glad io not LOWELL'S QUERIES Republican Candidate Needs "Another "Lesson" Before He Is Fit to Go to U. S. Senate, "Says H. D. Wagnon. srtland. Or., Feb. 20. To Hoirtrabls Stephen A. Lowell, would-be United States senator It affords me great . pleasure to answer the questions you ask about the People's Power league, and the home rule tax amendment. First let It be known that said amend, men t was placed on the ballot by the Oregon Federation of Labor, which num bers about, 8000' voters men who work with their bands, and think., with their heads; men that know what they want and whom they want to represent them In the United States senate, all of which you should have known, this time two years ago. , - - ,- The Single Tax league of Oregon sup ported the : amendment to a man and many of the single taxers are members of the People's Power league, but some members of the People's Power league are not single taxers. Also let It be known that organised ' labor, the Peo ple's Power league, and the single tax ers together with other good citizens are often found working side by side to better the condition of all the people. .Another Lesson Needed. Tour letter bf February 1 makes It plain that- you must be given another lesson. in political economy, before you are fitted to go to the United States senate. Tou say that the taxing of land would have Jthe same effect as the taxing of cows, 'if any county was to place all taxes on cows; It 'would drive all the cows out of that county,' Just the same as taxing dogs in a city drives the dogs out, Land, however, could not be driven out of the county by taxing It If you know anything about single tax, (and. you say you have studied it) you. must know that it is proposed to tax only the com muhity value of land. To illustrate. M. O. Thorsen bought six acres of un Improved land in the city of Portland three years ago for 119,500, and has Just sold it for 148,000. Here we see Mr. Thorsen has received $28,500 that he did not earn, and it is plain that some people have earned 828,500 that tney aid not receive. That $28,600 is a Value made by the community, and that is what the single tax would taxpsnd let tire cowirhorses, rarniture. ana buildings go tax free. Single taxers want the community to take what the community imakes, and let the Individual keep what he makes, while you want to "confiscate" a part of the. household furniture : and other personal 'property," each year, and let , the land, monopolists take what the community makes, so they can get what they not eanv while others earn what they do not get I see you are sweating blood for fear the bankers, the brokers, the money .lenders, the loan sharks and the note shavers would bo exempt from taxes if we had the lngle'taxu,f Now, Mr. Low- r ell, you know that all the above aggre gation do not pay Any taxes now on their money or notes and if you do liot know It, -It Js another reason why you " are not fitted to be a United States senator,'. . Banks Escaping. I can show -you that $45,000,000 is eg. oa'plng taxes,4n Oregon, from the - fact that the county assessors are not as sessing the banks according to law, but I have never heard you cry" out against this fraud on the small tax payer, whom you profess to . love so much when a campaign is on. "' . ' As to the small home owner, city or country, he would pay less taxes un der single tax than he does now; the man with a $600 lot and a $1600 house would be taxed... on $2000- now. Under single tax his $1500 house would be . exempt, and it would only be necessary to Increase the taxes one third on the lot ; - You have to acknowledge that land monopoly is tearing down the homes, - and- school houses 4n your home eounty, and yet you are defending land monop oly, In the hope it will give you the "standpat" vote. Fifty-five years ago - men - like you denounced . Lincoln and said he wanted to "confiscate the prop- ' erty of the poor widow" in the hope that It would give them the , slaveholders' vote. They failed to preserve the in stitution of privilege that they defend ed, ana so will you. - - It D. WAGNON. Minnesota Socialists will nominate their state ticket at Minneapolis this month. Tour Choice at The National Every one guaranteed to be worth over $15.00 J Elevator to 2d Floor v Swetland Bldg, 5th and Wash. Sts. - Entrance on Fifth St. HATIONSrSSMPIFSUlT AND CLOAK CO. taint? 'Bit' I 150 Vffe I Coats lit J $6.95 SOLD lH Hi; 1 HE REGRETS II Charles Mays was arrested Sunday by Patrolmen Reld and Russell at the New Grand Central hotel' for selling liquor on Sunday. .. . The name of Charles Burke was the key to the arrest, for when the patrol men went to Mays and asked where, Burko was a friendship sprung up that Immediate!? sexless. tht-Reld. nd Russell did not hesitate to ask for liquor, saying they' Were boatmen and 'vere bound for The Dalles. ..'Tvs got two bottles here that I Just bought for my brother, but 111 sell you fills and buy some mora for him, he sald, and sol twa pint - bottles for f 1.60. , When' Patrolmen. Griffith and Jones arrested Annie .Smith at 124 .First street unday evening, the woman threw the contents of a bottle of beer over the patrolman, ' and then attempted io mrow mm downstairs. . Testerday she forfeited ball of $100. Louise TrovlH,Tbetter known as Louise Gautier, -"was arrested at the Richelieu, Sixth and Couch streets, for selling liquor on Sunday. I' Bessie Levy -was arresteJf' twice at Third and Couch streets for tnasams offense. She was fined 1100 one charge and $250 on the other charge, the eoLona rine Deing suspended. Jack Hart, one of ths- men arrested several days ago by Tom Word for gambling, was booked for selling liquor on Sunday. , . , Ueorge Thornton was arrested "bootlegging." . . - . for "DUMMY" UPHELD . . IN GILBERT RULING: CONSERVATION HIT ' (Continued from Page One.) States under the timber and stone act may express that, desire to another and may enter into an agreement with him to buy the lands upon his obtaining ti tle, thereto; and may loan him the money with which to acquire title and may inspect and select the lands and that such person or corooratlon in not bound to inquire Into the method by which the other party to the contract acquires title and is not Chargablo with knowledge of any fraud upon the land laws that he may resort to, and in taking titles baaed upon the Issuance or nnai receivers' receipts to the entry men without actual knowleda'A of mioh fraud or of facts sufficient to put one uyun inquiry, sucn person or corpora tion is, an Jnnocent purchaser of the lands." .'..,..., ..:.:: Takes Fling at' Courts. ' - -United Prtm Let Wtr. Oakland, Oal, Feb. 20. Discussing Judge Gilbert's decision, former . Oov ernor ueorge S. Pardee, chairman of the conservation commission of the state of Callfotnla, sal today: "Unless the law expressly commands It . in terms - that -annot .-otherwise be interpreted, the courts should not con strue the law against the publlo in mat ters concerning the nubllo nroDertr. For It is inconceivable that the publlo, unices it says so in . unmistakable terms, ever legislates against Itself In such matters. - The decision of the Unt tea states Circuit court of appeals in the Barber Lumber company case, which follows previous decisions, puts a pre mium' on the spoliation of the publlo by flagrantly fraudulent practices. For the timber and stone act was passed for the purpose of encouraging the settle ment of the publlo lands In small quan tities by many people.. . "The decisions of theT courts defeat the purpose of the law they encourage Lthe acquisition of large areas of the public lands by a few people and con done, so far as concerns those few peo ple, any frauds that the original en- tryman himself-as practiced The decisions permit him who desires to defeat the intent and purpose of the law to do everything, short of actual ly committing fraud himself or of be ing actually ' party thereto, that ' will encourage, promote and reward , fraud, Privato rights are as they should be, carefully protected against- fraud, not by legislation but by court decis ions; but the publlo seems to be at the rriercy ' of anybody who, encouraging fraud in others, refrains from actually committing or being party to fraud hlmsetfe - "There should be a recall in such cases not necessarily of the Judge who, following previous decisions, decides against the publlo Interests, but at least against the decisions themselves. The public, if .nobody else will protect it, should have the right and the power to protect Itself from spoliation." . , - ;. Claris Comments on Decision. , (Cnlti4 Press Leased Wire, t Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 20. "I hesitate to comment on the decision," safd Louis R. " Olavlirsecretary of the state con servation commission, today, "before reading it in full; but If It holds to the filing of an application, then-it is in; consistent with the United States su preme court decision in the case of the government against Williamson, when U was held that such an agreement was not only unlawful, but tended to per jury. "II the same principle is applled to other than timber and ' stone lands, It win nave tn street or putting govern ment land Into the possession of a wealthy few at the expense of the legiti mate settler. The effeot In the case of timber and stone land will not be so serious, because the 'present system of selling, established by the Roosevelt ad ministration, is for the Interior depart ment to appraise the land filed on for its full value, and to maintain the price so fixed. The timber and stone act provides that land may be sold for not less than $2.60 per acre, and before thu Roosevelt regime that was the fixed prloe." . Has No Significance. "There is practically nothing new In the meaning of the ruling made by Judge . Gilbert," said . John McCourt, United States district attorney, in dis cussing the ruling this morning: "Judgt Bean, while sitting in Idaho about two years ago, gave the same ruling on .the same case, which was brought in Idaho.' The decision is simply a reiteration. It is one that we have been applying right along, but none of our. cases of a similar nature has been appealed." Locally the ruliftg" "has no significance." LATIN -AVIATORS DROPr BOMBS-AND HANDBILLS . (United Press Leased Wire.) Tunis, Feb. 20. .Itay is trying out the aeroplane as an agent of benevolent assimilation, according to Information reaching here from.jthe Turkish camp at Azlzieh. When not employed in drop ping bombs, the army aviators are scat terlng handbills over the countryside back of Tripoli, annealing? to th nntiva. UaJU&efil : A telescoping pedestal, which lifts a numbered card into the air- when a button- is pressed, summoning a waiter in a restaurant, is a recent Invention. ISilOV TROUPE flOATES ORiNG on mm CnItd PrcM Lmiea Wln. Chtcago, Feb. 20. The United States grand Jury here today returned indict ments against three railroads, two pas senger agents and a niimbes of the atrical concerns charged with rebating In the transportation of burlesque) com panies by a scheme whereby the- rail roads paid excessive prices for adver tising on theatrical programs, . Indletasents were . returned against the Big Four, Michigan Central and Lake Shore railroads and Passenger Agents Harry' Rhein and William Un derwood; Rud Hyntcka of Cincinnati, a lieutenant-of Oeorge B. Cox, former po litical boss of that city; James Fen nesy, a manager of a burlesque com pany; . the Houck Opera company of Cincinnati; the Enquirer Circuit com pany of Cincinnati, and the Columbia Amusement eompany of New York. It is alleged the companies rebated 25 per cent of railroad fares. ' ROOSEVELT GOES OYER ' HIS COLUMBUS SPEECH (United Press Uawd Wire." New York, Feb.. 20. Although he ar rived at his office in the Outlook early today, Colonel ' Theodore Roosevelt re ceived but few visitors, devoting, most of, the morning to reading the final draft of his speech to be delivered at Columbus,. Ohio;: tomorrow, before the state constitutional convention. John Temple Graves, editorial writer for the New York American, and Col onel W. R. Nelson, editor of the Kan sas City Star, were among the visit ors today to the former president's of fice. .Their calls, they said, had no bearing on the-foMlcal situation. Col onel Roosevelt will leave for Columbus at 6 p." m. today In a private car over the Pennsylvania railroad. He Is due to arrive in Columbus at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, and will start on the return- trip eastward-five-Jioura later, - , . BRAKEMAN IS PUT UNDER CHARGE OF ROBBING TRAIN (United PreM Letied Wlre.1 Cumberland, Md Feb. 20. Seven i hours after a masked bandit had held j up Baltimore & Ohio passenger train No. ! 1 near' West Pledmoni, W. Va robbing i passengers of jewelry and money at the ' point of a revolver,: Brakeman Becker , was arrested by Lieutenant Kenny of the B. and O. police and Jailed at Kay ser, W. Va. The police assert the money j Catarrh and Cold in the Head Easily and Quickly Relieved We guarantee that Clover Leaf Ca tarrh Remedy will relieve- you. - It is the result of years of solentlflo study and is made right. It is oomposed of pure vegetable oils - and contains no poison, and if it does not relieve you we will refund your money. A sample will convince you. and a full bottle will do wonders w'th your catarrh. If you would be rid of your watery eyes, your constant snuffling and full head feeling, take advantage oC-what we are offering you. Such guarantees as ours are scarce and wa could not do it unless we had a remedy that would do the work. Throw your doubt aside and get a bottle. , Price 60c. For sale by ail druggists or sent by mall postpaid by the manu facturers. Clover Leaf Pharmacy, Clov- erdale, CaL Mail the Tree Coupon Today. FREE COUPON Write your name and address In the blank lines below and mail' to Clover Leaf Pharmacy, Cloverdale. OaL, and a free sample bottle of Clover Leaf, Catarrh .Remedy will be sent you by mall, postpaid. Do it today. - P. J. Name .. . . . . . ti 1 1 . Address J. Rufus Walli will be the guest of an untamed bunch of mighty good 'fellows, popularly known ai the Portland Ad Club This big show will be held at the Heilig Theatre and it will be one of the events of the sea son. The date ' February 26, 1912 The prices will remain as usual, from 50cl to $2.00. Exchange tickets may be obtained now from any Ad Club member. Everybody Knows. J, Rufus Come and get teal well ac quainted with him, for he will appear at his best under . AdClub Auspices LEWIS M. HEAD i MsrshaB-yti CO. Tomorrow Herbert W. JUttle win write tne "ad." HEADW SAYS: and Jewelrv wpre f ir.1 on V 'er. Tn robber fired six shots throuch the roof of the car and robbed 1$ passengers. When searched, $30 In cash, three watches and a bandanna handkerchief folded liks a mask, were found on Beck er. The police allege that the imprint of a human nose was plainly dlscernahle on the handkerchief. Becker told,he pol'ce that a tramp gave him the valua bles. IRONWORKERS ARRIVE " TO ANSWER CHARGES (United Pre Leued Wire. I Indlanapoiy, Feb. 20. II. W. Leglelt ner of Pittsburg, former member of the No Groceries No Bakery No Liquors Kriit Underwear for Women In ManyStyles-AU Sizes Wednesday These Extra Qualities Will be Sold at Unparalleled Prices I $1.50 and $2.25 Garments ; Special $1.00 . Sflk -lisle union suits made, with ished tops. -Silk lisle union suits, sleeveless and low neck, with plain or lace finished knee. Band fin ished tops and plain or lace knee. Also silk lisle union suits with crochet neck, plain ' knee. Silk lisle suits with crochet neck and lac knee. Silk lisle vests with lace and . crochet tops New Handsome Introducing Them $18.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs for $12.45 Tapestry Brussels rugs, size 9 by 12, of extra good-quality. .These rugs are now shown in a variety of patterns in Oriental and floral de signs. This is the' rug for service and durability. $ 1 2.50 Wool and Fiber Rugs for $8.95 V Wool and fiber rugs of quality. spare room. These practical rugs can blue. $35.00 Body Brussels Rugs $25.85 . A large shipment of new body, Brussels rugs have just arrived. This is an excellent rug for the dining and patterns is very; broad in neat, small designs. There are tan and brown colorings. Quality considered, you will find them great bargains) Size 9x12. $33,00 Axrhinster Rugs $22.45 1 Axmlnsterlrugs of superior quality in pretty Oriental and noral pat tems. These rugs Sre the best quality of Axminstet rugs manufactured, Size 9x12. THE FIRST GRAY HAIR SIGN OF AGE. DON'T LOOK OLD Easy "Way to Preserve Natu ral Color of the Hair and Make It Grow ' A harm '.ess remedy, rnade from com mon garden sflge, nulckly restores' gray hair: to natural color. The1 care of the lialrto prevent It from losing Its color and luster. Is Just as Important as to cars, for teeth to keep them from dls coloring. Why spejd money foccos metlcs and creams to Improve the com plexion, and yet neglect your hair,, when gray hair Is even mors conspicuous and suggestive of age than wrinkles or a poor complexion. Of the two, it Is easier to preserve the natural color and beauty comulee--' --..',,-.-!.:: "All that Is necesearFTslh8 tKn8loiaiUlruiJbompany. Quickest Results Are Obtained executive tivrd of the Internaii'TiI As sociation cf Rrldge and structural Iron woriter. and Franlf K. Painter, business ajrent for the organization at Omaha, arrived here this afternoon to answer to Indictments returned by the federal grand jury here, which investigated al leged dynuni'te plots. Ltgleitner was arrested in Denver, 'where he had gone for his health: The warrants charged Painter and Legleltner with complicity-in a -Conspiracy illegally o transport dynamite from, one state to another. Both men assert their innocence. An English coin In the slot stamp selling machine is arranged to. handle money of any denomination,, returning the correct charge. . . Merchajidtee of Underwear That We Can Recommend for Long Service Prices Range From One-Third to a Half Regular Prices By the prices we quote for tomorrow we want to convince you we're concen trating our best efforts on these sales, offering bargains you cannot get later. It is well worth your, while to read the. particulars. First, we direct special attention to the large assortment of styles. They are all perfect goods and all sizes are herein represented. All new, fresh merchandise. Regular $125 and $1.50 Garments y - Special 75c Silk Hsie vests with deep hand crochet neck. . - Other vests of lisle with low necks and band tops. . Also lisle union suits with ribbon band tops and plain knee. Regular 75c and $1.00 Garments Special 50c v SUk lisle vests with band finished top and crochet trimmed fronts. Also vests of white lislo with band tops and crochet yoke. Union Suits $ 1 .00 A soft finished cotton union suit In white only. Made with high neck, long sleeves and ankle length; also short sleeve, high neck and ankle length. Silk finished around the neck. Kayser Union Suits Special $1.25 Silk lisle union" suits made with low neck and sleeveless and tight knee. ;Has a crochet yoke. ' Also lisle thread union suits with low neck, sleeveless, tight knee Ind band top finish. Union Suit, Spl $2.50 Silk lisle union suits made sleeveless and low neck, with band tops and Italian silk insertion and tight knee. ..'- Room-Size Rugs at Special Prices Just the rug for the bedrooms or be had in brown, green, tan and living-rooms. The assortment of BEFORE YOUR TIME nss of Wyeth's Sage. and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation of common gar den Sage and SurpT5ur7combhred vrlth other valuable remedies for- dry. harsh, faded hair, dandruff, Itching scalp, and falling hair.- After a few applications of this simple, harmless ramedy,' your hair will gradually be restored to Us natural color, In a short time the dan druff will be removed, and your hair wil no longer come out, but will start to grtw.ast nature intended it should. ' 1 Dnn't neglect your a'alr," for It foes farther than anything else to make' or mar 'your good looks, You can buy this remedy at any drug store for fifty cents a bottle, and your druggist will give your money' back- if you are not satisfied after using. Purchase a bottle today. Jt You will never regret it when Am the dlffaranps. It will make in you y appearance; Special agent,-Owl &y Want Ads, in The Journal CHICAGO POLICE WIRE : BIGAMIST IS 111 MS (United Preiu Leuwe W!r.J OaklandV CaU Feb. 20.r-Word was re ceived here today from the police of Chicago that they - have located there "Dr. Milton Abraham." alleged bigamist and sharper, who fled from here several days .ago with Miss Anna, liilbrath, whom he married. The telegram received here gave no details. It did not stats whether the teril Only . . Regular 35c and 50c Vests " Special 25c Swiss ribbed cotton , er lisre thread vests with low neck and sleeveless. The necks are plain band or hand crochet finish. . $2J25 to $3.00 Garments Special $1.50 Union suits of silk lisle, hand crocheted yoke, some finished with band tops and lace knee. Also silk vests with shell edge. Vests, Special $1.75 Silk liare vests with low neck, sleeve less. Trimmed with an Italian silk in sertion and band 'top finish. r Sale of Flannelette Night Gowns . Half Price , . These night fwns art nude of fancy stripe and plain white flannel. ette- .i11 hav military or turndown collars and collarless effects, cut with aquare or round necks. -Some have yokes, others without yokes. Trimmed with plain band." mgs, pipings, braid, lace and embroidery, Many are side finished. Sixes run from 14 to 18 extra. , Reg. price . .$1.10 $1.25 $1.50 flalf price;.-:- 65c 63c 75c Dresses ot Serge That have "Just arrived and show the latest notes in demi-tallored dresses, which have grown to be an indispensa ble article in every woman's wardrobe. These Springlike little frocks are in misses' sizes, and the beauty of line and cut will make a strong appeal to all women who admire individuality In ( dreSS. 1 v They are designed of "a fine French serge in color combinations such, as tan, with brown trimmings, navy and royal blue royal blue trimmed with . white, offset with large : and small white buttons. The style is most distinctive, yet very simple. $15.00 nee Lingerie Waists ecial $1.45 The lingerie waist grows more popular each day, and for your new . Spring suit you needs must have a dainty white blouse. . This waist of fine Persian lawn is made in a . variety of ways, with trimmings of Val. lace and chiny insertion, embroidery and tucking. A- Long or short sleeves. Free onsin etTV J 1 ... .. , , V-How many times I IT st i$i g;Vji I (OVSU, I Iff ana ocen aissaiisnea r n exx umc can lor sssssssssBSBBBssiasS) -sms I I jk I w?H W. R McBrayer's bottled in bondit IMS iKt& m " J ' ' '' JiJli! A!" ' surned i'e 1'. wired the C Abraham, Execution Annuls Insur.; :u-. Washington, Feb. 10. F.xecu!! . x c the gallows annuls the criminal's 1 r i Insurance rollcles, according to a su preme court decision. The ruling made in the case of James 8. MK'ne, once mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia, hanged for wife 'murder. . Stephens Gets Recommendation. Washington, Feb. 20. Representative Lafferty has recommended Virgil AB. Stephens to succeed John Boswell as postmaster at Vale. No Restaurant No Meat Market NoPotsandPans $1.75 $2.00 88c $1.00 $2.25 to $3.00 $1.13 to $1.50 i.-'i ..f ,. New Spring Model C. B. a la Spirite - Special $l28r Regular Price $1. 75 -This is a C. B. a la Spirite corset fashioned on strictly modish lines, suitable for slen der figures. Showing the new girdle top and low busl effect, with me dium and long hips. Four , hose , supporters at tached. Sizes 'i8Jto;. 26.?1 .1.. . This is an, exceptional model ;ln ht and workmanship. Price for this sale only $1.28. have you asked for "whiskey" "Cedar Brook"-r8 years old satisfies when others fail. Eight' Years' Ardrif! - (Twlct at long as rnquirtJ by Late) gives it that purity, mellowness and delic ious flavor for which it is justly celebrated .Tn whiikeT maintaining As sam qualities that ntade it reputation a f m t Snu ii hi- i --' v"" - ." : '