The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 22, 1912, Page 20, Image 20

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    c::"co:j p
ro;: saii: lots 101
' no
in the rapid butMtrg In
juf;t as many new houses being bul.t
. i last vear at this time, the present
f m of 'houses are double those of a
'f. 8inre A I car will br ng you at
central office. 1154 Williams aye.,
near k;nii!?s'rth-
Hawthorne ave. corner . J;
a ni 41 AA
Hawthorne ave. uru. v"vy
Madison ft coiner, .0x10.
64 ou Hawthorne- car line. lOUxi-o.
Kasy terms.
Tabor 626.
Acreage -.
A fine building site on Sandy road
for $900- 8-5 sere with Ml city im
provements paid for: best so I n OWJ
!nd on best car line in city, a small
famllVan have chicken J. '
fru t and can make half thelr. living on
this tract. B-358, Journal.-;
CHOICE building lots. 20 minutea from
courthouse, on 5c car fare, good water
rlMd tO-the lots. They are high .and
Jlrttly Vndevery-lorS -exceptional
value- close to car station. For a short
-time I offer lots at $275 . and up for $25
down and $10 per month. Owner, 41C
Sralding blag.
bipatttifUL view lots on souinern
alone near council v . w--- , - j
WEOWN some fine lots, which we will
mo'niV ldom? .amnadU ffig
Teon piagr.
r,nnrw tilt TV.fl MONTH.
Fine vw" lot,' matured fruit .tree
Trusey loM Board of
ta Marshall 473. A-10ZZ.
Ix 5 block 30. $750. corner. H cash.
Lot 2 block 45. $860. M -cash. r
Tt 5 hlock"45. $1000, corner,
Lo1 $ ' block 81. $1600. very large corner.
KVm u BTAK. owner. Tabor 2227.
rBAROAltt 100x100 on southwest cor-
wS"tSrk .Ww Bnd hard surface
on both streets. By ownerA-F. Squires.
Tlphone Woodlawn 1460. .
120 down. $10 per mt,wTTurbs
provements. ' cement MwftJk"a5tur
Rnli Run water, etc, no interest, no
faxeY good locality. PrularsH-
ner wiiiian -"-v.;i .V.;
368. journal.
- Tv taKEN at once. I will sell rwitfr
"tyfa choice Rossmere lot at cost to
me: 1 block to car. east front.
Journal. ' ' '' ; rrr tttp"
:. i.x-.m-tar LOT FIRLAND. $3i5.
l "k few left $ir down; $5 monthly, no
ehk'r ?d buy. Fred , W.. German.
Q p'..rntiie. M. or A-2776,
IK you want a lot and home on .easy
terms drop me a line and I will
calf SnSoV.i haw a good proportion.
K-S4S. Journal
,;x7oTJUST south of Hawthorne $900,
a snap., small payment balance to
S'llt. 1241 tiawmui
FAMSEY & RAMSEY.- contractor and
taiMm SDC.ialtv of bungalow and
- - . nkA.s' UAiimnnn I xtn
n nouses, rnuw r-gnnwv. -- .
TiwL". i.-uiNJtf T.- MeOUIRE
Best But Cheapest
5 and 10 acre tracie, iw t
ere nn terms; deep, red shot soil; wen
watered; ideal for fruit, vegetables,
nalrying and chicken raising; fine view,
tnanv buyers s-lready living on property.
income producing from the start; school
on groand; on county road close tfl nve
town on R, R. and river, near Portiann.
Neuhausen & Co. owners, 7Q3 rf,wt
bldg., 4th. and Oak sts. For appoint-
ments evenings', phone East tv.
Tfn Ar.rfiS Timber
On good county road, near Portland
and electric lines; plenty water; black
' Snti near achool and river, cord wood
"houM w for clearing: $li)0 monthly
paymenU. Examine plate and abstraot
"acreage at half Fkicif
-.,. .t onlv $500 Per acre, ad-
4ntnltia lana Sella v livuv v-
rnlle from 2 carlines, 85 minutes" ride
from center of Portland; ,10o fare;
ff T.rmi 12000 cash, balance tolnotjaat at the trice. .
InlViiiii at t ner cent" If you want
acreage, see F. E. Miller. 25 Yeon bjdg.
Marshall. 630
5 Acres v
Very choice, on Oregon Eleotrio be
tween Multnomah stat on and Garden
Home; cultivated; will take good lot
as first payment up to $1000; must be
worth the money aBKeu. au
wurui mo " w r v -,. . xinarA I
$876; easy terma. W. J. Day, 422 Eoam
of Trade.
"curevrv AKli k"KiTIT RANCH.
Near Portland, a new subdivision. Low
est prices, best soil, fine view. wood,
water and roads. acres- $400 per
tract; 10 acres $500; 2 $800; 40
KlViJi'Zn i.uM.
FRA n Yeon bldg" Portland, Or.
i "Ll. " -H
. RIVfaK tKUN A m-
.wAen 'soif nn &"Sffi
swell view, son is oi ine -v, v..,o
floes not overnow. ii yuu V"""
little farm on the Willamette river
cheap see us at once.
227 Stark st -' "; v-
$40 Cash Down
Dmc flna Arr6
.- -. uujo viiu i"ti M. fPftm
station. 8jr minutes ride fro
Pnrtionrt on elijf'tric line, balance only
n i ,.a -m n
,iu a momn, mnu an n..
Allen. 218 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder,
Thk c thp Tirrm
. I UIO lO 1 1 1 0 I IIIIC
To buv improved and unimproved acre -
age. Uet ahead of your neighbor and put lights, stock and implements complete,
in your garden on our high-class, low $15,000, 2 mi. from citv: will take Port
priced garden tracts. Special induce- land home to $6500: some c!8h, balance
iiieniB mm imuhlu. iuu jruu ,
OnrAn Us.v
uai ucn i lui i.ic r
" Acre tracts; high and sightly., near!
rlalTon, if l nv , 9111 eaeii, uaiaiiuo lung
time straight mortgage.
. 14 Couch bldg. .
One'rAe-re Tract
Onlv- $300
; 0 Acres tor iplUUO .
umaii nouse, woven wire fence, 7
cre rlenred . 1 rr.ll frran Paf..a-
h tVr h.,v irt Ore . isnlt hhi'
...... --4,1? I itS.u Vtre'iVi.-
i,i Z;,.:i ,
"i v imiiuiti tn tuiinirj
. Barsain in Acreage
20,80 acres, level land. gOQdll50
town. . ; y - -
Phone M. 7591. 804. Lewis bldg.
k .a 'J'JX;??JZhnZZ?t
. -cultlvaMorrv near--station oa alem elect
trie, very fine soil, running water, easy
terms. La Bnrre, 209 Commercial bld
,taH.' ne,:;;;"!?.:".
20 acres near Woodburn. in cultivation I . ...ii
bereVi BrVant-Meks do
2L.IZ!L 1 flIe"1 V - 5 Camber
fiv,",trwXER.llmlf','(Tr or moro oiA;
B in. Base M&ne yoaMd Mt'S I ,!
trie- lemm Prie Hifht B.?i w
trie, terms, t rie right ,: B-85, Jour-
HtIi ' n , i , ,
terms to right 'wty,- ; H-84C Joumaf.
Near ,ttlon. minutes" ride from ffre bulMmBol sd"CfrSlt
Portland, on electric line. $S0 cash down wUl pay for 1 se f 8 on D'rTS ? 12K mv'
S 211 fnSr'!MWA0sk for Mr" Aln SvbiKncYJ it
st 1.1 tpi linger ask ror Mr., Allen time. pTOm Ownpr. Ma n S0B4. .
J ACRES fertile stump land, nBrrlHenry bldg. 1
C-iU T 'bcV S571' k
Call Tbor 8571. ,
Onlv 30 minute from Fourth
and WasliInRtcn ftroets, on west
side, in Tualatin valley, roads all
completed, soil the very best,
any sized tract at $2B0 to $500. .
per acre and upon monthly pay
ments: some cleared, some in lim
ber with running water: Office
open evenihgs until 9 o'clock.
The Shaw-Fear Co,
" . 192 Fourth st
JJSin 85. i A-S500.
ITrifrve a plat of ground about
the size of four city lots, located
close to. the 200 foot scenic boule
vard on the South Portland hills.
.This beautiful building site has &
magnificent view, is within, five
cent car limit and is about a 15
: minute ride from - the business
center. Ideal for man with auto.
Will sell on easy terms and might
consider some trade; price $1500.
R-S44, Journal;
$200- for 10 acres,- $iiO cashr- $10 pit
monm. u nauway Mrnannf.
$55 Per Acre Including Stock
165 acres, good e room nouse wnn
water piped to kitchen, good frame
barn, with granaries, also other out
buildings, 60 acres in crop, 15 acres of
rotted, oak grubs' that could be got
ready for crop this year with very lit-
tie expense; 60 acres moi cuuiu do
bleared for $20 per acre or less. About
65 acres In second growth fir, very tall
and straight, for pilinpr, from 12 to 24
Inches at the butt, which would cut 10,
000 tords of wood, which pays $4 per
cord at McMinnville. This place would
all be tillablo land ir ciearea. xne
place is all fenced and cross-fenced nnd
lays on the main county road, 5H miles
from MCJUinnyuie, wnicn win uvo eirt
trlo car service' this summer; 40 miles
on one line and 60 miles on the other
from Portland. There are 7 mw.
team, harness and wagon, nogs. 80
goats, 2 doien chickens, also plow, har
row, har rack and hay fork and pul
leys, all go for $65 per acre; y cash,
balance I years If desired.-11 you, want
to buy a good farm from the owner
and save agent's commission, see me.
ijk. Rogers, 646 White nve.. Portland
Heights, or phone Marshall 484.
Do j-ou want a farm In Western Can
ada, where the crops this year are in
idvafsce "of-anytMfig grown on Ihls
eontinent? For wheat growing, dairy
ing, mixed farming and cattle ralsing.i
me province or Aioeria is unuriJou.
Lands are now offered by the Can
adian Pacific Railway company at
prices ranging from $10 to $30 an acre
on long terms of payment or on the
crop payment plan, that is, paylna; for
your farm through a portion of your
crops each year, .
Land values have Increased 80 per
cent in two years.
Great opportunity for the homeseeker.
Call or write for full particulars,
booklets, maps, etc
Reduced rates for homeseekers.
ide, McCarthy land co.
General .Agents,
Canadian Pacific -Railway. :
. ' Alberta Land Department,
1 Lumbermens Bldg. -
20 acres all under plow, 1 mile from
new o room nouse, oarn, xencea, norse,
buggy, some farm machinery and feed;
price $360.,$650 cash, baktnee $250 per
year, I per cent .
iq aercS Woodburn, 8 aoree cleared,
on maln roart f)ne 0ijf juoo, $700 cash,
balance te'rrti1 M . -
.. 10 acres, -adjoining valley town, hlgh-
ly improved, good orchard, 8 troom
house, barn and outbuildings, teAro, 1
wagona, buggy, cow, 80 chickens, all
rarm tools and machinery, . runy
equipped farm;, a snap. $2000, part cash,
balance mortgage.
615 Yeon bldg.
40 Acres
Near Oregon City
All under cultivation, lies level, no
rocks or gravel, 2 fine springs, good
well, extra good buildings, on the main
countv road. This la nn nf ih heat
farms near Oregon City and for a
wmw umy H ueiiiK uiirreu Aor
$8000, including about $2500 worth of
personal property. If this sounds good
bu chamber Of Commerce Bldg.
Inder Cultivation
$125 Per Acre
"w waeningioncounty; every
tcr perfectiy adapted to hops; good
Duiiainga ana only 28 miles from Fort
land; get our terms.
78 6th St., near Oak.
10 Acres, $1350 -
miles from Portland, close to good
town and electrlo station and within a
stone's.throw of the Willamette river; 8
acres cleared and ba ance in timber: this
ia mo un(ier the TOarket prlC9 anQ an
tot country lome or chlck-
en rai)ch
4 . DeYOUNG & JOHNSON, -814
Chamber of .Oommerce'Bldsr.
WANTED A carpenter to buy my farm
,of 40 acres: will take 1400 in work
ana a utile casn as nrst payment, bal
ance easy; ail renced and 15 acres
cleared; good water and buildings, on
county road and mall route, close to
station; 1H hours' ride from Portland
or will sell for $500 cash and balanci
I m .
:. '- u
ine price or wild land. Price $2650.
R.asg. Journal.
B-ST HOOD wver fruit farm.
I 10 nereii nil in hoaf -fruit ein k,.iu
1 intrs. cost icEnn wuter-
i i ner cent long ume. 413 Kilcrs Bldg
,17th snd Alder.
50 acres Of fine fruit end horrv land
ciuse to scnooi. rnce - fiuuu; one ha
leash. Box 45, Oregon CJtv.. Or.
243 acres, close- to 5 towns, 89 ml. of
80 Acres, $2000. Sn a d
I In Yamhiii Vnnnii, ,n mv,i
u 8mh!il ou?iy. fill tillable, part
K"l.lum' .?.esl ?lactt son.near railway,
living water, terms, .fits Lumber Ex.
21 acres,. 19 in cultivation, 12 acres of
fine bottom land, wMIl grow anything.
Jth u t electrtr line Tm1! ffr
, Charles Yahn. Yamhin. Or
line ereea runs mrougn place, lolnln
rrom sta
H, N, Swank
J '158 acres all cleared, on Oregon Blee
v.11-. 8Si..ohiij w raise $65oo, - soi
Ablngton bldg
J, "
i iu montn j
Ito!l,ifr ,nOW' leaves in March,
particulars, room 18..168H 4th st.
IF.iV0U "re okln for a farm 1 have
e.,1. Vm.lrJomiM0 9 80 acres, good
LV ; iauu, tiiiiilia iana, gooa income
while ypur trees are growing, all Ir
. Trnny trnis. journal
bookl o7U? .IWJSL'..
'Ts Jmpruved. fcugen. $4
. I per acre, terms.- 209 liailay Ex.
von saii: l Ait.MS 17;
Special Bargains in Farms
Yamhill County.
Valley farms on river and rail
road at orices and terms to uit.
VAU -rt"frt.:rtA;-l in-!,. .
vv c til c ui i ci nig opcuiai niuuuc-
merits in this garden spot of
A rr: V,-.
. r- . -' -
WeStem UregOn, Mne Climate,
excellent soil, congenial neigh
bors, thickly settled farming
community; good' schools,
churches,, stores; . The only
place near Portland"where1ana
' ri l i i
values are not inflated beyond
., i . f ,L
no reacr - 01 me ora nary
v . , w Yv"'j
arriier or invesior.
- . $20 Per Acre :. "
160 acres. 20 acres cleared, good house.
barns, all under cood wire fence, rood
running water on place, some fruit,
sonte bottom-land,, roiling and bench
lanq; term."
$14 Per Acre ;
250 acres, burned over land. 86 or 40
acres bottom, balance rolling; soil is
first class, easily cleared, excellent ag
ricultural and fruit land, rood wa'non
road to place: terms. '
00 Per Acre . . -
40 acres, all cleared, house and barn.
miles from Willamina. on main coun
ty road; this Is air level, bottom land;
$42.50 Per 'Acre
40 acres, all under cultivation urgent
about 8 acres, all under fence. 8 miles
from Willamina, in the Yamhill river
valley, no house or barn; terms.
$4b Per Acre, '
20 acres, good bottom land all under
cultivation, between - Willamina and
Grande Ronde agency, on county road;
$30 Per Acre : . ;
60 acres. COOd rollinar lan4 mnatlv In
timber, some cleared; about $H milee
from town; terms. . . v.. .
$17,50 Per Acre
140 acres, rolllner lnnrt: n limit 9c ,-
cleared, balance in timber, excellent soil,
no impfovements; terms.
$25 Per Acre .
82(1 Acres SO IlrM rtaamA: Mil..
from city, 2,000.000 feet of fir timber,
good frame barn, soring water anirun-.
ning water, soil is of the red shot tvpe,
suitable for general farminor nn4Vuit
raising, saw mill at edge of property.
i'j pn iiomesieaa reunquisnment,
Polk countv. 6 miles' from raiWnnA 7
to 80 ; acres good- agricultural land.
water on place, np Improvements, land
lies rolling, soil excellent Further
information Inquire ' ,
505 Board of .Trade Bldg,
Weil Improved Suburban
Home .
12 meres. 15 acres under culti
vation, balance slashed and in
pasture; 6 acres seeded to olover. -Hay,
last year made 4 ton per
acre. Balance of cultivated land
plowed and ready for crop; 1
acre of assorted orchard In full
bearing; 4 acres more 2 year old
apple trees. New 6. room house,
cost $1800; new bam S4iR0:
chicken house and Darks: notatn
ana woQOiioueaBa ftH other rtE.
necessary outbuildings. All well
na cross lenced. Fine
well and pump, with gasoline en
gine, tank and all equipment!
water piped to house and barn.
Personal property Included: Horse
v? u,ed at cow at 75; some
chickens, 16 tons clover hay, 1 .
light, wagon, work harness, sin
gle harness, 4Iso. plow, harrow,
cultivator, and farm and garden
tools. This place is located Just
ib minutes ride from heart of
city, on Base Line road. One want
ing good home should see this
property. ..Price $11,000. Terms to
Brong-Steele Co,
267 H Oak Sfc
. Farm Dept
Ground Floor Lewis Bldg.
. A Big Snap
Only $95 Per. Acre
800 acres in the most productive
section of the Willamette valley.'
only one hour's ride from Port
land on the Salem Electric, and
a very short distance from the
station. This place has a front
ango of U mile on good county
road,- and is. one mile deep;
renced and cross fenced; .. .260
acres in cultivation,, balance good
fur timber; lies level, just roll
ing enough to drain well; the
. soil is very fertile, no waste
land, large house and outbuild
ings; it Is the most sightly and
best tract for subdividing that
fan be obtained; small tracts '
5orI yil".P,!nce i""6 selling from
$250 to $500 ah acre. If this
sounds good to you on paper It
will look better when you see It
Here is the opportunity for a
small investment to neap large
returns. For further particular
see us at once.
Enders & Hartshorne
227 Stark st-
$12,50 an Acre
160 acres, all ttllnhi. y,n n. k
S!iU,yaJ! -on 2 strean. 6 fruit trees,
small barn; no trade. ... '
B3 acres, 12 miles east of courthouse.
hi mile to car. With fir withnnt tionn
WOrth Of livestock llnA lmnlamor.7.
T'01" w; may scu stock and rent
place. -- - - - -. - v ;:-.-
80 acres, some In cuUlvatiohrVounit
bearing orchsrd, 6 room house, and
barn; $2200; $600 cash, balance t lm. "
" to 20 acres at points betwee
Registered ersey-row--aTidHsuTrf6F
New road grader to trade for horses.
O. W. P. LAND CO., l?t end Alder.
You Can't Beat Jt
64 acre farm. 36 mi. frinm rri-.. 1
from R. R.,' "deep rich soil, half cleared,
water, 1 acre orchard. 5 alfalfa, boat
m Bti,r?nd. schtt 'ml. $6500;
... vouuu nr norne, IZUUO cash.
lvii.'uinwn 000,
THREE homesteads in Douglas Co..
vr':."i:.".'ul no neignDors.
2.000.O00, to 3.000.000 feet of f I .n
cedar on each, springs and creeks. 75 to
100 acres of farming land when cleared.
1-Nnnnnv-miney cr t;o., iz Hamilton bldg,
SEVERAL homestead reltnoulshmentJ
i aoon to be Irrigated. The man that
looks buys. Martin, -211 Macleay bldg
Main 1305,, - - , ' . , ..
HOMESTEAD relinquishment, sale or
rade for Portland property. L-323.
FOR SALl! 20 acre orchard tract, laid
out in 5 acre tracts, planted 1 1 year
ago. In the Clear View Orchard com
pany tract of .about 2000 acres. 3 miles
south of Sheridan, Or.. 50 miles from
Portland,, with dwelling house, barn aDd
other- outbuildings, plenty, of roses,
strawberries and other berries; maple
nnd otner shade traes around Iiomw.
TCTearviewOrdiarfl Co., price . for land
an nrouna is fouo: an acre with no
buildings; my price Is $300 an acre
with buildings; cash, balance at your
own terms, (1 pe cent. Address owner,
Frd U, Blaledell, Olney, Or.
iiivir l.nds 45
A Deed on Purchase,
We five a deed on fie p.irohape of
any arre of our tract. Wo offer on tha
market 5 and 10 ucre fruit tracts for
tha reasonable sum of Jlt.O per aer
This land is cleared and all under plow.
We will, if It la desired, plant the tract
out to enerry, appie, peacn or apnoot
trtes, tako care of It for 4 years for
1100 1
Der acre, t or ;oo per acre a rur-
same. Here t
. chaser receives a bearing orchard, for
5 years to pay for the
same. Here we have railroad service
idlrectly on the land, telephone, and
rural ni&ix ueiivciv, uii o.uu get uur
i W 1. !
604 Hoard of Trade.
Farm Exchange ;
ii acre, ii muea Vancouver, miles
Ifp1 li'i1' sU$nf
Hand, fine neighborhood, some bldgs.
p? nou86 u" t0 ,n u)ur?,Lo,r
jgood country town; j369 casn and bal-
ance of $1900, 7 years 4 pet cent.
eta xeon biag.
r- 1
Exchange or Sale y
All kinds of properties for:. Sale or
exchange: Call and nee us. i
We can match anything. ' Headquar
ters f or-exehan gee. ; f t
A-334. .'ournal. '
617 Board of Trade. Main 4875:
TO EXCHANGE 7 acres Irrigated
fruit land at Hover, Wash. Peaches
never fail; 2 acres alfalfa. 6 acres young
peach trees, good small house. For
land In central or eastern Oregon or
Portland or suburban property. What
have youT Address box 184, Redmond.
TEN acres at Gresham, trade for borne.
Have good acreage close in to trade
for home; what, have yout -..
10 room house and 2 acres, with or
chard and garden, 8 blocks from car
line. - - . , ,
. xsoara or irauo.
Main 4202.
SIXTY acres near Stockton, most noted
.section of California; close to station;
new house, barn and outbuildings; land
all highly improved end level. Plenty
of stock and farm tools; price $200 per
acre. Will trade for Portland prop
erty Of close In acreage. Berry's
Realty Co.. 249 4th st. Marshall 282S.
10 acres, near Portland, well improved,
fi room house. 6 acres prunes.- acres
apples, close to -church school and
store; price &&uo; want nome in rori.
land to $4000. '426 Lumber Exchange.
Marshall 4295. . -
FINE 12 acre farm, all In cultivation,
close t-electria Station, within ll
miles of heart of city, buildings and
orchard. Will consider exchange foe
Portland residence not over $4000. Capi-
tol Trust Co.. rienry piog.
10 ACRES, unlmoroved. easy clearing.
clear of incumbrance, with full water
right; value $1000, will exchange for
equity same value In lot or acre tract
in Portland suburb on carllne; no agents.
V-343, Journal. -
Hum unincumbered lots In good R.
R, town, eastern Oregon, to exchange for
equity in low nricea city property. rea
W. German, 359 Burnalde, Main or A
1776. . '
REDMOND is a thriving town on the
O. T. R. R. in central uregpn. l nave,
some choice lots to trade for anything
of value. Let me hear from you. Box
184, Redmond, or.
WE have the best paying rooming house
. and restaurant on Washington street
917 Board of Trade bldg. Main 9416.
EQUITY In 5 room bungalow to ex-
chanae for acreage, small farm or
auto truck; would pay balance on pay
ments. No agents wantea. owner,
: 66th." Taboj796 Mterepnv;
120 timber, Columbia county, Orj, on
Fish haw creek, value $2400, for Port
land realty. R. C. Conklin,. 619 Henry
bldg. Marshall 40.56. ;
FOR SALE or trade for acreage or land,
$16,000 eastern Income property, no
encumbrance, deeds and abstracts nere.
J-S54. Journal.
WILL exchange my modern 8 room
house in Beaumont xor aoreagro or un
encumbered residence lots. See Allen
Siklen. 917 Lewis bldg. Main 800.
vnv sat.F, or trade: home bakery an
lunch room: will take horse or team
asd wagon. Price $400. Phone Tabor
3060. - - .. .
tviT.T. talia mortraees and sellers con
tracts In exchange for unencumbered
Portland lots, restnetea aisinct, im
rvrovements In. X-600. Journal.
7 ROOM house, lot 65x205 entirely clear,
want to trade for farm near Portland;
willing to assume some mcumorance.
V-347, journal, or pnuna neiiwuuu w
wm.l-'KTEIN removed his real es.
tate office to 205 Alisky bldj, north
west cor. 8d and MorrUon. Call and
see me.
FINK timber claim to exchange for
city property or roomlnjT house, wood
lawn 2699. Address Box 11, City; Ken
ton Station. , - --
WILL exchange 470 acres in southern
Oregon for modern noteh o unam
her of Commerce. -
MAN and wife can clear $200 per mo..
with mv pressing parior. wve me
$150 and $360 In trada Tabor 2178.
I 524 HENRY BLUU. MA1.N 44Bb.
Doris, the only $2 per day hotet in
Woodburn. Or. J. I. DeJLong, owner.
WANTED 6 to 7 room house; good dis-
trlct; as first payment, 5 passenger'
auto: good aa new. 404 Commercial bldg.
HOUSE. 2. lots to sell or trade for a
small place, owners only. C-357. Jour
SEE us for real estate trades anywhere.
808 Board of Trade biqg.
I WILL buy, sell or trade anything.
H. f. Lee. 817 Boara orrraae oiag,
WILL exchange Canadian, patent for
cash or real estate. 890 1st.
ECHANGE Hood River apple land for
c,Uy property. P.. 6Z7, m. Burnsuie st,
WILL exchange, first-class talking ma
chine for good organ or bicycle. Port
land Phonograph Agency. 350 Alder st
VIOLIN, valued at. $300, to exchange
. for upright piano. Box i3, Sheridan,
WHAT have you for trade or sale on
cash basis? See us. We have buy
era for a lot or house and lot in South
Portland., for a cottage or bungalow. in
the Alblna district, not more-than six
blocks from Russell at, for a corner
lot or house and lot and for a good lot
west of 30th st. In the Hawthorne dis
trict; if ij'our price and terms are right,
see us. Mam nan sana or a-4id.i
507 Stfalding bldg.
HAVE client for small house in Wood
stock or Richmond, not over $2000,
easy terms.
634 Chamber of Commerce.
GARIBALDI BEACH lot wanted, equity
or otherwise, in exchange for 4 Rose
burg' lots, value $100 each; level.. Le
Compte, owner. 610 Bybee. Phone Bell
wool 69.
WE BUY real -estate, rooming houses
or business lor casn without com'
mission. - 1 f -
,917 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 9416
WANTED A or ',4 block In ' Wood
stock, will trade $1000 mortgage; $750
contract, or equity in -6 room modern
house, 87th and ' E. Lincoln sts. 611
Corbett bldg. Mr. Lewis. Main 7491
With me, have buyer wanting small.
nd' large tracts, easfr and easy terms.
MHTHAKU 203 ' Commercial club. .-
v.nim 1 or ii good building lots in
irvington Park cr Willamette add!
tVm, state price and location In answer,
T "wnf r C-?BS JournaL.
L'WANT a lot in Piedmont' Will you
- trade for 10 acres of land li.. miles
rrom portinnri? Tahor 319.
20 or 3D acres on the Columbia, or Wl
-lamelte rivpr. whr Kmall- hont nn
land. 824 Board of Trade,r Malu 4202.
waxtj :: i:::al i:stati: si
I ITAVn a cllrnt who will buy a room
In and b'Hirdinjr house before March
1. Also ona with $10oJ to invest in Ints
or ncreatre. What liave you to sell?
N. Gnlert.. Tabor V1. B-::?.
Apartment House Special
57 Rooms, $1000 Cash.
Brick bldg.. modern in every resreet.
fine west side location, clearing $200
month, elegantly furnished throughout
every apartment occupied by permanent
tenants; this is a chance of a lifetime
to get a first class apartment housn. at
less than invoice and for only $1000
cash; balance monthly payments, might
take part trade In clear city property;
handled exclusively by
170 6th Bt.. opposite P. O.
. A Real Bargain .
ffV 9nmm (Hn.t.nt In an -Tr11 Tit
downtown focatlon; newly furnished:
Axmlnster carpets; brick building; good
lease, rent $190. Price $2750 Including
600 Interest bearing deposit on lease. ,
14 room boarding house in an excel
lent location; good quality furniture in
cluding table equipment ror no. owner
has recently acquired large hotel and
wtll sell this week for $750.
i 907 Yeon bldg.
- Wanted to Buy
Good rooming house, must
be paying proposition, Write
ull particulars. H-doy, Jour-
al, ' - ,
39 Rooms 39- ;
In heart of west side: rooms all full;
people waiting; good furniture, reason
able rent lease; clearing $200 monthly;
worth J3500, my price jizuo; &uu aown,
Daiance 4Q montniy. meters, ia in. atn
$1650-34 Rooms $1650
$800 first payment will secure tills
modern place; steam beat, running water
n 11 rooms, new rurniture, clearing
00 every momn. 310 Henry oiqg.
25 Rooms 25. - '
Rent lees than 85 room, cood lease.
fine west side location, clearing $125
month. Prlce$900; $500 cash.
;alph ... ACKLKy jAiNU w.f qio otn,
Rooming House Owners.
T have bouse. 2 lots. In Swlnton. or
house, lot, on 7th, Shaver, to trade for
rooming house. Call Main 6377.
c a nriif t.t.1
x ur BiifD vi tmuc, m i win
house, 6n Washington, near 15th; new
furniture, rent $40 per mo., lease. Own
er Tj! ubi wpii sn accu uiu at mir. hwm.
Apply 8irWllcox bldg. Main 8683.
33 Rooms-r3:
In heart of city; brick building, all new
furniture, running water In all rooms;
clears $200: price today $1650; terms.
peters, m n, otn st.
20 ROOMS. -Onrnwe
hrtck. center Citv. 4 Tears'
lease, clears $150: price $1000; this in
cludes $250 deposit on lease; can trans-
ier to Japanese, am nenry mus.
8 rooms, swell furniture, nice clean
place, cheap rent best of reasons for
giving it away. Price $375. some terms,
. .-. . TT 1 ft
ovo nenry mug.
WORKING man s hotel completely fur
nlshed, including dining room and
kitchen; will lease for 4 years; rea
sonable rent C. J. Culllson Realty Co.,
20,6H Morrison.
16 Ropjns 16
A dandv money maker, t years' lease,
brick building: clears $100 monthly;
price $350. Peters, 15 N. 6th st.
CentrtfllT located, good furniture.
roms always rented; clears $70 M a
montn; itiuo, izou casn. mv nonry mug,
WANTED to buy. 15 to 40 room house.
Have some first mortgages and some
cash. No inflated values considered.
505 Henry bldg.
617-619 Henry Bldg.Mar. 664. A-8268.
We handle hotels, apartment bouses
and rooming houses exclusively.
SNAPS Have three goodi rooming
houses: will sell cheap and take some
trade; will rent one If not sold; no
agents. os aim st.
27 ROOMS. - -
r-nt.i- nttv. hrinb hutidln. rood fur
niture and lease; clears $160 per month;
1000, $500 cash. 810 Henry piag.
23 Rooms 23..
Onol location, rent 140. ToSfl: lease,
always full; price $600, terms, includes
SO eecurity on lease, i-etera, io n. um.
$65 above all expenses, best location Ui
. fttw M5 rooms, elegantly furnish!.
rooms all rented, gentlemen; part cash.
264 12th st. .
One Mock from Wash.: steam heat.
good furniture, lease, A-l transient
nouse. X10UO, jtiuq casn. am nenry mux.
$1500 in 2 story house, rented, exchange
for auto or smaller house. What
have yonT H-857. journal.
IF vou want to sell your rooming house
for ensh list It at once. We have
buyers waiting. 505 Henry bldg.
F YOU can run aamall lodging house
, 1 Art oll rnnn V 1 AQ 1ft.
ana u - -;-
TTrnnt t '
79 room apartment house, best location
in Portland, clearing $300 month; take
part trade, part casn. iwain nat.
MININd and industrial , stocks and
bonds noiignt ana boiu-
O. H. McClelland. 208 Railway Ex.
ROO Automattc Call at 2 5c per snare.
R-845. Journal.
win etAT.U' At Invoice, about $2000
stock hardware, natnt. crockery wall
nBtier. renv -no.-
cafln Oniyt nu mw'. ! " ft""
' . '...ft. i 1 fl Di, naaM
HAVE well established retail store.
furnisnings -oi- w-- uu.f.. ( ...
fm-tiand for trade and cash. Main
4977. . ' ": :' - " '
fiOn Business Cards, "$1
Rose Ofty Printery, 192 Third Street
RTTAT. RAKUAIIN. i u yrixr I" un
IN the city, dandy location for a white
mnn with ft good Btock of goods; brick
Kniiding low rent I ' M. Dayisr TTione
East 1074.
WANTED Partner witti ii.uuu or
mm to manage DUBiunm. uo
thorough business man.' Unusual bus!
ess opportunity. ij-biv, v
PARTNER wanted to take charge of
rout ou rant : aDOUt ll reuuncu. mi
SWetland oiag.
BAKERY for sale, good location, doing
a (rood business.- Write owner. A. L.
CLEANING and pressing establishment,
- doing good business, for sale. V-842,
500 Good-Business Cards $1
6U Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington,
FOR SALE Restaurant, open "day and
nieht. long lease; never changed
hands, $2000. N-340, Journal.
WANTED A paying business; state
kind of locationj-price, or no attention
will be paid. 611 K. 54tn Bt. w,
FOR sale or rent; sawmill, planer, log
ging engine ana umcer. ay unuci,
Jake Hergert, t.ornenus, -r.
PARTNER wanted In business chanco
office; about 8100 requirea. zui ejwoi
lsnd bldg. .-'.;-
i'OR SALE A well paying poolroom
and confectionery at a sacrifice price,
64W eth wt.' - y "" 7
for sale Saloorr ahd 10 rooms cheap,
If taken soon. See owner, 375 N. 16th
st. arter rt a. m. .
$150 SMALL estabUshed business, may
be greatly Increased: sickness causS
oi riijiiff. rv-out, .luuiiiiti.
CLEANING and. premising narlors for
. i-tent iiu, si soutn union
FINE location for poOd attorney. Write
Motel Mitchell Joseph, Or.
bMALl. restaurant.' cheap; going away,
. ' AVi Dill St. Ci, - ' ' "
ERITIfTI Columbia Is Car ,'.: r:e:fic
provim-e and i inruer bihi ilcmr ihaii
the states of Oregon, ufchitiaton and
Idaho combined: 3 Canadian transcon
tinental railwavs and numerous other
ratlwav l.nes are building through the
province, opening up an immense area
of virgin agricultural. iuin.eral, cval and
timber lands; this is the last great op
portunity on the North American con
tinent to "get in at the. start." Britten
Columbia's climate Is the best In Can
ada. Let us send you, free of cost our
publication. "British Columbia BulleLin
of Information." giving latest news of
development, investment opportunities,
openings for business of all kinds, etc.
Write todav. Cend us a postal card
with your name anl address. Natural
Resources Security Co., Ltd., 606-615
Bower bldg.. Vancouver. B. C. '
Sacrifice Sale -
""Grocery, delicatessen and Ice cream
parlors, four living rooms upstairs.
Dishes, bedding all new. Store and all
complete, $25 per month. Invoice $1250.
trice, 11 sola at onoe, taou. v-um
see this. Reason for selling.
618-619 Board of Trade.- A-1051. Mar
shall 4299.
GOOD confectionery and ice creum store
located In main business -section of
Roseburg, Or. Everything modern;
manufacturing plant, connected with
Btore to make candles and ice cream,
with full equipment. Store clears $200
month. Price $2700; worth more. Will
consider property in Portland as part
payment. n-ai, jomnm,
Wanted Business Manager
'To take half interest In well estab
lished profitable machine mfg. business
and have charge of office and finances;
a legitimate business proposition that
will bear closest lnyestigatlon. J-857,
STOCK of groceries and crockery, been
in business over 20 years. In good
town of 8000, close to Portland, will sell
at Invoice, doing a $25,000 business;
rent $80 a month, with lease; good rea
sons for selling; take $5000 to handle
this. M-19, Journal
. Confectionery :
Old established, good paying business,
carrying elean line sporting goods, sta
tionery, cigars, pipes, etc; corner loca
tion; invoice t3ZUtf. j-auii, journal
FOR SALE Boarding and lodging house
' business, centrally locatea, z rooms.
20 to 30 regular boarders. Modern con
veniences, steam heat Van Dusen &
Co., Astoria. Or,
EUGENE, Oregon, citv of destiny, com.
ing railroad, manufacturing and Job
bing center of western Oregon; place
for investors. Write Will G. Gllstrap,
Eugene. Ore.
FOR SALE 10 acres of land, residence,
bam, 2 story new store building, nx
tures and entire stock general merchan
dise. Address W. 8. Gribble. Mt Hood,
ONE of the"besr new and second hand
stock of furniture In city, best loca
tion, fine business; must selL K-869,
Journal. - - -
PARTNER wanted for restaurant In
good location; must understand . the
business; $1000. N-348, Journal.
GROCERY, $660; must sell at once. 405
E 6th. Living rooms over.
. - i:. .,- . MifiINT,
Rneclal emnloVment ' membershlo. IS
per annum, guarantees member will se
cure employment or refund of member
ship fee; gives months' full member
ship privileges in the association and
undertakes to keep party employed dur
ing the run term ot memoersnip wun'
out further rhnrre.
We have constant demand for high
grade, experienced men. Are you fitted
for a better position? v
See Secretary, Employment Depart
ment - - - - -
r11 tnr man 1291
Positions filled .lo
Stock Salesmen
Fn a niaan nt ntnrV salesman who fun
meet the right people, we can offer a high
olass - proposition,- ias - jnonjf-nit"ii
nH me,A talking nolnts In the establish
ment of a new Industry on this coast
but which has maae us minions in ine
east It will pay you to connect wlta
us. D-849, journal. '
& eiTTTSlirAM nf npat annearance an
nmtur whn la will In ir to work hard
on prospects furnished; will find It to
. . - , ... ... t. tr-
nis . aavaniage to can av u w
change bldg.
WANTED At once, 2 men to learn to
drive ana repair auiomonnes. a u
Hawthorne Garage. 44B mwinonw,
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali
fornia wine yepot, zoo xamuut, ni
to Journal. 1
FIRST class solicitor at Oxford Dy
Works. Com. 40 per cent. , wn
Hams ave.
WAJTED--A young man stenographer
for railroad office, salary $75: must
have some experience, n-aoo. journa.
WEAR a Kenshaw $2 hat: all styles.
169 4th St. 44S wasnington. ,
Read Very. Important.
Double your present .income; learn . to
operate moving pictures; operators earn
$25 to $35 weekly, wa nave tne omy
renl school of motion Dicture operating
in the city of Portland. Actual theatre
experience given. We help to secure
position. Also 8tart you in tne moving
picture tncatre ousmess. uerrns vt-ry
reasonable. Call and see us today. Full
Information rratls.
626 Washington, near 17th.
Wnnta1 in all rltles throughout thfl
world ; now 1n tha time to learn 'a fln
aying business; operators earn id
as lMtHv hnrt hours, easv inside
worg; competent operators in owim
thRntre mnka 11A to 1100 dally. Call
get full information how to start a
theatre on a small payment down. New
York Film Co., 626 & Washington, near
Men Take Notice!
Wa want man to Ipftrn RtltO driving
and ronairlnir. Wa mirmlv the help Of
one or tne leaaing taxicaD umamuoiit
and transrer company m town, ana are
In need of men who are of good habits,
we guarantee a position. No other auto
school can do this. You work on good
machines that are in use dally... Office
toi Railway Rxchane.
WANTED and worn-
en to learn the barber trane m eigni
weeks at the International Barber
School.:. Special Inducements, tools
free; percentage while learning; expert
instructors. 1 & years in tne .ousiness
lifetime, 'scholarship given each stu
dent. Corner 3d and Couch sts.. Port
land, Or. . - - .
MEU and women to learn iht barber
trade In 8 weeks. Special lnducerrents,
riercentaee earned while learning. Tools
free, expert instructors, 17 years in the
business. 37 schools. A lire time scnoi
arshlD given to everv student Mole
Barber college, 36 N. 4th it, Portland,
"We have a -fully-equipped shop and
are rrowoen wttn wunt. v-ati ai once
123 Fifth St. North.
TET,F.nHAPHV nAKlns of s-unran
tees, I will give a limited number of
bona fide guarantees for positions to
desirable applicants .and teach telegra
phy In a praetieel way. Myers. 66J
Flanders St.. Portland, Or, '
SHORTHAND, bookkeeping, etc., day
and night- classes; personal instruc
tlons: Dosltlnn guaranteed when com
petent? 630 Worcester block. Marshall
To learn to operate motion pictures at
our fine equipped tneatre. wessons rea
sonable. 526V. Wnshlnjprton. near 17th
LEARN to operate . moving pictures,
- taught In theatre; position secured
ton.' ---.
WANTED Irrlmedmtejy: njen ' to learn
Stomohlle driving end repnlrinff. Call
St 869 union av.. near ilawtiiorna.
UNCALLED for tailor made suits $10
up. Harvard tailors, S2 ia.,
:.! . in:..
wa NT ic l a 1 t" : lo u.F ?:::c;:a:,'-
, ICS A N I) 1 j . i v K ,S.
Your.g nun, why nut better yeur cn
Itlon and learn the automobile tusi-
v e train m?n for this wc: and as-
!st them to positions after graduating.
xnert instructions in. each deoartmeiit.
To those interested, we ask tiieai to in-
266-6S 11th, Cor. Jefferson.
Learn Our tm,ln,a.a- Qnif.f nA..
Parlors 400-412 Wek'um hldir
LADY representative wanted in every
emy, eomeinmg new;- every ' pur-
ici ti'iiiinuHi customer. ,'5111 nr
write Hartwick Mfg. Co., 225 Worcester
bldg, Portland.
iV3! ..neat V'Pearance, familiar
with soliciting oryhe selling line. This
, vOB-Llon "io not commis-
d Stark. " ".""'."
WANTED Woman to care for sick
' lad V and in ltirtit hnn.. i
Quire of 'M rs, P. Puys, 1 block south of
Lents stat on .
houso for wiilna'op f-K tnA amu a
years oliL- Address-808 H W. 9th et,
iiv vu or, yy awn.
WANTED Gfrl 13 to 16 to care ol
ch Id and room, room and board, no
cooking. 174 Front-st. 0
WOMAN for lleht hnuaa ta.I on..
Old .COlirtlA mnA dnm. fjw - .. !
. ' . p - ...... v. v ft. Kill, yaiu.
references. A-S50. Journal.
GOOD girl who likes children Aor gen
eral housework. Inquire Arbor Lodge
j. ,mi iimi-j., ion vareeiey.
WANTED Woman to care for an old
couple; Swedish preferred. Call 617
River St., C-1998.
: FEMALE . , -.. 20
WANTED Performers for wild west
show. In all lines, with or without own
stock, who are looking for position with
email snow; prerer tnose ' wno can
double; would like to hear from lady
riders; also wish to let concession for
side show; state what you can do and
lowest saiarv. cooper Bros., 457 State
St., Salem, Or. ' -
C. R, Hansen & On.
General Employment Agencies
16 and 28 North 2d st, Portland. Or.
-Women's Dept. 7th and Wash, sts,
Upstairs. -
Help" Furnished" Free"
San Francisco office 805 Howard st
Spokane office 218 Bernard st.
. Headquarters
for competent loggers, mlllmen, R, R.
construction men, farm hands, and all
classes' of skilled and Unskilled labor.
Write, wire, phone or call at our ex
pense. - ' - - -
square deal to employer and employe.
' No charge to employer.
All ..laetfta , .,.lr,llft. .Vlltl
fesslonal and clerical, male and fernale
help furnished on short notice.
xu ices. .
Men's department 115 Id. cor. Salmon,
women's department 146 Salmon st
Mtln 8655: A-6634.
Bennett's Emoloyment Agency
. aft at ft mi a,.. ft Mfttfti - ft. . '
i. sn. mil lit; a-ivjs. yuica
service, reliable help to employer free.
Butts & Eldredge Empr Co.
24 U N M mt
Main 3306. A-l
WANTED Workers for the Panama.
Pacific club. Just a little time, noi
money, pays for a two weeks trip to
the Panama-Paciflo Exposition, southern
California and Salt Lake City. 'A few
vacancies now. write at once to Sun
setThe Paclflo Monthly, Room 304
weiiB-rargo bldg.. Portland. Or.
WANTED Salesmen -to aid us supply,
the brisk demand for our roods. Some
Vacant territory vet in everv stars waat
of the Mississippi. Cash weekly. j
waiem. or.
g.j ' '..j
wis need a salesman in each of sev-.
eral excellent fields to sell our splen
did nursery stock. A permanent place:
cash weekly and a square firm back fit
you. Write for particulars. -Washington
tvurwery to., icppentsn. wasn.
YOU CAN'T HELP but make money
selling our guaranteed-to-glve-satl-faction
stock; free outfit; cash weekly;
exclusive , territory. Yakima Valley
cursory Co.. Topponloh. 'Vash.
WANTED By married man of good
nnnits, wno has' had exoenenca in
meat market, as meat cutter: would
like a place where I could work inside
and act as delivery man part of time;
hustler; references. W-343, Journal.
YOUNG chauffeur, shop experience.
good habits, wants nosltton: would
like truck, or "as helper on a truck; will
worn ror smau pay., v-849, journal.
FRENCH cook. Just arrived; speaks llt
tle English and Spanish: desires a ro.
Sltion, private or boarding-house. 1C-
840, Journal. .
WANTED To trade my time forwatoh-
mar. iod, nay or night by man or to.
Phone Marshall 2BS6. ' '
MAN of good habits desires Janitor or
porter work, small wages. ... C 355.
Journal :.'-....' ''.- .. - ,'.-
garden, plowing
Call East 2122.
and cellar digging.
GOOD, reliable meat-cutter, wants work.
.Umh 17",, 1flA I .
YOUNG lady, good education, desires
office, cashier work. Good typist;
also multlgraph operator, ' H-341, Jour?
YOUNG lady, good education, desires of
fice, cashier work; understands type-
wrmng. Main zuii.
CHILDREN to board and care f or, a.
good,-hoHierrblook- f romr chool. Tabor -
JIaDY accompanist wishes permanent
position with orcnestra, pnone war-
snair ib?
LACE curtains beautlfuUV - laundried;
sun- driediand bleached. All work
glia ranteaj Main 7297. ' -
HOUSE work wanted for 2. days more
In the week. Phone Tabor 871; eve
nlngs. : ' , ' ' ' . i
NEAT young lady desires place In bak-
ery. K-3.6E. Journa,!. .
EXPERIENCED girl wants 2d or cham-
ber work; good pay.' 1325 Vll lard ave.
WOMAN wants chamber work or plain
housework. . Phone Marshall 4278.
ELDERLY lady wants light housework,
gooq nome; smau pay. u-;i4i, journal.
HOUSEKEEPER wants to keep house
' for gentleman. 206 H 1st et. Room 20.
STENOGRAPHER wants position, .
perleiice all officii work. J-349, Journal
NEAT, capablo woman wants work by
day. Main 6771, room-104-.
LACE curtains- laundered, 25c up; by
. expert; call, - delivered. Tsbor. 817.
CI' RTAIN3 wanted, hand laundry.
wooaiawn ii'(4.
HiHT housework for girl, (16).-Meves.
16 East Tenth st. Phone East 1466.
YOUNG girl wants to assist in general
housework. 414 Division.
- AND ' FEMALE ' - - 23 '
WANT' a posltiori on ranch by man
Tvlfy gooa cook, man all- around ranch
hand: -good milker, Inquired. 211 Alder
st., 3d floor, room 25, Phone Marshall
23f?o. ; ; ' . - .. - t
MAN and wife want work on farm or
. camp, experienced, sober, 2', children,
Wilts Mr. Schneider, HliUboro, Or, ;