The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 21, 1912, Page 19, Image 19

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( J c'" n, L .
I'M ,v '.V.V
Mr. Ptnfeather "Football's a mac
flner game than baseball, don't 70a
think!" ...
. Mr. GroucBmore 'Wept Much liner.
Hamofcm"oblt wanta kl. .on to ' rs. rinaar--Wusi is your nuNm
SunDlfaee "Ccme on, old mans drop t nickel la tar
and help out this charity." - ,
Fllntskjnner "No; that thlnf'a.out of order. I dropped
a nickel In the slot and didn't eren get a atlck of rum."
"They say a treat am41aa asMsaa
naa a good singing YOloa."
"Tba&ka, aid man. I kaw n lot
much of(ja singer." -
Un Annn'anl-."TTrat Hnm. WW . ,. nnAnfl -' . In VI. ' 80 CXCltCd aBOUt OTCT D4H tTOlM"
Didn't you lay If X gtv you a aquara meal you'd workTH
r.!l . - lltt. A A t a . a
Saunter!nfsara "Well, didn't I work you, ladyT"
want mlna to follow In mr-auto trie;
la r t year's good resolut'.ona and fonnd
The season Is so short.
Pill . 'iTi
4V ay Q Til il
News of Tuesday Briefly Paragraphed
Breezy Notes of Yesterday's Happenings Gleaned from the Morning
. Papers for Journal Readers.
Tha IJemocratlo chemical tariff reAi
Vision bill haa been agreed to without
change In the house. Nq amendments
wera put Into the bill, although tho Re
publicans offered many and received
Borne Democratic support, '
Ablll haa been Introduced In -the
house providing thai , homesteaders on
government Irrigation projects shall re
ceive patents after five years' residence
and compliance with the nomeatead
law, their unpaid water charges to be
a Hen "against the land until fully met.
- Pmoeratle-membersof "the bouse
committee On postoffices and postroads
have agreed to Incorporate In the appro
priation bill provisions for a . general
parcels nost
f - -Secretary MaeVeagh has sent to cor
gress an estimate of the postmaster-
minn AAA ' - XI.. I I
BciitriTU vi fiuu,uuu 4ur opemunj 1119
postal savings , banks during the next
fiscal year, in addition to the unex
pended' $500,000 (appropriated last year.
. Speaker Clark 1ms, become In teres td
in the Borah-Jones three year home-
stead bill and has given his promise to
us his best efforts to have 'it favor
ably reported-, by the public lands com
mittee and passed by the house.
Lewis Nixon, New Tork shipbuilder,
appeared, before the house commlttel
on merchant marine and fisheries and
opposed bills that would admit free to
American registry foreign built ship
owned by American citizens.' . - r
un esaiuraay me ways ana means
committee will suggest, taking the duty
off sugar and putting it on silk stock--ingB
end other Imported clothing.
Sugar on the free list would keep $60.
000.000 a year out of the treasury un-
1bs other provisions --are made far
raising revenue. r--The
rules committee has agreed .that
the house shall take up for discussion
Saturday the PuJo money trust investi
gation report. ;;
, At the Everglades lnnd . hearing,
Wright, Florida drainage engineer, t"s-
, tilted that he brought, the charges of
financial irregularities against . sgrl-
'" cultural department officials as a mat
ter of" self protection. -
The majority and minority reports on
the Stephenson election were under con-
". sideratlon, by the -senate Tuesday, but
no action was taken.:
- ..Senator Lodge gave notice that he
wouia speak on tne arbitration treaties
on (February 29,
. Hiram C. Gill, elected mayor of Se
attle two years ago and removed by the
recall In less than a ytar, was renomi
nated for that position at the primaries
Tuesday. His vote is so large that Poli
ticians believe there is small chance of
defeating him n the final election on
March 6. 1
To Mrs. Abble E, Krfsbs. president
of 'the. Caspar Lumber company, one
of' the most widely known society lead
ers and clubwomen of San Francisco,
goes the honor of organizing the first
women's Taft club In California, and,
so ; far as is known, in the United
States. ' -
-.. Mahlon D. Pitney, named for the su
preme court of the United Stages by
President Taft, has taken notice of op
position to his confirmation by the sen
ate that has come from a labor organi
sation In the west He says he is no
enemy of labor, and the decision- to
which the labor men object was made by
Ms father, who was vice chancellor of
New Jersey in 1893.
Three South Dakota cities, Madison,
Xead and Belle Fourche, adopted the
commission 'iorm of government at eleo.
tlons held Tuesday.
In, an address to the Kentucky legis
lature Tuesday, Governor Harmon of
Ohio warned all publlo office holders to
analyse, their own records and see how
far they were responsible for the un
rest that was leading to a demand for
Innovations in' government generally. He
said It ought not to cost a billion dol
lars a year, or over , $11 for each man,
wemanyahd child in ;:- the country to
malntamsh federal government with
its limited functions, vWe need reforms,
- and any' reduction of, the tariff taxes,
with care and economy in public expen-
: K 1 .' L '.'J, J .. ' . .. . ' ,'
are quickly relieved , by antppplicatiorrof
.. Sloan's Liniment. It's very penetrating, goes
straight to the sore spot.
Miss Manthkt, 4229 Talman
Ave., .Chicago, 111., writes: "About
-two years agotuy mother broke down
with rheumatism. The doctors didn't
do any good. My mother was per
suaded to try Sloan's Liniment, and
in three weeks was entirely well
and I believe she is cured forever." -
Mrs. A.Wiidkaw, of 403 E. Thomp
son St.. Maryrille, Mo., writes: "The
nerve la my leg was destroyed five
years afro, and left me with a jerking
ai mguf so mat 1-coma not sleep.
A friend told me to try your liniment
and now I could not do without it
I find titer Its use I can go to sleep."
w 9
' is an excellent remedy for . sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma,
MuraJgiaf JumbagOriam muscles nd atiff joints.
', AtallcleaUn. Price 25c, SOc. and $1.00. .
ditures, Is a ready means to secure
The firm of J. P, Morgan & Co. will
soon begin work on a new skyscraper
office building to replace their present
headquarters at the corner of Wall
street and Nassau street New Tork.
The new building will be 83 by 11 S feet
and will be erected on the most valuable
piece of ground in the world. Jts, mar
ket value is HQ00 a square foot, or IV for the plot
Just as a birthday celebration In jier
honor was about to begin, Mfs. James
Fraser, 101 years old, widow of a Pres
byterian minister and relative of; vil
liam it Seward, secretary of state un
der Xincoln, died at Jher notna in. Brook
lyn, N. Y., Tuesday night v -;-
Eight persons are dead and about SO
Injured as the result of a tornado which
swept through the western outskirts of
Shreveport, La,, Tuesday. -
Earl , Sandt. a lyoutbf ui; aviator. .' the
first blrdman to fly over the Great
Lakes from the United States to Can
ada, came to grief 10 miles out on Lake
Erie from Northeast, Pa,, Tuesday
night, when attempting a return flight
to the American shore. While high in
the air and 20 miles west of his course,
the engine of his biplane stopped.
Suddenly the machine overturned and
he was buried unconscious in the wreck
age on the ice. lie was'badly injured,
lurtllt ticcvr;f!lv'' ' ... .
Mrs. Sarah Keene, the "mystery lady"
of the Philadelphia hospital, is dead, of
old age after 61 years Spent in that
Institution. She was taken to the hos
pital in 1861, suffering, from smallpe.
She was cured, but while oonvaJeseent
lost her memory and had demained .in
tho hospital ever since. No one knew
who she was or where she came from.-
Thc will of the late Richard T. Crane
was admitted to probate at Chicago
Tuesday. A joint bond of $18,860,000
was filed by Richard T Crane Jf and
Charles R'- Crane, 1 sons of the iron
master and executors tinder the will,
- The demands for a general increase In
wages of 16 per, cent which the, deler
gates representing ; 2000 station agents
and ticket agents have formulated , at
the biennial convention of the Order of
Railway Station Agents, now in session
at New York, will be presented April 1,
The Harvard club of Boston is to
have a new home which will make It
one of the. most - Commbdlously quar
tered organizations of Its kind In the
country. Land and buildings are to eost
about $600,000.
racific Coast
LUlla Mathews, 30 years old, a school
teacher, was attacked on the San Fran
cisco waterfront by half a, dosen men,
carried to a vacant house and suffered
many Indignities. -She was rescued un
conscious by the ponce and two members
of the gang were arrested.
Varieties of grain and forage crops
from all over the United States are be
ing obtained by the O. A. C. experiment
station for testing en the Harney coun
ty experimental farm this year . ,.I
Guy Rosencrans has been ordered to
report before the United States court In
Taeoma to answer a charge of having
padded the census returns from Aber
deen, where he was one of the enumera
tors. Jesse L, Havens, of Hoquiam, haa
received a similar notice, the trial being
set for March 6. ;
The rooming house belonging to Mrs!
Mary Kamm at Nehalem has been totally
destroyed by fire. It is a serious loss
to the owner, as it Is one of the finest
residences In the town and had just been
fitted up for the summer travel.
Attorneys representing ; 85 railroads
agreed before the state- railroad com
mission at San Francisco Tuesday to
meet the demand of shippers for the
Issuance of "clean bills of lading." Here
tofore the railroads here refused to be
accountable ,for shortages In freight
where the "carriers - agents T had not
checked personally the goods to be
shipped. . .
Caesar Latillade, age 88, one of the
heirs to property valued at nearly
T S ft
By A
mi " " m"m,JC..nrir2!"mm1 -, '- A "
Political Movement May Com
bine County- Against '
County Seat.
(Special te T Joernal.)
Springfield. Or., Feb. 21.That a
move to ."knock out the'Eugene crowd"
In the coming election Is crystallising
became known T here-yesterday when In
formation leaked out of a meeting held
Monday evening) attended by a number
of Springfield, men, With representatives
from near Cottage Grove, from Lowell,
Fall Creek and from up -tha-McKensie
valley.' '- . -; . '-t. ,--
.' "A square deal for all parts of Lane
county1' is the way some of tha leadetfe
put it ho aver that county offices
for years have been going, for the
greater part tff residents of Eugene; and
that . the public ' Improvements are
massed about the county seat to 'the
detriment of the rest of the county. Now
the smaller towns and the country dis
tricts propose to have an Inning. -
Residents of. the Jasper-Lowell neigh
borhood are ''especially put out at the
county court on Aceownt of the manner
In which the Utah Construction com
pany has been allowed to construct
road. to tako.the place of the ono . de
stroyed in the building of the Natron
$2,000,000, Is one of Santa Barbara's vic
tims of leap year proposals. Latillade
was a bachelor arid often remarked that
Cupid would, never eTianare . him. but
Miss Tassle Ruiz, a beautiful young
woman of 26 years, has Induced him to
marry her,:"., . . :',
With the arrival at San, Diego of the
United States revenue cotter Bear, the
customs officials who have been fight
ing, for months to put an end to the
operations . of the Chinese smugglers,
believe they will succeed. It Is estl
majjfd that "'20O' Chinese contrabands
have been tak&r" from Ensenada in
launches bound for the United States
within the past six week's.
The department of commerce and la
bor has ordered the deportation of thS
following- aliens held at the joints
Lte Bruene, Fort Ctellao'oomW, J. Bren-
oeu. vvana waua, wash. v -
watson Scranton, convicted last No
vember of participating in the attack
made trjon MlSS Marv Churnhprlnln a
school teacher, has been "released on
paroie irom the county jail at Lincoln
Center, Kan. Judge Grover, who aen
tenoed Scranton. announced th iufaIo
was given because his family waa in
want, miss unamoeriain, a school teach
er, was lured to a lonely spot and her
body coated with tar. ,
IRpeclnl to The JonrnnH '
Dallas. Or..: Feb. 21. Following p.
port that the morning and evening
trains or me southern Paclflo runntnt
between Dallas and Portland were Et6
be eliminated, the Dallas Commroir
club has taken action and will Investi
gate tne truth of the report A tele
gram was received from Superintendent
Campbell sarin the Southern Pnrtftn
officials would be glad to meet repre
sentatives or tn commercial club to
day. .
, In addition to nrntoattnr
Lchange In train service, the Commercial
vyo wm aemana a new depot; that the
Weight grounds be filled in, and also
that the running time between here and
r oriiana ds reduced. These demands
wilt-be- based on promises made annu
ally for five years, and if th rAmit
are not granted the propositions will he
taaen up witn the State railroad com
mission, About 40 members of the Dal
las Commercial club and Dallas business
men win go to Portland to meet the
railroad men.
. - ' (Stiecial to. Tha JournaLl ' - -
Falls City. Or., Feb. 21. Oakhurst
school district No. 60, located one mile
south or Falls City, has become the fifth
standard school of Polk county This
system has been in vogue for about
four months. Spring Valley was the
first school to ouaUfyr and since then
four others have received the necessary
points. This system has proved very
successful in, promoting attendance, dis
cipline, application and the appearance
of the grounds and the interior of the
school building: Mrs. J. D. -Meyer, is
teacher of the school, She has taught
a nuwber of years In this county. Her
brother, W. C. Bryant, Is the county
school superintendent of Sherman coun
ty, and a member of the State board of
normal regents.
iSwolal to The Jnornal.)
Huntington. Or., Feb, 21. Hunting-'
ton Tuesday had a ' Special election to
lvote $10,900 bonds for the purpose of
Duuaing a cuy nail. Tne oond issue
carried by. a vote -of 87 to 7. . t Is
planned to have the revenues of the city
meet the issue of the bonds as - they
come aua v ., r- .
ManjrAttend Reception. .
,. i.... mnlted Press toaand Wlr. -
Washington. Feb. 21. More than 1500
army, and navy "reception at the White
House last night The reception was
the last Of four White House functions
which punctuate a Washington" social
, (8pcil to T1 Joorntl)
Marshfield. Or., Feb. 21. The contest
of the election of Mayor E. E. Straw of
Marshfield may be a long time being
decided. . The contest was started by
K. A. Copple, who was defeated by but
eight yotes. Robert Marsden and D. L.
Rood, who claim . to represent others
who voted for Straw, have filed with
Judge Coke In the circuit court a peti
tion to intervene. They allege they
want to appeal the case to the supreme
court on the ground that the service In
the case was not legal and that the
circuit court has no right to hear the
case under the charter of Marshfield,
which it is alleged says that only the
city council has the right to Judge of
the qualifications Cf city officials. .
(Hoeclal to The Journal. I
Eugene, Or., Feb, 21. In atf for the
third time on the charge of violating
the local option law, Joseph Jacobs, a
local Junk dealer and keeper of 'a' sec-ond-hsnd
store, is unable to furnish a
$600 bond which Judge Bryson, of the
justice- court, placed him under after
he. was arrested yesterday. Jacobs, af
ter he was released from the county Jail
after serving his last sentence, faith
Jully promised that he would never
again - sell .liquor- while the local option
inn wrb lu ciLtivb,
Eugene Will Not Celebrate,
(RpMal to The Journal. V'
.Eugene, Or., Feb. 21. Engene merchants-
have decided to not hold a
Fourth of July celebration this year,
and"glve the amaller communities of
Lane county a chance to celebrate the
natal day. The Merchants' association
has decided to hold a carnival during
the summer and a committee will be
appointed at the next meeting to arrange
for a suitable data.-
(TTnltrA Freaa Leaaed Wire.)
Everett, Wash., Feb. 21. A masked
robber entered 'the home of Silas Stout
last night and held up; Laura Stout,
17 years old. with a gun. After Intlm-
tdatinr her h.e took from his pocket' a
piece of rope and tied her securely to
door knob. Then ne ransacaea me
house of money and Jewels and disap
peared. For two hdurs the girl was
heldr prisoner, and then her cries were
heard by neighbors and , she was re
leased. . ; ' .-..;. ',.
(Special to The Journal.)
tAniiBtnnOr.. Feb. 21. Hugh Me
dal n, a pioneer farmer of Umatilla
county, died this morning, death being
due to cancer of the stomach. He had
owned and operated a big ranch near
Athena since early days until recently
.v. h aniA rati and invested In Port
land real estate. The body will be bur
led at Weston tomorrow. . .
' 7 (Cnltefl Preat Leaad WlreJ ITnh, 21 C hail ST TaO Wen
held a government post under the old t Kinc Po. The reoubllcans
dismissed him from It and he resolved
to drown himself. Chang cnangea I&
"Mex" Into cash, very small coins, had
v,.m AniivprAd in . wheelbarrow, swal
lowed about $2 worth and Jumped Into
the river. His body has not Deen re
covered. 2j.-L-i '
Proclaim Good Roads Day.
- 8peMl to The Journal.)
Olvmrla. Wash., Feb, 21. In response
to the demand of the state convention
of the Women's Good Roads assocla.
tlon, Governor Hay has named Tuesday,
Anrll 12, as "Good Koaas Day." Tne qay
Is to be "observed throughout the state
by actual work on public highways, the
organization or local gooa roaas socle
ties, and In any other manner that may
serve to arouse to action the spirit of
progress and improvement."
T An Aid fo Spotlew Bath Tub "
It is easy to keep the bathtub clean
and bright, when you know how. A
Bolution of Gold Dust washing pow
der and warm water will quickly re
v move every particle of dirt If any
rough places or dark spots appear,
these can be easily removed by
sprinkling a little Gold Dust washing
powder on a cloth and tubbing
briskly. The water basin and water
closet can be kept perfectly, bright
If thoroughly .cleansed with Gold
. Dust once, a week. Gold Dust not
only . cleanses but sterilizes every-r
thing with which it comei la" contact
Glass before Breakfast
tones up the stomach, clears
the head and does you good.
Qnlckly Believes
i - w t m
0. A. C. CAfH FILL
Has to Send to Middle West
for Men to Run -Eastern
Oregon Farms.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvai-
Us, Or., Feb. 21. "The Increasing de
mand for men of . expert training . (n
agronomy In Oregon is indicated by the
fact that the Oregon Agricultural col
lege Is now being asked to supply men
for six different positions on irrigated
and dry farming tracts In central and
eastern -Oregon at salaries from 11000
to $2500 a year, with exceptional oppor
tunity : for; Investigations -and - for- ad
vancement, '".;' -
''It will be necessary to write to some
five or six ' different states-Colorado,
Nebraska, Kansas, Utah, and Montana
In search of suitable men to fill roost
of these positions, as every student who
has 'graduated or specialised In agron
omy at the college Is already engaged In
Work from which they can not be part
ed," said Professor H. D. Schudder, head
of the agronomy department. "Although
it is only in the last few years that
the demand for agronomists has devel
oped in Oregon, the call for them all
over tha United States at largebaii al
ways been heavy. Nearly -100 positions
in all different phases of agronomy are
brought to the attention of my office
each year, but the number of students
trained in this line is so small that but
few of the positions can be filled from
here." -- "'
, ' (Special to The Journal.)
Pendleton, Or., Feb. 21. The weather
turned cooler last night and A snow feflV
Farmers and fruit raisers In' particular
welcome the change as )t will keep back
the buds for a few weeks. N
Mrs. Leeds Wins Necklace Que.
rnltiS Prwia Leaacd Wlrt.t
Washington, Feb. 21. In accordance
witht a supreme court decision the
treasury department today, is,, prepared
to surrender the $111,000, excess duties
collected on a 1220.000 nearl necklace
belonging to Mrs. William B. Leeds of
New York.
Catarrh Ended
" , , .-.,;':'.. . ''-..'..' . . ';
Money Returnee. If Hyomei
Uocsn t banish Catarrh.
Get rid of catarrh atari nftvmin
It without pouring into your stomach a
vile and. unpalatable nostrum. HYOMEI
(pronounce It HIgh-o-me) cures catarrh
In nose or throat, and does it by such a
simple and cleanant mftthnil that thnn.
sands who have been cured are glad to
recommend it - -- - -----
Just breathe Hyomei, and its soothing,
medicated and antiseptic properties will
come in direct contact with tii infiomoH
parto; stop the discharge, drive out the
BnfftHM. r 4 1,.nt 11.. 1 l
w....0o win uai vuv iiioiimraue.
Hyomei is made of Euoalirntua com.
blned with other antiseptics. Breathed
through the Inhaler It destroys the per
sistent catarrh germ, - -r-e
A complete Hyomei outfit including
Inhaler, bottle of Hyomei and simple in
structions tor use, only eosts Jl.OO. Sin
gle bottle of Hyomei costs but 60 cents
at druggists everywhere. For catarrh,
coughs, colds, sore throat or catarrhal
deafness it will give satisfaction or
money hack.
-J "
Curing Catarrh
Accept Our- Advice and Try
1 his Remedy at Our Risk.; .
Catarrh Is a disease of the mucous
membrane. , The mucous membrane is,
one may say, the interior lining of the
body. Catarrh therefore may exist in
anjwpart of the system.
When the catarrhal poison attacks the
mucous membrane, inflammation ,and
congestion are produced and nature fails
to throw off the accumulated poisons
The organ which has been afflicted
ceases to perform Us proper function
as "nature intended it should. The re
sult is, complication upon complication,
which may lead to other 'even more se
rious afflictions. : V...--.L.A-
We honestly believe Rexall Mueu-
Tone will do wonders toward overcom
ing catarrh. It is made from the pre
scription of an -eminent physician who
made a long study of catarrh, and his
great success with this remedy was an
enviable one. . . , .- '
We want you if you are : Iufferer
from catarrh In any form, to give Rex
all Mucu-Tone a thorough trial. Use
It, With regularity and persistency for
a. reasonable time, then if you are not
satisfied, come back and tell us, and
without question or formality we will
hand back, to-you every cent you paid
us. This 'is certainly the fairest offer
that any one could make and should at
in two slsds, prices 60 cents,5and $1.00.
Sold only by The Owl Drug Co. Stores In
Portland, Seattle, Spokane, San Fran
cisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacra
mento. ' .- -I ' :--- 1
iL nV
(United Prats Lean Wire.)
Tacoma. 4 Wash., Feb. 2 L Beginning
with three sessions today, the Paclflo
Northwest Immigration oongress has
opened here. . Scores of delegates ar
rived last night and this morning,
prominent among them being Dana
Bartlett. Los Angeles' "most useful cltl
sen,M and J. K. Sprunger, state attorney
of the California T. M. C. A. "What
can we do for you heref InsteadTf
"Where in tho old -world did you come
fromT" emphasises the object of the
addresses, as well as how best the Im
migrant and his children can be cared
for. Two sessions will be held tomor
row night and the delegates will be ban
queted by the local enthusiasts.
Governor West of Oregon and Judge
C It Carey, H, W. Stone and d.. O.
Lively of Portland are oil the program
for addresses..
(Sperlat to The Journal.)
... Centralis, Wash., Feb. 21. As a re
sult of a quarrel started early in the
evening. Pete Ross, an employe of the
stone quarry In Tenlno, was probably
fatally wounded by Tony Pastoreu. a
fellow workman, -the shooting taking
place on the principal corner pf Tenlno
at midnight ' last' night. Ross wss hur
ried to the Centralis hospital, where It
was reported this morning that ha has
a chance of recovery. Pastors was taken
to Olympla and placed In jail. Both
men are single. They came to Tenlno
from Seattle Sunday.
- Damaged Pianos.
, Carload just received, all more or less
damaged. These muBt be closed out at
once. Don't fail lo call and- see them
befoTe buying prices and terms to suit
you. ' -
Washington.", . ,
Crowds attend Oaks rink these days.
Local Druggists Kept Busy All
week No Suiferer of Stomach,
Kidney or Bladder Trouble or
Rheumatism. Should Leave the
Simple Mixture" Untried. -
That the readers of the paper appre
ciate advice when given, in good faith
is plainly demonstrated by the fact that
one local pharmacy supplied the ingred
ients for the "J. B. IL Prescription,
many times within the past two weeks.
The announcement of this simple, harm
less mixture has certainly accomplished
much in reducing the great many cases
of dyspepsia, kidney complaint and rheu
matism here, relieving pain and misery,
especially among the older population,
who are always suffering more or less
with stomach, bladder and . urinary
trouble, backache, and principally rheu
matism. -' ..'
Another well known druggist asked
us to continue the announcement of the
prescription. It is doing so much real
good here, he continued, that It would
bo a crime not to do so. It cannot be
repeated too often,, and further states,
many ases of remarkable cures
wrought. , ;-
The following Is the prescription of
simple Ingredients, making a harmless,
Inexpensive compound Which any person
can prepare by shaking well in a bottle:
Fluid totra Juniper Berries, one ounce;
Compound Fluid Balmwort. one ounce;
compound Syrup . of Hypophosphltes,
four ounces. Any first class drug store
will sell his small amount of each Ingredient,-and
the dose for adults is one
tenspoonful to be taken before each
meal and again at bed time. There is
enough here to last -for over a week If
taken according to directions. Good
results will be apparent from the first
few doses. , y -, f ' -
, is the force that keeps
the nrver well poised
and controls firm, strong
Men and women who
do the world's work can
avoid Brain-fag and
guard thejr health by feed
ing brain and body with
Under New Washington Law
About Half of the Claims
Are Disallowed.
Olympia, -Wash, Feb. IX A total of
1700 accidents have been acted upon
by the state employers liability com
mission during the four month the law .
has been operative. Of these) claims
the commission, has allowed 1B00 and
thrown out or disallowed 1200. TJie
claims ranged all the way from death
of employes to the loss of a finger or
toe. and the subsequent layoff of a few
days from work on the part of the In
jured. When the commission first be
gan to consider claims for damages
there waa an average of B00 applica
tions for remuneration for Injuries sub-'
mltted a month. Tha commission, real
izing that tbe working force would soon
be swamped with consideration of triv
ial claims, adopted a ruling that no
claim would be considered In which a
workman had lost less than S per cent
of a month's time. ;'--:.w
The employing firms have paid into
the liability fund a total of $428,057, out
of u which' there remains a balance of
$S70,72a to carry the commission
through ..until the .peit, assessment Ja
paid. The number of employing firms
listed Is 4540, which represents jl total
of 100,000 employes who oome under the
state's protection.
For Ironing laces and other dainty
fabrics there has been Invented a highly
polished steel roller, heated from within
by electricity taken from a lamp socket. '
the value of good looks of a fine com '
plexlon, a akin frw frtnr blemishes
bright eyes and a cheerful demeanor.
Many of themknow, also, what it means -to
be ree from; headaches, backaches,
lassitude and extreme nervousness,
because many hare learned the value of
as the most reliable aid to better phys
ical condition, Beecham'a Pills have
an unequaled reputation because they
act so mildly, but so certainly and so
beneficially. By clearing the system, ,
regulating the bowels and liver,, they
tone the stomach and improve the
digestion. Better feellng better looks,
better spirits follow the use of Beech,
am's Pills so noted the world over
For Their
Good Meets
",. , Sold evenrwliare, 10e SSs. '".
Womea especially shoald read the directions
. wlta everf box.
Soap and Ointment
Do so much lot pimples,
blackheads, red, rough
hands, and dry, thin and
falling hair, and cost so
little that it is almo t
-criminal not to tr e tht i v. .
Ootleara Sob sad (mutmtmt ' t ik . !
: world.- LIlMnl !'! of r - ii " ,
. book. Alr- (-'. .... -.. '
,'- e!S Ti.ii i i i 1 1' in -.'
' oats So .' " -;..!.'