l -A C . A i IK I i) :: Av:.::iT..i ::an- ic.s and r ..; . Young men, why not better your con dition and learn the automobile busW Cff! G-'KAT PPTUVr yr ST'VMER DE MAXD FOR KELIAisI.R MEN. We train itvn for this wc:K and as sist them to positions after graduating. Fxpert instructions in each department To those interested, we ask them to in vest!gt& THK OREGON AUTO FCHOOL, 16S-SS 11th, Cor. Jefferson. . Men Take Notice! We want men to learn auto drlvini and repairing. We supply the help or one of the leading taxicab automobile and transfer company - in town, - and need, men of rood habits. We guarantee a position. You work on good machines that are in use daily. OFFTCF. 2n RAILWAY EXCHANGE. WANTED immediately, men and wom en to learn the barber trade In eight weeks at the International Barber School. Special inducements., tools free; percentage while learning; expert lstruotors, 15 years In the business; lifetime scholarship riven eaeh stu dent Corner Sd and Couch ts., Port land. Or. v - MEI and women to learn tht barber trade In I weeks. Special inducements. rercentage earned while learning. Tools ree, expert Instructors, 17 year In the business. 17 schools. A life time schol srshlp given to every student Moler Barber college. 14 N. 4th sU. Portland, Of . HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Strong, capable girl for g en teral housework, In small family, in bungalow, in nicest part of Portland Heights. This Is a good place for a will ing girl who can appreciate good treat ment. Will pay sad montn 10 suiisDie party. Takt Portland Heights car, getf off at Spring st, Inquire in drug store. or can up Main jbb. GIRL for general housework and young girl to assist In care of children; po sition will be open about March 10; one must rneak some English. Address F 361, Journal, stating position and wages wanted. COMPETENT girl for general house work and assist la care of two child, ren; pleasant home; best wage Call 697 Broadway, WANTED Thirty experienced sales ladies for a notion and case goods de partment Apply tomorrow before noon. Bannon It Co., 888-890 B. Morrison WANTED Married lady without chll dren to do chamber work for a suite of housekeeping rooms and some wages. 3XH 1st st. WANTED Good stenographer, must hare experience.. Writeglvlng age, ex perience apd salary expected. J-878, : journal, t YOUNG girl wanted In a tailor shop to help out in office. Call at once, 8 2 N. Z3 St STEADY middle aged housekeeper for. working man, 2 children uau or ao dress 187 West Wygant. WANTED Collar lroner. . Portland Laundry. 8th and Couch.- HELP WANTED MALE AND -. , I-;:.: FEMALE ,20 LIVE coupon agents wanted at Peterson Studio. 2S6tf Washington at. Bu chanan block. - - WANTED- AGENTS 6 WE need a salesman In each of sev eral excellent fields to sell our splen did nursery stock. A permanent place: "cash weekly nd asquai firm back of you. Write for particulars. Washington Nursery Co Toppen tsh, Wash. vnt: riK'Tft hkt.P nut make money selling ottt guarnteed-to-give-satts-faction stocfiffree outfit; cash weekly: exolustv territory. Yakima Vallfj e-irr r . . .... THERE'S money in selling our Yakima grown, hardy, guaranteed stock. Out fit free; cash weekly; eteady work. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Toppenian, Wash. ' - - - fllursory Co., Toppenian, vasn. AGENTS wanted to sell the best close In subdivision In the city, Just opened up. We pay a high commission. Call at office. 1108-10 Spalding bldg. . . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES B5 C, R. Hansen & Co, , General EmDloyment Agencies ESTABLISHED 1876. 28 and 28 North 2d st, Portland, On Women's Dept. 7th and Wash, sts. Upstairs. Help Furnithed Free1 San Francisco office 8C5 Howard St Bponane umce in pcniarn bu YTm. t; A. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOI . MENT AGENCY, SECOND AND ASHaTa Headquarters ' for competent loggers, mlllmen, R. R confctruotlon men, farm hands, and all classes of skilled and unskilled labor. Write, wire, phone or call at our ex pense. " ' i.M MARSHALL 2271 A-7745. - A square deal to employer and employe. No charge to employer. MUNICIPAL TREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE All clastes oY unskilled, skilled, pro fessional and clerical, male and female help furnished on sho-t notice. No fees. Men's department SIS id. cor. Salmon. Women's department 146 Salmon st Main 8665; A-6624. Bennett's EmDloyment Agency $4 N. Id. M'll 884: A-1989. Quick service, reliable help to employer free. Butts & Eldredp,e Emp. Co. I4H N. Id st Msin 8208. A-1291. SITUATIONS MALE NOTICE to garage and auto owners: I am looking for a position as ma chinist or , foreman and I would like to talk it over with you. Address or call at once. Mr. O. D. Cameron, 144 Williams avenue. MARRIED man wants farm (o man age; good references; first class hand with stock: state wages, also other con riltlons. V-878, Journal. POSITION as janitor or watchman, by middle aged Scandinavian., B-860, Journal. f '' "A LIVE specialty salesman wants good position, on the road; will pay cvn expenses if desired. N-371. Journal. AN.A-1 general merchandise clerk wants position; 1ft or out of city. R-867, " Journal. -...--.-r,-,r. GROCERY man understands meat cut ting. Wants work in suburban mar ket or grocery. W-872. Journal. WORK WANTED One, man with ' -team, excavation-basements and lev ellng lots. Abel Grehlo. Tabor 3092, CARPENTER wants work, day or job; very reasonable. A-875. Journal. CAKE baker, foreman, first class, W 377. journal. I WOULD like work on shares at truck gardening, A-37S, Journal. GARDEN and lawn work, spading lev ellng, seeding. Phone East 1387. SITUATIONS FEMALE YOUNG woman wants position as nurse or will do second work. Apply Main 1871. - . LACE CUTRAINS nicely hand laun dered by a careful woman, called for und returned. Main 6899. WANTED By lady, day work, Ad dress 89 W. Going st Phone Wood- Inwn 394. ' .EXPERIENCED man would like a job running a, fruit ranoh; married. Ad- rtress V-S70, Journal. WOMAN wishes day work. Phone East ftoz4, n-aozq; room 7 o. CURTAINS wanted. band laundry. WmllinKr-'... LACE curtains washed, 9 years expert; Tabor 2445, at home. ' NEAT, capable woman wants work by day, Main 8771, room 104. iWORK wanted We'lnesdav. Friday. aaiuroay, LACE CURTAINS laundered ZSupj" 1st class work, quick service. Tabor 317 WANTED A'l k'.rsl of rnke.-ver work. Mi'.iinery WrK j-nop, 1S lark st All Kinds of nt'.i'.ini-ry done at modern prices; shape arid making, $1.60; trim ming 25o and up according to amount of worn; lady furnishes own materials. frp.Tip, etc. A LADY withes situation tO'do second work in rooming house or hotel, an swer by letter. Mrs. B. R. B 184 East 6"th st. WANTED by a lady as housekeeper or chambermaid in hotel or widower's home. Room 13, The Hyland, 4SJ0 Mor rison LACE curtains laundered, sun dried -and bleached; work guaranteed. Main 7297. FIRST CLASS laundress wishes work bv day or home. Marshall 4467, A ,7868. AN elderly lad- wishes to keep bouse for a small familv or widow family. Address Mrs. B. R. B.. 184 E. 0th st. EXPERIENCED colored laundress wants day work or bundle washing. Phone Marshall 4040, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog- racher wishes permanent position; none woocnawn 1C4S. 'OSITION by young lady bookkeeper, 1920. DRESSMAKING 40 SICK garments made well at Hildreth's Ladles' Tailor Garment Hospital De partment, 109 Central bldg., 10th and AKier.T ADIES tailoring, alterations, coats re- lined. Mrs. Muckler, 581 Davis. ' W cars. Marshall 4646. NURSES 60 NURSE wants confinement cases, $10 7e r weeK; colored, woodiawn ez. FOR an experienced nurse, phone Tabor too or Main 4. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST BIDE THE REX Week $2 and up; transient BOo and up: are you getting rooms like ours, it not, change; all outside rooms, hot and cold 'water in each room, steam heat and bath, also housekeeping rooms. REX. 648M, Washington st. HOTEL KENWICK The heart of the business renter, 7th and Taylor, opposite Helllg theatre, a Quiet home for quiet people, strictly modem, permanent; transient Main 91$ A BEAUTIFUL room with private bath, phone and all modern conveniences for ISO per month; also single rooms, SIS per month and upwards. Calumet hotel. 160 park st. BEAUTIFUL room, private bath, phone and all modern conveniences, $30 per month; single rooms, $15 per month and upwara. caiumet notei. 16Q fin st STRICTLY modern, heated, beautifully furnished rooms suitable for one or two persons; lovely home, very cheap; azo Montgomery st NICELY furnished rooms in private borne. Modern conveniences. Walk ing distance. References. 473 Main st i ei. main suo. LARGE, neatly furnished front room, also side rooms, en suite or single, suitable for business. 168 H 10th, near Morrison. FURNISHED rooms eultable for one or two In room within five blocks of postofflce; reabnable. 188 Salmon, near west raric THE KlNi., 309 Jefferson Nicely fur nlshed rooms, modern conveniences, central, rates Including bath, $2.50 week PALMER HOUSE, 850 H Alder st 61n gle rooms, $2.60 per week and up. steam neat and rree Dams. EILEEN COURT. 16th and. Morrison; newly furnished Aooms, modern, 60o ana np per day, $a and up per ween, ONE large front parlor; alao- other nle light sleeping rooms; cheap rent 8b0 raaaison. NICE clean sleeping room. $1.60 week, heat, light, bath free. Mrs. Johnson, 168 10th st. 434 Burnside, two room suite; also sin- gle room, cheap; conveniences. Mar shall 4762. ' - 147V4 8th st, moms '1.60 un Per week. Free phone and ,th. Main 7784. LARGE 8 room, furnace heat, privilege of piano, light and parlor, suitable for SLEEPING rooms, neatly furnished; reasonable; walking distance. 645 H vyasningionst SUNNY front rooms in a new and up to date house, 208 17th; easy walking Distance, FOR RENT 8 clean, furnished house keeping rooms, bath, yard, on first rioor. ezo xnurman. Marsnan 1Z7 447 6TH STl, near College, large newly iurninea ironi room - simaoie lor two. . PLEASANT front room, board 1 or f girls; phone privileges; reasonable; pnone Main maci, iv in. mtn. FURNISH ED Fooni; private family, home privileges, walking distance. Marsnan bvi Davis, FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping and single; neai. teiepnone and batn; 1 niocK rrom wasnington, b7 mverett, LARGE, light, beautifully furnished room in good home. References. . 738 Johnson. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2 gentlemen, with board; references. 195 16th Kt. LARGE, well furnished front room; suitable for one or two; modern con veniences. 661 Everett, corner 17th. HOTEL NORRIS. 633 H Alder, corner 17th; modern, close in, quiet, reason- apie rates to permanent people, KICK room to rent In-a splendid local ity. Price $3.60 a week. H. Gunther, i Yeon ning. Marsnan is. tiiiKKfiNU room ror l or it persons. $2.60 per week: basement rooms $1 per week. 165 16th st, cor Morrison. NEAT room, home privileges, all con veniences, for young man employed 409 Yamhill. CLEAN well furnished rooms, $1.60 per week." 269 7th. NEWLY furnished clean, little room, In modern nouse,1 xz. us mn at iEATLY furnished rooms for rent 821H Ollsan. tICELY furnished rooms, close in. 609 Kverett et. 424 6th St. Very desirable rooVns, modem, close In, clean, $2 and tip. SLEEPING room for one or two per sons, $2.60 per week. 807 Jefferson st. ROOMS, 31. b0 up per week, free baths. The clay. 343 Morrison at $1.50 to $6, all conveniences, also tran sient, z n. i4tn. Marshall 2588 ROOM 3, 50c, $1 per day; $2 up week; THE CLAY, 848 H Morrison st BASEMENT- sleeping rooms, : close- in. i.zft per ween. 4ut utarK st FOR RENT To' gentleman, neat room, $1.60 per week. 456 5th st. ' S'ICELY located rooms, light and steam neaten. 471 Morrison. FURNISHED front room, rent cheap. 621 Kearney st. ' ' - " - :' $2-60 WEEK, furnished housekeeping rooms, 742 Savler st : FURNISHED ROOMS 02 EAST SIDE LIFFORD n The finest most un to date hotel nn the east side. E. 6th and Morrison, block from Grand ave, - Just Opened Special rates to permanent gnesta . Beautiful outside rooms with :: steam heat, electricity, hot and cold running' water in every room, $15 and C20 per month. i Rooms with private bath, $20 and 125 per month. - , - . Two room sult.es, with bath, for j two, $40 per month. ;Beautifully furnished, handsome i lobby, best Of service.. We c6rdlally invite your inspection. THE GAYOSA-Modcrn ronmsl hot and . cold water. Thone in rooms, elevator. brick building, $3 week up, with bath. f uv, wrwa ave., ana uaai utarx. THI3 ALM-:R. GRAND, nice, clean rocms, steam ht-ated, $2 per week up. 1214 Grand avs. 144 LEECH st; furnihed room with bath and light Mlsa, or Kussell Fhaver car. IKIV'ATE family, strictly modern, new house, entrance, bath, convenient, 20 minutes' walk. 54S E. Ash. THE MONTGOMERY Cor. East Mor rison and East 8th; nicely furnished rooms, 2 to 82.50 per week. Close In. 'iaIE LARRAB.:e. 227 4 Lanabee st; modern, permanent and transient $2.60 up. Close in. East 84. C-2788, ONE newly furnished sleeping room, $1 per week. 892H E. Burnside. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 UNFURNISHED rooms, t large house keeping rooms for rent cheap; square grand piano for sale. 40Vi 2d, cor. Ash. room 2. LARGE, bright, unfurnished house keeplng room, good location. Main 9451. ; THREE unfurnished rooms, 178 20th, 1 block south of Washington. . $ ROOM, unfurnished flat. $11; gas, water. 1 92 H Market st f ROOMS AND BOARD 15 SUNNY room, with windows facing east, board If desired; $25; home privileges, in private family. Main 8694. 410ft Park. TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern conveniences, with or without board, 884 Gllsan st. Phone Marshall 2956. WANTED Two young ladies to share noma wun rour other young women. Good meals. 762 Lovejoy. Main 8936. OUTSIDE room, board,." heat, bath! $5.60 week up; table board $4.60; meal tickets $4.50. 284 Main st. THE! CASA ROSA Large, airy, fur - nlshed rooms, with board, splendid lo catlon. 300 Jefferson. PLEASANT, large, clean room for one, $22; for 2, $40; all new, modern con- veniences. 88 17th. near Everett IF you are lookirig for good board and room where you can make yourself comfortable, come to 687 Washington st MODERN rooms, home cooking and baking, $6.50 up, 66$ E. Couoh st rnone b-zuzz. NICELY furnished room, suitable for I gentlemen, with board. 196 16th st; reierences. ONE large room, suitable for. 4 young men, $25 each. 300 Jefferson., . FINE home, 2 meals, very reasonable. 164 N. 16th st hoOM and board at 66' Water and Arthur. FINE home, $ meals, very reasonable. 151 N. 16th st NEATLY furnished rooms with board. 699 Everett. ilOOM and board, 492 Taylor st, home cpomng, moaerate prices. Main 7343. BOARD and room, 889 Taylor st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 -; v y-y81 SU3E t--- ' 21 ROOMS, housekeeping: hot, cold wa ter well furnished; west aide. $1500; will exchange for city lota. P-367, Jour nal. TWO room cottage, furnished for hous keeplng; suitable for working people; two beds: gas, electrio lights, wood neater; -pnone A-53Z4. 55$ 6th st FOR. RENT 3 clean furnished hoiise kacping rooms; yard and bath and on first floor. (26 Thurraan at Marshall TWO housekeeping rooms in private ranniv, reasonable, walking distance. 809 Jackson st, between 6th and 6th. THREE clean, light, furnished house keeping rooms, gas, bath, $15 month. 892 Front. . THE CQLUN8, 15th and Alder, large outside apartments, $3.50 ; single, $2; running water, sma; rree pnone. $164 furnished housekeeping rooms; gas plate, steel range. 620 7th. Main 4529. NICEST, cleanest housekeeping rooms in city at xi.ie ana z per week. 184 Sherman st. , - . CLEAN, plain housekeeping rooms, Cheap to permanent parties. $08 13th st.' Phone Main 7196. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, private family reasonable, heat, light. pnone Tree, til win, near mn. COZY housekeeping rooms. $3 per week up. 249 4th. st, bet city .hall and courthouse. TWO nicely furnished single housekeep ing rooms, $14 and $16; walking die- tance, bath, gas, phone; 475 Main. VERY desirable housekeeping rooms, low rates during dull season, no ob- Jectlon to children" 104 11th st. CLEAN, pleasant housekeeping rooms, very reasonable, phone, sink, gas, bath. Call after 6,-248 N, 18th st.-- $123 furnished housekeeping rooms; gas plate, steel range. 618 7th. Main 4629. ... NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; also sleeping room, modern, oheap. $24 Main, corner 6th. CLEAN housekeeping rooms $2 weekly, also sleeping room $1.60 week; bath. ou VI nsnint;iune. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, fine location, all conveniences, reasonable; 429 Mar ket, near 11th. - HOUSEKEEPING two front rooms, clean and llKht, no children; rent $11 month. 270 Market. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Gem hotel, 665 let; steam, heated, new building, rooms $1:26 up. TWO large front housekeeping rooms, modern, and strictly clean, $18 month; 511 H Columbia st. HOUSEKEEPING room, nicely furn ished, gas, light, heat, bath; 546 Gli san. TWO modern housekeeping rooms, bath, water, phone. $15; west side; phone A-8962. CAMBRIDGE bldg.. furnished and un furnished housekeeplngToomB; cheap rent: apply room 36, 3d and Morrison. PLEASANT front housekeeping room, light and phone, $10 per month. Phone Main 87Zi; 194 n. 15th st. LARGE furnished front housekeeping room with large closet, $2.60 week; free wood; 289 Hall. SUITE 2 and 3 housekeeping rooms; also single rooms; modern; lights, nam, pnone. an Kverett: reasonania, 16 rooms, housekeeping, 1 and 2 room suites, close in, west aide, cheap if tanen at once, rnone owner. A-447S SINGLE housekeeping room for rent, walking distance, $12. Main 9029, A- 8318 - - - COMFORTABLE furnished housokeep ingfooma, cheap rent. 91 1st st. - THREE housekeeping rooms for rent at 308 6th St., rent $16 a month. CLEAN" ilght 2 room . suite $16 per montn, laa ittn Bt., cor, Morrison. MITCHELL housekeeping roomer light gas: moderate 7th-Vla'wdere A-4676. THREE nice furnished housekeeping rooms, furnace heat. $47 Hall. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, gas, bath, pnone, neat. in . nm at 6NE nice, large, single housekeeping ' room; all conveniences. 29H N. 16th, TWO light phjjisant rooms for house- keeping, reasonable, 554 Taylor st. VERY desirable housekeeping, reason- aoie, ciose in. sz in. ntn st. PLEASANT suites housekeeping rooms, light phone and bath. 448 Columbia. $10 MAIN st., a homelike cottage suite, nimisneq ror nouseKeeping, close in. LARGE . front suite of 3 rooms for housekeeping, also others. 848 Clay. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping suites. 190 W. Park. HOUSEKEEPING suite, $3.50 per week. 221 H Morrison. TWO large, comfortable housekeeping rooms, neat, ugnt, pnone. bv fciveret t. FOR KENT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, . .gas -iayinr st ,- TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, cheap; 809 Grant. , ' TWO suites', housekeeping, light and clean, $10 and $13; i.88 6th st. TWO housekeeping rooms, cheap. Take rnilflrerV'TSJ"! 106 20tb, corner Flanders, furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms." - -.3 1 Klj.j $18 Lartro bay window, front room and large kitchen with pantry, pna and wood stoves, newly papered, larpe win dows overlooking river, beautiful lawn and roses. Including lights, .bath, water and gas, laundry privileges, nice house nnu neiRnnornooa, waiKIni distance, 2 blocks from "S" and Fulton cars, 134 t Porter at Also 2 beautitful housekeeo- ing rooms on east side. $14, walking uisianoe. 664 E. 6th st Phone Sell wood llft. Hunt's Exoress & Baggage Co 1 trunk. 60s. Additional trunks. 26c ..Orlp with trunka free, A-3416. ' Marshall i418. Baggage 4 -Omnibus -Transfer .Baggage moved and stored. Phone weinj BSHO. A-3333 THREE room housekeeping suite, sink and your own private bath only 816 month' also single front housekeeping m ta ween. 4U5 Mali St BEAUTIFULLY furnished, very large nunc, wun private bathnght house keeping. 16 a week; lovely home. 320 jHunifjunipry si. REAL BARGAIN Housekeeping rooms completely furnlshedv near 10th and Stark; bath, gas, heat. $4 week. 40 S Stark st. . . FOR RENT- T 1 room, furnished or tin. lurnished. for housekeeping, modern conveniences. 271 N. 22d . si Main 8797. 688 Lovejoy et, near 21st, suite house keeplng rooms; also sleeping rooms; phoney bath, electrio lights; call Sunday ihu.n , . -. : . I T V.ir. 1 r,oom,s- H- K i private porch. tier a large Closet, all conveniences. One sin. gle H. K., $3.60 per week. 310 Clay. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 PRIVATE family. For rent, $ or 4 nice ly furnished H. K. rooms, toilet and ,ftihino.?her romr: I". $12 month. 195 E. 74th st N. M-V car.. $25 6 outside rooms, private, bath, tol let, electrle lights, gas range and phone, on Sunnyslde carline; for par- m-uiwra can i anor nit. Adults only. Buiin vi. completely lurmsned rooms, light and bath, large back porch and use p garden. 6419 60th ave. and (4th st, Woodstock. CTTI'M M , . '. ... " 3C.HREE completely furnished rooms, closets. Bleeping porch, electricity, phone, no objection to children, $16. ii6 THE ST. MARK'S, 892 H E. Burnside . well furnished front suite of house keeping rooms, walking distance, gas range, lovely rooms. ' FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $10 p: free light and water; walking distance. 692 H E. Morrison. Phone East 6901. $1.75, $2.76 week, furnished housekeep ing i rooms, free heat, phone, batn, laundry. 669 Commercial st TJ car. THREE neatly furnished rooms, with Dutch kitchen, ground floor, .' 749 Mississippi ave, FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, hot and cold water. 660 East Morrison st. TWO furnished housekeeping Moms; ..liht tu"' Sundry, $8 per month. 98 Knott L car. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, or slaffle. 82 rter WAolr anH un m 1SU. wee ana u A. Case, prop uritna ve. n. ilOUSEKEEPINO rooms for rent, two o, i i per inonin; iuei, Ugnt, jnuuuf.v. vr IV not V. ' Li. car. THREE housekeeping rooms, gas, bath and phone, suitable for $ adults. 9 East 7th. Phone East 8764. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; w phone, bath and close in; cheap. 848 Main. THREE furnished housekeeping suites, new!L-Vnted'. c!ose ,n reasonable rent. 870 H E. Morrison. NpE" two rrfii llrnlahen hoiiaeknanlnp mn w? Of three suites. 674 E. Salmon cor. 19th. V A.H ... ' , icBBunapiq, THE GAYOSA Modern housekeeping rooms. $20 per month uo. Grand v and E. Stark. ICELY furnished housekeeping room". 718 E. Morrison iwu nicely i furnished housekeeping . P, iiiuiuii, ion casi itn .V, r,, front "uites. fine location. 632 Williams sve. C-1623. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 409 E. Salmon, near Orand. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 9 ROOM modem house, close in, one block from car; room for family down stairs and 8 large rooms opening off parlor to rent upstairs; fine lawn and irees. A. A. Clark, 6$1 Chamber of NINk. room bouse, partly furnished, desirable neighborhood, 20th and Gll san sts. Inquire 667 Gllsan st. Phone Main 68 or A-1643. FOR RENT Modern room house. large yard and fruit trees. 47th and Hancock sts., Rose Uty Park, key next FIVE room bungalow for rent very cheap, furnishedi or IH "ell furniture pUa'-McT Montery. 3 ROOM house for rent big yard and party who rents. 25 W. Church st Takai St. Johns car; pet off at Riverside H ''""i wwum ime to taae ooara with renw. zb w. church st. 1 rar; ret off at Riverside. 11 ROOM house, Park and Couch- 7 rom house, 17th st Inoulre. k?s Irving st. 8 ROOM modern cottage, fine view, corl .,n9r,T,vear V.csn II Fremont Only $16, Phone Marshall 8408, 8 ROOM cottage with running water, bath and phone; also large front H. K. room, 421 2d st, Main 2610. $30 MONTHLY rent -buys home; no East274Laymen necessary- Owner A NEW modern 6 room bungalow, nlce ly furnished. Owner going to leave town: cheap. A-370, Journal. NEW modern 5 room house and sleeping PErc.h'h(J , blo,ok.1' r?outh o' Jefferson Hl"h school. 898 Congress: $22. 6 ROOMS In fine condition, cheap to responalble party. C-8062, Woodiawn 10 room house, 66 E. 80th st, on Ut. w1:1'.?1.," , monin; wui give lease. T. B. Hallock. owner; phone Tabor 1536. 6 ROOM house, electric, gas, furnace, stationary tubs and lawn. 886 Grand to. niiu nttrriBon si., i a. MODERN 6 room apartment, large yard ; good location, $14. Phone A-3935. 143 iuemetny et. $8. $10 4 room cottage, S room upper flat unfurnished; 2 room upper flat furnished. Kellwnni mm .Jr FOR RENTNew modern house and lot urar vi uuuniwn niKii scnooi, iio per month. Phone Main 2132. NEW modern cottage, 46th, E Lincoln; Main 8199; Tabor 3326, reasonable, residence. iwvm uuiiaiow, ciose in, in good con dltion. nicely located. BWlt UUU" Phone Wood- lawn 1092. MODERN 6 room house. Williams ave.. newly tinted, $18, East 4702. JL FOR RENT 3 room tent bouse, ' & J blocks from car. Woodiawn 9S0. FOUR room cottage, E. 29th, near Sandy, blvd,, $16. 117 E. 32nd st Taboril SIX room house for rent 720 E. Davis - st, $20 per month. . ' tOR RENT 7 room house, 629 East Ankeny. Phone East 2670. S ROOM cottage for rent. $7 per month, 6103 97th av Stewarts, Mt, Scott car. 5 ROOM cottage. Beech .and Rodney. Inquire 863 Fargo. Phone C-2263. FURXISriED HOUSES 86 T ROOM furnished bungalow, furnace, everything modern; 1081 E. 21st et North. Cheap. Phone Woodiawn 675. SIX roonr flat, yard, fireplace, gas and eieotrio ugnis. Marshall 4220. $28. 262 Stout at FURNISHED house. 1 rooms, piano; $30 mo.-rl 868.-E. Yamhirl.Appt to Hall. 381 Water. Main 2208, NEW, clean, modern 7 room house, new furniture, silver and linens, furnace. Hawthorne ave.. close in. , Tabor 2270. FOR RENT Furnished, 3 room cottage. 4 4-J-ermemr- NICELY furnished 6 room modern bun galow, $2a mo. Key 850 Clinton. FOR RENT 7 room nicely rarnifhed house, modern, with piano, fruit of eil k'n.ls, garden spaded, some plante-t; first door ust University Park. 637 Depsuw st ' MODERN 5 room bungalow, close to Hawthorne ave.; completely furnished. Including piano and sewing machine; no chiMren. Price $25 per mo. Tabor 864. FOR RENT Modern furnished cottase. All conveniences and electrio lights. Key -at Miller Drug Co.. 63 1H 1st Rent $15: house at 1111 Mllwaukle ava. COMPLETELY; and nicely furnished bungalow, owner will board or room with occupants if desired. 915 Williams. Woodiawn 188. $z9 6 room, clean, modern., completely furnished house. ,574 Mill. Main 44 FURNISHED 6 room house,' choice loca tlon; long term, very reasonable. East 5670. MODERN 6 room cottage, partly fur nished, on carline. $34 Clinton st Phone Sellwood 246 FURNISHED 6 room cottage to respon sloie parties only. 880 East Davis st MODERN 3 room cottage, adults, nice yard. 353 Sacramento. C-1160J HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 IF YOU mean business and looking for nice home my beautiful furnish ings are a bargain; house desirable; $ rooms pay rent $35; west side; easy walking; nice locality. 88$ Harrison, near 7th. Phone A-6361. " WILL sell my furniture of 6 room flat cheap; am going away; this is no cheap dump; everything good: nearly new; price $425. 800 12th. Phone A- 6345. . FIVE room modern flat, elegantly fur nished, parties leaving town, will sac rifice. This is strictly high class furni ture. Price $335. Main 7785. FURNITURE of 8 room modern house, clone In; Income $56.60 and $ rooms for family use; rent only $32.60. 423 jerterson st FURNITURE of modern 6 room cot tage for sale and cottage for rent; ?rlce $90; rent $14 per mo. Enquire 91 East 17th st Brooklyn car. MUST sell balance of high grade fur nlture of 6 room house in next two weeks: rare bargains; also 5 h. p. Twin Indian motor cycle. 1007 E. 21st N. 1300 8 rooms, down totwn, nicely fur nlshed for housekeepers; spring clean $123 room furnished lower flat 64$ Journal. . , SIX room flat, furniture In good con dltion, rooms all full, cheap for cash. $22 H 7th. - A SNAP If taken at onoe, furniture of 6 room flat for $160. $26 hk Grand ave. East 1672. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale and house for rent, $1$; 2 car lines; must sell at once; leaving city. 142 Stanton. 6 ROOM house $ completely furnished, small amount balance $10 a month; bargain; act quick. 64 E. $lst. FURNITURE of 6 room flat for sale, cheap. Main 6703. 0H N. 16th st ALMOST new furniture of 6 room flat, lens than half price, 610 East Alder, between 15th and 16th. East 8031. FURNITURE of 9 room house with rooms all rented, for $300; rent $25. 249 Grant. Marshall 3234. MODERN seven room house, furni ture for sale; bargain; block steel bridge 291 Crosby. FURNITURE of 6 room cottage for sale cheap; party leaving city. 251 Ban- croft ave. - 9 ROOMS. 6 rented to men. Call at 403 7th st, Marshall 9466. FREE RENT 9 rooms," 6 rented;' cash or trade; bargain. Marshall 2486. FURNITURE of a 12 room house for sale; a good paying house. 407 Stark. MUST sell new furniture, eight rooms. 671 Kearney. Rent $90. ' FURNITURE 6 roomn for aale, cottage for rent 491 Mill. APARTMENTS 43 288 1 1th St. No humbug; positive facts; come and see for yoursulvo; clieaonat and nicest 2 room apartments in the city; new house, nicely furnlnhad, close in, modern and all outilde rooms. Fair mont apartments. . KING HIIX APARTMENTS. j-Bf.l-room spartments; select tenancy. Apply .on premises. .171 King st MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS New modern brick building corner $d and Montgomery, two room apartments furnished complete, private bath, phone and elevator service, five minutes' walk to business center; no children; rates $27 up. Main 9466. Burch Aaartments 110 21st st. N. Marshall 4141. One elegantly furnished 2 room apart ment andT dressing room; reasonable rent " - KENTUCKY APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished 4 room apartments, steam heat private phone and bath, new and modern, on East Ankeny and Mon tavllla car lines,' corner of 28th and E. mi o a T 1 jnA - "s "' LINCOLN APTS., Cor. 4th and Lincoln. All outside 2 room - apartments; Holmes beds, built In writing isks. vacuum cleaner, ianltor service; $22.50 to $30. including lights, private phones. A-847. Main 1877. THE MEREDITH is now open, fur nished new, "1th the beet J. S end 4 room apartments; -hardwood floors, private phone and bath, best janitor service: references required; ne man ager. 71 z wasnington et. THE MoKINLICY 429 a MORR.'SON, COR. 7TH. t, $ and 4 -room apartments, . fur nished up to date, private baths, free phone, moderate prices, new manage ment. best service. ' PENINSULA APARTMENTS Nicely furnishod and unfurnished steam heated apts.: take Mississippi L car, 3d and Wash, sts., 20 minutes' ride, corner of Killlngaworth, Woodiawn 2259 APARTMENTS 2 room i unfurnished, large winoows, corner rooms, rim floor, close In, walking distance and handy to S. S. carline. 89 E. 12th or East 6270. Drickston Apartment 448 11th near College, i and 8 room suites, strictly first class, baohelor ap artments a specialty. $25 up. THE PAGE APARTMENTS " East 8th and Burnside - Strictly modern, furnished unfurnished apartments, nrlvate phones and bath. CAMBRIAN. 12th and Columbia. Beautiful two and three room apartments, nicely situated, beautifully furnished. Prices reasonable. WINSTON aaprtments; 34l 14th st; new; completely jumisnea two-room nouse keeping suites,! $25; walking distance. Phone Main 17397 THE LANDORE. 288 10th st One completely furnished flat. S rooms and sleeping porch: walking distance. OR 4 room beautifully furnished apartment suitable for 1 or 2 enunien Lights, furnace heat, phone and bath furnished, reasonable. 889 11th st. ' SAN MARCO apartments, E. 8th and Couch, new brick, modern, t rooms, private bath and phone; rente reasona ble, uaii ta. Z76i THE DAVENPORT, newly furnished j room apartment, nrlvate bath, phone, reasonable. 606 Jefferson. Main 6435. BUCK HARTFORD APTS., 21st and Flanders, $ and S rooms furnished; 4 rooms unfurnished. Cheap. Main 2782. JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS ' Furnished housekeeping rooms. 614 Jefferson st Phone Main 5432. LOVEJOY -APTS., Main 215, 17th and Ixivejoy. Two and three room fur nished apts., for rent THE'WESTMINSTER NIcery'iurirtsHed apartments; also single rooms; 2 mln utes from P. p. 262 6th. Main 6682. IRIS 4 end 6 rooms, unfurnished. $d ana Mill, its ana 340. jijliaette LrooniafurniBhed and NICELY furnished modern 6 room "4 apartment rent $25, phone East 4267. TK2 VILLA FT. CLARA. 12'h and Tvlor. Most maenlfieently furnished apart ments in the city: location perfect: rent als reasonable; every moWn conven ience, banquet hall and roof garden; hirh class service; references required. I'oth phones in all apartments. Main 2276. , " 1H CABLE Newly opened, consisting of 3 room suites; hot and cold watpr. steam heat, modern conveniences. Close In. $21.60 up. Manager.rFannle Talbot, late of The Lysle-Taloot. 2S9 10th st. NEWLY furnished., npw ready The Upshur, 36th and-Upshur sts., fur nished 2 room apartments, $16, $18, $!0 and up. This Includes steam heat"hot and cold water In every apartment pri vate phones, public batn, electric lights, gas range, laundry- room, all free. Take S. 23d or W cars north. No children. Dogs not allowed. Phone Main 869. Page Apartments . East 8th and Burnside ets... 1,5 min utes' walk, good location: new, modern brick bldg., with very desirable 2 and 3 room apartments, for $25 and $30 These conveniences on the west side would cost double the money; Investl- gate. ALBEMARLE. t and 8 room apartments; steam heat, private bath, phone; walking distance East 4198. 383 Williams ave. FOR RENT FLATS 13 NEW modern room flat 1040H Albins ve on L car line: furnace, gas range. Mnoleum In kitchen and bathroom, fold--ing bed. spacious front and rear porches: rent IL'O. Phone woodiawn izo. MODERN 4 room lower flat, clean and new. basement, gaa and bath, 473 Fail ing, $12 60. Union a've. car. Call Tabor 2896. Woodiawn 1943. FOR RENT Strictly modern, elegant 6 room upper flat. 606 E. Alder st. near 15th. Inquire forenoons and evenings, 395 Taylor st .Main 6635. $18 Modern 5 room flat, 91 4 H E. Mor rison and 30th; gas, electricity, lino leum, stoves, shades, - fireplace, near sunnysiae car. Taoor n5 LOWER flat, 6 rooms and bathroom, at 189H Stanton st, bet Kerby and Commercial sts., $20. Phone Woodiawn 2681. $27.50. new 6 room upper flat, west side, walking distance, Jefferson car to end of line, walk west 1 block. $67 19th st. ' Main 8311. NEW, modern 4 room hous," near Rus sell and Williams ave.; gas range, water heater 'and water, $20. East "4702. w 4 ROOM flat, bath, modern; walking distance. 4 Cherry and , Vancouver. r;ast $25 Holladay addition, 8 rooms, walk- ing distance, near 2 car lines. In quire 412H Wasco st. East 8805 MODERN 6 room flat, & blocks north steel bridge, fronting river. 290 Mar- gin. 3rtW. TWO 6 room modern flats, Sdl-301 East 12th, near Hawthorne, walking a l s tance, Tine location. Kast 4ia FOUR room steam heated flats, furn lshed and unfurnished; modern; ex clusive. Cottell Drug Co. i $25 Holladay addition, 8 rooms, walk lng distance.- near 2 carllnes. Apply 412 H Wasco.. East 3805; FIVE or 6 room modern flats, furnace, fireplace, Holladay's add.; nice loca tlon. Inquire 840 Clackamas. C-1001. FOUR room flat, modern, clean, sunny. ,672H Mississippi ave, East 2911. MODERN 4 room flat, over store, $"l2.6o! 811 Williams ave., Woodiawn 1607. THREE ro6mft,.unfurnlBhed. steam beat. gas, phone, private bath, $23, 402H 3d FURNISHED FLATS 60 Minn v i..-n!Uv,j o v-onrvi fut mUL.L.1 1UIIIIOIIDU U IUUIII Mali modern, reasonable,-: 1 043 Gantenfaein, cor, Alberta. ; MODERN 4 room flats. $31, with water. 639 Commercial Court, between Knott, Russell, Kerby and Commercial st THREE furnished rooms, walking dis tance. Main 8938. Key at 329 Hall. HOTELS 54 UNDER old management Hotel Mitch ell. Mrs. J. M. Mitchell, Joseph, Or. HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only $3, $6 day. BELVETjERE European. 4th and Alder STORES AND OFFICES 11 GOOD storeroom, suitable for paint store. I have a great deal of paint ing done all th time. More than to pay the rent N. F. Noren, 805 Grand avenue. FOR RENT Stores and office rooms: new building; hot water heat: large rlate glass show windows; best'loca lon on Sandy blvd.. and 62nd st Owner, 117 E. 82nd st. Tabor 818. FOR RENT. Northwest corner of Union and Pine ets. Call on Brown, at 225 Ablngton Ding. 100x64 feet, new, one story concrete Dunamg, Aioina ave. ana KUiings wortb. Phone East 1187, Cheap rent W. Reldt CAMBRIDGE bldg., office rooms, cheap rent Apply room 36, 3rd and Morri son. STORE, with counters and shelves; 2 small rooms, $16. 842 Front" st - FOR RENT A garage suitable for 2 auton. $24 Jackson. WANTED TO RENT LADY, employed,, wants room in refined private family by March 7; must have piano or room for one; walking distance west side preferred. W-873, Journal. WANTED Furnished front room on west side of city; price no object W 870. Journal. BAKER wants to rent store and baker shop. L-378. Journal HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 ROSE City Park Sales Stable at 62d and Sandy road, has good horses for sale at reasonable prices. It will pay you to see them; they are guaranteed. Aoams a; lampnen, props, JUST arrived Car hot-sea, some of best draught horses In city, fine delivery and ranch stuff; two pair mules. Can be seen 294 Montgomery, , corner 5th. fnii uueiter. work team far sale cheap or will exchange for smaller horses. Also two nearly new 8 4 wagons.. 14 Union ave., cor. Asn, JUST arrived, carload of good, chunky mares and horses, 1300 to 1600 lbs. Some well matched teams, all horses guaranteed. Foot of Main st. FOR 8ALE by owner, span of trusty mares, weigh over 2900 lbs.7 host of recommendations. . 160 : Boundary ave. Marshall 1696. EIGHT head mares and horses, several sets of harness, 4 farm wagons. These horses are all gentle and good workers. z7 fj. iztn, cor- Manison. WANTED To buy l'young mare weigh lng between 1200 and 1300 lbs. Must be sound and free from all blemishes. pnone Kast 4U4 HORSES and' bugglea for rent by day, week and month; special ratei to business houses. East 72. 6th and Uawuorne. FOR BALE 9 head of horses, -weighing from 900 to 14,00; one team, weight 8000: new harness, new wagon, for $400. 664 i. lotn etr- rnone eeuwooa 69. TEN head of cheap horses from $25 up; 2 nearly new I hi wagons. 14 Union ave., cor. Ash. WANTED 1 mare not -ver 9 years, weigning aooui ltvu; will tans team if matched. Address 429 E. Davis. HORSES, mules, harness; farm, delivery and express wagons; cheap. Hubert & Hall., 3 1 Water etcor. Montgomery. flOHSFiS'of alt kl4o-at Madit.h STabT 1 85 Madison st, at Hawthorne cnage, west siae, HORSES, wagomr-for rent and boarded. rewsonaoie. cotumpia Btames, soa Front FOR SALE .1 Nl) 1 tllDS 1- .r-. wagon. $26.... A. Grtblo,. at.liaaumoutll STALLS for rent. Team for sale, 1250 lbs. 129 N. 11th. It T L Li u u -j . lot are well matched teams, from .' to loOO per sian.. according to t and aga. Farm wnsons, dfllverv ...: one surrey, buggies, ponv an.l nirt B': i small mule- harness of all kind. b.t i , "r' "u uuuin'i secona r.ana and ne; T .i, ct everything ia.-the -horae lice, i. All stock sold with a written guarantee I s Prsented or vour money re funded. Bank and business references vi. ruuinuu Dinum, i-j, v. nag- Couohts ETana' prP 15lh nd imim Wednesday, March 6, 1912. at $ o'clock. 28 gelipgs, mares and mulea This stock to ill ages and colors, from lOOO lbr 'PJISOO lbs. This stock is right put of Mird work end must be sold for the Detent of my creditors; also 10 sets of harness and several wagons; sale will take place at 646- South Front st. Port eJl Auo,1oneer wanted. Phone Main 6863. W. S. MeMorrl. "RANCEi OUTFIT": 2400 lb. team, new 3 Inch Studebaker wa gen, new heavy breeching harness. These horses are sound and true in every way, and broken both single and double. Anyone in need of an outfit f nu:a, see this bargain at $250. Port- mmeg, loin anq uoucn sts. ONE pair, wel'h 2600, mare and gelding, good workers and gentle, a first class farm team. Price $150. Blocky built road mare, weight 1350; good, gentle work mare, $125. And 1 have some good cbsap horses besides these, and span m.u,1,es'. t,injLT Jre 0l(L wlht 2350. Call at 289 Front at. ONE sorrel horse, 4 years, works slngU .rioilble! on bay team, 4 years, weight 2500, $360; one team blacks, i yars. $325; also 1000 team, $150. Star Stables, 308 Front. POULTRY 87 FOR SALE Kellerstrass White Orping ton eggs. $3.60 for 16; also $ White cockerels, $r and $$.60; J799 Dwlght st Phone C-2989. ' . 7 BLUE blooded white Minorca hens, $1.60 each; 1 cockerel, $8; $ White Wyandotjte pullets, $1.2$ each, Mll waukle. Red 482. THOROUGHBRED D eggs. Buff ftrnln.' tons. Ancona. Buff Lerh cheap lots. -1164 E. 18th st N. Take imerra car. F K3T for hatching on short notice; all breeds; baby chicks; Incubators and supplies. The Poultry Supply House, till CTdlFNUfl Bl. FOR SALE or exchange for other chickens, 1 thoroughbred Barred Rock cockerel, 1 White Orpington cookereL Kellerstrasse strain. Phone 1845. WHITB Wyandotte eggs for hatching $1.50 for 15: from strain of winter laying hens. H. Friable, 1336 E. 10th street, north. 280 CHICKS, 1 incubator, i brooders' for sale at a bargain. Call Tabor 8. or ' B-3269. BUFF Leghorns, the kind that lay; U eggs, $1 and $1.60. "Lonsdale's," 172$ E. 49th st. near Powell Valley road. S. C. RROVVN Tghorn bb h.avv l.v. era, $6 per 100; any quantity. Jas. Ira. land. Main 4128. jl4 Bnaldlng bldg. els. ergs and bahv rhlclr Patm flail. Vi tm LlOHT Brahmas, prise stock, 1$ eggs' $2; hens $2, cockerels, $2.60. Red 463, M Iwaukle. THOROUGHBRED R, JL Red eggs, il per dozen; also rooster; $L60. 735 E. $9th st W-W car. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn eggs "tiinn, i.ou. g e i ti, 7tn St., a. WHAT about those White Leghorn eggs and bnbv chicks? ' . UVESTOCK . 85 SNAP SNAP. Have an option on 300 head of cattle which I can pasture on my land until fall and sell at a profit of $20 per head; will divide profit with man who will loan me $6000; will furnish $20,000 se curity. G. C. Harboldt, $40 Chamber of Commerce. FRESH dairy cow and some that will be fresh In a few days; all extra fine big cows, and 8 fresh family cows, 8 to 4 gallons rich milk; both Jersey. 709 iiaroia sve., geiiwooq car. WANTED 10 head of fresh cows or i springers to nil orders, also IS bead of stock cattle. V. R. Sexton, $5 B. 80th st, Portland, Or. Phone East 6805. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 SINGERS,. $3.60 and u. Take Wood iawn car. 90 Shaver st FOR SALE Thoroughbred male Spits pups; also white English (female) thoroughbred Bulldog. Phone Main bios or TSDor isit. BOYD, the dog man; boarding, expert care; anything for'the dogt A-3604. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 Office Furniture ; . ..J. THE VERY FINEST - One roll top desk, t flat top desks, solid mahogany; will sell cheap If tak en at once. 15 I eon bldg. FOR SALE New and second-hand Car- om and pocket billiard table, and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix-, vres of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-CoUender Co, 46-4$ Kth st. WE .sell cash registers, scales, credit registers, cheese cutters, coffee mills, etc., at greatly reduced prices, either for cash or payments. The Portland Store Supply Co.. 250 2d st. Marshall 4548. FOR SALE 6x6 double steam engine, serviceable with friction hoisting drum at a sacrifice. James W. Green, the well drilling contractor, $90 Van couver ave.. Portland. C-2478. FOR SALE Imported Dahlia bulb, all colors; also pipe cutting tool. 4 Inch to 2-inch die stocks, wrenches, i valves fittings. Call 901 Cleveland ave north. none tzt7. SAFES New and 2d hand; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Bare Co., 86 ttn st. Main 6309, A-4118. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit registers, computing scales, etc., boueht and sold. The Paclflo Store Service Co.. 227 Stark st. Main 7711. FOR SALE A 14-foot French range, second hand and 100 gal. hot water boiler, cheap for cash. Room 7, 234 First street. SPECIAL sal of slightly used Singers. "W. & W" White and Standard sew. ing machines; easy payment. Call 88$ E, Morrison near Grand. PARLOR cabinet standard sewmg ma chine, used one month; very cheap. 403 Washington st GAS range, steel range, water heater. folding oea ana oicycie. , oio wu Hams ave. ' ALL kinds house furnishings bought, old end exchanged. Star Furniture Co.. 880 Hawthorne ave. Eat 1067. CAPITAL JUNK CO dealer in iron, metal, rubber, sack, machinery, pipe, tools, job lots. 67N. let st. Mar. $889, FERTILIZER. Well rotted cow and horse mannrede- Hverad to any pgrt of the elty. E. 2 276. BUTCHER fixture complete; used only seven, months; a bargain Owner 526 Flanders st. ;;. - - ; PRIVATE sale, furniture two room must he sold. Tabor S8. Main 445!. FoTT 8ALE Tent house. , Call ICat First and Irving. FOR home grown roses address . Rose Valley Nursery, 1052 Corhett st., city, GENTS' "bicycle, In goodrepIr7?or a.l cheap. 181 Madison. - THAeTION giisollne ,;'Siir"fur VaTi cheap for cwsh. call Tabor $809. vvATEPnscELyJA,KO';s s BE WISE; get more fr yonj penrf 4iawd furniture by je:;injf H to f . i Auction Co tl 31 u?''n '"'I, a ' A WAN 1 KIK u iiaiul (uiituti. i j 348 Howthorne ave, i .nivt A I: