The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1912, Page 17, Image 17

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The Foreman "Hareu't y taken the diagonal men
uremeat ! that box, from eoratr to eornert , I'm la
a hurry I"
The New Slipping Clerk "Presently, atr. I bare the
meaeurementa of the aide and and and le squared them '
and added the squares and I'll baTe the result you wish
In a few minutes."
Author Ta glad te ie wry ttory
suke yoa weep. ITbat part do you
think" Mdr
Editor "The part where the here baa
to e!l bis watch fob te buy a gold-
He TVTO y Barry !
She "No but M ttn be
. Be "Alwtym. I rx (orget
your klBdaoaa." A .
- rrtend "I hear youvo ten on -
Clpur 8letmii Hi Hwlr rtBtrOTiT
Night Clerk "Gives U porter a IS tip for bruiting
Mi II tat." ' ' ,
papers all wlattrt" D EaUblts "Do yon call these
Mi PrfnT"Tn- nis 'am far (- Berv looklnr ebiecta nancakss?
olM U my feit warm.' Walter "It I didnt I'd lose my Job." beaded walking stick."
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Monday's Delayed News Briefly Told
Itanomo of World Happenings Received From 3 o' Clock Yesterday
Afternoon Until 3 o'Clock This Morning. l
OongresslonaL ;'"':f ",
bouse baa passed a bill a-rantlne-
fltlaeashlp to people of Porto Rico.'
The appropriations commute has
mltted prorlslons for the Ban Fran
cisco mint from Its draft of legislation
and the fight against closing the mint
VU1 bar to bo made in the bouse.
A thorough Investigation to determine
lrbethar postmasters are being coerced
In the Interest of any presidential can
didate is contemplated In k resolution
Introduced by Senator Brlstow of Kan
sas. 4 progressiva Republican. (
The sonata Judiciary oommlttea has
ordered a favorable report on the nomi
nation of Mahlon Pitney of New Jer
sey to bo associate Justice of the su
preme court of the United States. , . . -,
In the senate Monday Senator Ken
yon of Iowa severely arraigned Senator
Btepbenson of 'Wisconsin for methods
alleged to have been employed by th
Wisconsin senator In his campaign for
his seat Ho charged Stephenson's eleo
. tion was brought about by the reckless,
extravagant and wrongful use of
money; "v. :: '".---' . '
A parcels post system Is provided for
in the regular postof flee appropriation
bill Introduced today by Representative
Moore of Tennessee. The measure
would apply the foreign .mall carrying
plan to domestto mall matter and per
mit the transportation of 11 pounds of
merchandise. The appropriation carries
a total of t2S9.S27.719, a decrease in the
department's estimates, of 11,352,314.
There was a deficit In the department
for the fiscal year of 1911 of 62T,-
' 964.94. : - -
The beet sugar - producers of the
country: entered -at protest with-the-ways
and means committee of the house
againet the free sugar bill, asserting
that Its adoption would destroy their
business and at the same time take
away from the American fanners the
' 130,000.000 which they receive annually
from tho beet crop.
, Congressman Hawley and O. H.
Wheeler of the port of Nehalem urged
the necessity of an extension of the
south Jetty on the Nehalem river before
the board of engineers tor rivers and
harbors Monday. Hawley told the com
mittee there Is 19,000,000,000 feet of
5,000,000 Cases of Catarrh
Only One Guaranteed
l Writs for free sample..
If one fourth of ths number of Ca
larrlPbufforera would use Clover Leaf
rfe.tarrh Remedy It wouldn't be very
long before tho other three fourths
wouia Know au bdoui 11. Are you go
ng to be one or tne nrst iourtn to
"ind out about this wonderful reined v.
or are you going to suffer until some
one makes you get it? Tou run no
risk. . We - guarantee this medicine,
with, a. regular j'money-back" guarant
iee. Catarrh and eolds make you miser
able. - Get out of the rut use our rem
edy and Clover Leaf Catarrh Remedy
Will have one more booster added to
Ita Inns' list of friends.
Price 60a. For sale by all druggists
or sent by mail- postpaid ty tne manu
Xaoturers, Clover Leaf Pharmacy, Clov
erdale. Calif. -
timber adjacent to this waterway, and
that the , country offered a splendid
field for dairying.
' A request from the navy department
for a 11,000,000 appropriation for wire
less stations was transmitted by the
secretary of the treasury.
The rules committee held an animated
bearing regarding strike conditions at
Lawrenoe, Mass.
. Permanent organization of the Wo
men's Taft club was effected in San
Francisco Monday, with Mrs. Abble E,
Krebs as president.: Hundreds of promi
nent women of the state are enrolled as
members. - '.:;':'"'. '
Senator Dixon of Montana has taken
formal charge of Roosevelt's campaign
by opening spacious quarters In the
Munsey building in Washington.
William J. Bryan, In disousslng the
political situation with Democratic
leaders at Spokane admitted that he had
found that Champ Clark and Governor
Woodrew-Wilson were the leaders for
the Democratic nomination among the
Democrats of the west, but stated that
he-favored Governor Bhafroth of Colo
rado as a possibility, although ie saw
no boom for him at present
A William Howard Taft club of Har
vard was organised at Cambridge Mon
day night with a membership of 100.
Those who were Interested In the re
turn of President Taft to the presiden
tial chair gathered in the trophy room
and effected an organization.,'. .,;.... ......
Returns from precinct conventions in
Oklahoma received Monday show that
287 delegates to the Oklahoma Repub
lican convention are instructed , for
Roosevelt and. ill Instructed for TaT
. ' -'-" ---BSHWPB ' : -
After managing an Insane asylum
for 14 years Sister Mary Regina Kerr,
in charge of Mercy, hospital at Jeffer
sonvllle, Ind., suddenly became violently
Insane Monday and attacked a woman
attendant -.
A spectacular raid by tovornment of-
flclals was made on the Sun Worship
ers1 temple at Chicago Monday. ' Dr,
Ottoman Sear Adusht Hanlsh. Prince of
Adusht, who before his elevation to
head of the Sun Worshipers bore the
name of Hennessy. was arrested charged
with sending Indecent literature through
the malls.
Rattlesnake venom has been used suc
cessfully as a cure for tuberculosis, ac
cording to a report to the Maryland
acara or health.
rnree persons lost their uvea at a
firs In a tenement ' bouse In Hanover
Street, Boston, Monday. Nearly 70
otners escaped in safety.
Trixia Frlgania, the actresa, starring
in -me sweetest Girl m Paris." an
nounoes that on next Sunday she la
going to marry Charles Goettler, her
personal representative for many years.
A wife's declaration that her husband
holds the "long distance spree record'
and his retort that her infatuation for
another man led her to propose an
"affinity party," at which there was to
be unrestrained freedom among guests,
were the principal features In a suit
for separation brought by Mrs. Amelia
M."'' Abrams against Dr. Alexander
Abrams and in his counter suit against
her for an absolute divorce. Dr. Abrams
is a noted physician of New York.
William El Reddln and German Q
Self f art, officials of the Milwaukee
Iron "Workers' union, will be removed
ssissa 1
iii'ui.ti.i.i''inTTT:-.-:.1... . .1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promo tcs Dies ttonOutcrfli
ness and Restontalns ncittttr
Opiumiorphinfi norfEocraL'
MawaawassBsai es Bawaeawawawas
. jduttSttd
AnerfedRemedv forCinisftn
tlon.Sour Stoinath.Dlarrhoea
- RcSimlleSignainreor
wi aaw v 't r b
S'Aft, .
' TTuaranleed under
'Exact Copy of VperT
1 U UV
-A II f.l I
0 n L' nM
For Over
Thirty Years
vms siirrAus iht. niw vans orrv.
....... ,
1 I r .... ' r a . nr 1 ' Nrrr.v-V Tl
I 1 I I JK-a . ' I I 111 II r -"""IT'l1 R l
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lr-A - T1I .rCX.1.'. t X JL if'-itJI 1 'wVl: II 11 ' -m j i I
1 fe1-"--- i..B. 1
I that lost by such settlement. State so
preme courts have decided otherwise.
Billings, Mont, March 4. Twenty-six
I degrees below sera was registered here
early today after the temperature feu
13 degrees in one hour. Snow lies on
the ranges at a depth of 12 inches and
much suffering of stock la reported.
Heavy losses to sheep men are antici
pated.. -
There will be no special railroad rates
this year either to the Republican or
Democratlo national conventions. . This
information was obtained from passen
ger trafflo officials In close touah with
the situation and an official announce
ment to that effect la expected within
a short time. ;
Stockholders of the Ban Pedro, Los
Angeles & Salt Lake railway, at a
meeting In Salt Lake City, authorised
the retirement of the existing $60,000,000
bond issue and the issuanco in Its stead
of (70,000,000 bonds on first mortgage.
Hudson Maxim, the inventor, declares
that in a short time there will be only
three countries In the world, and they .
will be the United States of Asia (In'
eluding Europe, the United States of
Africa, and the United State of
America, . j
- Big Lumber Concern Troubled. .
Philadelphia, Pa., March 5. Jwl re
McPberson of the United States dis
trict court today-Uateaed to arguments
for the appointment of a receiver for
the International Lumber and Develop
ment company, which - has its general
office In this city.. The concern is a
Delaware corporation and has a capital
of 16,000,000. It was organised for
the development of timber and agricul
tural lands In Mexico. ,
The petition for a receiver was filed
by four of the stockholders, who
charge that the officers and directors
of the corporation have by means of
payment of salaries and commissions
on sales of capital stock appropriated
to themselves sums of money amount
ing to $500,000.
to Indiana for trial In the alleged dyna
miting conspiracy, Federal Judge San
born of Madison having overruled their
contention that if they committed an
offense it was -committed in Wisconsin
and not In Indiana. '
v The three Mttle children of Mr. and
Mrs. August Belmont Jr., who have
been under the Pasteur treatment for
threatened cases of rabies at the Bel
mont home, Isllp, Long Island, have
been pronounced out of danger. The
children were bitten by a pet dog with
the rabies. ,
That society for Its own protection
sooner or later will prevent the mar
riage of the unfit was the declaration
of Rev. John Haynes Holmes, minister
of the Unitarian Church of the Messiah,
at New York. Mr. Holmes added that
he approved of divorce when applied
for after marriages have proved love
less, v -
A tabulation of birth records prepared
by the bureau of vital statistics shows
that a large percentage of the babies
born In New York City have foreign
mothers. -The present birth rate is
about 11,800 per month. Of this total,
8000 babies are born to foreign mothers
and only (600 to American mothers.
After .making thousands of persons
laugh during the 10 years he has been
a clown with one of the big circuses,
Raleigh T. Wilson of Lincoln, Neb., has
resigned, and hereafter will devote his
time to preaching the gospel '
At Cleveland, Ohio, last week. In a
quarrel, Donato Lombardo stabbed Tony
Pltchen In the cheek with the stem of
a corncob pipe. . Pltchen has died from
the. effects and Lombardo is held for
murder. ..... t
Pacific Coast.
Walter Ddris, alias Cameron, who was
arrested at Walla Walla Saturday,
broke down and oonfessed to having de
frauded Linden, Wash-, and Sumas,
Wash banks out of sums aggregating
approximately f 1000. Other crimes are
charged against him. While In Linden,
Edrls preached a sermon In one of the
leading churches and at Sumas won the
hand of a girl of one of the principal
X revolver in ths pocket of Carl Chris
tian son, . proprietor of the Star theatre
of . Brownsville, exploded while he was
passing through Harrlsburg, Monday,
the bullet passing through his leg.
Christlanson gave the gun away to. a
bystander. "
A central depot for the distribution of
eggs will b established within a ' week
by the Inland Empire Pet Stock A Poul
try association of Spokane to combat
the discrimination alleged to have been
practiced against them by the dealers.
Each 00 members will contribute 20
dozen' eggs, on the average, to the cen
tral depot each week and will enter the
market prepared to cut prices to foroe
a home markst. I
The board of euoerv'lsors- of the city
and county of San Franolsco has called
upon the city authorities by resolution
ar. dcr.l&rflil to h wldplv clrmilatad
I and ifalse advertisements proclaiming
, tn demand for labor, especially skilled
labor, In San Francisco, It was declared
that tho present, surplus of labor here
constitutes a grave situation.
Postal savings banks will be opened
April 1 in the following postof flees:
Pasco, Davenport, Kennewick, Toppenish
and Raymond, Wash. :
In a little atone Jar, scarcely larger
than a good sized thimble, and capable
of concealment, customs officials of
Seattle declare they have discovered a
new and unusually insidious method of
evading the treasury aot which makes
the importation of opium for any pur
pose, except medicinal, a crlma The jars
contain about SO smokes, representing a
value of $5.
While riding home from church on
horseback, Walter Hansen, who lives
near Payette, Idaho, started In a race
and account of tho bad roadway the
horse he was riding stumbled, throwing
him and breaking his neck.
Yakima fruit growers will loin with
the other fruit districts of Washington
and Oregon Is making a fight against
the Sulzer apple box bill.
Miss Kate L. Brown, of Granger, wbd
has proved a successful school teacher
and a capable rancher, Is a candidate
for superintendent of tho schools of
Yakima county. Miss Brown has Just
filed notice of her candldaoy.
Foreign. .
King George held his first levee of
the season Monday at St James palaoe.
In the absence of Whltelaw Reld, the
United States ambassador, who is con
fined to his home with a cold. Paul Cam
bon, the French ambassador, presented
. tt-i.j at.... i.j
A miners strike that was wholly un-
expected, and which had not been or
dered by the Miners' union, broke out In
three mines In Germany Monday, the
men leaving work because, as they as
serted, unjustified deductions had been
made from wages. Tho Incident, It Is
feared, may precipitate a general strike
of miners on the question of wages.
Miscellaneous. '...j
lit compliance with a joint request by
Representative Hawley and Ralph Wil
liams, tho Interior department has issued
a patent to one Sllets settler and Others
will follow soon. 1
The ' Interior department has duled
that where'a person qualified to make
homestead entry makes bona fide set
tlement upon unsurveyed lands with the
Intention of making homestead entry
thereof, when the lands shall have been
surveyed, he may make such entry even
though the land settled upon Is found
upon survey to be a portion of section
16 or 86. and that in such case the
state might select other land In lieu of
Get Rid of
Piles at Home
Try This Home Treatment Ab-
solutely ree.
No matter how -long you've been suf
fering or bow bad you think your case
is, send at once for a free trial of the
wonderful Pyramid Pile Remedy. Thou
sands afflicted as badly or worse than
you trace their quick recovery to the
day they began using this marvelously
successful remedy.
Pyramid Pile Remedy gives instant,
blessed relief. Pain disappears, lnflanv
nation and swelling subside, and you
are able to work again as comfortably
as though you had never been afflicted
at all. It may save the expense and
danger of a surgical operation.
Just send in the coupon below with
your .. nam and. address on . a slip . of
paper for the f res -trial treatment.
It will show you conclusively what
Pyramid Pile Remedy will do. Then
you can get the regular package for 50
cents at any drug store.; Don't suffer
another minute. Write now.
Free Pile Remedy
Cut out this coupon and mall to
the PTBAKID DBTa CO., 423 Pyra
mid Bldf-, Marshall, Mloh., with your
full name and address on a slip of
paper. A sample of the great Pyra
mid Pile Remedy will then be sent
you at ones by mall, -TREE, la plain
Can be quickly trcngthenerl-your liver can be ma3e
active your bowel will be regular if you willjjut take
It has a proven reputation in cases of Poor Appetite,
Heartburn, Headache, Indigestion, Costiveness, Colds,
Grippe, MalariaT Fever arid Ague.
Twelv Thousand BotUe$ Sold in the Northwest last year prove that It is
doing what people expect. If it didn't they would get their money, back.
Writs Nov fat Out Irt BooUct CoaUioIng laionuuos Ye Outit to Et
VOtl WiU Net ViuttoW, Diudm 0 Drit$ TUt TrmOU Back JainT
V.. it !
W c-
It's Purity Cosies rron aHitanl Soarce
lf The only proper distillation for fine and high
grade whiskey is through the old-fashioned process,
By the use of the mash tub and distillation through
a three chambered still. This may be Greek to the
average purchaser of whiskey, but it is true never
the less.
T It is better to have this class of whiskey in your
home than to have one made cheaply and sold
chiefly on a local reputation.
f Clarke's Pure Rye and Old Clarke Bourbon are
made precisely tne old way, the only right
way through the mash tub and three
chambered still. It has been distilled 6ince
1856 and the formula is the same today as in
that year. It is bottled in bond, 100 proof,
guaranteed by the U. S. Government
ana is mauc 111 uie largest. wmsKcy uis
tillery in the world. The demand for
straight Pure Whiskey built this
J If you get Clarke's you get the best
Portland, Oregon .
B -Mm, .a, r-
j I "'WBflsajaiFawtJW'et
. Vilsii si'.' I il nrJ
Every. Voman:
Is interested aad shcrald '
know about tiie w4rlul
mr Snmist f or YkT
b cannot topply V
P "N
MAKVEL Whirllnf Spray
Xhs new Vitslasl Syrlnre.
lUniirated book SMled.
61ti full pertionisrs nd Ur
ons lntsfuable toladlaa,
for sals by: VkldBtor Dras Os Wsodara,
usao w. ei
... r
i i
v. '
Journal Want Ads Par Best
; f
- . . ' ....