The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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01 T " '
. A C. I."
- Choice Small Farms
Close In
Hargrove & Sons
Cheap, 2 Acres
This little place Is one-mile from the
citT limits, on (rood macadam road, just
a few blocks from station, 8c fare to
the city, hourly service. There are 2
acres, good 6 room cottage, .barnchick
.n houses, etc.. nice lot of bearing
fruit and berries; price $2S50; H cash.
5 Acre Bargain
We know this to be the cheapest little
farm borne near the city. There are t
acres, all in high state of cultivation;
every foot Ilea just as you would have
it . There 1 no rock or gravel, and the
soil Is that choice, loose, mellow loam
so easily worked and which produces
abundantly all crops, being especially
well adaptVd to vegetables of all kinds,
fruit and berries; new cottage of S
rooms, nicely finished; 'price $2000:
just 4 miles from the city limits, level
graveled road all the way.
1 0 "Acres'for $3500
This Is cheap little farm and is
Just the place for the man who
to raise fruit, berries and keep chickens,
the soil being a choice, loose, mellow,
rolling red shot and perfectly drained.
The entire tract can be cultivated.
There ts no rock or gravel and the soil
is very rich. There are 10 acres, 7
acres in cultivation, good room house,
ceiled, papered and nicely painted, barn
40x40, fruithouse, chicken house and
runs: one acre of good orchard. Includ
ing 30 bearing Royal Ann cherries and
good variety of all other fruit; several
hundred 2-year-old Italian prune trees
and lots of grapes and berries; no bet
ter prune land in the state of Oregon:
price only $8500: good terms; located
1 miles from Forest Grove.
We bave a very choice list of small
farms near the city and can be of much
benefit to you in getting properly and
satisfactorily located.
Hargrove & Sons
123 6th 6t. North, Corner 6th andGlisan.
Main 4381. A-7259.
First class fruit and garden
land, located on electrio line.
We have one 21 to acre tract at ;
8123 per acre; one 12 acre tract
and one 3 acre tract at 3150 per
acre; two 5 acre tracts at 3200 per
acre, and one 8 acre tract at 3225
per acre.
Terms 10 per cent cash, bal-
anoe Ion time.
The above prices are 60 per cent
less than for similarly located
property. ' " ., ' . - .
We also have some fine wheat
farms in eastern. Oregon and
Washington for sale on , easy
. terms or exchange, for sthet.prpPii.
Moore Investment Co,
304 Henry bldg.
' - Acreage "
Only 30 minutes out with the
new care, monthly carfare,' 37.80.
'No rock or .gravel, fine water at
25. feet, GO new houses in sight,
completed roads along each tract, :
some cleared, some timber, some
wlttt running water, all very fer
tile. .
Any shed tract you may de
dri? from one half acre up, at
$250 to $600 per acre, upon easy
monthly payments, see us. Office
open every evening until 9 p. m.
The Shaw-Fear Company
Main 35 102 4th St A-3500
Owners need the money: land located
near uresnam, or., mile or electric
road; good soli with no rock; splendid
location: land la In good shane: small
box house and small barn, all fenced and
all under cultivation. If you mean bus!,
ness and want a good, -achcap piece of
land to make some money on, as an in
vestment, write us and we ' will send
you legal description. If you want
cheaper land, we have It In Linn county.
omce down toe street rrom aepot,
Albany. Or.
Cash. $10 per month will solve the
question of - the high cost - of living,
build half the fence on each side of 7
fertile acres, plant your fruit trees. Do
it now, this spring. Only' 14 miles from
funiami, newr eir inrc line.
212 Railway Exchange bldg.
You Can't Beat This 'for $400
- $40 cash, balance $10 per month at 6
per cent, buys 10 acres 2 to miles from
good town and boat landing. Red shot
fcoll, south slope, well drained, spring,
excellent for fruit, vegetables, hay, etc.
Can you beat it? H. 1L Farnham, 1203
Yeon building.
160 Acres' Unimproved
. ' : ' $4000
- Kouth of Clatskanie, on the Nehalem,
near Vesper. This Is a snap. 120 acres
bottom land worth $100 pec acre. Rall
routi coming. Look this up. Owner will
accent Portland property as part 'trade.
:C; W. LAMAR. 417 Corbet t bldg.
- Farmers, Attention!
Those seeklngfarms Call at room 417
Fenton'-bldg.," and get a book of the
Camas prairie farm lands. We meet
you -at the station and take you home
with us where you can stay and see how
we farm up there: 30 buRhels we call a
failure. ', Come and get a book today, 417
t enton iiKig.. n-t stn'st.
Headauarters for :
Wheal, hops, fruit land, stock ranches
and diversified farms; some trades In
the district where you are forced to
'808 Chamber ofCommerce BldffV
You Can't Beat It
$4 acre farm, 36 ml. from Portland, 4
from R. K, 4eep rich soil, half cleared,
water, 1 SO orchard, S alfalfa, boat
landing, atore and school ml. $6600;
will take $3000 city home, $2000 cash,
balance time. Wofdlawn 6S5, .
10 acres all in best fruit, fine build
ings, cost $6600, water system, electric
lights, stock and Implements complete,
$15,000, t ml. from city; will take Port
land home to 36500; some c.flh, balance
7 per cent long time. 413 Ellera, Bldg.,
in aim muer.
MI ST be sold by April 1 309 acre farm
in Polk Co., 800 acres farm land, 75
pasture land, balance timber land; lays
well, one of best Improved farms In
valley; 40 acres of A-l hep land on place.
130 acres in erop that goes with place.
Will take $24,000; $10,000 cash, balance
n long lime, es-aen, journal.
per acre, trrms. 203 Railway Ex.
ahne. . . .
17 !
Cheapest Farm on the Market
Only 15 miles south of Portland: 40
srrt-K, 32 in hiph state -of cultivation:
line view of mountains and Portland;
1U miles to electric line, 2 S to Sher
wood; good house, barn and ctitbuiui
tnes, fruit; 1 acre in- strawberries fine
Hrinsr and creek at the. back. This is
the finest lying, best improved and
cheapest place in Oregon, at 14200;
40 dn Willamette River
ift from Portland. M mile from
wn, 1 to- miles from electric line; ,10
res-in cultivation, 20 acres level, bal-
ice rolling; good soil, fine view. . i he
price is Just onehftlf what adjoining
land Is selling for. Price ia per acre.
.Chicken Ranch
3 acres in Oregon City, 1 block from
church and store, all In cultivation, best
of soil: barn cost $$00; would make
good house; lots adjoining this tract
sell for 3300. , Price 31800; terms.
55 Acres- and Stock,
IVi miles from Sherwood; 25 acres In
cultivation, 4H In orchard, 15 acres
good timber, 1500 cords of wood; good
house, bam and outbuildings, well
fenced: well and springs; good team.
Jersey T4wv. new wagon, new stums
?uller, plow, harrow and all small tools;
1000 cash, balance easy terms.
32 acres, lto tniles from Butteville;
15 acres In cultivation, some fine tim
ber; good house, fair barn and outbuild,
tngs; S registered Jersey cows, fine
team, 1 sow and 8 pigs, 85 thoroughbred
chickens, wagon, buggy, harness and all
implements and tools. Price. 34500;
terms. .
We ruarantee our ' statement and
have pictures of oor farms at office.
W, H. Sertz&uo,
310 Spalding Bldg. Main 6584.
Farm Seekers
Deal direct with the largest operators
In farm lands In Portland.
The following farms are ready for use
and offer splendid opportunity for
60 acres, 6 miles from Wasbougal,
wasn., located on state roaa; tu
acres tillable; 8 room house, barn,
etc., Including personal property,
such as hack, buggy,' team, cow,.75
chickens, wagons, -etc. Price only,
34000: 31200 cash, balance long time.
100 acres at Blodgett, Or.; every acre
uuaoie, oa acres unaer cuiuvauun,
room house, barn, granary, etc.;heavy
team, 8 cows,-6. heifers, hogs, chick
ens, full equipment of Implements,
good well and living stream of wa
ter. This is really a splendid place.
Owner wishes to retire. Price $10,
000: will arrange terms to suit.
46 2-3 acres at Independence, Or.: 10
acres in alfalfa, 8 acres in nops,
family orchard, berries, etc.; new 5
room house, new barn, hon house.
full farming eoulDment. This place
cleared $2000 last year. A genuine
bargain at $3000, terms to suit.
.. .. 1 .. , 1 ... 1 ! . DanV,
6 acres in clover, 4 in oats and
vetch, 2 to acres In turnips, balance
all fine land; good house, fine dairy
barn, 2 wells, I cows,-team, buggy,
chickens, etc. Only 34-800; 33600
cash, balance at 7 per cent.
Farm Seekers Note!
The above are Just samples from our
large listing. Don't waste time looking
at undesirable places we can locate
you' right.
Uorr t. Keasey & to,
23 Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
" Irrigated Farm
Near Portland '
220 ACRES; 160 IN HIGH
,505 Board of Trade Bldg
Eugene, Lane County .
"This is the point where so many rail
roads are headed for.
It Is, the center of an extremely fer
tile and productive section, where na
ture uses her beHt efforts in making a
Eugene and Lane County
. . Want You
. If you are looking for a location, come
in and talk it over. We nave, some fine
farms, 40 acres and up, at prices rang
ing from $40 to $100 per acre, with no
inflated values.
Information cheerfully furnished to
the prospective homeseeker.
505 Board of Trade Bldg.
Yamhill County Farms
.- Fine. Hop Land
160 acres, all under cultivation and in
crop. Mostly all very best bottom land.
Wlllamlna river runs across one side of
place, and this Is the choicest land In
the Wlllamlna valley. On good county
roaa, near town, it is most all good
hop land. Price $90 per acre; terms.
$50 Per Acre
124 acres, 60 under plow, balance pas
ture land. Fair house and barn; good
spring water: located on county road 8
miles from Wlllamlna. A dandy dairy
farm. Terms.
.505 Board of Trade Bldg,
MUST sell my 160 acres, 4 miles from
Weatherby, Baker county, 60 to 60
acres tillable, best free range, good soil,
best orchard land, sure crop, perfect
frost drainage, chance for good cheap
reservoir, placer gold on place, right
by running water, family orchard, small
house, spring water piped Into sink
with drain, barn 82x42 under construc
tion, 3 cows, 2 yearlings, 1 mare, 2-y?ar
mare colt, 6 pigs, chickens, wagon, har
ness, mower, hay rake, steel lever har
row, scraper, plow, garden and borse
cultivators,., spray - pump - and - black
smith tools all new, $4600, by owner.
O. W. Thompson, Weatherby, Or. ;
One of Finest Farms
In Lane County
160 acres, 8 miles from 'Eugene lto
miles from R. R. station. Nice 8 room
house, good barn, family orchard, good
water. The soil is A-l and very deep.
It Is considered one of the finest Im
proved farms In Lane county,, and is in
a locality where prices are advancing.
price now so per acre. Terms,
505 Board of Trade Bldg,
10 seres with fine i room modern
- house, cement basement, tiled
fireplace, porcelain bath, ample
porches, nice fences,- ground all "
cleared, family fruit, some good
young orchard, only 10 miles from
Portland court house 'and a bar
gain for $8500. Office open un
til .9 p. m. ' i
Main 35. 102 4th st. A-350O.
320 Acres 'Stumrx Land
320 acres of stump land, 200 level
enough for .plow; good spring, river on
one side, good road; Ito miles to school,
6 miles from good - town, Castlerock,
Wash.: Only $10 per acre, one third
Room 3, Healy Bldg., Grand ave. arid
East Morrison, st. Phone East 282.
Elegant 20 Acres
Something Very Choice
We have here Just the tract for the
discriminating buyer. We consider this
elegant country home one of the best
farm values near the city. It is lo-
oated just 10 miles west fi
llouse and jv4 miles from
,, nf th. ,.ni.t -Pl.,i0n,
from the court-
Beaverton in
one of the choicest sections of Washing
ton- county.- There are 20 acres, all in
high state of cultivation. The entire
tract lies perfectly, Is the choicest, of
rich, mellow losrnjJao rock or gravel,
and is perfectly drained. The buildings
are all that could be desired, have been
built only 4 years, and the original cost
of same was just about what we are ask
ing for the entire property. There is a
splendid 7 room house, porcelain bath,
toilet and wash basin, concrete founda
tion, tile fireplace, large wide porches;
very fine large barn, all modern conven
iences, and one of the best built struc
tures of -the kind in the state of Ore
gon; other modern outbuildings; perfect
water system with large, tower and
windmill on concrete foundation; in fact
all buildings are modern structures, only
4 years old, and it would be a difficult
matter for you to duplicate them for
the price of the 20 acres. Owing to cer
tain conditions we are in a position for
the next few days to offer you this ele
gant farm home for only 38500; to cash.
Tou can get some idea of the bargain
you are offered here, when you consider
the fact that bare acreage in the same
vicinity is sold for 3400 per acre.' This
property Is located In splendid com
munity, attractive, ana pleasant en
vironment. Is just 10 miles west from
the courthouse in Portland, and is just
the place you have been looking for.
The" description herein given is very
conservative: we have given color to
no detail. We wish to repeat that the
price is only 38500.
Hargrove & Sons -
123 North 6th St., cor. 6th and Gllsan.
Main 4381, A-72B9. .
Yamhill County Farms s :
In a district where climatic conditions
are perfect, where the aoil is rich and
deep and the grass green all the year;
where you have R. F. Dn mail, tele
phones, schools, churches, and all the
comforts of. life, and where you get
more than full value for every cent In
vested. ; ' - - f ,
$15 Per Acre "
250 acres, burned over land, with about
30 or 40 acres-on the bottom, balance
rolling. Soli is first class. . Excellent
fruit land. This lies 12 miles from Wil
lamina, with good wagon road to the
place. An excellent Investment. Good
terms. -1 -
$30 Per Acre
60 acres, good rolling land. Some
cleared, balance timber, about 6 to miles
from Wlllamlna. This is A-l fruit land.
Good terms.
$17.50 Per Acre -
1JA tl1tTi9 land OR ortras alAecsJ
balance in timber. . The- soil Is good
With but little waste land. 9 miles from
Wlllamlna. Good terms.
$65 Per Acre
fr-sxrres.all-clearedrhoTjse 'ifia" baHI.
This Is all level, bottom land, and Is
fine for Intensive farming. It lies 8
miles from' Wlllamlna, on main county
roaa. uooa terras.
820 acres. 2 miles west of Wlllamlna
About 80 acres cleared. 2.000.000 feet
saw timber,- with, saw-mill at edge of
property. Good frame barn, spring wa
ter and running water on nlace. Red
shot, soil, suitable for general farming,
dairying orrruit raising, uood terms.
N, B,
FARMS, close In. 100 to 820 acres, at
prices ranging from 340 to 375 pep acre.
on gooa terms. k
,505 Board of Trade Bldg,-
$25 Per Acre
880 acres right on the railroad, between
Yoncalla - and Oakland. In Doualas
county. Rolling land. 200 acres now
being farmed; could farm about E00
acres. This Is a well Improved ranch,
with- good house and barn, fenced and
cross fenced, and with running water
and springs. It la very good fruit lnnd
and Is a dandy stock ranch. The above
price includes $2000 worth of personal
property. If you are looking for full
value for your money, don't overlook
tnis. Terms.
505 Board of Trade Bldg
Fully Stocked and Equipped
.... Near Eugene
80 acres, all In cultivation. Family
orchard In bearing. 6 room house barn,
shade trees, improvements good. On
county road. The soli is A-l and the
greater part Is splendid fruit land. This
farm is on an electric line" now build
ing. 8 to miles from. Eugene. Horses. rtltrct 9 nil ,lr.Am
v " ,J n.wi V . nil n 1 11 1 1 o miu mi n.
mg implements, complete; all for $8600,
1 erms. .- ......... . .
'505 Board of Trade Bldg,
$11 Per. Acre Run Down
Farm. 234 acres, 80 cultivation, 50
bottom. 194 fenced, larsre barn. 4 room
house, well, creek, outrange, near live
R. R., county seat city, in eastern Ore
gon; mortgage, forced sale, need $1500
cash, balance 5 years, or take clear,
cheap Portland realty. Oregon Farms
;o., iiiimner Kxonange,
-160 Acres, $7
Per acre. One mile from station.
1224 acres, $25 per acre; sell, trade
or rent; 4 miles from station in eastern
Oregon, it is an no. i wheat land.
816 Hamilton Bldg.
243 acres, close to 6 towns, 88 ml. of
peruana, level, l so acres, clear, rich soli
rine water, Duiiatngs not good, fruit
will bav for itself, one nrlc I2S nnn
good payment, balance 5 per cent Jong
time. From Owner, fatn 8064.
160 OR 240 acres. Klickitat valley: frulL
. grain and., timber; 40 -acres
prairie; 1,000,000 timber; plenty water
on county road. R. F. D. and telephone.
6 miles from R. R., 6 hours by rail to
portiana; lies wen. oasn price only 31
per acre. See owner, 288 Williams ave
A Bargain
40 acres. VL miles to R. R. town
Washington 'county, 18 in crop, good
Duuaings nne orcnara, living water,
only $3200; terms. . F. Dubois, 1203
I eon mag.
100 ACRES 2 to miles from Sheridan
60 acres cultivated, bottom land deep
black soil, balance rich . soil, .fine for
frnlt; 6 room house, good barn, 300
fruit trees planted, . 365 per, acre. X.
O. Harker. 3Z7 Monawk bldg.
ONE thousand acres of stock ranch for
. 79 acres alfalfa ground and water to
irrigate, rest upiana, some siock ana im
plements. $20 per acre. Inquire 1691 Tav-
lor Ferry, st, Portland Or. J. B. Cullck,
H. N, Swank
158 acres all cleared, on Oregon Elec
trie, $85; obliged to raise $6000. 803
Abington ning.
THE cream is all on this 'bargain; 500
acres of new land In rapidly growing
section near u. W. P. line, bee Hatch,
819 Union ave. N.
IF YOU want a good 40 acre fru
farm mostly prunes and aool
write to R. L. -Austin, owner, Vancou
ver, wasn.
A BARGAIN Imbroved farm 173 acres.
buildings, stock, all farm implements,
318.000, no.ouo cash. 283 Taylor st.
Has the kind ynu want. : Harrison st.
j&uwauiua, pnone lied las.
0)A i(gfc
Pay for Place First Year
100 acres, all In cultivation, perfect
soil for spuds; 2S miles Portland, 14
room piastered house, good barn, all in
good shape: perpetual water right; the
cheapest place in Oregon. Only 3125
per acre; terms to suit.
73 6th .St.. Near Oak.
Main 8990, A-4185.
40 ACRES fruit and potato land, Wash
ington county, 380O; $150 cash, 316
per month. 1203 Yeon bldg. -
FARM for rent. 70 acres, about 25
under cultivation, orchard, . good barn,
house and outbuildings, eta,' and neces
sary tools, situated to ro"9 from, sta
tion of ULatourell, Or. Cash rent, $300
per year. For particulars apply IL A.
Latourell, I-atourell. Or.
IVE-ROOM hard finished house; i to
acres or ground; an cleared, rruit
trees and strawberries: 34th st and
Hampton ave. ; take Woodstock car and
get off at 34 th st.. go south 7 blocks.
Inquire for Mr. Truman. j
to ACRES highly Improved land; to
beaverdam. irrigated, nice bungalow.
barns,- 6 minutes' walk from Beaverton.
919 Ellsworth. Sellwood 765.
FOR RENT -10 acres of land, improved.
close In; renter can do clearing by
contract 248 Alder st.
OWN the finest little 10 acre ranch
in the White Salmon valley, free of
Incumbrance, cash price $1750. Deepest
red shot soil, finest view, 5 acres now
being cleared (will finish clearing), new
cabin, creek and county road across one
corner. Want Portland lot or lots. E. G.
eison, 820 Yeon bldg.
10 ACRES Commercial orchard. 3 year
old trees. In first, class condition, road
on two sides, tract lays beautifully, best
soil, in fine fruit section, $325 per acre.
O. Barker, 327 Mohawk bldg.
63 ACRES fine fruit land in the finest
aDDle section. 43 acres cleared. 3100
per acre If sold this month. X. O. Bar-
ker, 327 Mohawk bldg. '
HOMESTEADS near Portland six claims
Just cruised: level, good" soil? ready
for plow; timber and water: can see
claims one day; fees right . Covey, 267
Oak, room 21.
HOMESEEKER8 Land laws allow you
480 acres rich farming land, near rail
road now building, in central Oregon;
320 acre locating lee, $100. 131 4th st.
Main 8774; A-132 1. . '
HOMESTEAD relinquishment; 160 acres
nne level land, close to Portland, 4
miles to R. R.; act . quick; $300. W.
B. Neels. 533 Hamilton bldg.-
640-CRE unincumbered farm to trade;"
every acre unaer piow, wun tne nn-
est modern set of buildings In the
state; only 3 years old; complete set of
farming Implements; will accept Port
land or vicinity property and assume.
817 Board of Trade bldg. Main 9416.
HAVE a good modern house, with lot
soxioo on East Burnside, near, soth
etreet ; Just.west .f rom Laurelhurst;
will take lot, or equity in lot as first
payment, monthly payments on the bal
ance. Price $3750.
160 ACRES land - In central Oreeon.
house, barn, water, fenced., under cul
tivation, izq per acre, i&uo mortgage.
balance $2500 eoulty. to trade as Dart
on smal or large ranch, in valley house
ana lot, vacant tots, norses or mutes.
j-37, journal.
NEW bungalow. Mt. Scott linefe
room; - plastered, city water. - front
and back porch; close to sonooi. stores,
ohurches. eto.; will exchange for room
ing house or 'grocery store, boo I eon
Read This
I have some lots in Rose City dis
trict, only small amount owed on each.
I will trade for acreage or any kind of
business. Peters, 15 N. 6th St. '
TO EXCHANGE for good . roomln
uuuov, i.v ni.icn ttii.ii visa iiuum, uai 11
spring, IS acres plowed, 25 more cleared.
balance good timber, no underbrush,
mile to town. 605 Henry bldg.
HOUSE and lot to trade for acreage or
vacant lots or confectionery and light
groceries. I mean business. B-374, Jour
nal. ..-
FOR SALE acre well located oft
79th st. Will take good driving horse
and buggy as part payment, balance $10
per month. B.379. journal.
E ROOM "bungalow In Hawthorne dls
met. 330UU: win take good late model
auto as first payment, pnone owner.
Marshall 16. II. Gunther, 919 Yeon bid
766 ACRE wheat' farm, eastern Oregon,
to exchange for Portland city prop
erty or a farm near Portland. Sea own
er, 914 Lewis Diag., city.
WILL exchange 425 acres of best fruit
land in tne sutnerun valley for port
land Income property. For particulars
call 917 liewts bldg. wain 34Q0.
WHAT have you to trade for 6 room
house, lot 60x100,. near Alnsworth st
Price $1100." W, B. Neels, 533 Hamilton
TRADE 2 storv house, modern, good dls
trlct; price anuu, ztu cawt, 1Z6U
lots or auto, balance easy terms. A-
860. journal. ' ' - '
VERY finest orchard land In Hood Rlv-
er valley, near R. R. station, for city
or suburban property. Anaress u. i,
Nlcfrelwen, Portland. Gen, Del
FOR SALE or trade for acreage or land
315,000 eastern income property free
of Incumbrance, perfect title; deeds
here. J-3S4. Journal. ;
HAVE new, ndern. Improved city
nronerty to exchange for i farm.
Claude Cole, 730 Chamber of Commerce.
820 ACRES, best wheat land In North
Dakota. Will trade for Oregon prop
erty. V-379, Journal.
7 46 acres at Gates; 8 room house; will
sen or iraae tor roruana property,
f none i anor za.
621 HENRY BLDO. MAIN 4465.
Doris, the only $2 per day hotel In
woodburn, ur. J. u. ue Long, owner,
Abe Martin
KTh' first thing th' neighbors" say when
a fellers wife goes vlsltln" is "Iwon
aeFTrTieirTiiakeEorreer Tir tnor
poverty stricken a town Is th more
kAAtln all..FlA If Mil hnril!
i:xciiA.xc;:: ii::a:. l..xai zk
Trade in Your House or Let
nd Get a Place in the Country
Aplace where you can be inde
pendent. Y.'ei have a number of good
farms whose owners want for var
ious reasons to get into the city.
10 acres at Cowlitz, Wash., 8
aces now under blow; 4 room
house, barn, spring, etc. Own-
er ewes only $110 on this place. -Will
trade eouity. $1690. for
mall bungalow any place iri
9A ,,.r.a tin in TtmloHn rlvet-
3! '
only 12 miles from Portland: ay
fine country place; value
$3000; clear of incumbrance.
Wants home In city.
- 8 acres-near-Xafayette, Yamhill
county; 2 acres beaverdam; 150
2-year-old apples. , 150 2-year- ,
old poaches, variety orchard
and small fruits; 6 room house,
: good barn, fenced. Price $2700,
;. mortgage $1400; will take
- tquity. $1300, for lots or house
and '.ot.
If you have country or city prop
erty to trade, let our Exchange ,
Department serve you.
DO Hit E. K'EASEY & CO.,
- Exchanges.
2d Floor' Chamber of Commerce
Building. .'....
Clear for acreage between Portland
and Gresham. - .
160 acres in Wheeler county, water
on place; $1600 cash.
6 acres ox genuine oeaveraam iana ai
Beaverton for city property.
160 acres at Coos Bay, lft miles from
the bay, for city property.
. $3000 f irst mortgage for city prop
erty or good acreage. .
10 good lots in small town, clear, for
city property or rooming house.
. 6 room house, clear, izuu, ior joi or
rooming house.
is acre one Wock from Vancouver
carllne, $3750, mortgage $1250, for city
property. . -
160 acres, railroad through place, 6
miles from Glendaley $2400, clear trade
of chicken ranch land near Portland.
M. C, Reed Co. -
617 Board of Trade. ' Main 4675.
ReaHv for. -Business.
in crop; 6 room house, barns, grist and
cnopping mm, engine, oui w, em.
Jersey cows and calves, chickens, bees;
house furnished, family ' orchard, 12
acres or oak timDer, reaay 10 go ngm
on to and make a living; near Corvallis;
fenced and cross lencea; price iou n
aero Will ' trade for KOOd rooming
house or a Portland home . .
Owner, 505 Yeon Bldg.
Exchanges Sale
All kinds of properties for sale or
exchange. Call and see us.
We can match anything. Headquart
ers for exchanges.
A-334JoumaL '
617 Board of Trade. Main 4675.
OWN the finest little 10 acre ranch
in the White Salmon valley, free of
Incumbrance, cash price $17 B0. Deepest
red shot soil, finest view, 6 aeres now
being cleared (will finish clearing), new
cabin, creek and county road' across one
corner, want Portland lot or lots. m. u.
Nelson, 820 Yeon bldg.
-HAVB a-f ew- lots-ln-one of -th -
finest beach resorts in Oregon
to trade for city property. Wnat
hare yout N-368, Journal
' . p.i 1 i . ; ' ' 1 1a-1 TRANSIENT rooming, house, busl
nPT 111 n ffflt '.A- ness district. 20 rooms, good furnl-
UCl III Ul&lll ture. 31050: 18 f room a., rent 376 1 will
TOaII ImnrAvarl 1AA aerea - CA - tnllAS
from Portland, Including 21 head of
stock, pigs, chickens and implements.
at the-low price or jo per acre; pan
trade and some cash. 205 McKay block,
BEE us for real estate trades anywhere.
gog Board or Trade biag. -
THE following articles for sale or ex
' change for anything that I can use:
One graphaphone, one set double har
ness, one saddle, one roll top desk, one
light . express wagon. 446 Flanders.
WILL exchange strictly A-l piano for
- gooa motorcycle, portiana pnono-
graph agency. 850 Alder.
10 ROOM modern house, 3 lots. E. 62d
St., for good lots or acreage. 819 June
St., Hood River, Or.
CLEARED lots for auto, R. H. or dia
mond. Phone Tabor 1490. Might give
some cash. ' .
WILL exchange city lots or acreage for
rooming house. 412 Chamber of Com.
A 6 or 6 room home In Sunnystde or
Hawthorne - oistricts. Must d modern
and a good buy. . State cash price and
price with terms, write u-:.7S, journal.
tir a WTpn m ...
ern 6 or 6 room bungalow, in Mount
Tabor district or vicinity; must be new,
moaern ana a onrgain; souu or unaer;
terms; repsonsible party., 0-876, Jour
nal. WANTED A lot near Mt, Tabor or
Hawthorne car, or west side residence
lot; must be a bargain; spot ca9h. Full
particulars in first letter. A-ssy, jour
nal. - " - - -. - ' ' '-' '
PARTY having steady employment In
city wishes to purchase small farm in
country for family. Can pay $26 per
month. N-374, Journal.
I WISH to buy a home in Alblna; can
pay 31600 down and $b0 per month on
1 Jance. Phone East 4949.
WANTED New modern bungalow to
34600: have timber and casln 8-369.
WANTED To buy from owner one lot;
-give location in answer. A-avi, jour-
nal. . ,
WANT cheap acreage at Mosler or Lyle
for cash. 1014 Chamber or commerce.
BY OWNER Furniture 15 rooms, mofct-
iy uuu iten eeimiK, rem uniy 900; .a
years lease; avtrage Income $116! a
snap If sold this week, by owner, C-ST1,
Buy From Owner
15 rooms, all housekeeping, always
full,- clearing $70 a month,--close- in.
Phone Main 4028. ,
" . . . 40 ROOMS. ' " "
Center west side, good furniture and
lease, clears $200 per month; $400 cash
handles this. 310 Henry bldg.
$800 WILL handle Uie best 24 room
It. K. house InUhe city; will take
some trade; lease and cheap rent; all
good furniture. 548H Washington st.
72 rooms, new ' brick, unfurnished
apartment house, centrally located, rent
$5 room; Particulars 810 Henry bldg.
617-619 Henry Bldg. Mar. 864, A-826S.
We handle hotels, apartment houses
and rooming houses exclusively.
24 room hotel with restaurant In con
nection; ail new and doing a good
business. Some trade. W. O. Johnson,
627 Chamber of Commerce, -
21 ROOMS, housekeeping, hot and cold
water, well furnished: west side;
$lM0r half. cash; will exchange for oity
property. P-369, Journal. '
Corner brick, good furnlturs and
lease, clearing $200 per month, $3400;
$600 ash. 310 Henry bldg.i
Will exchange good city lot or . acre
age. 412 . Chamber of Ccmmerce.
FOR SALE or trade,1 a good housekeep
ing rooming house. Close In, at a bar-
gain. W. O. Johnson, B2T. C of C.
GOOD paying house at lift N. 8rd st,
cor. Burnsfda; long lease; cheap rent;
phone Main 4762.
SNAP 10 room rooming house for rent,
furniture foe- ea lot must"1 eelt 4h4s
week; owner, 207 Market st.
10 rooms,, rent 332, $450; cash, some
irauc; ats viay. -
I II it, i L is y
.r V n.. n,.!l,0 I
01 I UUr Dubilitoi VuiUl i I.iaho combined; 3 trapse i
If so. list it with an old. n-iiaMe firm ' tirental railways and minimus o:.'-t
and get satisfactory results. If your I railway l.nes are building through t no
place will not stand thoroutrh lnvestl- j province, openmtr up an immense are i
L,iti,,n t iinn'i nan tt Wa Vim a of virnUi b u rip ill 1 1) ml mlrferal. coal ana
competent man in charge of this depart-i
ment Call up Marshall 468 or A-l 059.
Ask for Mr. Asher. He will call on you.
R. H, Goodkind Co.
Members ef Portland Realty Board.
1005-1006 Wilcox bldg.
Cor. 6th and Washington st.
40 Rooms. Mndern
No finer place in Portland, new build
ing. Dew elegant furniture, telephone in
most of the rooms, 6 year lease, good
location, present owner traded for It,
but Is not a.hotel man. If ywu are, we
can get you the bargain of your life.
Would consider some trade. (K) J. E,
w ia leon mag. -
Simply Elegant -
IS rooms, furniture cost $3500, mod
ern, one private and one other bath,
$150 Ruutf heater, beautiful home, fin
est class of people, 4 year lease, rent
$75. If you have $100 I can put you In
possession, almost giving It away. -
m Yeon bldg,
Swell Boarding House
Splenaid we" Bide location, very low
rent; finely furnished; furnace heat; hot
and cold wbter in most of the 22 rooms.
Is running to Its full capacity now and
making good." Owner would , sel or'
trade for a small place; let us tell yoa
all about this place. K) J. E. NICH
OLS CO.. 615 Yeon Bldg.
16 Rooms 16
A-l transient house, rent $65: 8 year
lease, always full; price today $228.
10 Kooms-T-10
1 block from Washington, good furni
ture; always full; $75 will handle. Pe
ters. 15 N. 6th st
Exclusive Buy
IS rooms,' beautifully furnished, rent
$40; lawn, roses, etc.; will clear $60 a
month, above every expense, and make
lovely home; near White Temple; price
$850, at $500 cash. -.
. 505 Yeon Bldg, "
T Am Forced to Sell
My 110 room apartment house, close tn,
on a busy street; 3 years' lease; rent
$500 month: steam heat, brick building;
clearing $1000 month; $2000 takes this.
206 Lumber Exchange. '
A Dandy Transient House :
. 20 rooms, well furnished, in an ex
eeiient transient location, owner will
sell this week ata sacrifice. Only $1450;
$450 cash reonlred. i
u. i eon mug,
40 Rooms, Modern
Brick building. 2 blocks of this of
fice; steam heat, 5 year lease, worth
wuv, yours ior zaoo, terms.
505 Yeon Bldg. '
v 20 Rooms
Close In, on Washington street newly
renovated, nice and clean, f ina tran
sient house; 6 year lease. You can make
$200 per month clear of all expenses. It
Is well worth $2000. But we can soil it
for 31450, on easy terms for a few days.
iyy J. E. NICftQLB CO.. 615 Yeon bldg.
40 Rooms 40.
All swell furniture, good lease, rooms
all full, clearing $225 monthly. In heart
of city; never sold for less than $2500.
I am forced to leave city; will give away
ior hb;, lauu gown.. PAters. ia jh.- qui.
ture, $1060: 18 frooms, rent $75, will
clear $90. $1000, $400 cash; IS rooms,
rent $30, $800, terms. Others, all sixes.
Call get description. 605 Henry bldg,
40 Rooms, $1100 v
Centrally ilocated; well . furnished
apartments; 4uu down; clears 3200
month; being given away. 505 Yeon bldg.
22 h. k.. fine location, extra well fur-
nlshed, clean ayid neat; making good
money: long lease, chenn rent. Price
$1350. Will consider trade. What hav
...... TBaaHk l . if, J . I. .
Corner, brick, center city, 4 years'
lease, clears $150: price $1000. This
Includes $250 deposit on lease, transfer
o Japanese, siu uenry oiog.
FOR PALE 22 shares of canttal stock
of East Side Planing mill, $100 per
share. Will take Portland unimproved
lots as part payment Address Frank
Wolf. 2070 E. Clackamas. ,
San fiHiRPH nnvprnmcat Kta nAaA
Powder Co., preferred stock below
S?i' 'ul uenuia oiag. A-4120; juain
SilWlNQ and industrial stocks and
Donns nought and sold.
a H. McClelland. 208 Railway E.
FOR SALE Creamery doing good busi
ness, good location, cheap rent. Route
all on paved streets. Price $1150. Phone
500. Business Cards, $1,
Rose City Printery, 192 H Third Street
A REAL BARGAIN. The War la on
FOR SALS Light woodworking plant,
2500 square feet floor space; estab
lished trade; special line: 1 acre ground;
4 room hoiwe. Price $3650, Tabor 629.
REAL ESTATE office, fully equipped.
mahogany desk and chairs, etc.:
ground flour; rent $10 per month. Call
302 Madison, or Phone Tabor 661. -
A RESTAURANT for sale, cheapr doing
fair business. In good location; must
sell; easy terms. Come and see It at 176
Madison st. -
CHICKEN raising, garden truck, honest
man wants to be working partner.
Will Invest small amount Apply Mr,
Turley, 88 N. 6th St. Phone Tabor 8894
GROCERY, ice cream, and confection
ery; doing good business. Will take
unincumbered property for part or all
the value; $3500. K-376, Journal.
Old established, good naylng; corneV
location; Invoice $3200. D-SS1. Journal.
A SNAP Grocerv stock and fixtures,
- worth $1200; come make me an offer.
973 Alblna ave., Woodlawn 1944.
BAKERY and delicatessen, doing good
business - Well " located, " good lease.
V-377. Journal.
WILL build your house.' Parker, If re
quired in two weeks; free plans. V-376,
Journal. -
PARTNER Will teach business. In
quire at 105 Park st., upstairs. Ask
for. Mr. Warner.--. ..... ... ,
FOR SALE or trade a home bakery.
must be sold by the 16th. Phone Ta
bor 3060 or call 1406 Hawthorn ave.
GROCERY stock and fixtures; $900J to
trade for house and lot or lot. 907
Chamber of Commerce.
A BARGAIN If you are looking for a
live and up to date grocery, we have
it, $2500 cash required; mho Belmont st,
GROCERY store for sale, doing a good
cash business, located close inr Phone
East 891. .'
907 Yeon bldg. -
Dealers In hotels and apartments houses.
GROCERY for Bale, sblandld corner. 8
carllnes, long lease, cheap rent; no
agents, a-syb. journal.
PHOTO gallery, netting $3000 annually.
good mountain city; sell or exchange
for city property, rnone senwooa 874
FOR SALE Restaurant In good loca
tion; seats 60;xdaily receipts, $70; S
years' lease; $1600. 0-862, Journal.
PHYSICIAN can secure a splendid lo-
cation who -will buy Pr, Everest's- lots
and buildings at Cornelius; or.
500 Good Business Cards $1
til Buchanan bldg., 286V, Washington.
iv dairy
TMlrewe-,-6 7 H-Vrnirto
$400 WILL handle amusement business;
oniy one oi us Ktna. M-i4, journal.
ERITI?:i ColutnS-ia I Cr- !'; ' '
province a "id Is -larr nr..: r:'Hr t- i
the states of Ore;.j:i. - . ' ' - "1 f 1
timber lands; this is the last great op-
portunity on the North American con
tinent to "irot In at the start." Britlsn
Columbia's climate is the best in Can
ada. Let us send von, free of cost, our
publication. "British Columbia Bulletin
of Information." giving latest newe of
development, investment opportunities,
openings fcr busi.iess of all kinds, etc.
Write today, tend us a postal card
with your name nJ address., Natural
Resources Security Co.. Ltd.. 606-415
Bower bide., Vancouver. B. C
$10 TO $100 MADE DAILY
In the mbvlng picture business. Small
capital will make you a big fortune. v
We have good locations for either per
manent shpw or for traveling. Call and
get particulars gratiB. New York Film
Exchange. 626 H Washington, near 17th.
Business Chance .
'First class partner wanted to take
half Interest in a good paying business.
This is no graft.
Marshall 4299.- ' ' A-105L
518 Board of Trade.
Business Chance
First class cartner wanted ta take
half Interest in a good paying business.
xma is no grart.
Marshall 4299. 1 - A-1081.
618 Board of Trade.
l.L .
NESS. - - ' r
T - M 11 M . ... '
all prices. '
MICHAEL, tOt Commercial Club Bldg.
FOR SALE -10 acres of land, residence.
Dam, j story new store Dunaing, nx
tures and" entire stock generaLmerchan
diss. . Address W. S. Qrlbble,7Mt Hood,
Or. 1 t
FOR SALI0 Planing mill, box factory
ana lumber yara. Also z laM saw
mills, in a No. 1 fruit district of east
ern Oregon; plenty of Umber. M-83.
BAKERY, confectionery and restaurant '
for sale, cheap; doing a good business.
This is a snap for-the one who buys it
at once. Address Box 66, Hubbard, Or.
$250 cash buys business that will earn
$50 per week lnaulre 1260 Hancock
st. Rose City car to 43d, or H-376,
FINE location for good attorney. Write
note! witcneii. Joseph, or.
WANTED-A real salesman, a man
. who has ability, who will work for
us as hard and conscientiously as he
would for himself, to represent us ex
clusively in Oregon, --:-
Must be ready to commence work
March 15. We have a large,- well
known and in every way first class line
of exclusive calendars and advertising
specialties. Our line is so attractive
and varied that each and every business
In. every town In the country, without
regard to size, can be successfully so
licited, bur goods are very" attractive.
but no more so than our reasonable
prices, and we know from the expert-,
ence of others who have been and are
now in our employ, that any bright,
hustling man who has ability and is
willing to work can make with us from
$50 to $150 per week." Commissions lib
eral, uur company was orgBnizealu
1882" Capitalized $200,656. vWe are
responsible and mean business. If you
do. It will pay you to write sales man
ager, Merchants Publishing Co., Kala
mazoo, Mich. Enclose this advortlse
ment with your application.-
Calls from employers for men. ...2291
roamons mien .ions
Special employment membership $5
per annum guarantees member will se
cure employment or refund of member
ship fee; -gives two months' full mem
bership privileges and 10 montba" so
cial privileges -In the association and
undertakes to keep party employed dur
ing the full term of his year's member
ship without further charge. . "7
Constant denand for high grade, ex
perienced men.
RUARY, 1912.
Calls from employers for men..,.. 844
Positions filled! ,...259
See secretary advisory and employ
ment department, Y. M. C. A.
WANTED-For tne United States army.
able bodied unmarried men between
ages of 19 and-35, citizens of United,
Plates of good character and temperate
habits, who ean epeak, read and write
the English language. For Information
apply to recruiting -officer, Worcester
biag., id ana uaa srs., Portland, ur.
WANTED Automobile repair man;
must be familiar with medium prloe
car; 40o an hour; give experience and
references, .smith s uarage, La uranoe,
We want a successful man to organize
and take charge of a crew of sales
men. Will pay well If you can show
results, Call 801 Buchapan bldg. .
We want. 2 more live Salesmen. Can
use only successful men who can show
resdlts. 250 ner week for rood men.
Call 801 Buchanan bldg. ; -
OPERAT1 NG moving pictures; learn It
right: full course taught in theatre:
secure positions. Price reasonable. 41T
Rothch Id bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Salesman who Is capable ot
making sales autnmoMie accessories.
city or road. C-877. Journal.
WANTED At once, i men to learn ta
drive and repair automobiles. Call at
Hawthorne Garage, 448 Hawthorne.
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call-
'forma wine Depot, zss famnui, next
to Journal. '
WANTED Man who understands bulM-
v lng coal bunker. Call E. 2nd and Mar
ket. Apk for McGraw.
WANTED Hustlers on a new Invention
a great money maker. Call room 33.
Baker hotel. ZB5H 6th st.
WANT carpenter, lalTorer, painter,
plumber. Give dentistry. Call 207
AlTsky bldg.
FIRST CLASS bench and floor machln
- 1st. (o go out of town. CalJ 222 Com
mercial Club bldg.
WANTED Presser to run email shop.
Johnson jonnson, ie join st.
WANTEfv Boys, with wheels make fib"
- per cent and are kept busy at 170 lOtri. "
a Kenshaw $2 hat; alK styles.
169 4th st
449 Washington.-
We have a fully equipped shop and
are crowded with work.x Call at once.
123 Fifth St. North.
MEN wanted, age 18 to 35, to prepare
for firemen or brakemen on nearby '
railroads. $80 to $100 monthly. Ex
perience unnecessary; no strike. Pro
motion engineer or conductor, $16- to
$200 monthly, uood life careers, state.
age: y.fnd stamp. M. Journal.
li'ELl!;GRAPHV---SrM.nKlng of guaran
tees, Pwlll give a limited number of
bona fide guarantees for positions ta
desirable applicahts and teach telegra
phy In i practical way. Myers, 669
Flafderw et Portland. Or.
RAILWAY" mall clerks wanted, $90
month. Portland examinations May
4.' Pfeparatlon free. Franklin institute.
Dept. 319-M, Rochester, N. Y. -
To learn to operate motion pictures at
our fine equipped theatre. Lessons rert
Bonable. ' 526 ' Washington, near 17th.
, . OIRL8. - v .
Learn' our bwtness; Sanitary Beauty
Parlors. 400-412 Pekum bldg.
PROGRESSIVE school of shorthand and
v typewriting. 269 14th 8;, Terms $5"
per month. Phone Main 8893. :
V NCALLETT-f or-ra no rTfisa e "lulls' IH
up. , Harvard Tailors, it 14.
Uncalled for tailor-mnde suits, 310 up.
Taylor the Tailor, 285 Burnslde at.