THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12. 1912. Heads of the State Department of the Republic of Mexico ano WILLI : n Oil ROADS BY COUNTY IH 'IZ Top row, reading from left '.to right, WeiRaphaelrHefnandeB; mlaister of development; President, of, Mex ico, Francisco I. Madero Jr.! Jose Gonzales Salas, minister ot war ana marine. , ueiow, ieii to runw v Manuei Vasquet Tagle, minister of Justice, and Manuel Dlai Lombards, minister of public instruction. ( This Amount Will Be Available From Tax Levy; Other Sums May Be Spent ; From the ' ; General 5 Fund. '?B::H?r;fe:'r Spraimg' Mdls I In : . . --4 i Multnomah county will spend ap proximately 9264,000 on Its road dur. ing the comlnnc year, thla being- about the net sum to be derived from1 the tax levy for road purposes made by tha county court s In addition to thla an , uncertain amount' may be spent- (or general road purpoaea from tha general , fund, such as purchases of oil, tha con struction of iarga brld , should any be built, and tha possible addition of 1 expensive machinery. -:-u- :'. ?:'.' .;,v'.s; I The law provides for the division of the county into road districts, eacn or which la placed under a superintend ent, who acta under tha immediate dl- : rectlon of tha county court In ' this . ' county there are ply two road dla trlcta and one of , these covers nearly the whole county, ' '. ' " Tha policy of tha county court was to place the whole county, so far as . possible, under ona management, and in tha creation . of tha ' second - district made r necessary to comply with tha law, only a small territory was Included In It. Roughly speaking, It Include the Fulton district Superintendent Hoffman, who rules in district No. t, has only a fraction of tha road work ' under his direction. " . , '. Oistrlot o. 1. . District No. 1, under Superintendent Chapman, covers all the rest; of the i county and because of its extent is di vided into 15 divisions. Each division is in charge of a supervisor, and tha most of them 'are equal in importance to district No. 2. There is no apportionment of road money between the two read districts , or between the 16 divisions of district No. 1. One section Jn one year may re ceive little money, and another year may even op by securing a large expendi ture. Tha expenditure ia governed by ' the Judgment of tha superintendent, consulting with tha county court as to where tha work is moat needed and will benefit the greatest number: ' ' This is tha time of year when delega tions of farmers vialt tha. county court to ask for improvement of certain roads. Frequently large expenditures are asked for roada that would benefit only a few people, and it the money were apent aa requested might prevent tha proper re pair of main thoroughfares. , About the firat of tha year the coun ty court meets with tha road auperin tendent and consults him regarding tha work that ia most urgent He gives a general report upon conditions all over tha county, and mapa out tha more ex pensive work that ha deems necessary. Frequently tha members of tha court make tripa over certain, roads to satis fy themselves as to ' conditions and judge where tba money should first be spent OKI Orders CKven. Oral ordere are given by tha county court to the superintendent for the more Important work after it has been fully considered. Details are left to the superintendent, but no large expendi tures are made except by direction of the court The supervisors in tha var . lous districts hava no authority to in cur expense except as directed by the superintendent , The supervisors keep tha time of the man and teams employed in their terri tory, and issue time checks in pay ment Upon these checks county war rants may be obtained about the twelfth day of the month following. Because of the delay and tha fact that moat of the workmen do not want to lose a day coming to the courthouse for their pay, a large majority of these warrants are hypothecated each month. 600 Idles of Bead. There are between tOO and 00 miles of road in the county, probably in ex cess of 550. The county court haa been carrying on work the last few years on several main hlgbwaya providing out lets to other counties. Among these were the Germantown and Canyon roads and for several years the court has been steadily extending the Linnton or St Helens road, it is to be built to the Columbia county line as soon as condt tiona nermit. Aa large bridges are construed to be of general benefit they usually ara paid for from' the general fund. Such prob ably will be tha course, for Instance, In building over the Sandy river at Trout dale. From the general fund, also, coma purchaaea of crude oil for oiling, hil tiAr fn f llctl Account is kept of tha expenditure lnVj each road diatrlct and in eacn oi me divisions' of road district No. 1. Tha payments ara shown in the aemiannual re porta of tha county auaiior, REVOLUTION WINS WHEN BABY KING : QUITS HIS THRONE (Continued from Pag Ona) Pu Ti, tha baby ruler, in atepplng from the throne, culminates wu years oi uy naaty under tha Manchu regime, which fc.a haan a.ll mmrful alnca 1644. Emperor . Pu Tl - has been - monarch since the death or Kwang su, nis un cle. In 1(08. Prince Chun, the regant ftav a. rutii attemnt to amioably ad just tha differences which threatened tha present crisis, xorecaatea me event ual success of tha war for liberty when he resigned last November. Sine his resignation the complete downfall of tha despotic Manchus was - obviously inevitable. VT v'-:; - - Rebel Victory Reported, v London, Feb. 12. Chinese rebels in the province of Anhwei are today re ' ported to hava lured General Chang Haun's Imperial army Into a trap which coat hundreds of lives and resulted in another rebel victory, i Rebels mined their trenches, pretended to retreat sad, when tha Imperial troops wars caught, exploded tha mines. ' LABOR GOVERNMENT V LOSES IN ELECTIONS ' Melbourne, Feb. 12. Tha labor gov ernment In - South Australia has been defeated at tha general elections throughout that state. Tha former op position was returned with, a majority of six seatk'sv:;",,:5;.5 i-M'::;rri -?' ' ' i ' ' MEXICAN MINISTER ' ' jff -l WSfh "!" OF WAR TO BE MADE1 ,r , , llMV ' : i TO QUIT HIS OFFICE ,q t flj.V x . ; V . . ' 'V J 1 ssssiaBsa aw (Continued from Page Ona.) tha state department ara awaiting offi cial advices from." Mexico today in re gard to 'the ' reported assasslnatipn of Hans Angelman, a German planter, re ported killed near Vera Cms. ir the killing is confirmed, it is expected Ger many will demand Intervention by the United 8tates In the Mexican convul sions and precipitate a crisis in the af fairs of Mexico. GOVERNOR GONZALES 'T' URGES ALL MEXICANS ; TO RESIST AMERICANS (CnttwJ Press teaaed Wlra.1 Washington, Feb. 12. The United States is today preparing to demand of President Madero that . General, An-am Oo. ales, acting governor of the state of Chihuahua, be summarily disciplined for inflammatory remarks he is de clared to have made In regard to tha United States, "crushing Mexico, under American military force." This state ment was authorised today try the state department upon receipt of a foreign digest ot Gonsales'' proclamation ' sent yesterday to the municipal authorities of Chihuahua. In his message Gonsales, after declar ing that the Invasion of Mexico was threatened by the United States, says: The hand of the oppressor is -press ing hard upon your brow and will brand all true Mexicans as slaves unless they resist the foreign power. Tba attitude Of the United States toward Mexico is one of a lordly master toward an abject slave. "The manhood of Mexico demands its resistance by all possible means. Mexi co has lost or Is losing, its identity as nation among nations. The Ameri cans ara attempting to control tha business affairs, tha politics and tha economics of Mexico. Unless resistance is shown at once, Mexico will be but a dependency of the United States." It is feared that this action by the United States in view of Oonsales prominence, will incite an anti-foreign outbreak and Jeopardise tha lives of Americans In Mexico. " Advices reaching Washington today Indicate outragea near Torreon, Vera Crui and Matamoras. Brigandage and lawlessness continue in the stats of Du rango. . Madero Scored by Preje. (Speelsl to The Journal. ' Mexico City, Fob. 11. Demanding President Francisco I. Madero's resigna tion, the Spanish Press hers today de clares Madero has demonstrated his In ability to rule Mexico and states that his "convtotlon" at the hands of tha rebels is honest Tba situation Is most strained. La Prenxa, a newspaper organ of tha Liberal party, charges ona of tha big American' press associations With aid ing the money Interests in their attempts to grab Mexico by sending false re ports of conditions here to the United Statea. Claude Nasbur. an insurance man of Marahfleld, who is to marry HlsS Helen Dobla, of this city Wednesday, is a guest at the Imperial. Mi ?0 N E Y- making in buying and selling real estate is facili tated by the quick transfers assured by our Certificate of Title. Investigate. Call for booklet. Title & Trust Co., Fourth and Oak; The trend of the fashion in ladies man-tailored suits for Spring wear . runs decidedly to dainty color 'ef fects. Even some of the handsome blue serges show dashes of color re lief," while nearly all of the fancy weaves are similarly adorned. , All last -week we were receiv ing and o p e n I n g , the beautiful garments selected- b our Eastern ambassador In the great fabric and fashion marts ; many more will be coming In during this week. To obtain. the. best selection and the op portunity to take advantage of the first days of sunshine, ladles of Port land and the surrounding country are cordially Invited to call as early as convenient. LADIES' SHOP THIRD FLOOR ELEVATOR SERVICE SEIJLIMG LEADING CLOTHIER .. MORRISON AT FOURTH STREET fit ' Brisbane, Australia, Feb. 12. Al though the week end in tha general strike here was quiet, leaders of the strikers assert that they will spring a sensation on Wednesday, Streetcars ara running, though the full, schedule has not been kept up. Newspapers are being got out With difficulty. "The strike started through tha ref uaal of the tramwaya board' to allow their em ployes to wear union buttons while at work. i. ' How Is Johnmy To-Day? Ha . Mrs. Brown, this is Miss Carroll; Johnny's teacher, you know. ; How is he? When he is : able to see anyone. . I would like to come to see him. Give him my love, won't ycu? Johnny is one of my best scholars. Not at all Good-by, Mrs. Brown." The ; up-ic-date teacher . keeps ; in touch with . her absent pupils by means of the Bell Telephone. Every Bell Telephone is a. Long Distance Station The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. New and Lower Prices, Upon General Electric SOEIl: Lainnipg To Our Cuotomero Only Effective Feb. 12, 1912 Bowl Plain Frostecl 25 vatt, 2Q candle power v 55a 60c 40 vratt, 32 wncjlo power 55c 60c 60 watt, 50 candle power 80c 85c 100 watt, 80 candle power $1.05 $1.15 150 watt, 120 candle power $1.60 $1.70 250 watt, 200 candle power &20 $2.35 ForOaiTid Railway, LigEit Power Co.' . ' : ; Electric Store Seventh and Alder Strecto '