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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, 1012. ' ..... I " S t r 1 1 ' h "-v- i y r r 3. , Artist "I thought perhaps lb editor , Btell '"SI tflld Tba Dantlat Too toff yon haAto-loa Wife Ton 6vnt im! rw niWni and mbrtfta, ' would ilk to MiT to snow mm m iw frofaaaae Tan ara alwari ratttnc : thoat front. taatk bnt .lt won't ba a Uod if TOti don't amlla." , ' ' Jat TM fctll la all rlcMt" HotalWMpar-Teu'r tatUflad, aht Tham Jit aasM Hi-shnii "Ub hast And bow I know- r atadcnt "Cxeua lr; kt I Ma a what It wmsmw Tm YlotUa Thata aTl rtsbt M f XlMOwrir A 1 ud umbralU trust kun't MM tUm U ttr aa nrt dui ik h . - cot nothin' to -thmlla about,axw." f a -,.rrt t v i i . ari it 1 i -t ' r. br . 11 i i i J - - i i.i.i m - i ' ' 0rv rI 1.11 1 ? Sivy-" f t j ,1,, . i,xx yn, i nMw- r iftgj'iwr 'vTr."cthj i ' r, . ' , , ( , .1 ' k Yesterday's News World. Happening Occurring Sunday and . Sunday Night , Told In . I-, ' , ( , , s (, Short paragraplis, m )( ' ' s ' ' . . , Political. ' Tha- only dleate ao far alaoted to tha Republican rational convention. IS ' In number aro Instructed for Tatt, tha District of Columbia on Saturday XaU ' ing in line with. Its two delegates..' The adjustment ' of the contest In MUsourl betweem Speaker Clark and ex-Governor Folk la regarded by poli ticians at Washington aa prssarlhg a ,vlctory for Clark at Baltimore. WUUam J. - Bryan believes tha so called investigation of the ."money trust" ! by oongress wlU Injurs Damo - eratlc chances In the coming election. A petition for tha presentation Of , Theodore Roosevelt's name at the Ore ( gon presidential primary has been post ed at tha Jackson county court house for two weeks, but to date there have been no signers. The Republican district convention ' at Nome, Alaska, met Saturday night , ' and elected delegates to the territorial convention pledged to Taft Woodrow Wilson wlU control SS and .Champ Clark 14 of the county conven tlons In Oklahoma, with seven counties ' , doubtful. This insure Wilson a dele gation -from Oklahoma. The executive committee of the Re publican league of Minnesota, after a stormy , session at St Paul Saturday . night, adopted a resolution favoring the candidacy of ' Senator La Follette and sent a telegram to tne Wisconsin aena tor. Hugh T. Halbert, president of the St, Paul club and a former supporter of La Follette, resigned from the commit tee and says he will lead the fight in Minnesota, for a Roosevelt delegation. A total of 10,004 votes were cast in the straw ballot taken by the Mlnne- ' apolls Journal. Of these Roosevelt re ceived 3592, Taft 2904, La Follette 2682, Wilson 808, Bryan 23, Clark 114. Eastern. : ' The financial loss due to the strike at Lawrence, Mass., has approached tha ' 21,000,000 mark, the larger portion of ; which falls upon the strikers. - By Tuesday night, it is expected, al most all the 40 men indicted for alleged complicity with the McNamaras and Mc Manlgal In perpetrating explosions against "open shop" contractors will be , under arrest The police-are on the trail of Wil liam A. Mason, president of the Wilson v Avenue bank of Chicago,- who has dis- appeared, leaving a shortage of I29$00. An invention that will turn the wast of the world Into - salable commodl- ties with Illimitable commercial possi- bllitlee has been made by a Philadel phia, whose assertion that he can take 'any waste fibrous. substance and by his secret process maka of It a substitute for bard rubber equal to and, In many Instances, superior to hard rubber-lt-selt is hacked by electrical and me chanical engineers of International With Impressive exercises the' Grand Avenue 'Methodist' Episcopal church, Kansas City's skyscraper house of wor . ship, was dedicated Sunday. The church is the pioneer Methodist organisation of the city. The new edifice is a wing of a It story office building erected by the congregation and bearing the name of the Grand Avenue temple. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road stockholders, who have charged - the road management with a "million dollar graft," in the construction of the Poget Sound extension, may agree to 'terms of peace,-; according to reports which became current Sunday. The re port was that secret meeting of road officials and dissatisfied stockholders Take Cel-so f or a bad stomach. The first glass will give Immediate relief for any stomach trouble. Removes gas, heart burn, indigestion aid headache. (.'VST..) Cel-so : , Mildly laxative, absolutely harmless. A pleasant, foamy drink. Try a glass it cts Jike magic.; jvi- :.v . Hold by leading druggists, :afes and soda fountains, 1 Do glass or 2 So and (Oe bOttl.;- ; . )', v . . ;i . ' -i , Need Sunshine AND- Scott's Emulsion ' Nest to suntKine, notKincr 3 restores health, vtrength and vitality liko Scott's Emulsion ' ALL ISualtlTI 11-51 Briefly Chronicled Vad been belt and terms of settleauent discussed. , ' New York society Is agog ever the reported engagement of Hamilton Fish, capitalist and ex-asslstant treasurer of the United States, and Mrs. Florence Anstnck, the charming widow of Qus tav Anslnck. . On the eve of a party arranged to celebrate . their double reengagement. Miss Marie Sellger and Miss Margaret Mills were found asphyxiated In their home In Chicago. - Gas escaping from a fronsen pipe had overcome them while asleep. . " " ' - ' Dr. Hugh Blskhead, rector of St George's fashionable Episcopal congre gation in New York, will leave the church of which J. P. Morgan Is chief vestryman and take charge of the Trin ity Episcopal; church: In Pittsburg. Dr. Blskhead wishes to free himself from certain restrictions placed upon him by the Gotham church. . , Pacific tst. -New York Interests have purchased the Raymond, Wash., interurban rail way system. - The consideration was $100,000. . - : . ... With the rainfall for tha present wet season nearly two Inches, in excess of the normal, -Umatilla county farmers are looking forward to another big crop this year. - The health department of San Fran cisco has given out an ultimatum to all owners of dogs to keep them- in leash. Several cases of hydrophobia are under the care of the department, none so far serious, but cltlsens In the vicinity of the Presidio are up in arms. Around the government reserve sev eral persons have been bitten by stray dogs and all show the real aymptoms of the dreaded 'disease. ; Rather than admit to his parents that he turned and ran for home when a highwayman stuck a pistol under his noae and ordered htm to stand and de liver, Otto Peterson of Los Angeles con cealed a pistol wound through his right thigh for, more than 12 hours, though the pain was intense. Tha Knotts school house on East Birch creek, near Pilot Rock, was burned to the ground at an early hour Sunday morning. The loss la $200. Mistaking Mrs. Harry Brown' in the dark for his wife, F. W. Smith of Fresno attacked the woman In the subway and choked her until her escort pulled Smith away. Seeing his mistake. Smith apolo gized, but the police were called and he was arrested for disturbing the peace. Edwin Ruddle, in an automobile con taining four other men, picked up a stranger on . the outskirts of Merced, Cal. The stranger was just telling Rud dle that it waa his first automobile ride when the car struck an embankment and overturned. All escaped except the stranger, whose neck was broken. - Mrs. Florence Ivy was arrested at Orovllle, Cel., and must answer a con tempt charge for spiriting her 13-year-old daughter out of Placer county, after the child bad been awarded to the father In divorce proceedings. Charles Ray Spauldlng, accused ' of robbing the Wells-Fargo A Co. of 240, t0 nine years ago, and, who was ar rested two days ago, at he emerged from Sing Sing prison. New York, where he had served a teii of five years un der the name of Troy Smith, will not be brought back to Los Angeles for trial. No one will swear that the ex-convlct Is Spauldlng. , Seven Idaho cities Emmett, Payette. Nampa, . Boise, Twin Falls, Buhl and Caldwell are bidding to secure the new Methodist university to be founded this year in one of the cities named by the Methodist conference. . The police of Vancouver, B. C, on Sunday broke up two free speech meet ings and prevented the I. W, W. from holding demonstrations. In order to save money for the county and also to prevent applicants tor relief turning In requisitions to merchants for luxuries, a county store to provide nec essities for the poor will be established in Spokane by the county commission ers. " , ' 1 : . , Grant Weal, ex-member of tha state board of control, under Governor Me Bride, died in SeattU Sunday. He was well known politically throughout the state. . ',ri '. V' Foreign, . Ines Salasar, who has placed himself at the head of the Mexican rebels In the Galeana; district has given orders to respect the rights of all private cltl sens, and especially those of foreigners. Since the Liberal party returned to power in 1905 and particularly since it has depended for Us political life on the support of the Labor and Nationalist parties, more legislation of the kind advocated by trades unions has been enaoted than in any other similar period In the history of England. Madame GiachetU, having lost her suit ; AFTER GRIP How Strength May Be Recovered So many people . are asking ' how to recover their strength after the ' grip that we are publishing this informa tion for their benefit ... After grip, pleurisy, pneumonia or any sxnausung nineas wnat you need is new strength and better Mood. The most certain way to get this Is by using our delicious cod liver and Iron preparation without oil, called VI no!, .fi it positively does create strength, maka the blood rich, aharpen the appe ute ana increase viiamy. ..-.". ; - Mrs.; Hattle Elms of Qneenebury, N. Yh, says: "Last spring I had a hard cas of la grtpp and was very slow about getting over It 1 1 waa almost discouraged Vlnol "was recommended to me and I began , using it Now it has done me so much good that I mutt tell, you about It, for I have regained my strength and appetite and feel wall again." , Try Vlnol with the certainty that If it does not benefit you wa will give back your .money. Weodard, Clarke ft Co., Druggists, Portland, Or. , fASX TAMOTBX c.''. . tas .erT.i -..k.-ji .an t SI "Waal, we had plenty rata recast. Hl-Tn. But It doa't seem to have that It had when I was a bay. It used for damages Lgelnst Enrico Caruso, the famous tenor, whom she charged with having intercepted a letter from Oscar Hammeratein offering her a 150,000 fee to sing at the Manhattan opera house, Caniip has instructed ' his lawyers to prers his suit for slander against Madam j Giachettl, , according te dis patches from Rome. ' 'Thin jre Roosevelt haa been awarded the special gold medal of : the Societe d' Acclamation at Paris. ' : D. M. Perrier, director of the Museum of National History in Paris land president of the society in announcing the award eulo gized Colonel Roosevelt and described him as "more naturalist than hunter, eager to learn and skilful to depict the habits of the animals he was stalking." : W'. Morgan Shuster, ex-treasurer gen eral Of Persia, waa a passenger en the steamship George Washington, which Bailed from Southampton Sunday for .New York Joseph Lister, first Baron Lister, who was made famoua by his discovery of the ai.tlseptlo system of treatment ' In surgery cled In London Sunday, aged 86. ; Miscellaneous. The wreck of the Maine floated free from the mud Sunday night when the water wan turned into the dam sur rounding the wreck. The ship will re main within the dam until orders are received from Washington to float her out. The government steamer Newington has left Victoria for Graham Island in search Of the ten men believed to have been loit off Otard Bay, where they were engaged in boring for ell. Seven hundred members of the Smel term en's union are named as plaintiffs In a suit at Butte. Mont, brought by the Butte and Smelter-men's union agalnBt the Western Federation of Min ers to enjoin the federation from re voking the charter of the Smeltermen's union. WILD QUINAULT4JPSETS GOVERNMENT MEN'S BOAT .1 '- (Special te The JoenalV Aberdeen, Wash., Feb. 12. Special government Agent Charles Bates and Allotlng Agent F. R. Archer, both of the government Indian service and the latter of Aberdeen, had a narrow escape from drowning when a canoe in which they were riding down the Qulnault river hit a submerged snar and threw the' two men and party, consisting of one white man and two Indian paddlers, Into the rapids, II miles above the Qulnault res ervation. Bates was carried down stream near ly a quarter of a mile before he caught onto a atone where later he was res cued. Archer and the Indians could swim and had it not been for Archer's efforts the other white man would have drowned. Archer grasped him as he waa going down and by great effort pulled him to the bank. i ' The stream at the point where the aocldent happened Is so swift that few try to descend in canoes at that point INDEPENDENCE BUILDS HOTEL, BANK, 30 HOMES '.'':- (Speciil te The DouratU ; Independence, Or., Feb, 12. -After hav ing remained dormant for 20 years or more. Independence is experiencing a wonderful awakening. Besides the new hotel and bank buildings now under con struction, SO residences will be erected In the city during the coming summer. The city ea-uncil also contemplates put ting in several more blocks of hard sur face pavement during the summer, so much activity is surprising to many of the old settlers of Independence. Cashier Irvine Changes Banks. (Special t Tba lonnai.) Independence, Or Feb. 12. C. W. Ir vine, who has been cashier of the In dependence - National bank 'for- more than 22 -years, has tendered his resigna tion to take effect sometime In the near future, and has accepted of a like position with the new bank which will be established in this city early in the spring. Mr. Irvine's suocesaor has not yet been named. ' Motor From Airlie to Salem. ... v. (Rnerlal to Tfte Journal.) Independence, Or., Feb. It. The Salem Falls City and Dallas Railroad oompany'w4ll run a motor car from Alrlle to Dallas and Salem, making four trips a day. They will use the Independ ence and Monmouth road from Alrlle to tha Salem. Falls City and Dallas Una. ' ' ". " ' '''"'!-'' 1 " ;V Stayton Again si Wet Tovm! ' Stayton, Or., Fb. 12. The city coun cil has granted two saloon licenses, an4 Stayton is once more in the wet column. The saloons have bean closed since their licenses expired last month, pend the adoption of a new ordinance governing the matter of Issuing ordi nances. , An unsuccessful .attempt was made to petition for the recall of the ordinance, which raised the license fee to; lioo,-., ',. w(, ,-!.. 4 1 ITT tl namy te ft te be wetter," plexion," Qerald-I feel entte like saysslf to day." Oeraldlae The nreet be sat awfag feaMaa." OREGON POULTRY B. F. Williams of Milton Car rles Away Six First Prizes at Seattle SKow. ' (Special t The Journal.) , Seattle, Wash., Feb. 12. Oregron poul try won first honors at the Coast Poul try associations' exhibit Saturday night When B. F. Williams, of Milton, Oregon, carried off sir blue ribbons, four reds and three yellows on an exhibit of Buff Plymouth Rocks. The same, exhibitor was also awarded the Post-Intelllgenoer cup for the best display in the Ameri can class. Williams' birds took blue ribbons for the best cock, cockerel, hen and pullet, old and young pens; red rib bons for second cock, cocVerel, hen and pullet, and yellow ribbons for third cockerel, hen and pullet in the Buff Rock class. Notwithstanding the cup goes to Ore gon, officials and judges expressed sat isfaction at the splendid showing made by the Williams birds and by other Or egon exhibitors. Secretary Burt Lucas stated that the Williams' chickens were the finest display in Buff Rocks ever made on the Paclflo coast This exhibit has been surrounded each day by admir ing crowds viewing the fine points of the Oregon birds. Earl Williams of Milton, Oregon, took the grand prise for beat display of Co lumbian Rocks, winning first on young pen, first on cockerel, first on hen and second on pullet, and also getting special ribbon for the display. B. F. Keeney of Eugene, took first and third cockerel in Barred Plymouth Rocka, his exhibit be lng especially large and fine. C. A! Hodson, of Newberg, took first on oock, first and aecond on pullet and also spec ial ribbon for the best exhibit of Bllver lac4 Wyandottes. ; Hunter Department Store Sold. ! Blngen, Wash., Feb. 12. W. C, Hunt er's department store was- sold Sat- CHRONIC HEADACHE OFTEN COMES . '''' r " ' ii ii aril iss ' ' From Gas in Your Stomach And If It does In your ease, take BAALM ANN'S GAS TABLETS a few days and every bit of gas and headache will leave you for good. -v -Because BAALMANN'S.' GAS TAB LETS stop ' the gas : pressure against your heart which rushes an undue amount of blood to your head and causes what Is called congestive headaoh. - You cannot imagine how thoroughly and lastingly BAALM ANN'S OAS TAB LETS prevent headache due. to Gas. It ia si irmly wonderful how bright and clear they make your head feel. . - DO TRY THEM. , These peouliar tablets are sold for 50o a bottle by nearly every druggist If not In stock tell him to get them for you from his wholesaler, or send S0o in silver, stamps or money order to Hahnemann Pharmacy, 310 Sutter street, San Franctsee. , . AWARDED HONORS THE C02rSZ3tVAT0B.T. Harry Pompadour 1 aaderstand Mildred has traas ferred her sffcetlens from George. Marlon Wlnne "From the white powder en his eeat last sight I think she transferred some of her com urday to Frank Loring of Chicago, Mr. Loring took charge this morning. This Is the largest store In White Salmon and the largest In this section, exclusive of The Dalles and Hood River. Mr. Hunter bought this store last spring. Mr. Loring is connected with the Acme Orchard company of White Salmon. PUPILS MOVE TODAY INTO NEW VALE HIGH SCHOOL fSaeelal t Tha Journal.) Vale, Or.. Feb. 12. Vale's new $28,040 high school has been aocepted by the board of directors from Contractors Welch ft Wright, and the beautiful three story brick and cement structure wat ooeupled today by the pupils. . On ac count of the rush to move In, due to the crowded conditions of tha old stone building. Principal Rnring has given up the dedication, at which State ffuperin iendent Alderman of Salem had prom, lsed to be the principal speaker. On the ground floor are located the boiler room, play room and) two class rooms: on the second floor rive class rooms, the principal's office and li brary; on the third, three class rooms, a teachers' room and an auditorium seating 250 people. The stairways are large and the halls roomy and In ease of fire the building could be emptied in a few minutes. Special attention has been given te the sanitary conditions and the ventila tion system is the best that could be put in. The inside woodwork haa been stained in a light brown oak finish and the walls are finished in the hard plaster, 160 ACRE HOP FARM . PLANNED AT HILLSIDE (BrtM-Ul to Tto-JoarnLl - ---'- Forest Grove, Or., Feb. 12 Frank Johnson of Portland, representing the hop firm of Seavey ft Johnson, haa pur chased 80 acres Of land at Hinsdale, four miles northwest of this city, from Ruel Baker. Seavey ft Johnson will plant this tract to hops this spring, They will then own a hopyard at Hills dale of 160 -acres, making it one Of tha largest in Washington county. The high prices paid for hops last year and tha prospects of good prices for years to come have caused many hop raisers in this eounty to 'Increase the site of their yards, and a great many farmers who have not heretofore raised hep will plant out yards this year. MEDICINE USED 1.1 RURAL DISTRICTS Over 25 per cent of the population of the United States are said to live In rural districts remote from phyal eians or drug stores, and they are obliged to depend upon proprietary med iclnee to a very great extent To the women In these homes such standard remedies as Lydla E. Pink- hand's Vegetable Compound com as a noon ana a blessing. For nearly 40 years this splendid medicine, compounded from roots and herbs, haa been relieving the women of this country from the worst forms of femalellls. Merit alone oould have stood such a test Symptoms Are Warnings To Wise Men The publication of the prescrip tion of a famed physician would prove fruitless to. hundreds of men if unable to recognize the necessity for its use. It Is not the intention or desire of tha writer to mislead or frighten by painting- the horrors suffered by the prematurely- aged, but rather is it the deslr to state plain facta The peculiar affliction which , de stroys ambition, organic strength, energy and hope Is accompanied by some of the following symptoms, If, not by all: Dull, sunken eyes; thinness (or abnormal fatness), oold extremities, backache, weak ness in the spine, twitching, spots before the eyes, pains in back of head, headache, trembling, fatigue, shrinking of the skin, flabby flesh, Impaired memory, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, constipation, kid ney derangements and a general unpreparedness for emergencies) of all sorts.; - ? k: .:,. The right kind of medical treat ment wlU effectually overcome such warning aymptoms and - restore normal conditions If persistently used tor a few short weeks. . Any one can buy the ingredients and mix the medicines of this pre scription at home, as It contains no poisonous opiates whatever, , Th instructions for mlxlnaj at home secretly so that ; no ,. embar rassment may be felt are aa fol lows: First get three ounce of syrup sarsaparllla compound - and one ounoe compound fluid balm wort; mix and let stand two hours, Then add one ounce compound es sence cardlol and. one ounce tinc ture cadomene compound (not; car damom), and mix all together, Th directions are to take one teaapoon ful after -each meal and one when retiring, until bounding health and full strength ar restored. Even a few weeks will witness most won derful results. .. . OREGON EASTERN GRADERS READY Material and . Supplies Are Gathered at Vale for Large Crews. (Sseetil te Ttw Joeraal) Vale, Or., Feb. 12. With the arrival In the looal yards of eight more car loads of railroad construction mater ial for the Utah Construction company, tunnel work and grading on th Ore gon 'Eastern railroad will receive a great Impetus. The shipment consists of stationary engine and air drills for tunnel work and dump oars, scrapers and other grading outfits. The mate rial will be taken out to the 2600 foot tunnel at mile post 40, where consider able work has been done during the last month. Final location survey for the Ore gon Eastern has been completed in the Malheur canyon as far as mile post 60 and assistant Engineer Rupple' has been placed in charge of the construc tion from this city to mile post 20, which Includes the heavy cut at mile post II, where the Utah Conatructlon company has a large force of men at work, and also a aecond out at mile post 20, sublet to the Wasatch Con struction company. By the time these outs ar well under way, the roadbed grading win be started from this olty. It Is understood that It Will take three months to build the grade to th mouth of th canyon, a distance of 13 miles. Engineer Kramer and his crew of surveyors are located - near mil post 80, having completed location surveys near this end of th canyon. ? Engineer Grimes, who also had been on location survey work has been placed in supervision of the construe- Spraisns Oioau 9 MOiuicui ia uisunn pj for sprains and braises. It stops I uu psun at ouws auu iwvui the swelling very quickly. , SIQM'S IMIMEKf ajSBBBBSiSflBBBaSBBJBBa BBSaWBW"- . is penetrating and antiseptic. Mr. SL. Kinrsr, of SOT Cedar 8fc,Ohat tsnooga,TaBa.,aays-M I tprateed say an fcle,lt pained ma vary aafc and was badly swollen. After a few applications of Biota's Ualment say ankle was relieves, aad it sow entirely welt AttaSaahn. Mlh,Hl.ttM Dr. Earl S. Sloan - Boston. Mats. JUST MIX MENTH0- LAXENE With Granulated Sugar and Water and You Will ; Have a Xarga Pint Bottle of the Finest Act ing Cold and Catarrh Rerrw edy and Cough Syrup You've Ever Tried. It's Cheaper Than Buying Ready- Made Remedies, Besides It s Pure and Guaranteed Effective Always. Usually a family spends two to five dollars every winter for coug-h, cold, and catarrh remedies, buying 26o worth at a time. For Instance, a 2-ounce bottle, at 25c, will contain about four-fifths "syrup" and one-fifth "medicine." That's paying too much for ordinary syrup; you can make a half gallon of syrup for 25c Tha syrup, extra bottles, labela, oorks, cartons, etc., make this method of buy ing very expensive by th end of the year.' ' ' . t ' A little thought and wisdom will ssvs any family several dollars and gtv them purer and better medicine, .too. . -Make a simple syrup with a pint of granulated sugar and a half pint of boiling waters then buy the pure con centrated essence Mentho-Laxene at your- drugstore ' (2 ' oa bottle) . and empty it Into a pint bottle or Jar and then till It up With the syrup. ; ; . , : Now you nave a season s supply of the purest best and most promptly ef fective cold and catarrh cure and couth medicine that it is possible to obtain. It keeps indefinitely, and cure young and old of colds, catarrh, Coughs, bron chitis, hoarseness, shortness of breath and all lung and bronchial trouble. It Is th only, remedy that cures "coughs and drives catarrhal matter out of, th system by Its' tonlo-laxatlve aotion. It Improves the appetite, reduces) fever and strengthens the system, thus avoid ing chronio aliment and consumption. Directions wuti eactt bottle of Es sence Mentho-Laxene tell how to make and how to take. The manufacturers also guarantee to refund money t any on not pleased by its thorough effect iveness. . Hon work between mile post 40 ami 60, including some of the heaviest work ' in th Malheur canyon, the 2600 foot tunnel between mile posts St and 40 and; th lAa foot tunnal it nil, mat II. Th Banks Eros. Conatructlon oompanyt . .. is taking Its outfit to th smaller tunJ nel and expects to start work at enoei The operation all through the u4 yon have bean greatly delayed by-thai bad "roada, travel having baoom almost Impossible since the general thawing of the ground and melting of th J J Inches f snow. Heavy freighting enW fits are making slow pro are- in hauM lng supplies t the camps. It - vrasj v learned that four to six miles per day over the soft and badly out up reads fcs a good big day's travel for the ahS and eight horse freighting- outfits, BAD CHECKS ARE ISSUED L AGAINST A BAD DRAFTl (Special a Tb JkmraaLV Centralis, Waalu, . Feb, man; giving his name as E. W. Percy," whot recently deposited a considerable sunn in a looal bank, presented a draft on am ' eastern bank to make good a shortage when h overdrew his account and them Issued several hundred dollars ia checks against th draft before It -was dlaeovo ' ered that it Iras worthless, has dlsap nrA TTla daaertnMon baa bean aent to the polloe of Seattle, . Tacoma and Portland in an endeavor to aeour his arrest Centralla merchants lost - m rntiildmhl aum In addition 1 to . the bank's loss, as many check were re fused at the bank after it was found the draft was worthless. . For Dyspepsia You Rislc Nothing by Tryiritf This Remedy. We want every one troubled with iin . digestion and dyspepsia to -5orn to our tor and obtain a box of RexaU ty- pepsla Tablets. They contain Bismuth, Subnltrate - and Pepsin prepared by. a, process which develops their greatest power to overcome digestive disturb ances, 1 v J ' v RexaU tryspepsia ' Tablets are very pleaasnt to taka They 'sooth th irri table, weak stomach, strengthen and In vigorate the digestive . organs, relieve , nausea and Indigestion, promote nutri tion and bring about a feeling of com fort .'- .".","-'. V::-v:v-i f-V t If yon give RexaU Dyspepsia Tablets a reasonable trial we will return your money lfyou are not eatiafled with th reeult. Three sires, ii cents, CO cents and II. Bold only by . The Owl riTug Co. Stores- In Portland, Seattle,' Hpo kan. San Francisco, Oakland, Los An geles aad 'Saoramente. '' Women's Best Interests, demand that every woman should spare herself unnatural tufierinff by obtaining safe and proper help t when physical . ills and ' nervous depression occur. When ailments and sufferinr; com to roa remem ber there is one safe, effectivo . (entle and well-tried . remedy-" ' of special value to women. Beecham'a Pills remove the eauae of suffertaf ; they clear the system and b their tonic, helpful action relieve yon , of headacbea, back achei, lassitude ananerve rebellion. Try a few doses and know the differene---know how Beecham'a Pills will help your, feeling! how they strengthen, invigorate Preserve and Protect (very wesata shoo Id beaereteread '-.-- the special directions with every hex. -aU everywhere " la baaae 10 2S. ' ; PIASTERS Rheumatism in Shoulder can be relieved and cured by them. Also invaluable for PmVis, Stiffness or Soreness of joints or muscles. Apply Wherever Then It JV'.i. GwHatw,BilioHtrnsi,ln4t i vX . : N. I I t I-