1 7T i ill rn in 6K0CE1H? .--. pl II CUOTH THE PESSIMIST toxight's amusements HEILTG Kobert JJantell In "Kin? Lear." BAKKR "Paid in Full." LYK1C the Merry Rounders. ORFUEUM Orpneum circuit vaude vllle. , PANTAOES Vaudeville. EMPRESS Sullivan & ConsMlne vau deville. PEOPLK S Motion pictures. Weather COnOlt'lons. The indications 'are for showers In western Oregon and Washington and for showers or snow flurries In eastern Ore gon and Idaho, during the next l hours. Winds of 48 miles outh at Tatoosh island and S4 miles south at North Head were reported this morning, but the tendency .is for a decreased force al though brisk winds will obtain1 this afternoon and tonight along the , Wash ington coast. No important changes of' temperature are expected. Portland and vlctnlty-Showerit to night and Friday. - South to southwest winds. .. . Oregon Showers west, showers of snow flurries east portion tonight and Friday. Southerly winds, moderate to brisk along the north coast. Washington Showers tonight and Friday. Southwesterly winds, brisk to high along the coast this afternoon and tonight and decreasing in force Friday. Idaho Showers or snow flurries to night and Friday 1 . . , THEODORE F. DRAKE, , . .... , n Acting' District Forecaster. Jll mm, m. I REINSTATE JliPIIY Head Metermtfn Dismissed for Grafting, Has Technical Chance ' "Congress may have & hard Job tryln' t Investigate th' high, cost o' livings but the feller who buys everything in large quantities has th' key 1 f the situation." Team Bust Awy Sergeant H. Oels ner at 6:S0 o'clock last night' made a sensational stop of a runaway team at Grand avenue between East Washing and. Alder streets, belonging to the Wit helm Transfer company, $9V4 Fourth street, which had dashed at breakneck speed, . from . East .Eleventh &nd Davis streets. The driver, 0;,-Shield, was knocked off the wagon by the horses. The team sped down the street to Davis street and then turned south. The streets were crowded when the team dashed down the street, and cars were passing onbQtntragka.Thft- . horses finally got wedged la between cart Just after they were grabbed by Oelsner; No one was injured. t Gun ' Was Hot Concealed Martlm Zlmmer, arrested several daya ago by Patrolman -Frey at Forty-flrsOnd JIol gate streets for carrying concealed weapons, was found not guilty yester day afternoon by a jury in municipal court. When arrested the man had the revolver Jn a holster, but a flap on the hoTBter which was suspended from his belt, prevented the gun from being seen. T1 V. m tir v r, superintendent at the Southern Pa cific shops had advised the men In the unops to carry- gunp-oy strapping ytt on in plain sight. Interesting; Program "What "Alls the Civilized Footr is the question that will be" answered by Dr. Otis F. Akin at the open meeting of the Health Defense league Friday night at 8 o'clock. In Col- lege hali, fourth floor of the Common-, wealth building. "Uncle Dan" Smith, 7 years young, will give a rope skip ping exhibition; Professor Morris will give free phrenological readings, ""and besides other Interesting features, musi cal numbers will be rendered by Pro fessor Mordaunt A. Goodnough and Mrs. Harry McQuade. -Admission free. Boosters to Meet The South Portland noostors win hold their .reu ar meet "'Kl'l ' uli M . V r, . ..... , h.i . iiik tiuuiKii i. ml nt. Lswrnrn nun- .LmiM and Sherman streets,' when the Joint committee of the Fulton Park Improve -ment club and the boosters will pre sent an exhaustive report on the South Portland boulevard. This committee has labored for months In conjunction - with the mayor to obtain the necessary land for the boulevard. Councilman Al lan R. Joy has been Invited to speak on the telephone franchises. Penney Bros., Friday Special Our )! grade of Wines at $1 per gallon. Our $1.60 grade of Wines at 76o per gal lon. Straight Kentucky Whiskey, T years old, .regular $4.60, at $3.50 per gallon. Kentucky Whiskey, regular $3.60, at $2.60 per gallon. Our $3 grades of Whiskey, Bum, Gin and Brandy, $2.10 per gallon. Friday only. 879-881 E. Morrison st Phones East 287, B-2426. Free delivery,- - y Prays for Wife Claiming that he had received a spirit message that his - wife, from whom he had been separated for sit years, had just died, Davis Mas- terton at 2:80 o'clock this morning, kneeled in prayer on the steel bridge and for nearly an hour pleaded for his wife. The bridge tender, fearing that the man contemplated suicide, reported the affair to police headquarters and Patrolmen Gouldstone and Rupert were sent to take charge of the man. . He is to be examined for his sanity. 1 Auto Strikes Wagon An automobile driven, by A. Wright,, this morning crashed Into a wagon belonging. to the Oregon Bakery, on Twenty-third street between Lovejoy and Marshall streets, wrecking the bakery wagon, scattering pastry in the street and injuring the hors badly. The damage to the auto mobile Is estimated at about' $76. Pa trolman Gouldstone was sent to the scene of the accident "and the parties In volved were brought to police station but no arrests were made. Police atop Street Tight A eombat at Second and Couch streets at midnight last night was broken up by the inter ference of Patrolmen Martin and Bln nott and Oscarjohnson and Charles Ny. lan were taken 10 ponce siauon. uonn son had a pair of black eyes and Charles Nylan displayed - several cuts on the back that had been inflicted with a knife, ' The case will be tried tomor row for the men are charged with fight ing.: y ;, . . . .... , , - Accrued of Abusing Wife Frank HeraJ(Li.o.ver whom a year's, suspended sentence is said to be hanging, for abusing his wife, - was arrested : again la6t night -dr the same offense. He was brought to police station by his brother-in-law from their horne- at Woodstock. He was held on a drunk charge and wlH.Pe made to.J,ppoarln court tomorrow. . Special Trlday Only Don't ' be de ceived. We sell absolutely pure wines and liquors, $1.60 quality port, sherry, angelica and muscatel wine, 73c per gallon: $4 rye and Bourbon whiskey $2.75 per gallon: $4 brandy, $2.73 per gallon; $4 rum, $2.75 per gallon. Na- tional Wine Co., Fifth and Stark. Phone warn 9ijj.-uom amis a. ieuvereo. - Burglars Bob Home Mrs. M. R. Mc Donald reported to the- police that burglars had entered her place last night and stolen a valuable gold watch, two gold chains, two bracelets, five rings and $25 in money. She has given the police a good description of the looj, which ls believed will be pawned in this city. ; . ' :- "!Sasfier Arrested Patrolman Still well this morning arrested William G. Saunders, charged with., violating the "mashing" ordinance. The roan was ar rested on First and Pine streets after he had been seen to follow Mrs. B. L. Brown from the east side to the place where jh,e arrest ,wtta..maas Mrs. Ehrgott to Talk Mrs. Albert fchrgott will address the American Woman's league at 7:45 . o'clock this evening In room 615 Filers building, Seventh and Alder streets. Subject, "The League's Attitude Toward Equal Burirage. ' ex-president of Oregon University, will aeuver an aaaress on tnis famous book tonight. 8 O'clock, at Socialist headnnnr. ters, branch 4, 228 Second street, near saimon. .......... - wanted Boy of good parentage and education to commence as messenger In bank, with. view to fitting him for the higher positions. Address, in own hand writing. P. O. box 728. . Trunks delivered 28c, one mile to or from depot. Phone for rates of city de livery. Main 241, A-2241. Union Trans fer Co., 128 N. 11th. Tire Damages Home A fire which broke out In the home of Slg Caplin, mini- iiieii III Hi SfS 1 1 1 1 1 . i vm a 1 1 Mm lllll iilli llllllilllllllllltlilililJlllillllllllllilHHlilllllllltli 309 Morriidii Street, Opp. P. O. prihg'Shbwifii' OF .- ilk Gloves. The complete showing of these famous Gloves starts Fri day. Allworaen know the Kayser Glove, therefore, they will appreciate this announcement. '.,,' . KAYSER'S 12 button length, 'Mousqnetaire rIovcs, pe eially priced tomor- OC- uwv KAYSER'S '16 button length M o tt s q u e t a i r Gloves, ' priced f Afl at pair . ..... . . . v 1 " V silk Gloves, in the closely; row for., , Kavser's 16 button length woven milatiese weave, and with Tans Point Glove stitch inpr on.backs. Specially priced for Friday's (1 Of veiling , ..O ledD "Women's Pure Thread SilK Hose With strong lisle tops, black, white, tan and colors. SpecisJ value now at S1.00 ; Women's Phoenix Guarant'd SilK Hose Four pairs guaranteed .to wear three months, the greatest silk hosiery 7Cn pfonosition ever, pr. I DC Ho of four pairs. .. .f 3.00 $2.25 Men's and Women's Umbrellas Reduced to $1.56 Umbrellas Repaired and Recovered Our Own Factory. Dent Cloves f - ' Onyx Hose j Beynler Gloves 4fftftff jC KcCallnm Hose Hayssr Glove. J tJWlVMp Xay.e, So.. Wtaryrif f Hiirt O&flfoifmiMinuMtitaiMI jjverwear Hose tTTTT t ' ! I ! U i i 1 1 ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 ih 1 1 1 1 1 mmimiii! II I It M I llilllll I II! Af M.,LEKN02T. IlllllilllliltlvIIIIIIIIIIllltllllUinUI II! :ilimimiiiiiiimiiiiMiii !'. C. F. BERG, VIce-rres. T lilt I 1 llllll lllUliliiiUiilllliillllllliiiHIJIlii i'SRiiiiiiasr OH W DEATH C. E. Smith, of Smith & Wat . son Iron Works, Dies of Paralysis. Cornelius O. Murphy, formerly head meterman In th e water department, seems to be- in a fair way to be rein stated in spite of the fact that he ad mitted before the city water board sev eral weeks ago that he had accepted a check from a Junk dealer in the sum of 23.21 for "brass and lead connections taken from abandoned water mains. Mayor Rushlight contends that the 'Junk" sold to the dealer contained also some brand new attachments taken from the supplies of the department. Murphy was dismissed by the water board on the showing made against him by city detectives, and J. Ieve, a Junk dealer. He appealed to the civil serv ice commission, His trial before that body was set for 'yesterday, but the hearing may never be held, owing to a technicality. Murphy's attorney yester day stated to the commission that proper charges had not 1 been filed against Murphy. - . Charge Insufficient t The charges, declared the attorney, simply stated that Murphy was dis missed for "the good of the service." He contends that such charges are In sufficient The ' commission . took the case under advisement without listening to any evidence. Commissioner P. L. WUUs was disposed to arree witu the attorney. . ' ? Mayor Rushlight was disappointed'-at the outcome, but he said after the meet. Ing that he had not Insisted en any dif ferent charges being filed for the rea son that he did not want to be acoused of persecuting Murphy.- R. h. Eberman, a former patrolman. who Is said to have resigned under fire, was reinstated to the eligible list yes terday by the commission, . although Chief of Police Stover refused to reconw mend blm,..Thri i" niH ..chance Jthat Eberman will ever be restored to duty, however, aa the fact that he has been put on an eligible list does not mean that he must be appointed. , James F. Anderson also applied for reinstatement to the eligible list Chief Slover refused to recommend. Anderson, although he said he likes him person ally. Anderson will be summoned be fore the. commission at Its next meeting. Andrew Q. Vaughn, who resigned as superintendent of the Llnnton rook quarry, applied for reinstatement as an eligible to the city detective force. The commission voted to reinstate him. A number of other appeals for rein statement were taken under advisement, because Chief Slover would not recom mend favorable action on the part of the commission. He said that the "appll cants in questi6n had borne immoral reputations. Commissioner John F. Lo gan declared that he did not think the Mosaic law should apply to polloemen. "They hat to chase and catch thugs and thieves," said Mr. Logan, "and too muoh should not" be expected of them. It Is eneugl! fpr IS? If ft PPllcsman. Ja honest In money matters. BiIIIZEILS Governor West Expects Mem bers to Frame Measures Satisfactory to All. ; -' 1 I ' f - C. E. SuSlth. C B. Smith, senior member of the Smith A Watson Iron Work company, died early this morning at the Sellwood hospital from an attack of paralysis. He was 71 years old. Thirty-five of those years were spent In Portland. X widow and eight children survive him. Mr. Smith was forced to close his ac- Jtlve "business eareer a yeat -agoon ac count of a minor attack of paralysis, which trouble caused his confinement In the Sellwood hospital. A second at tack of the malady .late yesterday after noon directly contributed to the death early this morning. The deceased was born In Switzerland, where he served his apprenticeship at the machinists' trade. Coming to -Oregon, he located in Portland, and took ut his calling, which has developed into the iron works that today bears his name. A -few years ago the deceased sold to the county his beau tiful three-acre- home at Second - and Hooker street for a new site npon wnicn to nuiia juuitnoman nospitai. . Besides the widow, Hedwlg Smith, the children surviving arc, Mrs. Charles J, Schnabel, A. F. and Herman C. Smith of Portland; Walter O. Smith, Hood River; P. A. Smith, New York; Stanley C. E, Smith, Portland; Mrs. Dr. J. H. Besson, Portland, and C E. Smith Jr., who is in school at Lawrencertlle, N. J. Funeral arrangements have not been made. The committee appointed yesterday by Governor West i to harmonise the good roads programs of the State Orange, Good Roads association and other or ganizations, is composed of W. B. Ayer, W. K. Newell. C. T. PraU C. EL Spence, Judse Bernard Daly. 1 W. B. Ayer Is head of the Eastern A Western Lumber company and if con sidered representative of the large bul ness interests of Portland. W. K. NeweU is president of the'fcU.te board of horticulture and engagee in farming stock breeding enterprises, His home Is at Gaston. C. T. Prall Is president of the Ore gon Association for Highway Improve ment a member - of Governor West's state wide legislative committee and one of the authors of the eight highway bills submitted to the Initiative through the efforts of the eommlttee and the as sociation. C. E, Spenee Is muter of the State Grange, supporter of the two Orange bills, and one of the three members of the state wide legislative committee that submitted the minority report. His home is In Clackamas county. Judge Bernard Daly la a resident of Lakevlew. He will represent eastern Oregon on the committee. He was member of the state wide legislative committee and Is regarded as . a deter minative influence in development ef forts in eastern Oregon. ... Governor West expects of this oom mlttee that It will take from all the good roads measures thus far sub mitted the best of each and that there will be proJ.it-ed a program of proposed hlg-hway legislation that the various ac- lve orfranizatior.t can with "'confidence and approval eurport, and that the peo ple may vote for at the next election. He makes no request for a change in plans of either the State Good Koada association, the Grange or other organ izations in ease such a report is not sub mitted by the committee. Desire is ex pressed by the appointees that they may meet and organize at once, so that work may be done and that which has been accomplished may not be lost It is considered likely that the two convict labor bills will not be touched and signatures to initiative petitions to place these measures on the ballot will continue good. One other bill may not be touched. The chief difference be tween the highway ' committee, Good Roads association and the Grange Is in the matter of a state bond issue. r $16,6623 Per Seat 461 Sixth street at o'clock, last night did at least $100 damages before the fire department succeeded in extinguish ing the blaze. The loss is covered by insurance. A. J. Tanner Is the owner of the building. Itiimw Jesse XerHns for Camas. Washoueal. and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. Yoirth Pacif le bomber Co. has reduced the price1 of Its green four foot wood SOo per cord. Ask for prices. Imme diate delivery. To Loan Ten thousand dollars, in sums, city improved property. J. L. Wells Ce., 824 Chamber of Commerce building. a. flood nsrs'estloa. Get In the habit of saying Paclfla States Flra Insurance Co. Home off Ice, Portland, Oregon. Xotel Koore, Seaside, Oregon, direct ly overlooking the ocean. Open all year steam' heat - " ""'"" """" " Council Crest Sink open dally. Floor resurfaced; new skates. Skating all day Thursday. . . Werner Petterson Co., high . grad merchant tailors, 260 Stark. w. a win and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. House moving and repairing. James Garrlck. Phote Eost 4417. SOS K. Mor ris m street . SAMU0. G. BLYTHE PRESS CLUB GUEST FREIGHT DEPOT TO BE BUILT AT ONCE - - IN EAST PORTLAND (Continued from Page One.) providing a trackage that it Is figured will take care of a tremendous volume of business. The entire length of the switching yard will h four blocks of SOO feet each. Mr. Campbell also announced that ar rangements have been made whereby the O.-W. R. & N. Co.'s east side freight traffio will be handled In the new yard, which arrangement will prove a valu able feature to both the O.-W. R. & N. Co. and shippers. Additional units will be added as the Increase In traffio requires. "We will begin filling the low lands at once," said Mr. Campbell this morn ing, "and we will also have to fill Sec ond street Of course, we cannot give the . street permanent pavement until the fills have settled, but we will place it in good condition for temporary use. "We are ready to- proceed with the work at once, and I feel that while the project may not be fully completed, it will be in shape for the handling of traffic within 80 days. I am indeed pleased to make this announcement be cause I think it will prove of immense benefit to shippers and the city's com mercial Interests." Says 51 Per cent Knockkneed. Madison, Wis., Feb. 21. Fifty-one ner rent of the co-eda at Wisconsin university are knookkneed, says Mary Mayrew, "gym" director, sne aiso says 13 per cent of the college maids are flat footed. - ' teems like a big price to pay to witness a play, doesn't it? Yet, two of Portland's most promi nent merchants, and regarded as the best buyers in the country each paid $100 for a box of six for the performance of "Get Rich Quick WaUingford" Now, you, Mr. and Mrs. Gen eraT Public, have the . rate and. ; unequaled ' privilege of seeing. the same play at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 or $2.00. , At the Heilig, Mon day Night, Feb. 26th Secure your tickets of any Ad Club member. There are 400 of them decorating " the principal stores, offices, banks, etc., of Portland. Approach them brave ly, give them the countersign ("WaUingford") and the neces sary coin, and youll be in posi tion to see . J OS. C. In 9ATSSS IF YOU WANT THE BEST In Glasses, you certainly must go to some one who understands - the sci ence of fitting Glasses that will give you the best vision, as well as re lieve the strain due to defective eve- sight I do mr own grinding of lenses and can duplicate any lens almost while you wait . - Dr. Havnes SJSSaV Suite 437 Marquam Bldg 4th Floor "The Best Show You Ever Saw In your life." - GET-RICH-QUICK WALLINGFORD -pv THE HEILIQ Portland Ad Club Night, February 26th Written by Charles F. Berg. Tomorrow's ad will be prepared by F. I. Golhehur. liU. Knroute on a tour of the west as a feeler of the political pulse, Samuel O, Blythe, a member of the staff of the Saturday Evening Post will arrive In Portland Sunday afternoon, and Sunday night he will ba the guest or the yon land Press club at an informal affair planned by the members. Mr. Blythe wrote or his contemplated visit to u. O. Lively, his personal friend. Mr. Lively is a director of the Press elu The directors, at their regular meeting yesterday afternoon, extended an Invi tation to the distinguished writer to meet the club members and make him- j self at home at their quarters. Mr, Blythe Is probably best known to .the general reading public of the coun try as the writer of the "Who's Who" stories. He is also recognised as one of the foremost 'political writers of the day. Among numerous other distinc tions Mr." Blythe has been president of- the Orldlron club, Washington, 0. C. The Press club affair Bunday night will be distinctly informal. , , TRUNK MURDER TRIAL . IS SET FOR APRIL 2 The trial of Wong SI Sam and Len Poon, charged with .Rilling Seld Blng iand shipping his body in a trunk to ; , Seattle, will ba held in the circuit court 1 April. 2. Attorney C, W. Fulton, .repre- i sentlng the accused men, and Attorney : John 1 F. Logan, special prosecutor,; agreed to try the two men at the same time. Pleas of not guilty were entered by the defendants. Ol Sen, the Chinese ' ' woman in the case, is held as an ac ' cegsory. . Moore Is Nominated.' (Winhlngfon -flnreio-of The Jmwoil.V Washington, Feb. 22.-The president today nominated Fred W. Moore for postmaster ait Redmond, Or. " 7 Final Clear ance OF taiies' Suite All that remains of our large stock has been divided into two lots, both - of which are to be sacrificed at unusual price reductions : S - That have heen priced VfiifV f P mts $!5.o5 That have been priced sh .41 I QC mits itiz. !p Ib Friday and Saturday As the number of Suits are limited, early call at : our-store will assure better opportunity for choice -selections.' ' u - r . : -The:Bartholomc?yrGompany- 400 Washington St, Cor. Tenth 1 Deposits, when loaned, must be" en securities designated by state law. Ours "are for the most part on real es tate first mortgages, the best security available, j WE PAY 4 interest on savings deposits. Open Saturday evenings 6 to 8. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Capital $150,000 W. S. rear.... ........ President Willard Case .....Vice President O. 0. Bortsmeyer.... ... .Cashier, Walter BV Brows. . .Asst. Cashier AMUSEMENTS Severe tests of bltullthte pavement bring it within the paving specifics-j tlons adopted by City Engineers every where. Boost for bitullthlc BXQTTLAB gZAT SALE OPXVB T0M0AB0W HEILIO THEATRB Sauraro NEXTSUNDATf (Monday Ad Club Night) Special Price Matinee Wednesday Geo. M. Cohan's Comedy Success I WW JMVA HV WAtLlNGFORD Evenings Lower floor, 11 rows $2, 7 rows $1.60; Balcony, 11 rows $1, I rows 76c, S rows 50c. Gallery 60c. Wednesday Matinee Lower floor I1.60f 11. Balcony, i rows Jl, 6 rows 76c 11 rows 60c. Gallery 36c, 25c. I Rest Glasses for Eye-Fatigue If close application to your work or reading Is causing your eyes to smart or tire, you need a pair of Rest Glasses. If your, eyes are not already bsdly strained you need wear these glasses only while at work or reaming and re move them afterward. We will exam ine' your eyes and advise you as to their condition. Rest glasses are not expen sive and we. make no extra charge for the examination. Established in 1886. Dallas Optical Parlors 818-819 TAxxnra bldo. Corner Third n4 -Washington Streets. Second floor. Take Zlevator. '. 'I MfcJATWR 7th to TATbOB Phones Main t and A-1122. HEILIG BOBEBT B. 1CABTXXA Tonight, 8:15 "King iear." - Tomorrow night "Julius CBesar, : Saturday mafinee "Hamlet" Saturday night "Macbeth." Evening Lower floor, 11 rows $2, 7 rows fl.ift,-Balcony, 1, 75e, S0t;. Gallery 50c. - , Special price Saturday matinee .liower floor, 11 rows $150, 7 rows tl. Balcony 75c, 60c, Gallery S5c, 26a SEATS NOW SELLING r i innTHRAtcp D f IV C l Morrison and 11th Sts. Tonight, all week, Bargain Mat. Wed. 25o Mat. Sat., 25o, 60c. First time at popular prices. PAID XV rvuu By Eugene Walter. The greatest and most successful play of American life ever written, i Evening prices 25c. 60c, 75c, 11.00. HEXT WXEX "MUTT AITS JXTT." MAnr e. a-i 020 ' MATIHEE BVEBT BAT sT W- At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for "lIOESLIGK'Si 1 Th Original and Genulnt EV1ALTED r.ULU The Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountain. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without iu K quick lunch prepared fa t minute. Take do imitation. Just say "HORLKXS." dot in Any TJiSfr Trust 15-85-COo suae lumi sergere ana an vomreny la "Judgment'' ( Donovan and McDon ald; Cole de Iiosiej Xrans and Whltej Sert Jordan j Gardner and Bevero; Rich ardson's Poaing Doge. tto Xatinse Daily . WIIK riS, 19. The Three Xmer sons; Elmore and Raymond; rred Wyckoff, the Mayor Of Tanktown; The Five Merkels; McQrath and Teoman; Tom Xyls and Company; Eantagesoope. Xausee Every say. ss Sullivan Coasldlne ronnerijf Grand P Beflned Tandevliie WEEK TEB. 19. Cliff Bsrsao's Com edy Cirous: Brady and Mahoneyj The (3) Xeltons; Bnth Francis and Company 1 Holmes and Buchanan; Cadienx; Or chestra, Prices ISe and 85o. TSEATBB .. FOURTH ' AKD STAB LYRIC ALL THIS WFKK THE PREMIER TRIO. Dancers La Blano, introdactng new "Texas Tommy" Dances. "Portland Slide." THE XXBBT BOUNDERS. "Texas Tommy" contests, every per formance, open to all comers. Friday night Chorus Girls' Contest.- Two per formances nightly. Matinee dally. Nofcfc COLLAR. Easy to put on, easy to toko off. easy to tie the tie In. Chwtt, Peabody Company, Matan, Troy, K. T HOTEL aTEPABT. SAII FRAIICISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.60 a day up h ' ' American Plan $3.00 a day up New steel and brick strlute. Every Bodartt ceBvaoiaac. Moderate rat. Cantor of taoatro ood rotail district. 0 ear Uooa traaof orrine all over city. Eloo ., trie eatalboa moots train ead atoasaore. w J r 1-4 B-6148 j LIBERTY COAL A ICC CO. Foster a KIdri t - BiftbwCraila.jtutuincrclai aodH- -Cast 7th and . fai,a r l'.l! - 1 irit