The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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    j W W
4i!ror;iLAM) hs:alty di:allt.s
io sale iroiTLJ
U :
Comedy of Sids-Splitting Kind
nuiui uie Duaiua una
Week. , -
One unending round of laughs ts the
Orpheum fare this week, with only two
acts that ar not straight comedy.
. .Robert T. Hatnes, an aotor of high
ending In the dramatic field conies
I headline position with his company
r four in "The Coward," a tense dra
playlet from the pen of George
Broadhurst The ththi la not new, but
the handling is original and the Interest
holds from the beginning to the 'end,
Mr. Haines la a finished actor of com
pelling power who was received . at
on with high ' favor. Prominent In
his support is Robert ; E. Keane, the
heavy. -.-'' '
The comedy " headlinera are "Wilson
Brothers, who look like enlarged edi
tions of Mellln'a food babies. ' It la
hard to aay Just what they do, but It
makes the audience recall them time
inu again, mey jruaei. Bins a utramu
1 and spring la few Jokes with lrreslst
ViJble glee,
Amy Butler and Mike Bernards are
back again, having joined force. Miss
.and as such was a delight, for. --; she
never failed In making her hit." Mr.
; Bernard plays wonderful " ecoBpanl
ments, la addition, anything from rag
to masterpieces with the same '; sure
kill. The act practically stopped the
ahow. 1 - ' -; : - -----r -
Edward :' Flanagan , and ; Neely Ed
wards give their enjoyable blackface
act, "On and Off, in which they offer
" the novelty of changing from blackface
to white In view of the audience. Songs,
dances, Jokea and a corking quarrel
make up the act -: - . yw
A dainty and pleasing act that, was
very -well received waa presented by
Charlotte Ravenscroft singing violin-
. iste. Her rendition, of the "Miserere"
and "Ragtime Violin." where she sang
and played, were especial favorites.
Rloe and Prevost, "The Original
Bumpety Bumps," appeared In t com-
edy acrobatic act that found much fa
vor. , . .
The bill la opened by Claud N. Roods
in a alack wire -act, marked by the use
: of considerable sensational apparatus.
J?uyPity HaIISite at Pearl
and East Ninth and Pave
Street Corners.
. tftiwMal to Tha Jnurml .
...Eugene, Or,, March ,d6. At a special
City election held here yesterday the
. people voted to locate the new city hall
at th corner of East Ninth and Pearl
streets on a lot owned by the Eagles'
lodge and Attorney L. Btlyeu, this site
having received a larger vote than an;
;ono of three .other ite offered. The
proposition to issue bonds to pay for
the Bite and- the proposition to issue
$75,000 bonds to pay for the paving of
the street Intersections both carried by
large majorities. "The charter amend
ment -empowering the council to pass
an ordinance compelling dogs to be kept
tied up also carried. The result of the
election by figures, is as follow:
City hall site Campbell property at
went mntn ana uuve streets, 68: Ea
glea' and Bilyeu property at East Ninth
and Pearl streets, 380; M. E. church
property owned by a syndicate of bus
iness men, at the corner of Tenth and
Willamette streets, - 186; W. J. War
noek's and .George Forrest's " property,
corner oi ast Eign ana Pearl streets,
iao. . -. . .. -. .
City hall . bonds Tes, 675;. no, 838;
majority for 889. , . . . 1
Paving bonds Yes, 668; no, 887; ma
jority for 321.
To keep dogs tied up Yes, 748; no,
855; majority for, 483.-' - -
. P. E, & K. Hires Construction Man..
. (Special tn The Jouraitl.l'
Eugene,- Or., March 8. W, F. Baker
ef this city has been engaged by the
Portland. ' Eugene & Eastern Railway
. company as general construction super
intendent and has just been called home
from a trip through the southern states
to begin his work. Ho arrived Sunday
and has been busy since assembling
materials to begin building extensions
to the local street' railway system as
soon as the city council and the coun
ty court grant franchises asked for by
the company. .These extensions Involve
about six miles of line. Baker will
also superintend construction of the Eugene-Monroe
line, which will probably
be begun during the present montn or
early in April if the weather ia favor
able. , .':
. '. ' (United Prew LeRfieil Wire.)
Albany, N. Y.. March '6. Mayor Gay
nor, of New Tork, voluntarily took a
hand In the Brandt case by sending to
Governor, DIx a lengthy letter approv
ing the action of DIx in refusing a par
don to "tho former "Schlff valet and
criticising Justice Gerard for setting
the sentence aside.
The mayor intimates that the original
sentence was perfectly legal, bitterly
denounces Bra mi t, and . those sympa
thizing with him, and defends at great
length Mortimer L. Schlff and him at
torneys in .trying to keep Brandt In
Jan.- . ., ,;J.: ......
Ask Your Doctor
Is alcohol a tonic? Nol
Does it make the blood pure?
Nol Does it strengthen the
nerves? No ! Is Ayer's Sar
saparilla a tonic? Yesl Does
it make the blood pure?
Yesl Does it strengthen the
nerves? , Yesl By asking
your doctor you can learn
medicine. ,
J.0. ArtrOo.,
Lowell, Mm.
Five Railroads Cul'dln-
Population bow 12,000
Southern and Southeastern
Invest while prices are low
1600 ACRES
Creek Bottom and Rolling Land
8H Miles from Eugene,
Well .improved. Plenty water
Fine for - subdividing, for Fruit
- or Intensive Farming
" " 888868 - -: - (
-. 60S Board of Trad bid.
Twenty rooms. Income $125 per month.
On fine corner lot car riant by the
door. It is nice walking diatanoe. but
can take your choice. Pays good in
terest on the price awked. Will double
in price In five years. .Takes eleven
thousand to handle. Balance terms. It
wil pay to call and Inquire about It
613-514 Selllnr Bldr.. Odd. Oreronlan
A-7711. M-4841. Member Realty Board.
$20 BOWK, $10 MOWTH, 2CO
We are subdividing our lands into
40-acre farms selling; at 8500 for each
forty. Southern Pacific's Natron exten
sion runs through the land. No forty
more than live mHes from the railroad.
Remember, these lands have an aver
are of 24 inches annual nrMlnltntlnn
We are platting the townaites on the
Natron extension, and will give free to
each of the first 100 farm purchasers
four lots, one In ..each of four towns,
as prizes In the great movement "back
lo tne lanq. . -...
KTTHTEX XjAHD CO 8tpaldlng Bldg,
$15,000-V4 Block
With 4 buildings. Room for garage.
Rents now for -8960 per annum. E.
9th and E.Washlngton sts.
WEmfiB-xtuT con
70 ronrth at. -
We Have the Following Amounts to Loan
At once on first class real estate, close
f 8000, $ years, 8 per cent. -I
8500, 3 years, 8 per cent.
$ 3000, 3 years, T and 8 per cent.
1 8 4000, 3 years, 7 and 8 per cent.
6000, 3 years, 8 per cent.
$10,000, 3 years, 7 and 8 per cent.
$13,000, 3 years, 7 per oent.
$30,000, 3 years7 per cent.
A. J. Detscti Co.
Marshall 4380.' A-1SS9.
840 Chamber or Commsroe.
Foj( John e. cronan 7wa
Mortgagre Loans
JOHW BAIW, 60S 8rpaldlng Botldlngr.
CERTIFICATES of title made by the
iiue at Trust company, uwu oiog.
tn ana uaa.
Eva K. Preston and husband to
Charles Rudeen, lots 16 and
18, block 1; lots 18, 17, 18, -block
8; lots 33, 84, 89, 40,
block 4: lots 18. 18. block 6.
Lucile addition 8 1.800
Ella f. Rawaon to Ida M. Fern-
berton, lot 43, and east hall of
'lot 42. block 1. Roselawn An
nex ... .......v............. 1.800
R. C, Loucks to Marcus E. how-
ard. lot S. block 1. Nash's
First addition .... ... 1.200
Title & Trust company to Kay
Hmitn. iota l. s. diock 10. Kim-
hurst - L400
Anton E. oigman and wire to
; Emanuel Digman, lot 14, block
dltlon 1.400
W, N. Everett and wire to Fran ,
cea N Ilnath. lot 2. blOCK 5.
Laurelhurst 8,000
juaureinuret company to Sidney
w. Mills, lot a. moca 72.
relhurst 3.200
Laurelhurst company to Maud El.
. uoav. lot a.' diock 7i. ijaurei-
hurst ; 1,800
Portland Trust company of Or
egon to Emlla 8chmitk, land
beginning In west- line of sec- .
tlon 4, township 1, south range
.i east. 1944.02 feet north of
south weat corner of said see-
tlon 4 i 1,800
PACIFIC Title & Trust Co., the leading
BDstraciors. r in. txjm., grouna riooi
W, R. HA1ZL1P CO., Inc.. Abstractors,
605 ueriinger hiag.. Zd and Alder sts
The CEMETERY Beautiful
' of all burial plots without extra
charge. Provided with a permanent
irreducible Maintenance Fund. Lo-
cation Ideal; lust outside the city'
limits on north- and west slopes of
Mount Rcott, containing 838 acres.
Equipped with every modern con
veti-ence. - . .
. .- . v. - -
M. W. A. P.O.-H CITT CAMP Monday
PelUne-Hlrsc-h big., at it-.gton nfr
10th. phon cf-k, Main S2. A-4KSS.
R. K. A. Ore. K'a Carpo. nn-ct S tU
eve., AliBky halu 11 and Marraoa.
Mark Chalker. 4709 E. 61st :J. and
Ada Vthlng, 16.
James Lightburne. 667 Mississippi
ave.. 2a, and Rose Zahn. 20.
Olaf Overland. 1627 Atlantic, 26, and
Bertha Hanghtallng, 11.
James Laraby. 4sl Morrison. 30, and
Hanna Frandce, 81.
J. F. SherrilL HZ Greenwood. ana
Hannah Green, 24, - .
O. E. Acook. 18 WjChurchTjand
lone Roff, 18.
David SaDerste n. 673 4tn. S5. ana
Tillie Goldstone, 18. N- - 1
Kenneth Goodall. 713 Washington. 21.
and Nellie Johnson. 18. 1 -
Albert Morean. 616 Hoiman. id. ana
Addle West. 23.
A. A. Bytel. 33V4 Leland, 88, and
Rachel Smith. IS. '
G. E. Turner. Epokane, wasn., k.
Sarah Crawford, 34. -
w. w. call. 231 Aider aireet. at; xna-
abeth Lalond. 29. .. .
Math Wyman, Everett. Wash., 27;
Marthynla Buckbee. II.
W. T. Jowett. The Dalles, Oregon 49;
Charlotte Northrop, 48. '
James Merman. Lincoln sireci,
59; Wary Suter, 60.
Uavid Nurml. 386 17th street, north,
29: Jenny Lindalg. 19. - - .
Clarence Strtck. Trout Lake, Wash,
22: Julia Peterson. 19.
James Msellnger, 371 18th Street. 30;
Effie Davis .18.
Edward Tasslo. I9S Union avenue. ;
Salmlra Parassole, 20.
W. F. Thompson. 4ZB uroaaway, si;
Nina Covley, 21. ! . ' :
Georae Bockin. s Kast izna street.
28: Vernla Herlmart. 28.
John GauiL z3 nail street, zs; r aye
Farley. 23.
Joseph Murphv. 808 Alder street, 24;
Gertrude JacCarlton, 24.
Clarence Pellis. 1001 Macadam street.
32: Ada Landirth. 31. '
JoaeDh Brennec. 17 East 30th street.
north. 26: Lena Sumners, 22.
Alfred Claydon. city, zs; koss Moages.
19. ;- -.. .
Bert Kliev. Miiwaukie. uregon, zi;
Gertrude Miles, 18. ;
);. a. Sanders, eeattie. wasn.; i
Esme Burton, 19. . ..
W,G. Smith Co, :tiSK?.:c&
Washington Bldg., oor. 4th on Wash'ton.
FLOWERS, floral designs. Lubliner,
florist, 428 Wash, Bet 11th and 12th,
Mar. 751 A-13S4. -
DBKSS suits for ient, all sisea Unique
Tailorlne; Co., J0 starK St.
CLARKE BROS., florlata, fine flowers
and florsl designs, 2H Morrison at
LUCKEY -To Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Luckey,' corner Mcuoy and jaattnews
streets. February 14: a boy.
KRANTZ To Mr. and Mrs. Barney
Krantz. 688 Second street. FeDruary
29; a boy. .
JUNG To Mr. and Mrs. Leo fas k
Juna-. 304 Second street reoruary an;
WKU.H TO Mr. ana Mrs. jamcs en.-n.
3551 East Ninetieth atreet eeo-
ruary 29; a boy.
KIENLEN -To Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kienlen, 1035 East Twenty-second
street. February 29: a boy.
BEWMAN To Mr, and Mrs. Perl Bew-
man. -631 Knowies street, teoruary
28; a girl. ' , ,
KERR To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerr,
1 51 3-Easr Blxty-seventn-streer
ITAhpiiarv 9.R' St firlrl.
SHOLTY To Mr.- and Mrs. David
Sholtv. 1042 East Lincoln street Feb
ruary 2S-- lrl.
PATTERSON- To Mrr-and Mra.-Wr-M,
Pattetrson, Sixtieth street and Sev
entieth avenue. February "17, a boy.
PATTERSON To Mr. ana Mrs. v. n
v Blvtl.ih mtrmmt anil Raventl-
Patterson. Bixtietn street ana esevenu-
eth avenue, February 17. a girl.-
HEIMEL To Mr, and Mrs. Joseph ,
Helmel. 460 Ruone street, February zi, i
boy. .- . .. .
SHEDECK -TO - Mr. and Mrs. - uouia
Shedeck, 815 Corbett atreet February
!. a s-lrl.
LEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lewis,
780 East Twenty-nmtn sweet, Marcn
a Vtnv ' -
DAY To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Day. 1608
East Fifty-fifth street, February zi,
.y- . -.
KOHRKK TO Mr. ana Airs. Jonn noii-
rer. Woodstock. February 23, a ooy( -
JERNES To Mr. and -Mrs. Johanea
Jernes. 344 Williams avenue, reoru-
ary 21, a boy. - ' . . . '
DIGMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Eroel Dlg-
man. 126 Union avenue, February to,
PORTER To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Por-
ter. 208 Terwllliger street February
BROWN--To Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert
Brown, 6X1 Third street jpeoruary tt.
wSlGHT To Mr. and Mrs. Steven
Wriaht. 618 Prescott atreet February
22. a girl.
FLOOD In this city March 5, at the
family residence, 1009 Congress street,
Marie Isabella, beloved daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Flood, aged 21 years
8 months and 23 days. The funeral ser
vice will be held at St. Mary's Church,
corner of Williams avenue and Stanton
street ' at a. m., Thursday, March 7,
Friends Invited. Interment Mount Cal-
vary cemetery. -
GARDNER The funeral of tho late
Hugh 8. Gardner will oe neia Wed
nesday, March 6, at 1 p. m.t from the
Central Methodist church. Vancouver
avenue and Fargo streets. Interment
Mount Scott Park cemetery.
MEEDS March 3, Myron Meeda, age
t.mntiihi at fh Vinme E2S Roselawn
avenue. Beloved baby of Mr. and Mirs.
H. E. Meeds. Funeral wm oe neia
from home of Mr. and Mrs. Grays, 666
Sumner st. Tuesday afternoon. 1:30.
HERRMAN In this city, March 5. at
the family residence, bio- eseventn
trt H Herrman. ace 78 vears. father
of Ella. 8. W, I., E. and Simon Herr-
man. j
WILLBANKS The funeral of tha late
T H. Willbanks will be held today at
2 p. m.. from the parlors of H. E. Pease,
Lents. Interment Mount Bcott Park
JONES In this city, March 5, Mary O.
Jones, age 21 years, beloved wife of
George L. Jones and daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Maney and niece of Mrs.
Mary Byae. Notice or runerat later.
HERRMAN The funeral services of trie
lata - nerrman win De nein ni mo
family residence, 65S Seventh street at
10 A. M.. Thursday. March 7. Friends
invited. Please omit flowers.
Fox--Thomas Fox. 812 Stevens atreet,
March 4. aae 1 year. Meningitis.
Pillow W. S. Pillow, Multnomah hos
pital. March 2, f -e 67. Cancer. .
Tombey T. Tombey, Home of the
A red. Maron l, age .
S1AX M. SMITH, -florist 159 5th st,
pp. Meier a Frank's.. Main T21I.
J. P, Finley & Son
Third and Madison.
Lady attendant Main 9. A-1699.
Dunning & McEntee -tfSSFK
very details 7th and Pin Main 438.
A-4558. Lady acststant
KlR. EbWAHl) HOLMAN, the leading
funeral .director and uniartakef, 220
3d st. cor. Salmon; lady Basista-t.
A. R. ZELLER CO. Both Phone.
Undertaking Co. Main
8188, A-2285. Lady ass t
EAST SlDS funeral directors, succesa-
cr to F. B. Dunning, me. K. 61. Bi,
Undertaker. Lady assistant.
B-1888. K.-?7l. E. 4th-Alder,
Ponrenn fA Funeral director, 86-
rearson io. 371 Rueseu st e. ioso.
Q V FW FQ Undertaker. 3d and Clay.
OMlVVLOMaln 4152, A-2821. Iady ast
100x94 feet, new, oh . story concret
- building. Alblna ave. and Killings
worth. Pupn East 1187. Cheap rent
W. KaWt, . . - -
Ground Floor Lewis M. and A-1743.
R"3 MoKhv HIMar.
Main 849.
C11AI1N & 1U.KLOW,
SS? Chsrnler ff Commur, Main 16F5.
COutv & CO.. H. S.
Rnj Orbett B)dp. Main 953. A-8?5S.
7 Diirnhfr of Cummcrrf. M. and A-301O.
Grand ave. ftnd Mult. E. 7. C-ITOS.
JOS Gerllnrer Bhe.
J. 1L
Main 8480.
FORCALE Suburban -home and !0
acres on outskirts of Portland; 10
room, hard finished, steam heated resi
dence; barns, orchard; near city limits
and car. Snap by non-resident owner,
310.000. terms. Address S. J. Nunru
Chloo, Cal.
FINE bunbalowa in all parts of city,
easy terms; large and small farms
for sale or exchange for city property;
trade anything, anywhere. 329 Lum
,ber Exchange bldg,
OuARTEK block on East 11th; good in
come property. - .
861 East 11th. Phone Kast 6023.
NEW modern homes, also vacant lots
in Irvlngton. R. B. Rice, owner;
phone E. 2(S. office: realdence E. 2432.
FOR RENT 2d floor, 80x130. United
Glaas Co., 11th and Gleason. Main
si ei i
- I have a brand new, 2 story home,
6 rooms and sleeDlnar corch. located 1
block from Hawthorne avenue, in the
best residence district that 1 will sell
te responelble party-for 3100 cash and
the balance on terras to suit This home
is strictly modern, with basement, ce
ment floor and laundry trays, very
large ' rooms, well lighted and finished
perfectly. Fireplace, built- In book
cases, beautiful buffet laree Dutch
kitchen, conveniently arranged. Three
large bedrooms, bath, and sleep
ing porch are on the second
floor. This horn Is doubly constructed,
with three coats of paint on outside,
and four coats of -varnish on inside.
All inside finish Is of select grain,
Oregon fir. hand rubbed. All rooms
are tinted In beautiful colors: street im
provements are in and paid for. If
you are looking for a beautiful home in
a fine location; where the price la right
and the terma not a burdon, see this
today. -
1405 Hawthorne Are,
' Corner 60th St.'
: I am forced to sell my modern 6 room
bouKR rea.' Unlop ave.
$500 Below Actua! Value -
This ia one of the best buys on the
market. So don't blame me if you are
too late - to get It. Phone Woodlawn
1561. C-i'M.
' Equity Sacrifice
H room new modern house, on ROM
City carline; hardwood floors, built-in
conveniences, full basement, - beamed
1 111 ,...!... ....
"u 1"M-U railing, irmivo uo B.U num.
tJO,. nhi. nnnrainni t
Beu- vn-;T WTrfirir.a rn -
ei Cm
wA-.-- L n-i .0'."
oavtxx room nuuae near union ave.,
cneap, aau; ,.-. .
Buy this Quick: 6 room house, beauti
ful 50x100 lot; very cheap at 31800;
31000 less than value; 8 rooms, lOOx
125: grounds and surroundings all in ar
tistic accord. -JNothlng better in city
for 38000,
' 819 Union Ava. N.
u iuuiii .new iigiiuiun, slow, loiiun.
Irvlngton, Rossmere, Olmsted Park;
will sacrifice 2 of my strictly modern
lust completed 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 room
nouses with all conveniences; I have
had 17 years experience in home build
ing; best of terms. F. Peterson, archi
tect, owner, 921 Board of Trade, Main
2255 CASH.
326 MONTHLY. -
7 rooms, built in buffet, bookcases.
billiard room and den, solid oak floors,
fireplace, furnace, mirror doors. Na-
Clin B. rr-,i- rn 199 ft,...
tiuiiai ..Tan u. . i uu. vv. , i viimiu"
ber of Commerce. Phone Main 6123.
Irvlngton, fine basement, hot air, four
large rooms, first floor, beautiful oak. 8
fireplaces, grand buffet, 2d floor, 4 bed
rooms. Datn, sleeping oaicony; a noor,
2 bedrooms, bath, storage, stone work.
corner lot 90x100. Choice location. C-
1866. East 278. . Many others. W. H,
NEW modern bungalow, with several
bearing fruit trees, loO feet from E.
28th st: lot is 60x100, high and sightly.
Must sell at once. Will take 32100, 3250
cash and 315 per month. This is 8500
below actual value of property. Call
4i wpaiaing ping.
Ideal Chicken Ranch, CheaD
4 room house and 4 lots, 2 blocks from
6c fare, close in, with lots of fruit ber
ries, chickens, etc. Price. Including fur
niture, only 32360. 428 Lumber Ex-
change. . Marshall 4295.
6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, full cement
basement furnace, laundry trays
hardwood floors, shades, fireplace, buffet-
bookcases, cabinet kitchen, cement
walks and curbs, all street work paid,
doubla constructed, 33700;' terma, by
owner. w-s, journal,
100x200. with modern 6 room cottnge,
Bigmir property, wun iruit ana xiow
ers, $3000; will sell on easy terms. Thls
Is my own horn and I wish to sell di
rect to purchaser. Call 414 Spalding
$50 Cash, $15 Monthly .
Beautiful, lot; will build four-room
bungalow to suit you; elegant location;
twenty minutes out. R-368, Journal.
1H block to car, modern, fine yard
and fruit; furnace; 'a good buy. Fred
W. German, 829 BurnBlde. M. or A-
2 77 6. - - - -
New, 6 rooms, oatn, .electric lights,
modern conveniences, half basement,
Mt Scott car, $1350 cash, balance $800
at s per cent. Main 8064.
LISTEN House and lot, near Wood
stock high school; this ia ne,w and
built with all modern conveniences;
must sell. Price $1600, $200 cash, bal-
ance u per montn. rnone Main Z132
NICE 7 room, weat side house; fine view
of Mt Hood. IjOok this uo. Prtea
only $2000; small payment down. Al
bert welch ft son. 703 uoara or Trade,
SIX room modern house and half lot,
l diock rrom wainui rarg aaaition;
price $.2500. 998 Vancouver ave. H. X
SMALL house, lot 60x100. i486 E. Pin;
B.. a. -car to Dotn, ou, down,
balance to suit or 5 per cent off for
cash. Phone Tanor J3
MODERN 1 room house, cloae in, finely
flnisRen; very reasnnaoie. - i
881 East 11th. Phone East 8023.
liams Ave,-
J modern 5 room cottages, $$7!0; lm
rovements paid. Eaat 4702.
' - - 2500 CASH
Balance easy terms, 6 room modern
oungalaw, rurnnure; can at iu&s js.
100; 8 blocks east Union ave.. Wood-
lawn 3229, or call at 935 TC. 7th st. N
TS it
m mm
A 5 Room
v Cottage
With basement, laundry traya,
bath, light fixtures, -a big porch
on 8 sides of the houne,- together
with 8 full lots, on a corner, 150x
-10,- with rtHt, berry bushes.
Chicken yard and big garden, close
to the car line. This has been
reduced to $3350, and must be
sold. It will pay you to look at
this. .
' Barnes & Andrus
406 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak Sts.
Main 2081.
8 room bungalow, reception hall, eoat
closet with mirror door, very large
rooms, beautiful fireplace, buffet and
panel work, white enamel, Dutch kitch
en, hot water heating system, fixtures
and shades, hard surface streets, on
block to Hawthorne ave. This is tne best
buy ever offered in any district 140 J
Hawthorne ave. Phone Taoor sz.
Hawthorne District
If vou have 3900 to invest In a home
I cin give you the best bargain on the
market in a swell new s room Bunga
low, doubly constructed throughout
including very handsome desk in the
den, beautiful fireplace and booacases in
the living room, very handsome paneled
dining room with French windows and
beautiful large buffet, large sunny bed
rooms and closets, attlo over entire
house, larae concrete basement: the ma
terial and workmanship in this house
ara unsurnasned: owner must have
money and will take the above prlca for
the -next few daya. As an Investment
you can make tbuo in tne next mumn.
uanor aui.
Panama Villa
Tha most beautiful dace, near Mount
Scott and I shall sell tha first 20 lots,
8100 less than the lots are selling for
acroaa the street Price of lota 8350 and
up, 810 a month. No opportunity liae
thia in tne marKet, DUl l want pur
chasers to feel mors than satisfied
When you see Panama Villa, you can't
neip buying.
Room 614, Henry bltlg.. 4th and Oak sts,
325 CASH and 311 per month buy
41x100 near Vancouver ave. Sur-
rounding good, several good
homes being built near. A snap at
26714 Oak at
Something Good
50x100 LOT
4 rooms and attlo all modern eon
venlencea. Bull Run water, cement aide-
walks, graded streets paid for, no
taxes two years, 3300 cash, balance Ilka
rent. H-373, journal
Close in Residence Lots-$450
hey ar 40x100 feet, three blocks re
moved from Reed college campus: all
level and cleared; water main laid.
Terms, 346 cash, $10per month.
809 Railway Exchange bldg:
For 338J0, terms to ault. Thla Is a new
home, strictly modern, with full base
ment east front, located at 89th and
Clinton, and would sell for $4800, but
we must sell quick, so its your gain.
Mr. De FOREST, 610 WHcox bldg. .
' $275082750.
4 lota, Portland Heights.
Fronting 8 streets, sewer in.
. 8 blocks to Patton road.
Easily worth $4000.
$600 cash, $30. monthly. 329 Burnslde.
M. or A-2776. .
Do you know a bargain when you
see ltf 60x100 lot. E. 19th and Oak,
only 10 minutea' walk to 3d and Mor
rison; balance can be paid in 8 years:
must sell on account of sickness. Call
at 673 K. Oak or nhone East 2575.
BEAUTIFUL view lota on aouthern
slope near Council Crest $650 and up.
including cement sidewalk, curb, graded
streets and water; building restrictions.
Sold on easy terms. Provident Trust
CoH 201 202, 203 Board Of Trade. Mar
shall 478, A-1022.
LET ua show vou an eaet front
60x100 lot on E. 6th st, In excel
lent neighborhood, for 3800; $50
cash end $16 per month.
""" 867H Oak st
WILLIAMS AVE. lot southeast front
60x100. exoellent neighborhood. 8 ft.
above grade. A bargain at $850. $50
cash nd $17 per month.
267 oak Ht.
Lot for Sale by Owner
Hard surface pavement all improve
ments in and oaid. Price 31800. Par-
el lus, 8S Grand ave. Phone East 2051.
110 DOWN. 310 PER MONTH.
Fine View lot. matured fruit trees.
restricted district, near ear; cemeat
walk and curb; Bull Run water. Provi
dent Trust Co., zoi. 2Uis, zv3 .uoara oi
Trade, Marshall 473, A-1022.
25x100 lot only $350. 'Mt. Tabor villa,
tt block from ear line, terms.
306' Spalding bldg.'- Main 7592.
J26 down. 110 monthly. 1 block from
car, fine trees, no shacks. Fred W. Ger
man, 329 BUrnside. M. or A-Z776. .
$50 EQUITY IN LOT FOR $10. -50x100
corner lot Improvement In
and paid; no interest or taxes; 20 min
utes out. Owner, R-368, Journal.
RA MSEY & RAMSEY, contractora and
builders, spc.-laltv of bungalow and
craftwman houses. Phone Sell wood 1365.
BEK La No1r ft Co. for west aid
property exclusive dealers., in west
aloe realty. 837 Chamber of Commerce.
MOUNTAIN Vlev Park. 2 lots. 3l75:
terms $10 down and $5 per month;
8 per cent, rnone tj-znai.
2 LOTS. West Portland, $75.00 pachj
lots 60X100, near Muitnoman station,
Oregon Electric, terms. Phone C-2821.
$26 m'onthly and $300 down buys a cozy
6 room oungaiow, duiu tor noma oy
owner. Tabor 2029. X. O. Barker.
BEAUTIFUL lot on Williams- av. for
sale cheap, terms. Call owner. Main
FOR SALE At bargain, lot 60x100 In
Elmhurst, 5f0 cash or . 3600 terma
Phone Main 8924. ' .
FOR QUICK sale will let my new, motf-
ern, 6 room $4000 bungalow go for
$3500; terms. Owner. Marshall 4ZB5
RAMSEY, & RAMSEY, contractora and
builders, specialty or oungaiow ana
craftsman houses. Phone Sellwood 1365.
FIVE room house in Irvlngton Park;
easy terms.
Columbia Hardware Co.
WOULD trade for automobile for my
NICE 3 room house, modern, at 154 E.
titn st.; terms to ault Kast 5aa.
SNAP G room cottaa"a SunilysiU
$2100; terma 1203 Yeon' bldg-.
. MI - -
$15 Per Month
14 blocks of Hawthorne ave.,
choice neighborhood, 5 room bnn
palow, strictly modern. This
place will have to be seen to ba
appreciated. Nice " veranda full
width of house, nice oak door at
entering hall, with arch entering
Into living room and mirror door
entering front bedroom, fireplace
and bookcases in living-room, -arch
between dlnin-g room, panel
wainscoting, china closet and
beam ceiling in dining room, fine
oak floora in hall, living room
and dining room, cabinet Kitchen
with all built-in conveniences, 2
nice bedrooms with large closets,
bath between, best of plumbing,
walls all tinted, best of finish
throughout fixtures In. Full base
ment cement floor, wash traya,
nice large attic. This place Is
going -At cost; 33100; terms.
Hawthorne Investment Co.
84th and Hawthorn ave. '.
Tabor 3661. ,
Homes on Easy Terms
Modern bungalow... 4 rooma and bath.
fireplace, bookcases, plate rail, Dutch
kitchen, lot 65x90, $2800. Small cash
payment, balance to ault
Five room bungalow, strictly modern.
furnace, fireplace, buffet x bookcases,
hardwood floora, gas, electricity, good
view. Rose City Park, close to car; all
street Improvement paid. $3350 and
up.... -. v. ... - ;-. . ;
Five room hnnralow 80x58. lot 60x112.
Every modern convenience, buffet book
casea, nardwood floors, Dutch kitchen.
run cement basement, rurnace. iirepiace,
lectrlo fixtures; $5800, terms. ,
We have several six room home with
all modern conveniencea, furnace, rire-
ilam hurrlwnnl flnnra. hookcasea. bur
et Dutch kitchen. These are first
class ia every deaiL $3750 and up.
7 rooms and sleeDlna norch. beamed
ana pane lea errecta, rirepiace. lurnico,
buffet bookcases, Dutch kitchen, 8
blocks to Broadway car; 86760. ,
20L202, 203 Board of Trade bldg.
Marshall 478. A-1022.
$15-Per Month- ;
Why pay rent when you can
get a home at this price and
terma? New, strictly modern 6 room
bungalow, with all the built' In
conveniences, fixtures and shades
In, all ready to move In. One of
the buy In Hawthorne district.
Hawthorne Investment Co,
84th and Hawthorn AT,
Tabor 366,1, '
It Certainly-Don't
; Pay to Rent
When we can sell you nice
lot 60x100, v with a: new 8 room
house, large chicken house and
yards, bearing fruits, flower and
shrubbery, lawn and garden for .
-$1900; small payment down and
easy term on the balance. It ia
3 blocks to 6c carline, 80 minute
to center of the city. , ;
Wallace Investment Co.
Room 618 Oregonlan bldg.
Genuine Bargain
In heart of Irvlngton, 8 blocks from
car; built a year ago and ocoupied since
by owner as a home; 60x100 lot, east
front; paving, sewer and sidewalk as
sessments all paid; 7 large rooms and
fine attic, hardwood floors In first and
second stories, fine basement with fur
naoe and laundry, poroelain bath, light
ing fixtures and shadea, 2 fine fire
places. We challenge you to find a bet
ter built better arranged or more at
tractive home In the city, price $7500.
If you -want the best horn in the city
at that price Inquire at
4. Mr, Workingman
Small houses and 60x100 lot $400 and
up; 320 down and 310 a month; call u
up or come out and see them; it will
cost you nothing, also lots 3150 and up,
85 down, $5 month; all these lota ar
Inside the city limits. Tabor 876.
Widell & Wilson
' 1002 E. Glisan st M. V. ear to 80th.
Elegant- Home
New 6 room modern house, E. 35th
and Clinton; paneled dining . room,
Dutch kitchen, beautiful fixtures, splen
didly furnished, worth $4700, price
13700. Small payment down, you pay
Interest only.
505 Yeon Bldg.
Courtney Station Home
Over half acre, lies t blocks west
of station on Oregon City carline, all
cleared, new 5 room bungalow, high and
slrhtlv, nice view of Willamette river,
nothing finer in this district for price
asked, which is only $2650. Jacob
Haas. 408 Teon bldg.
$1875 Swinton $1875
62.2x100 with good 6v room house lust
completed, 1 blocks from car. This
place is .worth $2650, but must be sold
at once; $676 cash. Buy -from the
owners. - "
Staver ft Atissleker, 614 Conch bldg.
2-3 ACRE and new 3 room house.
west side, minutes rrom postotrice
' f
running water pi pea to tract
" ....... fcV. fj.cww.l, '--.. L'V... T . . .. . . . f u
latin valley, $1650; $100 down, $20 per
801 Board of Trade. Mar. 473. A-1028.
Best Snap in Portland
8 room modern brand new home, lot
60x135, 3 blocks to E. Glisan car, only
$2600, terms.
r'. di'moim. iz'3 yeon oirtg.
Beautiful Home in Irvington
Worth $6600; will aell for $5500; take
$1400 to handle this.
Marshall 16. 919 Yeon bldg,.
FIVE-ROOM house; barn; 2 lots near
FIrland station: will sacrifice
$1000. Terms. W-S74, Journal.
BEAUTIFUL building sit in South
Portland Heights; - fines.t river view
In Portland; sacrifice $800,- any term.
Owner, 718 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
I'hons Marsnaij tbt.
SNAP Will sell lot in Rose City Pa
for -what it -cost me 13 month ago.
Tabor 2240, evenings between. $ and 8.
891 20th N.
21 ROOMS, housekeeping, hot and cold
water,: well furnished; - west aide,
$1500; half cash; will exchange for city
property. P-369, Journal.
NEAR Patton- ave and KUllngsworth,
lot 60x100 for $900.- term to suit;
this is a fine buy. Call 414 Spalding
E. GLISAN St lot 60x100. near -'Laurel-
hurst, for $675,' must be all cash,
need the money. Call at 414 Splading
bldg.'- '' f" - " r-'':--.'-.'V
44 or-aid 3-xooia-aaUliO
at Lents. Owner, Tabor 641,
IRVINGTON 24th near Stanton. $1400.
very easy terms. Staver & Aussleker,
$14 Couch bldg. .
jtst two :r.xi hi:''
lelt en Grand ae. at ( f :
110 cah and t) je- imoii'i i
row Vancouver liri.'.v- l! c
tairUy lncreas the Va.ue o t
lots verv Sv)on.
267 Gait et
: Cross Park
Lots $10" Down, $5 a Month
Bull---Run water,-- electric lights.
pnones. ciose to sciiool, l blocics to car,
nest service In t ie c tv.
J. K. Ro3.
Laurel wood;
Mr. Scott car. Phone Ta-
bor 2.
Bargains in Overlook:
In this restricted residence district
we have bargains tn lots, elose to car,
all improvements In and paid for. Ex
cellent view. Easy terms. Overlook la
close in.
809 Railway Exchange blng.
$40 CASH and $14 per month will
buy 50x100 view lot, one half
block from Williams ave.. in
neighborhood of good homes. Pric
; ; 267 i4 jOak. t. .:.-
FOR SALE Investigate and make of
fer, lota 1$ and 14. block 21, Welles
ley addition, corner - on Sandy Road.
Also make offer on lots lots 11 and 13,
block 87. Fulton Park addttlon. Beet
offer accepted. 148 acre improved al
falfa farm, 3125 per acre, in San Joaquin
valley, California, R, G.JCens. 833
wryaon niag.. 1,0a .Angeles, cal.
20 minutes from business center. 8
carfare, all cleared and tn cultivation.
Beautifully located, $350; terma $10 per
Address .
Marshall 4139. 408-9 McKay bldir
10 acre or more of the best land In
Tamhlll county, two miroa-to town and
railroad, 40 mile from Portland; some
tract have fine running water; some
part in cultivation; some timber: $76
per acre; only $10 down, then $10 per
month, 8 per cent No rock or gravel.
Toil can't match thla price and terma.
Bee us at once. F. E. Seachreat
832-838 Chamber of Commerce,
Cheap- Land, Investigate
5 and 10 acre tract, $30 to $45 an
acre, on terma: deep, red shot soil; well
watered; ideal for fruit vegetables,
dairying and chicken raising; fin view;
many buyers already living on property;
income producing from the start; school
on ground; on county road close to liva
town on R. R, and river, near Portland.
Neuhausen & Co., owners, 703 Lewis
bldg., 4th and Oak sts. For appolnt-
ments evenings, pnone East a4.
One Half Acre, $650
Cleared, set to clover,
New ideai and fence, -
First cians building sire,
Shade trees set out end boxed.
One block from station, hom and P. O.
. By owner, CH V3. REDMOND. '
- Inquire at stro.
$150 Cash, 5 Acres
All In high state of cultivation, near
Portland; $160 puta you in possession:
easiest 'kind of terma on the balance;
land handy to eleetrlc station. ,
The Westiyn Trust Co,'
Marshall 2435. ' 1221 Teon bldg.
Chicken Ranch -
6 acre, nearly all cultivated, rood
slope, good soil, perpetual water right
to spring water. Near Portland, achnol
and transportation. $75 down, $16
monthly. 1
405 Couch bldg.
- $200 x,
$1 down and $1 a week will put you
into immediate possession of one acre
of good rich black loam garden land,
no stumps or. rocks, ready for plant
ing. About 50 minute from-city limit
on Salem electric road, near two eta
tions. Inquire of owner, 211-212 Th
Falling, comer 8d and Washington. "
OWNER will sell 6-acre farm on elec
' -, trio Una, within 10-mile circle. 6-room
house, barn, chicken house, yard and ;
brooder house, well, 140 bearing fruit
trees, acre strawberries and small,
fruits, fine soil, good roads and moun
tains In view; terms. 606. Commercial
block.- '- - " ' -- - ' :
Only $750 for S acres, all in cultiva
tion, close to Salem Electric fine potato
land or small fruit: one crop of pota
toes will almost yield th price you pay
for the land. $100 cash, balance easy.
terms, owner, zua McKay blag.
Five or Ten Acres -
Cleared, level, deep, rich soil, splendid
for fruit, garden truck and grain; near
depot; big market; adjoining tract un
der cultivation, 3100 per acre;' casy
terms. Owners, 102 2d st
WANTED Man with $500 to invest in
fruit and garden land on the eleotrlo
line near Portland, 'and take permanent
position at fair, salary; man with fam
ily preferred, but can use lnduatrious
sin gla man. F-870, Journal. - -
Bp'Y 10 acres Sacramento valley and
enjoy life. No trees, no stumps, ready
to plow; 3 miles from R. R.; 2 miles
from river transportation; price $60 per
acre. GUI-Adams Co., 640 Hamilton
Bldg., Portland, Or. .
FIVE acre chicken ranch and 4 room
brand new bungalow, on carline just
out of Vancouver. Wash. Land 1 all
oXanrfA unA will erow in kind of nr.
a,,,, truck, $2100. 8niall amount down,
i balance easy terms. Inqulr 1811 Yeon
vm . Phnna Af1n S09 '
FOR SALE Acreage on Vancouver
electric adjoining town of Orchards;
$250 per acre, land can be platted Into
town lots; terms.- H. VanAtta,- 815 East -
10th st, Vancouver. Waph.
PRIMROSE acre Is sold out but there
are several good bargains in resales.
2. acre. $2200; 24 acres, $2300; 1
acres. $1400; 1M acres, $1200.- Full In
formation from Trustee at 414 Spalding
bldg. " - - ' .-; : S :
We have a. eaan buyer for cheap acre
age in radius of, 76 miles of Portland;
brinz in your listings. ;
zes-iiitmoer n-xcnange.
2 AND 3-acre tracts, close to Portland,'
1 to 6 blocks from electric car line;'
$200 io $400 per arre, easy term. J.
W. Hefferlin ealty Co., 615 Corlx-tt
bldg. '
WILL sell Welsor 10-aore apil orcltai d;
net $2500 annually; also Hood rlvor
apple land; "ert; tn roll to station.
Owner. Sellwood 874. . ; -- -!; ; '- ,.t iml..
yt Five Acres rat sa : Bargain - ?
Corner 82d and 50th ave, 8. E' $2509
per arre. easy . term. - ; - ; . . - '
A SNAP ac-e lot, 13 bearing fruif '
trees, 24x24 ft. 1A story house; no
inside finish, $90C: lerros: 4 blcl
south of Grays Crot.ilng. j.JNoniierg.
BEAUTIFUL home. Oak Orevw. Orion
City car, 150xl7' ft. ground, In fli-e-.
place; near river; easlet terms fur qilk'tf
eaie. owner, ainin no.
FOXi SALE by owner, 6 aer, 2T"mlIi
from ' Portland on-El!trln ltrift, t
blocka from -station. Phona Tabr 87
10 AND 20 acre tracti nMar"i-,M..ii.rl ,
per acre,
terms, ,; 29 : Railway .. J-.x
iaiW10...flC-a .l'.)i;K:r
railroad; eaoy .n
IS Af'KlH ''': t -
owner, JUIn 7i7 8,