13 THE OREGON DAILY.. JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, TUESDAY. EVENING,. FEBRUARY 13, 1912. . WAXTEDMISCKIXANKOUS 5 TCAKTEIV-From one jo five milea of : ioonJ Jin rid steel rails, suitable-, for logging road; alrio steam rnll equipment tor same; also one donkey lotting en gine, with at least one mile of lineand equipment In good repair. M-1& Journal. ": a. UNLIABLE party wants ..'to' buy for cash $1000 worth of all kinds of seo end hand furniture, stoves, ranges, .vtc In email or Jars lots, ' Phone Last 6JI8. ask for frurmiure man. WANTED People ot Portland to k.uw that I par the highest cash price for second hand household Roods. -V. M. ' Pester, 14 Russell. East 1S)ig- 'U'.',1' "' WKB'.ir SWWN!) HAND,. CLOTHING AND FURNITURE - Pot the hiifbost price for everything; mil Main 200. 2" First. guy cash register, scales, cheese s cutter, coffee mill, credit register and meat slicer. Call Portland Store Supply Co.. 2 SO 2d. Marshall 4548. " 5o buy cash register, twales, cheese cut ter, coffee mill, credit register ami ' meat slicer. Call Marshal.! 4,148 . HIl'SICAIi ISSTRW1ENTS ,54 ON account of lilness am compelled to - sacrifice my iiiotiogany case 1 1 allot Davis piano. Just year old; eOst toOO. O-230. JeumsC. ' AM leaving for east, and muBt aH an almost nw Vobc & Hons 'piano; will sell at a barpanv ."N-z.iw. journal A KIMBALL plnno. puhtly r Kale at a hargnln N-?. . usel. for Journal. . ITIt-MTtliK FOR SALK C5 WartzellTdkn I xxt RE CO, mnr mil, moves, ranges, furniture, tc Wa pay highest cash nr1c for house hold iroooa. ivi. wr'nu n. " $7$ worth of furnltuve for't-in, or tradn on aniall luiuse. Call 10JB E. JOth. N. 8mriny or eventnrx. l'OR 6ALK, at .once, complete houfe- ke-eping outfit: also tent, bargain. fiJJl Annbell t., Foster rmirt .LAUNCHES. AND BOATS 04 SEE iny 20 foot launch hulls, J50. Bee - my 10 to 1 foot roboat8. $13 to 9 la; nouseo(ai anu juum-n i.uuotro. i TiRn1lon. foot of California f-t. i'ofl SALE Three room houseboat, fur nished complete. $175; ST.O down, $10 1 per montn. AddreFS si 1st, mam r?t. AUTOMOIUMOS-MOTOKCYCLKS 44 - . Sacrifice '": 1 !1 1 Cartcrcar. fully onioned. "(Ve fre instructed by the owntr of this car to sell it at a wit sacrmce, as ne is leaving1 the city mid must have money. t .$218. Main 6241 I Oregon Auto Exchange ' 21st anJ Washington Sta. Wanted I win riy cHh up. to $500 ftrr a first class 5 passen'"ar car. I want 6 cara this price find under. I also want 3 roadsters from $100 to $100. Urinff up what you have Rot. . Jr-CIKIC COAST mtOK):HAOE CO.. . B1R-519 Board. of Trade bldsr. ' ' Phowa a.K'SI. Marwml) 43ii9. . TJ RKS. Tires. TUth, S3. 00 to $16.01) each. Stnith 1b novf lor.ited at 2o3 Madison KL . We buy, sell and exchange anything pertaininr to automobiles. Tubes re paired. J6a each. Auto Tire Co.. 201 Wndison St. fefc.':CNl hand automobile supplies bonirht, sold and exchanpe5; all nizes of tires. $3 to $30 each. We vulcanise tubes. 25o each (ruantopd. Both phone Auto Piipnlv Co.. ?H3 Main st. AUTO rcpRlrln and atoraee work guaranteed, all experienced help. The Pov.-ell Oarage, 37th and Hawthorne. Tahor 1147. MUST HAVE CASH. Six cylinder, 40 horsepower, S passen rer, ftilly equipped (2 extra caHinsa end 4 extra tubes) Thomas Flyer. Make me an offer. $43 East 87th st north. AVANTKD 6000 old nuto tires, 7c pr-r lb. delivered; $0,000 lbs. Inner tubes, C3c per lb.; 60,000 lbs. solid lubber. So per lb. J. Leve, 18 Columbia sc. Call us tip Main I11PS. Springs guaranteed. 22 N. ISth sL 1'XJR A LK Finest equipped garage and repair shop in city of 18,000, for tale nB a going 'concern; must sell, owing to ill health. M-17. Journal, t SviLL tiado lots fcr runabout. New ' ' building E. 3d and Pine. Inquire fire house 7:30 to 5. O. Nutt. Vo'.l Rc.N'T Auto garage. $5 month. 849 Salmon. MAGNKTOH. coils repaired, Portland Magneto Co., S3 N. Park. Main 8236. -EXCHANGE! light auto truck for run phout Tabor 3571. NOTICES 20 ; BIDS FOR OIL. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until 10 a. ip. on Wednes day, February 2S, 191$. for furnishing fuel oil and road oM to Multnomah county, for a period of one, two, or three years. Deliveries to be made by tank wagon at: Courthouse. Multnomah hospital. . Ferry boat "Lionel, K. Webster." Ferry boat "W. P. Mason." ' : Ferry boat "St.. Johns." Bidders to state place of delivery for road oil lp carluud lots. Fur fuel oil for Kelly "Dutte state place wheie our wagons con call. For Multnomah farm f. o. b. farm. V. S. FiELlJK. ' County Clerk, Courthouse. fe K A L K 1 J II i1"J w iTFb T riT i v a d u i 'the , office of the Port of, Portland until . 4 p. m. Fehruurv 10, t& food supplies wanted by the I'urt of Bm-tland durm. March. April ami May ll"U Ppeclfi cstlons may b jiroc'irdd upon nppliea Hon at the offleu. The J'ort of Tort land r.erve the rlglit to reject any Till-: PORT. OF i'ORTLAN'D . By John P. Doyle ortt of ip Hon ird. LOST A Mi fOl'M) !1 LOST Gold locket with Initial M. on face. Return to SSB li 57t',i ,t. Re ward. LOST Sunday evenlns In People's the . atre. purae. leather ljlf-s.'ei!.' li'imli r leiso return to J OS-T .Silver nir.h purse e-n,ta itiinii small amount of rhnme. Flniler nlweip : J.OB T White bull terrier. No S4 7. i v Phone Alain -iH; reward. JC'i Mm'. dam st. LOS 1- lilack Ai-iiiiKiiiin fu- i:m."t s . turn to 4)7 lw luom. Reword. Re ' .rTEACHER.'TEACNfR..' ) TZT i VVHAT5 -THE MATTER TtpgyfJ, .. - . - ."T - j r ' '' . , ( -rTTi BT7!T7 I ' KtS TEETH SO HAKPJ ,r f bC" SS V TKUE ,TV "r- HtFa) VYELLr Lll HAV -u -..1 " ' , ' . . lowsvtv.rtw?) )) rH.RHn NTiRny '.SA 1 itch,n5ed when ll!i ' ' ' . t- L lmJ y 'j '' '.'' " ? ' '.J2t . . . . - '" t ' i. i . ' ' ' , " ... .... . it v 1 . S . . I n i Wf? . r 01 ' ' "J ' ' ' '" V- 1 ov T ' r . ' ' y m'y '"' "! 1 . 1 "'"""wi. i I. ii.ii.ui ii ' ihs.w i mnaji.auujiiiJ. .i SLuniaun 1 1'1"" .)' i .'; n , ' x. .u-.1 -' "...li'-J.-,..;-1. -W-uiJ! uili-xli-'jj! j ".,..1,!,; "" t r'L 1-i-J-"-, .' " ' . ,. .' . . . J,1 ''"i :' ' . - . '.. . .. .'..'.' ..; .''.' , .-,'.'.'. "' . ; . ;- , ., '''.' ; ' . ; .',' '.-'. . " . ' ' ..'-,' ' : . , . , . : -.',',.',... - , - ' . . ' ' . . , . ' ' . '.."'. ' ' - .... I-rOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Black leather folding bill pouch, -containing money in currency,, legal note una usinuss . cara.. - jitfo reward. ? sa st. " . ' LUST In the Corbett building on Sat urday. Januarv 27: a Ivnx fur collar. j.nder rl.'ftsa return to 711 ' Corbctt minciing ana receive! reward. Host Kiifc-lix6t lor mule pup, 1 year old, white with brown ear; tar or) side end head. Reward. . Main 2632. LOST Tan handbag "containing fancy work. Call 844 Borthwiok or 'Wood lawn 236R. .V - , '- LOST Moms agate watch fob, gold bund around It. Reward. Main 2;t2. PERSONAL 22 A, SPLKNDID -INDORSEMENT FROM THU CHICAGO JOURNAL OF HEALTH. Blaneharl's Kciema Lotion lias un- quvstiormuiv proved ita ritrnt, to rantc a a specific of the highest character. This wonderful successful remedy is compniinf(el hv Fior. J. Blanchard. HKin specialist, Chicago, HI., and Is a RcnulTie ffjecnic for kln JMseases. being tnai one, proprletnry remedy in a thousand that this publication can consistently indorse. C. K. Blancliard has Opened office at 231 5th St., Portland. Or., and will aFslst usars free. Write for symp ton blank. Office hours from 1 to 7 p. m. IlALHi'AL cure by the latest natural nesting meinous, inciumnK ramuin; nil electrical currents, lights, heat, vi bration, radiation, baths, massage, ad justment and manipulations; most ex pensive., finest equipped private office in Oregon'; no medicinu or operations; over 6000 treated patients and not a death whlln under our care. We will bp glad to- consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. B. Miillory. 312 1-loth-child hMg. W. I. HOW Aim M. D. Modern Electro-Therape-illcs. Chronic diseases cured without opera tion or pain. Consultation free, 304-308 Rothchlld bid. TVR AT.TP-R A. tlRIFF DIsa.se of women and chlldrea, has removed ;o Uhayette Dias.. Washington st. Dr. Burroughs Have had twsntv-five ye'ars experi ence in successful) v treatlnn nervous diseases. Examination free. 408 North west hide, fith and Washington. OKR.MAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience. best references; treatments for rheumatism, lunbnco. etc.; massages and baths. 34S Williams live., near Wefdler St.; "I!" car. mono Knpt !60. C-2P53. Or.n Sundays. i'AlTENA, the presoitptlon uf the late Iv!nn Talt. the celebrated lnrllsh surgeon, foi' the cur of female trou bles, to be obtained from the Hawthorne pharmacy, corner Marguerite ave. and Hawthorne Phone R-8525. Price EOc. MILLINKRY school, learn in six weeks. Fto recdv -for sprlnir position ana lo cation. Hats trimmed and remodeled for half price. 806 CJoodnough bldg. Opposite P. O. A NEW hv)odennIc treatment for ca tarrh. Results guaranteed Non-operative. B. M. Richardson, M. D eye, oar and-nose anecinllst. 309 Northwest bldg.. !th ar-d Waslilngton. DK WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases or men. niod ana SKin ois eases, sore.;, ulcers ewoller glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 First it, Portland. CH I ROPODy. manicuring and massage; formerly Ttaleigh 1I1k.. 514 Dekura bldg-.. 3d and Washington ets. Entrance 3d st. SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness In men. bv mail $1 Der box. money re. turned If It fails. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 245H Morrison. WET wash, 50c pays for your whole washing, returned damp ready for Ironing. Meal et Wash Laundry. Tabor 3132. B-3141. Wagons call everywhe: SANDKRS6N CO? Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 box or 8 boxes for $5, by mall. T. J. Pierce, 245U Morrison. ASTHMA C r heart trouble; wish to mmjk th rnUA T can't cur. DR. DUUllbAS. l. C, JISH Union" ave. N. Portland. Or. CHIROPODY, pedicuring and inanlcur Ine parlors. Bcalp treatments. 417 and 41D Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington. A-7S4R. bit. 1 VKY, (graduate painless chiroji odlst, foot specialist, drugless physl cinn, meehano-therapy treatment. RooTrt 6-10, 245H Morrison. Main 4044. ELECTRIC thermal baths and mechano therapy treatments for rheumatism, nervousness and poor circulation. 843 Morrison. i PR. A A. AUSPLUND. Dlsea-es of women and surgery. Ex aminations free. 302 Merchants Trust hide, fith and Washington. Main -4047. FREE 8'ience treatments until cured. No matter what nor hpw serious the disease. Cured cases are my best ad vertisements. Write H-307, Journal. THE Sylrlt of God Circle, progressive scientific healing of mind and body. Lecture and lieallng 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 dailv. 191 N. Union ave. MRS. SOPHIA SKIP, mental, spiritual scientist, 302 Alisky bldg. Main 684. Meeting Weil. & Fr)., 8 p. m. SYRINCKB, both sprav and fountain; the $3 kind for 08 cents at Blue Jay dmsr store, 530 Washington. LADIES' Lorenz Antiseptic Cones are soothing, safe and sure. $1 per box. Stio' Tnvlor lruf Co.. 2X9 Morrison St. LOUKNZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality: 25c box: 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Tnvlor Drtie Co.. ?) Morrison st. WOMEN Ut- remolHs wnen others tan. Sold and guaranteed by the Auspiund Drug store, 110 N. fith st. Main S106. MATRIMONIAL paper 10c.. Many wealthy. "Bell," 1S15 Magnolia ave., Los A nueles. Calif. SAVE t'i to $10 by buying your trunk or nulter.se lit f.t?, Wash , cor. 17th. st. SCALP treatment; facial massage. Alton hotel. 11th nnd Ptiirk. Room 4L'S. BALM of 1'lgs. remedy for diseases of women. MI! Davis st. Main 9216. ARNOLD vibrator for sale. 34614 Ap der. suite 8(1. third floor. ,MAIA MK K.STELLE. mental and spirlt- nal Sfieritlst, 144 11th. Main S'lin, FINANCIAL 51 I NEED the cash and will sell gilt edyo $1700 first mortgage, ubout 2 yearn yet to run, secured by city prop erty worth $4 600, drawing 7 per cent Interest, for bin discount if taken at once. 0-S23. Journal. CASH PAID Kurt MORTGAGES Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate In Wnshlncton or Oregon. i H. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg.. Loans. A SKELETONIZED HISTORY 61 WH BUT notes, contracts, mortffsgea, ejulti, Ne!non Hros., 804 Tewla Bldg. - Loans Wanted - W want to borrow $1S00 or $2000 at onc; 8curlty quarter blocK In choio4rJocation on east side; improved with good 7 room house. This Is Ktlt-odpe secur ity; conservative cash vulile $6500. Principals only, 8ee A. K. Hill, 419 IKnry bldK. Phono Main 7342. $675 LOAN WANTED Installment sec ond mortciio. First arid second mort gage less than 50 pur cent value. V-SS, Journal. $2100 it vers Der cent, residence on Gantenbein near Fremont. N-324, Journal. - WANTKU l.'OOO, S per cent; security $xooo; outsida city limits. N-32j, Journal. . WAN'TIOn Building loans. O. II. Hamp ton. 72S Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN 27 DO YOU KNOW This N5w Company Was organized to LOAN MONET to working people and others on their PLAIN NOTES, without lndorser or publicity; also on furniture, pianos, horses, cattle, storage receipts and an tos at rates honest people can afford to pay. Think This Over As evidence of our pooii faith we will cheerfully accept our money back with in 21 hours without cost to you If the contract is not entirely uatlsfactory. YOU CAN OCT TT TODAY. Rebate Olven Tf Paid Before Time. Portland Loan Co. 20-7 MACLRAY BLDO. Both Phones. Bet. 4th and 5th sis. on Washington "t. Open Monday and Saturday till 0 p. m. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. On salaries only. In amounts of from $G to $100, at the lowest possible rates. Rebate piven If paid before due. Being salary loan brokers exclusively, we are enabled to mji! the best terms and give the qtiicket possible service. Onr well known reputation for square dealing and courteous treatment during the past Is bur best reference. Business strictly confidential. STATE PPrmTTY CO , SflR Fnll'nn: PMc. CVir Sd H- Wash. Pts. R TO Drake's Easy Money ,,fl0 Furnished salaried neorle without se curlty Indorsement. d''lay, deception or extortion: cheapest rates, best and most private terms I" Portland 307 Spalding Don't Borrow Money TTNTIL YOL .EE US Loans on furniture, pianos, salaries, etc.; lowest rates IIUTTON CRRD'T CO. S07 Pnalrtlie bldg. $$$$$$ $ $ i LOANS made Immediately and conflden "' tinlly on renl estate, furniture, jlanos. antos, livestock, storage receipts, room ing nouses and all kinds or securities. U. S. REAL F.PTATE BROKERAGE CO. 312 Hamilton Blg Main 2084. 131 2d Strct. $$$$$$ $ $ I MONEY LOANED. JEWELRY. PTAMOVDS. SILVER. WATCHES. PTANOS. ETC PRIVATE OFFICES. ELWY COMPANY. $20 LT7MBER EXCHANGE BLDO. tTTiinn noon,) SECOND AVTD STARK RTS, Monev to Loan On livestock, pianos, nutos or anything of value: cheap rate of Interest. . a i-rank Lane 60S Swetlind bldg. C. Frank Nichols Co. For s loon on snv kind of security. IT WILL COST YOTT LESS. No extra charres. Private office, courteous and confidential treatment. CALL AND OET ACQUAINTED. B03 Lumbermen's Bldg.. Kth and Stark. M7)NF.T" FOR SALARIED PFOPLE Women keeping house and otefNi fur nished without security, cheapest ratea, easiest payments. Come and get money when von want it, and nav ns you can. Offices in all principal cities. D. H. Tolman. SI 7 Lumber Exchange. GOOD SUPPLY OF MONEY To loan at low rate on furniture, pianos, autos. HvosTk. contracts, mortgages, or nnv other personal security, Adolnhus lane, 414 Ahinrton bid. Marshall 814. TO LOAN $10.0(10. IDA per cent: $5000, 7 per cent; $000, 8 ner cent; will di vide. Lamar, 417 Corbett bldg. Main 3031. MONEY sold on installment: oonflden tlal to salaried people. K. A. New ton KIR Herrv Bldr. $100 000 on mortgaKes, city or farm property, fire Insurance McKenxle & Co., Oerlinger b1d., 2d and Alder. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry and other articles at usual lntrest rate; con fidential. 32K Fallln bldg. MONK . to loan, large oans a specially, building loans; lowest ra'es; fire n- su ranee. W. O. Beck, 31 5-31 (i Falling. PRIVATE funds for r"l estute and Imsinrss loans. Strow, 711 Soiling hid. Msiri 7173. fSOO TO $1000 on Unproved city prop erty, private party; give phone. T-325, Journal. MORTOAflE loanM, In any amount; Liberal terms: morttraces purchased Henry C. Prudhomme Co., Wilcox hldg. PRIVA'ISK money to loan in any amount on real estate security. C-3078, even In rs. $6000 or part to loan in IrvltiKton dis trict 7 per cent. Main 1166; MT)NlTY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDIN . fl3 fban ber of Com. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Fampgton, ,416 commercial Club, bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat t el. The Loan Co.. 414 pekum bid g. XlORTGAGE loans, -6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon Co.. 229 Stark St. MONEV to loan on real estate O. M. Smith. K03 Yeon. MONEY to loan.Tto 8 per' cent. W. '"it Beltz'fe Co.. 310 Snpldlng bfdg. SHORT T I M !'.' LOANS. $100 AND UP. 207 ORROON1AN BLDG. QUICK loans on all securities, ft.. W. King, 46 Washington bldg. Main 6100. FIN'ilNCIAL OF TEDDY AS A SCHOOLBOY FIRST SHOWS A LEANING TOWARD SIMPLIFIED SPEUING. 27 Wifl Loan You Money On your furniture rtlamorda or real es tate; lowest rates t, L)U est, 6oe id first. , . J, E, Nichols i, . . m Yeon Mdg r SlONKJ to loan on Improved Cfal estatW I. L . Wftltw. 701 Celling bhig. BUSINESS DIRECTORY absayxhjT WKLLS & PROBBSTKU assayers, ana. lytlcal chemists, 204 4 Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA as-say office, laboratory, or testing Alarsnou K7i'8. isu Morrison. A, B. COOPER. Attorney at Law. Oen- ersi practice aostacia oxaminsj. K- moved to 144-14S Yeon bids. Main W. a WARD, Lawyer. Allsky Bldg. Fpeclai- rates for all' legal work, in- rlrlding abstract examinations. Mort gage money to loan T 1 j'O.MA!4l.X H K K 1 . lawyer, .removed id ,7U ii iruu.iuii f.uu;r nn lIHir, CIlISfOPilFKBON & MATTHEWS, general praetiee. 416-417 Yeon bid. H. C. XHK.MvftAV, general praetioe, col lections. jz Veon bldg. Main T5?&, BICYCLE SEPAIKINO BICYCLES, motorcycles.' bought, SOW, repaired. Mad. Itep. Shop. 181 Madison. BIV?g TOOK KAKSB3 ' HOWR. DAVIS company; 10"2d St Blank XViok m'f'a. : agents for Jones unproved Loose-Leaf Ledgers; see the Hew iQureka leitf. A-Sl3. Natn n. warden construction co. street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 117 Beck hide. THE RAKBER ASPHALT PAVIWO CO, Portland office. 60S Electric bid. JOYCE BROS., Eiectrlc Cleaning Works, carpets oxleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. R-1913. 204 E. 19th N. jOAIPETJOTAVTW( NORTHWEST RUO WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. zoa union ave., near K. Morrison. Rao; c7rtef an'3 rupx, V51S Patton ave. Phone VYoodlawn 26S6. 3HIROFODIST3 THE WIOOERY Beauty Parlor, chirop ody, massage, manicuring, eta 403 Filers hldg. Main 2400. CKIBOFOSZSTS F. J. KINO, specialist on flat and de formed feet, will relieve tired and aching feet, callous and enlarged Joints. 416 P.othehild bldg. Marshall 1947. HAVE your feet treated, corns removed. Marlnello shoo, 40? Central b'ds;. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAff, ADAMS' bath parlors, 1' 6th. scien tific massagest, electric ulanket sweats and salt baths given for colds, rheumatism. DR. EVA ii A RSH rures all forms of rheumatism. 223 Flledner bldg. Mala 4J91. A-521K. HAVE given thousands of adlustmrnjlf ; $2.60 week. Rath oflce 2 and WJWi. 0HraXEJDOCJCOE3 DR. J. L. LONG MEDICAL CO.. Phy sician for men, women ?'i.'04 Alder. COLLEGES A5D SCHOOLS OREGON LAY SCHOOL. S16 Commonwealth bldg. OLAJTDJWOOl) mim pr.n ha wsm ORKHN SHORT W ID, $2.50. GSKKN 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.76. INSIDE GREEN SH'.RT. $3.50. DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST, for roel and bedding Tfce Portland SlabTood-Co. Main 3119. A-7001. STANDARD WOOD CO., box Planer and cord wood. S47 E. Stark. East 231; B-1696. V. D, Smitn Fuel Co, tUss' Dry fir slab and block wood. ROCK SPRINGS COAL dinl On Ph. C- L-UICIOC-II I UOI UUi 1303. Drv Country slab, block and cordwood. Branch coal office, Meier & Frank's. Slabwood Dry or Green Alaska Fuel Co. Alaska dock Main 1983. PAC, SLABWOOD CO. X"I109- Cry slabwood, big and small Inside, block wood, plaivr trlmg"s, cord wood. FROM $6.60 VP Yukon Coal Co. 4 N. 6th. Mar. 879S. A-31R5 TUB ECONOMY KUKL CO. handles all the leading coals. Diamond, Rock Sprlnes, Hannaford, etc. Prices right 346 K. Ankeny. Bart ill. B-2M3. FULTON WOOD CO.. Dealers in slab wood, green fir slab wood, $2.50 per load. 12ti0 Macadam. Main IM'O: A-2Snn. MCTD 8, CAPD Wood and oat. A-l INttn u rAnn drv wood. 4 foot or rawed to order. Prompt delivery. 106 Water st. Main 4696. A-4547. a u n Fast . '(138. Country Slab. Tabor li4;! B-2633. Block and Oordwood. B-2629. PHOENIV 5TTTEL CO. Cord, slab and diy short wood. 621 SAVIER ST. MAIN 3644. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 818. ' B-1867. 4 foot dry wood. Nnt. Fuel Co.. 387 Water at. Marshall 960. A-3546. hELIVl'IRED" - PROMPTLY aln 87.7. K. J. EVERTS, Ft. Curry st. ALB.NA FUEL CO. Afl Rinds of green and dry woud. Rock Springs and Men dota coal. pOTttland WOOD YARrD. Wood and coal; 4 ft. or eswed; wreck, age. Bth and Ollsan. Main 3363, A-2283. I&IJTlTTF'ORTI.AN'I.) Sl.-AB"vv'OOD CO Main 2153. A-8K41 Dry Inside wood. preen slabwood. sawdust; Mixed 32 load. CITY MARKET Wood Yard, tiook & Bon. 8d and Clay. Main 3243. A-4JJ3 COAI and all kinds, of wood., pifone Holgate Fuel Co.. Sellwood 485. MOXKY TO LOAN COAX. AMD WOOD' BEST COAL -; v LOWEST PRICES Not In the fuel oombin ; Gale Creek Lump, $ 8. 60. . "'. Gale Crwek fiteam, $6 60. ' (Holds fine alt night.) ' Rock Creek Lump, $7.60. . . (,'nmnl Ijiimi ttU r.a . - Buy your coal loose and. sava 60o per fon on theso prices. ' r'JfiiWNU cons -MEnS" COAL CO. V .K"Ht lst "" Taylor. , , : Tel. R. 11 llnm. T.1 111 , I'lJpNM jTala 71. Tom Mike Co., 851 5 uier jn ory, green corj CL0THE3 WE pay hUhest price fo 2d hand clothes piiu wnoes. zij . ront. JMaln 4802. COLXXt lira WI LLS MKRC, AOY., STBT. 1908. CUR- x JPSlIr delinquent ACCTa COL- i,rA.ui,u. m. yvi. vui BP. QF TRADE. I'HYSICIANS' & dentists" acct,, general funeyi ions, zujt weaicai mag, iu. s 1 o C0ZITSA0TOX3 AMD BUTLDEXS Sk W1NO, carpenter. All Tt&ids job wor furniture repaired, upholstered, kalai mining, palntli:. 236 6th. Main 7648. k. so- VVILLIAITFISHBECK. carpenter and builder, Jobbing anV contracting. 20 4th st. Main 6241. . . E. GEORGEFK, Carpenter, builder, store i i n " 8,or ' nxtures especially, i"""'?. fit, Anaeny. jviarsnan t)i. HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet wura ior oanns, stores and Homes, O. II. Hammond, 186 Madison. liRICK, stone and cement work, Tel. Sell. 1660. pity or country. A. T. CROSBY, contrautor. builder, Job. Mng. all kinds. 798 Weidler. E. 8965. DETECTrVH AOENCY PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency, 421-423 Board of Trade bldg. De- Bhal' !t7 worg a specialty. liar DOCJ A ED HOB3B HOSPITAL. BROWN BROS.. 646 Wash. Main 4086. A-4J86. Res. ,1 E. 12th.. E. 644t). B-2287. xtAxtczsa PROFESSOR WAL WILSON'S dancing: school. Dancing- lessons 26c, every morning, afternoon and eve.: "waltz." "two-step" or "three-step" guaranteed in first lesson or money refunded. The best is Always tho cheapest. Come to night. SS6H Wash, st., betw. W. Park and 10th sts. Phone Main 7637. HEATH'S srnool lessons 25c, fancy stage and social dancing taught dally, waits and two sten auararteed In four lessons; class Monday evening. 109 2d L , bet. A'a s h i n gton and Stark sts. PROF. FORD'Ssehool of dancing. 37th st. and Hawthorne ave.. classes Tues. day and Thursday evenings at 8. Prl vnte lessons by appointment. Tabor 8707. INGLER'S academy, thorough courna In dancing; 10 Instructors: classes aft ernoons ard Mon., Wed., Frl. eves. Pri vate lessons dally. 231V, Mor"son. M. 313 DBJSSSMAXIira SCHOOL VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tai loring ana aresso-.aKing taucnt. 3 E. Morrison. ELECTBICi -TOTOB8 BOUOIPT, sold, rented, repaired. B-117. vvaiser m Kenxie jsi. WKs.. 10 union. ZXFBES3 UNITED Tran., 247 Madison. Express woir, coal by sack or ton. trunks boo. extri i6e, stored I days free. Mar. 289. FUBKTTTJRE BEPATEI-KJ BOWERS & PARSONS, formerly with Tull & Glbbs, furniture rep. reflnished, packed, shipped. 100H Front. M. 7443. OASOLIrE EKOLTTES STATIONARY and marine, - electric. equipments: launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Retarson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. OBoniiira RAZORS, scissors, safety blades shap ened. Expert retiring. Portland Cut lery Co.. 92U 6th. near Stark. M. 7606. XAIB GOODS FEB VET ft HANEBUT. ' Leading wig and toupee makers; frnest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, fce and scalp treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M. 646. INSUBANCB J AH. McL WOOD & CO.. all kinds Insur ance, surety bond. Railway Ex. Bldg. McCARGAR. Bates & Lively, 201 Yeon bldg. Every form of Insurance, bonds. JOHN KER Insurance, surety bonds, mtge loans. J!22 Yeon bldg. "M. 928S. KODAK DEYELOPIKG ROLLS developed free malj orders solicited. ?rlnts, 8o up; 05Merchants i rust nine. IfR T X-' j . A rvii,t yuur i.kik wom, enmrKinn, touching, to Rose City studio. 66 6th. LA3TDSCAFE OABUEHTITG ..FRRD W. BULLOCK. 310 Yeon building. Phone Marshall 2432. lAwns, driveways, shrubs and plants. LADIES' TAILCRIMO SCHOOL HOW WOULD YOU LIKE To Invest $12.60 and secure a perms rent Income anywhere of from $10 to $50 per week? This can te easily accomplished ry rawing a full course in our cutting, designing ond sewing' school, flood cuJters and sewers are constantly In de mand. Our system Is simple, practical and absolutely accurate. Remember, the Investment Is small. But the knowledge will last a lifetime. Either In making your own garments or as a wage earner. Investigate. - CHICAGO L A DTES' TAILORING AND SEWING SCHOOL Room 309 Central bldg.. 10th and Aldef. xasoxo-tra WAXED, surfaced and polished, wears longer and easier kept clean. T. H. DUNNE & CO., 450 Park. A-2746. LEATHER ABO FHHDIrrOS CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings - IIACHXNSBY B. TRENKMAN & Chi hydraullo and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining machinery, all repairs. 104 N. 4th. ' i ' ' S-ESSEITOEB BEBTZCB RELIABLE bonded 'messengers, day or m&nt service. Marshall A IeMHI. estate! direCi-oby NMB ' , ADDRC8S . ' ' TELEPHONB BrnB-ttel -Company I Ground floor twl BW. ..Ula and A-l 748 JtnVwIier ft fceoedlct ............... MoKay Bids.. .....,.,,,,..,,. .MMn M rhmln A Heriow , "J t.n',bM ;f Oonioie-ce. ..; .v ... .Main 1flr3 Owib A Co., B. a S? Corbeu Blrtg.. . ... ;,,j,.f.iln 958, A-8WJ Knap - Mickey-... ,,........., 7 tTrnaiber of t'.mmire. , . . . .Muln ind A-imo . OrBon Ileal Estate Ce., The. ... ..-, !? 4' " Multoomh,,..Et T, C-17oa Shields. J. n.. .105 .erllnger ftl1ir ...Main Hl . Tlaiaipwm, M. K. Co... ......................tHeney BWg., th-Oak. M. 0084. A-SSIf ies8eioib ggavicn AMERICAN Messenger ; Co. ,W fur nish messengers at . any time, and any place; service prompt" Marshall 1788. A-3105. 171H 2 "t. modez. woat EXPERIMENTAL work, brast patterns and, gates; rtepalr anything, fit keys. iock and giinamitn. zi3 Aiisny mun, artrszo tiachebs PT A J-fl . voonl violin mandolin.- guitar, banlo. wind Instruments: - private and cfub instructions; strlngr instruments loaned ta beginners National uonserva. tory of MuBio, cor;. Grand ava. nd 13. Morrison it. - " ': ' K. TH1BLHORN, violin teacher; pupil Bevel k. 800 Marquam. A-41BQ. Mar. m KOTOBOTCX.B XUBAXaZ-fa REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle up piiew ana repairing. ,1-3 yurnsioe. XTATtlBOFATB PHYSICXAK DR. Catherin C. dates. 11 -years' ex Perl ence threat ins- nervous - and chronlo aiseaseo. buy Abington Diag, Max. ra. io a. m. to p. m. OSTEOPATHIC P-CrSICIAWS Dr. W. W, Christie Osteonath chronlo nervous diseases. 114-6 Macleay bldg. Main 6172: A-4880. DR. LILLEBELLH PATTERSON, spe ciallst on nerves, acute and chronlo aiseases. zim rntnn niae. Mam bsoi. PAIKT, OIL ATD GLASS V. E. BEACH CO., Pioneer Paint Co iK . irst st. Mam 1834. A-70ts. RASMUSSEN & CO.. "Hieh Standard' paint, ne. cor. Sd A Taylor. M A-im. PAlirriKO ASB PAPESIHO FOR BEST work, prlcea right, call P. A. uoane. 104 union ave. iasi iu.. TiNTINO $2 a room, painting, paper- hanging-. C. A. Barnes. Main 133. P AIM TING AWD PAPEBIJtO FIRST class risner hrnirlns. nstntlne. tlnttng; reasonable Drtces. rMn: Main 7089, A-4724. Residence. Main 6174. PALACI03 BTTJDIO PALACIOS Instructor mandolin and s-ultar. ralaclos strlnc: auartet rur rlshes muslo for all occasions. 410 Salmon. Main 521. FAWHBBOXEKS LOANS $1 TO $1000 Upon Personal Property. E?.BY CO.. 820 Lumber Ex.. 3d Floor. UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years in Portland. 71 6th. Main 910. PATENT ATTORrrEYS PATENTS obtained; trademarks, copy riehts rerlstered In all countries: book lets rree; consultation witnout cnarge. Peter Haberlln, 826 Worcester bldg. U, S. and-foreign patents proanred by U. O. MAKI1N. 409 Chamber of Commerce Building PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock, at- torney-at-law. late of u. 8. patent or flee; book free. 719 Board of Trade? bldg. R. C. WRIGHT. V. S. and foreign pat- ents: inrringement cases, so iwiiim. PZAXtO TUKTITO FRED JACOBSON. piano tuning. $2,00; 18 years- experience. 190 a. Main ai. PIPB IRON pipe and pipe fittings, engineers and steam supplies. M. L. KLINE Centrally located. 84 to 86 Front st Phones Main 617. A-2517. PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co.. Factory sna ornce, 4th and y?rlt. wain 84a. PLATING WOSE3 WILLAMETTE Plating Works. 20S 4th. Plt.ttng and polishing. M. 11348. A-7190. PLLTMBIKO Hot wnter heating Installed mechani cally satisfactory, cheap. Sell. 1017. J'. C Westercard. PRINTING Welch Printing Co. "Doers of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 141U 1st Main and A 4147. BAZOB HOHIBTO SAFETY blades, 30c dozen- mail orders Automatic Keen Edging Co.. 133 M 2d. BOOFZZTO, PAINTUHO, REPAIRING blng. Lcsll & Holxer. 212 Jeff. M. 1424. BOBBE3 STAMPS ABTD SEALS BTENCILS and office stationery. Cun- ningnam to., Z3i starg. Main iot. iBADGES. trade checks. brass signs, V stencils. Krehs Bros., 114 2d. Mar. 1871 jjAvxa THE MOnLER Safe Co.. 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened: bargains in second hand safes. SECOND HARD GOODS WIS WANT your ld clothes, shoes, fur niture: highest prices paid. M. 666. SHINGLES BE8T In Portland. See them. Washington st S. E Gilbert 201 SEWING MACHINX3 SINGER sewing maohlno store. Used machines your own wrlce. 888 Morrls'n SHOWCASES AND PIXTUBKS THE JAMES T. MARSHALL MFG. - CO, new snd old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M.2703. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES - R. H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG., Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. fellOWCASES of every description, bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. SIGN AND SHOWCABDS FOSTER & KLEISER Signs; the lar. . gest sign makers in the northwest, a. 7th and E. Everett sts. u Phones East 1111. Home B-2224 - iANN SIGN CO, quality and ervlo; 389 C. Alder sr. East 6303. - TAILORING KRETJZER CO.. HIGH LIFE) TAILORS. - We are live tailors for live people. Ar you living? If not remember us at 111 12th street, between Washington and Stark st-reeta. " v ; - '(' ALFRED OGILBSE, 310 Labbe bldg,. sd and Wellington, .finite to order. NORTHWKST TAILORS FOR LadIk, AND GENTLEMEN. t N. 6TH ST. TAnOBINg SCHOOL KIESTER'8 . Toadies' Tailoring collega, learn nrepsmsRlng, tailoring. 143H lltn PACIFIC COAST TAXIDERMY CO. io ist st. phone Main 77781. TCiWXL BOTPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soan. Towel Supply Cov 9th and Couch sts, 1 per month. Portland Laundry Co, Phones Main 470, A-4410. TBA1 tOBAGB C O. ITC: Transfer : StoraCo.. of flreslanil commodious 4 storyNbrlck warehotve, w'th separate Iron rooms ana fireproof vault for valuables. N. W cor. 2d and P'ne sts. Plnnos ar fumt ture moved nd nneW,l for ablnnlM-. Special rate made on goods inout tnrougn cars to all domestic and foreign points. Main A-1996. Oregon Transfer C. Established 1870. I Transfer and forwarding agtnta. Stores-- freA trnitrnp . Offices and stofsTe. 474 Ollsan street comer ltri anil Ollsan. Phones. Wain r,n A.1169 PORTLAND "Van Storage Co.. cor. 13th and Everett sts.. tnsr nnoneit. new. est, most modern storage warehouse In city; every convnlerrn for safe snd proper- handling of goods; lowest In. snranee rate In northwest: freo track see, vans for movintr. Main or A-'HJO. T. TABOR EfffRBiSS srR'Ott CO.!! Trips to Aft Tshnr ililtf Alan olt mnvlns and mu tiranA v 4238. rTlPTl. ND TRANSFER ,t- DKLIVEPT?" w zus nasn. storR-r. piano. Turn,. mnv.ng. nTB In ' ft f 0. A-16n4. NORTHWESTERN Transfer To.. 64-6 r ront. denersi transfer and storage. Mtn 446. A-446II PROMPT deliveries all '.nrts e1tv. T. uawson. Tatn 701 A-716 "rTavlor. trftEWBiTEin ALL makes rented,' repaired, sold. Cun nlngham Co.. 231 Stark Main 1407. .YPrTWRlfFft X- ffunplles V'o.'-lttehullC raim. ium, r.i sf. Mar. 1. TTPHOLSTEBFXS CARTWRTGHT A CO. IRS Midlson, tip-, iiuipirnn, nirnnure re.air'n sna ' mattresses; work trusranteed Main 6338. VETERINARIAN MODERN veterinary hospltnl. 415 FJ. 7th, ' cor. tranr. coe-s. eats treated, bosrfl ed Dr. O. TT Hnth.nsn. B-196'!. F. 1847. : HUMANE Vet. Hoipltnl: dous boarded! A. C. Johnson n V S 1S1 T.nwna. dale. M. 6841. A-42i7. Res. B-2718 WELL DBILLXNO DRILLING wells a speclay; prices rea sonable. Call Main 1346 or write R. West. 1" Morrison st. WET WA3I LATrNDBT. 60 cents pays for your whole fatnlTy washing, returned damn ready for ironing. Call everywhere. Tdeal - Wet Wash Laundry. Tabor 3632, B-3141. WHOLESALE JOBBEBS EVERD1NG &.F,KKi produce and commission merchants. 140- Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. M. A. OTTNliT K- CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. WADHAMS & CO.. wholesale grocers, manufacturers and coffee roastera. 4th and Oak sts. , MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., U30 2i St.. between Salmon snd Main. ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES TSANS70BTATZOIT E?aL EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. S. 1. Rose City, 4 p. ro. S'ebmary 18 Safi Francisco b Portland SS. Co. Ticket Offloe J43 ThUd St. Phones Main 408 and A-14Q9. Dorsey B. Smith General Steamship ' Agent. ALL LINES ALL C0UNTBIE3 Experienced Information about Travel. 69. FIFTH ST., PORTLAND, OREGON fliones Alarsnalj 17; A-1293. SAN FKANCISCO. LOS AXOELES AND SAN . DIKGO DIKECT NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. B. S. ROANOKE and S. 8. ELDEB SAIL Every Wednesday, alternately, it 6 p. m. uiCKet orrice I3B 'inira, near Aiuer. Phones Main. 1314, A-1314 - MARTIN J. HIGLEY, Pass. Agent ' W. H. 8LUSSER. Freight Agent COOS BAY LINE h STEAMER BBBAXWATBB I Sails from Amswortn deck. Portland, I p. m every Tuesday. Freight received at- Alnsworth dock dally up to 6 p. in. Passenger fare, first class $10: second class, '$7, Including . meals and oerth. Ticket office Alnsworth dock, Phone Main 268, Main lu. a-izs.. rliiijl -wi r