o . I ' III I I ,'. - -' i , 'i ill- I I . .. ; r:i ". . v 74 : 'i ;M : ... I ip ' n - ' . '; n nC C0NM0P.IM.SON ,' " .. ' I ('' ,' " f (" , I ' '. ''', , ' il I. iihii" - I I j I I I fCJ : .. I . , rrrr . ; . ;. , ( ( ; . ,: i i r-M t : ; ,MwuMNaN January Slat.ltlt. - ys . v7J - ' SJ ' ' ! 1 7 t 1 , 1 7 ; n 7; 7:;i: - ' TO I. Ctnrts s 8en, eryoratles. IiM9 CTwtit o4 Jhilllp Cwrttt- TO0,JflJ.EACE OfW,rthtTay MtifUd tht JMtpk 1 Strowtri4g aattt Copny, as Oragon oerparatloB, haa mtaral lntt mrlttan laaea rith J. ludalaaa of FartlanA, Oxagoa, to thoaa oar tola pranlaat oifraata, Ijlag, aat fcaing ia tho City of Portion A, . : aTaltBoaoa County, out Stato of Orogoa, oalpnaiTig to tfea aalt Jo Joaaja 1 StroArUga Eotato Coapasy , oat aoro yartlamlarly aunt ' ot oat iaobrlboA 00 fallavo, to wlti- - lot 4, Hook 14. City of rortlont. vita a oartala orlok at atoao onliaing oa tho ooao kaowa oo ITS-ITS Tlrot Stroott asi lata S Oat I, Blook 14, City of Bartloat. vita tatoo otory trtok ' nt otoao kulltlag oa tho ooao kaova u loo. UT-t9-tCl-8S-nl BI Ton hill Stra'at, oat lo 188-1TO oat ITS Soooat Stroat oat a aartalu too otory hrlok oulltlag oa tit .Taaalll Itroot wt loeaat oa port Of lot , Hook 14. City of fortloat, oalt hilWlnga oat oaooaaato ' at eollora oonnoota with tho oaaV" that aoloMoooo ooaaaaooo oa tho loflaal&f of tho loth . tay of too, llt, ant TOff.JUTO Sid or TOT, aro horoVy aotlttot to vaeoto oat ctilt oalt proalooo hatoro taoorloat oa or koforo tho kajlnalng of tho JBth ay 6t Jtn; I9l. 4&4jrru-jL. 7 P A f ' ' .TEae; Mgcisott- FciPiniStair.a Ewntl, Ijy All AmeriieaT-Evepy IteMo2 PjasrctioRCilc: ' In Ever Inasigupatedl; in :the: Hisilopy ;of iWesttepn OMP 0100,000 Stccli to; Sold at the Gpeattest Price' 3Iiwe3t--Salel20inG-f OEpoppoWrMopnlng 8 .o'clock 1 Tells Tie Story Nolle fllne Mflht-oll-fflie Appow- om Hike Move f i v ,7 f . V ' s.. 7 . . ' u 7 11 . ,. 1 M '' 1 ; ('; aor " w tlicsc Facts Will Amaze You Put They Are True - :-:ERtAlM '.SA-lic IttAYS During this marvelous sale, we "will,, from time jo time; set aside certain days for certain lines of merchandise. At other times ;,y ill make startling, reductions on cash sale goods. ' There 7ill be days for the women, dz tfor men and boys and others, given over especially to little folks; While these days "ft 1 feature special lines, it-will be remembered that our ENTIRE STOCK IS ON SPECIALS 'ALE ALL THE TIME.:,There will not be a minute while we are selling out that youf: ill not be confronted with such VALUES AS YOU HAVE NEVER K OWN BEFORE. , I I- TpTD 71 HO TO) ef tiff vl -A...V 77:, ' 7 .. BaaaawokBoai '"Whi: .isjcvif-y.--T w. s.'.nirA-,' Hdlnse IlLweE'ii JSweii3 . 77.; The GEVURTZ STORE is the oldest of Its kind In Portland. . , . ....... ..1 f .... We have been in business, in this same vicinity, for THIRTY-TWO YEARS. "i ' , . - . . , We are now doing the largest furniture business in the Pacific Northwest and have been for some time. - For many years we have purchased in larger quantities than all other furniture stores in the city combined. " Our orders are placed .with manufacturers direct, in carload lots, thereby saving tremendously, both. in freight and. price . 1 . We started in business in a small store at .Front and Yamhill streets, later occupying the entire corner and then enlarging to include the opposite corner. Then we moved to the southeast corner of First and Yamhill, also taking the corner of First and Yamhill, opposite. Our next, enlargement was to Include the entire block from First to Second street . Our present quarters include a frontage of 75 feet on First street, the entire block' from First to Second, and 100 feet frontage on Second street, making this store the largest, in square feet, in the city of Portland. We are now forced to leave our home; which we have occupied for so long, owing to lack of consideration on the part of a new tenant, who refuses, absolutely, to consider the tremen- dous responsibility involved in our going out of business after so long a period. We have concluded, therefore, to dispose of our entire stock, representing over $100,000 in first class merchandise, to complete a selling out proposition which eclipses, in value, any sim ilar event ever inaugurated In the Pacific Northwest. Every article of every kind, and de scription, in our gigantic stock goes without a question in this great winding up of one of Portland's biggest merchandise houses. . THE MORAL IS PLAIN BUY EARLY WHILE THE CHOICE IS EXCELLENT. - WE ARE CERTAIN THAT THE MATTER OF PRICE WILL BE PERFECTLY SATIS FACTORY TO YOU. I 3aU. r Mm TO' M(UI This mammoth sale will include every article in our $100,000 stock. From the smallest pin to Cii;j;lurgest piece of furniture, everything will be sacrificed. Those who are familiar with our store will know what this means. To those who do not know, we suggest that we carry an enormor rtock of the following goods. Post youraolf on what you need and take advantage of " " : w. ; ; : ; ; the vbiggest selling out sale? hat: portland has ever known! ; ; :; '7'-"7 BRASS BEDS , IRON BEDS PARLOR SETS PARLOR CHAIRS . ARM ROCKERS SEWING ROCKERS CHINA CLOSETS CRIBS DINING CHAIRS CHILDREN'S CHAIRS COTTAGE CHAIRS MUSIC CABINETS KITCHEN CABINETS CARPETS ! , LINOLEUM . MIRRORS GO-CARTS CURTAINS CURTAIN STRETCHERS RANGES GLASSWARE STOVES ' CHIFFONIERS 7 ufattrq WRITING DESKS HLAIERS OFFICE DESKS GAS RANGES SILVERWARE SEWING MACHINES ! 91 "(I Not a single thing ia reserved in this, sale. Previous prices will have no bearing on the prices to be quoted in this tale. No competition will bV t " DAVENPORTS COUCHES DRAPERIES KIDDING :!ATTRESSES BUFFETS COSTUMERS , REFRIGERATORS PLATE RACKS 7 DINING TABLES CENTER TABLES KITCHEN TABLES LIBRARY TABLES BED SPRINGS KITCHEN UTENSILS PORTIERES , COUCH COVERS SIDEBOARDS LADIES' DRESSES MEN'S OVERCOATS MEN'S CLOTHING LADIES' FURS LADIES' HATS LADIES' UNDERWEAR LADIES' SUITS LADIES' WAISTS LADIES' COATS WATCHES 11 ,1 t . ,, .;.',.;....: JEWELRY . :,..-;7.77;- 77 r : 7- ,lzJ"td throughout this creat clean-up, for there can be no possible competition, except between those who buy in such tremendous quantities lis we 4- X - 1 ' "... ; -, "". r'; " .". 1 . ,, " 11 ' ' .. "" .'" ' - : " do. As none buy as we do, competition is out of the question. THIS IS THE GREATEST HOUSEHOLD BUYING OPPORTUNITY OF YOU.7TOTIRE LIFETIME. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE EXTRAORDINARILY LOW PRICES WE ARE OFFERING AND COME HERE EARLY. Bi'f I i f; t tCf- i i, " ' Te r i H 1 In this building we have established the largest furniture busi ness of the Pacific coast. We have occupied this place for a number of years, and we are now forced to leave it under circum stances which force the liquidation of all the stock we carry. Reserve the purchase of any furniture you may need until you call : LporiulTfor AND YAMHILL STREETS. V F?ITD This sale is uniaue. It enforces WJtl iiJ iiJ ii. l 1 -i r GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. It compels us to SELL OUT. It embarasses us, one of the oldest, biggest and best 'known'firmsronthfe;coa3trto-bD"knownatheplaything of -an inconsiderate tenant. We will make the best of it. . ' t 7 X . ' . ..y....... . IW''. t ' ' iiiiiiiwiiaaaaaaaaaaaawMaBMia)wiiiiwiB " ' ' . Iv : tin , . -- .j j . g ... (Vt. fiMv- 7-- -VI: 1:., i-IM'J.v'.r. ii1 si.h'tV FrnFriFlFR We have not courted the oppor lylUillljiyilllJPlLiU tUnity of foisting a sale upon the public at this time of the year. We are victims of the relentless, persistent, everlasting progress, of Portland. rA vviuxu tin uiibuiuputuuci ituiuiuiu 10 uui mot tau&c ui ocu y iiVrr. wp. rprrfrni7.ft n bifrfrAr And better future before lifi. In this building, when completed, between Alder and Morrison streets, on Fifth, we expect to conduct the largest general merchan dise business on this coast. Here will be 12 SOLID FLOOI" OF FURNITURE AND OTHER GOODS. This will becon-; ;? tremendous institution of selling and buying capacity, epprc ; .! - ! "by none in Western America. For "the time fce:r; l ot, r vr, WILL BE COMPLETELY OUT OF HUSIIir.;';. . . - -f