The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 21, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    ..A, tlillLii!
run cmr
ailed Mayer of Seattle Is
Able to Line Up a -
(SiKrlal to Th Journal.)
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
Hs, Or Feb. 21. Wrestling Is rapidly
becoming one of the leading athletic
sports at Oregon Agricultural college.
A large number of huskies ar out on
the mat each evening aspiring for either
varsity or class team honors. Unusual
Interest Is being displayed in the coming
Intercollegiate meets with the Univer
sity of Washington and the "Washington
State college, and the O. A. C. supporters
feel confident that the Beavers again
have a. good chance of bringing the
champlorfthlp to the Oregon Institution,
The finals of the lnterclass contests
will be held In the college gymnasium
next Saturday evening. Sixteen bouts
are scheduled and the outcome of these
events will determine the- class cham
pionship and also decide who will com
pose the varsity team. The Beavers are
scheduled to -meet the University of
Washington grapplcrs on the local mat
March 23,, and Coach Arbuthno will
Immediately begin giving speclal'atten
tloa to the varsity representatives as
soon as they have been selected.
1 .. :
Naples, Feb, 21.' The duchess of I The second swimming carnival of the
Aosta has been takeftt(rheeH--rp&rtland swimming baths was held last
Seattle. Wash., Feb. 21.r-With 23$
precincts out of a total of. 231 heard
from this noon, results of the city pri
maries here remain . practically, un
changed. Former State Senator George
F. CotteriH,-progressive Democrat,, and
Hiram C. Gin, Republican, former may
or, who was recalled last year, are the
1 hennas A. Parish, Republican, ran
third, and M. A. Wells. Socialist, was
.a close fourth with nearly 9000 votes.
The Socialists nominated E. J. Brown
for corporation counsel, Frank Hllle
brandt for comptroller and B. F. Jacobs
and John Burgess for councilmen,
Ic Is estimated that the total vote
was about 60,000 out of a total regis
tration of over 74,000.
monte palace suffering from bronchial
catarrh and feVer, Which she contracted
" while iTfiurBlng-the sideband - wounded
soldiers on the hospital ship Menfl. Her
''Condition today Is not ' thought to be
serious. . V ..
San Francisco, Feb. 21. Al Palxer and
Bombardier Wells, the British heavy-
.. weight, will be seen In action here In a
1 20 round fight July 4, according to an
announcement made today - by - Eddie
" Graney, promoter. The signature of
Palzer, who recently flattened Al Kauf
man, already has been secured, and all
i that remains to clinch the match now
Is Wells' signature. Graney says there
will be no difficulty about this. Palser
Is considered by good Judges of fighters
as the only white-man who would have
a chance against Jack Johnson,. '
Jack Welsh, Graney announced, will
referee the bout. 1
mmm hps
Mandot, Gets Decision.
New Orleans, Feb. 21. Newspapers
. today unanimously declare Joe Mandot
of Memphis the winner of his 10 round
bout here late yesterday afternoon with
1 Moore of Philadelphia.; Mandpt,
however, was forced to extend himself
to win. Both men were- under 133
pounds.:'-,- v .. "...
I , Special Sale.
All colored linens, pillow tops, center
pieces, library and piano scarfs. Free
lessons on every piece If desired. The
JNeedlecraft Shop, 388 Yamhill st ,
evening. John McMurray captured the
swimming races, while Spawmer cap
tured the fllvln vent-iTha TasuUs;
- 20 yard dash, John McMurray, first,
10 1-6 seconds; George Kelley second.
. 40 yard dash, McMurray first, 24; R.
Roller second. - . - ;
100 yards, II. Breske first, 118:
Ernie Spawmer second, "j
' Three legged race, McMurray and
Spawmer first, Breske'and Perry second.
Egg race, George Keller first, Parry
second. ' ' -.
, Fancy diving-, Spawmer v first, 105
points; Kelley second, 98 points,
UiL.'.LL .LL iiLVl'
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
l!s. Or, Feb. 21. Sam Dolan,' the popu
lar Oregon Agricultural college football
coach, has tendered his resignation as
acting manager of all athletics, Slno
the begrlnnlrrg of the school year he has
directed all of the college athletlo activ
ities, and although his duties have been
heavier Than could be reasonably ex
pected of him, he has filled the position
to the entire satisfaction of the student
body. Mr. Dolan Is a member of the
civil -engineering faculty, and expects
to devote his entire time to classroom
duties and the football Interests of the
college. He will coach the Beaver grid
iron squad again this fall. His succes
sor to the graduate managership has not
yet been named, but It Is expected that
the Athletle eouncll will announce the
selection In the near future.
.Henry Solomon lost his second game
In the three cushion billiard tournament
last night to Bentley by the score of 30
to 29, Solomon was to have played 40
points, Solomon has been out of prac
tice for the last couple of weeks. Bentley
made two runs of 4 and two runs of S.
Solonforr made three runs of 8 ':.''' v
Tonight Johnstone .and Jordan will
Play. '
Papke andMantell to Meet.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Sacramento, CaL, Feb; 21. Billy
Papke and Frank Mantell have " com
pleted their training for their 20 round
encounter at Buffalo . Park tomorrow
afternoon and will only exercise enough
to keep - their - muscles- limber, Joe
Thomas, former "world's champion 158
pounder, will attend th fight. Sol Lev
Inspn of Ban Francisco has been chosen
as referee, '.-.:.'. -. .
Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 21. The Mec
ca Athletlo club entertained at the sec
ond of Its series of smokers last night
at Bud Anderson's training camp, wrest
ling and sparring exhibitions being the
features of the program. Clyde Lieser
and Clyde Wagner, both Of Vancouver,
put up a very Interesting wrestling
bout, each securing a fair In the time
allotted. The boxing contest ' between
the "White Hopes," Clyde Rusuka and
Dutch Kastner, afforded much amuse
ment toJthe audience. -Byron Frye
proved in expert 'at 1ag "punching- and
Lee Col well gave a rope spinning exhibi
tion. The program Included a ten min
ute wrestling bout ; between 'Fuzzy"
Wagner and Toung Hopkins, at 110
pounds; a three round sparring contest
between Jack Duarte, of Oakland, and
Toung Mitchell, of St Johns; three
round goes between Frank Dupuls and
W. McPhaden, and George Miller and
Dick Parnell, both of company K, First
Infantry. Fred Anderson and Toung
Shepard boxed six rounds and Bud An
derson went four rounds each "with Kid
Exposlto of Portland and Jlmmle Burns
of San Francisco. , .
Camas, Wash., Feb. 21.-This city will
have two fast baseball teams In the
field: during th 1912 - season.- The
Crown-Columbia Paper company will
have, one of the teams, which will be
composed of home talent The Camas
Blues are getting ready for the open
ing of the season.
Zbysczko Defeats Wrestler Ordemann
Boston, Feb. 21. Stanislaus. Zbysciko
looks good to Boston wrestling enthusi
asts today because of the beating he
handed Henry Ordemann of Minneapolis
last -night , The Pole won two straight
falls, the first In 48:10, and the second
in 18:45.. Dr. Roller defeated Karla,
the Hindu grappler, In two stralflit
falls. '
FAii5 flbili.L iLi
OTBltw! Press Lss4 TT1r.
San Francisco,' Feb. 21. Fight fans
here today figure Frank. Klaus has a
2 to 1 ohance to win over Sailor Ed Pe-
troskey In their' 20 round fight for the
middleweight champlonshlo tomorrow
afternoon, and are niacin their" coin
accordingly. Betting on the fight Is
slight fhough quite a bit of pnoney Is
being wagered on the chances of Klaus
to finish his man Inside 18 rounds. Even
money Is offered on this proposition.
It Is expected that the ringside odds will
be about 10 to 4. Klaus has entirely
finished training. The Pittsburg man
wound up his sparring by boxing three
rounds with Johnny McCarthy and three
wun .uave Aims, .
Petroskey also has out out the boxing.
Both men are at weight and -claim they
will have no excuses to offer If' they
don't cop the loaf endxf the purse.
Additional Service Ordered.
Washington, Feb. 21. Additional
service for 22 miles, serving 142 fam
ilies, has been ordered on rural mall
route No. 3 at Medford.
, Spirits for Rheumatism
The use of spirits in the treatment of
rheumatism has proved art Innovation
among, the medical profession. When
mlxed wlth j. certain other lnfedlents
and taken properly It la said to be an
almost Infallible cure for rheumatism
and back-ache. Here Is the formula:
"From your druggist get one ounce of
Torts compound (In original sealed
package) and one ounce of syrup of Bar
saparllla compound. Take these two in
gredients home and put them Into a half
pint of good whiskey. , Shake the bottle
and take a tablespoonful before each
weal and at bed-time." Results come
lmmedlatelyrrlfTOunlrugglst-does not
have Torts compound in stock he will
get it in a few hours from his whole
sale house. Don't be Influenced to take
some patent medicine instead of this.
Insist on having the genuine Torls com
pound in the original one, ounce sealed
yellow package.
J. &. C. Fischer Piano $135
Second-hand, but in good repair, and
good for several years, to come. Come
and see this. .
I "N fliiVRsnes
Strops and Shaving Supplhc
Reductions of to yt From Regular
" Every Razor we sell is sharpened by our
Razor Expert and ready for use guaran
teed. Such makes as Wade & Butcher, Peer
less, I. X.- L., Pipe, Em, Ben Hur, Berg
and others. i
AN EXTRA DISCOUNT OF 1-3 will be given on each exchange of razor or strop. Why
worry along with a dull razor, or a cut-up strop? Bring them In and get new ones.
Razors Reduced
$2.00 Razors 95
$2.50 Razors-. ?. ... . . . .$1.45
$3.00 Razors ....,.....$1.95
$3.50 Razors .,$2.35
$4.00 Razors .... . . . . . $2.95
$5.00 Razors ... . . .... .$3.45
S s.
Shaving Mugs
Three lots of Mugs, many f;
wonn more xuan our regular
25c Mugs 94 - 50c Mugs 19
75c Mugs 37 :.
Shaving Brushes
Every Brush guaranteed as
represented or money back.
25c Brush ...... i....l9
50c Brush ...........37?
$1.00 Brush 79
$1.50 Brush ........... 98t?
2,00 Brush ........$1.37
$3.00 Brush . . ... ...$1.89
$4.00 Brush ,,.,,...$2.69
$5.00 Brush ..... . .$3.49
Strops Reduced
$2.00 Razor Strops 95
$2.50 Razor Strops. . . . .$1.45
$3.00 Razor' Strops, . , .$1.95
$3.50 Brandt Automatic Strop
per with diagonal strop $2.00
Removal Sale of Pocket Knives
Large assortment, two to four blades, fine
steel. All styles and shapes of handles. Your
50c Pocket Knives ......... . ; ......... 35
75c Pocket Knives 4 7
I $1.00 Pocket Knives .69?
$1.50 Pocket Knives 9
$2 to $3Pocket Knives.... ...... $1.48
Removal Sale of Scissors .
Excellent cutting firts Steel . Scissors at Re
moval Prices.
25c Scissors . , . . 14 75c Scissors . . . 47
50c Scissors. i.. 37 . $1.00 Scissors... 69
$1.25 to $1.50 Scissors . .89
I $2.00 to $2.50 Scissors .$1.48
oaara, yiame
i I srrXTH ASTD BtnWTSIDE. - - ' SU ' 1111 . . 1 1 .' ' 1 1 " 1 1 1
1 .()(iS
Second St.
Oefl oi a MeF-
dfliiniftilll( Ffipinni!
Desperate slashing of prices so that the stock will be exterminated by March 1st. The entire immense stock
Sj conslstS:ot Ury Goods, uothmg, lurnisnmg uooas, Moes, etc, an to go at tne mercy oi tne puonc.
COME IS IIMffly h !I CBawKK TOffi TOffiOW 9 IE fi
in MamliTiiFjei's StpBe
$15 MenV uits to QC QC
close at .... . . .50yO
$25 Men's Suits to Q7 O O
dose at ......... I sOO
$5 to $10 Youths' $ I AO
Suits at I yO
One lot of Ladies' Q 1 A A
Jackets at i)I.UU
$35 Ladies' Black iJA 7ft
Suits at:.... 3)7.10
$30-$35-Wh. Serge (PA CO
Suits, Pongee Coats. tDy.UO
$142.00orrisor -2
Corsets at . . .' . . I Lt
$5.00 Warner and CJ 1
Thomson Corsets. . 5 10
Ladies' Oxfords to $3 3 A
at only ....... '. ... ... O 7 C
$5.00 Men's Work tJO
Shoes at D.00
$50 Men's . Shoes J-jp
$3.50 Men's Shoes (? CO
at only j) J .00
$5 Men' Oxfords AO
at only . . . . . . . . . . s) ! 9y0
; 1
$3 Men's Corduroy (j 1 O
Trousers at . .D I 00
75c Child's Wool Un- ) A r
derwear ... , . .... . ,.JLiTl .
25c Boys' Caps to close at Cr
only. . . . . A ; . ..... . . . . .Uv
20c Boys' Suspenders, on H
sale at only. . . . . .... . . . I v
50c Men's Caps priceB H p
at only 1 I L
25c Black Sateen Shop A
Caps at lU
5c Laces Joclose out -at :JJp
only. . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . My
10c Laces to close out at J p
only. . . . .... . . . . ... . . . .TC
15c Laces to close out H r
only. . . . .............. I C
One lot Laces, the yard, I p
only. ... . . . . . . ...... . . 1 1
5c to 8c Embroideries Jl'rt
to close, the yard . . ; ,JL
10d; to 15c Embroideries A p
now priced at'. . . ..... . . TTv
50c H.& V. ChUdren's 1 A-,
Waists for . . . , . . .V. . .1 V v
Bunches of B eau tiful
Trimmings . . .
$3.50 Men's Sweat- A
er Coats . ..... . 11
$5.00 Men's Sweat- tf 1 ' C O
er Coats .tDl.UO
$1.00 Men's Shirts for
only . ... ....
$1.50 Men's Union
Suits for ......... . .
$1-$1.50 Men's Wool
Underwear at . . .
$1 ; Ladies' Flannel Un
derwear at .........
$3.50-$5.00Udies' flj C A
White Petticoats . . .D I iU
$2 Ladies' White and
Black Petticoats . . . . ,
$1.50 Men's Flannel
Shirts at . . . ....... . i
$2.00 and $2.50 Men's QOJ.
Corduroy Shirts . . . . . yOv
50c Men's Underwear
to close out at . . . . . . . .
$2.00 Cooper's Under- Ar
wear to close at . . . ; . . . I 7
$2.00 and $3.00 Flan- fQr
nel OvershirU at. . . . . . "O V
Men's Up-to-Date Collars,
all sizes ..... .....
50c Silk Ties to dose H
out at .............. 1 I C
25c Silk Ties to dose f A p
out at 1 'IV
50c Cuff Buttons, per 1 r
pair...:. .
25c Tie. Holders pricecl 1 flr
at only . ..... . . W, . . 1 U
$1.50 and $2.00 Men's iCQ ,
Hats for .......... .".UOC
$2.50 Men's HaU now A7
for only ........... . .7 I C
$5 and $6 .LaSes' MIA
Waists at ........ VLAy
$10 to $25 WaUts
$3.50 Waists on sale at
$2.00 WaisU ori sale at CQn
only 05
15c and 25c Ladies' Vests p
to dose at- . . . ... . . " . A)
15c and 25c Ladies' Hose O 2
to close at ........... . . OL
15c Children's Hose now Cp
priced at only ... . . . ; .. U v
20c Black Fine Combs on O ,
sale at only . .......... . OC
10c Large Cube Toilet lp
Pins 1st only . T:L
15c Ladies' Embroidered Pr
Collars for .,0W
75c Child's - Overshoes O (l r
to dose at ........... mj
$1.25 Boys'- Overshoes A W
on sale at only .. .... .,07V
$1.50 Ladies' Over- fZQr
shoes at ;i;...v.rV...vPV
50c Ladies' Knit Under- 1 Ar
wear only . . . . . . ..... 1 .W
50c and 75c Ladles' 1Qr
Hose at 10C
$1.50 Ladies' Worsted CO
Underwear .........OO
5c and 6c Ribbons to be n
dosed out at ........... hr
10c Ribbons to dose out Cn
at only .... .T. , .T.V ;
15c and 25c Ribbons to Q rt
dose cut at only ....... O.
50c Wool Dress Goods 1
priced at only ........ 1
$1 Wool Dress Goods J Jp
priced at only; ....... . OOV
$1.50 Wool Dress AQn
Goods at ,7t
15c to 25c Lawn Dress Cp
Goods at ............. ..U
50c Jap Silk priced at Jq
75c Pure Wool Flannel 1 A
to dose at ........... O I V
8c Linings now priced )r
at only ..........
10c and 15c Doilies now
on sale at .T77T. ...... .0
Glassware, 10c to 25c'
pieces at ....... . . . .... O
lScto 25c Infants Pan- Hp
tees at
15c White Lawns to close Hp
at only I v
35c-50c Ladies' Muslin Op
Drawers at 10
L. Scheie
Del. r.!:rrl:c
..... pl v f l I n ' '
4si A "
, , . ......
I I I f I I ; I I 1 J . dS
IX v.i r 1 v