1 C liTLAI D, Hi.. J W O J . i-SE Id liKt ill LIES GOOD coy KOBIE Lad Jot Always Mean, Says VVm. R. George; Give Him Responsibility, Is " Idea of Reformer Visiting City. SI- HUDSON DEAD; FUN'ERAL TOmORROV fr $ ! - ! - I i I V t f 1 The funeral..f II. t. Hudson, a pio neer business Jnan of this city, who died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Rod E. Smith, 666 Flanders street, yes terday, after an Illness of about a year, will be. held at 2 o'clock tomorrow after. noon at the Scottish Rite cathedral. , ijOWTisdale and Morrison streets. Rev. T. L. Eliot will have charge of the serv ices at the cathedral an J the Harmony lodge, No. IS, Masons, Will have charge of the services at the Rlverview ceme tery, where the burial will take place. Mr. Hudson, who was president of the Hudson Am company, at 110 Third, was known as one of the moat expert anglers and hunters In the west. The sporting goods concern which bears his name was established by Mr. Hudson nearly 40 years ago. He took an active Interest in the business, until three years ago, when he retired and took a trip to Mexico. After a trip to California a year ago he suffered a nervous break down, but due to his btrong will power and rugged constitution, serious Illness was averted. His health seemed to be good until last Thursday, when he suf fered a relapse. ' H was born I larch 1J. 183 J, at Mld dlelon, Del. In 1859 he moved to Cali fornia, 'and a short time later to the mining fields In southern Oregon. In 1860 he removed to Portland and from here to the mining district In Idaho, where he stayed but a short time before returning to this city. , Mr. Hudson was married to Aille Goishall of Portland shortly after he was established In Jsuslness. His jwlfe died 11 years ago. Besides his daugh ter, Mrs. Rod E. Smla. he1 is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Martha Coleman, of Washington, D. C; and Mrs. Mary Auld, of Marshalltown, Iowa. ' ; i He was a member of the Hassalo lodge of Odd Fellows, Ivanhoe lodge of Knights of Pythtias, Al Kedar temple of the 'iriners. Orcein commandery No. 1, Knights Templars, Oregon consistory No. 1, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites, Harmony lodge No. 12, Masons, and Portland chapter No. 3, Royal Arch Masons. GRANGE REFUSES TO ACCEPT COMPROMISE I what he deems the present !. js of I the highway i campaign. C. E. !-; rr.ee, master of the grange, and member of ! the committee. Informed other commit tee "members yesterday that the grange would not accept state aid or accept compromise. ' W. B. Ayer, chairman of the harmony committee, C. T. Prall and Colonel C. E. S. Wood are today engaged in getting out a statement for the information of the general public that will clearly de fine the position of four members of the oomn.Utee W. s. Aycr, C. T. Frail. W. IC Newt:!. Judge I'ernar 1 Imly as to what constitutes the r..ii d.fficulty in seur!njr a program of hichway leg islation that will be iuiported alike by the good roads association the grange and the business organizations. . , The majority of the committee de cided yesterday that it could not accept the county bonding act of the grange under any sort of compromise. It was stated that this measure was drafted without reference, and in hostility, to t'.e 1 : ; : ; f--:: ,' f-' .!- 1- r . : -r ;.M of co!in:-;-i l:i rcA.i i :.:.s; l'.i- t..iU it won!,! be imp-ift-ie to i: such measures artlcuiute in a general plan for state wide good roads legislation. Following the meeting of the committee yesterday Mr. pence sent a letter to Governor West, in which he attempts to set forth hla position and that of the grange. Governor West said this morn ing that he had not received the letter and would make no comments on the situation until h- did. x l . - - y r l ' ' S. t,. t .. .; -r . ) KUti.uth Or., i : : . positive- axeurattce that t:e J A; .. Clarke box factory will be l-.,rt t nummer. Five acres of land ! s 1 i offered as' a site. In addition to t-'.v--Ing out box material a sash arid im plant will be operated. The plant be located JtiPt south of the city uu the edge of Lake Ewauna and close to the Southern Pacific railway yards. '"TKfffeIationbetweeh Ihe grange ami the good roads association is not In any way different from what It was before j Governor West appointed the harmony ' committee,' said C T. Prall, president! of the Oregon Association for Highway j Improvement. ' - Mr. Pr&H thus briefly summed up Eat and Get Thin. t This is turning an old phrase face about, but modern methods of reducing fat have made this revision possible. 'If yon are overfat and also averse' to physical exertion and likewise fond of the table and still- want to reduce your excess t&guh several pounds, do -this: Go to your druggist (or write! to Marmola Co., 666 Farmer Bldg., Do- trolt, Mich.) nd give him (or send them) !$ cents. For this modest' amount of money the druggist will put you in the way of satisfying your am bition for a nice, trim, sllra figure. He wtU hand you a large case of Marmola Prescription Tablets (compounded in accordance with the -famous Marmola Prescription), one of which you must take after- each meal-and at bedtimel until you begin to lose your fat at the I rate of 12 to 16 ounces a day. That I Is all. Just go on eating what vou like. leave exercising tothe-athletestouti take your uttie tablet raittiruiiy and ! without a doubt that flabbv flesh will - quickly take unto itself wings, leaving j Denina u your na rural seir, neatly i clothed In firm flesh and trim muscles.; . William R. George. . . "Desire to do the Tierolo' In the eyes ' of his fellow companions, and not mere mischief Is usually the cause of Incor rigibility In boys," said William R. George, founder of ; the George Junior Republic, who arrived In Portland this morning. "Giving them some real re sponsibility is the logical way of re forming them and directing them Into the ranks of good and useful citizen- ' ship," ha added.- ::-";.-.- - Mr. George, who has devoted more i than a quarter of a century to the suc cessful .reformation of boys and girls, ! arrived In Portland this morning from I - Spokane, and will give several addresses i before leaving Saturday for California, where he will Inspect the Junior Re public et Chino. ; , - "Daddy George, "M the citizens of the Junior Republic know him, is a big fatherly looking man. His soft, pleas antly modulated voice, sympathetic blue eyes and toUBled grayish hair, char acterise him as a man to whom a boy in need of help and advice would na- turally appeal. - ; - -f - ... , ' Boys Same Today, "Boys are the same today as they r bave always been," said Mr. George, "and what is more, they are the same in all walks of life, the rich and poor alike. We know that when we were boys we liked : to do the things that would make ua 'heroes,' In the opinions 1 of our bpy friends. This hero worship j accounta for a very great deal of the ) trouble that boys get Into. It is not I just meanness or mischief, though I am sorry to say that too many well mean ing persons who attempt the reforma tion of the wayward work on the belief that youngsters are Just naturally devil-; ltih, and of course they find it difficult to get results while working along '. wrong lines.- " '-"," " " 1" "Boys from 18 to 51 years oflige are - usually mentally -and physically-fit to do men's work and assume some of their responsibilities. But they have no responsibility, so their energies and talents are often spent In getting them selves into trouble. - - Xefominf the Youth. "Responsibility properly placed will do wonders in the reformation of youth. - It is a simple truth. For example, take the tough Jeader of toughs gang, Give him the powers of a police officer and see how eulckly he will break up the gang of which he was the leader. "The primary Idea of the Junior Re publics is this condition of responsl- blllty. The citizens in the Republics are responsible for their own condition, - whatever It may be, and they naturally ' try to improve It as much as possible." Asked his opinion of the Boy Scout movement, Mr. George said: "I am heartily In . favor of the idea. The Scouts are in a position to do a great deal of good and they have a broader field to work in than we have because they can reach the youngsters In their homes.' Hew Organisations rianned. "General Baden-Powell, founder of the Scout movement, visited the Frea- vllle Republic recently, and he told me I - that he would incorporate some of our : -Ideas of responsibility ,ln his own or-! ganization. We plan to" establish a re- i public In England next year It will LADIES-PuFchase Your New Spring Suits and Dresses aia Saving All Wool Serge Dresses, Values Up to $20 White and colors, made in all the latest styles, priced within the reach of all for ... two days only Friday and Saturday- All Wool Suits. Values Up to $30 We have just received a large shipment of Suits in new material, all the latest lhades cloths, exceptionally rich looking for two days only, Friday and Saturday, fifl&so STANDARD OUTHTllG-CO. 415 WASHINGTON-ST., CORNER 11TH. BE SURE TO GET THE CORRECT; CORNER ' jtt f f-;f V r,A . s- ' - ' ; ZJ ROSE , BUSHES THAT WILL PRODUCE A PROFUSION OP BLOOMS THIS SUMMER IF YOU PLANT THEMNOW not be a republic as we understand the term of course, but It will be a colo ny of boys and girls governing them selves according to the ideas of primary - Uugliah government" Mr. George said that committees have already been appointed in the state of i u.,e wit iui iu )jurpug ut organ izing a republic and that though no ef - fort im 'made-tot promote them they are organized whertver need of one Is felt. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Watson and Miss Delia Watson are entertaining, Mr. George at their Cornell Road home. ' O-nest of Boys. At noon he was the guest of the boys' luuiumiee ana ine directors of the Y. ' . M. C. A. at luncheon at the V. M. C A. This afternoon he is being entertained i vy ineoaore li. 1 Wilcox and tonight he' will address the Social Service council ' at the X. W. C. A. Tomorrow morning! Mr. George will Ulk to the student of the Washington and the Lincoln high! schools and Portland Academy. To- morrow afternoon at 3:30 he will de-i liver an address to the Council of Jew-' lsh Women at the eelling-Hirsch build ing, and tomorrow night he will speak at a public meeting at the T. M. C A. ; under the auspices of the Big Brothers , baturday morning at :30 he will ad dt ess the public school teachcra at t: Washington high school, and at noon ' ie wm go to salem to be entertained by Governor West and various fialeln societies before continuing on his w.v to California. ' way Our stock is large strong, healthy and true tq'namc. We believe we have the largest and choicest stock in the city Big sale this week at $2.00, $3.00. and $4.00 dozen. Conditions are fight. Don't wait until the spring rush starts. Buy now. i " FRUIT, SHADE OR ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS, ? - SWEET PEAS We are the recognized Sweet Pea Specialists in the northwest. Plant seeds this month fpr extra early blooms. Our 1912 annual catalogue gives full description and prices of the LATEST NOVELTIES, in cluding DUPLEX SPENCER from Europe , .1 Store Phones Main 5956, A-38U. Tree Yard Main 5549, A-47151 6et. Morrison 6 hi!I Removal Sale Prices Prevailing in 25 Departments Friday-Saturday Bargaie Gi?ir.g Combs Reduced Brushes Reduced Two days of underpricing in our Bristle Goods Department. v 35c-50c Tooth Brushes, guaranteed, 29 $1 Clothes Brushes ...79 25c Gents' Combs. 15 50c Ladies' Coms, hard rubber and Ivory, at ......... u . ..... .. . . ..37 ; Extra Special--Large Imported Ivory - Combs they are beauties. . . ...50 "WOODLARK" QUALITY OF Household Drugs AT REDUCED PRICES. v. Supply your Friday and Saturday Needs at these low prices. 25c pure Cream Tartar, pkg. . . . . . . .19 10c Soda Bicarbonate, pkg. , . .... . . .6$ 10c Lye (Babbitt's) , can . . . ........ i . 7 10c Chlonde Lime, can,...,.. be 25c Carbolic Acid, crude, bot I9d Ni50c.Xhloro-Bromine, bottle. AO0 f-310c Sal Soda. vks. . .. . . . . . . . .5 15c Powd. Soap Stone; pkg. 9 r H 10c Ensom Salts, nko-. . . . K if ; ' r o 'w- vW wa v if O VFr 40c Witch Hazel, bottle. . . . .33 25c Denatured Alcohol, bottle..., .20 35c Absorbent Cotton, lb 29 5c Cough Drops, pkg .3 10c Polish, for metals of all kinds... 3 ?5c For-moL a superior tooth powder. " special price .. . . .... .... , , . T. .... .9? 25c Bay Rum and Glycerine, bottle 16 10c Pure Glycerine, bottle...,...,., li I I; SULPHURRO The great remdy for Rheumatism, Asth ma, Goitre, Eczema, Dyspepsia, all stom ach, bowel and kidney troubles. Qn sale at 50 and $1 the bottle. Rubber Goods Reduced FOR TWO DAYS' SELLING , . Every piece guaranteed as represented or money cheer fully refunded. $1.25 Ladies' Douche : . :i . 89 $2 2-quart Maroon Water Bottle and ' Fountain Syringe ... . . . . ..$1.27 $1.25 3-quart Maroon Water Bottle 79 $1.25 2-qt Red Fountain Syringe. . .89 $1 2-qL Fountain Syringe. ... . . .., .63 50c Rubber Face Brush........... .29 35c Fountain Syringe Red Tubing . Lengths priced at......?.., 25J 85c Turkish Bath Towels, one of the best -r1 values we have yet offered, only 49 Spray Yo ur Roses When you spray be sure you use "Woodlark" Rose and Fruit Spray. De stroys all insects that feed on the foliage or petals of roses. '-.' ' , , v,'.:"- -I.-,.:.:-' 4, "Woodlark" Fruit Spray, quart. , . . .50 "Woodlark" Spray Pump. . . . .50 , or Both for 85c "Mark Cross" Lngiish t mm Gloves Biscuit Chamois Gloves, sold regularly at $1.50. Selling at special, the pair, 98 ' OUR WEEK END EVENT IN UNDERPRICING ; !. Wines andLiquors - OF MEDICINAL QUALITY , Old Muskingum Valley an excellent Whiskey for medicinal use, pure and , . mild, full quart.;. . .. . ....... .$1.25 , Gallon, in glass ; ; S4.00 $1.25 Old Cloverdale, bot'd in bond, 98 $1 Chicken Cock Bourbon, 8-year-old, bottled in bond.. ............89i $1 Carlisle Rye, bottled m,bond..79 $1 Old Tom Martin, a superb blend 69J ' Y "pint, Bassi Ale ($1 dozen) ; bottle ll Yi pint Barclay's Ale ($1 doz.), bot, 11 . 25c Claret, 3 for ......;..50 California Port, Sherry, Claret, gal. $1 Extra fine California Port, Sherry, Bur K gundy, Riesling, Tokay, Sauterne, per Ll. gallon-J. . w- . v.- . .$150 -Highest grade California Port and Sherry, gallon ..... ..$2.50 Duroy, Irondequoit and Duff-Gordon Tm ' ported Sherry and Port, gallon $3.50 , These Wines were chosen for their high medicinal .qualities ----- . Brass -To Pierce Handsome subjects, .including' piercing outfits. We have sold similar subjects ; up to $2.50. Your choice while it JQ ; lasts at ... .............. .' OaC Stationery Reduced -ftSfiP. Boxed Stationery, fine quality linen paper, envelopes tinted on inside, making them opaque. Our regular 75c : at special, box, 47 ? Two quire fancy box of fabric fin ish paper, Xenyelopes to match." Our regular 85c grade at, the box, only. . . .. ... . . ...V. ...49 Two days" in which yoU can sup- ply your needs in Playing Cards; Fine, high quality, gold edges, tarter backssuitable for prizes. Regular $1 value at, pack. .42 , "500" GAME SET "500" leather "covered case, in cludes score cards. . Values $3 and $4. Your choice at . .79 Same with two packs of "Wood-lark"-Playing -Cards set, $1.17 Paper Napkins, regular 15c, per 100, only ... .9 Toilet Requisites Reduced - ., .FOR TWO DAYS' SELLING- i ; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We'll known Toilet Preparations of every day use to be had here at a saving. r 25c Cuticura Soap. . ,145 75d Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal 25c Mum, 2 for 25 25c Danderine ...... 16 50c Camelline 29 25c Satin Skin Powd. 140 50c Malvina Cream.. ;29 priced at 500 50c Hinds' Honey and Al mond Cream ......270 25c Williams Talcum, 2 for t. .', ..... .250 Roger & Gallet's Fine Perfumes, ;aH flower odors." Reg ular 75c. Two days at, the ounce , . . . . . . ; ... 500 Wood to Burn SEE OUR WINDOW . DISPLAY WOOD-TO-BURN SUBJECTS Vals. to 75c Your0ice " 5c Cuff , and Collar Boxes, . Bread Boards, Baby Hangers, Glove Boxes, Towel and Pipe Racks, Panels, Key and Tie Racks. None reserved come early for best choice at, each, ...... aC WE WEAVE ELASTIC HOSIERY TO YOUR MEASURE. OPEN A MONTHLY ACCOUNT WITH US. Ladies' Handbags Two days when you can save more than half on ladles Hand Bags. $2 Bags in. goat seal, moire lining, extra pocket and coin purse, strap handles. Choice 790 $8.00 Bags in cowhide, pig, seal and wal rus ; handsome bags, with gunmetal, brass and leather covered frames; leather lined, extra coin purse to match. Your choice at only. ... ; . .... .... $3.19 CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN at PAR A Patent Medicines Reduced It, -FdR TWO DAYS', SELLING 50c Canhrox' .. . . . . . ... ; 290 50c Sloan's Liniment. , . . . .. .290 50c Bromo Seltzer. . 290 50c Foley's Honey and Tar. ..290 $1 Swift's Specific, S.S.S. ......... .G30 $1 Glycothymoline ........ i ..... . .730 $1 Electric Brand Bitters. ......... G50 50c Lapactic Pills, 290 $1 Kilmer's Swamp Root. .....t... .G30 $3.75 Borden's Malted Milk, hospital size, at $2.75 Ladies' Hat Pin Special Your choice of large assortment Rhine stone Hat Pins, regularly sold at 35c to $1. Your pin is in the lot at only. .250 Wobferii,;: lame Go - , Valde pill Approved. (United Priu Ut& W!r, Wilmington, D. Q Feb. 29. SenaAof Joiien bill for. an appropriation of 165 - o to rretecf Valdex Xrom glacial flood na approved today by the senate com niercu committee. . 4 ,, ; , . THE FLORENCE ' Peraona -who hold political offlcci . v, .,Tuuiwve, win Dei xc!udd from the Minneapolis Tradca JS-CORlING-SOONr: DIFFERENT THAN THE OTHERS. YOU WANT THE BEST WHEN YOU EAT THEN TRY OUR - -CLUB DINNERr- TONIGHT,75c You will ret real food value with thla dinner prepared by an experienced chef -r-aerved in the proper way in a dining room where comfort aboundg. A rOPUItAB rEATUKB "Thoaa Eatertalnera" , , Txsa, Quxsrs akd swesht , -In Bongs and Muslo , - 5 to 8:30 rooo srvzbxirss! . OtJR MERCHANTS' LUNCH 35 1 11:30 to 2. SO TOT7. XHOW WD ABB OPBW ETXNTIf S TZX.Ii ltOOf 1 FBZTATB BOOTfiS ATTXAOTZTB KEXIT STCSZO P0TEL CARLTON Washington at IJth St AND GRILL Where Popular Prices Prevail uremic SS. VROSE CITY" SAILS 4 P. M., SATURDAY, MARCH 2 RATES, INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS . San Francisco $6.00 and Up log Angeles 5p 1 1 p v I anc u p (Two Days Sightseeing at San Francisco with Meals and Berth Free) . TICKET OFFICE. 142 THIRD ST. PHONES MAIN 402, A-1402 au iMbor Assembly, If1.