The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 21, 1912, Page 17, Image 17

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W.I.N 1 1
uxitiixi ::;:i j.. ;:;:.
Apartment House Special
'57fooms($lOOO Cash.
T.riok Mus., mudern in every resist,
fine west si'le location, cU-arlng
mouth, elesrantly furnished throughout,
every apartment occupied by permanent
tenants; 'this is a chance of a lifetime
to get a first class apartment house, at
lens than Invoice and for only $100ti
cash; balance monthly payments, might
take part trade In clear city property;
handled exclusively hy
170 6th St.. opposite P. O.
13 ROOMS, near White Temple: Income
1130; rent $"0; nuf ted. $&50; terms.
BOS Yeon bldg. -
15 ROOMS housekeeping, all full, close
In, west Bide, cheap; term or part
trade. Owner, Phone A-5751.
MINING and Industrial stocks and
bonds bought and- sold. -"
O. H. McClelland, 208 Railway E.
600 Automatic Call
R-S45, Journal.
at 25o per snare.
$75,080 CASH.
Advertiser has above amount to ln
est In roonerntlve lnundrv. drv cleaning
and linen plants. Want to get In touch
with 25 drivers, 5 inside, department
heads, who wish to take stock. - Will In
corporate for $160,000; half stock will
be available for employes on easy terms.
Give Information In detail In first letter,
present employment and your ability.
Assist in building the largest Wundry
on coast. Don't answer unless you mean
business. Strictly confidential. P-840,
Journal. : ' - ' ' 1 " - .'-
UOOJJ conrectionery ana tea wro
locatea in main saJe"
Roseburg, Or. Everything - modern;
manufacturing . nlant connected with
store- to make candles and Ice cream,
with full equipment. Store clears $200
month. Pilce $2700; worth more. Will
consider property In Portland as part
payment.- K.-34 1, journal,
HERE Is an opportunity of a lifetime.
to invest in a good wooaworiung iac
tory and get- security for your money
with the privilege of Its return In one
year If not satisf led, with t per cent In
terest. Investigate this at once and be
convinced. 8-842, Journal.
; Grocery for Sale
.At good a small business as ther Is
In Portland, doing $2000 cash each
..--month; will take from $2000 to $2600 to
handle this. Call Columbia 364, after C
. p. m.
STOCK of groceries and orockery, been
In business over 80 years. In good
town of 8000, close to Portland,. will Bell
at Invoice, doing $25,000- business;
rent $30 a month, with lease; good rea
sons for selling; - take $5000 to handle
this. - M-19, journal.
RESTAURANT in heart of city, cheap
rent. lease; clears $5 a day now, $10
In summer months; owner going east
Price $450; tfo agents. Call between 10
and 11, or 2 and 6. 404 Buchanairtrtdg.,
286K Washington.
American StumD Puller
J-lgturao-- puller now- on -4Cxhlblifroa-to-
interested parties close in. iu at iv
Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE-Bpardlng and lodging house
business, centrally located. 2 rooms.
20 to 80 regular boarders. Modern con
veniences, steam heat Van Dusen &
Co., Astoria. Pr.
" EUGENE. Oregon, city of destiny, com.
lng railroad, .manufacturing and Job
bing center of western Oregon; place
for- investors. Write Will G. Gllstrap,
Eugene. Ore. " .
l'OK SALE 10 acres of land, residence,
barn. 2'story new 'store building, fix
ture and entire stock general merchan
dise. "AddreM TV; S. Grlbble, Mt Hood,
Or. . - ,
FOR SALE Light woodworking plant
2500, square feet floor space; estab
lished trade. . Special line. One acre
ground. 4 room house. Price $3650.
Tabor 629. .'
5NE of the best new and second hand
stock of furniture In city, best lonn
tton, fine business; must eell. K-869,
Journal. V'v :"!" , ' '
FO'R SALE At Invoice, about $2000
",totk hardware, paint; crockery, wall
paper, rent $25. business 1911 $9000;
cash only; no trade. 119 Russell.
HAVE well established retail store,
furnishings of all descrinUons in
Portland for trade and cash. Main
4977. -. ' ' ' -.-
-500 Business Cards, $1
"Rose City Printery; -192 V, Third Street
A REAL BARGAIN. The War Is. on
BARGAIN Fiee confectionery store
doinR good bUMness; cigars and to
arco: Invoice $1000; a bargain for $260.
f.V&4 N. 6th st. ' .
I'M the city, dandy location for a .white
-wan with ft good stock of good; brick
building, low rent L. M. Davis. Phone
Fast 1074. - -' - -
WANTED. Partner with $15,000 or
more to manage business. Must be
tTrtirouRh business man. Unusual, buel-"li?-
opportunity. .L-34& Journal.
BAKERY for sale, good location, doing
a good business. Vrite owner. A, JU
Frum, Cobnrg. Or. -;
500 Good Business Cards $1
Ml Buchanan bldg., 286 H Washington.
PARTNER wanted for restaurant In
good location; must understand the
business 81000. N-843, Journal.
FOR SALE Restaurant, open day and
night, : long lease; never changed
hands, $2000. N-340, Journal. ,
FARTNER for pop corn wagon good
paying proposition. MICHAEL, 202
Commercial club.
WANTED A paying business; state
kind if location, price, or no attention
will be paid. 611 E 54th Bt.tN.
FOR Bale or rent; sawmill, planer, log-glng-engine
and timber; By owner,
Jake Hergert, Cornelius, Or.
GOING in the country
will sell my lit
cheap for cash.
tie restaurant
102 6th st. N.
FOR SALE A well paying poolroom
and" confectionery at a sacrifice price.
tn st,
FOR SALE Saloon, and 10 rooms cbpap,
if taken Boon. See owner, 876 N, 16th
at, after 11 a. m,
BARBER shop, bath rooms, lease, doing
good business, for sale, 206 Madison.
FINE location for good attorney Write
. Hotel Mitchell, Joseph. Or,
SAWMlLL. 10,000 capacity, HWoi
terms. Hugh Mb gee, Scotts Mills, Or.
Stock Salesmen .
To a clean cut stock salesman, who can
meet the right people, we can offer a hlsh
class proposition, fast money-makjor,
and good talking points in the establish
ment of a new Industry on this coast
but which has made its millions In the
east It will pay you to connect wltl
us. D-349, Journal. "
WANTED For tne United States army,
able bodied unmarried men between
ages of 19 and 85, ,citiens of United
Ptates of good character and temperate
licbits, who can speak, read and write
the English language. For Information
apply to recruiting officer, Worcester
bldg., 8d and Onk fits.. Portland, Or.
ON SALARY and oommisbion; must
have had experience in Industrial-In.
suranco or collector and deliverer for a
book house. Give arei last position as
. reference and telephone number. P; O.
box 28, cl4yv , -. , -
VIOLIN, mandolin nd. 'piano teachers
for steady, remunerative position;
Mate gfr; experience:, instruments vou
.tepch, address and phene numbef Bal
liry expected P. O. bdx 2076. '
VVANTED- At pnee, ,2 men to learn to
drive and repair'automoblles. Call at
Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne.
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Calli
fornla Wine Depot, 286 Xamhlll, next
-g.o."rn.l ,k - ' .,
, CONTRACTORS to clear- land and ' log"
, camp, tools and supplies to right par
' ties. L-847, Journal. . .
FIRST class
solicitor f at Oxford
vvorKS. com. o per cent.
774 W'tl-
. WANTED Machine - operator.
Jf'hn Clark Saddlery Co.
WEAR a Kenshaw $2 hat; all styles.
tia su t vvasiuaKtun.
J. il. C A. EMrr.oy.vEXT DEFART-
Special employment membership, $5
per annum, guarantees member will se
cure employment or refund of member
ship lee; gives 2 months full member
ship privileges in the association and
undertaken to keep party em;oyed dur
ing the full term of membership with
out further charge.
We have constant demand for high
grade, experienced men. Are you fitted
for a better position?
See Secretary, Employment Depart
mect RECORD FOR TEAR 1911. .
Calls for men , .2291
Positions filled 1BS5
' Stock Salesmen
Men of ability, personality and
good appearance, for a hjigh grade
. financial proposition. A new,
cleaneut Portland company, that
will show dividend earnings that
will appeal to conservative in
vestors, 1
Frank M. Brown, Jnc,-
1020 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
To sell lots in Kenton, the official sub
division of the packing: house, and man
ufacturing district. Men. with energy
end ability as subdivision salesmen wilt
find it to their advantage to call as this
la property that will sell and Is at the
right price. Liberal contract. See the
salesman per, 8:80 to It.- '
620 Railway Exchange bldg. -
- . .TC8. AmrTJRIVEnS.
Young men. why not better your con
dition and learn the automobile busi
ness? - i
We train m?n for this wc'rk and as
sist them to positions after graduating,
Expert Instructions in each department.
To those Interested. we ask them to In
26H-S llth. Cor. Jefferson.
Men Take Noticel
Wo want men to learn auto driving
and repairing.. We supply :the help of
one of the leading taxtcab automobile
and transfer company In town, and are
in need of men who are of good habits,
we guarantee a position. No other auto
school can do thla Yoti work on good
machines that are In use dally. Office
o Railway Exchange. . y
WANTED Immediately, men and wom
T:.en -to learn the barber trade In e.ight
weeks at the ' International Barber
School. Special Inducements, -tools
free; percentage while learning; expert
Instructors, 15 years In the business;
lifetime scholarship given each stu
dent. Corner 3d and Couch sts., Port
land, Or. i . .
MEN and women to learn the barber
, trade in ! weeks. Special Inducements,
percentage earned while, learning. Tools
free, expert Instructors, 17 years in the
business. 87 schools. A life time schol
arship tven-oevery-iitudent Moler
Barber college. 15 N. 4th st. Portland,
We, havn a' fully eauinned shoo -and
re crowded with work. Call at once.
128 Fifth St. North.
TELEGRAPH' Snaklng of guaran-
. tees, i win give a umitea nnmner or
bona fide guarantees for positions to
desirable applicants and teach telegra
pny in a practical way. Myers, sj
Flanders St., Portland, Or.
SHORTHAND, bookkeeping, etc., day
and night classes; personal Instruc
tions; position guaranteed when com-
eieni. usu woroesior diock. waranan
75t. ; '. ,
To learn to opera temotlon pictures at
our fine equipped theatre. .Lessons rea
sonable. 526A Washington, pear 17th.
WANTED Immwltately: .men to learn
automoDiie driving and repairing, call
at 869 ITnlon ave... near Hawthorne, t
. . . r . - GIRLS. . . .
- Learn our buMnesa; Sanitary- Beauty
Parlors. 400-412 Vekum bldg.
UNCALLED for tailor made suits $10
up. Harvard Tailors. 32 3d. -
LADY representative wanted In every
locality, something new: every pur
chaser continual customer. Call or
write Hartwlck Mfg. Co.. 225 Worcester
Didg., Portland.
WANTED A-l lady stenographer with
experience and executive .ability;
should b familiar with land descrip
tions; gire references and experience;
state salary required. B-354, Journal.
A LADY of neat appearance, familiar
with soliciting or the selling line. This
is a salaried position and not 'commis
sion. 620 Railway Exchange bldg.,' 4th
and Stark.
WANTED Elderly lady, to assist with
nousework ror board and
room and
small wages. Call at
Kern Park sddltion.
7003 43d ave.,
GOOD ulrl who likes children for gen
eral housework.1 Innulre A'bor Lodge
Pharmacy, 1374 (STeeley. ! -
WANTED May Bay to apply
olic Women's League, 411
at Cath
Stearns bldg., 6th and Morrison.
Main 2451.
Woman to care for an old
couple; Swedish preferred
River St., C-1998.
Call 617
GIRL8 for bindery. Portland Printing
House Co., 10th and Taylor.
WANTED Performers for-, wild west
show, in all lines, with or without own
stock, who are looking for position with
small Bhow; prefer those who can
double; would like to hear from lady
riders; also wish to lot concession for
side show; state what you Van do and
lowest salary. Cooper Bros., 4S7 State
at.. Palem, Or. .
MEN and women agents, household
necessity; every housekeeper buys; 11
starts you. ' V. A. Turner, 475 Taylor.
r'; Cv R. Hansen & Co.
General Employment" Agencies
26 and 28 North 2d St., Portland, Op.
, Women's Dept. 7th and Wash, sts,
Help Furnished Free
San Francisco office 805 Howard st."
bpokane ornco zi Mernara st
, . Headquarters
for competent loggers, mlllmen, R. R
construction men, farm hands, and all
classes of skl'.led and unskilled labor.
Write, wire, phone or call at our ex
pense. MARSHALL 2271 A-7745.
A square deal to"empjoyer and employe.
rNo charge' to employer.
All classes 'of unskilled,, skilled; pro
fessional and clerical, male and female
help furnished on short notice.
No fees.
- Men's department 215 Id. cop. Salmon.
Women's department 246 Salmon st
Wfcln 85f6: A-6624.
Bennett's Emoloyment Agency
$4 N. ;2d.( M'll 864; A-l Ml-" Quick
service, reliable help to employer free.
Butts & Eldredge Emp, Co.
24 N. 2d St.
' ' Main 8205. A-1291. . "
WANTED- Workers for the Panama
Pacifio Club. . -Just ft little time, no
money, pas for h two.' wwKs" tffiTToT'
me rannma-racinc wxnosltlon.-southern
California and Salt Lake City. A few
vacancies now. Write at once to Sun
setThe Pacific Monthly.. Room' B44
Wells-Fafgo bldff., Poftland. Or. . -
WANTF.D Passmen to Sid s-irp'y
the bri:-k demand i'or our goods, fcome
vacant territory vet in every state west
of the. Mississippi, Cash weekly.
Pslem, Or.
WE need -a BttieMiian in eaen of sev
eral excellent fields to sell our splen
did nursery stock. A permanent place;
cash ws-pkly and a square firm back or
you. Write for particulars. Washington
is'urnefv Co., Toppenish. Wash.
VOL' CAN'T HELP but make money
selllng-our guaranteed-to-glve-satls-faction
stock; free outfit; cash week'.y;
exojuslve territory. Yakima Valley
Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Vaih.
WANTED By married man of good
habits, who has' had experience In
meat market, as meat cutter: would
like a place where I could work Inside
and act as delivery man part of time;
hustler; references. W-343, Journals
YOUNG chauffeur, shop experience.
good habits, wants position; would
like truck, or as helper on a' truck; will
work for smRll pay. V-349, Journal.
FRENCH cook, just arrived; speaksi-Ut-j
no fengnsn ana tspamsn; oesires a po
sition, private or boarding house. K-
840, Journal. ;
WANTED To trade my time for watch
mas job, day, or night, by man of 60.
Phone Marshall 2586.
A STEADY, sober man wants a job as
watchman or janitor. P. Devenny,
20 m 4th st. -
GOOD, reliable meat cutter wants work,
phone East 8109. ' - '
YOUNG lady, good education, desires
oil me, casnier mnu juuihi iyuiai;
also multlgraph operatorf H.311, Jour
YOUNG lady, good education, desires of
fice, cashier work; understands type
writing. Main Z039,
CHILDREN to board and cire for, a
good home, block from school Tabor
LADY accompanist wishes permanent
position with orchestra. Phone Mar
shall 1524
WOMAN wants chamber work or plain
housework. Phone Marshall 4278.
ELDERLY lady wants light housework,
good. home; small pay. Q-347, Journal.
HOUSEKEEPER wants to keep house
for gentleman. 206 H 1st st. Room 26.
STENOGRAPHER wants position, ex-
ei irmo sit uii t.lrr w wi-m .-.t.,- uuut
NEAT, capable woman wants work by
. Mntw C7T1 1Ai
perience ail ornoe worK, j-4, joumat
upy. main niu, mvm vi
LACE curtains laundered, 25o up; by
expert; call, delivered. Tabor 817.
CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry.
Woodlawn 26S4. ' "
LADY wishes day work. Call Tabor
173. '
LADIES' tailoring, cutting, fitting,
sponging cloth, making buttons, but
ton holes. Linings furnished. Reason
sole prices. Gordon, 251 Yamhill.
LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats re-
nea tr.-MucKlerr 4li-iavi, w
cars. Marshall 4646.
A GOOD dressmaker, would like engage
ments $2.60 per day; references. Sell
wood 19S1. ;
SUIT skirts and one piece dresses made
' reasonable for next 80 days, specialty
to working girls. ' Marshall 2469. '
DRESSMAKING '' and- alterations by
competent dressmaker. Main 7082,
A-32P6. '.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking at rea
sonable prices. 125 14th st. Malrt-1164.
PRACTICAL nurse, references; conflne
ments preferred. Phone East 8663.
The Buckingham , ;
- D. P. Flowers, Prop, y
Mrs. S. E. Olmstead, Mgr.:
New, ' thoroughly modern, phone in
every room, eteam heat, all outside
rooms, $3 a week up; Close in. 20th and
Washington, ; :. :',
THE COLONIAlOutslde double room,
steam heat, fine bath. room. Couple
rooms first floor, could be used as suite,
very reasonable; rates to permanent peo-
i. Mbs lotn. w car rrom aepot
The henrt of the business tenter, Tth
and Taylor, opposite Hellig theatre, a
quiet home or. quiet people, strictly
modern, permanent: transiant. Msin ,911
288 10th . st
Beautifully furnished large front
rooms, steam heat hot and cold water.
walking nistance.
NEWI.Y and nicely furnished rooms,
walking distance, all modem conven
iences, reasonable rent 167 N. 17th.
Marshall 2525.
NEWLY furnished clean room, all mod
ern conveniences, laundry privileges,
use of . parlor and piano; cheap. 770
imng si.
THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely fur
nished rooms, modern conveniences,
close business center; rates, including
bath.--$2.50 -week np; -'v -' -
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room,
disappearing bed, steam heat and ail
modern conveniences. 465 Jefferson.
Main 2009.
TWO large clean front rooms. 1 suitable
for 4 persons, other good rooms, $1.50
week up. 350 Madison.
HOTEL NORR1S. 533 Alder, corner
17th; modern, close in, quiet, reason
able rates to permanent people.
FURNISHED rooms, close In, running
water, furnace heat. 26 N. 17th, near
WasMngton st.
FURNISHED rooms, close in, fine loca
tion; business people preferred. War-
snaii 4t4. ,
bright furnished room, hot and cold water. 265V4 6th. .
FURNISHED rooms; heat free; bath
and phone; $3 per week and up. 3S5
Yamhill st;
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished
rooms, bath and phone, $12 to $15,
Main 6435. 605 Jefferson.
ROOMS $2 and u
front rooms good
1st bet Morrison
for offices,
and Alder.
$7 Pleasant room, all conveniences, In
Select neighborhood. 747 Everett St.
Phone after 12 a. m A-8068.
47 6th St.. rooms
;i.5P up per v week,
Free phone nmi
uh. Main 7764.
Rooms. All conveniences.. Well furnished
ROOMS. 60o $1 per 6Zy$. $2 up week;
THE CLAY, 843 -Morrison st.
164 .W. ... PARK."TiparJ Morrison, newly
furnished outside rooms, $2.5p up.
JfEWLY furnished rooms, $2 up per
: wk. All conveniences. 448 Taylor.
MODERN furnished room for rent - -08
Pine st - ' -
FRONT furnished sleeping room; heat
pnone, iignt ana oain.' Zil latn.
WELL furnished sleeping rooms $8, $10
una ii per montn. in mini
NICELY located room, light and steam
heated; reasonable. 471 Morrison Bt
EAST SIDE Nicely - furnished rooms,
walking distance, rates very reason
able, 141 East 12th st, on Morrison car-
une. rnone least 2246;
WALKJNO distance near steel bridge,
t in quiet place; hall bedroom for lady
or gentleman; gas, running water, $5
month. Phone East 391.
NEAT young man wants room mate;
has large front room, close in. East
B588 468 East Davis. , - '
TWO small, oiun fort able, . " furnished
rooms for housekeeping; very cheap, in
nice place. Phone Tabor 383
LEAVING city; will sell 9 room house
cheap for cajsh "i'p0
TllE ALDER-GRAN'D Nice, .-clean
"fuums) strain lieaUd, $2 per week up.
m yj. unino ave.
QKK neWlv furnished Sleeping room, $2
pvjwwk 832 ft E Buroside. r- ---
ONE large unfurr.lshed room for house
I keeping:, use of light, bath and phone.
ill loin.
TURKU room fiat,
lj23 Market st
water $11.
FOUR young women want one or two
more young women to share home;
good meals and all homo cpmforts. Ref
erences. Inquire evenings after 4 o'clock,
762 Lovejoy. Main Si6. - .
THE CASA ROSA Large, airy, fur
nished rooms, with board, splendid lo
cation, suw jerrerson.
LARGE, liglrfpleasant room; good
board: reasonable; employed people.
120 N. isth.
HAVE 3 nice modern rooms to rent,
with board; gentleman or ladies.
40S4 12th st.
ROOM for one or two gentlemen, with
or without board. E. 4323.
ROOM and board for 2 In private fam
ily. $5 week. Marshall 4460.
FIRST-CLASS BOARD, with or without
room; nome cooking. 6H7 Washington.
BOAP.U and. room for ladies, $4 a week.
t-none tPrS37.
BOARD and room. $4.50 week. Hotel
lun itu. u u i lie. 'Vi.
FURNISHED room and board, 3 meals
ROOM and board, reasonable, large
front room, walking distance, 822 14th.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for
two gentlemen, with board. 196 16th.
26th and Upshur sts., furnished two
room apartments, $S0, also 822.GO;
room $27.60 to $30. This includes steam
neat, hot water, private phones, bath,
electric llpht gas range, laundry room
all free. Take 8. 23th or W. cars north.
No dogs allowed.
Hunt's ExDress & Baggage Co
1 trunk. 60cs Additional trunks, 25c
'.a--0r1P wlt trunk tree.
A241. Marshall i,41.
WE have Just got our house newly fin
ished and calsomlned in order to. fill
same right away; we are making a gen
eral reduction. Call and see. 735 Ey-
FURNISHED rooms for light house
keeplng, phone and gas in 1 house,
walking distance. 847 Market st, near
new Lincoln hlghr- :
Baggage d Omnibus Transfer
Baggage moved and stored. Phone
Main 6no. A-8322.
HAVE one single room $2; suite $3.50;
- running water, sink, free phone. The
Collins, new management 15th and Al
der. .
NICE front room, complete for houso
keeping: electrio light, easy walking
distance. 23 weeklv. fi N 21st nt . til
uukikh iromw wasnington
COMPLETELY furnished bousek-eeplng
rooms, clean and pleasant Phone,
sink gas, bath. $12; desirable location.
245 N. 18th st. .
FIXE larg Xron t connecting- housekeap
lng rooms; lights, bath, phone and
heat free; new first class house, $25
per muntn. t ne Kcgar, iat I4tn st.
LARGE front room, with closet and
kitchenette, also sleeping rooms, all
conveniences. Main 2510.
TWO front rooms, nicely furnished,
suitable for 8. One large H. K. room;
gas and bath. 310 Clay st.
HOUSEKEEPING or furnished rooms In
private familv. modern. rejmonahU
4ff3 Hall. Marshall 4460.
Gem hotel, 665 1st; steam heated, new
MuiHiins, ryoma up.
NICE clean 1, 2 and 3 room housekeep-
- ing ouiiea, oa t-iay su nione A-
1 AND 2 rooms furnished housekeeping
wun an conveniences, very reasonable,
403 2d st. - , "
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping
suites, modern conveniences? rent
reasonanie. oua jonnson St.
CLEAN, close-in cohectlng suite of two
furnished rooms, with kitchenette, to
qesirame people. ai xayior.
IDAHO Furnished housekeeping rooms
and single rooms, reasonable, close in.
sh tn si.
NEATLY furnished room with kitchen
privilege; couple employed; close in;
147 LO WN SD ALE, bet Alder and Mor
rison. Neatly furnished rooms, rea-
BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, warm,
dry, suitable for plain working peo-
pie, , ts per monin.-- oio t;oucn.
TWO lovely furnished housekeeping
rooms, sinic, water ana use or bath.
68 pettygrove et
SGI TAYLOR Furnished housekeeping
rooms, sinpie-no sunSi-iKaa,- Datn.
TWO suites, housekeeping, $12 and $15
per montn. sss bin st.
COMFORTABLE furnished housekeep
ing rooms, cneap rent. m ist.
ENTIRE Becond floor, newly furnished
o wpck. loj iytn si
MITCHELL liouuekeening rooms: llaht
gas: moderate 7th-Flanders. A-407S.
HOUSEKEEPING en suite or single, 808
lam. mam uo. . :
FOUR furnlshel IL K. rooms, $15
month; freo lights, water, phone. I7H
Russell flAflr D -V n A M nKnna dIda
furnished housekeeping and Bleeping
THREE or. four ninclv fnpnlahl U v"
rooms, toilet and bath private no
oiner roomers, ii ana tii montn, ino
r. inn bi. ra-v car.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: 10
minutes' walk from P. CL near 8. S.
car line; $16 per month.,-iE-627 or 89
rj. inn si.
ONE neatly furnished housekeeping
i . " , cn, iiv, iiu vvm t, n lui , mull'
dry trays, phone, etc., close In. 662 E.
Mam st.
THREE neatly furnished housekeeping
rooms,. Dutcn kitchen; rent $16. 749
Mississippi ave.
NICELY furnished housekeeping sulre,
$3.60 weekly, $12 monthly. 892 E;
TWO . furnished housekeeping rooms,
with porch, closet, sink, gas, $12.60.
-pone Kast osoi, esiz is. Morrison.
$2.00-$2.60 weekly, furnished housekeep
ing rooms: tree heat, phone laundry,
ysra, sas. ons commercial; u; car.
TWO--modern furnished hoHSekeenlng
rooms; private family. 6i& 30th
N( East 4056.
THREE nicely furnliihd housekeeping
rooms; gas, Datn ana pnone: vaults
oniy, jzij.i i-iione fjust Sin.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $2.60
Tl Vlh. Ol Vfisl hnitBftbun ntr .AAm
modern, $20 and up. -Grand ave, and
L. O .cai n.
flight, fuel, laundry, $8 per month. 9fi
Irnntt T. nr.
$25 for 8 room house on Prescott st. J
blocks from Union' ave.: nice yard
near school. Phone Woodlawiv 3229 or
" SIX ; ROOM modern house; E. Taylo
- V . , . i ' ... in'"., i . . i.uunc , 1BVI
. . V U . WMV( . . W .. . I ...Ik' . . ui.v. ,u ,1111'
month. 863 Vaughn St., take 2Sd or
s. cars, west sine.
FOUR room plastered house for rent.
$8 per month. C. E. Jones, 402 Yeon
EIGHT room furnished. house, with
pianu finu uu imrf. t ihiiib la oer c u 1 1 .
BY March 1, modern 8 room house, 15
mocks soutn or Morrison. 471 6th.
NEARLY new modern '5 room cottage,
tzv. in ti. tinu st. laoor 813
FOli RENT $16, modern house, 711
Keea st. phone l!st,3506; keys at 713,
ona r.. n til. rni;B 1 1.
CO 1 . T I m I i
6 ROOMs on car line. 12S1 Corbett $15.
r rea w. uermain. .m. or a-2Ii.
$20 Nice modern cottage, 6 rooms, 794
Union ay. N. Thon VVoodlawa 1713.
Greater Meier & Frank Store
Rental & Information Bureau
TTrtm li itm f nvs Ht .. m itnm -
pletely equipped 1 information depart
ment, fourth floor, main building, and
note the vacant houses and fiats on our
list. You'll save time In eetttn properly
envcomfortably located. We keep In
touch with all the vacant flats and
houses in all parts of the city. We have
the combined list of all the real estate
agents In the citv. We also have a list
of all new bullditgs in course 'of con
struction. If You Want'to Rent a House
See. Us,
n tv
trie lleht. lot IfHlTlftO different kinds
of berries, young bearing trees. 1V4 block
from Laurel wood station, Mt Scott car
4558 lst st
SIX-ROOM house, modern, with city
water, good barn, room for two teams,
plenty fruit: to-a s-ood tenant. 112. Ad-
piy r.. inn st, n.. near Heacn.
FOUR-ROOM -eottage.-laige-lot full
basement, bath, aas, electric lights;
$16; Rodney ave. Beattle & Hofmann.
204 Stark.
Furnished house on East Grant st, C
room modern bungalow. $25 a month.
715 Yeonbldg.
FINE furnished 6 room flat 16th and
Washington cheaper than you can
rent a S room apartment' W-840, Jour
nal. .
5 ROOM modern cot
a. IiirnlBhttd. 7th
and fcJ. J .i n c oTnT
20 per month. Call
511 Corbett bldg.
Mr. .Liewis. Main
NEW 5-rooin bungalow; furnished,
modern:. $25. .600 Martins ave.
B-3035. .i
iCEW bungalow, 6 rooms, neatly fur-
nished: fine view: owner wantlnr to
leave city. C-350, Journal.
FOR RENT furnished 6 room cottage
for the board of two. Sellwood 1463.
Call after 7 p. m.
FURNITURE for sale, desirable 7 roomJ
nuuse iur rent, t rooms pay reni, iur-niture-
new- nd nice. - bargain1 for some
one looking for nice home on west side,
easy walking $32 Harrison.
NEW furniture of 8 room house, very
central; party leaving city, positively
must sell at once, will saortflce; can
rent rooms. . Marsnau 1856.
ALMOST entire furnishings of t room
flat, used 6 months; bargain j- -flat
rents $32.50. 610 E. Alder, near 15th.
Phone East snai.
URE 10 rooms, housekeeping.
all modern: nice yard: cheap If taken
tnis week; everytninf paia to ist.
lam si.
FURNITURE in A-l condition of a 9
room house, part cash, balanca terms.
noiise tuii. Z76 Montgomery,
f"OR SALE Furniture 6 rooms, $65,
rent $10 874 H. 9th.
GRAND location, modern house, ( rooms.
l mocK steet oringe. crosny st.
Newly opened, consisting of 2 rom
surtesi not ana coia water, steam neai
modern conveniences. Close in. , $21.6
up. Manager, Fantyle Talbot, late of The
uysie-'raioot. zk9 lotn st.
4,- 8,- -room tpartments; select
tenancy. : Apply on premises. 171
King st
" 4, t, 9 room spartmnts select
tenancy.. Apply on premises. 171
King Bt
Straighten up and take notice of this
fact. Wa-can and will show you the
cheapest and nicest two room apt In
the city, close in, newiy iurnisnea ana
modern. inurmoni Apt.
Nlcelv furnished and unfurnished
steam heated apts.; take Mississippi
L. car. Third and Washington sts.; zo
minutes' ride; corner of Kllllngsworth.
Phone woodinwn . mt.
TIIIT -Vf VT) l?niTH 4a nnw nn,n fur,
1 ot,i4 naw wttl lllft 9 t mnA
room - apartments; hardwood floors,
. . 1 a V . . 1. . , I
privaie pnone ana uh.ui, ucki januur
service: references required; new man-
sger. hi wawningron tn
I, t and 4-room - partmenta, . fur
nished Up to date, private baths, free
phone, moderate prices, new manage
ment, bent service.
East 8th and Burnslde
Strictly modem,furnished, unfurnished
apartments, nrlvate phones and hath.
Jaeger apts.
701 Washington; modern brlclt build
ing, 8 rooms $30, $32.50; 4 rooms, $40;
no children; elevator and phones; refer-
ences requirea.
THE ONEONTA. 187 17th, under new
management remodeled and tinted, 1,
2 and 8 room suites, $10, $20 and $30;
Bteam. heat easy walking distance. Main
4697 or A-4739.
- Drickston Apartment-"
448 llth near College, 2 and 3 room
suites, strictly first class, bachelor ap
artments a -specialty. $26 up.
HOMELIKE furnished apt. choice resi
dence district B. 23d and Hawthorne:
new, modern, very reasonable. East
SAN MARCO apartments, E. 8th and
tjoucn, new unen, inuuern, 9 rooms,
nrlvate bath and shone: rents reasona
ble. Call E. 2751.
THE ORMONDE 656 Flanders,. Nob
Hill. One modern 5 room apartment;
nice light rooms, gas range, refriger
ator, wain szo.i
r A HTTTT A xl .
... . nuiumA,, - -
12th and Columbia.! Beautiful two and
three room apartments,.- nicely situated,
neautiruny mrnisneq. trices reasonanie.
THE LOIS. 704 Hoyt 8 and 4 room
apartments for rent. Si! large, out
side rooms, private phones and bath.
Modem in every respect
CEDAR HlLp Sunny 3 rooms fur
nished, with balcony, steam heat and
rhone, walking distance, reasonable rent
A-752S. Marshall 8161. . - -
WtVOTnW lonrlmgnl'i.. ill 1it i". ,.'1
completely1 furnished two-room house,
keeping suites at' $25; walking distance.
Phone Main 1739.
2 room furnished apartment; private
bath and phone.. 205 N. 19th. Marshall
8658. .
LOVEJOY Apartments, Main 215, 17th
and Loveoy. One' newly furnished 3
room front apartment
THE DAVENPORT, newly furnished 3
room apartment private bath phone,
reasonable. 605 Jefferson. Main 6435.
THE MAJESTIC, 4 room furnished apts.
Modern, strictly first class, " private
phone; close in. any t;iay.
THE WESTMINSTER Nicely furnished
apartments; also single rooms; 2 min
utes rrom jr. u. -.a bin. Aiam 6sz.
BUCK-HARTFORD, 21st and Flanders.
2 and 3 room beautifully furnished, 4
rooms unfurnished. Modern. Cheap.
Jirnlshed housekeeping rooms. 814
Jefferson st ' Phoner Main 6432.
FOR 2-room, furnished or unfurnished;
apartments; close In; very reasonable.
s k. jztn or k-d2(
THREE and 4 room suites, furnished; 1
2 room unfurnished, all modern. 15th
ana r,veren sts. main mo.
narn. gas. pnone, ii.ov week up,
IRIS 4 and rooms-,- unfurnished, 8d
inn Miu. .iz ana iw.
JULfAETE 2 rooms furnished and
unfurnished. - 2d and ilontgomery.
15th and Tavlor.
Most mscnlfloentlv furnished . apart
ments In the city: location perfect; rent
als reasonable; every modern conven
ience, oanquet nail ana roor garden;
high, class service: references reiiird.
Hoth phones in all aoartmenta. Main
Powell Apartments
Now readv- new hrti-k hntlding: 3
room onfumished apartments $20 to $30
a month, Inchiding light beat, rrivate
bath, phone and water, phone Tabor
TWO modern 4 room flats; one'upper.
one lower; upper has large attle and
alcove; swell location. 442-444 12th st
Phone Shields, Main 98.
6 ROOM lower flat, modern, new and
clean. 854 Clinton st Phone Bell-
wood 903.
MODERN 6 room upper fiat on Kearney,
walking distance: rent reasonable.
Marshall 2927.
FIVE-ROOM upper flat near the bait
grounds at lis per month in advance.
Z. L. Dlmmick. 5)8 Lumbermen" bldg.
Modern 4 and 5 rooms. 1058 Cleveland.
tJ cars. Woodlawn 2295.
FOUR-ROOM flat, modern, walking dis-
tance;$-rIh Hi- Vancouver ave. and
Cherry. Phone East 1994.
THREE and 4 room flats, west side.
walking distance, rent $15 and $29..
M. E. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg.
SUNNYSIDE, modern 6 room flat; gas,
electricity, tubs, shades. 914ty East
Morrison, near 30th. Tabor 1798.
$27.50 Nicely furnished
5 room
walking distance.
East 4866.
MODERN 4 room flat, over store. $12,50.
811 Williams ave. Woodlawn 1507.
LOVELY 4 room corner flat furnace,
rent 818. Phone East B. B-1404.
MODERN flat in Irvlngtbn and one at
314H Eugene -st. Phone E. 5608.
4 room modern flat, near 23d and Wash
ington. $18,60. Main 8988.
408 7TIL close in. S room lower flat
nicely furnished,, clean, reasonable.
Phone East, 2?6. or B-6121, ;
$12: THREE-ROOM furnished flat
642 East 27th, on block aputh; Rich
mond car line. . -
$27.60 Nicely furnished 6 room flat
walking distance. East 4866.
Dandy location for a white man with
low -rent L,- M-J3a.vls.-Jhone Kaat
1074. ' '
NEW store ?fifift corner. E. Gllsan st.
Location for drug store, grocery meat
market etc., $25 per month. 422 Chani-
per or iTommerce.
STORE with new modern front on
- Washington-st,-bet 7th and Park.
Apply Majestic Theatre, - f
NORTH FRONT, light large deslcroom
and phone, to real estate man, $9. Ask
410 Lumber Exchange.
STORES for rent down town. M. E.
Lee. 11 Corbett bldg.
UNDER old management Hotel Mitch
ell. Mrs. J. M. Mitchell, Joseph, Or.
HOTEL PORTLAND European plan
only $3, $5 day.
BELVEDERE European, 4th and Alder.
EXCELLENT hall.-suitable for lodges
- or dancing. East 12th and Alberta
Bts. -Very reasonable, also lodge halls
and ball room. 2d and Mornaon sisjn
(juire Prof. Rlngler. Marshall, 313.
WANTED Good , permanent home for
young infant, phone B-2080.
If you are in need of any kind of a
horse, come and look our stock over, as
wa huv 3ft h pp d nf iieiLHoned mares and
geldings that are ready for any kind of
Hwork. Here are some of our many bar
gains: Pair mares, Sluo ibs-if w.
TJlnrtl. err K kianlf ira MlnP BP. J
weight 2900 lbs., $460. Choice of three
teams or geiaings,. inuo ios, ao. rair
6-year-olds, 2900 lbs.. $33u. Several
cheap farm mares and teams. We also
have harness and wagons at the lowest
prices. Our horses are all guaranteed
and one week's free trial allowed on all
stock sold, and If not as we represent
tham to be they will not cost you one
Arrived .
A carload eastern Oregon horses,
mares, all well broke and sound.
185 1-2 Madison St,
At Bridge, West Side
ONE span black mares, weight 330O. 6
and 7 vears old. good workers, both
"Percheroni the best pair of brood
mares in the country, price $400. One
pair of small mules; one pair of mules,
weight 2350, 6 and 6 years, and a few
other gooa norses. can -at m front.
. Come and-See .
Another shipment of choice well broken
norses and mares and at reasonable
prices. All guaranteed to be ns rep
resented," Take Rose City Park car.
Adams & -Campbell, Phone Tabor 2101.
NOTICE I will sell at public auction to
the Highest bidder, Imported Belgian
a,.lM 1. . - kl- " " . ........ A .,aa-a 1.1.1
ntm 1 ' J 1 1 ,ui nil v. f.i.tinu , . junta vivi.u
weighing 1800 pounds, on Feb. 28, at T
p. m., st zio mast tin street, city 01
GOOD team, weiuhs '2300, good workers
any plaoe, with harness and a farm
wagon, all $150. Take Sellwood car to
Insley ave., walk 8 blocks east House
No. 781.
NOTICE ' ". -. ' ,
Just arrived carload of first class
horses and mares, weighing 1000 to 1600
lbs., from 4 to 6 years. Sold under guar
antee. -Columbia staWes, 302 Front.
WILL dispose of my pair of mares and
one pair of horses; can be seen at
Travis Bros.' woodyard. 451 Hawthorn
ave. Mrs. Sfumbloch.
HORSES and buggies lor rent by day,
week and month; special rates to
business houses. 6th and Hawthorne.
East 72.
GOOD wide plank stalls; electric light,
city water, plenty wagon., room; 10
cents per day, 446 N. Flanders.
HORSES, wagons for rent and boarded,
reasonable. Columbia Stables, 302 Front
old Jack. Can show gets. ; J.
Cooper, 457 State St., Balem. , ,
FINE team ponies to exchange for good
1100 or 11,50 lb. horse. 14 Union ave.,
corner fln,
. r j.- a l 17 1
, . J.. W f .1 I,
-ion piKuoriii niig wosun; - jrooa
as- new; cheap. Phone Sellwood 1385.
BIG young team of mules to exchange
for horse. 14 Union ave., corner Ash.
ALL kinds efhorses and mares, some
good teams. Foot of Main St.
WANTED Good team work horses for
a lot. M. E.,Lce. 311 Corbett bldg.
BARRED Rock eges. $2 per setting.
- Cor. 31st and E. Rurnside. Take M-V
car. ; - - ' ' ,- -
Fim-HALH 8 fresh tows,cheaprTahor
1451. ;. - - -' . ''-:-- -'.
HIGH class Mlver Laced Wyafidotte
eggs, $1.60 setting. 1063 K. 9th st. N.
FOR SALE Fresh cows. 1427 Commer
cial st Phono Wooujawn 272.
IN. U:;.T'"'!'.-5 AST- .
C . i . f I, .. ! ,
f'' . ca.i ar I . . H (
rri' to ii tro.U'i ,; t t
healthy rhicKs in a' p.v- t-
guanmtee n e- ..! hi.- a 1 " - ! c'
THE I'uol'T MACliii..;V Co.
Union Rvf
EjOS for hatching on snm t
breeds; baby chicks; incutmtor
supplies. The Poultry Supply U
2rti Salmon st.
!,,.Ti '.
FIVE fresh cows, soma with .! s. .!
first class, frorh 4 to S gal. 7'i'J ii u.
old ave. .Sellwood car. Phone Seii
wood 1171. ;
KELLERSTRASS White Orpins'toii
eggs, winter laying strain. 13 fvir 15.
180 Alberta st, W. Take St. Johns car
to Ockiey Green.
WHITE Wyandotte ej?8 tor hatching.
$3.50 ner 15: stock for - sale. ' Urx.
532S 40th ave. 8. E Archer place. Wri'e
for 1912 calendar.
TWO good family mi for sale cheap,
1 Guernsey, 4 rations per day; 1 Jer
sey Just fresh. SS08 76th st S. E., 3
blocks south Powell Valley road.
ROSE COMB R. I. Red settings, $1.50;
finely colored cockerels, $2. liaxe
mann,1 10r blocks out on Foster road, ,
FOR SALK Ancotia and White Leu-
horn eggs for setting. . from prUe
winning stock, $1.60 per 15. $6 per 100.
Z3i p;. 7tn st. A... M-y car,
PORTABLE Poultry Houses. Ideal for
city lots. Send for- catalogue before
building. Williams Bros., Grays Cross
ing. Tabor 628.
$160 BUYS team horses, true pullers.
weicns Z3f'o. Harness and farm wag
on. 781 Insley. -Sellwood car.
a-Cr- Blacr"'Rnnofcag-eKgs"' Torsettthg,
$1.50 for 15. Thoroughbreds. 740
Corbett st Marshall 4458.
BARRED Rock and Barred Leghorn
- I'UKS. 75c ner setting. Phone Sellwood
1545. - -
FRESH dairy and family cows, Holsteln,
Jersey and Durham. 95 E. 30th, S.-a.
car. East 6506.
THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock cock
erels, eggs 81.50 to 12 setting. Rove
Sellwood 1335. - ---- - .
3UFF Leghorns,' the kind that lav; set
tings $1 and $1.50. "Lonsdale's."
1723 E. 49th St., near Powell Valley rd.
FOR SALE 1 cow and 84 White Wyan
dotte PulletsLTabOrl9741
EXTRA fine fresh 4 gallon family cow
ana netrer eair. i Kast S3d st.
CANARY BIRDS Fine -singers, lm-
' ported stock; , also females cheap.
Tabor 817.
-We sell to all at . ,
T Wholee"Pricesr
vM, Barde & Sons,
The Original Trust Busters.
FOR SALE New and second-hand Car-
. on and pocket milliard tables, anij
bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix- '
tures of all kinds; easy payments, 'fhe
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co- 4K-4S '
Pthst ' -
SEWfkG machines, 'all makes, drop
ncada, fully guaranteed, with com,
Flete attachments, $10 to $20; box tops, -5.
White Sewisg Machine Co., cornor
llth and Washington st.
WE sell caBh , registers, scales, crealt
registers, cheese cutters, coffee millN
etc., at greatly reduced prices, either for
cash or payments. The Portland Store
Supply Co., 260 2d st. Marshall 4648.
FOR SALE Canopy or Marquis,, . In
first class condition, suitable for
theatres, hotels or apartment houses.
Call or phone Peoples theatre, W. Park
and Alder sts. V
READ this confound you if yrui want
to buy bargains In large NewTHaven.
lath and planer that's in our way and
don't use. Call quick. Oregon City
Machine Works .
Have you-anything for sale?
-. '"See
M, Barde" & Sons,
The House oftt Million Bargains,
In anvthlng made of Iron.
nv rront st. cor. Main.
SPECIAL sale of slightly used Singers
"W. & W.." White and Standard sewi
lng machines; easy payments. Call 383
it.. Morrison near tirana.
itESTAURANT fixtures, including a
liuud autnmatio I gaff) hot water heat-
er. . Columbia Coffee House, 52 N. 2d. .
SAFES ;New and 2d hand; low prices;
easy terms; sares openea, repaired and
painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland
Safe Co., 85 6th st. Main 6309. A-411R.
SLIGHTLY, used cash registers, credit
registers, computing scales, etc.
boueht and sold. The Paclfio Store
Service Co.. 227 Stark st. Main T711.
FOR SALE Brick- machine, engine,
track, trucks, barrows, represser, eto.
All in first class condition. Carroll
Bros., Vancouver. Wash., R. F. D. 6.
ALL kinds house furnishings bought,
old and exchanged. Star Furniture
Co.,-880 Hawthorne. are. East 107.
CASH register (National), in first class
- condition. - Price $175, cost $300 new.
FtuhbB Electric Co., stn and Pine sts.
CAPITAL JUNK CO., dealers In iron,
metal, rubber, sacks, machinery, pipe.
tOOIS, JOD IQIB- BlflN; 1ST, St. MIT. 3X99.
GAS range, steel range, water heater,
...111... . .1 . V. ...... 1 .. r rt
AuiuiiiK uwi uu iMcytav, av yv u
llnms ave.
A COMPLETE set of the New Interna
tlonal Encyclopedia for-sale at much
below cost. C-355,- Journal.
SPRAY your trees and bushes nowl
prices reasonable." W'oodlawn 2566.
OUTDOOR grown roses, $1 ,and JI.bJ
per dozen, ynone vvoouiawn aunt.
FOR home grown roses address Rose
Valley Nursery. 1052 Corbett St., city. '
FERTILIZER Well . rottedTTnanure.
Phone East 2276.
GENTS' bicycle. In good repair, for sale
cheap. 181 Madison.
MANURE for sale- delivered . to sny
part of the city. Phone Ksst 1775.
TENT house, 16x24, with - fly. See
owner for bargain. 1401 Boston ave.
WANTED People ofPortland to know
that I pav the highest cash price for
second! hand household goods. .M. M.
Seeter, 143 Russell, fJast lona.
Pay the highest price for everything;
call Main ?080. 290 First v
TO buy cash register, scales, cheese cut-,
ter, coffee mill, credit register !
rrieat slloer. call. Marsnan 4tn;
BArit'.Kitfi Airiow novels ..-.-
870 E. Morrison, phone1 E. 1022, pays
highest cawn prwo nr rumit'.jre.
BE WISE; net 'inure for your seoiul
hand furniture by seUlng It to Ford
Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main )lj, -A-2445.
WANTED Stump puller; Inust be
good condition. 343 VI. 87th t. N,
WE buy and sell tuout anything. Main
87?4. 626 1st st. - ".
WANTKU !' Iiaod f urniturs. F.t $ til
348 Howth'ome ave. fJf-ater tk Ninriiii,
WANTE( 2d hand furniture. I'uitbn.l
Salvage Co.. ' tiH Wanh. Mnr. X''M.
WktiTKi-Tn Wt U 29 t,' i";-iw r
launo li.-, C-3 54, .Iniirn n I. - '
Wanted coiiiriiote mour. p.. ...
outfit. What b"v you? v -.'!"', .1
CAS4 paid f'T b"i;-'l;t' t v , .
i'tanoU t'o M.u-.i!.aH 4;.i. i 1 i I