PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, -FEBRUARY 18, 1812. Rdyal Worcester, Son Ton, Marlcttc, Nemo, Mmc HcIcnc CoractQrWiarquIoc.ancl Rcngo Belt Coroeto Sahlln Wcli:' Manicuring and Halrdrcqslnp Farloro, Second Floor Dclifllitful Luncheon Served In the Tea RoomFourth Floor New Rippelette, a popular crepe-like fabric New Scotch Dimities, special at 25c a yard New Percales in all latest, newest patterns New line Embroidered Voiles just receiyed New Silk Striped Voiles have just arrived New Voile Efflure in very large assortment (IDM So W Miasm & iiSume Occupying Entire Block Bounded by. Morrison, Alder, Tenth and West Park New, Chiffon Taffeta Silk has just arrive'J New Fancy Taffeta Silk in large asscrtmsr.t New Tourist Silks for early Spring wczr NewjTailored Suitings in the latest styles Pussy Willow Taffetas, the latest thing out Mme. Butterfly Marquisette, a large lini cfiywc . : :f V;., tiCfi' b'4 6i!$!r 9 IMirbideries 3 Li .1; , a Embroideries Every where k All the Main Aisle, South : " j On the "Center Aisle" - . On the bargain Circle" j S2.50 Embroideries 01.37 LOT 1 Splendidly arranged loJrthie first: table as you enter the Morrison street door will be this choice selection of novelty em broideries in English Eyelet and imitation Irish Crochet Edges, 27 inch Flouncings and 22-inch Allovers, on fine Swiss material which if bought in the regular way would sell up to $2.50 the fijl yard Specialized in this bargain giving event, the yardvX0l Q2.25 Embroideries 98c LOT 2On the next table you will find this broad selection of at tractive new patterns in 27 inch Flouncings and 22 inch All-Overs in fine Swiss material suitable for every purpose where such em broideries could be used. If bought In the regular way QQ these would se.ll up to $2.25 a yard Our Special Sale price . vOC 01.50 Embroil LOT 3Un the third: table, main aisle,' a showing of 27 inch i luuiiiiina auu wui juruncii anu gVUQ C1CCUOU 01 C.QgeS, Bands and Insertions in a large variety of "patterns, in pleasing floral effects; woftli to $1.50 a yard in the regular way rjQn Specialized for this grea feature sale .tomorrow, the yard ftC G1.25 Embrolderieo 59c LOT 4 On the fourth table in .the main aisle, south, we offer for this feature sal a line of corset cover Embroideries,' 27 ? inch Flouncings and 12? inch All-Overt, also Edges, Bands and Insertions of Jine Swiss.Cambric. and Nainsook ' material - which ?- if CTQ bought in the regular way would sell up to $1.25 yL-r-pecial 03C A Sepeirlb 1 Our New Spring Stock' Is Ready And WItli TTieoe New Arrivals Comeo : r- 1 lL-Kfl . rffd&tt&r .vii SX- . bib i -mr . m -m. . i, "v jir av: x. ' js) . Nothinc; appeals more strongly to a woman's sense of refinement than dainty hew Embroirler ies. To begin with, this is not a sale of old stock or last season's numbers. It is a sale of the season's newest and best products, imported directly from Switzerland by Olds, Wormian & King. On account of overproduction on the part of the mills and disturbed conditions of the European markets, our buyers have een afforded an excellent opportunity to secure many large lots at less than the actual cost of production. Thrifty women will supply their needs for months to come at this great sale. . ' 'C ; Sale Begins Tomorrow at 8 A. M H See Three Morrison Street WlndowQ Q4 Embroideries 03.3T G3.2S Embrolderieo 31.78 Ihw Center; Circle- Ty'l'''-.'' LOT 5-All main aisled on the first floor lead to this circle, j Here' we as semble the most ' striking and excep tionally good "and attractive Mot" of New Embroideries you have ever seen.. Choice patterns in English eyelM, im itation Irish crochet and French ef fects in 27-inch flouncings of fine "Swiss or batiste worth to CO QQ $5.00-pecial for this sale vA.iJO V Center Circle ;;-.-. LOT flAlso assembled on the center circle will be this lot of Flouncicgs.of fine Swiss andjbatiste in a large varie ty of the mosrpleasmg patterns, suit able for every purpose. v Embroider les which if bought in the regular way would jell'; up to$4.(J0ua vard. bought ; them at great rcPO Qf7 duetion we price them at VOf . . Center Able LOT 7 On the center drele tomorrow,-! sale of many of the.' season's newest and, best novelties in a large variety of patterns in the 22-inch allovers, and 27 and 45-inch .Flounc ings of Swiss and batiste materials. Beautiful patterns, suitable for sum mer gowns, dresses, etc. Embroider ies wtJrth up to $3.25 1 Crt 1JQ yard, priced for this sale at vie I O Embroideries Ev( , jMdrrwMi St T VWndovrs ' In Dept on Main Floor And Reserve Stock Room 25c Embrolderieo at 12c, , " Bargain Circle First Floor ' LOT A sale of thousands of yards of fbe Cambric Embroideries . in edges and insertions in many patterns and widths up to 9 inches. These are especially good for underwear and children's wear, the pattern are all new and pleasing. If bought in the regular 1 way would be sold up to 25c yard for this feature sale ati-v 65c Embrolderieo at 25c v t Bargain Circl First Floor ; LOT 9 On the Bargain Circle, between the elevators on the main floor, a sale . of Edges, Insertion, Galloons and Corset Cover Em broideries in widths up to 12 inches. A broad range of patterns in Swiss, cambric and nainsook. .Embroideries worth regular OC to 65c a yard Special for this sale tomorrow at onrji yard 85c Embrolderieo at 37c LOT 10 On the fifth table in the main able south, an attraetrce showing of Edges, Insertions and Galloons in fine Swiss, cambric and nainsook, which if bought ia the regular way would selt,Q'7 up to 85c a yard special for this sale tomorrow -at tnry, yd. O I C Gl Embrolderieo at 48c LOT ii-m In the, main aisle, sooth, a lot of 27-inch Flouncings, Edges and Insertions, Galloons and Corset Covers, of good quality Swiss, nainsook and cambric, euitaU lot trimming- fine underwear, combination; suits, children's dresses, eta 'Embroideries A Q which you cannot duplicate onder $1.00 epedaV the yard 10 C Mew M iiie All the newest things which New York has to sendthe best of all the goocl lines Have been selected by our; buyers, who worked diligently to get merchandise which will ap peal to women who want the latest modes in fashion. The materials employed in the con struction of these suits are, diagonals, whipcords, serges, cheviots, etc. Many novelty mix tures are shown, and blue serges are especially featured. The jackets are designed in keep- mg with the late dictates of fashion, which are short Some are in the three -button cut away effect, with wide, trimmed revert and cuffs, others OOO ffA COff A A sincuy tanorea lines, rnces on tint showing are Visl AiUU vUV V are on Silk Petticoats Fop Spring 03.49 to C2S.OO A brilliant showing of women's fine Silk :Petti coats. ' Olds, Wortman & King will lead all the great northwest, as usual, in the Spring showing of women's appareL . Messiline and taffeta Pet ttcoats are in great demand, They are cut rather small and are styled with deep f flounces, hare fitted or string' tops, silk or cotton dust ruffles. Come in black, white and all popu- OC? AA Jar shades. Priced from $3.49 up to j)ZiDeUU 20cf 25c, 30c and 35c SpccIal"iOc;.QuIrern i:': Envelopes 10c Package In the Stationery Aisle, main floor west, tomorrow only, ai sale of Hurds Ribbed Fabric' Correspondence Paper in three sizes. Regular'20c, 25c, SOc 35c grades, special for tomorrow, the "quire, 10c; envelopes to match same quality; 20c, 25c, 80c and 35c grades, specially A priced for tomorrow's sale at,'the package, only lUC Women's S 134.9S to C12.SO New IRufl Necks It will be Indeed a pleasure to know that Olds, Jl Worttian fir King are to supply the ladies with the . new, "Ruff Neck" Sweaters in' the popular weaves W ' and best" colors at moderate prices. The new Spring ; arrivals also comprise hi8 V4hipe necks Sweaters will be worn more than ever this season, therefore we have provided larger assortments. A rfA I he price range is from $4.Uo up jto &a J New Knox Hats G13.50 to Q27.SO The New Knox Strfeet Hats as usual have their marks o? distinction they stand alone for quality and for exclusive style. The shapes ire 'both large and small and are made of fine Milan braid, trimmed with fancy wings, marahjon etcw-the first show- mmm m New A Stiowlno ol tlic Popular New Models In the Choicest Fabrics and Bed t r Worlctnanslilp Come and 5et an Early" 'Glimpse :oI TTnem Linfjerie Waists S2?ra to 086 First showing of many of the newest . Lingerie ' Waists. Very dainty effects in, fine batiste, trimmed ; with Valenciennes lace, Irish crochet, medallions or hand W I I J I UU L ... L.. cuiuiwiucicu , wmi ciucuct -- uui- tons, styled wit!h high necks and short sleeves ; priced q ( a reasonable, $2.75 t0t9OdU Marquisettes Qll,5.CL4to S20 In the garment store, second floor, a sale of women's white Marqui sette Waists, fashioned with high or low necks, . and 6hort sleeves and neatly trimmed with Irish crochet, cluny lace, medallions, insertions, hand embroidered and crochet buttons. r OA A, A Priced $11.50 to SZU.UU ie-OnWalstfs Oa.TOtoOlliTG Garment Store, second. floor, an cither shipment of the popular new "Tie-on" Waist has just reached us. They wDl be the sea son's most popular novelty. Ma terials aw marquisette-ana crepes, trimmed laces, etc, or silks, in checks, stripes - and f 17 f plaids ; ' $2.75 to. . O i 1 D TailoredWaists A splendid new assortment of linen Tailored Waists. Fine Irish quality, in the plain shirt styles, with soft or tailored collars and cuffs. Some have plaited fronts and are priced $2.50 to $10.00 ing is in black, white and navy, P07 K( Wid I tuv u knu. . - priced from $13.50 to........ New Gage Hats Are In Aluminum Cobidng Ware at Sale Prices $3.60 cast Aluminum Tea Kettles, special at only $3.05 $1.10 Lipped Sauce Pans, i-quart size, special at only 88 $1.35 Lipped Sauce Pans, 6-quart size, special at $1.08 $1.15 Covered Sauce Pans. 3-auart size, sriecial at !)2 $1.60 Covered Kettle, 8-quart size, special at only, $1.28 ' BOc Aluminum Sauce Pan, 2-quart size, straight, only 72J " mummum vonee fots, a-quan size special at $1.7 a 75c Aluminum Frying Pan, 8-incli. size, specially priced now at only 59 30c Aluminum Soup Ladle, 2-inch aize, specially priced now at only 24J $2.75 Aluminum Sauce Pan, ca&t, 4-quart, witrj, ttoocI handle, for S 2. 20 $3.?5' Aluminum "(ereTlteWsr specially priced now $2.G0 SOc'Alumin Basting Spoon, 11-inch, specially priced now at v only 24 75c AlurmumSoup Jadle,jvith wood handles, specially priced' now 50 23clumInum"Coffee Strainers, wthnhandles, specially" priced nowaTlS $2.25 Double Folding Omelet Pans, specially priced now at only $1.80 $2.50 Aluminum Griddles, 10-inch size, round, handled, now at $2.00 " "'t " -r': : -f'. j- . .... V ' ' ' fc Saucc Pano Worth 7Sc and 5c 2J-quart Swiss Aluminum Sauce i'ansr-wortn-regular -76 each, are priced in this sale 2-quart "Wearever" Aluminum -Sauce-Pans;1. worth' Tegular7B5c7 are specialized for this sale PA at: the low price of only. . DUC New SilRsSi-aipltc ; GS.TS, G7 Women's new Silk Shirty in plain or '-striped Jap silks, Rajah and pongee silks mshadeaof blue, gray, white, black and white, blue and white, Qj f soft collars and cuffsi'$5.75, $0 andOl.UU In the children's department, second floor, a sale of Rompers, made of the best quality of rinrhams or cnamDray, jancy cnecKea patterns ana plain colors styiea wun nign or low necks, longer short sjteves; sizes l.to 6 years; values 75c to $1.25. Specially priced for this sale tomorrow at only opsetDeinionstratIon: Leaves Man S4.00 Corsets at G1.91 33.50 Corsets at Q1.29 Demonstration week leaves us with many odd lines of Marquise Corsets, the popular 512.0 O Corsets Q6.48 S4.00 Corsets In the Corset Salon, second floor, ; a sale of many broken lines of Corsets, caused by the enormous selling during the last two weeks' demonstration. Odd sizes in Bon Ton' Corsets, made of batiste and coutil, designed on straight lines, giving the youth ful lines desired by all women who follow the prevailing fashions. Have elastic gores, four or six hose supporters. $10 and $12 Corsets, i $6.48 ; ; . regular $8, Corsets, $5.40 y regular $5 and $6 grades fcf tn for $3.49; regular' $4 grades at 4)LuO 83 Rcnqo Belt Q14S9 Sale of. broken lines of the popular Hen go Belt Corsets', made; of durable heavy weight coutil, with reinforced abdomen, "double boning throughout ; tops trimmed in lace and ribbon. Hose supporters at- A aa tached ; $2.50 and $3.00 grades at 3)1 05 O. Wi, K. special, made of coutil, batiste and J embroidery and lace; popular niodels, which sell regular at $4 are priced at a $1.91,' and $2 to $3.50 models 5 iLj 88.00 Corsets 0O.48 J54.00 Corsets 8298 Discontinued models in the" popular Nemo Corsets for short stout figures. . The mate rials are brocade and ' plain coutil. ; The . Nemq Corset controls the superfluous flesh without the slightest discomfort We price the $8 grades at $0.48 and the aa no $30 and $4 grades will go atO.i7C) ' 1 SaveohTheseOaihtyUndepmedlta 82.75 Combinations 81.98 Iw-th-Undernroslin'; stere;-,secon(Hlwr," asale-ef-WDTHeriY Combinations, of crepe, longcloth or muslin, open or closed, styles, neatly trimmed and well nvade.-. i Dur reg- QQ ular $2.50 and $2.75 grades, priced ioi this'ale at vlf O 82.75 White Petticbatb Ol.no longcloth in the narrow,, clinging styles so much ia ' They are made yrith deep lounce and are rfgul.ir -1 $2.75. grades, placed on sal tot tomorrow at -': t3