry Rugs priced at $10.00
Kilmarnock Scotch Rugs
Size. " Marked Special
36x63 . inch.V. .$ 6.00 ' $ 4.35
6x9 foot....... $18.00 $12.95
8.3x10.6 foot; .$27.00 $19.85
9x12 foot. ... .$30.00 $22.85
Kazak Wool Rugs
10.6x12 foot.. ...$12.00
9x10.6 foot.:.... $10.00 '
9x12 foot ...... $11.00
SemiAnitual Gale: price