p 1)1 PI T)!pr p pffTT n :vt at a l , .. , .. . , : :: -r c f tha r.c.r Chtnefa rn-'-'--. I'-:-, -r, a Harvard graduate, t!-. ;;al speaker at the dinner. It is sii 400 worth of r.M'crn rivers were phot off by Chinese last nUht CELECHATE WiTil DIH'.Ea La Granda, Or., March 5. Fifty city officials and business men and society women were guests of leaders of the 'ERY LARGE SUPPLY I IN ffOP MARKET Hi. 5 CENTS JODAY WITH BUYERS OFFER SELLING IN MARKET BMSSQIESLOI' AN EXCELLEfJT DEMAND THE ENURE WORLD QUOTATION wm;m mm IDE IS SOUGHT. By PREVIOUS Heavy Shipment From South Caught) Those lidding Spot Goods nigh Ar by Cold Weather Is Dumped on Consumers Here Because They Could Xot Sold Elsewhere1 X Froflucs for Two Tsars. Today. Tear as. Egtr s,c Butter .......... e Chickens ....... 15c Chess ......... 2c t Beating Down Contracts While Bears on 1011s Are Talking; of Strength for Futures. 18c 32c 19c 154c Frozen bananas si carlosfls of them are belnr orferad to tha local trade throush hawkers and otherwise. The stock clearly shows Its unhealthy con dition; tha color of tha fruit being a dirty green. This can be aUy detected by buyers. Not only can frosted or frozen banan as be distinguished by the color, but by biting. Wnen bananas have not been frosted and are ripe, they are soft to the taste, but when frosted or frosen they ars Jiarsh. In fact, they tasto more like straw than anything ales. - Portland has been made the dumping ground for dosens of carloads of fruit that could not be sold In any other mar ket on the Pacific coast la fact, this city now has a reputation of being so easy that anything can be sold at a pries. Some time ago and even sow. It Is stated, frosen oranges were offered to the trade hers at extremely low values. Most of this stock was put out through hawkers. The feature of this shipment was the fact that it was passed by the health authorities here as not frosted, ' when everyone connected with the trade knew that it was not in proper condi tion to sell Such stock fold whole sale as low as 76c a box, while good : scuff sold for several times this much. The price alone Indicated that there was something wrong with the ship- . rnent. . ASPARAGUS MARKET BROKEN il. - Price of asparagus la now as low as ; joo a pound along Front Street for first ; class quality, some saies or extra se- lect in packages are being (made as .'gh as 12012)40. Market now heay-i'crease in the output Is Jesa'than was CALIFORNIA CABBAGE POOR t ? While only a small amount of local ; cabbage is now available in the trade, ' California stock is now finding much , call on account of its poor quality. Not 1 only Is the stock soft, but the leaves are 1 rough and untrimmea. Sales are being triads generally at $1.50 per cental for ! ma ima l s.mniint mftvinff J PINEAPPLE TRICES OPENED Opening - prleesonDlneappleshave i neen named oy canners. local Jobbers i announce them at an advance of 16c a ; dozen over the start' a year ago. This is said to be due to the greater demand. RAzdrT clams stiliTIdrq" . i .No Improvement Is showing in the , demand for razor clams and stock Is $ showing tha smallest movement for f many a day. The supply is unusually "i EGO MARKET HOLDS FIRM , t Little egg business in the city Is of i i fered above 21o a dosen, but a few out i side orders continue to come forward r I upon which sellers realize around 2-'o a I',:,;.. :- . '"f.V ,'. CHICKENS CONTINUE DULL ; Trade In the chicken market along t Front street continues dull with some stock being offered that has been car- f rled over from Friday afternoon. Prices , . ,:.; .. -.- - t ; FORECAST FOR SHD7PERS Weather bureau sends out tha follow sing notice to shippers: rroieci snipments as rar north as ; Seattle against minimum temperatures i of about S4 degrees; northeast to Spo- ? Kane, zi degrees; southeast to Boise, i Sz degrees; south to Siskiyou, 80 de ;gree& Minimum temperature at. Port land tonight, about !6 degrees. PORTLAND - JOBBING PRICES. p Oraln, rlonr and Xsy. .. These prices are Uiose at which whole- ' r salers sell to retailers, except as other , wise stated: , ! . WHEAT-rNominal Producers' prices, ; nominal, track delivery, 87c: blue- mem, JOc fortyfold,- Sin 88er - Wil- mmette vauey, 7c; red Russian, 86e: Turkey red, 87c - BASLE Producers" prices It 11 i ' Feel, $35.00; rolled, SSs.OO; brewing, I3S.O0 40.00. ; MILLSTT) FF8- -SelTtne; pflce Braa Jf 1. 3.00; middlings, 29.50; shorts, $25.00; chop. $19.00025.00. Car lots Spa per l ton less..- OATS Producers' Dle Track No 1. spot delivery, white, $32.50; gray, $88. FLOUR Rolling price Patents, ; ' $4.6004.70: Willamette. $4.60 per bbl.s local straight, $4.0B(34.25: bakers' $4.10 J - 4 80: export grades, 13.80. HAY Proaucers' price 1911 crop i Valley timothy, fancy. $14.80018; ordl- nary, $18014: eastern Ore son tls.fiOO 17; Idaho, $117: mixed $1314; do t ver, $9410; wheat $11 11.60; chest, 1111.60; alfalfa,ll2.08i8; oats. $11 m ii.DW. .-'.-"'. - . . .t "i ' - Butter, Eggs and Fonltry. . BUTliSR Extra creamery, cubes and tubs, 8884c; prints, 8435c; ordi- nary prints, S3c; , dairy, 19c; eastern creemerysac. BUTTEK FAf Productjrs'rTce- POULTRY Fancy hens, ISo per lb.: springs, 115c; broilers and fry- r, zsTizic: peese, iu-j; (jressoa, 12c; , live young ducks. lCc: old ducks, 15c; , turkpys. alive, nominal. ITp- lrrri ' 1? 20c; pigeons, old, $1; young, 82.0W ' F.OGS Local, extras, 2122c; spot , buying price, 19c f. o. b. Portland. . j rMPITfaPNnmlrfitr frAnh Oregon The hop market la now showing .one of the queerest situstions known in many years.. While some Interests are extremely bearish regarding spot goods. tney are boosting contracts for futures. On the other hand, those that are holding aftft the nrice of sdo swearing that the contract market ls- iuwer. The situation abroad is causing some concern to the hop trade. Ijibor trou bles In England have reached an acute state, and this has a direct effect upon the buying of both, spot and contract hops by foreigners. Labor troubles at home are' likewise serious, and American brewers are there fore moving rather slow In their pur chases for the future. , On the other hand, stocks of hops held by beer makers are very small everywhere, and it therefore appears as if the brewers will be forced Into the market again against their wilL Present indications sre' thst they will hold out as long as possible. In the hope of unfavorably affecting values. ' A New York mall advice says of the situation: Receipts for week...,;;;.. 1,173 Bales Receipts from Sept 1 72,043 Bales Receipts same time last ...... year .. ....... .63.488 Bales Exports to Europe for week 225 Bales Exports from September 1.. 48,880 Bales Exports same time last year40,458 Bales Imports for week ........, 173 Bales Imports from September 1,. 8,444 Bales Imports same time last yearll,667 Bales . "The changed situation on the coast has had some Influence on our market ana a better tone is In evidence, though as yet quotations cannot be advanced. Buyers here have been slow to operate, generally preiering to ioijow tpe hand-to-mouth policy adopted more thsn two months ago. There Is a growing feeling, however, that as the winter breaks there will be some expansion of the trade. "Nothing of Importance has trans pired in the interior of New York state, quietness prevailing at all points. Ac cording to reports Just received from Washington tha beer sales in the Uni ted States during January were 8,860, 370 barrels, as compared with 8,866.77$ barrels same month last year. The de- looked for. New York hop prices per pound: State, 1911, prmo to choice ,46 Bo State, 1911, medium to good ...40 45 Pacific coast 19 11, prime to cholce48 45 Pacific coast, 1911, medium to Rood ,.3 ...40 43 Paclflo coast. 1910, nominal ,,.84 036 Pacific coast, 1909. Sv, . .' ...-.80 85 Paclflo coapt. older growths ;.18 24 Germans, 1911 ................ 8 5 90 fancy, full cream, triplets and daisies, 2122o; young Americas, 22023c. GAME -Jackrabblts, $2 per dosea, Traits ana Vegetables. J.C.WILS0N&C0. : . MXMBEBS trtVT TOHX STOCK rxCHAWGH. : HEW YOKK COTTOJT EZCHATtGS.1 CHICAGO BOAED Or T&ADE. TUB BIOCK AMD BOND EXCHASGH, BAN FSAKCZSCO. . Main Office Mills Bldg., Ban rranolsco. Ernch ' Of flees Vancouver, Seattls, Portland, Xios Angeles, Baa Slego. ' Coronado Beach. J ' ;otlaw orricBi Scorn 8 Lnrnberrmtiis Bank lnHdlng. rbonec Marshall 4130. A-41S7. 0VERBECK&C00KEC0. Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Etc. 810-217 Board of Trade Building. DIRECT PRIVATE ' WIRES TO AIX EXCHANGES Msmbers Chicago Board of Trad Correspondents t Xogan Bryan, , CUvago, Kew York, POTATOES (Selling prices: Ordinary Oregon, $1.361.60; good, $1.26; buying frL16 atock, $1.16i3)l.50; sweets, $3.0003.25. , VEGETABLES New turnips, tlVS sack; beets. $1.P0: carrots, $1.261.80; cabbage, $1.25; Mexican tomatoes, $3.00 per a4ug; beans, 12a; green onions. 40o dos.j peppers, bell. 20e lb.; head let tuce, $3.00 per crate; hothouse, $1.00 box; radlsiieB, 15c dozen bunches: celrry, $6.00 crate; egg plant, 80o lb. peas, 17c: brs, hothouse, $1.40 ' dos.; peas, 17c; cauliflower, local, $1.28 dosan; Callfor nli $2,25 per crate; asparagus, 10 THRESH FRUITS Oranges 82.7BSJ 8.00; tangerines, $1.50; bananas, 4Ho io., lemonn. o.ou; umes, a case, grapefruit $3.50 6.60; pineapples, 6c lb; cranberries; $9. APPfiKS $1.5002.76. ONIONS Yellow No. 1, $2.7608.00: No. 2, $1.60; garlic. 708c. 'v.. Orocertos. EUOAR Cube, $6.95; powdered. $6.66; fruit or berry, $6.65? beet, $6.46: dry granulated, $6.66; X yellow, $6.26; Hono lulu plantation cane granulated, 5c less. (Above quotations are 80 days net cash.) RICE Japan, No. 1. 65tfe: No I. 4Hc- New Orleans head. 8 6c; Cre ole, 5c. SALT Coarse, half grounds O0s$8.6O jer ton; 60s, $9.00; table dairy. 60c. $13; 100s, $17, baled. $2.20: extra fine barrets, 2s, 6s and 10s . $405.; lump rock, $20.60 per ton. BEANS Small white. $4.90; large white. $4.85; pink. $4.25; bayou, $4.76; Limss. $7; reds. $6.60. HONEY New, ?.75 per case. , v Faints, Coal OU. Xto. 'V" , LINSEED OIL Raw, bbla, 77o gsL: kettle boiled, bbl., 79c; raw, In cases 82c; boiled, in cases, 84c; gal lots of 260 gallons, lo less; oil cake meat $44 per ton. . Hops, Wool and BXdes, t HOPS Producers' price 1911 crop, choice, 87c: prime, 860; medium. 84e: J0 growth, 20c: 1912 contracts; 25 26o; 1913 snd 1914, 17018c, W , ftVXQ0.7ro,3i,.pe' ,Pr,c NomlnaU 1912; Willamette valley, ' 18c; east ern Oregon, 14016c. MOHAIR 1911. nominal, 80c lb . CHITTIM BARK Producers' price 1911, less carlots. 64s; carlots. 1 14c f. o. b. Portland. TALLOW Prime, per lb., 4c: No. 8 and rresse. 208Ha HIDES Dry hides, 20c; green, 90 10c; salted hides. 10 'A lie; bulls gree-i salt, 8c; kips, lie; calves, dry, 2dc; calf skins, salted or green, 17c: green hides, 101 He less than salted; sheep ?elts, salted,, November, 90e; December. 1; dry, lOHc lb. Keats, J?lsn and Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Front ... Hogs, fancy, 814c: ordinary, 8c; heavy, 7y7Hc; veals, 13Vic; ordinnry, 13c; poor, 12er; spring lambs, 9i0c; mut ton, 8e; goats, 11Hc; beef, 609c. HAMS, BACON, Etc. Hams. 14 0 15V4c; breakfast bacon, 12020c; boiled ham, 22c; picnics, lOHe; cottage 14c; backs, 1054c; pickled tongues, 7o lb. FISH Nominal ftnrli fmi 1 n .v . flounders, 6c; halihutS Ilcustrtpail vubb. fHiiien. ie ignite; ealmon. 12c lb.; soles. 7c per lb.: shrimps 12V4c lb.; perch, 78e: tomcod. 8c: lobsters, 2Bc; herrings J 6 06c; black bass. 20c; sturgeon. (), per lb.; silver smelt; 80 lb.; black cod, 7tt5; dressed shad, 7e; roe shad, 10e: shad roe. 0c lb.: Colum bia smell. 9Oc0$l.OO per box. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. per gal lon ( ); per 100 lb. sack f ); Olym pian per gallon, $3: per ,00 lb. sack. $9; canned eastern, 6Se can., $6.60 dosen; eastern In , shell. $1.7502.00 per 100: razor clams. $2 02.25 box. LARD Kettle leaf, tierces. 12o lb.: steam rendered, tierce, 11c per lb,; com pound, tierces. 8c per lb. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, So per lb.: 600 lb. lots, 80 per lb.; less lots, Stto per lb. ROPE Manila, 8c; sisal, 7ttc. GASOLINE Ked crown and motor. 15022c gallon; 86 gasoline, 28035140 gallow; V, M. Sc P, naphtha, 180200 gallon. .... TURPENTINE In -cases, 73c: wood barrels, 70c; iron barrels, 66c per gal-loo- 10 ease lots. 72c - lmm: RENZ1NE5 R8 dPRrees, cases, 24Hj R,1:T,?rbbM'" "He per. gallon. COAL Oll-Caees: Pearl. 16c: Star. 19e per gallon:, water white, bulk', 80 per 6Mou; special water white, 12! loc. Higher Prices Are ATallabl for All Varieties In That Division at NorUi Portland; Cattle Sales Are' Made at a Itcdnction. In the Stockyard. ' North Portland Hogs station ary, cattle weak, sheep 60 higher. 'Chicago Hogs Be higher, cat tle steady, sheep lOo lower. Kansas City Hogs Be higher, cattle 6c to lOo higher, sheep steady.' , , South Omaha Cattle , steady, to strong, hogs steady to strong, sheep lOo higher. CATTLE BEFKXSSXOS' BEBZOTTS. The depression la tie cattle trade at Forth Portland U serious, and means much loss to those wbo are now forcing tntix supplies npon a trad thatis great ly OTsrsnppUed. The sale of a few bead of extra fancy steers around $8.80 should not be taken as any Indication that the market Is good, because It Is not. Steers that would bring such a price arrive la the yards but fnce or twloe a year. ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Tues. 203 MOO. . .....1,127 no. 1 - Frl. Thurs, . ... wed. Week ago.. 67 861 171 676 7 77 1,085 837 625 84 698 $8 "1 4f5 1,038 611 4$ 694 818 New Vork Cotton Market. ' cvpfin. High. Low. Close, iuia iUBI 1048 1017 1084-1015 January , March . . April .... May ..... June .... July August . September October . Naveittbas 10 1039 1027 1040 1043 t041 1045 1052 1050 loss 1061 1038 1043 1040 1045 1063064 1025027 1038(39 1038ft89 104345 1049460 1049(9)61 1052fo)53 1068f)B9 eie(TTT --T-. mw-w-m- w r r'T- t jl J "DIT f(' D I December . 1062 1068 1053 106566 The strenarth in tha mutton Itnntlnn at North Portland is attracting the at tention of the trade. For some days the price nere nas Deen Deiow tne oasis where competitive points have cared to ship. It was claimed by Idaho Shippers that 25o more could be easily obtained for shipment to either gan Francisco or Sacramento than for Portland selling, therefore the sheep from that section has been going elsewhere. The big run of stuff yesterday was mostly of inferior quality, but the real good stuff was quickly picked up. This morning sales all through tha mutton division were made at an advance of 60 over previous quotations. Top lambs sold at 8610 for wool of ferings, while yearling wethers brought as high as 35.35, while selected ewes brought as high as $4.65 for 98 pound average. The run of mutton at North Portland today was but 415 head, compared with 1038 head yesterdayand none on this date a year ago. Situation Xs Mixed Bast : The sheep situation was mixed today at eastern and central west markets. There were quite liberal .supplies in some quarters but elsewhere the offer were Jlghtandld not.iake care of the demand even at better price. The strength at Kansas City and South Omaha was due more to weather conditions with- their consequent lack of offerings than to any real improvement in the consumptive demand. - South Omaha had a run of 11,600 head of sheep for the day. The market there closed with an advanco of lOo. Top yearlings sold at $5.25, wethers, $4.60; lambs, $6.40, and best ewes at $4.25. The Kansas City market was general ly considered steady with no change in prices. Ths only real weakness in the aheep situation in the United States today was at Chicago where they had offerings of 32,000 head this morning. Trade has been quit well stocked there of late and prices eased off until there was a loss of 10c as compared with yesterday's fig ures. . Sheep shippers: H. W. Kuhn, Welser, Idaho, one load; F. Irvine, South Junc tion, one load sheep and hogs. Sheep market at North Portland: Select lambs .....$6.O5r6.10 Choice lambs 6.85 6.90 Common lambs 6.25 Yearling wethers .......... 6.35 Old wethers ., ' 4 75 Fancy ewes 4 66 Ordinary 4.004.10 Cattle Market Is Weak. Although a limited amount of extra select stuff whs sold in the cattle mar ket at North Portland around, good fig ures, today, the bulk of the supplies presented a dragging disposition, even where the quality was within a point of being top. The market at this time is entirely at ths mercy of buyers, but the latter way they would rather not have the stuff than to purchase it even at the reduced figures, because they have a surplus on hand and are compelled to feed the additional purchases at much greater expense than the country could. This gives still another illustration that Portland will never become a real great livestock center until it has some place to put its surplus on feed at mod erate prices. Only three additional loads of cattle were upon tne marKet today. A large per cent of the arrivals of yesterday were held over, because shippers did not care to accept losses and thought they would rather feed than sell. A number of loads which were due to arrive today in, the yards, were put on iceu ui x ruuiuaie. Cattle Are strong Elsewhere. Cattle prices are strong everywhere else but Portland at this time. East of the Rockies the situation has shown considerable improvement recently. While most of this betterment has been due to adverse weather conditions, which not oniy Kept out a large per cent of the usual Suoulies. but Increased tha de mand. At Chicago there was a steady tone in the cattle trade, with a run of 4500 head for the day. South Omaha cattle market was steady to strong, with no change in the general range. ,Run was- 4600 head. Kansas City was strong for cattle, prteeaJfeing-6 .to 10c higher than yes terday, with a supply of 000 Bead."" Cattia' shippers: W. Brose, Hanson, Idaho. . j . loads;.. C Ft. Blakely, Condon, 1 load. North Portland cattle prices: Heavy fancy steers ,..$6.256.40 Choice steera .............. 6.25 Select steers .6.0006.15 4.766.00 ... 4.75 6.90 ' o.ov 6.00(6.26 6.50 5.60 8.65 7.75 4.76 5.00 4.25 , 4.00 l K.on Washington Now Completes the Field and la Striving to Get Share of the Arizona and Texas Orders; Mces Are Boosted. Washlnrton la now ramiMtlnr'vitli Oregon." Idaho and California for the potato iraae or tne soutnwest. The sit uation is further mixed by the contin ued offering br lmnortera of EuroD&an potatoes. The price of potatoes is being boosted in the country here. At leading Texas centers buyers say that no business is permissible at these Drlcea. As hlrh as $1.30 is available for extra choice potatoes r. o. b. Willamette valley points for shipments to cither Texas or Arisona. New Mexico has been only a scant buyer recently; Its require ments having evidently been taken care of by former liberal purchases. Purchases at country uolnts are there fore less liberal owing to the boosting tactics of speculating dealers who have made a campaign to force growers hert to hold for more money, while them selves selling. It Is now definitely stated that there will be a serious decrease in the ship ments of purchases of potatoes from the Paclfio northwest growers as soon as weather conditions in Minnesota and Wisconsin settle sufficient to allow some of the liberal stocks there to be shipped to points In the central west and southwest. The rains In California have aided the situation there so far as the new crop is concerned and additional planting will be shown. This will affect favor ably the demand for seed stock. No extra fancy potatoes are now b ing purchased at eastern Multnomah Clackamas points. For selected stock $1.50 per cental is being offered f. o. b. there, but more money is being asked by the few that retain this quality. Local Jobbing market Is steady with no apparent change in the situation. The' market is being fed about all the potatoes It needa While most of theso are of inferior quail tv the movement has the effect of checklngany desire for higher priced stock. mm GOOD ADVANCE TODAY New York. March 6. -The big lead ers were In a strong position in the market, but most shares closed with a small advance. Union Paclflo was 14 points higher than yesterday at today's closing. America Smelter was and United States Steel common 1H points higher. - ... .. ; : Trading was somewhat more active. American stocks were irregular; ft off to 4 up, in London today. Pennsyl vania railroad earned 8.22 per cent on $463,880,660 stock in 1911 against 8.15 per cent ' on 3412,6100 stock in 1910. Shareholders " of Westlnghouse " Air Brake company anticipate an early divi dend of 83 1-3 per cent - Range of New York prices furnished pyyyeroecK ft cook e Co.: Description j)pen Hlghi Low Common steers Feeder steers Speyed heifers Ordinary heifers Ordinary cows .. r ancy cows . . , Fancy light calves . Medium light- calves Fancy bulls ........ Medium bulls Ordinary bulls stags . Eoir Markat Stationary. Stationary prices continue In the hog trade at North Portland. Run for the day was but 202 head, compared with 76 head last Tuesday, One of the loads did not arrive until a late hour. There was a strong tone in the swine trade at other centers for the day. A. South Omaha buyers were ea gerly oiddlng an advance of 5c over yesterday, although they had a run of 16,400 head for the day. Kansas City hops were steady to Bo above yesterday, with a run of 11,000 head. At Chicago there was a. further ad vance of 60 in the hog market. Tops sold at $6.65 this morning, or only a dime under, the highest value in effect here. Recently the Chicago market has made a gain of fully 30c upon the Fort land market. -- Hog shippers: J. A. Martin, Black foot, Idaho, 1 load; Firth, Jdaho, 1 load, 1 .f . . W.J 9 4 r 6.65 AmaL Copper Co. Am. C. & F., 0.. Am. Can! 0 Am. C. Oil., o.,.. Am, Loco., 0.... Am, Sugar, o ,. Am. Smelt, o, . . . Anao. Mining Co. Am. Woolen, 0... Atchison, 0 B. & O., 0 ..... . Beet Sugar , , , . B. R. ', ... Can. Pacific, 0.. Cen, Leather, 0. C. & J. W.,0.. C, M. & S. P.... Chi. & N. W., 0.. Ches. & Ohio .. Col. F. & I., C. Col Southern, c. Cons. Oas ...... Corn Prod., a .. Del. & Hudson . I). & R. Q., a.., Erie, c Gen. Electric O. North; Ore Ld. O. North, pfd... Ice Securities .. Illinois Central.. Int. Harvester . Int. Met, c. .... Lehigh alley ... K. (i Southern. Louis. & Nash. . Mex. Nat... 2d .. M. 6t P. S. S. M. M. K. & T., o . . . Missouri . Pac. .. National Lead . Nevada Cons. , . . N. York Central N. Y., ont. & W, Nor. A West, 0 . North American Northern Pac, 0 Pac. Mail Ss. .. Penn. Railway . P. O,. L. & C. :o. Press. Steel Car Heading, c Rep. Iron ft Steel Rock Island. 0.. South. Pao., 0.. South. R'y, 0. . .. Texas & Pacific w. .J. .luuuci. V, U. S. Steel Co,, c utan (jopper..,. West'house Eleo. 63 63 12 '83 118G 73 86 103 67 80$ 228 18 18 108V4 141 7SK 28 140 " 10 170 22 32 168 88 181U 21 . 137 107 y4 18 169H 26 155 69 63 12 84 118 106 103tf 67 80 228 19 18H 108 141 73 26 140 lOtt 170 zz 33" 164 88 . 181 21 137 108 IS 160 Z9 158 27 40 65 V4 20 "1 87 109 Total sales, flafl .ill) ihnru Call money, 2 per cent". 5 68 68 12 49 83 118 ' 74 86 Z7ft 106 108 67 80 228 18 107 140 73 26 43 139 10 170 21 83 164 87 131 20 136 108 17 160 26 165 27 39 64 19 111 86 109 78 118 31 123 106 97 166 18 23 108 28 4 ll 73 Wheat Is Steady to Firm at 87c for Oub and ,00c for Bluestem, Track Basis; California Is Getting Most of the AVIllamett Yillej Oats. J J soenos Ayrts Xs Weaker. ' ' (Special Cable.) Buenos T Ayres, Argentina, March 6. The wheat market la weaker and lower on realising 4 sales, due to the mora favorable 4 weather and larger stocks of 4 fered at the ports. Medium light 6.65 6.76 Rough and heavy 6,62 Tuesday's livestock Sales. STEERS. - , - Av. lbs. 27 steers ...1280 64 steers ......... .i.i, 1122 1 steer ,vJ100 29 steers ........1108 - 8 8"ateer- r r .-Vt 1126 7 steers . .............. .1158 10 Btcer84,1J,,,,,,,.ii92 "16 steers ..............1028 28 steers .-.,...,1094 11 steers 883 COWS 1 cow 25 cows 1 cow 4 cows 31 cows 121 cows 4 cows 25 cows 2 cows 4 cows 4 cows 1 cow 20 cows - 3 cows 12 cows 3 cows . 8 cows ........ i, .1210 .1140 1230 953. 954 1127 642 1007 1190 950 1070 1070 1056 1176 950 1140 1256 Tnnry-TnixpT uooa heavy TfPiTinrTjia 1 yearling ...... 4 heifers .. . .... , ... ..... CALVES. 2 calves i . 9 calves K AO 1 DC. . i. ? ln 4 calves 1C5 , . BULLS. I bull ..1564 2 bulls''. ' X- UUii . . . STAGS. 8 Blags ' SHEEP. 84 wethers ............ 230 ewes , . LAMBS. 21 8-lambs ............. i minus ... . 950 1042 125 177 126 1386 . 915 .1420 .1108 .138 . 98 98 81 Price. $6.25 6.00 6.00 6.00 - 6,85 6.80 6.80 6.76 6.40 6.25 $5.60 6.60 6.50 6.50 .-..25 5.25 6.26 5.25 5.00 3.00 6.00 . 6.00 5.00 4.85 4.75 4. CO 4.25 .a $6.00 6.25 $8.60 8.60 v 6.00 .8.P0 $4.26 3.75 8.30 4.00 $6.00 $6.35 4.65 $6.10 6.90 ' 4 4 rounds whiat kajkxsts. UvsTDOOl Wheat onaaaa 1 nualiuinA to Ha lower J closed t i lower. suenos ayres Whsst closed H to Ko lower. Budapest Wheat closed Tve lower, Berlla Wheat closed Ho lower. als Wheat closed i j lower. WHEAT CARGOES STEADY. London. Marrh (ws..t . steady. Twalla Walla for shipment at 87s. , English country markets quiet' French country markets steady. PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS. 1 ' 1 , Oat 11, in i Wh eat Bar. Flour. Oats. Hay. Mon. .... 105 Tues ' : . .. ' . 4 Year ago. 6 To date.. 11.069 Year ago. 8,918 . - 4 816 486 16 8 1826 1690 15 S 1 J 1299 " 693 7 7 7 . 2141 till While trade is oulet thewi la a nthr good tone rullna- in tha wheat locally. The weakness abroad today had practically no effect upon the buying here. The demand at present In the Paclfio northwest is most attributed to millers, therefore, foreign , fluctatlons receive but little consideration. Sales of club continue on the basis of 87o a bushel track with bluestem at nue. . Tha oats market is firm at 331.50 generally for No. 1 white. Owing to the very liberal demand at rood nricea from California but few shipments of Willa mette vauey oats are ofrered here. While the entire oats movement locally is small at this time, the bulk of the supplies available are from eastern Washington. - - Flour market Is firm but rather quiet for patent and export No change in prices. WHEAT MARKET IS DEPRESSED Chicago Opens and .Closes .With Loss; Foreign Price Lower. Chicago. March 6. There' was a de pressed tone in wheat market trading 4oday and the market was very "Blow. Closing was c lower ror iuay. m,o lor July and . unchanged for BeptemberJ upening zigures were at a loss of o to c. There was a weaVer tone abroad with lower prices everywhere. Forelarn cron outlook was ' favorable and this vm a oearian innuence. - - Cash Wheat trade in Minneapolis was Ranee of Chlcas-o nrlcea furniahud Tv vverveuK at wuoKe uo.; II hOKS , u 114 1 l)Og 210 $6.75 6.00 WHEAT. Open. High. Low. May ......103 103 108 July 97 97 97 Sep. 95 95 96 : CORN. " May 71 71 July 71 71 Sep. ...... 71 71 -V: -. OATS. ' 62 i 63 49 49 41 41 v PORK. 1672 1587 1667 1597 1617 1597" 1617 1666 1617 LARD. 930 942 930 J917- 960 947 967 976 965 RIBS. 87J 885 872 883 892 880 900 912 897 May July Sep. May July Sep. May July Sep. May July Sep. sees Close. 103 A 97B 5A 70 A 71A 71 62B 1 48A 41 A 1585 1617 1650 942 960A 972 885A 890A 913 San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, March 5,Grala calls: BARLEY. 1 Open. High. Low. - Closa May ...... ..179 , 180 179 , 179 Deo. . ..... .147 148 147 148 NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Portland Banks. Clearings today ., $3,478,219.67 Year ago 1,636,693.47 Gain today .$ 842,625.10 Balances today 150,002.26 Year ago .. 96,176.48 M . . Seattle Banks. Clearings today ,....$1,809,357.00 Balances today ........... 174,841.00 Taooma Banks. Clearings today ,...,..,...$ Balances today ,, 726,326.08 62,681.00 Money and Exchange. -' London, March 6. Consols, 77 B-16; sliver, 26;. bank rate, 8 per cent New - York. March 8 Sterlln change, long, 4.86; short 4.88; silver ouuion, -Bi. San Francisco, March B. Sterling Ox. change, 60 days. 4.83; sight, 4.86; Doc, 4.82; transfers telegraph, 6 pre mium; sight, 2 premium. SHEEP LOWER AT CHICAGO Market Is Off 10 Cents for Day With '"a-Rnn of 28,000 ' nead. Chicago, March 5. Run: Hogs, 28,000; cattle, 4600; sheep, 82,000, nugs are Bicauy ; leu over SUV; re ceipts a year ago 17,000. Mixed, $6.85 .; nenvjr, o.duotq.o; rougn, JB.S0C) 6.50; light $6.356.60. Cattle Steady. , " Sheep Weak to lOo lower, OMAHA LIVESTOCK HIGHER Hogs Are Up Nickel; Sheep 10 Cents Advanced for the Day. South Omaha. Neb.. MnroVi k ftt. 4500: market ateadv to mfmntr m..' J6.50Q) 7.76; cows and heifers,' $4.75 HOSS 16.400. Plieaa mtmaAv n r w- ' . V VW higher. , ., . Sheep 11,600; markets lOo - higher, Yearlings, $56.25; wethers, '$4.25 t.eu; lamDS, B(s.40; ewes, $3.8504.25. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK Cattle Trade Shows Advance of 5 to 10 Cents for the Day in Yards, ceipts, 11,000; market steady to -6c - Cattle Receipts, 8,000; market 60 to 10c higher. . . fthAKrv Ttrn1nfs Vnnn. mvlr unchanged. !Ladie$LSuitSa$9.95a By all means read Tim ii'innnra rin.i, & Suit Shop's ad , in tonight's paper. ' BTKOPSIS OT TE21 AJfJTUAIi BTATXiTTST CP of PhlK PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY CAPTfiT. Amount of capital paid up ..........$ 750,000.00 X2TCOKS T7.-fm5.rfed a"rtns- rar in cash . .....$ 1,618,484.65 omt 299 897.70 - income from other sources received during the year 8.833.76 Total Income i t J it aa a szssTrxssasxsTB Pa u"nr. the 1 year. . . . ...$ ..J.SJJ.S2U0 iosses paid durlnr Dividends paid durlnr the 11 fl . " c vsj vaiu uunnf ins year. Amount Of all Athat j . . - H. w oAyBuuihUlQI, 1,135.8:0.76 225.000.00 1.176.414.01 . - 114.629.07. 61,181.27 Total, expenditures Value of real estate owned T..u vi biucks ana oonas owned Loans on mortgages and collatersJ. eta Premiums in course of collection and in VranVmis- misBion .......,, ... , Interest and rents due and accrued ' Total assets admitted In Oregon . V V a eaaMai Gross claims for losses unpaid........ ... , $ AmouMof unearned premiums on al, outstanding Due for commission and brokerage I'll "V All other liabilities . I !! Capital ! "" Surplus ....... "" t .;'.........$ 3.703,045.10 138,009.00 6.336,487. 00 311,000.00 .120,453.61 127,133.84 88,024.64 .$ 7,6!J,f.0Sf Total llablhties 862,746 48 4,240.609.82 8,864.46 ' 80,000.00 750,000.00 2,240,478.24 Total insurance In force" ' DeVember' Yl','il i ' '. " .11 '. 1 1 ! '. '.T.llt 137l'6lu0 BUSZ9XS8 nr oaanir nm ira Total risks written during the year, . Gross premiums received during the year.. ......."..'.!" Premiums. returned during the year....... ....!!!! 1! Losses nafrt rinrlm th. ' ......,..,.,.. , , Total amount of rlska outstandlng'in' Ooi 'Decern-' 1,466.708.0ft 28,324.18 4,148.17 4.701.64 8.967,18 1421,486.00 THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSTANCE "COMPANY EUtutory resident genersl aront and aUornerfo? .etrvioeYWtU Be0r' CHAS. v. MCCARTHY, 246 Stark Street, Portland. Or. BBsassBsBSr - GOOD SERVICE An efficient staff .of well ' trained men to meet and supply the banking requirements of our customers and the public and to keep the records of the bank, are points of good' service in this bank. . Modern equipment, conveniences and up-to-date methods are employed, thereby avoiding losses and de lays. Your account is solicited. We pay 4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Hartman & Thompson, Bankers Chamber of Commerce feuildina FOURTH AND STARK STREETS THIS BANK is depository for the United States Gov ernment, the State of Oregon, the Courity of Mult , nomah and the City of Portland. In this bank your interest, are safeguarded in every way, Your account is cordially Invited. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in 1886 Washington and Second Streets Ladd &Tilton Bank , ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock - - $1,000,000.00 SurpluaandUnaivitlefl ProfiU $800,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks Issued, available in all parts 'of the world Corner Third an3 Washington Streets lumbermens Natiomal Bank .WW ... .... Capital - $1,000,000.00 ' A Of On Savings. Corner Fifth Mid Stark ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK- ' ?';s..'r j'-'':-'. -":" -. ,' ' w 'K 'X-Xy-:' X X: :XX"'?r" CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS . $850,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE t ROCKY MOUNTAINS