The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 22, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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    :s '' , THE
OT-I r"' " T
'Events in Society
and "Miss EHnbeth Stewart invite. Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Htxon It rude, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Litt, Joseph Kerauson and
John-Wheeler in for an informal even
ing of bridge.
Good Governmr'nt" is the. subject of
the Woman's club meeting tomorrow
at t p. m., in W. O. W. hall. The pro
gram will be made up of the following
numbers: Tenor solo, J. Boss Fargo;
accompanist. Miss Florence 'Jackson;
current events, Mrs. T. H. Edwards; dis
cussion, "Does the Recall Contribute to
Good Government?" 'affirmative, R. A.
Harris, state printing expert. Salem;
negative.. P. Soils Cohen. The debate
will be followed by question.
Program Jti) Be Given.
A choice program is to i presenter
at the annual reception of the Florence
Meade Mission circle of the Unlversallst
church .with Mrs, R. M. Sherman host-
tess at her home, 45S East Twelfth street
north, Friday afternoon, February 23, at
2:S0 o'clock. Miss Gladys Wiggins, will
give select readings. Miss Eda trotter
will favor with piano numbers and
talk on "Music and It Relation to
Childhood," will be given by Mrs. John'
Sifton, illustrated with musical selec
tions. This growing and helpful or
ganization has been efficiently officered
during the past year by Mrs. W. H.
Meade, president; Mrs. Jamea D. Corby,
vice president; Mrs. Ellis McLean, sec
retary. The late Mrs. Julia Scott wis
secretary. - -
' w -
Double Celebration.
Washington's birthday and the
seventh birthday of Master George
Washington ricnlc Bridge.
CLEVERLY attractive in every detail
was the George Washington picnic .
brldae planned by Mrs. Dwight Ed-
wards yesterday afternoon at heri
home on Th'irroan street. The key-j
note the affair was to be seen on
the front dcor, which was adorned witn
a water color sketch of the woods and
the sign, "Entrance to City Park." The
rooms were decorated in representation
ef the rarkl-Al che doewayewere
transformed into arches of wild holly.
In the-living room the flrerlace Was
banked - with, tolly , and potted palms,
nd the mantle was changed into a mon
key cage. . Also in the living room was
an aquarium, and in. the dining room
was the bear pit. The platerail and
chandeliers In the dining room were cov
ered 'With holly, and about the rooms
were sign "Keep Off the Grass," "Do
Not Tease the Animals," "130 Not Break
the Shrubbery." . Over the door to the
dlntng room . was the sign, "Picnic
Ground." , Luncheon was served In pic
nic style at four tables. In the center
ol each' was a cherry tree. and places
mere' marked with red hatchets.. Bas
kets, filled with Juncheon, wre deco
rated with cherries and red. white and
blue ribbon. ' Individual, packages of
sandwiches were tkd with the red. white
and blue ribbon and the packets. of cake
were' tied with cherries. At one table
Mrs. Louis Burke served the luncheon
and Mrs. Allen Ellsworth poured cof
fee, -At another Mrs. Robert S. Farrell
served and Mrs. Clarence W. Hodson
poured. Mrs. Elnathan Sweet served at
a third table, and the coffee was poured
by Mrs. A. I McCully. The fourth table
waa presided, over by Mrs. Wllllaatt-Mae-Rae,
who served, and Mrs. Harry A.
Sargent, who poured. ; ,
After the luncheon -the rooms were
rearranged and games of bridge whist
made, up Mrs. I. C Sanford captured
the first prise, a handsome -picture of
George Washington and the' second
prize, a potteeV plan, went to Mrs. Ed
win Caswell. Mrs. Edwards' Invitation
al" list included Mrs. Mr A." Mr Ashley.
Mrs. Louis 'Burke, Mrs.' F. S. Belcher,
Mrs Harry E, Coleman, Mrs. Edwin Cas
well. Mrs Allen Ellsworth, Mrs, Thomas
BritUIn Foster, Mrs. Hicks C Fentoh,
Mrs. Robert S. Farrell. Mrs. Mark Will
son GDI, Mrsr William B. Glafke,, Mrs.
Clarence W. Jlodson, Mrs. Charles N.
Hugglns, Mrs. Walter ; A. Holt. Mrs.
Elliot Habersham, Mrs. Bi F. Hunting
ton, Mrs. Samuel M. Luders, Mrs. A, L.
McCully, Mrs. Charles E. Rumelln, Mrs.
Elnathan Sweet, Mrs,' Harry A. Sargent,
Mrs. William F., Stine. Mrs. Frederick
Slinson, Mrs. Clayton B Simmons,-Mrs.
I. C. Sanford, Mrs, -Alfred Tucker, Mrs.
John W. Vofan, Mrs. Charles T. Whit
Bey, Mrs. Charles Simpson West and
Mrs. William MacRae.
1 -. ,- v
Honeymans Home. .
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.HoneVman
are. home from the east and domiciled
at Alexandra court. Miss Falling, has
planned a tea. tomorrow in compliment
to Mrs. Honeyman.
- w s ::i'.C- 0 :''
Informal Afternoon. , ' ,
Mrs. Jnsenh Closset. ontertalne with
an; Inform. afternoon of bridge yester.twlt" Mrs, H- E. Friday,
ouy wnenysaa invuea guests wr live
clean life, as Us letter shows he has;
done. If so. he is certainly entitled to
"love and home for the rest or nis
days to somewhat make up for the lack
of it when he needed it to much.
If E. B. will lanlon the liberty I taki
in offerlne advice, I should say by all
means go to some church. Many of
ihm are ready and anxious to give you
Just what you sepk. They have made
provision for social needs.- Find one of
the warm and friendly sort and where
the preaching is an Inspiration and i
help. I believe the lonely man or
woman needs this mote even than home
or loved ones..: Even a home, without
Christ, may b a "delusion and a snare."
' Then I should ioln some department !
In it You' can do this without joining
the church itself. The Brotherhood
Young People's Societies. Bible classes.
etc. all usually make a specialty of
sociability In the true, brotherly spirit.
and by regular attendance upon one- or
all of these you will sooner or -later
come In contact with the best and pur
est of womanhood. 1 '
A noted preacher who was a reformed
drunkard and gambler saldf. "I used
to love to go to dances, etc., for a good
timetrot when I wanted a wife I went
to the church to find her," M. o.
Invalid Comforts
Many Devices Alleviate Misery
of Those Who Are Imprisoned
and Iledrldden by Illness.
Written for The Journal by Elisabeth
Quite often the
exertion of Just
putting on a bed
Jacket is exhaust
ing to an invalid,
but much may be
spared If the
negligee ' Is made
to close in the
back. The front
can be as pretty
as one pleases
with lacea and rib
bons falling In
cascades, because
there will be no
closing to Inter
fere with the prop
er setting of the
To try tha front
hooking one's self,
or even to have It
done Is tiring,
while the back
closing, consisting of two or three but
tons and buttonholes, will take less than
a minute; to adjust When a pretty pil
low Is propped up at the back the In
valid' will look very attractive, especial-
lv If ah AAAa J rialntv n t mfttnh
Written for The Journal by. Florence her jac,,,,! tniB wUn practically no
" exertion whatever.
ORMAL Calls BhouHt-be-HiadV once Am0ng other comforts for shut-ins are
year on all our circle of visit- tn, llul, n,d warmers. These are small
4 ' - !
Calling Customs ,
Women's Rule of Making For
- mal calls Once a Year on All
Acquaintances Should Stand,
lng acquaintance. We should also tubes of knitted silk or wool drawn upi
call after any entertainment w at the ends after a tiny Tlal filled with
whlph WA-fiavfi hen invited. ' ThlS I warm watf . h.n allnnA In Wtian
Washington 'Frieda was celebrated atlg escecially necessary In the case of a suffering only slightly from cold hands
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo- Frieda. dmneT( wniCh is considered as a social the wristlets of rabbit yarn knitted will
uin ,, u.nntr a ryra " functon f especial importance. One be found very comfortable.
?!r2 .al "y"LA "r"--rr: must theref ore-call . In person after It There are quite a variety of bed socks
ier rr.euo nu u ut n.s young ir.iu m,ilhin i wrk. if hoasible. car- unon iha market to chooa. from hut
talnly within two weeks. A luncheon I among the beet Is the model .following
or. suDoer should be acknowledged In I the lines of a man's sock, that is, knitted
the same way by "A bread and butter Ulghyy for some inches at the top. There
visit," as It is named. Is then less danger of the sock slipping
Tn la nronee -.eall after the an- I bed-
nouncement Of an engagement and af- Shetland veils, by reason, of their
ter a marriage or death has taken place "8 weight and warmth, can be Used
t.- tt,.-f.miif1ir-Mni.inti.iir- Im Bumtwr f ways by an Invalid.- A
for guests.
Random Notes of Interest.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Charlton are home
from a sojourne of two weeks in Cali
fornia, They were ' accompanied by
their son, Howard Charlton.
Portland friends are sorry . to learn
that Mr. and Mrs. John Forbls and
T li. m i A -4m anKiroKsn AMia..
Forbls and v"" dainty covering for head and shoulders
Miss Marjorle Forbls are planning to munlties It is customary 10 pay of JJnea wUh wft ,1Ut 0f albatross may
move about the middle of June to their to a newcomer as soon as tne lauer b8 faBnioned int0 a pretty sackl Some
farm, near Billv. Or where thev will has had an Opportunity to become Sit- inrt i th. .nM nniv m h
make their future home, They wilt tied In her new home. A week usually I gft alUpwwithputer covering of the
nowever, sptna pome tnsfe months ot suitices ror ini. in mrgn i-ium wncrw I Shetland will prove very grateful.
we -winters in town. greater xormamy necessarily ,prey..B, B - , snread over the
and where most eeoDle have a large . -v.,-, i v,.- , . h
couple sewn together will make a very
Dairymen Organize Cooper
ative Scheme and Build .
Modern Rant.
(Special to Tbe Juarnal.)
Applegate, Or.. Feb. X2. The Apple-
gate valley has its second creamery. Tha
Valley Pride Creamery company was
organised December 1 and the plant waa
opened for business yesterday. The In
stitution is a .cooperative creamery
with a capital stock of 14000, located
on the south side of tha-Applegate river
nesr the Applegate store.
The following officers and directors
were elected: .Miles Can trail, president;
D. Hilkey, vice-president; B. M. Clute.
Jesse' Cot cher and Warren Mee, direct
ors. All-of the stock in tnis new cream
ery has been subscribed for by men In
the dairy business.
The .brand of the new product will
be Valley Pride. , The new creamery
building' Is a two story structure with
a concrete basement and. engine room
and Is equipped with the latest of ma
chinery for - butter making. The ca
pacity of the plant Is 1200 pounds daily
Most of the product will be sold In
Grants Pass.
A. L. Bates, an experienced butter
maker, has charge of the butter mak
ing and a -high grade product Is guar
anteed, ri
The - old creamery will be operated
with Elmer Able of Ashland as chief
butter maker. ' ,
as a3ofteX The bri-lges wT.l be cut-
lined in lncandejcents. which will be
used only on special occasions, however.
The plana call for permanent light
posts of highly ornamental design to
ba located in' pairs, one on each Bide
f the bridge roadway at Intervale of
30 feet
Councilman Magulre pleaded with the
commission to appropriate $10,000 for
the establishment of a small wagon
market on the Market block. . He said
that the committee had evinced a will
ingness to spend thousands tof; dollars
for the benefit of vlaitora to the city
during fiesta week and that it should
pay some attention to the needs of home
people. The Magulre ordinance was re
ferred to the city engineer with Instruc
tions to prepare plans and estimates of
tbe probable cost of such a market.
A resolution was adopted by the com
mittee asking tha city engineer to mak
a report showing how much rock Is bet
ing received by the city from the Llnn-
ton quarry, .
Another resolution asking that the
clviv service commission exhaust all the
names on its eligible lists before call
ing new examination wag. also adopt-
d. ' .., "v
Commending the work of the munlcl
pal vice commission, the ways and
means committee of the city council
yesterday recommended the passage of
an ordinance appropriating $3000 for
the use of the commission. The sum
of $1100 was appropriated last . year,
but this Is almost gone and Chairman
R. Talbott of the commission yes
; t I - . I vcu m piiccv v miuu nuui eumDcu I - - -
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke circle of acquaintance, people do not cailB0r tnln cotton wm be very good in-1 terdavy appeared before the committee
left' San Francisco Monday for Santa upon a newcomer unless some reason dd when the elderdbwn is felt to h and asked for the second appropriatloa
Barbara Before returning to Portland exists for doing eo. Where there are to0 warm. Neck pillows are quite as The committee recommended an ap
they will apain ' visit In the Bay City mutual friends or acquaintances, or essential to the comfort of the Invalid Proprlatlon of $15,000 for the lighting
with Mrs. Brooke's parents,' Mr. and whera both belong to the same set or a( the larger sizes and any scraps that the Burnside, Morrison and Haw
Mrs. Carter P. Pomeroy. . ; - circle, the older resident pays the first are pretty and sheer can be used for the H"" brjlle-' n elaborats plan of
visit to the new arrival:- In all these covering. The heart shape is vry lighting for the Rose Festival period
'Mr. ana Mrs. ciaua Kasburg (aims matters there" Is room for the exercise comfortable for the neck, and sa are
Helen Deble) passed the' week end In of -common sense as well as the spirit small diamond shapes. These can be
Portland as guests at the Hotel Mult-. 0f kindness. -J --;-5.- UBd for tucking In to. fill out corners
noman. xney were at home to thelrl. r. .nn . eo left oncn after the main nlllow Is aA.
friends Tuesday afternoon before leav-
tablea i.
Mrs, John. Stewart was hostess at a
bridge tea yesterday afternoon when
her guests -a re AhQuLJiiL.JJU.njjniher,
Ten tables were arranged for ' cards.
Lovely lavender Jars were the favors
won at each table by Mrs. John Pearson,
Mrs- Flnley Morrison, Mrs. R, P. Gra
ham, Mrs. Rorvlk. Mrs. R. A. Sleight,
Mrs. Chester Peering, Mrs. Creath, Mrs,
W., H. Powell. Mrs. B. E. Merrldith and
Mrs. J. I. Howes. Additional guests
enme la for tea when the . table was
served by Mrs. George W. Boschke and
Mrs. D. E. Stewart.. Miss Howard of
San Francisco also assisted the hostess.
, The .rooms were charmingly: decorated
,with daffodils and pussy willows.
it. ,.. .... fn mr on v. I justed, a. : dsintv cocKet nanaKercnier
L"R evenln for th.elr home, in CU8, for endeavoring to make the ac- enclosing the pillow envelope fashion is
..' . .... social world different from our own. I cauB tbey are easy to launder and to
mr.-ana, airs, tiaire u. rerriu I Miss l , - - - . - : . . " : r " IT " renin r
Lillian Rotirke) have left San Francisco w 1 .;n7- 7- .
ami i fn t ... ii- . 1 nelghborllnesa- whenever It Is In our , ,
- .: power 10 assist or ueirienu iuuoe i nnes ai spoKane, ana wire are guests
xtrm t a oi,,. n. .i- live near us. inis is especially mo at tne imperial.
v v w. uiiiimviisj sai iu iiLLin huh. . . i
Harold, have returned from . Seattle caM 11 tn latter l,Wer t0 tb Pul T. Shaw. X-ray expert of Ta-
where thev enioved a .week and viait u.y. a , coma, is registerep. at tne imperial.
A . first call should be returned waiter w. nerce, proprietor ox tne
promptly;' within a week. If possible. Hot Lake" sanitarium. Is a guest at the
It must also correspond In form with Imperial.
the original -visit. If Mrs. A only sends R. F. Smith and D. Rogers, cattlemen
What Others Say
and what a diisppolntmcnt It la to find
cards. Mrs. B "responds In the same of Meadows, Or are registered at the that thounh von era voun. vour hair is
Articles and Questions- for -this naael way. If Mrs.' A calls In person, Mrs. Imperial. - ' L....!
should be written on only one side of B does likewise. 8. M. Gallagher, a restaurant pro- u.
the paper and be accompanied, by the An exception ' Is made to'thls rula prletor of Astoria, Is registered at the Wrely goln to look Old beforo your
writers name. The name will not be v,. n i..i..i ImDsrlal.
published-but-ls -desired -a-a -ladt- J A closes an Invitation ..r.-ra- ti mtr , .
cation or good raltn. wun ner caru. in ww case.Mra. o .v. w .js - -av- ,v -IVm't wait lor anv mors) ataThalntO
would call 1ft person in acKnowiedg- " rosnierea ai mi imperial. ir : ,
meat or the Invitation. She would un- p X"?. Sutherland, "an attorney ofl come get a bottle Of HAT S HAIR
.V. LG
' . Convention in Washington. . -"
(Oalted FreM Leawa Wire.)
Tacoma, Waa!L, Feb, 22. Chairman
W. Coiner of the Republican state
central committee has Issued a call for
a meeting to be held in Tacoma, Febru
ary 29. when presidential electors will
be nominated and delegates will . be
chosen to. represent Washington at the
national convention. A lively fight win
be precipitated by the progresslvea
CCT" TP! P " " IM'T"'
(Tnltod Pret' leased WIr.) e
Seattle, Feb. 22. Miss Grace 4
Hughes, 34 yeara old, an Insane
patient at the city hospital,
p climbed to the window ledge of
, her padded cell last 'night,
4 - squeezed her emaciated form '
through an eight Inch space be-
ta-een the Iron grating and the
- stone coping, and letting go,
-dashed 60 feet to the bottom of
e the air shaft 8he died several
hours later.
- - -
UUDlted Fma Uattd Wtoe.
Denver, Colo Feb. 22, That her real
name is Inct Axelhelmer and that she
Is the daughter of a millionaire living '.
In Rochester, N. Tn Is the claim mada
here today by Miss Essie May Foster.
Misa Foster says she will be aided by
her father to obtain the $100,000 estate
of tha late Mrs. Hannah Foster, witn
whom the girl lived nearly all her .life,
and whom she thought until recently
was her real mother. Miss Foster says
she -was kidnaped when only, a few
months old and taken from her father's
home In Rochester. , - 1 ; ' 1
fourteen large British shoe factories
are now using the union stamp.
Thcro lo Only Ono
. bbWbbWb MsBsHssnMsBsl "'.."; v'
rf'BrEno Quinine"
Thai lo '." ' -;
Laxative Bppmo Qmnino
Always remember the full name. -. Look:
for this signature on every box. S5o. .
j ' 'x; ':v'--:',;'f.v.'' ''
Si - '.;'!.'t -St ! I j..1 ' , , V"
'- ' ' t I l k JL'Vj-
.--$t t n n " 15-;, ;r- V 5
IM , . i Mafia? ills igw xei-xtt' TtfotfTtw:-' pv.-v.. -v - . . K
A MnthtrM AAvlo:
" v .... .. ... . 1 Trri 1 a a. i tvt t a. & iv . I mm . m
x.tiDn v.k n t- . aerstana tnat tne latter was a greater ni owiuuil nun, is a bubbi ai me i tnln. Mart in now and ma
icM . 4.1 ! iUUjn; .. .. I Tmn.p4.1 I
Being a mother Of boys myself I could uuml compumom man a can, ana uih i . . ;r; I i. ..i.-t-
Z..71" y. yi ' . . . a Mrs A had omittad th vialt from r.r. I Robert L. Harris, a druaalst of 'Tlar- " reuUrly.
"Ul. in ana loucnea oy "-v.- t V . n, i. t 1 ' Ti,.- fc.t -til ...n-.
ma letter written tiv n in vtn. "ul" uf" .uun n uonoi, huw- , i i . .w mm, rl
day's Journal, recounting the details of ever' t0 caU ln Peron before sending B. Johnson, a merchant of Gresham, be restored to their natural color and
a life so pitifully wanting In all that "n mvuauon, ir one can manage to ao regisiereu ai mo reriune. i
nVinnlH K. in malro . k.. v ... ISO. ' I - Rkv . R ' TwumI nt AahlaniV "h I I l"7 '
rortabie and of a strong, manly charac- Fifteen minutes suffice for a formal registered ai jno i-erins. - iwn ij.tic. wn.mi
ter. -Jtl' visit These may under favorable clr-.l A; D. Wagher, a merchant of Hills- yon looking young.
iiutiru. lis in ii a i risa sir n arrnn o nsrnfa i i : u in m i jl n r'i-Bi nH piiannan rn na it btii uui u. ui.. a si sa aursL b. l liib rsrxi b. . u . k , m. . u
Last evening Mrs, Arthur MacKeriala to wlthatand all that and still live a hour, but one must beware of staying WllUam Emcke. a hotel proprietor I jT3- ii B-rofc,
iAA Inn TVi nrAaas hiMtvai .11m.wl nf Cnta faio-lat saw mA at tVt Ovlrlna I w-- -
vw viiq, . 4. iiv ayswav-a uvuia AVI tCki 1 1 tl ft, I w J v mm eO'H,kv v se eug vaawsasvt
vary In different localities. In New J. B. Glesey, a -real estate- operator
raJ CTrArirD 4 niinn r -w" I VT7 ,n different localities. In New J. B. Glesey, a real estate- operator
Slid I JtiyUUKArnJt!tJKm'U UOtta MorP Tork city-ladles pay : visits between 8 of Bay City, Dr.t Is a guest at-the
". - - I and 6 o'clock. . Perkins.
trial bottle. Philo Hay Spec Co, Newark, N. 3.
FACTURING This brick building, which is just being completed, is lo
cated at Hood and Baker streets, South Portland, and adia
cent to the Oregon Electric tracks. - An ideal location for
light manufacturing where plenty of light is required. Each
floor contains about 3500 sq. feet Long lease, low rental
Journals -
Written for The Journal.
I'lXi ahow you a part of her letter.
.'Tin a plain, homely, wrinkled old
woman.,; I'm not cultured, nor have
I what they ' tall style. For 20
years I have oeea a happy and de
voted wife' bflcause. I thought my hus
: band, loved ma. I am -t my husband
is 64. Otfly, a few months ago! found
out that he. is ln love with his stenog
rapher. He told me so-. He takes her
out io dinners and drives with her. He
t says he has not loved me for a long
time. What shall I dor Shall I leave
him or shall I try to -win him back?
1 love him and I feel that I can't live
witnout him:"- 1 .
: Doesn't It mukc the heart of; you
. came up in your throat and stick there
to real that woman's words? Doesn't
It make every muscle in your body ache?
': 8he lvaa- been his wife for 20 years
. and he iovt s a young girl of 20; he has
told her so.;-.What was the Lord think
lng atout, I wonder, when he made such
tragedies possible! What was it that
he put Into the heart of man that
'Z. t-, 'l1 , , i -L-U, 11 - -L. J-J
Stops a Cough Quickly
mnrla siii ft Vi K 1(4 . f "--i9) ukvhu vi hi iinun i a v. u inui oi,wu, n. iiii Vllaxut, u UOI
nn. ...Jill i ml crueuy to a ana ways or lite or our friends. In a vallls. Is registered at the Perkins.
t i.m TL ' :u..r",..w.a" eCTr manufacturing town or village where J. H. Templeton, a druggist of Prlne-
make , in thoV e i " woman to .tha hour for supper, Is 6 o'clock, calls vllle, registered at the Perkins. I
?he stgge was so wttsr toKa h0m not be made flfteP that tl- U Q-H, Russell, sheepman of Prlne-
wolf from tn! doo? Tn5 ?h? X We arvlsltln 'rlend wh? d0 ville, Or.t. Is a gest at the Perkins. I
TmiA-fl'V own work, we must not. gd at an hour . w. r. W h.inin, rontofB I
Rather siljy advke. isn't yuZVo " t0, ntfera with tutting the lit-
ana Know ner only interest In the '
world is her husband. " There Is noth
ing she can do, but wait for the man
to finish his folly, and .come home.
Not very comforting, Is It little woman.
wnen your Drain is painting pictures of
that husband's lavlshment of affection
C. P. Van de Water, a railroad man
m tit. 11. 1 1 tir . m
uoon the fflrl in him r,t u 01 w asn.. ana J. n.
' m-m, . UUlf VIIDIU T.JAn.1,H. .... m. J A . .
at. n vrt. I Aiaw Ainu aic rtr(iD;reu h, (ae WUH-
Even Whooping Cough
A Whole Plat of the Qalckest, Barest
Cough Remedy EaaUy; Made at
Home for 50 .
If yoil have an obstinate, dwp-seatcd
- ouph, which refuses to be cured, get a
60-ceni bottle of Pinex, mix it with
honitt-mad Biicrar.tivrun and start taking
it. Inside of 2i hours your cough will be
(rone, or very nearly so. tvett whoopinff
couch is oiucklv.conauered in this war.
A 50-cent bottle of Pittex, whn mixed
In a tint bottle with home-made nuear
, syrup, gives you a pint a family supply
of the finest cough remedy that money
could buy, at a clear saving of f 2. The
suirar svruD is eauilr made bv mixinz a
pint of "erJHilatcd au'gar and pint ofj
warm waver, ana jsiirrwg jor t minuiesi
i Pinex soothes and heals the inflamed
membranes with remarkable rapidity. It
stimulates the. appetite, is slightly laxa
. tive, and has a pleasant taste children
; take it willingly. -Splendid for croup,
thma, bronchitis, throat tickle, chest
pain, etc, and a thoroughly successful
remedy lor incipient lung troubles. . ;
Pinex is a snwinl and liiphlv concen'
irated compound of Norway White Pine
extract-., rich' in iruaiacoi and other heal
'In? pine elements. : It haa often been
imitated, though never successfully, for
nothing elae-witf produce the same re
, "tulta Wmply mix with sugar ayrup or
trained honey, in a pint bottle, and it is
-..ready for ue. . .;,-'
The genuine Pinex is guaranteed to
inn.ud. iour . druggiht haaPmex, or
will KT it for yon,... 'If not, send to The
is no. use for you to pin roses in your
hair ftr i. t . noman.
and try to imitate tne girl of 20 It Geore Sanborn, the well known
would only make you ridiculous You lnon .packer of. Astoria, Is a guest at
have played your game: now. you can tna Multnomah. ,
only. wait Athole McBean of San Francisco, a
. terra cotta goods manufacturer, and
Stenographers have a lot to answer I wife are guests at tha Multnomah.
for, sometimes. It is an awful thing P. A. Toung, the well known mer-
to have another woman's blasted hones chant of Albany, Is a guest at the
on your conscience. It Is a cruel thing Multnomah. -
10 stai a sister woman to the.heart. A George Judd.of Astoria, well known
girl of 20 is not the right companion In Portland, is a guest at the Mult-
-or a, man or o. Tnere is nothing to nomah.
palliate such conduct on tha part of the Emll W. Hagbom, a prominent msr-
girl The man Is in his dotage, appar- chant of San Francisco. Is a guest at
ently, and is bound to do those things the Multnomah. '
wilZgVehteenfoudt 5' sfm'and ' X ' Armltag a mining man of Elk
SPlc&raoK S!n;hfr:," Tfg,8teret ftt th MuIt:
imb gin mai ib consianiiy at ineir ei-1 . , . ,, . .
bow. Beautitful and bright vouna girls -. A- L E"-,na- ,,ttB,.b"n" of-R.a-
constantly at man's bee and call often u" ' T : lne
tfvi. v Jim nu Biiiiumiirin Vlltal,
What can she do? She an ol, r r.:"1.'' ousy wntn; prepara- 0f Seattle,. Is registered at the Oregon.
stumble blindly along her way busy "" . .k lT upPer- eamnej colonel J. F. Munday, a real estate
herself as much as possible with other lp,tn mother wh0 U ch ldren, oeaier of Medford, Is registered at the
interests -and keep a brave heart 7.t' 7". ..Zu T."'. ," oron- ' .
Frank w right, a canneryman or Be.
attle, brother of Charles Wright of tha
Ocegon hotel. Is registered at the Ore
Joseph Blethen, business manager of
the Seattle Times, la a guest at the
Oregon. -. -.
-'" R. H. Cowden, a lumbermsjvf gll
Verton, Or;, Is registered at the Oregon.
gjRobert Burns, a railroad man of
Walla Walla, is a guest at the Oregon
B. K. Nelll, a mining man of Spo
aane, is regisierea at me vregon. t
Dr. A. H. Qelscher of Fallbrldge Is
registered at the Oregon.
Carle Abrams. a newspaper man of
Baiem, is registerea at the Seward.
W. K. nazieton, a prominent man of
Spokane, and wife are guests at the
W. A. Bell, a business man of The
Dalles, Is registered at the .Seward.
' R. P. Tracy, t a business man of
Washougal, Wash is a guest at the
E. H. Helnes and wife of Alameda,
Cel., are registered at the Seward,
U- w Mount, a rauroaa - man or
Iwlston, Idaho, Is registered at the
. Henry B. Hazard, Immigration officer
of Seattle, is a guest at the Bowers.
Aw W. MacQuorqupdale, a railroad man
of Spokane, la registered at the Bowers.
M. Jensen, a business man of Lewis
ton, Idaho, and wife are guests at tho
- J. W. Wallace and wife and Mrs. P.
E. Wallace of Bellingham, Wash,, are
gueats at tbe Cornelius.
H. J. Neely, wife and daughter of
Spokane, are registered at the Cor
nelius. - - . . . -.: ,
1 dangerous. It makes many a wife un- Mrs' r- l- Qaylord, prominent ln Spo
liiippy and causes many a man to make kane oclty, and dsughter, and Miss
a spectacle of himself. k-, . Jiiizaoein Micnois or anageport. conn.,
Tho stenographer throws' up 'her chln ana Mlss f14"80 Msrsnaai oi epoicane
defiantly and says. "Well, why doesn't are sues1" t the Portland.
the married woman keep herself st- I. W. Anderson, a promoter and capi
tractlve If she wants to hold her hua- tallst of Tacoma, Is a guest at the
band?" My dear little glrL your chart Is Portland
all wrong. A woman who has worked F. A.-Black well, a prominent mining
hard night and day with poverty lash- man of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and wife
lng her every step, and who has ralaed and Mrs. Ray M, Hart and maid are
children, and done a world of things guests at the Portland.
that a little girl like you don't know H. S. Merrltt, a rea estate operator
about-that woman shows the marks' of of . Seattle,, and daughter-Katherlne, are
worry and strain both physically and guests at the Portland,
mentally. She can't cope with' your Kenneth Fiph, a real estate dealer of
beauty: Bhe may be beautiful, but she Rainier, Or., ,is a guest at the Port-
isn t beautiful like you, my child. Hers land,
Isn't the beauty of - youth. It is the R. B. Dyer, a commission merchant of
beauty of. struggle. And, men past 60 Astoria, Is a guest at the Portland.
of ten. Ilka the beauty of fresh complex- George.' Chambers, a real estate
tons, rosy cheeks and bright, roguish operator of Rainier, Or., Is registered
eyes;- at the Portland. .
.. ' -i-i . ' - t C. W, Glbbs, a prominent merchant
It la a terrible muddle, isn't It? It of Wallace, Idaho, is registered at the
In the muddle that makes more real mis- Portland. ; . ,
ery in the world than any other one Jr-F. Yates, a business' man of Wasco,
tiling. It breaks hearts. It kills souls. Or., and wife - are registered at the
And you. little girl, with the dimple Portland.
in your chin and the ripe red Hps have Dr. A. L. See of Seattle, a real estate
a lot to do with- It. The man past 60 I dealer. Is registered at the Imperial.
is edirng. childishness when It comes!
i'i una. ii iB-?im-aiy-cT'Ttiaci'etrdn7
Nothing canstop itm. But, you, tny
fgTster e aaT1h tl m perlat
P. A. Flnseth, a merchant of Dallas,
pretty stenographer, can keep him from Or., !( registered at the Imperial
making -an idiot of hlmclf over you." .1 C E. Woods, land agent for tha 111U
Notice to Fat Women
Presumably you know, ladies, that the
proper caper nowadays is lines. Curves
are passe. You have' got to take, off
your fat This must be done in one
of three ways.' Bv dieting, by exercise.
or by means, of Marjnola Prescription
laoieis. i no iwo lormer win Keep you
busy fo months and punish you pretty
severely, the latter will cost you 75
cents at the druggist's. The tablets will
not make any alteration in yeur diet
necessary, and yet in all probability,
before you" have used up, one case, you
will be losing from 12 to 16 ounces
of fat a day. Which method do you like
the beat? , - ..
If you fancy this pleasant method of
fretting off the fat. see your druggist
nstantlv. or else write th Marmola
'Co.. B8 Farmer Rids-.- TlBtrolt. Mich..
Dr. E. B. Merchant of Neyberg -Is 1 to nenijjou, mall Thase eases
contain so generous a Quantity of tab
lets that the treatment is very econom
ical It is.i also, quite, harmless; for the
tablets are made exactly in accordance
' with ths famous,, Marmola Prescription.
Try one loaf of this
Bread and you'll never
be satisfied with ordinary
bread again-It's as
good as it is daintily clean
- !'
1 y C Grocers
,.' .' ' ' ' .' "" l '.''; ' .'-,'.' - .' '. l' "- ' - '
Blue Ribbon Bread
Hat won instant approval. It's not only better
than any other BAKER'S BREAD, but even the
most skilled of home bakers prefer it to their own
make. ; It's better, cleaner, more economical, and
keeps fresh longer than BEST home-baked bread.
FEE CAKE 15 c -
Log Cabin Baking Company
. '. Vancouver Avenue and Fremont Street